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~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-08-2015 02:42 AM

1x1 FMA private rp for Finx and Wolfie
Name: Gemini Starr
Age: 12
Gender: Female

Name: Roy Mustang
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Bio: Outwardly arrogant and playfully manipulative, Mustang is intelligent and adaptable. He appears as a ruthless careerist and a womanizer. He is eventually shown to be a rather paternal commander who greatly cares for the emotional and physical well-being of his men. This earns him the fierce loyalty of his subordinates.

((Literally took that bio from Wikipedia XD))

finx15 09-08-2015 03:10 AM

Name: Alphonse Erik
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Bio: Al and his brother Edward lost the mother when they where young. When the tried to bring her back with alchemy Al lost his body and his brother lost a arm and leg. While his brother was accepted as a State Alchemist he decided to not become one but followed his older brother to find there bodies.

Name: Lorinda Archer
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Bio: Lori didn't become a state alchemist until she was eighteen which means she's only been one for two years. She has been a huge fan a Roy Mustang she first heard about him and has a slight crush on the womanizer.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-11-2015 02:21 AM

((Ummmmm.......Wolfie has no idea how to start...))

finx15 09-11-2015 02:29 AM

((Either the very beginning with the god leto or when scar shows up.))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-14-2015 01:59 AM

((Yeah she knows that, she just can't think of an intro.))

finx15 09-14-2015 04:43 AM

((Which do you want to start with. Leto or Scar I can do either I just want to know what you want.))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-15-2015 03:34 AM

((Um...Leto, I guess. Just start at the beginning.))

finx15 09-15-2015 04:07 AM

Al sighed and wished he could roll his eyes at his brother as he complained yet again at how hot it was. He was glad when they found a town and a fountain only to be let down when his brother saw it was wine. They got in trouble at once and got dragged to a place where his brother could get a drink.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2015 02:28 AM

Sitting quietly on a stool at the stand where the brothers were brought was a young redheaded girl. She watched them intently as only one of them was given a drink. She automatically found herself annoyed at the smaller one. He was loud and far too sensitive about his height. The taller one in armor was harder to figure out, though. "Hey, it's almost time for the program." She spoke up to the bartender, curious about how these two brothers would react to the religious broadcast. She wondered if there might be someone who finally agreed with her that there was something fishy about Father Cornello.

finx15 09-16-2015 03:08 AM

Edward glanced at the radio then snorted. "Sounds ridiculous." As the bartender explained about the priest he knew at once they must have found what they where looking for. "Lets go Al."

"OK." Al stood to fast and knock the radio over. "Oh sorry." he grimaced. "I'll fix it." he drew the circle and transmuted the radio back to normal. "there you go." he smiled at the bartender.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2015 03:24 AM

All at once, Gemini became very interested. She hopped off her stool and forced her way through the gathering crowd. People were saying the boy had performed a miracle, but she knew better. "Hey! Excuse me, but that was alchemy, wasn't it?" She asked, eyes sparkling.

finx15 09-16-2015 03:32 AM

"Of course it was there's are no such thing as a higher power just science.'' Ed smirked at her. ''brother.'' Al cautioned Ed worried what the people would do to them if they insulted them. "Please you know it's true Al.' Ed sighed "But people believe what they do...lets go see this Cornello's miracle's." he glanced at the girl. "Can we follow you?'

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2015 03:33 AM

Gemini nodded. "Sure. I don't usually go, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think about it." She said mysteriously. "Come on, it's this way."

finx15 09-16-2015 03:43 AM

Al and Ed followed the girl and watched the priest. "It's defiantly alchemy...Al i think we found it." Ed smirked at Al who nodded he had been thinking the same thing and he hoped that there search might finally be over.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2015 03:51 AM

Gemini was listening intently. "I knew it!" She said, smacking her fist onto her open palm. "I knew he was using alchemy. No one here believes me, they think I'm too young to understand miracles, but I know alchemy when I see it. The only thing I can't figure out is how he's doing it. He's defying the laws. But you guys know, don't you?" She asked.

finx15 09-16-2015 04:12 AM

"We have a guess.' Al answered glancing at his brother. "What do we do?" "we go see this priest of course." Ed grinned and Al knew at once that his brother was up to something evil.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-18-2015 03:09 AM

"Mind if I come along? I know all the shortcuts and such." Gemini asked. She wanted to see what would go down. "If you can manage to expose that jerk as a fraud, I'll even give you the last bit of money I've got left." She added.

finx15 09-18-2015 07:38 PM

"That's not necessary." Ed shook his head. "I would like to go into the church and get a close up look of what he does.'' Al nodded. "I'll go with you brother."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-20-2015 03:16 AM

Gemini shrugged. "Okay, whatever floats your boat. Follow me." She said, turning to lead the brothers towards the church.

finx15 09-20-2015 06:46 AM

The boys followed her Ed already trying to formulate a plan. "Why don't you like father Cornello?" Al asked the red haired girl. "I'm Alphonse and that's my brother Edward."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-21-2015 02:09 AM

Gemini looked back and gave him a kind smile. "Nice to meet you, Alphonse and Edward." She said. Her expression clouded over slightly. "When Cornello first came here, everyone instantly hailed him as a miracle worker. He tried to recruit me as a follower by promising to bring my family back...but I already knew it was impossible. I'm the only person in this place who even tries to understand alchemy, so I knew what he was doing from the start. But he has an answer for everything, so even when I showed them the truth they still didn't believe me, and now they all look at me with the evil eye. They say I'm a "lost soul" or something." She sighed. "My alchemy's not enough to show them the truth. But you two might be able to do it." Her voice brightened at the end.

finx15 09-21-2015 02:42 AM

"We can try" Al smiled while Ed snorted. "Don't make promises Al." He glanced at her. "There's a chance nothing will change." He walked in to the church. "Sorry about my brother
" Al chuckled nervously.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-21-2015 02:48 AM

Gemini scowled slightly. "He's got the mind of a scientist. I guess being cynical just comes with the territory." She said, shrugging it off. "You're pretty nice, though. You set a good example for your little brother." She said with a smile.

finx15 09-21-2015 03:06 AM

"Actually I'm the younger brother." Al sweet dropped hoping brother wouldn't hear them and get made like he usually did.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-21-2015 03:14 AM

Gemini looked rather surprised. "Really? Well, I suppose size doesn't matter. I know that better than most." She said, indicating her own tiny stature. She was even shorter than Edward. But she could fight better than most boys, and she was a pretty good alchemist.

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