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Kat Dakuu 09-18-2015 05:52 PM

Stratous Magus (closed)
Stratous Magus

Deep in the heart of Cloud Metro, the great city that sits among the clouds.....

...There lies a most prestigious school—that of Stratous Magus. Those born with powers go there to learn how to use them and for what means. To be heroic, or to be villainous? Within these ancient halls, who knows what may await the gifted youth. But the opening ceremony is about to begin so it's time to get ready.

Kat Dakuu 09-18-2015 06:02 PM


Kat Dakuu



Name: Tarja Järvinin
Age: 18
Appearance: 5'11", pale, slender, but in a more muscular-fit sort of way. She had blonde hair that is straight and falls to mid-back. It is almost always tied in a neat ponytail. Her eyes are blue and her clothing style would be between peppy and jock. She shows off, but won't be unpractical and girly past wearing makeup and keeping her hair in order.
Powers: She is a healer. She can absorb pain into herself without incurring injury on herself, though there is a limit to how much she can do how often before exhausting her power.
Personality: She's sour, entitled, competitive and passionate. She does everything all out--both attacking and defending. She marches to her own beat and woe to anyone who tries to tell her no. In order to get what she wants, she will lie and manipulate, but she can also be selfless and compassionate. People do matter to her.
Bio: Parents are both heroes. She's her own thing and though they've always pressure her to choose that path, especially with her healing power, she has yet to decide what she really wants to do.

Name: Tumaini Naja (feel free to give him nicknames)
Age: 16
Appearance: Slender. 5'10". His skin is bronzed and he has very little muscle tone. He has red hair that varies between bright and dark tones. The bangs are in his eyes and the layers in his hair vary between ear and chin length. His eyes are golden and shaped more like almonds.
Power: He creates poison in his mouth and can spit it or otherwise find a way to poison someone. Enough of it can be lethal. This also makes him immune (or perhaps highly resistant) to consuming poisons. It's also noted that his tears are poisonous.
Facts: Based on a red spitting cobra. He is cold blooded and does not sweat or shiver.
Personality: He's gentle, but distrusting. He will avoid close ties because he doesn't think anyone wants to be his friend, or that he should offer himself up to be hurt. Though he's lonesome, he's used to it. He's prefers to be out in the sun more than anywhere else. Considers himself to be pathetic and weak.
Bio: His father is a villain and his mother is a regular human. He was raised by his mother and has only the vaguest memory of his father. There was no love lost between them when he left, but she insists he use's his father's last name. He's never tried to find his father using the knowledge though.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~



Name: Rosemary Hunter
Age: 15
Power: Ability to communicate with animals, enhanced senses and reflexes, empathy.
Facts: She doesn't have full control over her powers, her empathy especially acts up at inopportune times.
Bio: Rosemary was abandoned as a baby, and taken in by a lone wolf who cared for her until she was about ten years old, at which point she was taken in by an orphanage.
Personality: Shy and quiet, Rosemary is usually nervous around people because her empathy acts up and tells her more than she ever needs to know. She is more comfortable around animals than people, and can often be found reading or daydreaming in the woods somewhere.

Name: Calcifer Night
Age: 16
Calcifer stands at about 5'9" with a slim but muscular build, messy black hair and startlingly blue eyes. He wears what amounts to a traditional Japanese school uniform, except modified to look rumpled and torn, and it's been dyed black.
Power: Nightmare Syndrome: Calcifer's ability isn't very flashy; in fact, most people can't even tell he's using it. What it breaks down to is that Calcifer can enter his target's mind, find their deepest, darkest fears, and projects them so that the person actually experiences them first hand. The target can see, hear, taste, smell and feel everything as if it were really happening, but to anyone watching it just looks like they're having some sort of fit. This ability comes with a huge price, as it can drive the target insane and even cause death if used too long. It takes quite a lot out of Calcifer to use it, and he usually ends up in bed for at least 12 hours after using it.
Facts: Calcifer, called Cal for short, Named his ability after the first time he used it. He remembers every victim, and often relives their fears in his own nightmares. As a result, he doesn't sleep much.
Bio: The child of a forbidden tryst, Cal's mother was a villain and his father a well-known hero. When he was born, his mother went into shock from blood loss and didn't live. He was delivered to his father, who tried raising the boy to be good. It may have worked, except that Calcifer woke up one night when he was ten after a terrible nightmare. When he went to his father for comfort, he saw that his nightmare had been real: He had used some terrible power and caused his father to have a heart attack and die in the middle of the night. He was sent to a boarding school after that, but he became too much trouble for them to handle and they sent him to Stratous Magus.
Personality: Calcifer is a typical jaded, bad-boy type. He seldom follows the rules and doesn't seem to care much about anyone, least of all himself. He puts himself into dangerous situations on a regular basis, gets arrested for tagging and underage drinking at least once a week, and generally frightens younger or more sensitive students with his brooding attitude. Even the most optimistic hero teachers have given up hope that he'll become a hero, but the villain teachers don't seem to have much luck swaying him, either. On the inside, Calcifer is incredibly sensitive and is hurting a lot over the things he's done. He closes himself off to avoid the pain, and his misdemeanors come from the idea that if he's going to be bad, he might as well do it right. He hasn't actually decided his alliance yet, but even he is convinced that he's most likely to become a villain.




Name: Crispin Racemus
Age: 17
Appearance: 6' tall, slightly muscular medium build, auburn hair, hazel eyes, lightly tan/ruddy complexion, expressive face, goofy smile. He isn't handsome or sexy, but is more 'cute as a button.' He tends to dress casually.
Power: Music. Similar to the magic a siren or a bard uses, Crispin's superpower is to charm, frighten, or put to sleep others by playing a musical instrument, the effect depending on the type of tune he plays. (The downside obviously being loss of the instrument). He is only a mediocre singer (which is why that doesn't work for him), but he is proficient with piano, guitar, and flute.
Other skills: He's into sports and is good at basketball, baseball, and boxing, although he'll watch pretty much any competition. As such, he is strong and quick on his feet (reaction time, not running), just not supernaturally so, but like your average human athlete. (Wasn't sure what you meant by facts, so I replaced it with this)
Bio: Crispin grew up in a large family with four brothers and a little sister. Being in the middle, he often felt overlooked. He was also the most sensitive and bookish of the boys, so he got picked on and felt like his father disapproved of him. So he tried to set aside his love of books and music to pursue sports, and for a time he was able to grow closer to his father this way. When his strange ability with music finally came to light, he was afraid at first that this would just make him an outsider in his family more than ever, but his parents were delighted to have a specially gifted child. Being sent off to Stratous Magus school was the best thing that could ever happen to him as he was finally able to be himself without worry. He will probably end up as a hero due to his disposition, but could be manipulated into the wrong crowd.
Personality: At his very core, he is a people-pleaser to the extreme. He is quick to do almost anything suggested to him and will do almost anything to make others happy. It is on very rare occasion that he'll stand up for himself if he feels he's being used and walked all over. He would really love to be everyone's friend, even though he knows that it is probably not possible. Most of the time he is very easy-going, and on occasion a little bashful. He is also very open minded. The only real personal boundary he draws is he will not do anything that would hurt another person (outside of sports, of course), and seeing others hurt will sometimes bring out his temper (otherwise, as said, he's rather mellow and patient), though he often acts as a peacemaker.
Name: Marcela Escontrias
Age: 16
Appearance: She is 5'6" tall and has a curvy yet athletic build. She has black hair that she keeps short, usually just above shoulder length, dark blue eyes, and tanned skin. She tends to dress in a rumpled, lazy fashion, as she just does not care, but she does have a fondness for nail polish.
Power: Shape-shifter. She has the ability to take the form of various animals, although her favorite is that of a large black wolf. As an animal, she has increased strength, speed, and healing factor. However, as a human, she might as well just be a normal human. She is limited to only one shift per day, so whatever she changes to, she's stuck as for 24 hours as it still takes too much energy from her to shift more often. This means if she shifts into a human, well, she's stuck as a squishy human for those 24 hours, so that is a downside. Also, as an animal she is unable to speak and is nearly impossible to reason with.
Bio: Marcela is the daughter of a well-known hero who had the same power and worked as part of a team. However, when she was still a small child, he died in a fight against some villains, and her mother completely fell apart emotionally and spiraled into a deep depression that she never recovered from. This left the little girl essentially alone until she became old enough to attend the school. All of her hero teachers hold high hopes for her joining their side like her father, but she is most likely going to disappoint them. The way she saw it, her father died for an ungrateful public and it was the heroes on his team that let him down. At first she was bitter, but eventually she moved on to what she sees as a more practical way to view life. Now she lives only for herself, and while she is very social, she lets no one close. After all, others are not worth living for - they don't appreciate your sacrifices, they betray your trust, and growing attached to another only means pain in the end.
Personality: She is very laid back most of the time, or possibly it is better to say she is jaded and just does not care, and views life as being something just to be survived and enjoyed while she can. The weak are unable to do this, and she views this as not her problem - every man for himself. She throws herself into whatever pleasurable activities she can find, regardless of the morality or legality of it, so she tends to become flirty and grabby and also drinks alcohol despite being underage. She doesn't go out of her way to intentionally harm anyone, however, as she does not find causing pain to be enjoyable, but she doesn't feel guilty about hurting anyone that gets in her way. After all, it's their own fault, they should have known better. So in a way, while she doesn't fit into the hero side of things, she is more of a chaotic neutral than actually a villain, unless someone can convince her that would be a fun way to go.
Name: Jenny Geller
Age: 14
Appearance: Jenny stands at 5'1" tall and has a very slim build. She has curly brunette hair, brown eyes, and fair skin and she wears glasses. She tends to dress very neatly in almost professional or school uniform style, usually with a button up shirt and skirt, and sometimes with a sweater or sweater vest. She is definitely not current in style, but at least tries to look nice.
Power: Super Genius. While not actually a super power, as such is attainable in your normal humans (well, normal and normal...), her parents thought it fitting to send her to this school anyway as she could be very useful behind the scenes. (After all, Tony Stark is nothing more than a genius with a ton of money to burn). She has an eidetic memory and can speed read, which means she picks up new information very quickly and is able to perfectly recite it back. However, her fantastic memory only applies to what is read, as sometimes spoken information just goes in one ear and out the other. She also has a gift for mathematics and logical reasoning and computers. (NOTE: I am not a super genius myself. So, when needed, I will either look up information or just spit out complete BS off the top of my head :P lol.)
Bio: Jenny is the daughter of two heroes who work behind the scenes for a team, helping to plan and lead them in the right direction and not taking part in any dangerous activities themselves most of the time. Her father is a super genius and her mother is an empath, although Jenny only takes after her father. As stated, they decided to send her to the school at quite a young age as they thought it would do her some good to learn to socialize with others instead of just burying herself in self-study as she had been doing and they are very proud of her.
Personality: She is highly intelligent, but socially awkward. She wants to be liked and have friends, yet she is shy and quiet and often lost in her own world. She tends to be mellow most of the time and can even seem optimistic, although when emotions do hit her, they hit hard and she doesn't always understand how to handle them, and sometimes cannot even correctly label what it is she is feeling. While she does spend a lot of time reading nonfiction, she also as a love for science fiction. She also tends to get excited over odd things.

Naruto Forever



Name: Avaline (Ava) White
Age: 14
Ava is short for her age at 4”10 (though if you ask her, she’ll proudly state that she is 4’11 or even 5”). She definitely looks younger than she is. She has a round face with chubby cheeks and dotted with light freckles, and she isn’t the skinniest girl in the world. Avaline has cotton candy pink hair with straight bangs across her forehead. She usually keeps her hair in low pigtails. Her eyes are a light blue with a thick, dark limbal ring. Ava likes to wear lots of lacey, fluffy, and pretty dresses. Or really anything that could be described as cute. She typically likes to walk around in just socks, and almost never wears shoes. Her eyebrows are little circles.
Power: Ava is able to pass through solid objects (intangibility) and she also has heightened speed. The two together do often create some interesting moments to say the least.
Facts: Despite Ava’s happy, bubbly personality, she is a compulsive liar. She barely thinks about it anymore, and doesn’t mean any harm most of the time, but it just comes out of her mouth before she can even think.
Bio: Ava came from a family of villains, though her mother ended up working for the heroes multiple times in her life. She comes from a family with four other children, with Ava being the fifth and youngest of them all. She was often babied at home and her brothers and sister were all protective of her. Most graduated from Stratous Magus, except for two, the twins who are two years older than Ava and posses no powers whatsoever. Her parents don’t really care whether their children end up as heroes or villains, and so far there has been a mixture. Avaline herself doesn’t even quite know what she wants.
Personality: Ava is almost exactly how you would expect the baby of a family to be; happy, bubbly and cute. She enjoys playing games with others, and will usually jump from person to person until she can find someone to spend time with. She likes to be active for most of the day, but is also one of the first students asleep. She is a heavy sleeper and if she doesn’t get enough sleep, she’ll be very grumpy and snappish for the rest of the day. She’s not exactly a morning person either and will be pouty for the first few hours that she is up. Ava doesn’t quite understand subtle language, or body language, so when people want her to do something they have to be more or less straightforward. This also makes it hard when people want her to leave them alone.

Name: Oliver Moon
Age: 16
Appearance: Oliver has messy light blonde hair that doesn’t exactly have any sort of specific cut to it. It’s all over the place and often covers his eyes. He has warm chocolate brown eyes that are slightly downturned. He wears circular, black-rimmed glasses most of the time, but sometimes wears contacts instead. His skin is extremely pale and he burns very easily and very badly. He looks very skinny and frail, but typically wear bulky sweaters and shirts. He likes to be warm when he’s dressing.
Power: Invisibility and has slowly started developing the power of taking away people senses either permanently or just for a bit.
Facts: He doesn’t like people, who he isn’t close with, calling him by nicknames. It makes him uncomfortable. However, because of his dislike for confrontation he would do or say anything if someone does. His nicknames are Ollie or just Ol.
Bio: Oliver’s parents were both heroes, but Oliver never saw them as that. Oliver developed his powers late in life, invisibility being the first to come to him at age ten. Because of this, he was seen as a disappointment to his parents, who were topnotch heroes. His father would physically abuse him, throwing punches and objects alike at Oliver. Yelling insults while he did it. Olivers mother would never touch him…in fact, she would just never acknowledge him, and she simply ignored him. When Oliver was about ten, just before his powers started developing, he was kidnapped. Most of his memories of what happened while he was held captive are mostly kept in the far back of his mind, hidden from himself. All he remembers is that he was constantly hurt, and that when he was found four and a half years later, it turned out that his kidnapper was a hero. After that, he was brought into special-services that took care of children, and the people there decided it was best that he went to Stratous Magus after spending a year in the hospital. Therefore, despite being 16, it is his first year. He also met some people who he ended up trusting a lot at these special services, including a woman, Mara, who he considers like an older sister. She took care of him for the most part when he was rescued.
Because of his past, he has trouble trusting people in general, but mainly heroes. He, ironically, feels safer with villains.
Personality: Oliver is quiet and withdrawn from people. He tends to find a person or two around him that he can feel comfortable around and then stick to them all day. He doesn’t like being in crowds, or being forced to talk to strangers. He’s a big crybaby who gets scared by the littlest noises, but has a strong instinct to at least try to protect people who are younger than him. He typically spends most of his time alone at the moment, considering he hasn’t found anyone he feels truly safe and comfortable around. He’s a very cuddly person with his friends, and can be surprisingly talkative-albeit in a low, soft voice-when in private.




Name: Lalita Misra
Age: 17
Power: She has the ability to make fire and explosives out of nothing.
Facts: She likes to eat. She enjoys reading and studying. She loves playing tricks. She hates people who aren’t fun. “An eye for an eye” is her favourite phrase.
Bio: Lalita’s parents were both heroes. She idolized them and aspired to be just like them. However, she was always mischievous little girl and found pleasure in playing tricks and pranks on people especially bad people such as bullies. Her parents disliked this behaviour as she is the child of two well-known heroes. Her parents often feared she would become a villain due to her actions. She often spoke of getting rid of the bad, which comforted them however, they never knew she meant she wanted to destroy all the villains and perhaps even kill them. Murder being something her parents are against even when they are in the line of duty, they would only kill as a last resort which is something Lalita thinks to be stupid. She believes anyone who has done bad should get a fair punishment. “An eye for an eye” being her favourite phase.
Personality: She enjoys playing tricks using her powers and loves having fun. She is a fun person to be around and is generally nice. Sometime she makes rude or sarcastic remarks without realizing and would either never notice or only notice several hours/days/years down the line. She also doesn’t have the best memory. She’s incredibly smart and knows almost everything about her favourite subject anything else, depending on how much she likes the thing, she would only know the bare minimum. That’s not to say she’s a genius or super intelligent, she just puts the time and effort to learn everything she can about the subject. She is actually a very average student if she doesn’t put hours to study any given subject, she often memorizes anything she found genuine interest in. She also has off days where she rather not talk to anyone this could also be an off hour or such. She never knows when those days would come.

Kat Dakuu 09-18-2015 06:49 PM

High up in the city as they were, the sun lit everything so that the school grounds shone green, blue, white, and gold. It looked a little unreal. Tumaini frowned on the edge of the courtyard which sat in the middle of the school he would be attending. Most students started at the age regular humans did their high schooling, but this would be his first year to attend. He applied too late--a part of him almost didn't want to go--and did not get accepted in time. Although he didn't procrastinate with that goal in mind, he felt relieved at the time. Now he just felt apprehensive. Other students walked past him toward the tower at the school's center, but he just stood there.

The opening ceremony. What would it be like? Would every student that would attend the school be stuffed into one great hall? Without a super parent to tell him about the school, he didn't know what to expect. Despite the fact he looked lost though, he knew exactly which way to go. The students arrived on a special tram car that could only be accessed by those accepted into the school and the staff. He received an ID card in the mail with his acceptance and by swiping it, certain unacceptable parts of the city opened up to him. It was strange how that worked, but the letter also gave all the instructions he needed for this day.

He just didn't want to follow through. Sighing, Tumaini forced his legs to start working again, but he'd long since stopped paying attention to his surroundings and just walked forward with a dazed and rather doomed sort of air.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-21-2015 02:39 AM

The young white-haired girl stood on the edge of the grounds, steeling herself against the wave of emotions she was about to dive into. One would think this was a normal thing for a teenager, especially one starting at a new school, but this was entirely different. The emotions she had to brace against were not her own, but those of everyone around her. Fifteen-year-old Rosemary Hunter was not a normal girl, but a superpowered citizen of the sky city, Cloud Metro. This was a place where superheroes- and supervillains- were born, raised and trained. And the school she was about to enter was the most prestigious of all, Stratous Magus. This was where supers learned to control their powers. This was where legends were made. Rosemary was not ready. But she stepped forward anyway, out of sheer will and a need to control her abilities. I can do this. Just breathe. She told herself, and joined the stream of students heading for the opening ceremony.

Meanwhile, a young man who's appearance almost screamed "villain in training" was also preparing for the opening ceremony. He had been going to the super school for a while, and he would just as soon have skipped the ceremony, but he was under surveillance. After his stunt with the tool shed the night before- he smirked at the memory of the groundskeeper's rage- he wouldn't be causing any trouble that day. At least...not yet. Sixteen-year-old Calcifer Night, Cal for short, was the resident "bad boy" of Stratous Magus, and that was saying a lot considering how many villains had walked those halls. Most of the younger or meeker students were afraid of him. Some even ran away just at the sight of him, even though he had never harmed another least, not on purpose. Not that they knew about. It was his reputation, the knowledge of what he could do, that frightened them. And he liked it that way. It was better for everyone if people kept their distance. Thinking this, the boy sighed and headed towards the great hall, making sure to keep a good distance from the other students as he went. He wore his trademark scowl the whole way.

Naruto forever 09-21-2015 07:06 PM

Oliver could practically feel his bones shaking he was so nervous. The tram car was packed full of the last bundle of students who were arriving at school. He licked his lips, feeling as though his heart was going to burst out of his chest at any moment. The tram car came to a slow stop, and Oliver felt himself half stumbling off and half being pushed off by the people behind him. He really didn't want to go to school. He had spent the last year in the hospital, surrounded by only a few nurses and doctors, and before that he was mostly in solitude. Now he was surrounded by tons of other students, and it was too much for him to take.

He let the sleeves of his grey sweater fall over his hands and carefully held the end of it in his fists so that his sleeves covered his hands fully. He walked while keeping his eyes carefully trained on the ground, not wanting to look at all the people around him. His steps toward the school were slow, his feet dragging slightly. The urge to just turn around and run was strong, but he knew that he shouldn't. He was lucky to be going here, even if he was coming two years late.

You can do this Oliver, he told himself stubbornly, Just get through this. He looked up for just a second as he was closer the school. It was huge, just as he expected, and there were tons of people piling in all at once. It was terrifying. Oliver found himself only becoming anxious than ever. He really did hate new things.

"I don't wanna do this..." he mumbled. But nonetheless he continued to walk toward the school, trying to avoid thinking of absolutely everything that could go wrong. The next thing he knew though, he was being pulled out of his anxious thoughts when he walked face first into something. Or rather, someone.

"Fu- shi- dam- shoot," he finally said, steadily avoiding all the curse words that wanted to come out of his mouth, "Sorry." He looked up through his glasses to face another boy who was only a bit taller than Oliver himself, but tall enough that it was easy to see the difference. The boy had streaky red hair, which was probably the first thing that caught Oliver's attention. He had never really seen red hair before. "I wasn't watching where I was going," he said.


Ava was sitting outside, watching the flood of students who were just arriving. She had arrived about an hour or so ago, and had already checked everything out. Her excitement of starting this school had been too much, so she had purposefully got here early. But of course, that meant that now she had a lack of things to do. She didn't want to just go sit in the school and wait for the entrance ceremony, that would have been far too boring. So instead she decided that she'd sit on a bench near the entrance and watch all the students, both new and old. She judged them all slightly, trying to decide who she would like to befriend, and who seemed too unapproachable... for now. She would give bright smiles to others as they walked in, wondering if everyone else was as excited as she was. This was her first year of high school after all, and she wanted to make the most of it.

Kat Dakuu 09-24-2015 05:18 AM

Tumaini stumbled as a force hit him from the right. Twisting with a small gasp, he found himself looking at a blonde boy about the same age as him. Not that he spent a lot of time inspecting people and figuring just what a sixteen year old should look like. After opening his mouth once, he realized that he hadn't in fact said a thing. "It's fine," he murmured back in a soft voice that didn't suit his more exotic and almost tough appearance. Neither of them appeared to be hurt though so he just shifted to the side and continued toward the ceremony. "Please excuse me. I'm going to be late." It would be best not to linger. Never mind that he never wanted to hurry to the building ahead of them in the first place.


Tarja sat on one of the cushioned pews that lined the great reception hall. Just like the previous years, the room sparkled after its normal hibernation during the year. Few events warranted such a large space and only on opening day and a few other events did this great center room see use. The pews faced a shot stone stair at the end of the long hall. Stained glass windows let colored light stream in, making patterns in pearl, rose, and jade.

By this point in the morning, people already filled most of the hall. Seats in the front housed the school's teachers and as an older and ambitious student, Tarja sat in the second row on one side, close enough to hear and see everything with detail. She tapped her foot one more time and right on cue, the bell struck as it made it's slow count up to nine. When it finished, the headmaster would begin his speech and Tarja would finally get to move on with her day. Just another school year, and her last at that. She intended to make her best of it, so no slow pokes better get in her way of it.

Sarahbelle 09-25-2015 09:32 PM

Despite her age, this was not Jenny's first year at the school so she was very used to the tradition of the opening ceremony. In fact, she had arrived there a bit ahead of schedule and sat cross-legged in a pew reading a book as people filed in, seemingly unphased by the chatter of friends reuniting.

Crispin, meanwhile, arrived roughly on time with a group of boys, friends he'd made last year that he was happy to see again. They were laughing and joking around, and he took a lot of teasing from them but didn't really protest, although his cheeks did redden. He looked around with some curiosity to see who else was there as they took a seat.

Marcela... well... she had no desire to attend the ceremonies. She was off on another part of campus just doing as she pleased when a staff member found her and dragged her there. She plopped down in a seat, looking a little grumpy, somewhat disheveled, and completely disinterested in the whole affair.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-01-2015 03:17 AM

Rosemary arrived in the great hall just about on time, maybe a bit early, and saw immediately that this was going to be difficult. Taking a breath, she prepared all of her mental barriers and took a seat near the front of the room. She would be close to the teachers here, and among the more studious group. She found that people who took their work and studies seriously were more reserved with their emotions and didn't broadcast them as much, making it easier for her to not feel them.

Calcifer showed up late, when there were almost no seats left. This was be design, so he would have an excuse to sit in the very back of the room- which is exactly what he did. He plopped into a chair and rocked it back onto it's back legs, putting is feet up on the seat in front of him. No one was around to really bother him about it, except a grumpy looking girl he sort of recognized, so he got a bit of a break.

Naruto forever 10-01-2015 11:49 PM

Oliver nodded at the boy he bumped into and simply stood in his spot as he watched the taller boy walk away. He let out a breath and then wiggled his fingers a bit before putting them back into his sweater sleeves. He already hated being here. A few second after everyone was told to grab seats, and Oliver did so gratefully. He felt that if he stood any longer he would pass out on the spot. This was too much for him to take in all at one. People rushed the seats, which admittedly made Oliver jump at first. He didn't move to grab his own seat before he saw that most of the crowd was sitting. He didn't want to fight anyone or push through anyone. He slowly made his way to the near back, noticing that there were less people there.

He took a seat at the very end of the third last row, allowing him a quick escape just in case he felt too overwhelmed. He doubted it would happen, but the safer the better. At first there was no one beside him, but as the last people started piling in the row filled up. He didn't try to make any sort of conversation with the person beside him, he didn't even want to look at them. He didn't trust himself. He knew that once he got passed day one, today, he would be able to be more open to people. It didn't take him too long to adjust to new things, but for now everything was still a bit of a shock.


Avaline had quickly taken a seat near the front, practically bouncing in her seat as she waited for the ceremony to start. She started to talk excitedly to the people beside her, though her voice just became part of the loud buzz that was forming in the hall, and she could barely hear herself. She didn't care though, or maybe she just didn't notice, but Ava just kept talking, moving her hands in excited motions. Every few minutes she would look towards the front to see if anyone was talking yet, to no avail however. It wasn't until a good ten or twenty minutes later that someone came up and asked--or rather told--everyone to "quiet down".

Kat Dakuu 10-02-2015 06:38 PM

Tumaini shuffled into a seat somewhere in the middle, but on the edge since when he tried to sit earlier, someone shoved past, and then someone else, and then someone else. His quiet 'excuse me' never got heard so he ended up only stealing a seat at the end. Which was fine really. He didn't think he wanted in the middle of the loud, chatty bunch that made up his row. As the ceremony started and the room quieted--though it never fell silent--he found himself zoning out. There was no way he would make friends at this place was there? He was an unsavory sort of character. Yep, he should never have accepted. Hanging his head to stare at the shining wood floors, he accepted that truth.

After the assistant principle of the school, a rather short and frail looking man, came to the front and shushed the students in a voice that didn't seem to belong to him, Tarja shifted her attention. Not that she hadn't heard this speech before, but it was ten times more interesting than the people around her. A white haired girl sat on her left, looking a little tense in her seat. Definitely not worth talking to. No far away, some new and ridiculous girl kept up a constant chatter. Tarja couldn't hear her words, but it was more than enough to turn up her nose. Tarja has no time for such people.

As the principle took the stage, she steeled herself for another extra long, scripted speech from a woman whose ferocious appearance was only surpassed by her beauty. The tall woman who lead their school wore a purple sleeveless dress that hugged her curves and flowed loose around her legs. A sheer black shawl left the twisting black snake tattoos revealed to their eyes as well as the spiders creeping up her legs. The only thing that made her look professional was the careful bun her copper hair twisted up in.

"I would like to welcome back all returning students as well as the new recruits to our hallowed ranks. I hope we will have a productive and well manner year here and that all will learn their course in life. Here at Stratous Magus, nothing is more important than our students goals. Be prepared to reach them because here, not even the sky is the limit," the principle began.

She continued to speak, going over the expectations of the year as well as the rules, most of which were obvious. No using your powers to harm other students. No using them to break the curfew and go to town after the last tram ran. The curfew of course, was rather lenient as far as those went. Most students had no issue managing being in their room by midnight. They library was open until curfew. All books should be respected as well as the other common grounds. If a mandatory meeting was called, it was mandatory, no exceptions. Meals were served at the posted hours and if you missed them, food must be bought in the small store separated from the mess hall.

Once the list was completed, the principle stepped aside to let the teachers introduce themselves and that was it. Thirty minutes after it started, the students were released to move into their assigned dorms.

DrenaDragon 10-08-2015 12:37 AM

Lalita barely paid any attention during the opening ceremony, she was too busy writing in her notebook of ideas. She had way too many ideas of messing with people and she was rather emerged into the writing of these ideas to pay any attention. As she was finishing up she noticed that everyone was moving around, she tilted her head in confusion. It then occurred to her that the ceremony was already done, she nodded her head as she understood that was the case. That being said she was slightly lost in what they were supposed to do. She stood up and decided to listen in on some conversations to get an idea of what was happening. She overheard someone say something about dorms, understanding this new piece of information she walked out of the hall toward the dorms. Now, what room was she assigned? She forgot. She shook her head, it'll come to her eventually.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-08-2015 04:17 AM

Rosemary had only just barely made it through the ceremony. She had been wrong, the people up in front had been radiating just as much emotion as anyone else, and it was overwhelming. The only thing that had gotten her through was the principal, who radiated a confidence that Rosemary was able to hold onto. "She'd have to be confident, to be the principal of this school...and to wear those clothes." She muttered to herself as she wandered towards the dorms.

Calcifer sighed in relief when the ceremony was over. He knew the rules already- he had broken most of them- so he had tuned out the entire thing. He got up and started walking out of the great hall, wondering who he would be put in a dorm with this time. Probably someone annoying...but then, he thought everyone was annoying.

DrenaDragon 10-09-2015 07:51 PM

Lalita entered the dorms, as she did she remembered what dorm room she was assigned. She walked through the halls while humming a random tune. Now where exactly was her room, she wondered as she scanned the room numbers as she walked passed. She stopped in front of the room with the number she recognized as her assigned room. "This is the place?" she wondered aloud as she opened the room door 'I wonder who I'll be rooming with? I hope their fun!' she thought with a smile as she walked into the room.

Kat Dakuu 10-20-2015 05:17 AM

Tarja didn't need to glance at her information to remember her assigned room number. Newly accepted students got that information with their acceptance letter, but the school's main bulletin board housed a sheet as well. Returning students usually referred to that, but Tarja demanded that information the second she arrived on the first tram here. Room 38b in Terra Fawn Hall. With determined steps, she passed the crowds milling around the hovering board in the courtyard and found her room in a matter of minutes. The same keycard that allowed access to the Stratous Magus tram held the coding for their rooms so a simple scan of that let her in. Hopefully it would be better than last year.

Tumaini lingered in the back, reaching the courtyard after most of the crowds already mobbed it. His slow pace and meekness left him getting pushed aside like this so he couldn't do more than look up and try to see something over every one's heads. The message board hovered. Somehow, some way, it hovered. The room postings seemed to shine and it took him a minute to realize the 'board' may not have been a board at all. He couldn't be sure, but it seemed to expand out of a single point at the mouth of a black orb about the size of a grape fruit.

Shaking his head at the wonders of this pace, he hurried past. Tumaini already knew his number and shuffled his way there, absorbing a little extra sunlight before he reached his destination.

Sarahbelle 10-29-2015 02:14 AM

Jenny really wasn't paying much attention to the people around her, rather lost in her book, until everything quieted down and she took the cue to close the book and look up at the podium. She tried to pay attention out of respect, but when she surmised that it was all nearly the same as last year, her mind began to wander to more interesting things, such as counting the number of polka-dots on the shirt of the girl sitting in front of her, running through a mental checklist of things to do once the assembly ended, or even coming up with different ideas of where her favorite show might be going in the upcoming episode and trying to come up with a probability that her favorite character will finally end up with someone this time. What? She had a slight touch of whimsy to her, too.

When the assembly ended and everyone got up to leave, she hurried quietly on her way to her room to get to unpacking her things. She arrived shortly before her roommate and set to work, methodically unpacking books, a few technological gadgets, and her clothes. She was very neat and orderly and had very few things to personalize her side of the room - no posters or anything like that, just a small framed picture of her with her parents that she sat on her desk and a quilt her grandmother made that she neatly spread over her bed.


Crispin got up and stretched when the meeting ended and then headed out to look at the board with his buddies. He scanned it over and was a little disappointed that he hadn't been placed with any of them this year. Oh well, usually there was some sort of reasoning behind the living arrangements, he figured. Besides, this was a chance to make a new friend. The others went off without him as he looked at the board once more before heading off to his assigned room. "Yeah, I'll see you later!" He called out to them, but only got a casual wave back from one. That was normal, though, as he usually was more of a tag-along than an important part of the group.

When he got to his room and opened the door, he found a red-head boy roughly his own age already in there. He gave a cheerful smile to the other and offered a handshake in greeting. "Hello, roomie! My name is Crispin." Unpacking could wait, there was a new person to meet!

(this is of course assuming Tumaini got there first? If not, Crispin paused in his packing to greet him on his arrival. up to you)


(will post for Marcela tomorrow... I ran out of steam)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-31-2015 02:40 AM

Gathering her courage and braving the crowd of people around the board, Rosemary managed to find her dorm number. She gratefully walked towards the dorms, where there were less people- and less emotions. After several minutes of searching, she found her room. She went in, and found that another girl was already there, and had set up. "O-oh, um...h-hello..." Rosemary stammered softly. "I'm Rosemary. Y-you must be m-my roommate?" She asked.

Kat Dakuu 11-02-2015 05:37 AM

Tumaini walked in the door only seconds before his roommate and startled to hear the voice behind him. He'd only paused to drop his bag and start inspecting the thermostat. It read too low for his taste, but he turned to face the owner of the voice first. "Hello," he managed after clearing his throat. The other boy looked to be about his age, but infinitely more friendly. He offered his best smile back and shook Crispin's hand after a second of hesitation. The gesture felt strange to him and he rubbed his gloved hands together afterwards, not sure what to do with them.

"Er...I'm Tumaini. Nice to meet you..." Though he didn't know how much he meant that. Crispin seemed like a nice person. Probably someone good to get to know, but he wished he got a roommate who wouldn't be so agreeable. Then it would be easier to ignore them and be ignored. Wasn't that so much simpler? This boy probably just acted nice because he should.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-04-2015 07:56 AM

After taking as much time as he could to just wander, Cal found his way to his dorm. He entered the room and found that no one else was there yet. "Good. Maybe the headmistress finally gave up and left me alone." He smiled coldly, allowing himself a moment to fantasize. He went through room mates faster than anyone, either scaring them away or annoying them to the point where they left. He made it perfectly clear that he wanted to be alone, and he let people think it was because he was simply antisocial. In truth, he was terrified of waking up one night to find his power had accidentally killed his room mate. Sighing, he chose his bed- not that it mattered, they were the same- and set his backpack down on it. Everything he owned was in that bag; at least until he was legally an adult and inherited his father's estate. Cal never personalized his space, because that just made him get attached, and getting attached to anything was like opening himself up for pain. The only thing he did to make his bed his own was to place something under the pillow- something he had carried with him since he was young. He never slept without that one item. It was more important to him than anything else in the world, and no one knew it existed.

Naruto forever 11-06-2015 01:57 AM

Ava had checked the list of rooms fairly quickly and easily memorized her room number. She happily skipped towards the room, wondering who her roommate would be. She wondered if it would already be someone she had seen earlier in the morning, or someone completely new to her. Maybe they were the same age as her and new, or maybe they were already really used to this school. She at least hoped they would be fun to be around. When she got to her room, room 38B. She opened the door and immediately saw a tall blonde girl. Now, Ava was used to being short. It was natural for her, being 4''10 meant she was pretty much shorter than everyone she met, but this girl was just really, really tall. It was mildly terrifying for at least a second.

Ava quickly got over that though, and closed the door behind her before hoping onto the bed that didn't seem like it was taken. "Hi!" she exclaimed with a smile, "I guess you and I are roommates? I'm Ava!"


Oliver clutched his backpack as he walked towards the general direction he thought his room was in. He hadn't bothered checking the list because of the large crowd that was gathered around it. Instead he relied on his memory of the number he had been given on his acceptance letter. He had been repeating in his head constantly so it was easy to remember at this point. He carefully avoided bumping into people as everyone rushed towards their rooms excitedly.

He slowly opened the door to his room, checking the number one last time to make sure this really was his room. Peeking his head in he saw another boy, probably around his age, already in the room. He slowly stepped into the room, silently eyeing the other boy before laying his backpack down onto the untaken bed. He sat on the bed, simply staying still for a few minutes whiles fidgeting with his hands. He wasn't really sure what to say or do at this point. "Uhm..." he started off slowly, "Hi..."

Kat Dakuu 11-17-2015 07:17 AM

Tarja claimed the bed on the right side as hers and already started to unpack if only to make sure that claim stayed. The air blew harder on the left side as she learned last year and it paid to arrive early to claim the rightmost bed. Not that she actually minded cold being from northern stock herself. It was just a matter of principle. Turning at the sound of the door opening, she put a polite smile on her face. The girl that met her though almost made the polite greeting impossible. The school had to be kidding her.

"Hello," she sighed. "You're new aren't you? I'll let you know right now, I have nothing against new students or you in particular, but I'm in my last year and nothing will slow me down, got it?" That out of the way, she breathed out and offered a warmer smile. "Now, what did you say your name was? I'm Tarja."

Sarahbelle 11-23-2015 11:55 PM

Jenny normally gave off calm and mellow emotions, although she had been focused on arranging things when Rosemary arrived, so she was momentarily startled and nervous. "Oh, um... hi Rosemary. I'm Jenny. I'm sorry if I took the side you were wanting, and we can switch things around if you want? Is this your first year?" She babbled a little before calming down and totally missed the fact that her roommate was as nervous as she felt. She got her wits about her, though, reminding herself what settling in was like last year and how it all ended up alright in the end, so this should be fine too, hopefully.


"It's nice to meet you, too. This year should go well, I think." He tried to seem encouraging, noticing Tumaini's slight awkwardness. At least he wasn't paired with an openly hostile roommate, so that was a plus in his mind. "I promise I don't bite." Crispin was in the habit of trying to make jokes to lighten things, but they usually fell flat. "So, uh... why don't you pick a bunk? I hope you don't mind music, but if it ever does bother you, say so and I can go practice elsewhere." He gestured with his guitar case. Honestly, he'd bend over backwards to keep his roommate happy, even more so than he would normally for others, because of having to live with them.


Marcela looked over at the guy who sat not far from her and nodded a bit to him, recognizing him from previous years, and her countenance lifted a bit. Well, at least there were some fun people who returned, and good looking guys never failed to make her feel better in general. Of course she didn't pay much attention to the speech and when it was all over and she got up to leave, Cal was already gone. Well, damn. Whatever. She wandered outside rather casually and lit a cigarette, not caring about some of the looks it got her. It wasn't like she was harming anyone, so really she wasn't breaking the number one rule, so they could all just piss off.

She felt no real rush to get to the dorms like some of the others seemed to. What was the point, after all? It was all the same and unpacking was so dull, so she spent some time just wandering around and people watching. So, naturally, Lalita got to their room long before Marcela finally showed up. She only had one bag with her and just noncommittally nodded at the other girl before tossing her bag onto whatever bed Lalita hadn't already claimed. "Hey."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 11-29-2015 04:49 AM

Hearing the door open, Cal sighed mentally. Well, he hadn't really expected to get his own room, but it was still a bit disappointing to see his new roommate. The boy was small and kind of scrawny, and quite obviously the shy type. Cal didn't have much patience for people in general, but at least a quiet kid wouldn't give him too much trouble. Figuring he should probably at least say hello, Cal turned. "Hey. Name's Cal. I'm not looking for friends here, so just stay out of my way and we should be fine." He said coldly. Better to get the rules out of the way first so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings later.

Rosemary paused a moment, trying to process the other girl's fast words and her fluctuating emotions at the same time. "Um..n-no, there's no need to switch. I'm f-fine here." She finally managed to make her legs move from where she had been frozen at the door, and walked over to the available bed. "Y-yes, this is m-my first year. I hope I can do well here. I-is it difficult?" She asked, glad that Jenny's emotions had evened out. It definitely helped her to stay calm.

Kat Dakuu 12-01-2015 07:23 PM

Tumaini stared around the room. He hadn't been here long enough to put any real thought into it, so he wasn't sure where in the room would be best for him. Hot air rose, but the window sat lower, probably putting more sunlight on the bottom bunk. After a second, he decided he'd go for that one. Though normally weak willed, he did fight to make sure he got the warmest place in any situation. "I'd like the bottom bunk if you don't mind..." he sighed before turning back to the thermostat. He realized he couldn't control it from in the room and sighed once again. This would be a long year then. And a cold one. He took his bag and dropped onto the bed, wondering just what he needed to do for the rest of the day besides unpack.

"Are you a new student too?" he asked Crispin after a second. Maybe he knew. Tumaini still didn't intend to get close to the other boy as a friend, but he could deal with conversation.

Naruto forever 12-14-2015 08:21 PM

Ava's smile only dimmed a bit at the other girl's introduction. She didnt' seem to be as fun as Ava was hoping for, but she was still positive they would get along. "I'll be sure not to get in your way too much then," Ava smiled, before repeating her name, "My name is Ava." She sat still on her bed for a bit, letting herself calm down slightly, since it didn't seem like Tarja appreciated the over excitement. She had to admit though, it was hard. She was practically breathing excitement at this point.

"So you're in your last year? That's so cool! I'm in my first year, like you said," she happily talked, "Is it fun here? I think it will be, it's better than just staying at home at least. And everyone seems to be pretty nice."


Oliver flinched slightly at the cold tone that Cal used, but found himself nodding along to show that he understand. Cal really didn't seem like the kind of person he wanted to cross the lines of, he wasn't sure how he was going to room with him. He already felt on edge enough as it was. "I...uhm...ok. Sure. Sorry," he said quietly, before shifting his gaze away. Obviously there wouldn't be much conversation, which Oliver was ok with. He didn't want to really talk to anyone.
He slowly began to unpack his bag, making sure to keep everything neat and sorted in drawers.

Kat Dakuu 12-15-2015 05:34 PM

Since Ava seemed a little bit calmer now, Tarja just hummed in response and went back to her unpacking. She wasn't a mean person after all, just one with ambitions. Once she made that clear, she acted more like a girl of her age. "Fun? I suppose. The school is the most prestigious after all and nothing could compare to going here. You have to think hard and fast!'ll learn the most amazing things." She sighed, thinking about her own first year that seemed so distant now. She turned after dropping a stack of books on her desk, giving Ava a pointed look.

"Don't let that cloud your judgement though! Don't expect everyone to be nice or every nice seeming person to be good at heart." She herself knew how to deceive like that and yet, she wasn't sure why she felt the need to give out this advice. Maybe Ava just looked too innocent to survive and Tarja didn't want to deal with a roommate change halfway through the year. Yes, that was exactly it for sure.

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