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Kat Dakuu 12-22-2015 10:20 PM

Scales of Balance
Name: Samir Aeolius
Element: wind
Familiar: a large female frigate bird
Appearance: Looks around 23 in age. His hair is a silvery, grey-blue with a short braid in the back. The braid isn’t tied so a couple couple inches are usually loose at the end. He has plenty of bangs though covering his ears on the side so that you can’t tell he has the braid from the front. He often wears a black band around his forehead with silver designs, frigate feathers dangling from the right side. His eyes are blue behind a pair of frameless glasses and his skin pale. Though he’s short and compact, he has visible musculature. His outfit is mostly dark blues, white, silver, and black accents. Some furs, feathers and boots. His arms are mostly bare except for gloves.
Personality: He’s introspective by nature and fond of knowledge. When given a puzzle, he needs to follow through until he understands all sides of it. Though most of the time he seems calm and gentle, he’s also prone to childish excitement, wild mood swings, bouts of anger, and sharp words. His normal face though is that of a studious and curious protector of the world.

Name: Adara Hakan
Element: fire
Familiar: Red spitting cobra
Appearance: She has dark tanned skin and gold eyes. She’s curvy but not overly so and appears to be around 25 in age. Her eyes have a natural smokey look around them as if she always wears eyeliner and a gold gem is set in her forehead. Her hair is a medium dull red about the same darkness as her skin. Her bangs fluff around her face and the long waves travel down to her butt. When serious, she ties it up in a loose side braid, a good amount of it still hanging loose around her back. Clothes are bright red and gold with tan accents. She wears a red corset/armor type top with looser garments over and a long half skirt with short scale armor underneath.
Personality: She’s the cocky sort with eyes that appraise others. A thrill seeker, she can seem bloodthirsty at times, but conversely, she’s also a creator that marvels in that which is reborn after destruction. She likes things that are beautiful and treasures them. She strongly believes in the order of the universe and will fight for anything that she feels is right.

Immy 12-23-2015 02:14 AM

Name: Mesi Cordelia Naunet
Elements: water
Age: 28
Familiar: Emperor Scorpion
Appearance: Her hair is silky smooth. Click Here for her apperance
Personality: kind and strong willed with a wild spirit to boot. Can get easily scared or brave when the moment calls for it. Sometimes a bit dramatic but that's rare to see in her an she panicks almost too easy.

Name: Dmitri Terrane
Elements: earth
Age: 29
Familiar: Jack rabbit
Appearance: His hair is long but soft like rabbits fur (though looks smooth) Click Here For Apperance
Personality: Strong willed, brave, doesn't show his feelings to anyone usually and tries to be seen as the strongest out of the group. Sometimes he feels and thinks he is or can be better than others just because of his element. He feels he should lead, but doesn't wish to.

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2015 06:07 AM

Samir lifted his head at the sound of Aneira's call. The bird sailed in from the east, moving faster than the clouds around it. From his high point on the mountain spires that made up the northernmost point of their world, he could see the ocean spilling out to the east and rich valleys and earth to the south. And to the west, the shrouds of smoke hid his vision. The elements that made up their world used to sleep in peace, but as he expected, the world woke him for a reason. In a life that lasted an eternity, he often slept the day to days away. Aneira landed on his outstretched wrist.

"So it's true isn't it? Something has changed." He sighed before running his hands along the feathers of his greatest friend. He gazed out at the landscape, his blue eyes calculating behind the small frames of his glasses. It had been too many years. But just what was it that changed? What brought him this unease? "Wind!" he called out, his voice thrown out to the very element he guarded and could feel coursing through his body. The wind responded in an instant.

Gales whipped around him, their whispers indecipherable to anyone but their elemental. Samir himself listened with a careful ear, but the voices screamed, all too rushed for him to follow. "Slow down. I can't-" He felt something shift down in the basest part of him. Samir's head whipped up as a screech sounded. A hoard of birds broke off from the wind's pattern, their dark bodies scattering around him with wings beating against his arms and inhuman screams.

Samir's control broke, leaving his body trembling under the strain of controlling an element that was as natural to him as his own flesh. The gales died in an instant, leaving eerie silence in their wake. "Impossible..." he whispered. His element wouldn't listen to him? Never, never in all the existence of wind had such a thing happened. Expression turning grim, he once more turned his eyes down to the continent. He needed to consult with the others and see if it happened to them too.

"Come, Aneira. It seems we have a journey ahead of us." With that, Samir jumped from his lofty dwelling and took to the skies with his familiar, heading first to the south where the element of earth awaited. He could not abide by unknown happening in his world, so even if they did not want to help him, he would gather the elements together for his own selfish pride.

Immy 01-13-2016 04:06 PM

(I owe you a post)

Dimitri slept as soon as the sun set, just until it rose those few hours later. He wasn't used to not sleeping, but lately he hadn't been able to get to sleep. Dimitri had been having odd dreams that hardly made any sense to him. Dreams that made him think something bad would happen if he went to sleep again. He could remember standing in a field of dead plants and trees. The creatures of the forest that died around him were dead as well. He didn't understand since he took great care of them, he was softer and kinder than he appeared.

Kneeling to one knee he placed his right hand on the ground feeling the dry dirt beneath him. Dry dirt. That's not right. He thought to himself thinking he always kept in balance with the other elements. It rained just a few days ago so the ground should have been moist at least for a bit longer. Standing up he glanced around at the fading color of the leaves falling from the trees. They fell far too fast while the ground began to shake. Earthquakes. It was something he didn't come across often in his eternity he was upon the earth. If the earth was healthy then so was he, but if for some reason something bad happened to the earth. Well he could feel it more than anything else.

Sitting on the ground in a meditate position with his legs crossed native style. Taking a deep breath while closing his eyes, he sat unmoved. If there was one thing he learned growing up within the earth around him. It was that meditating could break all his fears and return things to normal. Focusing on the sounds of the forest that he couldn't hear in his mind like usual. So he tried to concentrate to bring them back to his mind. He sat there for awhile unmoved then stood to stretch. He could meditate for hours, but even he knew nothing good would come from it. Glancing around he walked over to a certain tree. This tree had been his shelter and home when ever he wanted to stay in tuned with nature. It was the oldest tree in the forest he chose to stay in most of the time. As well as the biggest which made it hard not to be able to see it.

Once he placed his hand on it to link himself to the tree, he felt it all. The pain surged through the tree, an incredible heat which was flowing into him. It was as if the tree was getting chopped down or burned right in front of him. The pain was all over his body as he sank to his knees. He almost didn't let go until his familiar, Jacky, came over to console him. Finally letting go he sat on the ground petting the top of Jacky's head. "Don't worry, I am fine dear friend." Dimitri spoke as Jacky hopped onto his lap. Jacky was a familiar that was a jack rabbit and rather quite fluffy at times. So petting the jack rabbit brought peace of mind to Dimitri. "I wonder if it's a sign." Dimitri sighed looking up to the tree he feared to touch again for the pain was almost unbearable. Everything around him was dry and dying, why was that?

Kat Dakuu 01-13-2016 08:32 PM

High up in the air, Samir crossed the distance. Aneira lagged behind, not able to fly as fast as he, but just as tirelessly. From a height like this, he would look like a bird to those below, allowing him to freely show off without question. An element did not simply show itself to the world as a human. He found himself wondering what went on down there. It looked the same, but it still felt wrong. Did they not watch over and manage the earth well for the creatures that lived on it? Villages spread out beneath him, cultivated fields patterning the ground. He followed a river down from the mountains that disappeared into a thick forest that served as earth's domain. By the time he arced over it, the sun already sat high in the sky.

Samir arced lower, but as he did, he found a storm forming against the forest's border. What? He needed to veer sharply in order to avoid the sudden currents as static and humid swirled together. 'Mesi!' he called out, trying to ask the water's element for passage like they so often did in the past for the sake of balance. The storm only thickened though. Was this not her creation? It was unnatural! He felt it in the wind that ripped the tie from his braid, leaving silver hair whipping against his face. His arms flailed as he lost control.

Somewhere over the northern regions of the forest, Samir dropped out of the sky. The wind didn't respond. Why didn't it respond? He went down through the trees, finally thumping to a stop on the soft leaf ground of the forest.

Immy 02-20-2016 02:04 AM

Mesi was by the water staring out into the sky with her feet barely touching the water. She loved the ocean and everything that was in it. Including all the wonderful and odd creatures that seemed to beautiful to her. Though everyone else would think it's strange or they were monsters, but that's because they didn't know anything about them. Feeling something tap her feet she looked down expecting a fish of some sorts happy to see her.

She froze in fear as she saw a fish that was dead floating to the surface. "That's not right" Mesi spoke in a whisper solely to herself knowing the only thing that could harm the fish like this was poison. She took a deep breath after seeing few more appear and dove into the water creating a water shield around her. The shield itself didn't last long as she was pulled deep under water which made her struggle to get back up to the surface. She naturally could breath underwater, but this was different than usual. It wasn't that she was suffocating, but something was creating fear within her to keep her from being able to use her gifts over the water.

Enough panic filled her as she pushed through the water in one large burst that she flew out and onto the land next to her. A storm appeared as the wind forced itself all around her pushing trees back and forth. Her wet hair clinged to her face as she started to feel chills to her bones. Mesi had never gotten cold before, she used to always live in the water as a child, and gotten used to the change in temperatures. "Samir" She called out wondering if maybe the wind element was upset for some reason if acting like this. Though there was no response she stood up. "I have to get to-" Mesi looked at the forest behind her where the trees stood dying and being forced around. 'The earth and wind are out of control, what is going on?' She stood there thinking to herself then moved trying to get through to the wind.


Dimitri heard a noise jumping at the sound of tree limbs breaking then glanced over to see someone laying on the ground. Shocked to see that it was another element he hurried over to them. "Samir?" Dimitri called to, what was going on around here? First the visions and the earth as well as the pain he felt. Now Samir fell out of the sky of his own element not there to help him? Something was truly wrong, very very wrong. Kneeling down next to the other element he waited for him to respond.

Kat Dakuu 02-20-2016 05:50 AM

Samir groaned before lifting himself off the forest floor. Even if he fell a great height, something like that wouldn't kill him. He just felt sore and very moody afterward. Hearing footsteps rushing toward him, he looked up to see Dimitri, the earth elemental. "I'm fine he muttered. His glasses lay askew and he focused on setting them right before struggling to his feet. A quick pop of his back set things right again. "I came to inform you of some troubles, but it seems they got the best of me," he muttered with a sheepish look. "Can we discuss this somewhere more comfortable?" He'd managed to get his calm look back and nodded his head once, looking quite prim despite the dirt and rips in his clothes.


The mountains grew steep past where the wind elemental called home, the jagged rocks blackened by smoke and volcanic deposits. Smoke kept the land well hidden. At the farthest depths of the elementals lairs, humans did not dare to go. Raw nature felt too powerful. Adara's domain doubled that feeling. No one would dare come here. It was boring to say the least, but it also suited her.

Adara lay on her stomach, staring into the depths of a dancing flame. With a flick of one dark nailed finger, she’d called the ember down and it ignited the tough grass along the slopes of her smoking volcano. Like any flame under her control, it only danced where she wanted and the fire never spread beyond a fist sized flicker. And that in itself brought a smile to her lips. Warm and magical, cackling like a song, the element never ceased to bring its guardian joy. The fire was hers and she its.

Just like that, the flame flickered out. It wasn't her will and she started, looking at the burnt grass in confusion. It was like a gust of wind dashed the flame away, but nothing stirred the grasses or the wisps of her hair that escaped its braid. Tilting her head, she rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. Well, wasn't that strange. Even if she didn't feel any wind, it was no doubt that overly proper bastard, Samir's fault. He didn't know a lick how to have fun. Maybe she aught to send him a little 'gift' in return.

Immy 07-12-2016 10:28 PM

"What is going on? Why is all this happening? First the visions, the pain, and now you fall without the aid of your element?" Dimitri was one who didn't always worry too often, but when he did it was almost a bit much even if the situation wasn't all that bad. "I-I mean..." Dimitri wasn't sure what to say, but he knew that by now all of them must know something is wrong. "You came to inform me, but I already found out as well. The earth here is in pain and I'm not sure why." Dimitri added.

Mesi moved her way towards the earth, but kept getting pushed back away from it. There was no way she was going to be able to get over to the mountains nor the wind high up enough to find Samir. This wasn't going to work unless she changed her strategy first and with that thought she ran right back towards the water diving in. The water engulfed her, however she didn't let the fear take over her this time as she pushed through staying focused on going deeper hoping to get to the river that would lead up to the mountains. None of the under water creatures were anywhere around her and that frightened her, but she let it go otherwise she wouldn't be able to stay in the little control she had left.

(small but the next one will be bigger promise, it's just been awhile)

Kat Dakuu 07-18-2016 05:19 PM

Samir shook his head. He didn't have any answers for Dimitri's questions, actually hoped the other might have some for him. Shrugging one shoulder, he motioned for them to walk while they talked. "I wish I knew what caused this. I wanted to gather the other elements as well but I'm not sure how to contact them with the way things are. We might have to rely on our familiars," he sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose again. Now that he'd regained his composure, he walked with a straight back and business only expression. Aniera circled overhead, having finally caught up with him. Her tight circles displayed concern which he eased with a smile. "You know, for all the time that the earth has had elements, nothing like this has happened. How could balance get out of sorts?" He didn't know the answer to his questions and he doubted Dimitri did either, but he still had to ask them.


Adara walked back to her volcano home, tanned bare feet ghosting over sharp rocks without getting cut. She looked regal and powerful, and she knew it. She liked it that way. She wouldn't let anything destroy that for her, even someone messing with her element. Samir was getting cocky if he thought he could pull stunts like that. Sliding down into the hollow of an old magma chamber, Adara pressed a hand against the cool rock. Inside, she could feel the lingering energies of the molten earth. It called to her, wild and begging for release. This rocky imprisonment did not suit fire. She closed her eyes, answering the wild call.

Like a vent was opened, the earth heated up around her. Rather than directing it toward the volcano's surface though, she guided her awakened magma along underground pathways to the mountains of the north. It was just a little joke meant to startle the wind elemental who should have been residing there. She didn't mean for harm, just...a lot of fun. Unknown to her though, the fire escaped her control, sinking lower and eastward to the oceans where vents of blazing heat opened, oozing magma into the otherwise cool depths and streaking mayhem to the life there.

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