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Rochiel Silverfire 01-02-2016 01:36 AM

Rochiel's Jar of Memories
Let's see if I can keep it up for more than a week this time!

Rochiel Silverfire 01-02-2016 03:02 AM

Last year I resolved to lose weight and exercise more. To be more creative and do more art. I kept up most of those resolutions. I don't know whether or not I actually lost weight, but I made new friends and I'm a happier, healthier, better person. I'd say that's more important than whether or not I fulfilled some silly resolutions.

Rochiel Silverfire 01-02-2016 08:47 PM

This year I resolve to be me. I resolve to do art, to exercise not because I'm "supposed to" but because it feels good; and if it doesn't feel good, I resolve to give myself permission to stop. I resolve to make new friends and keep old friends and make old friends new again. I resolve to do things that make me happy and to stop doing things that make me unhappy. I resolve to make this a great year!

Rochiel Silverfire 01-03-2016 06:33 AM

This was written by a good friend of mine and I want to put it here so I can remember it later!
There's also a link to the original article if you click on the image!


January 2, 2016 By dusti

I am really irritated with the internet right now.

Personal development bullshit is running rampant around my Facebook feed, and it makes me want to barf.

How can I say that? I spend a lot of time and energy on personal development, writing about it, and helping other people do it. It’s completely changed who I am and continues to.

Because most of it is playing off of people’s insecurities.

It’s genius, really, when you think about it. This is basically how it goes:

Consumer: We’re American! We love New Year’s Resolutions because we can make more promises we don’t intend to keep! We’ll diet for a couple weeks until we fall off the bandwagon and then we’ll blame ourselves all over again for not having enough willpower (which has nothing to do with forming habits, by the way).

Marketers: Hey guys, this thing happens every year where people are disappointed with how the holidays and the year went in some way. Let’s play off of that and get them to buy stuff! Especially if it has to do with weight, we’re gold, since most of America is obese and obsessed with being thin.

Messaging: Gain weight during the holidays? Better go the gym and get thin again so you’ll actually be happy and people will love you because being thin is being lovable.


Don’t buy the gym pass. (Unless you love the gym and going helps you be the person you want to be.)

Don’t buy the equipment. (Because it’s going to sit there and stare at you.)

Don’t buy the detox. (It’s probably a bunch of crap anyway.)


Don’t get me wrong. Working towards becoming a healthier, better you is a great idea, but there are so many more factors at play than gym-pass-slingers would like you to think – you know, like how stress causes you to gain and retain weight? Yes, exercise can help with that. But it’s not the be-all, end-all answer.

You are enough right now. You don’t need to buy anything or buy into anything to prove it. Maybe you’re not the healthiest you could be, but that doesn’t mean you are any less of a person or any less worthy of consideration.

So I’m going to make a really crazy suggestion.

What if you tried taking tiny steps this year?

Stay with me here. This might sound crazy when everyone around you is talking detoxes, CrossFit, and clean eating (no offense, Nina – you know I adore you, and I love that you love all of those things and that they work for you). But maybe, just maybe, taking tiny steps could create long-term, sustainable changes for you that don’t require insane amounts of money, time, and commitment.

Here are five 100% original ideas to help you get there.


1. Walk.

Seriously. Just walk everywhere. Don’t make lame excuses about why you can’t. Find a way, and make it happen. Take the stairs. Take a walk during your lunch break. Put the baby in a carrier/stroller/whatever, and get outside. Our bodies were made for movement. Why deprive them?

2. Drink.

You know you should drink more water, but you probably still don’t. So set a timer, like Nina does. Or perpetually have a glass sitting on your desk. Make it a game where you have to have a cup before you can have coffee/tea/whatever.

Also, drink wine. Yes, I’m saying you should make a wine a regular part of your routine. It’s good for you (in moderation, obviously, and the only reason I have to point that out is because Americans are ridiculously bad at doing anything in moderation), and it’s an affordable way to raise your quality of life.

3. Play.

Play with your kids, your dog, your partner. Go dancing. Take up a hobby. Start speaking French again. Join a club. Try something new. Go bungee jumping. Boredom is a choice – and you don’t have to make it.

4. Let go.

Declutter. Walk away. Get rid of the dead weight. Divorce him. Move away. Hop on a plane and forget for a while. Do what you need to do. Stop waiting around for something to just magically change when you know that’s not how it works. Better is en route the moment you decide to let go.

5. Take tiny steps.

Momentum can start anywhere. It doesn’t matter how small the step you take is, because with every one, you’re proving to yourself that yes you can. And yes, you will. That is powerful. Whether it’s taking your coffee black, opting for a salad instead of fries, or choosing a piece of fruit over a processed treat, you can create change in your life without forcing yourself to commit to something you don’t want to do anyway.

Screw unsustainable. This is the year of the long game – and I think that’s one you can win, don’t you?

Rochiel Silverfire 01-03-2016 09:45 PM

It's snowing at my house! I love snow so very very much! One year I made a snow Godzilla in my front yard. Maybe I'll do something like that again this year if the snow keeps piling up.

---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 02:17 PM ----------

Rochiel Silverfire 01-04-2016 10:01 PM

I wish I had my own kitchen, but I live with my folks.
If I had my own kitchen, I would have lots of tins of delicious tea, cute tea pots and mugs, an electric kettle, and cute tea infusers. I'd keep everything tidy with a dishwasher (because I hate washing dishes!) and cute dish towels!

Rochiel Silverfire 04-21-2016 04:20 PM

Always time to make a new start! Haven't posted since January and April's almost over... BUT LET'S DO THE THING!!

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