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ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 01:30 PM

Operation Preservation
An alternate re-create (of sorts) that first brought Duke and Xavi together (YAY); Operation Preservation is a mix of futuristic and fantasy, action and perhaps romance.

A world, slowly being riddled away by sickness and disease and started to look for ways to stop all that. Even with the expansion of modern medicine, it seemed the ailments that these medicines were supposed to cure were slowly becoming less and less efficient in fighting off illness. People were dying and the average human life expectancy was plummeting; a race that was once living nearly till 100 years of age was slowly become lucky to see the age of 60. Advocate groups popped up, saying that it was everyone's fault for no one had taken things such as recycling and green energy seriously; landfills were over flowing, trash was being sent to space. Cities that looked like they were from out of some sci-fi movie had lost much of their luster in the outer edges of the city where the poor now dwelled; only the rich could see the heart of the cities and those that couldn't afford it were killed or arrested for trying.

An organization started up to try and help stop all this. If medicine was no longer helping, then humans just had to become unable to succumb to illness. They said they were going to come up with a serum or medicine that would change everything; people wouldn't get sick, they would live longer. They would hold paid testings for new products they were coming out with, but the truth of what was going on lay behind the scenes.

The facility, as those inside knew it as, was planning something much larger. Yes, they were creating a way for people to never get sick, but it wasn't meant for the public. The number of missing person's reports started to increase, but only slightly for the facility was trying to be careful to kidnap those that would not be missed, or bought people from families that needed help.

They were testing on human subjects, though not even those being tested on knew just why and the scientists were quiet as to what was really going on. Eventually, experiments were let out, under the watchful eye of a guard provided by the facility. It was to make sure that 'the magic serum was working' they were told; they had to get real field tests. Yet, even with that, the highly skilled and arm guards started being killed off, leaving these experiments to fend for themselves.

The experiments have somehow been able to find each other and have been gathering together for safety in numbers. None aware of what was still going on in the horrible place.

Xavirne 01-07-2016 01:41 PM

---my characters---

Aleu, the deceased one (IBI Agent)X

"No matter the path you walk, hellish and dark as it may seem, I'll stand by you."
▬▬▬▬▬ ALEU WOLVIA BLACK • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Princess or Aleu
Engaged to Rroy
Mesmerizing blue orbs
Dark blonde hair

APPEARANCE Like all Lypheion, Aleu can morph into a wolf-like creature. Although not a true wolf, most mistake her as one for her creature build is nearly identical. The only real differences lay in the size and length of the tail. A Lypheion wolf is at least a foot bigger in size than a regular wolf, which allows for a so-called rider. Regarding tail length, a Lypheion's tail is much longer to the point where it actually drags on the ground. The paws might be a bit bigger and the ears longer, but other than that, the Lypheion and wolf look the same.

Since Lypheions can morph into full-creatures, their human forms always has a pair of ears atop their head. In Aleu's case, she has a pair of black ears atop her head. Coming from her rump, is a lovely black and silver tail. Her finger-nails, pointed to perfection, are a natural silver color, much like the claws of a creature.

As far as scars go, Aleu has a small one just above her right index finger knuckle. When she was younger and practicing her shadow-hopping, she landed on the Valsozn planet. Standing in the middle of a tranquil lake, she shared her first gaze with the red-eyed Rroy. Stepping toward him, the two reached out to feel the other. To Aleu's misjudgment, the backside of her hand came in contact with the tip of a blade he was wearing on his person. Although Rroy doesn't know the scar's significance, she can be seen staring fondly at her hand, lost in thought.

Aleu has no tattoos, though she does have a mark. On the darkest day of the year, a crescent moon shape becomes visible on her forehead. It's the mark of lineage as a royal bloodline member.

Regarding attire, Aleu wears just about anything. She has no shame and often enjoys running around in outfits that show of more skin than she should. Aleu's not a whore though she does give off that vibe for she is constantly flirting with both men and women. It's all for play, but her tongue has been known to get her into trouble. She is almost always in boots or wedges. A lovely pendent necklace and matching black bangle are always seen on her, both gifts from Rroy. Around her ring finger is an intricate ring of black and silver handmade by her fiancé, Rroy.

SKILLS As she is the Princess of Darkness, Aleu has mastered the art of shadow manipulation, creation, and control. She has her preferences though, often using the shadows to create clones of herself or using them as whips or kunai (throwing knives). Aleu also uses her darkness as a cloak of invisibility, in a sense. She also as the ability to distort the shadows so that they take on the shape of wolves. These so-called "shadow wolves" can materialize from the ground and fight with her. Another dark-related specialty Aleu knows is shadow-hopping, which allows her to warp from place to place.

As far as actual weapons go, Aleu likes to use dual-daggers. She prefers sneaking and back-stabbing over a full-blown confrontation.

WEAKNESS Despite being of the dark affinity, light is not Aleu's weakness. Her darkness, though her power, comes from her position more so than it does anything else. Her fatality comes from what would be considered normal ways of dying. She can drown, be burned alive, die from hypothermia, bleed out, etc. There is no one thing that really serves as a weakness with a means for killing her quickly.

She does have fears though. Aleu has never been a fan of unstable ground. She loves heights for heights allow her hair to dance in the wind. She just likes big, stable boulders to face the wind on. Skinny, narrow paths? No, that's not her thing.

Aleu also dislikes excessive gore, which is odd knowing that she's a wild animal. She has learned to stomach if but still feels faith when too much blood is involved.

Oh, and like humans, she's susceptible to all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. Although part wolf, her stomach is not poison-proof. And, as she is Lypheion, she does have natural allergies and must avoid certain foods to prevent getting sick.

Shadow-hopping also has its own weakness. If Aleu is hurt while warping, her body can get ripped to shreds as it phase between shadow-portals. That being said, she needs to make her timing flawless or face the pain of having your body transverse between two locations. Shadow-hopping in and of itself is a fatiguing power. Now imagine being injured? It's just not a wise power to use.

PERSONALITY As previously mentioned, Aleu is a flirt. She holds nothing back, always speaking from her heart and off the cuff. She has a silver tongue and often uses this to twist people to do as she wishes. And if that doesn't work, she has no problem playing dirty and bringing pain into the game.

Aleu has been known to snap for no apparent reason. Some claim it's because she's part wild animal. Others wager it's because she's a woman. Regardless, hell hath no fury like that of Aleu scorn! Get her to the point of rage and you'll likely beg for death for mercy isn't something she willingly gives out. Cross her once, she'll forgive you. Cross her twice and she'll sink those fangs in you. A third time? Well, let's just say there will never be a fourth with her.

Wrath alone does not run through her veins. Aleu has also been known to be quite envious, especially when it comes to Rroy. Should eyes wander on her mate, she will make certain those eyes never fall on him again. She is quick to boast about who she's engaged to. She is even quicker to shove her lips on his just to prove her point--yes, even before a public. Again, she has no shame when it comes to portraying her love for the man she's to wed.

When it comes brains, she's quite brilliant. She has a different approach on life, likely from bouncing between races and personalities throughout her youth. Learning a great deal from so many cultures has given Aleu perspective. It's also given her a sound gut instinct. If something doesn't seem right, she'll listen to what her gut tells her. Later on, she'll learn that she, 99% of the time, was right with that first instinct.

The Lypheion is also very sympathetic. She's a great friend, especially when it comes to a shoulder to cry on or a pair of ears to listen. She's fiercely loyal and would die for her friends or lover. Some might call this reckless, but Aleu calls it love. She's been known to commit herself too much to a cause. But, at the same time, she's also been known to completely remove herself from things, void of all emotion and feeling. Again, people attribute this to the fact that she is Lypheion. She could run with a pack or be a lone wolf, neither truly phase her. Though, after finding Rroy, it's hard to believe she would give him up to be a lone ranger again.

Aleu would likely be Neutral Good on an alignment chart.

HISTORY With a demon father and a Lypheion mother, it's no wonder Aleu turned out the way she is now.

Her mother, Helen, a pure white Lypheion with the power of fire, came to love the very demon that kept rule over the deceased, corrupt souls. She claims their meeting was fate. She, the alpha female, was to seek out and mate and start her own pack. Helen has met so many men but none seemed to make her heart flutter. That was until she bumped into a man on her way to the supermarket one day. She said his face was perfectly handsome and it was one she couldn't get out of her mind. She spent months, no nearly a year trying to track him down again. And, when she did, she just kissed him. She cared not if he was taken, gay, etc. She just had to have him. Much to her luck, he was a bachelor and couldn't stop thinking about her either. They went on one whole date and decided they need not go on any more. That weekend, they were wed and have loved each other ever since. She claims it was true love. And, despite not wanting to aid it, he said it was too. From that day forward, she ruled at his hip. He, Devin, the guardian of the underworld, was proud to have such a woman at his side. The two would never fight and he always sought out her wisdom and blessings.

It was this flirty love that Aleu was raised with. She spent most of her life ogling over her parent's perfect romance. They were always together, always holding hands. Always so passionately in love. They flirted constantly and loved deeply. It was the kind of romance she sought and, at a young age, decided she would start flirting with all the boys with the hopes of finding her one true soulmate.

However, Aleu's search wasn't quite so easy. In fact, she kept finding herself sad. Even the tenderest of kisses didn't make her heart flutter or skip a beat. Fearful that she would miss out on the greatest love ever, she asked her parents if she could go on a journey. She wanted to set out and see the world. Meet other men and learn where she belonged. They, of course, agreed and wished her well.

So, at 12, she took off to find her own destiny. She ventured to many worlds and found many interesting people, but none really stuck with her. That was until she accidentally landed on the Valsozn planet of Iitua.

She had no idea where she was for she had never seen a planet so beautiful. The lake she stood chest-deep in had silver-blue water and she could see her toes. Wiggling them, she smirked. When she brought her head back up, her azure orbs were met with a taunting pair of red eyes. Cheeks flushing, her hands moved over her nude form (she had yet to master shadowing-hopping with her clothes intact; not to mention she had hardly started to transform from girl to woman). Only, she wasn't sure why she blushed. She had been nude time and time again, feeling no shame from it for such shame didn't exist in the world of Lypheion.

With her cheeks ablaze, Aleu jerked her eyes to the side. She felt as if she was on fire and knew not why. Slowly, she let her orbs fall back on those crimson eyes. This time they weren't... as cruel? No, they seemed... softer?

The next thing she knew, her hand cupped neatly around that cheek before her. And her lips, they dared to inch forward, but something within her froze. Body trembling, she felt unshed tears swell in her eyes. For once, she was scared because she didn't recognize this feeling that washed over her. This feeling that made her feel weak, feel faint.

Her body must have wavered as his smooth hands were on her hips. And instinctively, her hands wrapped around his (which is how she got her scar). Blush ever-spreading, her ears turned down and her tail fell limply behind her. I should run, she kept telling herself but she couldn't find the courage to leave. She had to stay. She had to know. What was her fate with this raven?

That's when it happened. Her heart fluttered when his hands stroked her black ears. He was so gentle, so sweet. He was the first boy to skip right over her nude form and seek out her wolf-ears. As they flicked forward, enjoying the good scratch, her tail began to wag. Naturally, he was drawn to it and found himself running his fingers through the soft, warm fur.

Then, a feeling of fear rose the hairs on the back of her neck. She sensed someone was coming. She knew she didn't belong her, she could sense it within her gut. Placing her hand on his, the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered between her heavy sighs. "I... I should go."

Pulling away, she called forth her shadows. As the darkness began to swirl around her, her body began to levitate. Any second now, she would vanish and likely never see that boy again. That thought alone ailed her.

Wrapped up in her misery, she completely missed the tug that would pull her form down from the portal. It wouldn't stop her from leaving, but it would buy the boy just enough time to....

Eyes flying open, the tears stopped as her lips curled neatly around his. Oh how she wanted to stay and kiss him longer, but the portal started to make her fade. As she vanished, he stepped back and made her a promise. One she would treasure and cherish for all eternity.

"Do not cry, Princess. No matter what happens, I will protect you."

Years passed and Aleu began to lose hope. How was she supposed to keep waiting. There was no proof he was coming and whenever she tried to teleport back to his world, she couldn't. She would later come to learn that the planet was destroyed. Brokenhearted, she decided it was time to move on and find a new love.

At 18, she was engaged to be married but ended up calling it off. Well, more like she ran away and never looked back. She cut all ties with her friends, past, and family. Deciding to begin anew, she traveled to a far away planet. In relatively no time, Aleu found herself surrounded by far too many men that she could easy come to love. Eventually, she picked Arvin to be her boyfriend. It was likely just a fling but it was worth it. It kept her heart racing and she loved the way his lips tasted.

As time ticked on, war soon crippled the planet and she knew what she needed to do to help. She was a natural born leader so she signed up to lead a small squad of warriors. to an outpost where she was supposed to rendezvous with someone by the name of Rroy. Her original squad, Arvin, Nieko, Melik, Fritz, and Varun, had already met up with Rroy. She was held back, having to aid on the western front. After a near-lose-turned-victory, she was allowed to regroup with her original squad. For the interim, she was given a new team of equally capable soldiers. Only... they weren't.

One by one, her squad was picked off. Left alone and still a good ways out, Aleu let her eyes dance over the bloody battlefield.

With a red dot aglow on her breast, Aleu's ears folded over. She knew this was the end.

"I forgive you," she whispered as a single tear rolled down her face. The bang of a gun being fired came next. Then came the silence.

Eternal silence.

Her brows knit together. Why was she still alive? That was a clean shot. Opening one eye, she spied a thin wall of ice before her. Lips pursed, a wrinkle formed above her brows.

"Ice?" For a second, she looked ugly as the face she made was one of slight disgust. How could their be ice?

"You're too quick to forgive, Princess."

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She had no need to swivel her head for that voice was familiar, so familiar.

"I promised I would protect you. I keep my promises."

Most would assume that from that moment on things went off without a hitch. Such was not the case. Rroy and Aleu had their ups and downs. Even had one hell of an ugly breakup, which Aleu made worse by getting back together with Arvin. After some bitter words and a bit of healing--mainly forgiving--the pair finally found themselves back in each others arms. It was actually the first time she had ever seen him cry. Believing in him, she agreed to taking him back up as a boyfriend.

Fast forward a few years and, well, now they are engaged. The dress has been made. The suit hangs patiently in the closet. And the date? It's been set. It's just a few months out before she officially becomes Mrs. Aleu Skytun. She's finally with the one she loves. As imperfect as he is, Aleu cannot be any happier as, to her, he's perfection.

Melik, the in-the-know 'captive' (L1 Spectre)X

"Aren't I just the cutest, little bishie you ever did meet?"
▬▬▬▬▬ MELIK TASEE • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Sandman or Melik
Valsozn terra, specifically sand
Currently single
Reddish-orange eyes with fleck of a sandy golden-brown color around the iris
Rusty red/brown hair that's almost always messy

APPEARANCE When it comes to looks, Melik steals the spotlight. He's the shortest of his friends and quite arguably the most adorable. He's almost always wearing a smile and he really loves to laugh. He talks with his hands and his eyes are always aglow with life. He's a very cheeky fellow with an expressive nature.

Speaking of expression, Melik has been known to wear quite the array when it comes to his wardrobe. He has no issues dressing in frills and lace. Or, to contrast that, fishnet and studs. His suits are always white in color with accents of either red, orange, or gold. If he's not going for the fancy look, he tends to stick with neutral or earthy tones like blacks, grays, hunter greens, or browns. His pants are... unusually bright. Red, orange, gold. He has a bright purple pair too.

Melik enjoys accessorizing too. Hat, scarf, tie, bracelet, belt, necklace, nail polish--he'll wear anything. He likes to keep his outfit fun and fresh. If he's wearing a black shirt with red pants, he'll probably have on a checkered scarf of white and black and a bracelet of white. He's known for being fashionable, sometimes being the go-to person within his group for attire help.

Can't forget his shoes. Melik has an obsession with Converse. He only wears Converse.

As Melik wears a layer of sand over his skin, his body has no scars. Any should-be scars just fall off when he molts his sand-skin (he does this about once a week, unless he's in an active war zone; then it's daily). Mark-wise, he has a small golden-orange tattoo in the shape of a horned lizard is located on the inside right wrist.

SKILLS Melik is eccentric so it's only natural that his choice of weapons be just as odd as he. He mainly uses a whip. Yes, a whip. If it's not a whip, it's his sand, which he can turn into a whip. He also has a fan-blade and a chain-sword. One time he wielded a mighty toilet plunger in battle. Let's just say, the enemy didn't see that shit coming (ho ho ho, puns!). He's also a master of chi clocking, which causes prevents the user from using magical or super human abilities.

As previously stated, Melik controls sand. He can create whips or spikes that erupt from the ground. When shielding, he can create a literal wall or shield to block. He can also coat his skin with a thin layer of sand to serve as a final line of defense. And, when he wants to show the enemy up, he'll conjure up a sandstorm or, if he wants to be theatrical, a pirate ship that will crash into the enemy.

WEAKNESS Perhaps the only element that causes Melik any issue is the element of wind. Water? He can mud-bend. Fire? He can control and manipulate glass. But wind? When his sand gets blow about, it becomes hard to control. The closer the same is together (like in mud or glass), the easier it is for him to use it. Dispersed sand requires concentration and a lot of sweat. Not to mention, it's hard to shield when it's so far apart.

Melik cannot create sand. He can merely manipulate it. This is a weakness, pending location, sand is not always present. He has no mastered his full element nor does he look to. Earth (as in rocks, metal, ground) isn't really his thing. He likes sand. It's coarse and small, something one often overlooks (just like him).

As the shortie is a Valsozn, he does have a kill-switch organ. His organ is located where one's gull bladder would be. It's roughly the same size too. Like many of the others, he can get sick.

PERSONALITY A fun loving sweetheart. That's probably the quickest most direct way to describe him. He prefers cutesy over manly any day. He loves being coddled and snuggled with. He adores all forms of endearment. Gush and shower him with love, he'll soak all of it in. He loves the spotlight.

Odd as it may be, he's a fan of lizards and spiders (spiders because of Fritz). But when it comes to rats and large creepy crawlers, he's absolutely fearful. He also doesn't like ugly things and he cannot stand hairballs. They are 'icky grossy gross.'

Melik hates being alone, so he demands someone be with him at all times--even if it’s his stuffed kitty cat plushie (he calls her Kiki). He loves flowers and eating sweet stuff, but for the love of all that is good in the world, he cannot cook or bake to save his life. He's tried and he's nearly burned down a house. Or seven. Nonetheless, this cutie makes up for his lack of kitchen skills with his charming, innocent mind and large eyes.

Don’t mistake him for being a weakling though! While he isn't nearly as strong as Fritz, he does know all the weak points on a body so letting him get too close is a bad idea! Not to mention, Melik's absolutely brilliant, sometimes giving Rroy a run for his money.

Melik is also fiercely loyal. When his friends are in trouble he won’t back down. He would rather be dead then abandon those he cares about!

Lawful Good would probably suit him best.

HISTORY Melik was born into a family of wealth and riches. The Tasee Valsozn had a monopoly on mining, namely coal and diamonds. It only made sense that they be one of the richer Valsozn names on the planet.

As such, Melik, an only child, was sent to the finest academies to learn. When he enrolled at 5, they were quick to note that he was accelerating at a rate faster than his peers. Bumping him up one level didn't seem to help though. He was still gobbling up the knowledge too fast. Still, they had never advanced a student two levels so he was forced to stay back.

Bored, Melik would often spend all his free time helping his best friend Fritz. Fritz was forced to advance with him, despite not being a genius. It was part of the arrangement. Whatever happened to Melik, had to happen to Fritz. This caused Fritz a lot of mental strain but Melik helped make everything all right.

Finally, at nine-years-old, Melik was allowed to jump ahead another level. The reason? Another student, one a year younger than Melik, had created a learning gap so large that they couldn't ignore it. Melik, being the prodigal child of the school, had to join that class to see if his wits could match those of the new student.

He, much to his displeasure, could not.

Melik had no interest in befriending the scary new kid either. Everything about him was far too scary. That matter was only made worse when he threatened to kill the class bully, Varun.

Time and time again, Varun would pick on the little kid but Fritz, far stronger than meets the eye, would step in and nullify any advances Varun attempted to make. So when the navy-haired boy was finally put in his place, Melik could let out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't minutes later that Fritz pleaded Melik befriend the odd boy. Melik hated the idea but soon came to see things as Fritz did. After all, he trusted Fritz with his life. If the cyan-eyed boy could see light within, then Melik could find it too. In time.

Meandering across the courtyard, he extended a hand to the raven. "I'm Melik," he flashed a grin. "Let's be friends."

Whatever doubt Melik had soon vanished when Nieko came bounding up to the duo. It took only seconds four the four to become the best of friends. Although Rroy claimed it all to be one-sided (where he didn't care) the others knew it not true. Rroy cherished their friendship and Melik purposely brought an extra lunch every day for Rroy. He knew the boy lived on a farm but he never seemed to remember to pack a lunch. Melik fixed that. He also persuaded his father to let him buy Rroy a new school uniform.

The two remained friends even past graduation. Melik swore he would follow Rroy wherever he went as he could not imagine having to work for someone lesser than he. He also asked that Fritz remain with him for he couldn't imagine living without his so-called shadow. Fritz, naturally, agreed to join and commented that if Melik hadn't joined Rroy, he was going to force the shortie to join eventually.

Of course, working for Rroy wasn't an easy task. Time and time again, Melik's morals were tested. Not out of hate or fear, but more so out of concern. Rroy wanted to make sure that Melik could fulfill his desire to bring about peace. To do that, Rroy made Melik face his demons and ultimately told Melik that if he wanted to grow and became a man who could bring about change, he would have to kill his mother.

It wasn't easy.

Later he would have to kill his girlfriend. It was hard to kill the woman he loved but he knew her loyalties laid elsewhere. If he had it his way, he would have just banished her but she was a magical being that could teleport anywhere. Banishment just wouldn't work.

Melik found it odd though. Two people he loved dearly. And yet, he found the strength--no the craze to kill them both. Why? Because Rroy deemed it necessary. It seemed the more time he spend with the raven, the more he learned the truth--that sometimes those closest to you hold the darkest of secrets.

Again, he vowed he would never leave Rroy's side. Having proved his loyalties over and over, Rroy never doubted the boy. He said he never had and apologized for agonizing him as such.

Still, despite the darkness he endured, Melik still seeks out the light. He still laughs and loves. But why? Why would he with such a tainted past?

"Melik," Rroy's voice was soft and rich, "don't ever change. You're the one good thing in my life."

"Eh?" Melik's brows furrowed. "What do you mean good? Fritz, Varun, Arvin, Nieko... they're all good."

"I'm not talking good in that regard." Rroy tapped Melik's heart before leaving his hand on the kid's chest. "I'm talking good within. You're the light to my darkness. Always smiling while I scowl. You can't change. You have to stay... happy."

And thus, Melik remained happy. He knew that, should he change, Rroy would change. Melik didn't want that. He needed Rroy to be strong, to lead. He needed Rroy help guide the world to peace--the peace he so desperately dreamed of.

With Fritz still at his side, Melik knew he could accomplish anything. He had people who believed in him and he had someone who could make his desire a reality. Now all he had to do was find someone worth saving. So when Aleu asked him to join her on her mission, he couldn't say no. Perhaps, finally, he could create peace for those who needed it most.

Fritz, the silent scout (L3 Spectre)X

"A wind assassin has nothing to hide but himself.
Those who are able to not make a sound
are the ones that can survive against all odds.
Silence is a gift that not all are blessed with.
Those who have it, embrace it and those without it, miss it."
▬▬▬▬▬ FRITZ KENT GERMAIN • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Araneae or Fritz
Valsozn ventus (wind elemental)
Single and not looking to mingle
Brilliant cyan orbs
Dull, grizzled teal hair

APPEARANCE Likely not something you'll see, Fritz has a large scar that runs from his right shoulder to his left lower rib. Only Melik and Rroy know about it for it came about during one of their missions. Rroy, who was protecting Melik, had his flank completely exposed. At the very last second, Fritz dove in to shield the raven, taking the full lash of the blade to his back. To this day, Rroy still feels guilty about it but Fritz honestly cannot be happier. He is the only member of their group to have a scar for saving Rroy's life.

Fritz also has a mark in the shape of a spider on his inside left wrist (it's about 1-inch long).

His attire is very seemingly unorthodox but a quick read on Germain lore and lineage explains that this attire matches the attire his ancestors wore. He wears form fitting kevlar-like skin-tight shirts. Atop the shirt is his shawl or cloak. The skin-tight shirt is usually a light, silvery color whereas the shawl is usually darker in color, either charcoal gray or black. He wears jika-tabi, heel-less boots, often black in color, and his pants are special trousers with double-ties that fasten at the ankles, knees, and waist. From his ankles to his knees, his legs are wrapped with a pale gray cloth. This same wrapping material is also used between his wrists and elbows. A material similar to his trousers is also cut in a 2-inch thick strip and is tied around his head. The long tails are constantly blowing in the wind to alert Fritz to the wind's true direction. It's easier to go with the wind, than to try and change it.

SKILLS As a Valsozn ventus, Fritz is graced with the power of the wind. The wind can be both protective and destructive. He can create large wind-shields to repeal attacks or he can conjure up large torrents of wind to carry away an enemy. He's also been known to force people off their toes with a good gust of wind. And he can also do the opposite--pulling people to him by letting the wind guide them his way.

Much like the wind, Fritz can also vanish. It is often hard to see the wind so he has learned to meld and blend with it. It's not easy for patience is key. Thankfully, Fritz is probably the most patient and laid back man you'll ever met.

Naturally, he's also fast. He let's the wind carry his feet great distances at impeccable speeds.

And although it may seem misplaced, Fritz can also summon a large female spider by the name of Sylvia. He rarely does this for Sylvia isn't really a summon. It's more like he can teleport her to his location. Fritz will only call her forth when he is too weak to escape as Sylvia's strength is unrelated to his own. She is merely a mythological creature that appreciates his love of the wind.

Weapon-wise, he fights with a staff, a pole, or a pair of sai. Believe it or not, the three items are actually one and the same. The staff is created by sealing the sai to the pole and infusing it with wind magic.

WEAKNESS Similar to humans, Fritz can get sick. Unlike humans, he can't die from his ailments. The only way to really kill him is to attack his unique Valsozn organ. His organ is located beside his brain and it is attached to his spine and brain. This organ is what allows him to go invisible as well as control the wind. Invisibility is of the mind whereas his ability to control his powers lays within his bones. Fritz needs to use caution with his actions for if he breaks his bones, he won't be able to use his wind. He won't die, but his wind abilities are limited severely. And should someone bewitch or intoxicate his mind, he's abilities to go invisible are no longer possible until the haze wears off.

PERSONALITY Fritz is a quiet man who rarely speaks for he finds peace silence. However, when he does speak, it is usually something worth listening to. The man has been known to talk in riddles and rhymes. He does this not to be an ass, but rather to let people know that interpretation and understanding are key skills to have. As such, it takes some time to get used to him. It certainly doesn't help that he doesn't speak much on top of that so truly coming to terms with the man is no easy feat.

As Fritz warms up to people, his friends will learn that he is extremely soft spoken. He is also very sweet and enduring. Fritz enjoys the finer things in life and has no issues with children. In fact, he rather likes them for he enjoys their innocence. Tea parties and princess makeovers are probably his favorite activities. And, to go along with the theme, Fritz has a sweet tooth and an absolute love for desserts, especially sugar cookies and cakes!

For as tall as Fritz is, he is easily startled. Don't assume you can sneak up on him though. He's not startled in the sense of making him jump from his skin. No, Fritz' startling comes from actions or words. He often assumes man to be bad and women to be a tease. When such is not the case, he will apologize immediately and confess his misguided beliefs.

His fashion sense is a bit eccentric and out of style, but he’s not one to care about others opinions. He prefers to go where the wind takes him and due to this, he’s the most laid back guy you might ever meet. Really, little can rile him.

To go along with everything, Fritz is not the kind of man to fight. He will always look for the most peaceful ways to resolve a conflict. This is not to say he hasn't killed, for he has. It's just... well, Fritz is sick of bloodshed. Still, he knows that there are only two options--kill or be killed. If a peaceful solution can not be drafted, he will do what is necessary. More so when his friend's lives are on the line.

Thankfully, Fritz’s keen eye for detail often gets him (and his friends) out of trouble so it's very rare for him to go to the extremes to save or kill someone. Like his master, Melik, he too is learned in the art of ninjutsu. Since his elemental affinity is wind, Fritz has the unique ability to go invisible. He rather enjoys this because, much like his lack of conversation, it pulls him from one's attention. Honesty, he prefers to be hidden rather than seen. He's not a front-and-center kind of guy. That's Melik's thing.

Still, if you get him with his friends, Fritz's stoic, lackluster traits vanish. He absolutely adores his friends and will strike up a conversation with them without an issues. He's also full of random facts, which is useful for often his comments are foreshadowing something to come. Perhaps he’s got some future sight, but no one really knows if he actually does. Then again, he could just be damn lucky.

Oh, and a word of warning, he's been known to be very forward. He's... well, brutally honest at times.

Fritz also takes his Code* very seriously.

Fritz would likely fall into alignment with a Neutral Good role.

HISTORY His past is rather simple. He serves his best friend, who he calls his master. The two have been friends since his birth. Germain's and Tasee's have been working together for several centuries. According the legend, the Tasee Clan (an earth-based Valsozn Clan) was traveling to a new land when an enemy clan assaulted them.

The Tasee put up a good fight against their attackers but with their numbers falling, annihilation was evident. Then, as if by miracle, the enemy started to drop like flies. Bewildered, the Tasee questioned what would cause such warriors to fall to their death without signs of weakness. Their questioning was answered when a small squad of shawl-wearing men appeared before them. The men looked weathered and tattered, as if they had traveled far behind expected.

"Why have you come to our aid?" The leader of the Tasee asked. A man from the squad stepped forward, his hair a grizzled blue color. "Simple," he stated, "we help those in need. You sought to negotiate peace with the enemy. They refused so took up a defense. Your attacks were calculated and precise, doing all you could not to bring harm to the enemy."

It was that lack of desire to kill that caused the wandering squad of wind Valsozn to partner with the Tasee earth clan. From that moment onward, the Germain swore to protect the Tasee for the Tasee were pure of heart and had a kind, loving soul.

Living up to his family's name, when Fritz turned 3 years of age, he devoted his life to the young Tasee, Melik. From there on out, Fritz acted as Melik's shadow. He was always there to catch the boy when he fell. He was always there to cast a smile on his face. He wiped away all the tears caused by bullies.

It was actually Fritz to urged Melik to befriend Rroy.

"My Master," the 8 year old Fritz looked firmly into Melik's eyes. "I sense peace within him."

"The kid with the creepy red eyes? Peace? Uh, earth to Fritz, he's scary." Melik's lip trembled but he too found himself drawn to Rroy. "Still, if you think he has peace within... we."

"There is also agony and suffering. He's alone. Scared. He needs a friend," Fritz bent to pat Melik on the head, "a friend like you. Someone who's a ray of light. But someone who isn't fragil and afraid to fight."

"Do you really think he'll share our vision, the future we desire? He threatened to kill Varun...."

"His methods are... chaotic. His intention, though, are pure of heart. If you agree, I would most appreciate aligning with him. He would make a great ally. I fear our fate should he end up as our foe."

After their little conservation, Melik bounded up to the raven with red orbs. A handshake sealed their friendship and Fritz, although ill-advised, dipped into a bow before Rroy.

"Although I serve Master Melik, I will do all I can to serve you as well. If Melik is not in any danger, use me as you will."

From that day on, Melik and Fritz were a part of Rroy's team. Occasionally, Fritz would be forced to disobey Rroy but he was always pardoned. Granted, this was rare for Rroy swore that he would protect Melik, thus allowing Fritz to act more freely. As such, Fritz has had the freedom to pursue his own goals and desires. He's an assassin for hire but he's, more or less, used for defending people rather than fighting them.

Varun, the fluid follower (L1 Spectre)X

"Water makes sense to me. It's mysterious and ever-changing.
I can only hope that someone will say the same about me someday."
▬▬▬▬▬ VARUN O'SEALT • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Deep Diver or Varun
Valsozn lympha (water)
Deep sea green eyes
Navy-Caribbean hair that glistens and glows like the ocean

APPEARANCE Unlike the rest of his friends, Varun has long, flowing hair that, when not pulled back or up, goes past his shoulder blades. His hair is literally a sea of blue and looks flawless against his golden-tan skin. Even his eyebrows are that same navy-blue color, which means that's his natural color. He has narrower eyes than his friends, which can sometimes look cold or conceited. Varun is anything but cold, personality-wise. Conceited... well, that one's pretty accurate.

Regarding the rest of his features, Varun is toned to perfection. He's very buff and his face is just as square and rigid as he. His lips are about average--not too thin but not too thick. And his eyes? Ah, you could get lost in them. They too are a sea of swirling greens and blues. In a subtle line below his eyes are faint little freckles.

As Varun like to show off his arms (he's rather Thor-like in that regard), he is always sporting a sleeve-less shirt. Usually a turtle neck and navy blue in color. If he's not near the water, a pair of goggles will be looped around his neck. He's an avid surfer (explains the abs, likely) and always wanted to be prepared to splash into the water. Don't be fooled though! Those goggles are more for show than anything else. He doesn't need to use them to see clearly under water.

The pants he prefers are always cargo pants, usually a cream color or brown. For shoes, he's been known to flip between barefoot and brown, leather combat boots. He never wears a belt for he says that's silly to do with cargo pants. He does, however, wear an analog watch. He's the group medic, so to speak, and there are times where he needs to watch the second hand tick.

If he has to dress up, Varun will likely surprise. He looks absolutely dashing in his dark blue suit with a white oxford poking out from the neck and sleeves. He'll even comb his hair back!

Varun has a few scars on his right shoulder and then two lines on the fleshy side of his left elbow. The two on the inside of his elbow were from his birth. The five lines on the shoulder were from when he might have accidentally crossed the line with Aleu. And, if you look closely at his finger tips, you'll notice that there are small incisions on them. He worships his lord once a week and, per the ceremony of old, a small dot of blood needs to be placed on the forehead of the worshiper.

The blue haired man, like the rest of his comrades, has a mark. His is in the shape of an alligator and it's located on his right forearm.

SKILLS Valsozn lympha are known for their ability to control and manipulate water. Such is the case with Varun, only he can take it a step further. The Skytun Clan, a clan of Water Elementals--not to be confused with Valsozn lympha, were famous for their water-based healing techniques. Although Rroy had no water abilities (elementals are born with the ability to use their element at birth), his father still trained him in the art of healing. Rroy learned the moves and the ancient tongue. Having no use for them, he trained Varun the Skytun secret technique. Much to his surprise, the lessons worked and Varun now has the ability to heal minor wounds and ailments.

But Varun's abilities don't stop there. No, he is immortal. Unlike all the other Valsozn, attacking his organ will not kill him. It will actually absorb the attack and act as if nothing happened.

He earned his immortality the day he pledged his eternal allegiance to Rroy. According the ancient text, Enlightened Valsozn are considered gods and have the ability to resurrect the dead. In Rroy's case, as he is known as the "Soup Reaper," so Varun hoped such ancient lore was indeed truthful.

The day the Arvin died truly struck Varun's core. With tears streaming down his face, he begged the Enlightened Valsozn to resurrect his friend. Such resurrections are considered a one time deal and to 'burn' it on a friend... well, it was without hesitation.

However, resurrection is not a free ordeal. To resurrect a soul, a soul must be offered to the Enlightened and eternal servitude to follow. This wasn't hard to Varun to accept for he always believed Rroy to be a god since the day he first froze his water.

Pledging his soul to the Enlightened Rroy, Rroy was able to return Arvin's departed soul back to its body. Of course, this eternal oath did not come without its consequences. His friends do not always tell him everything for they know he will relay any and all information to Rroy. However, due to this impressive pact, Rroy can trust Varun with all his deepest and darkest secrets. Moreover, Varun has a hard time understanding limitations and weaknesses. As he is immortal, he does not have to worry about dying or losing. He can just get right back up and fight again.

Also, there is a rumor those who worship an Enlightened lose a part of their personality. When the pact is finished, the soul is removed. There are claims that this leaves an individual feelings... empty. Perhaps a bit dry at times. And maybe slow to understand. But that's beside the point.

As Varun has no fear of death, he likes his up-close combat. He uses a large, two-handed battle axe. He also has some smaller hatchets on his person, just in case he needs to do some ranged assaults.

WEAKNESS Varun has no weakness. He's immune to illnesses and ailments, nor can he die until the one he worships dies. The day Rroy dies will be the day Varun dies.

Perhaps Varun's greatest weakness is that he has too much time and he doesn't use it wisely. He's not lazy but he's not actively trying to save the world. He is 100% a follower and will not do anything unless instructed. As such, he can appear shallow and useless.

PERSONALITY Despite what's listed above, Varun is not a dull man, especially when it comes to the romance department. If anything, it appears that Lady Lust has graced him with the secrest of charm. Every woman he mets, he treats like a princess. He'll shower her with love and make her feel like the only girl in the world. It's just how he is.

However, the second she shows independence or doesn't need his help... well, he'll bounce. Varun wants to serve and protect someone. It's really all he knows. Some claim it's the curse of being sworn to Rroy. Varun? He thinks it's great. It means he's a knightly prince--or at least that's what he tells himself.

Due to his protective nature, Varun is almost always the one on defense. This comes from the fact that he's not super strong with offensive attacks. But defensive stuff? He's a pro, just like Melik.

Moreover, taking the defensive role up allows him spend time on the field healing his friends. If he had to worry about the attack, he wouldn't have a chance to watch everyone's backs. He enjoys this because it makes him feel important. Not to mention, you don't need to be super smart to heal or defend people. Attacking someone and winning requires brains. Varun, well he has them, but he's by no means the smartest on the field. Rank wise, it would likely go Varun-Nieko-Arvin-Fritz-Melik-Rroy, with Rroy being the genius.

Varun is a big softy too. He might be all big and buff, but underneath it all he's just a big teddy bear. It goes right back to him being a sweetheart to his woman.

With regard to the alignment system, Varun would fall True Neutral. His actions are dictated by Rroy but do not necessarily define who he is.

HISTORY Varun was born with two older brothers who would constantly pick on him. They achieved their powers at 5 and did everything they could to get under Varun's skin. So, naturally, when he was enrolled at the academy, he took it upon himself to be the top dog--the hot shot. Sure, he couldn't use his powers but he was bigger (wider, thicker but not fat) than most of the other kids. In no time at all, he was one of the most feared kids in his grade. And things got worse when he finally turned 10 and unlocked his powers.

For a solid year, Varun would wreck havoc on his peers. There were two in particular that he enjoyed tormenting the most--Nieko and Arvin, the loner oddballs of the group.

Immediately after getting put into his place by Rroy, the blue haired boy had a complete change of heart. His brothers continued to bully him at home but at school? Why, Varun became the nicest kid of them all. He really sought to make a change to repent for all his wrong doings. He even went so far as to isolate himself and take specialized clinical classes. He no longer wanted to hurt people, but rather help them.

One day, when he was walking to the nurse's station (where he studied medicine and the related practices), his eyes caught something strange--a pair of crutches laid haphazardly across the bridge.

A grand river ran alongside the school's grounds. It was how the school got its energy--from a giant turbine. It boasted being a clean-energy school so it harnessed the energy from the water to light the building. Everyone knew to avoid the stream for if you slipped and fell into it, you would definitely drown or be crushed to death.

It was then that Varun realized just what he was looking at. He had seen those strange lime green colors before--so bright and unnatural.

Instantly, he screamed out. He knew the odds of someone being there were slim so he took it upon himself to help the fallen student.

He knew where the fall had started--right on the bridge. It always slick in the morning and the dew didn't help. One misstep and you could fall into the river. The bridge was far from sturdy so even the slightest of weight against the railings would cripple it.

He was no master of controlling water, but he knew he had to try. If he could just hold the body at bay and keep it from the mill, then perhaps someone would come to his aid.

Varun had begun to lose count of the minutes that passed. It seemed as if no one would come to his aid and his body was growing fatigued. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer but he had to try. Arvin needed his help and he would be damned to let him die on his watch!

"Keep holding him," a voice barked from the side. Varun didn't have a chance to catch the owner of the voice for the next thing he knew, someone was diving into the water.

"Fritz," another voice called out, "can you create an air pocket around his mouth. Best we keep him from swallowing any more." Melik took a stance beside Varun. "Let's see if we can jam this damn thing," he said curtly.

More minutes passed and soon a crowd had grown. The teachers and faculty, not able to interfere for it went against the school's policies, just watched as Varun held the body in place and Melik created a muddy dam. Fritz's brows were slick with perspiration as he tried to keep a steady airflow for the fallen man.

Then, finally, everything seemed to stop. The body that dove into the water finally tugged the unconscious Arvin to the water's edge. Not giving it a second thought, the rescuer, Rroy, began to pump the water from the other's body.

His head shook after several failed attempts. His brows furrowed before that red gaze fell on Varun. "You control water. Pull it out of him."

"I don't know how to do--"

"WELL THEN LEARN!" Rroy's hands were wrapped around Varun's neck, forcefully shoving him toward the body.

It wasn't easy but after a few meek attempts, Varun was able to pull the water from Arvin's chest. Casting it to the side, Varun watched with wide eyes as the body jerked to life in a coughing fit.

Ever since that day, Varun and Arvin were inseparable. They did everything together and became the best of friends. Bit by bit, Varun learned how to cure Arvin of his terminal illness thanks to Rroy's family secrets. Although not 100% treated, Arvin's flare ups became almost nonexistent.

The two joined Rroy's crew and decided they would never leave. This only become solidified when Arvin did the unthinkable for Varun.

The gang was on an espionage mission when things went sideways. They were forced to retreat and on the way out, Varun ended up getting captured. The others had already reached the evac spot so it made no sense to leave and risk capture. Arvin, however, wasn't too far away and turned around to help free his friend.

He did succeed and all looked to be okay. As they made a break for it, Arvin must have felt something in the pit of his stomach for the next thing Varun knew, the green-haired man was diving in front of him.

Blood. There was a lot of it.

What happened next, Varun cannot remember. What he does remember is picking up Arvin's lifeless corpse and running to Rroy with it. He had read than an Enlightened Valsozn had the power to bring back someone. Willing Rroy his soul and eternal servitude, he pleaded that Rroy bring back their friend.

Ever since, Varun has found himself semi-isolated. His friends still adored him but their level of trust wasn't as it used to be. To be sworn to Rroy meant Varun had to tell Rroy everything he learned. Secrets and gossip no longer crossed his ears.

He also took up the unfortunate position of being Rroy's literal punching bag. To revive Arvin, Varun gave up his mortality. He was cursed with eternal life. Although some would argue it awesome, Varun hated knowing that he could never die. Any attempt to save a life was just... well, it wasn't heroic. How could it be? He couldn't die.

Although the isolation is just in his mind, Varun misses the mortal life. His lack of fear for death is what he said makes him boring. He can't understand the fear. He doesn't know what it's like to see life flash before his eyes.

Still, he lives on. He made a promise that he would heal and defend until Rroy's dying breath (when Rroy dies, he dies). As such, he serves as the group's medic. He also does a fine job as the initiator. He doesn't have to worry about death so why not jump head first into the known?

Arvin, the toxic-tongued sniper (L5 Spectre)X



Nieko, the fiery soldier (L5 Spectre)X

"The fire within burns the brightest in the darkest of hours"
▬▬▬▬▬ NIEKO COLTE • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Blackhawk or Nieko
Valsozn ignis (in layman's terms, fire elemental)
Currently single
Vivid emerald orbs with gold fleck near the iris
Rich chocolaty brown hair that, if caught right in the light, can almost look blackish-green

APPEARANCE Perhaps Nieko's most noteworthy physical feature is his 1/2-inch thick tattoo: Upon first meeting Rroy, Nieko always knew he wanted to serve the young Skytun child. As such, when he came of age, he tattooed his face to show eternal servitude to the man. A Colte always serves another, often choosing between one of three clans. Nieko? Well, he decided to do the opposite and, after much research, learned he could serve another clan, a fourth clan not as well known. To serve this specific clan, he would need to tattoo his face with a large black bar that runs from earlobe to earlobe and over the nose. This tattoo symbolizes the void in his culture and grants him the opportunity to serve the not-so-well-known Skytun family.

Mark aside, Nieko also has two silver cuffs on his right, elfish-looking ear. The man also has a hawk tattoo (about 3-inches wide) on his left peck. He has no other noteworthy or noticeable scars or markings.

Nieko's form is rather lithe. At times, he can be mistaken as a female. His body seems to have slight curves, giving people the idea that he might be female. However, when viewing him from the front, you can tell he's a male. Kinda. His flesh is a nice creamy color and his cheeks are often a lovely shade of rose. The male has thick near-black eyelashes that actually make him look like he's wearing eyeliner. His eyebrows are also neat and tidy--not by choice; he was merely gifted with slender, perfect eyebrows. His lips, full and kissable, tend to look like they have a nice, pale pink gloss to them.

The Valsozn often wears the color black as, by trait, he practices ninjutsu. He's well-practiced in the art of silent assassinations so his attire is often tight yet lose enough to allow his body to manipulate itself to squeeze into impossible places. He often walks and runs on his tiptoes, giving him a silent step.

Another signature mark of Nieko's is his beloved black to green to gold scarf. The edges are designed to look like flames, eluding to the fact that he might have an obsession for fire.

Scent-wise, Nieko often smells of sandalwood, salt, and vetiver. There are faint traces of ash and charcoal in his aroma too.

SKILLS Regarding abilities, Nieko is a spit-fire. Meaning, he has a breath of fire. His fire does not have to come from his throat though. No, if necessary, Nieko can conjure it up in the palm of his hand and wield it that way. He can also force it out the bottom of his feet, using it like a cushion if he suffers from a long fall.

Aside from fire-bending, Nieko also as the unique ability to shape-shift into a hawk, or phoenix. This ability stems from his mother who was an Animorphus aves: A crossbreed between a Hume and a bird. His father, also a Valsozn ignis, is the one that taught Nieko's master, Rroy, all about ninjutsu, of which Rroy eventually trained Nieko in.

Nieko is a master of the dual-swords, having no use nor need for a shield. His dual-swords are a charred black color with red-orange hilts. If desired, Nieko can force his fiery powers up the hilt and onto the blade. This technique, apparently rare, is known as the Dance of the Dragons. Aside from his dual-swords, Nieko also packs a few cherry bombs, flash bangs, and throwing knives and stars. In the past, he has trained with sai and hooked swords.

WEAKNESS As expected, Nieko's natural weakness is water. This is not, however, mean that he has a fear for water. In fact, Nieko quite enjoys the water and spending time at the beach. His limitations come into play when he's in the water. He simply cannot hold his breath for long periods of time while underwater. More so, he cannot play in the water for longer. If he stays in the liquid for too long, his lungs become congested, thus leading to pneumonia.

Moreover, humid environments cause complications with his breathing. If he's to be exposed to a moisture atmosphere for prolonged periods of time, he needs to wear a mask or breathing apparatus. Much like swimming in the water, exposure to high amounts of water can cause his lungs to fill with water. Odd as it may sound, he could drown without being in water. As such, Nieko prefers arid places as they do not pose any health risks.

As Nieko is a Valsozn, his body has a unique kill-switch organ. If the organ is punctured, Nieko will die. To date, there is no way of restoring a damaged organ. Nieko's precious organ is located between his lungs. It's a tear-drop shaped organ that connects to his respiratory system. This is the organ that gives him his fiery abilities. It's location, though hidden beneath other main organs, isn't in a safe spot--for most people will instinctively go for the heart or lungs when trying to best a foe. This is one of the reasons Nieko wears his scarf at all times--yes, even when sleeping. The scarf serves as an extra layer of protection, should someone try to snipe his heart out.

PERSONALITY When it comes to personality, Nieko is not at all what you would expect. Although a trained assassin, Nieko isn't known for being cold or even standoffish. In fact, Nieko is a people-person and enjoys the company of others. The brunette is rather cheeky and easy to get along with. He's known for being kind and enduring, almost motherly in a sense. His empathy levels are off the chats, especially for a male. Furthermore, he has no shame when it comes to crying before others. If something is truly sorrowful, he won't hold back his tears. In all honesty, he thinks the comments about men not crying is bogus. To him, a real man trusts his feelings and doesn't hide them.

Aside from being caring, Nieko is also old-fashioned. He doesn't believe in "testing out a mate." If you're interested, you go through the long process of courting. This doesn't mean he'll hold back kisses though! Nieko is all for showing affection through kisses. It simply means he wouldn't jump into someone's pants the second they sleep together. No, he's more controlled than that and, as such, holds himself at high regard.

Nieko is also the kind of man to go the extra mile for his friends. Even if it's an inconvenience for him, Nieko will put aside his own needs to aid his friends, especially Rroy. There isn't anything Nieko wouldn't do for Rroy. Well, maybe a few things as he has been known to contradict Rroy's expectations. Nieko does this because he wants to remind Rroy that, sometimes he's wrong. Nieko's defiance usually lands him in trouble but, with the batting of his lashes and a sad puppy dog face, Rroy's quick to forgive him.

When it comes to religion, Nieko practices none. He believes in himself above all else. He often comments that the fire within him is what guides him on his path. And that, no matter how dark his actions may seem, that they are somehow justifiable. To him, murder isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it's a way of cleaning up the darkness; preventing it from consuming and ailing others.

If given a mortality alignment, Nieko would be undoubtedly Lawful Good.

HISTORY Raised on the male-only Valsozn planet of Iitua, Nieko began his youth like all others of the planet. He attended the esteemed Iitua Academy, an academy that tried to place students in their classes and lectures based on skill more so than age. However, to keep the classes balanced, a rule was put in place--only a small, exceptional group of students could be placed in a grade level higher than their age.

Although smart, Nieko wasn't quite so lucky. In fact, he was actually bumped down a few grades. This wasn't done as an insult. It was per special request of his father, who wished to train him in the ways of ninjutsu prior to his education. As such, Nieko was held back for two years, to help him hone his meditation abilities. From the ages of 3 to 7, Nieko would sit in silence beside his father, learning the ways of the Colte. Although he hated the isolation, Nieko treasured the time he spent with his father. This would later amplify when, at the age of 7, his father vanished without warning from his life and he would never see the man again.

Having no on-planet mother, for women were not allowed in Iitua, Nieko spent the summer wandering the streets alone. Then, one day, a man by the man of Da'an Mydrim happened upon the lost and lonely boy. Unable to allow the child to wander and live alone, Da'an took him in. Unbeknownst to Nieko, Da'an was a teacher at the Iitua Academy. Adopting Nieko as his own, Da'an enrolled the brunette in the finest academy on the planet.

Nieko began his classes at 7 years of age, whereas the others in his class were only 5 or 6. He thought nothing of it for this was the first time he had any real interaction with children his age. In fact, Nieko enjoyed it and often found that the others tended to come to him when they needed help tying or fixing things.

Too bad that all changed when a new kid by the name of Varun joined the class. The six year old managed to turn all the kids against Nieko, ostracizing him to the point of isolation. Learning to adore the isolation, Nieko trained hard and learned fast, hoping that he might be able to advance a few levels to escape the bully Varun.

Such was not the case though. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Day after day, he was tormented by Varun and his thugs. There was little the academy could do about it either for Iitau was all about producing the finest of men--both brilliance and strength wise.

Nieko's luck didn't start to turn around until the age of 14. The class dynamics had changed some but, for the most part, Nieko was still tormented and picked on by other kids. If only those kids knew that Nieko's soon-to-be best friend would bring about a change no one saw coming....

On his walk home one day, Nieko decided to take the longer, more scenic route back home. This route brought him past a large farm, one he often enjoyed buying vegetables at. While sauntering past it, his eyes glazed over a figure working in the fields. Based on the size and stature, Nieko instantly realized it was a child.

Having no respect for private property, he bounded over the fence and immediately found himself face to face with a black haired boy with taunting, soulless red orbs. His name was Rroy.

"What's your name?" Nieko asked.

"Skytun, Rroy Skytun" the kid replied.

"Well don't you worry, Rroy. You and I will be the bestest of friends."

"Tch, I don't need fri--"

Compelled by compassion, Nieko embraced the raven. And, despite the death glare he received, Nieko found it enduring, firmly believing that Rroy and he would become lifelong friends.

After their first encounter, Nieko wasted no time in getting the boy enrolled at his school. Although 6-years younger than he, Nieko was able to convince the academy to let the boy join his class. Besides, it's not like Rroy would be the only 8 year old in the 12 through 14 years of age class.

Although Rroy ignored everyone for the most part, the raven did pay special attention to Nieko. It was one day while they were in the courtyard that all were made aware of the fact that this Rroy-Nieko bond was a force not to be reckoned with.

Varun, deciding he needed to put Nieko back in his spineless place, started throwing stones at the lithe boy. Stone after stone didn't seem to break Nieko but the taunting, hurtful names slowly chipped away at his core. Unable to bear it anymore, the tears spilled over and he found himself begging for death. There was only so much bullying a boy could take. Besides, it wasn't like anyone was going to miss him. He was an orphaned boy without and real friends.

As Varun moved in for the kill--Iitua Academy does not condone killing; it states that if a boy is killed, it is because he is not fit to wear the Valsozn name--Nieko quivered his lip. He knew this was the end for him. Sure, he had mastered his breath of fire, but he was no match for the boy of water. Sorrow in his eyes, he bowed his head and held his breath. Any minute now, water would cascade over him, sucking away the life he had.

Only, no such thing happened.

Confused, Nieko found the courage to let his eyes seek out his attacker. There, before him, stood an awe-struck Varun. His jaw was completely ajar and jutting from his hands was not the water he controlled but rather... ice?

Hiking up a brow, Nieko shuffled away. Why... why was there ice? Panic, much like the panic in Varun's eyes, caused him to gleam over every student in the courtyard. No one. No one fit the bill. And then, as his eyes shifted behind him, a chill ran down Nieko's spine. His heart skipped a beat and a cold sweat clung to his face. Clammy and fearful, his orbs locked with that soulless red set.


Based on his position alone, it was plain as day that Rroy was the master of this battle. His hand, clenched and taut, controlled the ice that froze Varun's fatal attack. A small smirk pulled on his lips. The wind danced in his hair, casting black shadows across his already satanic features.

"Lay a hand on him and I will kill you."

From that day on, Nieko never had to worry about bullying. In fact, Varun apologized to him, asking if they could be friends. Nieko, not being the type to hold grudges, willingly said yes. He also befriended a few other students that year--Arvin, Melik, and Fritz. The six of them would become an unstoppable force and, perhaps, the most powerful set of Valsozn to graduate from the academy in quite some time.

Never forgetting what Rroy had done for him, on his 16th birthday, the Day of Commitment, Nieko branded himself with the Mark of the Skytun. Rroy never asked for it, but Nieko didn't care. Henceforth he would, and shall forever be, a servant to the young Skytun. He would be not only a friendly, but also a tool who would fight fiercely beside him.

In the years that came, Nieko would prove his loyalty time and time again. The bond between Colte and Skytun became a powerful one. They learned to speak without speaking. Their friendship deepened and, at one point, almost became something romantic. However, upon conversation, the two decided their relationship was best as a platonic one. Still, that didn't stop them from casually flirting from time to time.

To this day, the two of them are still best friends. Nieko has truly taken on the title of Rroy's right hand man and he could not be happier. Rroy completed his ninjutsu training and give Nieko purpose. Whatever vision Rroy had, Nieko had it too. Although the means of achieving it varied from time to time, Nieko always did whatever was requested of him. And right now, that request is to kill those who murdered his fiancée.

Rroy, the avenging commander (L7 Spectre)X



---other side characters---

Unknown, the white knightX


▬▬▬▬▬ U N K N O W N • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Unknown species
Androgynous; though often called 'he'
Looks to be over 6-feet tall but it's hard to gauge
Pale icy-white eyes
Brilliant snow-colored hair

APPEARANCE Wears a white robe with black trims beneath it. Wears black boots and black gloves. There's a white mask around his eyes that hides his cheekbones. It's very elegant and sees to shimmer like the moon. A hood tends to hide his face but a pair of white eyes can be seen beneath the hood from time to time. When the hood does fall off, a mess of white hair seems to shimmer like the moon. Possibly an escaped experiment? The numbers 99900 can be seen on a button he wears. Though he doesn't appear to have an superhuman strengths, save for his insane swordsmanship. But is that really something one would get enhanced at the facility?

SKILLS Skilled swordsman. Appears out of nowhere and vanishes just the same.

WEAKNESS Doesn't appear to have one.

PERSONALITY This individual does not talk. He merely appears, does his job, then leaves. Not even sure if he's real or just a ghost....

Xavirne 01-07-2016 01:41 PM

--character stats--


STRENGTH - The power behind an attack
DEFENSE - The ability to absorb or block attacks
DEXTERITY - The ability to dodge attacks
SPEED - Literally speed; are they fast or slow
STAMINA - The number of hits one can take before falling unconscious
CONSTITUTION - Are they susceptible to poisoning
INTELLIGENCE - Brilliance and wit; are they strategic and capable of out thinking the enemy
CHARISMA - The level of charm; can they persuade others easily or haggle to get what they want
ACCURACY - Do their attacks usually hit or miss
LUCK - Success when it comes to encounters and critical hits
PERCEPTION - The measure of one's openness to their surroundings
WILLPOWER - A measure of one's mental resistance to fight on against the odds
SPECIAL - The power behind their most powerful attack/ability

Aleu - The Hard-to-Hit Charmer
█████████ STRENGTH
█████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Melik - The Brilliant Performer
█████████ STRENGTH
█████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Fritz - The Underestimated Ninja
█████████ STRENGTH
█████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Varun - Got Heals?
█████████ STRENGTH
█████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Arvin - Average Until He Ults
█████████ STRENGTH
████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Nieko - Packs A Powerful Punch
█████████ STRENGTH
████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL

Rroy - The Leader For Obvious Reasons
█████████ STRENGTH
█████████ DEFENSE
█████████ DEXTERITY
█████████ SPEED
█████████ STAMINA
█████████ CHARISMA
█████████ ACCURACY
█████████ LUCK
█████████ PERCEPTION
█████████ WILLPOWER
█████████ SPECIAL


Fritz's CodeX

Fritz will sometime reference his code. The code he obeys is as follows:
  1. To disobey the code is to disobey the mind and heart; such disobedience calls forth honorable suicide by one's own blade.
  2. Composure shall be maintained and upheld at all times; repetitive reckless behavior is to disobey the code.
  3. Harming or befalling the innocent is to disobey the code. The code exists to protect the vulnerable and weak.
  4. Women are heavenly species that require the utmost care and protection. Killing or harming a woman whose heart is without malice is to disobey the code.
  5. When a woman requests something, one must comply unless it directly violates code.
  6. To harm a child is to condemn oneself to death.
  7. The betrayal of a friend or ally for any reason is to disobey the code.
  8. All attacks should be preformed for the sole purpose of defending or protecting another. To attack blindly and without rational is to disobey the code.
  9. Temptation walks a fine line. If corrupt, then the code has been violated.
  10. The code is a lifelong commitment. To reject the code is grounds for death. Those who still obey the code shall hunt the traitor down and paint the ground crimson.

Xavirne 01-07-2016 01:42 PM



Aa'shali - Like Earth but where those who control the elements live

Noir - Rroy's planet; it has a lake of silver that sits beneath a forest of cherry trees. The planet has black grass and trees. There's no sky, sans for the stars and silver clouds that pass overhead. There are silver paths that lead to the various areas of the planet. On the side that gets the least amount of sun are silver mountains made of icy.


Duine - Irish for innocent. It's the word Nieko uses for the experiments.

Verbot Saoraid "Verraid" - Forbid/Prohibit (German) Facility (Irish). It's Nieko's term for the facility to conducted forbidden, illegal experiments.

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 01:42 PM

Duke's Lovely Ladies

Eleanor the LeaderX
"In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself."
- Laurence Sterne
▬▬▬▬▬ ELEANOR MARIE DUBOI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

No nicknames worth noting, the organization knew her as SS00001
Super Soldier
No real interest in a relationship, but would prefer the company of man over that of a woman.
5' 2"

❖ APPEARANCE Eleanor has a shorter stature than most, especially among the other experiments. She has long brown hair that would fall to the middle of her back if she didn't keep it tied up all the time. Her eyes, a unique olive-green would normally have garnished her many compliments, if it weren't for the fact that they seemed hollow and void of life. Even for as long as the experiments have been together, none of them have even seen the woman crack so much as a smirk or even show any amusement to jokes told by some to keep everyone entertained and distracted from constantly running.

Her clothing matches what one would expect of someone that prefers to be alone. Eleanor can usually be found in a pair of ripped leggings, black combat boots, a pair of olive green shorts, black tank top (or long sleeve shirt) and an olive green vest. The ribbon tying her hair up being black as well.

SS00001 is branded in raised scar tissue on her left shoulder blade. The SS stands for her project species "Super Soldier" and the 1 is the number she is refereed to as; she is the 1st person to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS Both a strength and weakness, Eleanor isn't one that's afraid to act. If there's something that poses a threat, she's quick to eliminate it, no matter the risk to herself if it keeps the others safe. Though quick tempered and quick to act, she has a way with words when needed. She's usually the one to go out to trade and barter for supplies since she seems to be the one with the skill to be able to do so.

As for the powers granted from the years of experimenting truly granted her the abilities of a 'super soldier'. Her body is her weapon, which is also why she doesn't worry about running into combat head on. She is able to morph various parts of her body (usually her arms) for both offensive and defensive purposes. On the offensive side, she's able to morph her arms into a large pair of clawed hands, a large, bony-looking blade, a large tendril whip that not only acts as a weapon but can allow the woman to pull herself to others or others to her. On the defensive side, she's able to turn her arm into a massive shield or encase her body in armor. Other than the armor, she does have 2 other abilities that require quite a bit more energy and they would be her tendril barrage (where an explosion of tendrils shoot from her body in all directions) as well as a spike graveyard which causes the earth in front of her to erupt deadly spikes from the ground.

The armor, tendril barrage and spike graveyard and typically only used in life-or-death situations for their use usually leaves the woman unconscious for nearly a whole day after they fade away.

Like all the other experiments, the testing done to their immune system left them all with a very high immune system (putting that very lightly). They are unable to fall ill to any known illness.

❖ WEAKNESS Eleanor is insanely stubborn and is not the type of person to admit defeat even if death were nipping at her heels.

There are also times when pure rage may take her over and she seems to 'black out', though not in a sense of passing out. It's as though her powers gain a will of their own and her eyes go completely black, black markings cover her skin and she just attacks. When in this state, no one is safe, she will take out or attempt to take out anyone and anything in her path until the rage fades. The rage can fade either from another emotion strongly taking over, it passing in time on its own or she passes out.

❖ PERSONALITY The once quiet female still remains as such, though unlike before, she is not afraid to speak. She is very opinionated and this time she has no problems in sharing those opinions. Preferring to be alone, Eleanor is about as comforting as a cactus for those that chose to follow her, and much more so towards those that seem upset about the role she didn't choose. They wanted to lead? They were more than welcome to, she had no interest in it.

She isn't the type to be caught with the helpless, though at the same time she hasn't abandoned anyone that seemed to require extra help. Her words may seem harsh, though she seems to time things to make sure everyone can move or at least get everyone moving. Eleanor seems to have an arrogant and disinterested air about her, which is completely intentional because that's how she is.

The once quiet girl who could never harm another being is no more and in her place is a woman who has no issues in killing to protect those that didn't ask for their fate. Her own fate is of little concern for her as she knows she has nothing return to; her past was hardly anything of warmth, love or joy and the loss and pain over the last few years hasn't encouraged her to not throw everything away to give the others a chance. She's always been one to hide her emotions and true intentions.

❖ HISTORY Lying within a time that outreaches her current memories, Eleanor had at first lived a rather uneventful life. Her family lived among the Ethor clan, she never knew why, nor did she ever really care, to her, it was home. She lived with her parents and her older sister who seemed more preoccupied with everything else around her than her own family. Rather than responsibilities falling to her sister, they fell to Eleanor as she was the more trustworthy sibling; she never talked back or got into fights, she was quiet, listened and did as she was told. She was just the type that wanted to avoid fighting, in any sense. One day her mother had sent her into town to run some errands for her, with bag and list in hand, the female went out and did as she as told. Upon entering the market part of town, she wasn't there long until a group of people knocked her out, panic flashing through her mind that she was being mugged.

That wasn't the case though, she had woken up within a cell of a clean facility. She had little memory of her family, but she did recall them existing. An organization had taken her, experimenting on her, making her into a super soldier though she did not know it back then. Years later she was finally let out of the facility, under the careful watch of a built yet slender male. To those like her, they had fondly become known as protectors as these people would do all they could to protect the ones they were assigned to. Years had passed and Eleanor had been trying to find her family, but with no real memory of them it never happened. Her protector was killed one day when they were attacked by a group of people; he had told Eleanor to run, so she had. At that point the female was alone, wandering the street and avoiding everyone if it was possible.

It seemed like her fate was the fate of many others of her kind; others that came from the same facility as she were soon without their protectors. Fearing for what could happen, they stuck with the woman who's cold demeanor made them feel as though she were the strongest and most capable of them all. Eleanor would have preferred to have been alone, but nothing she did deterred the people from following them.

Months passed and the group of experiments had taken into hiding time and time again. They were all realizing that the tests they went through altered them more than just their health; many were starting to show signs of abilities that were unknown and not natural for humans. With the idea of powers being something that could easily cause them to stand out, Eleanor moved the rather large group out of the cities in which they were hiding, and into the woods. They would trade when they could but do what they could to refrain from having to see the rest of the world too much. It was still evident, from the news that came from those that still came to them, that they were sought after.

There seemed to be some sort of underground communication for the experiments for not matter how far into the wilds they hid, no matter what corners of the map they sought refuge, they could still manage to find one another.

Nyx the Water GoddessX
"The lotus comes from the murkiest water but grows into the purest thing."
- Nita Ambani
▬▬▬▬▬ NIXIE BAADER • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Nyx, the organization knew her as DS00017
Delphinidae Shifter
5' 6"

❖ APPEARANCE Nyx has long, soft white locks that fall to her mid thighs and a pair of bright aqua eyes. The two seem to compliment one another; her hair seeming to glisten like snow and the white of her hair causing her eyes to be a focal point, drawing people into their depths like a deep pool of water.

She was never much of a 'figure' woman, having spent much of her time in the water (making her abilities all the more ironic). Her small bust is complimented by a small waist, but it doesn't make her look childish or appear younger than she is. The appearance seems to fit the woman quite well, as though anymore would be too out of character for her.

Not seeming to be bothered by anything but heat, Nyx dresses in preparation for being in the water and in a way that allows the water an easy of touch to her skin. She wear a long, but loose fitting jacket that closes below her bust, parting over her abdomen giving view to a taunt stomach. The jacket is partnered with a skirt that falls just below her bottom and a pair of mid-thigh boots.

DS000017 is branded in raised scar tissue on her left shoulder blade. The DS stands for her project species "Delphinidae Shifter" and the 17 is the number she is referred to as; she is the 17th person to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS In simple terms, Nyx's abilities lie in 'aquatic finesse' as she says, though there's much more to it than such a simple description. Nyx excels in all things revolving around water, it would probably be why she tries to be around it as much as possible. She can breath in it as well as swim much better than any human ever could. She also has complete control over water, with its drawbacks of course. She can pull moisture from the air and ground, though this is not always the best idea. She is able to conjure up whips and knives from the flowing element, but Nyx never really cared for being able to do such a thing.

On top of that, the woman was 'graced' with the ability to shift into a dolphin, a Pacific white-sided Dolphin, she likes to brag. Part from her transformation skills and part from her water abilities, she is able to communicate with other aquatic creatures.

Like all the other experiments, the testing done to their immune system left them all with a very high immune system (putting that very lightly). They are unable to fall ill to any known illness.

❖ WEAKNESS Being manipulated into a creature of water, Nyx requires much more water than your average person. She is a literal 'fish out of water' and using her skills when there is no source of water readily available (such as a pond or stream), she can easily dehydrate herself from using her abilities.

Her body first pulls moisture from her own body, then from around her and drawing moisture from the ground is very daunting. Dry heat is practically a death sentence for the woman.

❖ PERSONALITY Though it can be difficult to predict what the woman's next move will be, Nyx wears no mask when it comes to how she feels about things. Usually carefree and go-with-the-flow, the woman can become enraged like a storm and as terrifying as the raging sea when pushed to the extremes.

Fortunately to those around her, it can be difficult to push the woman's buttons as she comes off as aloof, as though nothing could bother her. The water woman seems to live in her own, literal bubble, as she seems to be easily excited and easy to make hyper even with their dreary situation. She's not the type to enjoy being or even seeing others upset so she tends to do all that she can to avoid such situations.

At times, the German-accented woman can seem overbearing or clingy just because of her attachment to people. She loves being around others and hates being alone; she is the type to prefer crowds than the solitary library. Being ever talkative, being around others allows the female to communicate with those that are more of her birth appearance. Of course, she wouldn't be Nyx is she weren't naive. She is gullible , believing just about anything she is told, and is very easy to persuade into doing things. She can come of as over trusting with others because of this and her kind nature makes her very easy to take advantage of or walk all over.

❖ HISTORY Nyx is a far from home individual when it comes to people taken by the organization. The white haired woman grew up in Rostock, a lovely historic town on the water. She lived alone, having moved out from her mother and step father's home when she was 18. She had no family issues at home, her mother was always happy after remarrying and her new husband was very caring and protective of his family.

It was her want of letting her mother and step father to enjoy their lives together that pushed the woman to move out as soon as she was able. Her mother protested for a while, saying it wasn't safe for her to be on her own at such a young age, but Nixie had convinced her that all would be fine. She really should have listened to her mother though.

It happened when she was walking home from college one day. A white van, one she had noticed outside of the aquarium she worked at many times, was parked outside of her apartment complex. She remembered watching the vehicle, it was empty; then the world went dark.

When she finally awoke, Nyx was blindfolded and panicked; she could hear the roar of something, something not organic. Then, there was a sting in her arm and the world faded away again.

By the time she would awake again, the plane she was on had landed and she had been taken to a pure white facility. There, she was in a room, with all walls clear as glass. People in white coats were gathered around a room just like hers, a woman with brown hair being their entertainment for the moment. The woman didn't seem interested in any of them and kept her eyes to the floor, though for a brief moment, their eyes connected and the empty pale green eyes that looked at her made the woman's heart sink.

Over the next few years, Nyx would go through painful test after painful test and those while coats would surround her cell, as it became known, just as they did with the growing number of others that started coming in. They barely had anytime to rest as these people wanted to see how they would react during extreme conditions, as well as various hours of the day.

The white haired woman's spirit nearly broke, until another was brought in years down the road. She recalled the woman had the voice of an angel and though her songs were mournful, they seemed to bring hope to those in the facility.

The testing didn't last forever, thankfully. One day, she was paired up with a man she had never seen and released into a world she didn't know. Not only was she in a completely different region, but time had passed and clearly many changes had happened since then. She had only tasted freedom for a few months before her own guard was killed and she soon was able to track down the brown haired woman. She wasn't sure how, but somehow she just knew where she would be.

The woman had protested about Nyx being near her and though she did, she never chased her off. She would be the first to join this woman and it didn't take long for others to seem to flock to her and each time she would tell them to leave, but never would she chase them away.

Noah the DevourerX
"All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up; that emotion is impure which seizes only one side of your being and so distorts you."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Noah, the organization knew her as DV26375
5' 9"
Usually blonde

❖ APPEARANCE Noah's hair is kept longer than most, partly because the people of the organization wanted to see if the length would effect what happened when she read someone or something and partly because she just didn't feel like cutting it at that point. The long, blonde locks fall to her knees. It's layered, something that some of the girls did when she met with the group, with the shortest layer being level with the top of her ears; she also keeps some of her hair braided on the sides.

Her teal eyes seem to be a fitting match with her hair; not something to draw attention, but just natural in appearance.

Noah isn't the oldest member by far and while also not the youngest, she seems to be one of the taller women of the group. Even with her height, it doesn't make her look 'older' or more 'mature'. Then again, the oversized shirt that she wears over her form fitting top probably adds to making her look younger regardless of her height. She also wears a mid-thigh length pleated skirt, knee high socks under a pair of boots and sleeve-lets.

DV26375 is branded in raised scar tissue on her left shoulder blade. The DV stands for her project species "Devourer" and the 26375 is the number she is referred to as; she is the 26,375th person to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS Noah's skills aren't as offensive as some of the others and may even seem mostly useless to many that may be after them. The organization labelled her as a 'Devourer' and while she didn't know what it meant at the time, she quickly did after she became free. To devour means that the blonde is able to 'eat' demons or corrupted souls and spirits. When devouring these creatures, she temporarily picks up skills of the element or type of that in which she devoured and the color of her eyes will change to reflect that element or type.

Demons and corrupted spirits and souls wasn't something that many viewed as common place, but Noah was no stranger to them. Not to mention, the turning of the world drove people to call upon powers that were not so pure, to aid them in whatever they desired.

To be a devourer, one must also have the power of sight and this isn't sight like being able to see at far distances or in great detail. Rather, Noah is able to see that which normally shouldn't be seen. Demons, souls and spirits that typically cloak themselves from the naked eye are visible to the woman and they can't change that. On top of that, she is able to see into the minds and hearts of others. Much like her ability to devour, her ability of sight will change the tips of her hair to the color of what she is seeing or emotion she is seeing.

Like all the other experiments, the testing done to their immune system left them all with a very high immune system (putting that very lightly). They are unable to fall ill to any known illness.

❖ WEAKNESS Noah sometimes view her powers as a curse for seeing such unnatural beings brings up a painful past for the woman. More times than not, she would rather not see the what she can and often freezes when she does see something unpleasant. It is this feeling that causes the woman to seek out others and to be around them, even if she's not speaking (which usually gives away when something is wrong).

The woman is also afraid of thunder storms, predominantly thunder and other loud noises for the same reason as she curses her sight ability.

When using sight, Noah doesn't have full control over just what she can see. Some would expect her to be able to look at a person or thing and be able to find whatever answers they're looking for and that's not the case. Sentient beings tend to hold a strong thought or emotion and that is all the woman can see; sometimes it can be a feeling of guilt and what they did, but it is the target that determines what she sees and it may not be something they want her to know.

❖ PERSONALITY When it came to others that went through the same tests that Noah did, her personality didn't fit with the others. While the others were dark and broody, Noah seemed to be a breath of fresh air. Though, experiments wasn't necessarily the worst the woman had gone through.

Noah has a more upbeat personality and will talk your ear off, tending to favor sharing random tidbits of information she may have learned throughout her life. She tries to get others to see the better things in life, which could annoy some with everything going on.

Even with her abundant energy, it tends to backfire on her as she is very much a klutz as no matter the size of said object, real or imaginary, on the ground, she will trip over it. On top of that, when it comes to chores and delegated duties she is lazy beyond belief and will try to find ways to pawn her tasks on to other people.

❖ HISTORY Noah grew up as an only child of an older couple that maintained a temple and dojo in their town. The temple was one that was sought after for the god of the Earth resided in it and people would seek his blessing for he was viewed as the most powerful of their deities. Monks would come and train, exercising their bodies and minds in the vast mountains and forests behind the temple, where the dojo was. Noah would help maintain the grounds of the temple.

She cherishes one memory in particular. There had been a boy she met as a child during one of the many temple festivals. She was being picked on by an older group of boys after she told them to not litter. This boy stepped up and scared them off before helping her clean up the mess they made. They hung out the rest of the night and he won her a ring from one of the games, saying that he would marry her when they were older.

Weeks after the festival, a large storm rolled in late at night; they hadn't been expecting the rain, though they weren't expecting what came with it even more.

A thud would wake the girl from her sleep, the image of the slashed open monk, bleeding out of the floor being one that would forever be burned into her head. She was told to run and that she did, but not without her parents. She eventually found them in the main hall, the sword that was viewed as a holy item for the temple impaled them both.

With shadows and glowing red eyes started closing in on her, Noah ran out into the storm, ran out to the streets where she would eventually collapse. When she would wake up, she was greeted with the same familiar while facility that all those kidnapped by the facility were met with. Even here, those eyes and shadows, they still lingered and it didn't take long for the staff to pick up that Noah had a sixth sense; a weak one, but it was still there.

It was their goal to work with that, though to say their goal was to create a devourer, she couldn't tell you. What she could say is after she got out of the facility, her guard seemed to be killed off almost instantly. She was alone for a few weeks, the demons of the city haunting her; there were so many corrupt souls wandering around and because she could see them, they seemed to pay extra attention to her.

Perhaps it was by chance that she stumbled upon a growing group of experiments. Some looking just as lost and frightened as she had, others running to her with open arms as though they were all saying, 'Shhh, it will be alright, the worst is over now'. From that point on, she wanted to help those that were finding them feel the solace and freedom that she had felt when she first found these people.

Anastasia the InnocentX
"If I had my way, if I was lucky enough, if I could be on the brink my entire life - that great sense of expectation and excitement without the disappointment - that would be the perfect state."
- Cate Blanchett
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Ana or Anastasia, the organization knew her as HD35297
5' 1"

❖ APPEARANCE Beautiful, clear, pale skin, flowing white locks and a mesmerizing crimson gaze. Regardless to the fact that she was albino, Anastasia had a certain allure about her. To top it off, she had a petite hourglass figure, perfect for a dancer, though she was not.

Anastasia's soft, white hair falls just below her shoulder blades and it usually left straight and unstyled.

Preferring a more simplistic style, she prefers to wear a white dress, that she takes her pride in keeping clean. The short sleeve dress has a low neckline and falls to her knees. The dress is paired with a pair of white ballet flats and a red and black yin-yang charm hanging from a delicate silver chain around her neck.

HD35297 is branded in raised scar tissue on her left shoulder blade. The HD stands for her project species "Hydra" and the 35297 is the number she is referred to as; she is the 35,297th person to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS Hydras were a frightening project; like the super soldiers they were designed for combat, only Hydras seem to black out and thirst for blood. The skill set that this project granted Anastasia regenerative abilities. If she loses a limb, or even her head, she is able to grow it back or reattach it; depending on the severity of loss and if she does have to completely regenerate a new limb impacts the speed in which she is able to do so.

Something that surprises most people is, even though she's so tiny there is a full length katana inside each arm. She is able to seemingly grow the weapons from her arms and use that to fight.

Pair the other two abilities with hightened senses and you have a very deadly combination and a creature that was clearly built for complete and utter destruction.

Like all the other experiments, the testing done to their immune system left them all with a very high immune system (putting that very lightly). They are unable to fall ill to any known illness.

❖ WEAKNESS Many of Ana's weaknesses lay within herself for she detests what she has become. Her killer nature is not something natural for the woman who prefers to avoid violence at all costs. Even though she could easily handle an army on her own, she would prefer to not even be on the battle field.

The dislike for violence also comes from what she seems after returning from her bloodlust state. When the state fads away, the woman passes out and when she wakes up she is usually greeted with the view of carnage and destruction. Though is her bloodlust doesn't last long and/or she does no harm during that time, Anastasia may not pass out from it. She is unable to distinguish between friend and foe, much like the super soldiers, only Hydras cannot be brought back to reality through strong emotion.

❖ PERSONALITY Anastasia can be quiet and timid to the very definition of the word; her past has bred her to react so much. She isn't one to speak up first, nor does she tend to hold eye contact for any period of time. She seems to radiate a feeling of unease, like a rabbit ready to run at the first sudden noise. Yet, when she is spoken to, she does reply, even if the answers tend to be short and to the point. Some people had always thought it was because she was never interested in any other being on this or any other planet. That could be true, or it could not be; none have been able to find out.

The girl is ever alert though, even if it doesn't seem like it. You see, she has an anger problem, and it is not one that she chose to have willingly. Being who and what she is, if Anastasia is immersed in stressful or angry situation she is likely to snap and her quiet demeanor will be gone, in its place a fearless, coldblooded killer.

❖ HISTORY A history, though shared by many, parts she chooses to keep to herself. From her earliest memories, Anastasia has never had a mother; her father was left to play both roles as best as he could. People of their village knew of Anastasia and her father, they did not have a shining reputation by any means. They were poor, living in an old shack on the outskirts of town and while they didn't have much, her father made sure that they always had food on the table.

Her father never spoke of the work that he did, but as Ana grew older it became more and more obvious as to why the village didn't look kindly upon them. Her father would be gone for days at a time, which was just how it had always been. On these trips, he would have a large bag with him and one day when he was sleeping, Anastasia snuck out of their shared room to take a peak in it. He thought he had hidden it well enough from her, but she had learned enough about her father's behaviors to know that he hid the things she didn't want her to find in the hay stack behind the house. Weapons, all sorts of bladed weapons filled the bag. They were all clean, the rag that kept them that way not even in there. In fact, he never seemed to return in the same clothes he left in nor did he even have any soiled clothes to clean upon returning. It wasn't difficult for the girl to put the pieces together.

Later on, her father prepped for another trip, a longer one he had told her. He slid a necklace around her neck saying that the chain belonged to a necklace her mother had and the charm represented their father/daughter relationship; the red for her eyes and passion, even with their situation, the black for him and how he one day wanted to rid himself of the cloud of secrecy that he had around him. Then he left; the trip lasted days, weeks, then months. It was rare for her father to be gone that long.

Anastasia had slowly started giving up hope that her father would return by the 5th month. Though he was not there, the townsfolk stilled looked upon the girl as she purchased and traded what she could to get what she needed to survive. It was one of those days that the van had appeared. No one seemed to take notice when a group of men got out of the vehicle, in broad daylight, and kidnapped the girl. None of them lifted a finger to save her.

Her time in the facility was probably the most peaceful time she had her entire life; she could ignore the pain from the testing and everything. Compared to nearly freezing and starving all the time, needles and cuts were nothing. Now, now she was warm, had a clean bed, was fed three meals and day and bathed on a regular basis.

The others there, they didn't seem happy though. Many cried out in pain or sadness but Anastasia would often watch a blonde woman, the nicest Doctor, come around to spend time with each child and teen there. Though this woman had no relation to any of them there, other than maybe watching what these tests did to them, she managed to calm so many of them, giving everyone comfort with her presence and words.

Sabine the SirenX
"If it weren't for the rocks in the bed, the stream would have no song."
- Carl Perkins
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Sabine, Little Duckling (from her past) or the organization knew her as SN01489
5' 6"

❖ APPEARANCE Sabine prefers to keep her hair short, just above her shoulders. It was something that hasn't changed for as long as she can remember. Her blue eyes tend to pull people in, like the depths of the ocean and like the ocean, they seem to sing a sorrowful song.

She has wide hips and a narrow waist and whether it was something of genetics or from the experimentation remains a mystery, but it certainly adds to her Siren appearance.

Sabine tends to wear a pair of skinny black pants, knee high heeled boots and a form fitting, red button up shirt which has the top few buttons undone, leaving the top of her chest exposed. To finish off the look, a red flower is pinned in her hair.

SN01489 is branded in raised scar tissue on her left shoulder blade. The SN stands for her project species "Siren" and the 1489 is the number she is referred to as; she is the 1,489th person to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS Sirens were creatures of song that would lure men and women to their deaths through music and physical temptation. Her abilities are just that, a lure. Her songs pose no physical threat to those that hear them, but for enemies, she can pull them away from the larger battle field and to a place of ambush by others she works with.

For her allies, her songs can be used to help empower them and for all, she's able to influence emotion in the same manner. Her songs are rooted from past memories so as she sings, she's reliving the period in time that those emotions came from.

She's able to bring panic to the field of her enemies with a single scream. A scream of pure terror, it reverberates in the core of her enemies, making them feel true vulnerabilities and helplessness.

Her voice also seems to contain a somewhat commanding ability as she is able to silence those around her. That's about it though, she's unable to force people to do things, much to her displeasure. Seeing as her powers had been around for a while now, she's convinced that, that was just how things were going to be.

The woman's natural pheromones have been altered as well. She's able to control when they are active and can be used to lure in both men and women alike. Unlike normal pheromones, hers don't carry a particular 'scent'; it adapts for each person, causing a trigger in their head which creates the illusion of the scent that would draw them in.

Like all the other experiments, the testing done to their immune system left them all with a very high immune system (putting that very lightly). They are unable to fall ill to any known illness.

❖ WEAKNESS Like stated before, Sabine has to relive her past in order to create her songs. Some memories may be good, others bad and while that may seem like an impact enough, her mind seems to actually be there, leaving her body open to attack as she's not really present in that time.

Her scream can cause her to lose her voice and being someone that depends on it for her powers, the loss of her voice is not something she is willing to risk unless needed.

People need to hear her, so not only does she need her voice, people need to be within hearing range for her songs to have an impact. On top of that, one needs air to make sound and if Sabine's breathing is restricted or compromised, it effects her songs.

❖ PERSONALITY Sabine is a woman of few words, but that's more to save her voice than anything else. She's highly opinionated and judgmental to those around her, but it's more of her putting onto others what others had put onto her.

She seems to go out of her way to avoid people, not wanting to get too close to anyone anymore. This has created almost an air of depression or malice around her and many avoid her because of that. While she's grateful that people are so willing to leave her alone, at the same time she's spiteful at how they all get along so well with others, leaving her behind.

She's the type to manipulate behind the scenes; while she doesn't want the role of a leader, she wants to have the power of one. It's not uncommon for her to direct people to do things or even hold things against them to get them to do what she wants. Though, the latter rarely happens as she has a way of just being able to convince people do to things. Part of her Siren powers? Who knows.

Sabine wears a true mask, refusing to let people know how she really feels and refusing to let anyone know anything about her or her past.

❖ HISTORY A past full of darkness, despair and pain. Events over the recently years of her life seemed to have had no real impact on the woman mentally, at least no more than the rest of her past.

Sabine is a twin, or was at least, her brother's name was Killian. The two grew up in a very wealthy family; everyone know who the Gottschalks were. The twins were iconic among the people in their city. Sabine was always the shy one, hiding behind her brother; her brother was protective and caring towards his sister and the two were usually dressed the same way, only Sabine had a bow and Killian had a tie.

Growing up, Sabine was the sickly child. She spent most of her childhood in bed, Killian always by her side. As they grew older, their parents started to view their attachment as a problem. Both of them were going to be married into other well to do families, but so far they had little interest in interacting with anyone other than each other.

They separated the twins, putting their rooms on two different sides of the house, but it didn't stop anything. Their father took his anger of this out on Sabine, afterall, Killian was the one that would be able to get them a true heir. Their parents also viewed Sabine's poor health as a curse of sorts and often took their frustrations out on her. She would try to do her best to please them, but it was never enough. When they were upset, she was their outlet.

Sick and covered with bruises and cuts, Killian watched as his sister's spirit started to break, his other half whithering away into helplessness. He could stand for it and late one night, he pulled her from her bed and pulled her outside, knocking over every candle they passed. Their large mansion was engulfed in flames, flames so hot and so high that even the rain couldn't dose the fire. They were the only two to survive that night.

The twins lived on the streets after that, hiding from authorities that wanted to take them in and rehome them with other family. They were going to be separated and they knew it. Though, being in your early teens and trying to live on your own, it was difficult and they often got into trouble that they had to escape from.

One day though, they couldn't escape, not both of them. The two had started to be viewed as problem children in the town they were currently in and the towns people started looking around for help to stop this nuisance. Killian had snuck into the back of a store to steal some food for them; it had been a couple of days since they had eaten anything other than berries from the nearby woods. Sabine kept watch as she always did, but when a large white van parked on either end of the alley, men piling out, she panicked.

As the men neared her, Sabine screamed. They grabbed her, covering her mouth as her brother came running out. Furious, he grabbed a nearby pipe and charged at the men holding his sister when a shot rang out. Killian stopped suddenly, a sob shook Sabine's throat as she looked at the twisted pained look on her brother's face before he fell to his knees, then fully to the ground.

Then dark suited men holding her turned and began walking towards one of the vans. Sabine fought against them, forcing herself over their shoulder. Biting the man's hand, he released her mouth and she screamed her brother's name over and over again, but he didn't move. To cease her fighting, a white cloth was pressed to her mouth and nose and though she tried to fight against it, she could feel herself slipping away.

As she sat, truly alone in the place these men had taken her, she did what came naturally to her. She sang. The song was sad, tears rolled down her cheeks as she sang a song mourning her brother and the life they had had until that point. Sabine swore that she would avenger her brother's death; she would do whatever she could to destroy this place and everything that it meant.

As the tests went on, she complied, not fighting back. Fighting back had never gotten her anything. Then, one day, she was finally released, though she didn't know why. She didn't know why, but she was given a partner and they were sent on their way. Her partner disgusted her; he willingly worked for this company, the company that killed her brother. That was why she was the one that killed her guard while he slept and she felt no remose as she watched his last breath leave his lips.

After that, Sabine stayed alone for many months. As her powers started to develop, she found it easier and easier to get what she needed to live. Men were so much easier to handle now.

When she was in town one day, someone approached her, excited to see her, but Sabine had no idea who she was. No, that wasn't entirely true. The one woman had brown hair and dull eyes, the one that was inviting her was much brighter, white hair that seemed to glow and lively blue eyes. There was something in her that just told her that they were the same. She agreed to go with them, but mostly because she had been promised that they had food and shelter; it would be easier than relying on the wiles of men.

-But Not all Ladies!-

Zorion and Zoe the Playful TwinsX
"We all want to be a little glamorous, a little playful and a little mischievous at times."
- Jason Wu
▬▬▬▬▬ ZORION AND ZOE • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Twins, Zoro/Zoë, or the organization knew them as RDH00105 and RDH00106
Radio Detection Hounds
Male and Female, respectively

❖ APPEARANCE The twins are definitely an interesting looking pair; despite being different genders, it's practically impossible to tell them apart. They're the youngest and smallest of the group and their youth shows in their faces, still pudgy with baby fat.

That appearance is broken by harsh exterior bone structures that overlay their face, but connect to their natural bone. They have a second lower jaw, directly attached to their normal, human one, but instead of the standard human teeth, this jaw has a row of shark-like teeth.

They're cheek bones hold the second set of unusual bone structure. From back where normal, human ears would sit, the bone starts; it fall across the cheek bones, protruding outward at a point where the face starts to wrap around. Back near where their normal ears once were, the bone also branches up, flaring out slightly near where the crown of the head forms. The flared out bone parts itself, the back growing out while the front remains close to the head. The inside of this bone is actually hollow and gives the twins their hearing.

Their brow line holds the final facial bone structure; where natural eyebrows rest on a human, the twins have almost a crest-like bone. The bone doesn't cover their full forehead, but rather almost resembles a pair of steer horns; as the bone ends flare out horizontally as they near the flaring of the 'ear bones' and create almost an upper shield for them which helps to amplify sounds they hear. Back at the center of this bone, at their forehead above their nose, another bone spears off branching backward.

The twins have long black hair the falls past their waist, further masking any difference that could have been created in telling them apart. If they lived in a far off fantasy land, the two would almost seem to be of Elven or Faerie descent as the features seemed more elegant than terrifying.

Despite how beautiful the twins could look, many fights, protests and injury had come to those that fought to clean up their appearance, for as children, they are wild and do as they please. This behavior leaves their hair in ratty knots; dirt, grime and scabs are also very common place on their porcelain flesh.

The two opt for matching baggy black shorts that leaves their little nub-like tails exposed and rust orange tank tops, almost like muscle shirts. They usually choose to go bare foot, their animalistic qualities seeming to keep them warm enough.

RDH00105 and RDH00106 is branded in raised scar tissue on their left shoulder blade. The RDH stands for their project species "Radio Detecting Hounds" and the 105 and 106 is the number they is referred to as; they were the 105th and 106th people to have been brought in since the organizations newest project began years ago.

❖ SKILLS The twins are known as Radio Detection Hounds. They were created to be excellent stealth trackers. The formation of their bone ears allows them to hear and feel sounds that others would normally not notice.

Their eyesight was special designed to be able to 'read' the living and machinery; it almost works like like x-ray vision. While they are unable to see what a person may randomly keep in their pocket, they are able to see beneath their flesh to muscle, organ, tissue and bones. They are also able to see machinery and weapons that some may normally try to hide; they are able to see how put together or even see if anything living is within.

Those abilities as well as their bodies, that somehow manage to allow them to move undetected by equipment and mostly undetected by everything else.

❖ WEAKNESS The twins are very sensitive to sound; noises, especially those created by the living and machinery seem to physically vibrast within them. Even with having these powers for some time now, this sensation is still unpleasant to them and the twins find themselves at a loss of control if it persists. Should this happen, the twins are known to just transform into their hound state and try to kill whatever it is that is causing them discomfort.

Sound is their biggest downfall, that and if someone manages to find a way to mess with the way their vision works. While they are able to see in the dark, it seems like bright lights messes with their sight, causing them to go blind until they cease their eye powers.

❖ PERSONALITY The twins could very easily be described as acting both like gleeful children and over excited puppies, housetrained, over excited puppies. It doesn't take much to get the siblings wound up and once they're going, its much harder to get them to calm down again.

Like children, they respond very emotionally. They love easy, enjoy joking and laughing. They throw temper tantrums when upset and cry big crocodile tears.

It doesn't take much to earn the trust of the Twins, yet at the same time, there are those they are cautious around. It's almost like how pets sense the bad in people and avoid them, the siblings do the same thing.

❖ HISTORY The history of the Twins is sad, more in the fact that there isn't much to discuss before they came to the facility. The two had been given up at birth and moved from foster home to foster home, until one family just up and left them. It didn't take long for the facility to swoop in for them, though they thought them big men were from the orphanage; which was far from the truth.

The Twins have managed to block out what they went through during their time in the facility; creating children that could transform, extra bones and who knows what other number of things, it wasn't a pleasant time for them.

Even their initial release wasn't pleasant. The children couldn't retract or mask the bones like the facility had wanted them to be able to do. Their guard was scary too, always pressuring them to try and getting angry when they couldn't do it. They were just as miserable outside the facility, with this mean man and people who were afraid of them, as they were inside it.

Then, one day, someone came for them. She was a nice woman, her eyes didn't hold warmth, but the Twins didn't fear her. The woman killed their guard and extended a hand to them telling them it was time to go home to some place safe. The children cried and cried as they clung to the woman. They wanted to do everything they could to help her, to make her happy. She wouldn't let them go with her when she would go out, saying it wasn't safe, that they had to wait until they were bigger.

One day she came home with a big man, he looked angry, broody and scary. Eleanor said he would protect them and teach them. The man, though he said very little and when he did speak, was often times unkind words, he protected the Twins. He was tasked with taking them out, letting them have a small pack, a hunting party. Whenever anything bad could have happened, he shielded them, his massive form taking the brunt of whatever attack came.

The Twins came to care deeply for this man and though he didn't show it, they knew he cared for them too.

Kyna the Representative for EarthX
"Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that."
- Groucho Marx
▬▬▬▬▬ KYNA RIDDLE • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Kyna or Demon Tamer
5' 4"

❖ APPEARANCE Kyna is a very neatly kept individual. No matter what the situation is, it seems like she's unable to appear any less than perfect. She has straight, shiny brown hair the falls to her knees; even with not being styled, a hair never seems to fall out of place.

She wears a black mini skirt with a pair of black thigh highs and glossy black stilettoe heals. Her top is a fine pressed, button up top with a silk red scarf in place of a tie. A sharp pressed black vest over the shirt with thin black ribbons tightening at the back like a corset. Over all of it is a black leather jacket that falls to her mid thigh.

Her make up keeps the same flawless look as the rest of her. Neat black eyeliner circles her eyes before winging out in a cat's eye. Her perfect complexion is only brought out by the light blush on her cheeks and her bright red lips.

❖ SKILLS Kyna is a manipulator; she's able to take command of a situation and get people to bend to her will with little effort. Even with her horrible demeanor there are those that seem to willingly follow her.

She is also able to summon creatures of the void, from the darkest depths of Hell. These creatures follow her every word, whim and direction without a second thought. They care not for being bound to servitude, but share the same goal of freedom and destruction that the spiteful woman has.

❖ WEAKNESS Without her beasts, spirits and demons, Kyna is left truly blind. Having been with a form of sight for so long, her body has not been able to compensate for the loss of the sense for so long.

Kyna being able to draw things from the darker depths also require hand motions or some sort of chanting, they can't be summoned purely form thought. Restricting those restricts her ability to conjure anything.

While many willingly follow the dark haired woman, not all do. She also has quite the gathering of people that would wish ill upon her. None of them are from her hometown or those that play the game she does, they are those that have fallen victim to her ways and regret it.

❖ PERSONALITY Kyna is a two sided coin; some would say she's bipolar or that she has multiple personalities but neither would be the case. She's just very calculating and knows what she needs to do to achieve a goal. She's a headstrong individual, the type that usually only speaks when her words actually serve a purpose and aren't just there to fill the space. A lot of times when people see her she is quiet and many think it's because she is shy, though that is far from the case. The eldest daughter to the Riddle family is usually quite warm and welcoming, never giving off any real vibe of her handicap. She is also quite intelligent, never one to act without thought. Some people have said that it's sometimes like she can see into the future, but it's just more of her careful planning than anything else. She likes to keep things to herself leaving many people wondering what she is thinking or planning.

On the other side of the coin, Kyna is ruthless and coldhearted. She will destroy all that needs to be destroyed and then some, if it means getting what she's looking for. Though she's loyal to whomever she's serving, she has no issues in betraying others. She'll use people and throw them away just as quickly.

❖ HISTORY Kyna's family has always been well off due to their ranking in society. They would have been considered Royal Visers in other lands; the people the King looked to when looking for answers. Because of this, the woman not only lived a life of privilege, but got to see the dark side of their world first hand; she had to learn to play their game and play it better than any of them could. So far, she had proved to be a natural for the game.

The game though, is not quite so easy when you have a handicap such as Kyna. As a child, before she was tainted by the harshness of reality, Kyna would often play outside with other children. There had been a storm at the coastal city recently and her and her friends decided to play even when warned they should stay in. They had been playing on their usual cliff, which had taken quite a beating from the storms. The ground gave way and Kyna was the only child that was caught in its fall.

The children ran back home, screaming and crying. By the time the families at her home would rush out there, they would find the child coated in black mud, blood running down her face and other parts of her body. She had broken and bruised bones, cuts and scratches and had lost her sight.

Her parents were devastated; their daughter in such a state would not look good on them and for them to accept any sort of gift for her injuries would be looked at as a bribe or a pity gift.

They hid the fact that their daughter had been injured so badly. For anyone that asked, she was taking private lessons and couldn't be bothered. That much wasn't entirely a lie as their parents brought in ancient tutors to teach her the ways of the family. When she was better, her first task was to find a solution for her sight problem. With the aid of her teachers, she was able to summon a pair of hounds. They were called Hellhounds, creatures that could only be summoned if the heart and soul of the summoner was the same of the beast itself. They were deadly and unsightly creatures; they destroyed all that got in their way and sought those that looked down on them for their appearance.

The hounds were both revered and feared by those on the council, but through them, Kyna was able to see. Through other spirits and demons she summoned, her handicap was gone.

It would be many years later that Kyna received a higher honor than her parents; she was contacted to assist a Dark Lord of sorts. His conquest was the utter destruction of something; destroy all, leave no trace or evidence behind. Though, she would be working under the command of high right hand man, for this task had been handed to him.

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 01:43 PM

more spots

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 01:44 PM

and last one

Xavirne 01-07-2016 01:59 PM

Pointed gray nails danced over a series of vials and tubes. As the fingers trialed down the colored contents, her pair of sapphire orbs scanned over a list of numbers. The pen between her lips bobbed up and down, as if she were talking to herself.

Pulling the hand to her lips, she clicked the pen before retrieving it. "Looks like everything's here," she said while striking off the final five rows. "We should be golden. Shall I prep the patients?" A silent head nod told her it was time.

As she turned her back, a small smirk slipped onto her face. Keeping her head down, her blonde fringe masked the devious look for she wanted none to know just what she had done. If her plan was to work, no one could be in the know, not even her people on the inside.

Heels clicking as she wandered down a corridor, her mind gleamed over her brilliant work.

"Doctor," she cleared her throat. "I see we are short staffed today. Would you like me to confirm the shipment arrived properly? I can run inventory before I help prep things with you."

The lanky man with the blonde hair approached her. His cold, gloved hand fell on her warm, peachy cheeks. "Yes, doll. I would most appreciate that." His hand lingered a moment longer before it slithered from her check to her neck. Then, with slow precision, he danced it along her covers before giving her rump a firm smack. "And loose the top few buttons. You know how I like my dolls."

"Yes, doctor." She did as instructed and loosened her shirt. She wasn't overly fond of it but her cover was solid. She was to butter this man up, get close, and sabotage the whole operation--all without him being the wiser.

She wasn't a busty woman but the doctor loved her exotic nature. It was rare to see a Lypheion. Granted, he had no idea just who she was. He merely knew what and didn't bother to run a background check. Lypheion where notorious for not doing that, namely because they were, well, wild animals when push came to shove.

The name she took up was Gemssa Lorelei. She new of a Lypheion by that name who had done extensive research work. Why not borrow her name to aid her cause? Much to her luck, Gemssa never had pictures of her posted so Aleu (her real name) didn't have to worry about being found out. Gemssa, to anyone who knew the Lypheion, was a red wolf. Aleu... well, she was far from red!

Snatching up the list, Aleu flicked on a pair of gloves. They looked standard issue but the box they arrived in, heh, it was far from standard. Miles away in an underground bunker laid her other half--the team of brilliant minds that would put this mad doctor out of business. The glove was laced with an explosive powder that, upon exposure to stainless steel, would cause it to explode. So Aleu made certain she danced her hands over each vial of the experimental solutions. She wasn't sure who was going to go first so she wasn't about to wait until the end to kill the operation. No, she would make them all rigged to blow. It was better to be safe than sorry, especially if the trace amounts of the powder didn't work!

Pulling off the gloves, Aleu tossed them lazily into a bin. Wearing these was a bad idea. God forbid she touched anything made of steel!

"Gemssa," a voice called. Based on the sound and inflection, it was a woman--an annoyed woman. Still, there was an faint trace of... curiosity to her voice? No, what was it. Aleu couldn't place the tone she picked up so she swiveled her head around.

"Ah, yes Cassandra?"

She had been having a ton of issues with this woman. She was jealous that the doctor spent all his time eyeing Aleu and not herself. Coy smirk tugging on her lips, Aleu flicked her tail to the side. "Wolf got your--"

A sharp pain suddenly came to her neck. As her ears flattened, a growl seized her throat. That pain was no ordinary pain and the shadows cast on the walls further proved it.

"You son of a bitch!" Aleu's hand flew forward but was quickly snatched from behind.

"Now, now," Casey (Cassandra's brother) cooed, "that is no way for a lady to talk." Slipping the needle from her neck, Casey slowly folded Aleu into his arms. "Cass," he smirked, "we got her."

"The cell is just up ahead. I'll go get the serum. Let's pump her full of this shit. See if the doctor likes her when she mutates into some hideous creature!"

Everything began hazy. Her eyelids, heavy. She tried to stay awake but found herself getting lulled into a light slumber. When she did finally awake (likely 5 minutes later), Aleu realized just how grave a situation she was in.

Her blue orbs shot open as her ears flicked forward. "Stop, you don't know what you're doing." Her hand squeezed between the bars of the cage she was held captive in. "Please, you can't do that."

"Melik," she rubbed her lips together, "I need to ask a favor of you. You can't tell anyone, especially Rroy."

"Pffffffffffft," he waved a hand at her. "Easy, peasy. Lips are seal-e-oed!"

"Melik," a look of concern washed over her face. "I'm serious. If Rroy finds out what I'm doing, he'll stop me."

Slowly, the cheeky look on his face retreated. Clearing his throat, he nodded firmly. "Got it. I promise." He crossed his finger over his heart. "I'd pinkie promise, but I know you'd say I need to be serious." He poked out his tongue before stepping beside her. Taking her hand into his own, he gave it a light squeeze. "Stop worrying, you can trust me."

Dragging a hand through her hair, she sighed. "I know." Her cheek nuzzled his before she spun herself around. Gazing into his red-orange eyes, she frowned.

"I discovered a facility in the Berkshiraks. They're experimenting on live subjects, human subjects. And I... I need to put a stop to it. I submitted an application and the mad doctor wants me to begin work immediately."

"Uh, why would he let you, Aleu soon-to-be Skytun, work for a shady facility doing highly illegal activities?" Melik knew there was a reason somewhere in there.

"Because I lied about how I am. And," her hand rubbed the back of her neck, "I kinda picked one of the most famous Lypheion to impersonate."

"WHAT?" A jolt of rage coursed through his eyes. "Are you stupid? Aleu," his hand seized hers, "that is the dumbest thing you've ever done. You'll be found out and killed. Or worse, they'll turn their experiments on you. Rroy would be absolutely livid if h--"

"That's where you come in," she planted a kiss on the tip of his nose. It silenced him for a second, giving her a chance to explain.

"I need you to figure out a way to get into that facility. Not as a researcher or scientist, but as a captive. Someone who'll get experimented on." She winked. "I know you're the perfect man for the job as you can coat your skin in sand. That sand will absorb whatever they inject you with. And, well, you'll be fine. You'll just pretend you magically obtained sand powers. No one will be the wiser. You're the perfect actor!"

Quite pleased with the compliments, he blushed. "Aww, shucks. You think so?" He bashfully glanced away. "But," the graveness came back, "will it work? And will Rroy b--"

"He won't even know. I told him I was going on a business trip. Nothing too deep and heavy. Just a quickie, in and out. That's all it'll be. I'll work on getting us out."

"But how?"

"Melik," she bit her tongue. "You do realize I...." How could she say it? "I'm not who you think I am."

His brow hiked up.

"I'm Agent Aleu Black. I work as a covert agent for a 3-letter organization. I can't tell you which one, but know that, well, I don't have a choice. My organization needs me to get in. I'm the only one that can. And, well, we need to shut this operation down. Lives, innocent lives, are at stake."

Everything seemed to slow down. As Cassandra drew forth a needle to plunge into the cyan liquid, Aleu found tears swelling in her eyes. She had failed--and not just a little bit either. She had royally fucked up. She should have said no. She should have held her ground and actually quit. She promised herself she would leave the organization the day she would take up a new last name. It was forthcoming, that should have been close enough. But no, she was drawn to the challenge. Drawn to the risky games. And now... now she would never get to know what it would be like to get addressed as Mrs. Skytun.

Three... two...

Her ears fell back against her blonde hair. Melik, run. Run and save yourself.

She knew he couldn't hear her but she had to hope that somewhere in his gut, he would sense her sorrow. That he would escape and get these poor, innocent captives out of her. Give them freedom. Make them live and start new lives with new purposes.


A bright, blinding white light erupted before her eyes. It was warm and glorious, but it was also... sad. The tears on her face evaporated as the heat of the explosion seared her skin. Seconds later, came the deafening boom that would set off a chain reaction.

Agent Aleu, signing off....

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 03:47 PM

A young woman with long white hair sat on a thin mattress that laid over the unforgiving metal bars of her cot. Her legs were tucked up to her chest, her eyes closed as she massage her temples with the base of her palms. Her head hurt, but it usually did a few days after testing. The scientists kept pushing mental test after mental test on the woman and it was starting to wear her out. At this point, all it had managed to do was to get one of the doctors sent to their private ER when the woman had snapped and thrust a blade into the man. That situation ended with 'HD35297' as she was called, being strapped down, sedated and returned to her cell.

With a groan, she finally lifted her head to see 'the nice doctor', as she referred to her, heading towards the section of the facility where the bad stuff came from. None of the experiments knew what was over there, but only that the stuff that was used on them came from there. Anastasia knew not what her real name was, those that were held captive tended to not care too much about that sort of thing. This woman though, she had managed to get many of them to warm up to her for she was much nicer than the others, but she was just as secretive, if not more.

Shortly after the woman vanished from site, she heard something, a scuffle. Ears perking up, the white haired woman moved towards the clear wall closest to where she had last seen the nice doctor. One of the 'gifts' that had be bestowed upon her was heightened senses and from the way the others were reacting told her that she was the only one who could hear what was going on. The words, she could hear them clear as day as well, though the names meant nothing to her, but she could hear the panic. Something was wrong, people were doing something and it sounded bad.

"Help! Somebody, help!" Anatasia shouted as she pounded against the wall, but per usual, none of the employees even batted an eye on her. She moved towards the hall where someone was walking towards her, his eyes to a clipboard. "You have to help," she cried out to him. Pulling his eyes from what he was reading, he stopped in front of her and crossed her arms. "And what's wrong with you?"

With brows knitting together, she pressed her hands against the wall even more as she said, "Not me, someone else, someone else needs help." She then turned and pointed towards where she saw the Nice Doctor go. "There, down there, they need help."

The doctor let out a noticeable sigh as he rolled his eyes. "Sure, we'll get right on that," he said as he looked at the top of her cell, making note of her number and scribbling a few more things on a blank sheet of his clipboard before walking away, away from where Anastasia said someone should go.

"No, no, stop! You're going the wrong way!" She then shouted as she watched the man turn to go away from that area. "You're --" Anastasia then froze, cutting herself off as she backed away from the glass. She watched towards that room only for a moment before she actually saw the flash of light burst from the room; it wasn't like though, there had been a sound, like a pop or snap, but even for as quiet as it was it rang like a gun. As the bright light burst from the hall, she white haired woman dropped to the ground, covering her head. Soon, booms were coming from all across the facility; glass was shattering, walls breaking, things falling.

Everything seemed to happen so fast for when Anastasia lifted her head, fully being engulfed by the heat around her, all she saw was fire and destruction. Her own cell, like all the others, had been blasted open from the explosions. She looked around, people were struggling to get up, others never would. Her eyes seemed un-phased by the world around her; whether from growing up with the father she had, or the result of the tests that had happened to her, she wouldn't know.

Slowly, those red orbs trailed back towards where it all started. The Nice Doctor. Sucking in a breath of smoky air, Anatasia backed up to take a running start to jump over the remaining wall over her cell. She ran down the hall, as best as she could while avoiding things and people that had fallen in the series of blasts. Her pace came to a harsh stop as she got to her location; the room that she was trying to get to was gone, or if it was there, was buried in the rubble. Anastasia just stood there, staring at the collapse; the Nice Doctor, she had been in there.

Her hands formed fists as she stared. The fire was raging around her, she could feel the heat against her skin but the pain couldn't be felt. A rage flooded her mind; had they done this? Were people here responsible for what happened to the one nice person her. A darkness filled those red orbs as Anastasia vowed to destroy those that were responsible for this.

Xavirne 01-07-2016 04:26 PM

His eyes slipped to the wall with engravings carved into it. As he etched in another line, a smile tugged at his lips. Today was the day things would change. He had been in this hellhole long enough and was just itching to get out. Not to mention, he knew the others would be overjoyed to be free. This captivity was hardly humane, for all the testing done was absurd. If someone willingly asked to for this, then it would have been okay. But everyone, sans him, was forced into this.

Okay, so he was semi-forced. His partner had requested his assistance. She gave him the timeline and explained everything he needed to do, from acting sick to protesting. Hell, she even gave him a step-by-step procedure for when and which powers he was supposed to use. After all, he was supposed to be a 'normal' being. None could know that he was actually a Valsozn, fully equipped with earth-based powers.

Scratching an itch on his shoulder, he skidded past his urinal and pressed his face against the cool iron bars. Any second now, she would pass by and he would know that he have to wait 15-minutes before spending 30-seconds to break from his cage. He would then have about 5 minutes to subdue any attackers. From there, he would get no more than 10-minutes to haul ass and get the captives out of this main corridor.

As if on cue, Aleu walked past. The brilliant pink gloves on her hand caused him to smirk again. Ah yes, he mused, the latest and greater from her nameless organization.

He knew the purpose of those gloves. She would cake the outsides of the new batch of serum with an explosive material. When it interacted with steel, it would blow.

Now, Aleu's job wasn't that simple. No, it had some complexity to it. She had to orient the tubes in the right direction. If the lip pointed toward the cells, the inmates would die. She would have to tip the tubes away and make certain to touch the far side with the laced gloves.

The day before she had been wearing purple gloves, these were fire-retardant gloves. She would rub the cells with it, doing what she could to keep the blast from charring the innocent.

Her eyes met his. With a small nod, the Valsozn by the name of Melik sank back into his cell. He needed to get a perfect shot of the clock. At the end of 15-minutes, he would unleash his sandy powers and bust free of his cell.

Until then, he just waited.

Any second now, his pulled his eyes off the clock. It was time to get the hell out of here. Lacing his fingers together, he cracked his knuckles before giving his shoulders a good roll. Oh how grand it would be to finally be free of this shitshow!

Planting one foot behind the other, he pressed his palms against the cell door. His orbs closed and his mind found peace and clarity. Drawing in a slow breath, he counted down from 5.





"Help! Somebody, help!"

His eyes shot open as his brows furrowed. There was something about this plea that caused a lump to form in his throat. He tried to lean in to hear her cries, but she was at the complete opposite end of the building. Her voice, though loud, didn't echo well as it finally reached him.

"Ah screw it," he grit his teeth before pulling back his arms. Elbows bent for less than half a second, he slammed them forward.

Red lights swirled to life and soon a droning, aching alarm screamed out. It was the sign that an inmate broke loose!

The bars were no match for him. The guards and scientists outside his door were taken by surprise for nothing was to cut though that steel. Little did they know that for the past few weeks Melik had been chipping away at the iron's integrity. Little by little, his sand attacks peeled back the material. Rust started to appear, for the cells were damp and musty.

Really, it was the perfect plan. And they were completely blind to it.

Finally free, he let loose a blast of sand in the form of a whip. It toppled the officers and forced the scientists against the walls.

"Not so tough now," he chided before regaining his footing.

Making haste down the hall, he skidded past the end captive's cell. Their eyes exchanged a brief glance and Melik instantly knew she was the one that had called out for help. But why? She didn't appear to...

A sound, a very familiar sound rang in his ears. Then, then came the white light.

He didn't even have a second to cuss for the blast sent his body flying down the hallway. It wasn't ideal though for that hallway was where the next chain of explosions came from. Again, his body was shot in another direction.

Wave after wave of explosions eventually caused him to land just a few feet from Anastasia's cage. He had no idea who she was, but she didn't give him the least bit of her concern.

Blood dripping from his open wounds, he let his eyes follow the white-haired woman's movements down the hall. She seemed... worried.

Forcing chunks of the building off him, he grimaced. God this was painful, but now was not the time to worry about boo-boos. Aleu was in trouble. This all happened way faster than it was supposed to. Hell, he didn't even have a chance to evacuate anyone in this sector!

Fumbling, he eventually hobbled his way to where the woman stood. It pained him to do this, but he knew Rroy would kill him if he didn't look for proof of her body.

Unshed tears continued to build in his eyes. Pulse by pulse of sand, he pulled the rubble away from the cage where Aleu was presumed to be.

"No, no, no," he kept muttering.

As he came down to the final slab of walling, his heart sank. There, beneath the charred wall, was a pale hand with gray, pointed fingernails. Around her wrist, a thing, black bangle with barely visible but well remembered words, "Forever."

His face, a ghostly white color now, looked away. He couldn't... he couldn't bring himself to unearth the woman. It was... it was bad enough just seeing this.

Rroy, he found himself cowering, he's so going to kill me.

"Hey," the voice caused him to jump, "you there, stand down!"

Swiveling his head, Melik saw the red suit of the Elite Guards. Eyes dilating, he jerked his head toward the white haired woman. "Time to run," he said while taking her hand into his own.

He didn't care if she protested or resisted. He simply won't let go. Hell, he would drag her body if he had to.

"We need to find an exit," he finally said. With the building collapsing around them, it wouldn't be hard to scramble their way up a ledge and back onto solid ground.

"Well would you look at that," he finally released her hand to point toward a newly damaged piece of ceiling. Sure enough, it caved in and created the perfect (well as perfect as a broken building can be) plank to walk up.

"Lady's first," he chimed while kicking some sand toward the Elite Guards that were closing in on them. "Uh," he glanced over his shoulder, "faster would obviously be better."

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 05:29 PM

Someone rushed by her, perhaps male? He was small, but his build didn't register as femnine. His clothing, they were similar to hers; a grey jumper with a serial number on the back and front. His body language gave away what he was finding out, the look on his face when he finally turned away from the rubble. When he turned, it gave Anastasia a clear view of a hand, a very femnine hand.

The sound of rushing water filled the woman's ears as she stared at that hand, at least until a voice broke through that sound. Her eyes locked on a group of red suited guards; Anastasia had seen them before, they were only called for the most troublesome of patients. She grit her teeth, her fist tightening as the other person started pulling her away say it was time to run.

Stronger than his small form appeared, Anastasia was pulled further from the men she had locked on. He didn't get far as he pulled back though; behind the men were more of them, more of the experiments and they looked lost, scared and injured. The white haired woman was much shorter than these guards, but her pose before them seemed to hold more of a threat than one would expect.

"You're injured," she sneered, pulling her arm from the male, holding both at either side. "You get out and take the others that follow you to safety." A dark smirk then formed on her lips as the guards got closer. "They won't be able to hurt me." From the base of each wrist, a long, glistening piece of metal extended. They were blades, each coming to a littler under three feet long.

The guards only seemed slightly put off; they were trained to expect anything, even people with weapons within, but they hadn't expected it from a small statured female. Bare feet shifting slightly, Anastasia pushed of the ground, arms and blades out in front of her.

The blades pierced through the lead male and as soon as his body was nearly to her hands, the smirk morphed into a smile as she said, "You goons aren't in control anymore." She then pulled her arms apart, the blades ripping through the man, leaving his body on the ground. The bloodied weapons continued their path, slashing at the two that were beside the lead guy.

"The rest of you, get out behind me, I'll keep them busy," she yelled as she brought her arms back towards her before lunging at the men again.

Xavirne 01-07-2016 05:50 PM

His jaw practically fell on the floor when the woman's wrists became blades. Not only was it disgusting but it was... no, it was just disgusting.

Holding back the vomit, he snaked it back down his throat. He was not ready for this. Sure, he could handle dead bodies. The scent of burning flesh? Yeah, no big deal.


Feeling faint, he grabbed his head before nodding.

"Very well, my knight, I, the fair princess, shall round up my good people while you hold those poo poos off."

If she thought him odd before, his choice of words were probably making her question his true age. There was rumors that the serum could alter your looks. Perhaps he was just a little boy? No, there was no way he was a kid. ... was there?

Moving toward some of the injured, he coaxed them up and out of the damaged facility. It wasn't fast and it wasn't pretty, but it would have to do. A lot of the captives were bleeding or burned. You could tell that this all came as a shock to them as they wore very sad and frightened eyes. It didn't help that the white-haired woman behind them was lopping off heads and causing more bloodshed.

"Just keep your eyes forward," he whispered to those that trembled. "She's on our side. We'll get you out of here and to safety."

So far, he had managed to get nine of them out and running toward the hills. Flicking his head back, he noted that there were three left, excluding he and the woman.

"I've got you," he cooed to the cowering woman before him. "Right this way, my dear." His words were sweet, and drew a small smile on her face. "That a girl," he encouraged her on.

When their hands collided, Melik winced. Something... something got him right in the knee.

Glancing down, he spied the woman doubled over in front of him. No, not doubled over... more like... attached to his knee?

As he tried to step back, an even sharper pain caused him to collapse. "Ouch, ouch, ouch," he panted.

Based on the blood that spooled form the woman's back, she was dead. And, based on the large, wooden stack that jutted from her heart, he didn't have to guess how or why. One of the guards must have thrown something.

Slowly, he peeled her corpse from his leg. God did it hurt though. It hurt a lot. He tried to yank the wooden stake out but it seemed pretty tight. And it likely made some form of contact with his leg, which would explain the pain.

Finally, with the woman off, he was able to discern what had really happened.

"Are you freaking kidding me?"
His eyes grew wide before his face fell a pale, clammy color. Sickened, he bit his lip before adverting his eyes.

"Okay," he panted, "okay you can do this. It's just a harpoon. It's just molesting your leg. It'll be okay. You just gotta--"

A blood-curdling scream followed.

Hands trembling to the point of not being able to stop, he dropped the unlodged harpoon. Casting it to the side, he just sat there, frozen.

His chest was raising and falling faster than it should have. The clenched jaw a sure sign that he was in tremendous pain. His nostrils flaired as a cold sweat drenched his body.

There was no way in hell he was moving in this condition.

The other two survivors had managed to escape, completely abandoning he and the woman with the gross blade-arms.

Closing his eyes, he swung his head to glance at the woman. "You should," he was growing tired. The loss of blood was taking its toll on him. "Go."

ISOS Duke 01-07-2016 06:59 PM

The wind was cold that morning, though it was expected with the snow covered ground. Brown locks blew across the face of the olive-eyed woman standing watch. The sun had been over the horizon for just a little while and though she were tired and cold, she stood her ground. They were on the outskirts of town in an old, abandoned warehouse. Some had thought it would be a good idea to stay nearby for anyone else that was able to join them.

Something warm pressed against the woman's shoulder; the feeling was welcomed through her thin jacket. Eyes breaking off staring at the emptiness around them, she looked to the pale haired woman next to her, a smile on her face as always. She glanced down at the offered cup, the dark liquid a welcome sight. "Thanks Nyx," she said, taking the cup, taking a slow sip from it.

"You shouldn't push yourself so hard Eleanor,"
the girl chirrped as she leaned against the opposite wall, her butt against the cold metal. That comment though, received a sharp glare from the other.

"I could just leave all of you here and I wouldn't have to push myself,"
Eleanor bit back before taking a large gulp from the cup, it's contents burning her throat on the way down.

With her lower lip pouted out, Nyx watched the woman as she said, "Come on now, could you really leave us?" The question was met with silence and a glare. She knew the answer that would never come; though Eleanor wanted to be alone, she wouldn't abandon those in need. It hadn't taken much convincing to keep them all in town because if one of their own was lost, they needed to find them first.

Before Nyx could follow up the silence, the ground began to shake, softly at first and then a bright flash could be seen over the buildings some distance away. Nyx was the first to speak, "That was in the direction of-."

"I know," Eleanor said as she handed the mug back to the other woman. "Get the others."

It didn't take long for those that were going to be ready. Everyone felt the rumble and they all felt something within them tell them that something was wrong, horribly wrong. Four woman ran as fast as their legs could carry them; none of them were gifted with speed so it left them with their own skills to rely on, which fortunate with living 'on the run' had helped.

By the time they got to the building that still haunted them, it was surrounded by crowds and fire trucks. The trucks were doing little to control the blaze, which meant the fire was coming from much deeper, within the facility that they were all created.

"The back," Eleanor said, though she knew she didn't have to. Many of them knew how far it stretched through the city, though none could say just how. Some said it was because they were all connected and meant to find each other. At a time like this, they all hoped that to be true.

Beyond the building was a junk yard, the years of dumping who knows what would work well to hide anything going on underground from scanners the police had. Sure enough, beyond the building, black smoke could be seen coming from one of the massive piles of garbage. The four picked up the pace as someone emerged from the smoke.

Nyx nearly tackled the first person through the whole. "Oh thank goodness you're alright," she said as she pulled the person away; they looked horrible. "Well, mostly." Another pale haired girl slowed behind her and said, "There are more." She looked down towards the hole, the tips of her hair black; there was much fear around them. That's when they all looked down to see people trying to climb out, all wearing the same clothing they all knew all too well.

"Noah, you help me get them out. Sabine, Nyx, you help them once they're up," Eleanor said as she knelt down to help the next one through. No one argued with what was told; Noah knelt to help the woman as Sabine started to hum a song to ease the fears of those leaving, Nyx was left to use snow, or the liquid version of it, to help clean those coming out and checking them for wounds.

"Some Elite Guards those were," Anastasia said as the blades retracted to her wrists, blood dripping off of them as they did. It was then that she heard the scream behind her; senses high, she spun around to see the male from earlier gripping his leg. She listened to his remark of how she should go and lifted a brow.

Slowly walking up to him, she knelt down and said, "I can get my head cut off and live, but you can't handle a little leg wound?" She then sighed before hoisting the man up into her arms. "Daddy was right about not trusting men," she added as she carried the male out of the hole in the ceiling.

Noah and Eleanor were about to help the last ones up when they back up suddenly. Nyx and Sabine looked over to see a white haired woman hold a clearly injured male. "Well, didn't expect that one," Nyx said putting her hands on her hips. That was, at least until the white haired woman's eyes started to roll back, her body falling backward.

Moving quick, Eleanor managed to mostly catch the two, or at least slowly get them to the ground. "Nyx," she said, her eyes tracing over the girl who was clearly covered in blood.

"I gotcha boss," she said as she went to treat the male. Kneeling next to the boy, she had a goofy looking grin on her face. "Not everyday you see guy being carried Princess-style." Interweaving her fingers, she extended her arms, cracking her knuckles. "So, let's see what happened to you Princess." The grin on her face then faded as her palms hovered over the male's wounded need. Water began swirling under them before slowly lowering to the wound; the clear liquid turning into a deep crimson almost as quickly as the water touched it.

Discarding that water, Nyx pulled more, doing the same thing and getting the same result. "Mmmm, boss, no good, we gotta get this one back to camp to fix him up."

Eleanor sat back after looking at the girl; she was totally fine, the blood wasn't her own. She shot Nyx a look before sighing. "Very well, patch it up with a fabric from his jumper for now. We'll head back soon." Nyx saluted the woman before working at tearing some of the tattered fabric, tying it tightly around his leg.

The brunette then went around to check on the others. Sabine's humming seemed to soothe their nerves quite a bit, at least enough for them to be coherent, which was good cause they had to leave and soon. Directing the group she managed to get everyone on their feet, or carried in the case of the last two out, and they made their way through the junk yard back towards the warehouse.

Once back at the warehouse, those that had stayed behind quickly set up cots for the new comers and got some soup and coffee on the fire for them. The white haired girl was still out, though she didn't look in pain, just sleeping. The others either fell asleep and slowly ate and drank; it was much more than they had while living in that horrible place. One of the girls that had the ability to heal had been put in charge to tending to the wounded male.

Eleanor leaned against a wall, as far from the fire as she could while still being in the same room as everyone. Shaking her head she muttered under her breath, "What the heck happened in there?"

Xavirne 01-07-2016 08:57 PM

As his eyes started to open, he noticed his world start to fall. This caused him to gasp slightly for he had no idea why he was falling. Last he knew he was passing out on the floor. He remembered the harpoon--bastard thing--and then turning to the white haired woman.

That's when it clicked. His cheeks flushed a brilliant red color before his eyes watered. Could it be true?! Had Fritz come to sa--


His face instantly wore a scowl. Why was she--the gross woman with the gross blade wrists--carrying him! WHY IS SHE TOUCHING ME! SHE'S TOUCHING ME!

He looked at her wrists and cringed.

"Oh god," he muttered. He could feel the vomit. It was coming back...

No, no. He swallowed it back down. Just don't think of it, he kept telling himself. Honestly, it was easier to think about the harpoon than her--and the harpoon was the one that actually impacted him.

Catching witty words, his head snapped to the owner of the voice. "Psh," he turned his nose up, "you're just jealous. I clearly make a prettier princess." Even at the nickname he was given, he smirked. It phased him nonetheless. Truthfully, he rather enjoyed it. It reminded him of all those times were he would play with Fritz. Fritz was always his brave, dashing knight. And he, well he was the prince--completely unaware of the term princess until he left his home planet of Iitua.

With his HORRIBLE, DISGUSTING, NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN savior passing out, Melik was glad to fall into someone else's care. This woman was way more entertaining. Though her final comment caused him some concern.

"I was molested by a harpoon,"
he pouted while quivering a lip. "I think the only way to save me is to give me cookies and candy. I also like warm milk, steamed preferably."

He thought he was being rather cheeky but the olive-eyed woman didn't seem to think so. "Well she's a poo poo," he quipped more so to himself than to the woman at his side. "She could have at least lied and said I'd get a sticker if I behaved myself." His eyes watered and, for a second, it probably looked like he was going to cry. But based on her cold demeanor, Melik decided it might be better to save that trick for a later time. Not to mention, he didn't want to get the nice lady with the water powers in trouble. She reminded him of Varun and he liked Varun. Scary, angry lady? He cringed. She was like Rroy. Only Rroy was way worse.

He bit his tongue.

Yes. Rroy was way worse. Rroy was definitely going to kill him. Aleu's death, though it shouldn't be, would fall on his hands.

Trembling, he turned his sad gaze to Nyx. "How bad is it?" His brows caved in. "I know we lost some good people in there."

When they finally got to wherever they were, Melik decided it was time to call for backup. Of course, this wasn't until AFTER he he was patched up and able to hobble places without the fear of his leg falling off.

"Mmmm," he turned his knees into one another. "I has to pee." Eyes getting wider, he pleaded again. "I really gotsa go!"

With reluctance, he was ushered away from the women and given a bit of free space to pee. Only, he wasn't going to pee. No, he had to get a message out.

Walking a bit further into the snow covered forest, his eyes danced around the canopy above. Find a bird, he told himself. Though this was proving harder than he expected. There seemed to be no sign of life here.

Putting his chin in his hand, he snorted. What was he to do? He had to get a message out to Rroy. A bird was ideal but he would take a fox or doe.

A ticklish feeling came to the nape of his neck. Out of instinct, he laughed. "Stop it," he said while turning around, "I'm trying to p--"

His blinked quizzically. There was no one there?

The tickle came again. Once more, he turned around to stare at nothing.

Now, officially confused, he scratched his head. Who was tickling his neck?

That's when he felt it. Eight, tiny little legs dancing across his skin.

Despite having an issue with blade-arms, [redact] didn't cause him any concern. They were Fritz' favorite creature and--

That's it! He could send word to Fritz and what better way than a little creature. No one would suspect a [redact] to deliver a message. It was absolutely brilliant! And Fritz, through his connection with Sylvia, could speak to these little wind surfers.

Gingerly, he pulled the delicate arachnid forward and into the palm of his hand. "I need you to carry a message to my friend, Fritz. Tell him. Tell him... tell him Aleu's..." He choked back his tears. "Dead."

"Man o man," he walked back toward the women who seemed peeved that he took too long, "I really had to pee. I didn't like to use the urinal they gave me. It was creepy. It had [redacts] in it." He made a squeamish face.

Perhaps the oddest part about this guy was the fact that, unlike the rest, this male seemed unphased by the events. Did his time mellow him to the point of not caring? Or was there more to him than met the eye?

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 01:08 PM

Everyone was starting to fall into their normal routines, at least as far as new comers go. Many were helping those that just came in, while others chose to stay out of the way. Eleanor's eyes drifted from the new people they pulled out first, then to the last two. The girl was out cold, but even like that, her demeanor seemed totally different than when she emerged from that place. The boy? Eleanor's olive colored eyes shifted to him; he seemed to be taking well to the healing and was becoming more and more active. The kid then vanished to relieve himself.

As always, the usual white haired woman came up to join her. "How are they holding up?" She asked with a nod of her head towards the bustling group.

The smirk on her lips told Eleanor that Nyx wasn't done with her comment from that morning, but for now she wouldn't say anything more on it. The woman's blue eyes looked to the new ones as well. "They're holding up well, even with Sabine's song gone, they seem to be coping as well as one would expect. They're shook up, but who wouldn't be? The place just started exploding inside for some reason." Nyx sighed, then rolled her eyes to the brunette. "They're shook up, but I think the fact that they're free keeps them from freaking out too much. They think this is all just a dream.

"They say that the girl saved them. That there were guards, the elite ones, not the normal ones, that came to stop them. They say the girl had these blades, long blades come out of her arms and just started slaughtering them. One say they saw her get cut, but the wound healed almost instantly." In her usual way, as Nys spoke, she used her hands. One hand touched the wrist of her other and pulled away, as though she were showing the weapon to the other. "The boy, he helped them through the hole." The white haired girl then shook her head before her bright eyes locked on the other's pale ones.

"They really did save them. If that girl didn't take care of those guards, how would the others have gotten out? Those guards would have killed them; we both know that." Eleanor said nothing as her eyes fell back to the girl again; how could someone so small kill the elite guard? That was something that was difficult to swallow. Perhaps they were caught off guard from the blast and that left them open; they were usually armed to or defended to be able to handle any of the experiments. Or, perhaps the facility hadn't been able to fully determine the spectrum of her powers and were unable to fully counter them. Or, third possibility was that girl was far greater a threat than anyone had expected.

"Oh, that's my queue, see ya later Eleanor," Nyx then chimed in as the boy they just saved returned. The brunette was about to question what she was doing, but the white haired girl vanished, just like always. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms under her chest, resting her shoulder against the cold wall of the warehouse.

Nyx laughed as she walked towards the male and the healer. "It's fine Lydia, if he's walking this early, he'll live. You go check on the others, I'll watch him." The woman, Lydia, had yellow-blonde hair that was kept in a neat, tight bun; she definitely fit the nurse look. The woman stood up, brushing the dust off her already dirty apron before moving on to the next person, muttering under her breath how no one took recovery seriously in this group.

Once the woman was gone, the white haired one sat on the cot that the male had been issued. Lifting an arm, she bumped his thigh offering him a mug with a warm white liquid. "Warm milk," she said before wiggling a plate that had three small cookies, "and cookies for the Princess." As she handed the cup up to the boy, she leaned back, using her now free hand to prop her up. "How ya doing boy?" She asked, her bright aqua eyes shifting up to watch him.

Xavirne 01-08-2016 03:13 PM

Eyes glistening, he accepted the requested treats. "Oh boy, Fritz would be sooooo jealous." A smug, cheeky grin grew on his cute, round face. He was quick to realize she didn't know who he was so he quipped, "Fritz is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. He's always spoiling me with treats and cute stuff. He won't admit it but I think he does it because it gives him an excuse to eat cookies and pretend to be a handsome knight!" A wink followed.

Nibbling on the cookie, he gingerly shifted one toward the woman. "I usually don't share my cookies but," he twirled his eyes, "I'll make an exception for you." Whether she took the cookie or not didn't matter. If she didn't, he would polish it off. If she did, he would just smile--perhaps in a creepy manner--at her as she ate it.

When she inquired how he was doing, Melik scoffed. "Boy?" He set down his mug before unzipping the jumper. He pull it down to about his navel to reveal his less-than-boyish body. "Either I'm one ripped thirteen year old or I just age really, really well." His wink was accompanied by sticking his tongue out.

"I'm 26," he stated nonchalantly. "And although I enjoy being call 98513, my true name sounds far nicer." Hopping forward, he extended his hand. "The name's Melik." The way his lips twisted up with a curl meant something devious was sure to follow. "It means 'king.'" With great pride, he pulled his head back and wriggled it boastfully. "So princess or prince will do just fine."

Mind falling back on her original question, a less gleeful look filled his eyes. "And I'm okay; thanks for asking. I'm just... shaken up. I lost some friends in that explosion. Well, as close to friends as one can have when forced to meet the same cruel-faced monsters every day. Still, the facility had its hidden gems. There was this one doctor who used to read to me at night. The other works frowned upon her ill behavior but she always advised that it was for the betterment of the patients."

The more he spoke, the more sorrowful his face became.

Rubbing his arm, his sad orange eyes moved back to Nixie. "I... I feel responsible." Melik's lip quivered. "I... I should have tried harder. No, I should have put my foot down quicker. I was all for busting out but I never took that leap of faith. I heard rumors that others had escaped. I knew it possible but... I guess I just enjoyed those stories too much to want to leave. Yes, the treatment and testing was torturous but her gentle voice and calming smile, it made the day bearable."

Not wanting to add more to his story, he fell silent. His lips twitched from side to side until he eventually forced a smile. "So, what's your story? How did you end up here? And why are you helping us?" Might as well get to know who these people were, he figured. If they were friend or foe would quickly help him determine how he wanted to go about finishing Aleu's mission.

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 03:48 PM

Nyx smirked as the male spoke of the man. It must have been nice having memories of someone before the facility; there weren't many that could boast such a thing. "Well Princess, your Knight won't have to worry. We'll keep you safe." This one was nice, though the experiments usually were with their own kind; this one seemed to warm up much quicker, especially for what he had gone through.

When he offered the girl a cookie, she could help but laugh. "Why thank you," she said taking the last one as he had his second. She took her time eating it, shaking her head at the grin he gave her. She was just finishing it off when he went on about the fact she called him 'boy'.

"It's a figure of speech, you don't have to take it that seriously," she laughed, brushing the cookie crumbs off her hands, then having to brush them off her short skirt. As she finished brushing the crumbs off she said, "26, huh? That puts you at the same age as Sabine." Lifting her eyes, she scanned the group; off to the side keeping to herself was a woman with short blonde hair. Pointing to the girl she said, "That's Sabine, she was 1489. I'm Nixie, though you can call me Nyx." She winked at the boy, Melik before saying, "They called me 17 though." Pointing to the woman with pale blonde hair she said, "Noah's over there, or 26375, she told us that there were a few of you still inside when we got to the hole."

Nyx fell silent for a moment before looking towards the main entrance to the room they were in. She didn't point, just nodded towards the brunette. "And that, that's Bossman, though her real name is Eleanor. She was the first, she's 1." Her eyes fell for a moment; her and Eleanor had been through a lot together and the rest of 2 through 16, most didn't survive. In fact, maybe 3 others between 1 and 20 actually lived.

It was Melik telling her that he was fine that snapped Nyx out of her silence. She looked back up at him, a sorrowful smile on her face. Yeah, shook up, they all were at first but to go through that, he was faring quite well compared to how some were handling it. As he went on about a doctor, she nodded slowly, her eyes moving towards some of the others that had joined them over time.

"The Nice Doctor," she said softly, almost endearingly. "Some of the newer people talked about a nice doctor, one that made things a little less bad, one that actually seemed to care." She sighed, pulling a knee up to her chest as she looked up and the red headed male again. "I never met her, she must have joined up long after I was let out." Shaking her head, her smile faded slightly, her eyes distant. "It would have been nice to have at least one doctor that actually cared while we were there. They didn't care though, it was new and they wanted to figure out how to get results."

Nyx shook her head again, her smile brighten up again. "But hey, hopefully now those people can't hurt anyone else." When Melik started blaming himself, a worried look filled those blue orbs; standing up, Nyx wrapped her arms around the male. "No, no, it's not your fault," she said as she stroked the male's head with one hand. "No one knew what was going to happen and you still saved as many as you could."

She pulled the male away, holding him at an arm's length and shrugged. "Besides, the stories about experiments escaping? They're just stories, meant to keep moral up and hope that we'd get out one day. Anyone that did manage to get out of their cage was either killed or returned."

She then released the male as he asked about their story, what they were all doing. "Helping people I guess?" She started at the end, but paused before choosing to start again.

"The Facility ended up letting a lot of us out, they needed field results, was what we were told. We were all given a guard, no idea why, I mean, were people really after us? But, one by one they were all killed. We ended up alone, but something drew us together. I found Eleanor and soon others were coming to join us."

Nyx looked at the group as she continued on, "More and more were finding us, or maybe it was Eleanor they were finding. But, we decided to stay somewhat nearby so those that were looking didn't have to go far before finding us."

Shifting her eyes up she said, "I guess for now, we try to survive. Most of us don't know where we could go anyway and those that remember a time before the testing, they can't return or no they have nowhere to go home to. So, this is home I guess. We all went through it, we know what it's like and feel its safer to be together, even if we aren't all the same."

Xavirne 01-08-2016 05:35 PM

The embrace was warm and welcoming. Honestly, he wouldn't have pulled from it if he didn't have too. Too bad she didn't feel the same way for next he knew he was an arm's length from the woman. She was trying to quell his nerves and sooth his fears. If only she knew what truly troubled him. Yes, Aleu's death was sad but the worry on his tongue stemmed from another issue--one he prayed these survivors would never have to face.

"I'm sorry you didn't have the kindness we did. From the time I arrived, she certainly did seem like the ray of hope we needed. There was something about her smile. It was... contagious. She was always so gleeful when she worked with us. Usually she preformed out routine checkups. Heh," a blush came to his cheeks, "I might have found myself falling for her charm."

Although Nixie said it wasn't his fault, Melik couldn't remove the pang of guilt that still weighed him down. It was his fault though. He shouldn't have waited so long. He should have known someone would target Aleu and try to silence her. She was... different. The others probably looked at her with fear for she looked more of a mutant than their experiments.

The experiments, stripped from their home worlds were only one kind existed, probably looked up to Aleu. She was different--having ears and a tail--and she was successful. Hell, some of them might have idolized her, wanting to grow up to aid in scientific feats.

Too bad it was all just for show. Just for...

He jerked his thoughts off Aleu and listened to Nyx. She explained that few had contact with their memories. Why didn't Aleu tell him that? He questioned but dismissed it. There were always outliers; it was just the way of statistics. Nothing was perfect. Nothing was without minor abnormalities.

Melik pressed his lips together. It was going to be hard not talking about his home planet. Er, new home planet. Iitua wasn't really a place he wanted to remember. Still, it must be awfully lonely not to remember things. To never dream of returning home to see family and friends. To never know what the world looks like from a space ship or warp portal.

Placing a hand on hers, Melik gave it a light squeeze. "We'll survive," he reassured her with a smile. "I remember fragments of my past. I... I think I was a soldier. And my leader," his cheeks turned a rosy color, "was inspirational. I can vividly recall him telling us that numbers don't win a war." He released his hand and placed it on his heart. "It's what we fight for that causes mankind to do some of the most miraculous things."

Mimicking her, he leaned against a wall. "So long as we align our hearts and fight with one goal in mind, no one can beat us. We might be broken and disheveled, but we're not out." His demeanor seemed to shift, it was less childish. It had a firm resolve to it.

Fist falling into an open palm, he wore the mask of a cocky man. "Besides," there was a dark inflection to his voice, "we're the super soldiers. We're the ones created to purge the battlefield of enemies." His lips twitched, revealing a sinister smile. "Created to kill." The way the light caught his eyes made them glow a taunting red color, further enhancing that crazed look he wore so well.

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 06:23 PM

Looking at the boy talk about this doctor made Nyx smile; it would have been nice to have someone like that while she was there. "Perhaps we didn't have a doctor like that for a reason," she said as she looked toward Eleanor whom appeared to be giving the group a hard stare before turning and heading towards an empty part of the warehouse when her eyes locked with Nyx's. "Maybe having to create our own hope allows us to give hope to those that came after us," she said as she looked back to Melik wheh the other woman had gone. "I mean, for as cold as Eleanor can be, the others look up to her. There weren't many of us from the early testing that lived. I like to think that she is a symbol of hope and that they kind of see her as a guardian of sorts." The white haired woman then laughed as she crossed her arms under her small chest. "She hates it though, that everyone flocks to her, or at least that's what she says."

Nyx would go to the ends of the world for Eleanor for perhaps she was talking about herself, but she did look up to the solitary woman. As much as she pushed people away, she wouldn't scare any of them off; she had gone through more testing than many of the others but never talked about much of anything. Even the water woman had no idea what happened to Eleanor in or before the Facility, in fact, even her powers were a secret.

When Melik started talking about what he could remember from his own past, the German-accented woman looked at him, imagining what it must have been like. A solider was something impressive and their leader seemed to really put their lives at great importance to not just throw numbers like that. The scientists were different; they threw people at experiments until it worked, they didn't care about the losses.

With a small grin on her face, Nyx's gaze fell sheepishly to the floor. "I was looking for my father," she said, her voice nearly quiet. "I've never met him and the only reason I remember that was what I was doing was because of a pendant I had from him. It was a dragon pendant and the dragon held a beautiful blue stone that looked like water was trapped inside. I had it ever sense I could remember, my mother telling me what it really was before I left home." There was a pause as the woman bit her lip, fighting back any feeling of tears that she had. "When I was taken to the facility, I woke up and it was gone. They took it, though they denied it. Even when I left, they wouldn't return it."

She then shook her head before looking back to the male. "Getting that pendant back was what I thought about everyday and still do."

Melik's confident mood pulled the woman from her semi-depressed state and she shook her head slowly. "We may have been created to be super soldiers, but I highly doubt anyone here actually wants to kill. Some of us may be down, the newer ones mostly, but once they learn that they aren't going back, they'll open up." She then laughed, planting a hand on the male's head, ruffling his hair. "I wouldn't recommend feeing into the idea of 'purging our enemies on the battlefield', we could end up in a worse place than the facility at that rate."

Xavirne 01-08-2016 06:32 PM

All seemed rather quiet on the western front. Turning a nob, his binoculars zoomed in on the last known remaining enemy encampment.

"Update," a voice dull and drone-like asked from behind.

"Nothing, Reaper. It appears as if the intel might hav-- wait." His finger flicked across the dial, enlarging the scene he was spying on. "Three. All armed. They're--"

He set the binoculars on the ledge he was wedged beside. Drawing a sandy hand across his brow, he fixed his gaze on the one he called Reaper. Reaper was a fairly tall man with brilliant black hair and eerie red eyes.

"They're?" His brow hitched up, knowing that the story he hadn't received wasn't one to cause much concern. The sudden chance in demeanor a surefire sign that they were done with their mission.

"Surrendering, sir."
His body unfolded and soon rose above the height of Reaper. Lazily, his hand reached into his mess of grizzled teal hair. "Shall I go down to retrieve the weapons?"

"Take Hawk with you," he nodded toward a brunette with a narrow black mark that ran from ear to ear. "I'll linger with Scorpio to ensure we're not playing right into their hand."

"Affirmative," the one with the teal hair said. "I'll come in from behind."

"Checkin' out my ass again, Araneae?" Hawk placed hand over his heart, "I'm truly touched."

Araneae didn't even bother to follow up that question. Instead, he stiffly made his exit.

"Well that was easier than I thought," Hawk said while pulling off his uniform. "I say we--" His eyes dilated and he lunged toward Reaper. "Rroy!" He caught the wavering man. "Arvin, get Varun something's wrong."

Cupping Rroy into his chest, Hawk slowly aided the male to the sandy grown beneath them. "Hey," he cooed lightly while brushing Reaper's cheek with his thumb. "Are you okay? It's not like you to get dizzy." A grimace ruined his slender, pretty face. "Rroy?"

Brows furrowed, the raven moaned. Slowly, he flitted his eyes open. By the time he finally whisked away the daze, Varun had arrived. Brow inched up, he gazed at the blue haired man. Then his eyes scanned left to catch the worrisome looks of Nieko, Arvin, and Fritz.

"Uh," Rroy (Reaper) moaned. "The hell happened?" Hand reaching up, he gripped his fringe. "I feel like." He held his tongue. "I don't know. I... I can't describe it." He wore a scowl.

"Try to describe it," said the one with the blue hair. "I need to know if we should take you to a temple or if it's just heat exhaustion. I know you and arid places don't work well together."

"Varun," Rroy's eyes lost their hazy stare. "I think I would know if I was going to have a hot flash."

The blue haired man shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, it happens to the best of us. You more so than Nieko. Ice and desert don't really mix."

"It wasn't a hot flash," his voice took a turn for the worst. He was getting angry.

Biting his tongue, Varun glanced over at Hawk (Nieko). "Since he's being impossible, can you tell me what happened?"

"We were just chatting and then," Nieko frowned.

"He just passed out." Arvin, the one with brilliant yellow-green hair, piped up. "It was strange. I've been with him the whole mission. Not once did he look fatigued. This has to be something else."

Rroy's scowl faded some. "It's like," his face became void of all emotions. "It's like something's missing. I feel... cold. Hallow." Lips pursed, he glided his eyes toward Varun. "Why would I feel hallow?"

Araneae, who had been standing back, leaned forward to place the backside of his palm against Rroy's forehead. "You look paler than usual." Araneae (Fritz) placed a hand on Varun's shoulder. "Look at his eyes," he pointed out with a hint of alarm to his voice.

Varun forced a frown. "I don't get it." He set down the test strip he had been using. "Everything's coming back normal. I don't see any changes in his blood pressure. Oxygen levels are normal. WBC count is normal. I... I don't know. He just looks..." Brows caving in, he shrugged. "I don't know."

"Broken," Arvin finally committed. "He looks sad. But why would he be sad?"

A light bulb went off in Nieko's mind. "Hey, when was the last time we heard anything from Melik or Aleu?"

"It's been a little over a week,"
Fritz said matter-of-factly. "We should be receiving word any day now. Last we heard, their mission was almost complete. Your," a grin tugged at his lips, "fiancee should be home any day now."

"If you are all implying that I need to--"

"Well," Arvin interrupted. "You are a man. We all have those urges." A wink followed.

"Remind me to kill you."

"Nah, I don't think I will." Arvin poked his tongue out before ruffling Rroy's black hair. "But I bet it has something to do with missing your cuddle buddy."

Rroy growled but the quintet soon found themselves laughing at their silly antics.

"Yeah," Rroy finally admitted with a light blush on his pale cheeks, "I suppose you're right. I probably just miss her."

Assuming that was the reason for Rroy's lack of stability, the group went back to packing up. There was no need to stick around in his dry place. They had other, better planets to explore. Not to mention, the lack of non-humans on this planet was getting rather boring. Everyone here was so plain. There were no aliens--Valsozn, Lypheion, wizards, krogan, etc. It was just... humanity. Boring, old humanity.

About four hours later, the crew was making their way toward a forest. It was the perfect cover for warpping to another world. Completely out of sight and unlikely to draw unwanted attention.

For the most part, the group was silent. There was no need to talk after a long month's worth of bounty hunting.

"Hmmm?" Fritz moved his head toward a rather scraggly pine. "Did you say something, little friend?"

Simultaneously, Arvin, Nieko, Varun, and Rroy found themselves inching away from the man who now spoke to a tree.

"He's c-r-a-z-y," Arvin muttered. "Varun," he elbowed the blue haired one, "I think you should add him to your list of people to check out mentally."

Varun made an annoyed look before stepped out of line. "Fritz is hardly crazy. Hell, he's probably the most sane of us all. He has no secrets to hide."

"I'm afraid you're accent is a little hard to understand." Fritz plopped his hands on his hips before crouching. "If you would, please repeat."

"Uh, on second though, perhaps I'm off. He could be crazy."

"Shhh!" Fritz whirled around to glare at the group behind him. "If you would silence your ill tongues, I could understand the message."

"Message?" Arvin looked at the tree. "You're a tree whisperer now?"

"No," his voice cracked. He was annoyed. "I'm talking to a spider."

"Oh," all four said in unison.

Returning his attention to the spider, he listened to his tiny message.

"No," Fritz's brows furrowed. "That's... that can't be right."

Rroy shrugged his shoulders when Arvin, Nieko, and Varun glanced his way. "I can do snake or wolf, not spider."

"I understand. Thank you." Fritz exhaled lightly toward the spider. "May the wind carry you home. Please keep an eye on my friend. Heaven knows he'll need it."

With the speed of a sloth, he finally returned to his standing position. The lack of delight on his face causing some alarm with his friends.

"Rroy," his eyes remained glued to the ground. "I regret to inform you that..."

He hesitated in asking. A heavy feeling seemed to weigh him down. A part of him didn't want to know what Fritz was holding back. "That?" His voice was meek, almost sad sounding.

"Aleu's dead."

So most of the original experiments have since perished. This was good to note and likely something Aleu knew. Perhaps it was why she was trying to break everyone out and bring the experiments to an end? High fatality numbers were something she often argued against. Hell, she argued against all forms of illegal testing. The kind of stuff that enhanced food or made lives easier, she was all for. The second an ethical line was crossed, she was doing all she could to stop it.

Was she a part of a grass roots group? He dismissed the idea. She wasn't. She was definitely some covert agent for some intergalactic agency he wasn't even aware existed.

That made him wonder something. Did Rroy know?

"I'm a soldier, remember?" Melik smirked. "Killing is in my nature. The squad I was a part of was a protection detail. We always nullified threats and restored peace. Not all peace can be had with words alone. Sometimes blood is required to usher in an era of golden prosperity and unity."

Stepping away from the wall, he moved toward a window or whatever it was to see the outside world. "Sometimes we forget that success is built from risks and change. If we want to change the world and make peace, we have to be willing to fight for our cause. We have to be willing to die for the sake of those to come after us."

Kicking away from the window, he marched back to Nixie. "I learned a lot under him. He was a wise commander." He rung his hands together. "We called him Reaper for he would literally reap the battlefield. No one stood a chance against him." He laughed sheepishly. "It's a good thing he wasn't a part of the Elite Guard. Afraid our gross friend over there wouldn't have stood a chance."

Nixie didn't need to know that Rroy was a Valsozn. She would like the woman naively believe that Anastasia would stand a chance against the likely-assumed human.

"So about that necklace," he turned back toward Nixie. "I'll help you find it. But I doubt they kept it at that facility. They probably have it elsewhere under lock and key."

Frowning, he turned around to give her the cold shoulder. "I wasn't always fighting for peace. Sometimes I would be on the wrong side of the battlefield. If I learned anything, it's that there's always more. We blew up one facility. There are more. There will be others. If we want this to stop--if we want to find your pendent--we'll have to get to the core of it all. It'll be heavily guarded, likely with experiments brainwashed into thinking we're the enemy."

He looked over his shoulder. "This is all speculation. If I were on the opposite side, this is how I would lay things out."

Melik moved his head to continue staring at the wall.

"We wouldn't let the explosions stop us either. We'd cut corners and press harder. We'd become ruthless and unleash our hounds. We'd flush out the escapees. If they died in the process, oh well."

Letting out a long sigh, he stepped backward until his chest was aligned with hers. "We just need to play a move ahead." A smile grew on his face. "And I love games." That crazed look returned to his orange eyes.

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 08:44 PM

Nyx cocked her head, giving Melik a sideways glance. "And sometimes fighting isn't the best way to solve things," she said before pushing off the wall as well, though she didn't move towards the mostly boarded up window. She just watched him as he spoke the rest; she disagreed with the fighting, with everything they had gone through, how was that the best idea? Besides, what were the odds that they all weren't being hunted at this point? Was the facility really completely destroyed or were people out there looking for them? The deck seemed like it was stacked against them, ever since they were taken to that place.

The woman's brow furrowed when Melik mentioned something about the gross friend. "That's not very nice," she said, turning her head away from the man to look back towards the sleeping woman. "No one knows anyone else's circumstance and it's not like any of us chose what we got. All we can do is help and support one another because what we have is different, one can't go through what we did and not think themselves as a monster after that. We're different, Melik. No one will accept us for what we have become. If we can't accept each other, then we're doomed."

She started to walk away from him when he spoke up again, talking about getting her necklace back. She stopped and lowered her head, shaking it. "I've considered it lost since I woke up without it. Only a miracle would bring it back. They have no reason to hold onto anything that belonged to us before. Besides, trying to plan some sort of 'save the things of old', would put too much threat on the group. It's best to look ahead and plan what we do next."

Nyx stared the male dead in the eye and with all the seriousness she could muster she said, "If you want to try and plan ahead, you talk to Eleanor because they," she pointed out to the others. "They only listen to her and Eleanor isn't the type to play games with someone's life."

It was warm, fluid pouring down the skin, like a shower, only it smelled, sweet yet bitter at the same time. She flickered open her eyes, but whatever it was that was pouring over her burned. She closed her eyes tight, rubbing them before trying to open them again. Everything was red. She licked her chapped lips, they tasted metallic. She could feel her heart racing as she looked at her hands, they were glistening in a red fluid. Bodies lay around her. It was blood.

Red eyes snapped open as the white haired woman woke with a start. She sat up quickly, a blonde moved, unnoticed towards her. Looking down at the grey jumper she wore, she saw reddish brown stains all over it, over her arms. Her breathing picked up further and she pulled at the fabric, looking at it over and over before she let out a loud scream.

The room went silent, all eyes fell to the girl. Some people shied away from the sudden noise, others covered themselves as though they thought they were going to be hurt. There were some that went to comfort the others while others stood frozen, almost in shock. People started to swarm around the girl and she tried to tear her jumper off, tried to undo the zipper. Her hands were too shaky though, she couldn't get a grip on it, fortunately.

"Now, now," a slightly high pitched voice said as a girl weaved her way through the group and forced herself to the front. Very long pale blonde hair fell down her back, the very tips black, blacker than they had been earlier that day. Noah lightly pushed Lydia out of the way as she sat next to the new girl as she fumbled in panic with her clothing. "Hey, hey," she cooed as she lifted the girls head to meet her eyes. "It's ok, you're safe now."

Those red eyes stared helplessly at the girl, tears poured down them in torrents as she shook her head. "No," she cried silently, almost breathless. "I, I did it again. I did a bad thing."

Noah gave the girl a warm look, her brow furrowing slightly in worry as she pulled the girl near, her forehead against hers. "You did nothing wrong. You're safe now, no one is going to get you."

The white haired girl tried to push back against her, but found that the other had too strong of a grip on her. "But I killed them. I killed people. Don't you understand? I'm a murderer. I'm a horrible person."

Noah closed her eyes as she moved one hand to the back of the woman's head, as though she were pulling her close for a hug. "No, you saved people," she said as she slowly opened her eyes again.

Hearing that caused the girl to pause, she said nothing which allowed the other to continue. "Because of you, people got out of there. You even carried a person out with you."

"No one here is going to think badly of you," another voice said, though it wasn't as soft and friendly. Noah pulled away and looked behind her to see Eleanor standing there, holding a small pile of cloth. "Noah, help our new friend get changed."

The other said nothing, merely nodded as she lightly pulled the girl up, leading her out of the room and away from the watching eyes of others. Eleanor's eyes then fell back to Lydia. "Find Sabine, have her help you in making sure everyone is alright. People are jumpy right now, we don't need any accidents." The woman nodded quickly and scurried off.

Xavirne 01-08-2016 09:17 PM

Was this woman stupid? Fighting isn't the best way to solve anything. He knew that, but given their situation, it was the only way to get what they wanted--freedom. Freedom wasn't going to happen just because they batted their eyes and said please. No, freedom would take countless lives, sweat, blood, and toil. If they weren't willing to fight for that, then what the hell were they doing?

As she continued to talk, Melik found himself cringing.


It was hard to believe they were this naive. Though, recalling his youth, he was just as naive once. Granted, he was a kid. Should he have known better? No. But these people, namely women--it was a pattern he was noticing--seemed so wrapped up in their own broken worlds. Had they never dreamed of what laid beyond the starry sky? Were the uncultured? Had they honestly no knowledge of the vast alien races that existed off planet?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he grumbled. How was it that he was to get roped into all of this. Hell, how and why did Aleu volunteer to save these people? They had no idea what they were missing and quite frankly he was having a hard time justifying saving their lives.

Now usually Melik was all for life and happiness. But naive blindness? That wasn't something he liked. He never was a fan of stupid. For as silly as he was, he never let fear or the unknown cloud his imagination.

The fact that Nixie was so quick to dismiss her item peeved him further. She was their prisoner. Of course they would keep her necklace. Want to know the fastest way to earn back your escaped prisoners? The lure and lull of their past memories and possessions. At some point, he just knew the shady organization would send word that they would "restore" things. They would offer photos, memories, belongings. And these daft idiots would all flock to the lies.

Hand covering his face, he grit his teeth. Talk to Eleanor? Would have reason? His first impression told him no. She seemed to be the one that encouraged the running and hiding.

Good plan, he chided with sarcasm. Let's hide in a hole and wait for the enemy to surround us. Then let's get mowed down. Let's just die in our cute little bungalow without even trying to fight!

Granted, he didn't know the facts. Maybe they tried. Maybe this was all there was. And if these broken souls couldn't control their powers, well what good were they to him? He needed people who weren't afraid to learn. Who weren't afraid to try.

Nyx. She didn't seem to be the type.

A scream echoed not too far from him. He cringed before his orange eyes shot to the white haired woman. She was waking up and blabbering nonsense about killing people. Before she was taken away, he was sure to interject. There was no was he wasn't going to jump on that opening.

At first, maniacal laughter came from his direction. The more he laughed, the more he found himself wishing he never followed this group here. This was downright pathetic.

The palm that was once on his face snaked down to his chest. Shaking his head lightly, he chided, "Oh darling, get in line." Purposely blinking, he smirked. "Your little," he fed off Noah's comments, "bout of heroine is not murder. No, that's considered self-defense. Murder, and I mean murder, is when you plunge a dagger right into the heart of the enemy. You watch the color drain from their eyes. You see their soul collapse. You see yourself smirking in the watery reflection."

He jerked his head to the side. "You, my dear, have no idea what it means to kill." Snapping his head forward, "So before you casually toss that word around, consider who you're with. Some of us might just take offense to your extreme dislike of killing. Some of us whose previous form of employment solely revolved around assassinations."

With that, he spun on his heel and made a very clean exit. Once away from the masses (if you could call the hodgepodge group a mass), he took a seat on a crate. Slouching, he planted his chin firmly in the palm of his upturned hand.

"Stupid girl," he choked.

If anyone asked how he could so vividly recall things, he had finally come up with why. He was one of a few--if any--men to escape. Recalling what he learned from Aleu, the odds of a male surviving the tests were slim. The females odds were far greater. Something about their Y chromosome not being compatible really messed things up.

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 09:34 PM

There was a panicked look that came to Noah's face as she whipped her head back as the male spoke and Eleanor caught the change of eye color; something was up with this one. Her face hardened as she clenched her jaw, the muscles noticably shifting as she glared at the male. If the girl's outburst didn't shake up the group this had; Lydia better have found Sabine soon at this rate.

With a dark glare on her face, the brunette made her way through the crowd, people parting like water. Once away from that room, it didn't take long to find the male. It was a mostly empty warehouse and once you were away from the group, people stood out. She made a direct path for the male and once she was up to where he was seated, her hand thrust out, grabbing the collar of his jumper, throwing him to the ground.

"Offense to a dislike of killing?! What the hell is wrong with you, boy," Eleanor snapped at him. She shook her head before saying, "You really have no idea what's going on, do you? You must have been new to the clinic, you don't seem to be having any problems with your new found freedom." She knelt to the ground, grabbing his collar again, pulling him close so that their noses nearly touched. "Or perhaps you just went insane and were on the verge of being put down like so many others. You may or may not have had a past in assassinations, but they don't."

Eleanor's normally dull olive eyes were wild as she pointed back to the room with her free hand. "Those are people who have had their spirits broken. Stolen from whatever lives they had and tortured for who knows how long. You think they're weak because they fear death and killing? Don't you think that after what they went through, seeing cell neighbors die or be killed, that they just want to get away from it all?"

She pushed the male back down to the ground before standing up, towering over him at this point. "You can go in there and find and take anyone with you that wants to go off and kill someone. Do that and leave, but I promise you that you'll be alone and if you keep that crap up, I will kick you out of here and you'll be alone then too."

The brown haired woman then leaned over again, her hair falling over her shoulders. "So you better think about your choice. Play nice and think before you speak. Or did your mother never teach you basic manners?"

Xavirne 01-08-2016 10:03 PM

He hadn't been in solitude for long. It was probably a good thing for his mind was racing over every little detail and fact. What went wrong? What lead to these premature explosions? Had Aleu's cover been blown? Was someone playing a double agent all along?

The more he thought about things, the heavier his heart became.

That was until something ripped him from his seat.

Her breath was warm against his face. It was wet too. Heated with rage. The look in her eyes was one he had seen before, only on a lesser scale for few could match Rroy's wrath.

As she lectured him, his face became void of all emotion. His eyes remained locked on her pupils, just taking in everything. This wasn't his first rodeo, that much was obvious.

As she forcefully shoved him away, he continued to keep his gaze locked with hers. Much like she, he kept his jaw square and tight. Though, little by little, that tough look dropped. Soon, that boyish face was back and his eyes ever-widening.

Tears swelled within and his lip quivered. His heart wrenched to the point where he couldn't keep it all in.

Lunging forward, he buried his face into her chest.

"I failed her," he sobbed repeatedly. "It's my fault she's dead. I made a promise." His hands clung hopelessly to the fabric beneath her bosom. "I made a promise and now she's dead."

His breathing was raspy and deep. His throat, clogged with guilt, made it hard to swallow and even harder to catch his breath. His body trembled and the tears seemed ceaseless. His heart felt heavy, as did the rest of his body. The feelings that swirled within were similar to the flu, only he held no fever. No, rather he had guilt. A relentless guilt that caused him to go from rageful to broken.

Voice cracking, he continued sobbing. "I loved her." He pulled himself into Eleanor more. "I loved her!"

He seemed jittery. If she touched him, he would jump. If she didn't, he would just kept his face beneath her chin for he was too fearful to let go.

"I should have been the one to die. Not her. Why, why did this have to happen."

For a few moments, the only sound that came from him was the sound of mucusy chokes and pitiful tears.

"I'm so sorry," he began to speak again. His words almost incoherent but repetitive. "I'm so sorry." He probably said those three words at least five more times.

Slowly, as the words became further apart and more drawn out, his grip loosened. Little by little, his head pulled away from her chest. It never looked up though. His gaze forced on the floor.

Sniffing, he raised his arm to draw his sleeve across his face. It did little to help his situation though.

Large, puppy-dog eyes of orange looked shamefully into Eleanor's olive pair. Lips puffy from the salty tears were pursed and quivering. His hair, once lovely and free was now matted against the sides of his face.

He looked like a broken, scared little boy.

The unshed tears in his eyes slowly broke free, creating a small, little trickle down his cheeks.

"You're not safe with me." His eyes were hallow, no longer focused on anything. "All the women I love seem to... die."

"The good doctor. My ex-girlfriend. My... mother."

Melik's head drooped and his eyes started to fall back to the floor. "You're better off without me. I cause nothing but agony. No one wants me--the broken, little boy."

Pulling away from Eleanor, he took a seat on a the crate. He turned himself so his back was to her.

"Her name was Laila."
His voice dry, almost chilling. "She had the sweetest smile and lovely, fiery red locks. Everyone loved her. She was... happy. Never had a bad thing to say about anyone."

A small smile came and then faded.

"And I killed her. I took that dagger and put it right into her heart."

He scoffed. "It doesn't matter what I do, I just can't seem to run from my sins." Letting out a heavy sigh, he collapsed his arms between his legs. Head hanging low, he just glanced lacklusterly at the floor.

Aleu was wrong. He was no the right man for this mission. He cared not one bit about the welfare of others. He had lived through hell and back. He had no pity for those who had hardships. He always thought them beneath him. Did any of them know what it was like to kill their own mother? No, not likely.

"You don't have to worry about me," he finally spoke. "I won't be an issue."

ISOS Duke 01-08-2016 10:26 PM

The male's challenging facade seemed to drop quickly and soon he was throwing himself at the woman, knocking her onto her backside with a 'ooph'. Eleanor leaned her head back and tried to pull away from the sobbing man that was going on about how 'she was dead'. It seemed the more she tried to get away, the tighter his grip became and the more him pulled himself onto her. It would have been a lie if she were to ever say this hadn't happened before as it happened more times than she ever cared for it to. Instead, she just sat there awkwardly, her hands keeping her propped up as she leaned away from him as much as she could.

Once he finally pulled away, Eleanor lifted a hand to pull her now wet black top from her chest. she fanned it, hoping to help dry it but it just left it went and cold against her skin. A grimace was on her face; she would have to change the shirt later.

When his eyes finally locked back onto hers, Eleanor dropped her head and let out a long sigh. Why did they all do it? Was it something with the recent experiments that taught them that trick would work on her. She put a hand awkwardly on his head as she said, "It's the way of life, everyone dies at some point. We're only human anyway, it's not like we can live forever." It was known to the experiments that they were indeed much harder to kill than average humans, but immortal? None of them held their breath on that, they had seen too many of their kind killed off so easily.

It was the next line that struck the stern woman: "No one wants me--the broken, little boy". The sentence caught her off guard, her past flashing before her. It allowed the boy to pull away with out any problem. It was when he started talking that those memories faded to black once again, leaving the woman feeling both numb and heated.

Eleanor mentally groaned as she stood up, walking towards the crates she leaned her back against one of them, shoving her hands into her pockets. "We all have our skeletons and our demons to face. None of us have had the easiest life, we probably got the worst hands dealt to us that anyone could ask for."

She was quiet again, scratching her head for a moment. Her hand then slid to her neck as she said, "You're probably safer with us than you are out there. You aren't the first to have an outburst like this and once everyone calms down, it'll be fine. If those doctors had a chance to do anything to you, no one will judge you here." She then nodded to rusted, barred doors on the far end of the building. "Out there though?" She shook her head before continuing, "There's no saying what they'll do. There have been those that wanted to try blending in, but it just doesn't work out for us. We're too different from them."

Her green eyes fell back to the male as she pushed off from the box. When he didn't look at her she said, "When you're ready to come back, you're welcome. It'll be safer by the fire anyway, once the sun goes down, this place practically freezes."

Turning, the woman started heading back towards the main room that everyone stayed in. Running a hand through her hair she groaned, mumbling to herself how this sort of thing always happened. Yet, even if it did, she was still terrible at handling the situation.

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