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salvete 03-07-2016 04:18 PM

What do you do for Menstrual Cramps?
Do you have any tips for people experiencing painful menstrual cramps?

These are some of the tips I am aware of. Do any of these work for you? Do you have anything else you do?

- Anything with heat
-------For example, heat pads, hot/warm showers, drinking hot fluids like soup or tea
- Dark chocolate
- Exercise
- Sleep/rest
- Lying down
- ibuprofen or naproxen
- Drinking fluids

HIM_ROCK 03-07-2016 07:54 PM

I used to find massaging the belly just above the hips helped.

Also if you have low iron levels it can make cramps more painful.

~LONGCAT~ 03-08-2016 12:18 AM

Curl into a fetal position next to the toilet and cry from the pain and vomiting.

Sometimes heat helps, sometimes drugs help, most times I feel like I'm being stabbed with several large rusty knives and something is trying to dig through my abdominal wall with a spork.

I got some handy drugs from when I had heat stroke last summer that seem to help a small bit, but best thing is getting something that makes me sleepy and skipping a day.

salvete 03-08-2016 01:42 AM

My friend brought up this question to me yesterday of why we don't have more research on pain of menstrual cramping and treatments, considering that half of the world experiences/will experience/has experienced this and because the pain is some of the worst ever felt by so many people every month.

hanahaki disease 03-10-2016 08:28 AM

Eating bananas and drinking buttermilk or stuff to cool the system is supposed to help.
Personally though I have cramps they're not so bad that I've had to take drugs for it.
I've heard of people taking homeopathy for it, which is better for long-term hormone-related stuff than allopathy imo.


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1773596156)
My friend brought up this question to me yesterday of why we don't have more research on pain of menstrual cramping and treatments, considering that half of the world experiences/will experience/has experienced this and because the pain is some of the worst ever felt by so many people every month.

Because menstruation is a taboo topic because people are stupid. At least in my family and society it's taboo, I don't know about in general.

Chexala 04-06-2016 10:46 PM

My main go-to for cramps is ibuprophen. I'm pretty lucky with my menstrual symptoms though. Typically, I get mood swings the day before the bleeding starts, light to medium cramps on the first day, and 4-5 days of blood overall. These symptoms got more intense when I got my IUD, but even so, I'm still getting off pretty easy compared to some women. Although, the mood swings I get are nothing to joke about; I struggle with depression off and on in general, and on a bad PMS day, sometimes it feels like I've been abruptly thrown back into the deep void of despair and everything is horrible and going wrong and maybe I should just give up. Then the next day I feel fine and oh look, I'm bleeding. *headdesk*

Sometimes when I have cramps and I'm waiting for the ibupophen to kick in, I'll do some deep breathing, or put a hand on the pain and project soothing thoughts at my guts. I have a tendency to get way too cerebral and forget to take care of my physical parts; cramps are an unpleasant but useful way to reminding myself that I have flesh that needs nourishment.

lightkanna 04-07-2016 12:38 AM

I just have awful cramps. My boyfriend bought me this rechargeable water bottle that I can just plug in and wait 15 minutes, the heat will stay for 4-6 hours. I love it, it's my baby. I use to do it the old way where I would use a bottle of whiskey or bourbon and pour scaling hot water in it, put it on my tummy and burn my tummy. You have to be careful with that one. Then there is the sleeping for 15 hours and not waking up because it's painful. I don't think I could exercise when I am on my period, that just seems awful. Chocolate is good but I don't eat it on my period. I do eat sugary stuff. My mom always tell me to drink lots of water but I opt for soda, which is bad I know. Though I do crave fruits sometime on my period.

Kory 04-07-2016 05:53 PM

I hate taking pills, and especially hate adding more pills to the pills I already take on a daily basis,

My cramps are usually pretty bad. Not as bad as some, though. My mom used to have such horrible cramps she'd throw up. Me, I just get really bad diarrhea and I sometimes lay on the floor because it feels better to be on a flat surface than something squishy.

I feel since I've been using cloth pads my cramps have been a lot more bearable, though.

What I do for cramps usually consists of drinking hot tea and laying down. On occasion when the pain gets really, really bad, I'll take ibuprofen. But otherwise, my go-to is hot tea and sleep.

The Wandering Poet 04-12-2016 05:38 PM

Whatever she wants as fast as possible as much as desired, pets and comforts. Often times I would take a hot water bottle to them to ease the cramps. I don't have them, but I always try to make sure I am involved in ensuring my partners comfort ^^

Mr. Wrong 04-14-2016 05:08 AM

Whoa! I really took a wrong turn to get here.

salvete 04-19-2016 01:37 AM

It was a Mr. Wrong turn for sure

MercyGrim96 05-14-2016 04:10 AM

For me I find something to distract myself, I dont like taking meds and I'm not really one for sweets so I don't indulge in generic ways of dealing with cramps. I just read a book or play a videogame and that always seems to work for me. Just a simple distraction.

sailor star rainbow 05-17-2016 06:49 AM

My cramps can get pretty bad at times. so I take ibuprofen and lay down in bed with the lights off. I carve chocolate covered almonds. get mood swings before it comes and it will stay till its over. sometime I want cretin food that I normally rarely eat a lot. like spinach are some take out.

jupiter 05-20-2016 04:21 AM

I use heat, and exercise helps me.
The chocolate is just for the soul.

Inzanebraned 05-20-2016 09:02 AM

I used to take Multisymptom formula Pamprin...worked really good for everything from headaches to overall achy-ness and seemed to soothe my the cramps would vanish an hour after taking the pills....and I would get cramps so bad I could barely drive my car with a clutch in it!
I am so glad to have closed that chapter of my life!! Lol!

My grandmother told me, when I was little, that she used to lay on her stomach and put her geography book (the heaviest of her scool books) on the small of her back...that the pressure from the weight would feel better.

I knew a couple that bragged about how they had sex to curb the lady's cramps...that orgasms help to push out more menstrual fluid faster, resulting in shorter period time.
I never found that to work for me...."I have cramps....stay the HELL AWAY FROM ME!" LOL!

Emma Corrin 05-29-2016 03:16 AM

I use Maximum Strength Midol, heating pads, hot showers, and I put a pillow under my lower back at the hip area to elevate my uterus while I'm laying down - a combination usually helps! Especially Midol and elevation - no idea why but it feels less painful!! Chocolate makes me feel emotionally better though - does that count? [rofl]

Yamka Jaden 06-01-2016 12:45 AM

When I first started getting my cycle, I'd have to stay home from school because the cramps were so bad. Nothing really worked other then the fetal position, if and when it worked! I got lucky that after a couple of years the cramps started to lessen and not bother me so much as I got older. Every so often I'll get some really bad ones, but nothing like I used to get -- some Tylenol works wonders!

One of my male co-workers asked a bunch of us women what menstrual cramps felt like, I told him that he needed to twist his family jewels for a minute or two, release them for about twenty to thirty seconds, then twist again for a couple of minutes. Rinse and repeat until whatever meds kicked in. The look on his face was priceless!

Viveka 10-02-2016 09:08 PM

Midol PM is the only pain medicine I've found that will even touch my cramps! But it puts me to sleep (duh) so I have to decide between being incapacitated from pain or from the drugs :P

I've found that taking better care of myself for the rest of the month helps my cramps when I get them. I try to walk for 30 minutes a day, and I eat a serving of fruit or veggies at every meal. I hear that magnesium and Vitamin B12 supplements help too.

CookieMonstahh 10-04-2016 10:47 AM

I hate anything to do with heat, but after one day of particularly bad cramps I caved in and tried a heating pad and it actually helped me out sooo much, haha. So I definitely recommend trying that. It might not help, but if it does, the relief is totally worth it.

I typically take Midol with acetometaphine (tylenol) and that way I can piggy back it with ibuprofen (advil) if I need a double dose. Although if the pain is REALLY bad, the best thing is hydrocodone - my mom has some from previous hospital visits so hell yeah hospital-grade pain meds! xD haha. I think I've also tried liquid morphine once, as well, which... I mean... I didn't feel anything after that. I'm pretty sure I just rolled around on the floor giggling about corn... o_o;

Viveka 10-04-2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by CookieMonstahh (Post 1773738591)
I hate anything to do with heat, but after one day of particularly bad cramps I caved in and tried a heating pad and it actually helped me out sooo much, haha. So I definitely recommend trying that. It might not help, but if it does, the relief is totally worth it.

I typically take Midol with acetometaphine (tylenol) and that way I can piggy back it with ibuprofen (advil) if I need a double dose. Although if the pain is REALLY bad, the best thing is hydrocodone - my mom has some from previous hospital visits so hell yeah hospital-grade pain meds! xD haha. I think I've also tried liquid morphine once, as well, which... I mean... I didn't feel anything after that. I'm pretty sure I just rolled around on the floor giggling about corn... o_o;

Oh, hydrocodone is great! I used to take it a few times a year in high school, but I was lucky to find a NSAID alternative that doesn't upset my stomach as badly.

Dandelina 10-12-2016 05:42 AM

Chocolate can make them worse since it has caffeine in it. I rarely get cramps anymore on my current birth control but when I do I just take Tylenol and use my hot pad.

@cookiemonstahh You should not be telling people that your mom is letting you take her prescription narcotics. It's very unsafe for you and could get both of you in legal trouble and banned from whatever place gave her the script.

fishyfey 10-26-2016 12:53 AM

I have a weird trick. When my cramps are super bad, I put on a corset and cinch it as tight as I can. Something about it is kind of like curling up in a fetal position ball... without the fetal position part. This is the article where I first read about it and I tried it one day out of desperation. I was shocked when it actually worked!

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