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Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:00 PM

✧ ✧ Mysterious Magic ✧ ✧

"Be Careful What you wish for."
"Trust in no one."

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:03 PM

The Story

Welcome to Sunnydale Kansas, a town just as the name suggests. Bright and happy, with people to match. A farm town, everyone knows everyone and things get around quick. It's one of those towns people feel so safe and comfortable in, that no one locks their doors at night. Beautiful farmland, a peaceful little town and the forest that surrounds the town. To the youth that lives there though, Sunnydale is rather...boring. Nothing ever happens there. No excitement, no thrills, just the same mundane thing day after day. Most there are happy with things the way they are. The town doesn't get many visitors or new lives.

So when a new family moves in, people are all a buzz about it. Sad thing is, the son of the family doesn't feel the same, moving from the city. Hearing that nothing ever happens within this town, is not the best news. Arriving at the town, the new guy is instantly talked about within the school. Rumors begin going around that he's a bit odd. For standing out within the town, the newcomer is a mystery buff. With the push to make some friends from his parents, the newcomer decides to start a mystery club at the school. A few people join, some either as a joke, perhaps a hidden love of mystery as well, their reasosns their own. The beginning a slow start, and it looks like the club is doomed to failure.

That is, until someone mentions the old house within the woods. Being new of course, the head of the club has never seen this place. He's told a tale of how long ago, it was a supposid meeting ground for a secret society that practiced magic. The people of the town were afraid of them, because this practice brought about dark creatures and things that led to plenty of 'incidents' around town. The residents had finally had enough, leading to a mob heading up to the house within the woods. However, no one knows exactly what happened after that. It is rumored that the people of the society placed a curse on the town, unleashing a dark magic that killed all of them and caused the residents who were in the mob to become 'overshadowed' by dark creatures. Of course no one believes it, you'd have to be insane to believe that was real.

However, as a bet, the members of the club plan to meet up at the house in the woods after dark and explore it. Their first real mystery. Meeting up under the full moon, the team heads inside, noticing quickly the house is indeed chillingly eerie, but otherwise harmless. That is, until the discovery of a hidden room leads to the discovery of a book and an odd Pendant. The book can't be open right away, and upon better judgement, the pendant is disturbed. As soon as moonlight hits it, it sends a beam to the book, causing it to glow and open, sending a pillar of light into the sky that burns a hole in the roof and knocks all of them unconcious until morning. Waking up, the group fears being caught and in trouble. They head home, only to begin noticing things are a bit off with them. They now all have the beginnings of what appear to be...powers? They manifest themselves in different ways, but all of them are discovering them.

They meet up to talk about it, and decide to head back to the house. There however, they discover something really wrong. The gone. With it, the book is as well, they try to tell the police, but of course they simply think their insane. The group tries to make sense of it, remaining at the school in an attempt to figure out what is going on. That is, until their attacked by a dark beast. It quickly becomes clear, that something is going on around town and with no one willing to help them, the group is on their own. As they search for answers, they begin to notice things around town, such as certain people have the same necklaces as the ones seen in the pictures at the house. The mark the necklace represents was supposed to be the man who owned the house's crest...and the symbol for the society. Not only that, but it randomly begins popping up around town as well. The group will have to make sense of things, while it becomes more and more apparent that there are those who would rather they not. Can they solve the mystery, or will everything fall apart?

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:05 PM

The Cast

Sunnydale Mystery Club
The heros of our story, thrust into the world of magic and the unknown. After a chance encounter with a mysterious book and amulet, each member is blessed with an elemental magic all their own.

Fire: Hayden Blair Sincleir

Water: William Ace Jaeger-Gamble

Earth: Reserved for Blue

Air: Samir Aeolius

Plants: Ryu Xīn

Animal: “CK” Christie Kay Wilkins

Light/Dark: Noah Mason

The Order
An unknown group of beings, who were said to originate from the mysterious house in the woods. Their mark worn by some of the towns people, as well as seen around the town. Mysterious cloaked beings associated with the order work against the heros.

Jackson "Spade" Remiel Narcissus

Erostole "Eros, Siren" Amore

Those who do not wear the mark of The Order, the simple people who have come to this place in order to live out their day to day lives. Essentially the innocent party within our story.

(No one yet)

If it doesn't get much attention, I will open the magic for people to play two. For now, only choose one!

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:16 PM

The Rules

1. No Godmodding

2. PM me profiles with the name of the roleplay, or they will not be looked at. No exceptions.

3. Yaoi, hetero and yuri romance welcome, but follow mene rules. I also do not want the quest for romance to be the main goal of characters within the story. I want the story to have depth and meaning. So pursuit of romance should be GRADUAL, it never happens in one hour or day.

4. All normal mene rules apply.

5. If you're going to be gone or slow for a period of time, please let me know.

6. No mary or gary sue characters, or those who simply have a "Poor me" attitude or simply a tragic history where nothing ever goes right for them. I want the characters to have depth and be able to evolve and grow with the story.

7. If you are not committed to a long term rp, please do not join. I want this to last for awhile, so for me and others within, I want dedication.

8. If you join, you need to be able to keep up and maintain a multi paragraph style. I do NOT want one liner's or paragraphs.

9. Know how to keep what is known by the writers and what is known by the characters separate.

10. Please respect me as the GM. If I make a decision, trust I know what I am doing. Do not call me out or slam me please. You can message me with ideas or POLITELY let me know if I make a mistake. If I say no on something or choose a different direction, do not spazz out. I know what I'm doing, but I am also only human.

11. I am flexible, so if you have an idea for a plot twist or something you would like to see happen, feel free to message me. Again though, be mindful of rule 10.

12. NO Out of context chat in the thread. That is what the OOC is for! It takes up needless space. The thread is for the roleplay.

13. I reserve the right to add or alter the rules if I need or want to.

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:19 PM

Profile Skeleton

HTML Code:

[SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="SlateGray"][RIGHT]Played By [COLOR="YourChoice"][username, NPC Open or Closed][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[img]Realistic Image here[/img][INDENT]My Name is [COLOR="YourChoice"][Name Here][/COLOR], and I am [COLOR="YourChoice"][age][/COLOR] years old. [/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as [COLOR="YourChoice"][Role (Highschooler, member of the mystery club, cafe waitress, etc.)][/COLOR], which is an important role within this story. [/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, [COLOR="YourChoice"][men/women or men and women etc.][/COLOR], which may come into play as things unfold. [/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of [COLOR="YourChoice"][what kind of magic you use (fire, water, etc) If not a mystery club member omit this line.][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Hidden magic lies beneath the surface of this life, taking the form of [COLOR="YourChoice"][what kind of magic you use (If not part of the order, delete this)][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]There is something else you should know about me, [COLOR="YourChoice"][extra][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]



[COLOR="YourChoice"]Magic Abilities:[/COLOR] [if not a mystery club or order member, delete this]


Let the [COLOR="YourChoice"]music of my soul[/COLOR] be heard in the form of [theme] for all eternity.


Example of Profile Skeleton

Played By [username, NPC Open or Closed]
My Name is [Name Here], and I am [age] years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as [Role (Highschooler, member of the mystery club, cafe waitress, etc.)], which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, [men/women or men and women etc.], which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of [what kind of magic you use (fire, water, etc) If not a mystery club member omit this line.]
Hidden magic lies beneath the surface of this life, taking the form of [what kind of magic you use (If not part of the order, delete this)]
There is something else you should know about me, [extra]



Magic Abilities: [if not a mystery club or order member, delete this]


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of [theme] for all eternity.

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:20 PM

Related Links


Accepted Profiles

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:22 PM

Here, I will post needed information for the roleplay, such as current settings and locations of characters. I will try to keep this as up to date as possible.

Date : Monday September 7th, 2015
Whether: Sunny, with light whispy clouds. Around 80°C


Noah- Hanging posters around the school for the mystery club he is setting up. About to skip to after class where he is accepting signatures for members.

Hayden and Ace- Located within the halls of the school.

Samir- On his way to the school.

Christie- Located at her locker in the school.

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:22 PM


Spot number one

Kiyoto 03-25-2016 07:23 PM


Spot number two

Kiyoto 03-29-2016 06:16 AM

The alarm went off, causing the covers of the bed to stir. After a moment, a hand slipped out from under the mess of pillows, to hit the snooze button. After the action, it flopped down against the side of the bed for a moment. There was no movement for a bit after that, the one within the bed expecting at some point to hear the sound of a man telling him he needed to get up or he would be late. Hearing nothing, a messy head of brown hair would finally surface from the pillows. Noah Mason listened to the silence for a moment, before sighing.

He pushed away the covers, ignoring the slippers by the bed as he swung his legs over. He ran a hand through his hair, before heading to the door of the room. He slipped out into the hall and down the stairs, still in his black pajama pants and a gray t-shirt. Reaching the end, he headed for the kitchen. No one there, he half expected the note on the fridge at this point. Plucking it off, he read the words. "Noah, good luck on your first day....remember to show them the guy who makes me a proud father" he rolled his eyes at the cheesey words, "I'll be home late, so feel free to order pizza."

He tossed the paper on the counter, before turning away from the kitchen. They had been here a week now, and boxes still littered the house. They were not going to get unpacked any time soon, especially with him alone left to do most of it. He headed back upstairs to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, he looked at himself in the mirror. Frowning, he ran his fingers through his hair a bit once more. The hazel eyes that looked back at him he had told were like his mother's. He knew he should be wearing his glasses right now. They were not mandatory, he could see well enough without them.

His dad often chided him though, telling him he shouldn't let his eyes get worse with carelessness. It was more of the far away stuff that strained him. They had not been able to get into an eye doctor out here yet, and he doubted the would for awhile. Heading into his room, he moved to the closet. What to wear on his first day? He already knew people would be staring and whispering at him most likely. Small town, new spreads quickly, especially about the city boy moving here. Not to mention his father had let it slip to the local cafe waitress, that he had a thing for mystery. Now he was already getting odd looks while they had been getting settled this past week.

Didn't help his case either,that his father was insisting he did something to get involved at school. He would have loved just to focus on school, on surviving, but he didn't want to let the man down. So, he had chosen what could possibly be the biggest mistake of his life here. He had decided to start a mystery club here. He had already cleared it with the principle. He really didn't plan to get much of a response, especially on a monday. Today would just be to put out feelers, kind of a sign up day. The actual first meeting wouldn't be till tomorrow...if he got anyone to sign up that is. He frowned, grabbing a paif of dark jeans and a black t-shirt.

He dressed, before slipping on a brown beenie and his blue and white coat. He grabbed his glasses, putting them on before heading downstairs again. He ran through the typical list in his head. Phone charghed? Check. Keys? Check. Everything turned off? Check. No chance of the house burning down because he'd forgotten? Check. He smiled, heading out the front door as he grabbed his bag from the coat rack. Locking it, he turned and nearly jumped out of his boots. His neighbor from down the way, an elderly woman named Miss Devou, stood there. "Heading to school?" she asked. He nodded, "yea..." She smiled, "have a good day sonny."

With that, she continued along her way. He watched her for a moment, man, he would never get used to that. He headed down to the sidewalk. Within walking distance to the school, he would have preferred to take his skateboard, but knew most campus' were leery with people riding them in the halls. He could have biked the five minutes there. A waste really. In the end, walking was the way to go. He headed off in the direction of the school, placing his headphones in. People along the way waved to him, like they already knew him. It made him a bit uncomfortable, all these strangers acting like they were friends.

All wanted information, he did his best not to be rude. The walk seemed to take longer than he anticipated, before he was able to get to the school. It was a decent size for being in such a town. It looked quaint. Heading in, he slipped his schedule from his bag. On it, there was the usual locker and combination as well. He had left his books here, so they would be ready for today. Didn't mean he remembered right off the bat where he had left them. He found his locker again, putting in the combination.

He would take the first few books, as to not have to keep coming back here before lunch. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught people already watching him. He tried not to look, to let it get to him. He closed the door to his locker, before pulling out the flyers from his bag. " we go..." he moved along, hanging up a few as he went. There was a bit of time before class.

Xavirne 03-29-2016 12:19 PM

The rap-tap-tap of a pebbles on a window caused Ace to grimace. This daily routine was getting old though, truthfully, if it ever went away, he would miss it dearly.

Snaking his usually black t-shirt down over his toned body, the raven slid across the hardwood floors to spy a fiery redhead out on the lawn before his window. Opening the window, he plopped his chin in his palm before sighing dramatically.

"Oh fair knight, have you come to save the princess from her tower?"

"Get your sexy ass down here," the redhead demanded while pointing at the earth beneath her combat boots.

"Nah, I prefer not to be an ant today. I'll sta--" A voice from within the house called to him. "Mom says the door's open. Breakfa--" He didn't even have to finish for the woman was breaking down the front door and making her loud entrance.

"Good morning," she purred while slipping up to the kitchen counter. "Do I smell the fresh scent of bacon in the air this morning?" Flitting her lashes, she looked toward the hallway that lead to the staircase. Any minute now, the man of her dreams would appear and she would drown him in a thousand kisses.

Head snapping back upon hearing the sound of a plate being set before her, the redhead by the name of Hayden Sincleir wore a happy grin on her slim, pretty face. "Thanks," she quipped before taking a seat on the bar stool at the counter. "It smells so--"


Her hair stood on end as her eyes jerked to the side to spy a pair of icy blue orbs and a teasing, cheeky grin. Smacking him as had as she could, Hayden gruffly stated, "Don't scare me like that, jerk!"

The sound of a stool moving across tile filled the air. Taking a seat on the red leather stool, Ace slumped across the counter-top.

"Moooooom," he moaned, "why do I have to go to school."

His mother placed a hand on her hips. "Why do I have to go to school."

"At least you get paid," he smirked before he received his plate of bacon, eggs, and rye toast. "Hey, whoa," his pale orbs shifted to Hayden's plate. "Why does Hay get more bacon than me?" He pouted, hoping he would earn another heaping.

"Because unlike you, Hayden needs her muscle mass. Someone's gotta take care of you. So I'm going to make Hayden grow up being and strong to protect my little princess." His mother ruffled his hair, which caused Ace to grumble.

"But I dun wanna be a princess," he pouted while looking over at the little baby in pink on his left. "Oichi is the princess, just look at those fat cheeks," he puffed his cheeks out before blowing air in her face. Naturally, Oichi fell into a fit of laughter before bashfully eating her Cheerios.

"Ah, my four favorite girls," a man's voice came from behind.

"Four?" Ace shot a glaze across the room at the man at the table who was reading the paper.

"Oh I'm sorry, I mean three lovely ladies and my butch boy, Hayden."

Hayden smirked proudly. No, defiantly.

"I hate all of you."

The rest of the morning was a little less flamboyant and entertaining. Ace finished getting ready for school while Hayden helped Mrs. Gamble get Oichi ready for the babysitter. Every morning, Hayden and Ace would push Oichi to the babysitter and around lunch Mr. Gamble would fetch his little princess and play with her the rest of the day until everyone got home.

While Hayden was busy with his mom and sister, Ace took his shower and changed his clothes. Shockingly, he had twelve pairs of the same shirt. A black, form-fitting t-shirt with the Underarmor logo on it. Since the school forbid men from showing too much ab, Ace had to wear an Express t-shirt over it. His jeans were always the same too. He really didn't like to put much thought into getting dressed.

Once they dropped Oichi off, the dynamic duo finished up their brisk walk to school. With lockers next to one another, Hayden had plenty of time to gussy on up to her man crush.

"So when are you going to ask me out?" She flirted while chewing on her lip.

"It's called incest and I'm not into that kink." He closed his locker before heading to class. "Lunch by the tree?" he tilted his head in question.

"Duh," Hayden responded before they parted ways. Ace was a junior, though he was in a lot of senior classes. Hayden was a senior and spent more time in study hall and gym than probably necessary.

As she moved across the hall, Hayden's eyes fell on the kid with the glasses. Brow piqued, she smirked. He would be a fun one to play with later.

Kat Dakuu 04-05-2016 01:22 AM

Books lay in a haphazard mess on Samir's bed. Though his alarm started a steady but quiet beep, he didn't immediately move. He himself lay splayed out among the books and a few papers, some left open with his hand resting somewhere in the middle of a tome. He stayed up late researching so the alarm's buzz brought him no joy. Studious or not, he preferred staying up to waking early.

Finally, he turned off his phone's buzzing and sat up. Groping around on the book he'd last been reading--something about famous known pirates--he found his glasses. With those on,h e walked out into the hall while trying to tame his greyish hair. "Mom. Dad. I'm getting ready for school now. Going to wish me luck?" He heard a muffled response through their closed door, but nothing else.

Sighing, he headed down the stairs into the kitchen. A cup of tea and microwaved waffles later, he headed back to his room to get ready. It was normally like this, so he didn't mind. It seemed he got his late night habits from his parents. They never enforced a curfew so this kind of sleepless night became normal. I'll probably say good bye to them just in case before I leave. In case they actually were awake.

He showered and afterward found himself staring in the mirror. His bleached hair might be the only sign of his rebellion, especially to those who didn't pay attention. He dressed in a button up and jacket with dark jeans. So typical. Combing back his hair with just his fingers, he left thirty minutes after his alarm first started buzzing. "Bye! Have a good day at work," he called before hurrying out into the morning light. It was the first day of school and no matter if nothing changed in this small town and the same people would be in his classes, he still looking forward to it.

Biking his way there, he passed a familiar house only one street down from his, though a little smaller. His gaze lingered, but he turned away quickly. No point in waiting to see if his cousin was ready and wanted to go to school together. She didn't like him at all, so he biked on.

At that point, CK sat at the breakfast table, her straw colored hair unbrushed and half in her face. Her dad talked like they were actually engaged in conversation, but the most she ever gave in response were two words.

"Try to play nice this year too," he continued as she scooped soggy cheerios into her mouth. "At least, don't get detention on the first day. I know it's hard and all..."

CK grunted in response and muttered some half assed okays before drowning her father out. He worried of course, but still, it was way too early in the morning for this kind of crap. It wasn't like she tried to get in trouble or make him angry with her. Mostly. It just kind of happened that way since she didn't believe in mincing words or actions. Really, he should get that by now.

"Wow, great talk, dad. I'm going to go brush my hair, kay. See ya after school," she butted in midway through one of his sentences. Taking her bowl to the sink, she dumped it, spilling milk and a fair amount of left over cheerios on the silver surface. He never had a chance to respond before she ran up the stairs, the zippers on the jacket she even slept in clinking. Behind her though, she was pretty sure she heard him sigh.

It didn't take long to get ready. Throw some water on her face, change into some loose graphic tee and ripped jeans with converse, then throw her hair under a hat instead of brushing it. It wasn't like it was either straight or curly so it looked about the same whether she did anything with it or not. She ran out the door with her bag over her shoulder and her skateboard under one arm. To hell with small town standards. If she couldn't drive, she'd would board her way there.

By the time she reached the school building, most of the other students already milled about the halls or their lockers. She placed her skateboard in hers, leaving the textbooks behind. She had notebooks and things in her bag, but who needed books on the first day? That done, she leaned against the metal surface to survey the hall and its inhabitants for signs of even the slightest change that might be interesting. If she did find one, for sure she'd investigate.

Kiyoto 04-07-2016 07:21 PM

Ryu stood in front of his mirror. He took a breath, looking at the reflection of the man that was staring back at him. He had no idea how many times in the past he had been told he looked so much like his father. The man had been strong, in more ways than one. He had been a good man, one who had made so many others look up to him. He had been dependable and a good father. Now he was gone. Ryu had been on his own with his mother for a few years now. Over that time, he had learned how to start on the path of finding out what kind of man he wanted to be himself, but he knew he still had a ways to go.

Who he would end up being, he did not know. Then again, he really in the end only had this year to figure it out. He was a senior, which meant he would have to begin thinking about things like college now. Not that it hadn't been on his mind for awhile already. There was something else on his mind as well. China, his home before here. He knew what was waiting for him back there to. Most there would be happy if once graduated, he returned there for college and for preperations to take over the business. His family and the fate of the company depended on it, that was what those there would say.

He sighed a bit, running a hand through his hair. He wore a black shirt, with a black vest, the front of which was red in color. Along with black pants and polished black shoes, he was ready physically for the day. Emotionally was another thing. Ryu had been told first impressions were everything. Even though he had been here for years, he still felt that this was true. This would be the first day. If one wanted to promote success, one had to start with themselves. Taking a breath, he turned away from the mirror and picked up his bag. His plan for this year already set in motion. He had been elected already into many positions of power within the school, though he would continue to work hard to earn them each day.

Walking downstairs, his mother stood there waiting for him. A warm smile on her face, he returned it. As he came to the landing, she reached up, fixing the collar of his shirt and his tie. "Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn wǒ de érzi, wǒ wèi nǐ jiāo'ào" she said, before letting him go. He bowed his head a bit in respect to her, "Xièxiè nín, māmā." She smiled to him, before letting him pass. He moved to the door, pausing for a moment to glance back at her. She smiled at him, before he stepped out the door. He knew the way well, he had traveled it for three years now, but had been here for longer, so he knew the town well. He headed off to the school, to where he knew others would be waiting.

It didn't take but his approaching presence to draw attention. Already, people waved and said hello to him. Old friends greeting him, and even those he just saw around school at times. He smiled, being kind to all who were there, saying hello in return. Making his way up the stairs and into the building, he took a breath. He walked to his locker, opening it, as he got what he needed for the day. He was taking all advanced classes. As his last year, he would need to push himself even more. How he would balance things, he would have to take it one day at a time.



"Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn wǒ de érzi, wǒ wèi nǐ jiāo'ào." = "Good luck to you my son, I'm proud of you."

"Xièxiè nín, māmā." = "Thank you, mom."

Kiyoto 04-07-2016 07:42 PM

Noah had finished hanging up the posters. He stepped back, looking at the last one hanging on the wall before him. Taking a breath, he couldn't seriously believe that he was going through with this. A deal was a deal though. He could already feel the looks he was getting as people passed by, reading the sign. He frowned a bit, he knew he was new, but seriously. Was a mystery club that odd? He guessed in a place of the overly normal and mundane, it kind of was. He slipped his hands into his pockets, before he turned away from the sign. The bell gave a light ring above him, causing him to look at his watch. It was already time for class. His father would probably scold him for being late on his first day.

He sighed, before he headed down the hall to his first class. History, right off the bat. He groaned, slipping into his seat. On his list of worst subjects, this was at the top. He knew history was important, but he hated memorizing all those dates, all the names and battles. He lowered his head, resting his chin on his folded arms for a moment. This was one subject he would never use within his life. He didn't plan on becoming a historian or anything, but it was mandatory for him to graduate. The teacher entered, doing the one thing he hated more than the subject. New student, he was called up to the front. First day of the year, he was already being signaled out and being put in the spotlight.

He could feel the eyes boring into him, as the teacher asked if he wanted to say anything about himself. Honestly, he would have been happier to say something a little less polite, but he merely shook his head. The teacher let him go, allowing him to return to his seat, followed by those eyes. It was like that with all of the classes he went to. It was like the teachers and students had some kind of built in homing becon on new guys. Each time, more eyes and whispers. God, he couldn't wait for the day to be over. To get out of the lime light. With this town seeming to have little interesting going on, he didn't think it would be that easy. Lunch began good, but it brought with it people curious about the new kid. People slipped into his table without asking.

It unnerved him, he couldn't eat with all those eyes on him and questions being fired at him. People wanted to know everything about him, which made him even more uncomfortable. By the time the last bell rang, he was practically ducking around and dodging people. He made his way to one of the empty rooms that could be reserved for study groups and clubs to use. He hung a sign outside that designated that was where people needed to sign up for the club. He pulled a desk to the center of the room, with a chair. He sighed, sitting the papers needed for sign ups on the table. Now all that was left, was waiting. A few people came in, actually signing the paper, while others just came in to try and chat him up again. He waited there for around two hours after school, the time ticking by.

Finally having enough, he packed up his things, turning the paper into the office, keeping a copy himself. He headed home, to the empty house still full of boxes. His father still gone, he ordered pizza as his father had suggested. With little homework, he spent most of the afternoon watching TV and chatting with his old friends back home. He missed them so much, he wished they had never moved, but he would make the best of all of this. The sky darkened outside, before he headed upstairs to read. Mystery books were a typical way for him to end his day, so it wasn't surprising for his father to come home and find him asleep with a book in his hand. Smiling, the man placed the book on the table by his son's bed, along with his glasses. He pulled a blanket over the other, before heading down to get something to eat himself before turning in.

Xavirne 04-08-2016 01:19 PM

His classes were nothing special today. Tended to happen when school only just started up. Granted, Ace was in no hurry to dive back into the swing of things. This year was going to be tough for him as he was placed in a few classes ahead of his own. Meaning, he was in senior-level classes to accommodate his need to take German. Hayden, as expected, was overjoyed to have her sexy friend in her classes.

As planned, the two enjoyed lunch outside beneath the tree. Neither really cared about the new kid. Er, well, Hayden stopped caring when Ace told her to "knock it off." She had every intention of humiliating him, showing him who was in charge, but when Ace argued against it, she stopped thinking that way.

"Why are you of all people standing up for the new kid?" She asked while happily eating her sandwich.

It took him a while to come up with a reason, but Ace eventually answered. "It's his junior year. He had friends back in his home town. Just two years left before he would go onto college and he had to move? I can't imagine having to move so close to the end. Having to start over only to start over again in two years."

Their conversation continued down this path, which ultimately put Hayden in a teary-eyed state. She hated the idea of Ace going off to some elite college while she would likely get stuck in this hick town.

"Hay," Ace laughed while peeling off a slice of her string cheese, "you're rich. Your family can send you anywhere so stop whining."

"But you're smart. You'll earn the right to leave. I'll have to beg and plead to go."
She pouted again. "And we both know you'll leave me."

"Oh come on, Boston's not that far."

"Ace... it's in another time zone."

The raven smirked. "So the redhead does know a bit about geography."


"Why would I want to sign up for that club?" Her hands fell on her hips while she stood in the doorway while Ace entered the room. "That's the loser's club. Just stick with swimming."

"Hay," he walked up to Noah and took two pieces of paper, "I'm already a part of the Quiz Bowl. I don't think I can get any nerdier." He turned from Noah and walked over to Hayden. "And to graduate this year, the school says you need to join another club."

"Lies," she protested. "I refuse to join this one. I'll do art club again."

"And not attend practices because you'll spend that time watching me warm up in the pool for practice."

"What?! You honestly expect me to miss those abs of yours?" Her purr was on point as she wiggled her brows at him. "Lexie's pretty fine too," she smirked before ripping the paper from Ace's hands. "But fine. I'll join. But only because you held a gun to my back and told me to."

"I'm such a terrible influence," he scoffed arrogantly.

They fell silent for a moment while the filled out the paperwork.

"I hope we find a dead body."

"And this is why we can't have nice things." Ace cringed before walking his sheet back over to Noah. "If she gets to be too much, feel free to kick her out." Sneering, he caught Hayden's glare.

"And if he's too much of an ass, give the pole a good yank."

Rolling his eyes, he sighed. "Baka."

Hayden skipped forward and placed the paper on the finished pile. "Sign me up for a crypt tour. I look forward to scaring Ace."

"Wasn't it I who scared you this morning?"

And like that, they left. Bickering all the way.

Xavirne 04-13-2016 05:14 PM

His day was uneventful, as per the norm. Only, being the bit of a rebel that he was, Jack decided to take his new found senior status to new heights. He completely skipped the first day of school. It was a two-point reason. First, he couldn't stand that giddy air that saturated the hallways. Second, he had an indoctrination, er, initiation meeting to attend for the under-the-radar organization known as the Order.

Leaning up against the post, Jack's eyes fell on Eros and some of his high school peers who were also members of the Order. There weren't many in the Order that shared his age, so the older members of the Order took special care in training them.

Pilfering through his deck, his two-tone orbs fell on his mentor, a fox-faced woman with long, silver locks. She was older than dirt, but she was a master of manipulation, which paired nicely with Jack's unique talents.

"Jack," her lips pulled back in a wry grin, "shouldn't you be at school?" She was toying with him, knowing full-well that he didn't have a choice. There was an urgent manner that needed addressing, which pulled the kids from school. Granted, as soon as the morning meeting wrapped up, they were free to attend school.

"I don't follow the rules, Vix," he quipped while taking a drag on his cig, "I break them."

As a puff a smoke wafted her way, the woman smirked. Then came the chime that would cast all eyes on the one who wished to speak to them.

"We've heard rumors about a new student who dabbles in the supernatural." Their voice was raspy and lacked a true gender. "We need to keep a keen eye on said boy. He cannot meddle with what he does not understand. Err on the side of caution and keep your eyes fixed upon him."

Jack's brows furrowed. "Wouldn't that look a little suspicious," he blurted out of line. "You're a bit of an old timer. Times have changed. You can't just stalk someone and get away with it." His eyes fell onto his friend. "We'll have to keep our distance without looking too estranged or standoffish."

The one who spoke seemed displeased. Pain shot like a jolt of lightning through his body, causing him to drop to his knees. Through grit teeth, Jack looked up at the one inflecting the pain.

"If we," he fought to keep himself conscience, "follow...your plan... we'll be... exposed."

The pain stopped ripping through his body and a friendly hand fell on his shoulder.

"Jack's right. We can't take any risks. We cannot be found out. Let the kids call the shots. They know the era, the time. They've yet to fail us."

After a long wave of silence, the one in charge dipped back into the darkness. Although he spoke not a word, his silence graced them with his answer.

Jack and the others, they were free to do as needed to protect the Order.

Kat Dakuu 04-15-2016 11:00 PM

Samir's day went much the same as it always did, no matter how he looked forward to it just like every year. He did notice a new kid in a couple of his classes--hard not to notice since the teacher made a point of it. Hardly necessary, but it peeked his interest so he didn't mind. The new kid looked nerdy like him, or maybe Samir just got stuck on the glasses. He should know better than most that glasses didn't make a man and nor did a love for books and studies. After all, he went in with good intentions of having fun and working hard that day, but found himself daydreaming early on before lunch even came. It was just, he started to wonder what interesting thing he could actually do if he did more than read.

Lunch went by. He sat with a few friends and they talked, half about a math teacher that assigned real homework on the first day, Marianne's shocking perm, and then, the new kid.

"I'm not sure about him,"
a friend said. Samir pushed his glasses up, questioning in silence. "I mean, did you see the posters he was putting up this morning?"

"You mean the mystery ones? I didn't realize that guy...ah, Noah? Put them up." Which only made him more interested than he already was. When he saw the first poster on the way to his second class, he felt his breath catch. Not that he said that now. He was a nerd and they were nerds so he should stick to math club or something. Though he didn't actually like math that much. "...I wonder if people will join."

The others shrugged and finished their lunch, moving mainly onto the recent scientific article that got published and even got a mention in the town's little newspaper. If Samir zoned out, wondering about pirate ghosts, no one noticed.

After school ended though, it was no surprise he found the room where the club sign up was held. Being polite, he said a few words and took the form, filling it out without showing just how childishly excited he really was at the idea of it all. Not like anything much would happen in a small town like this, but somewhere inside, he was a hopeless dreamer.

Walking home after school, he couldn't help but continue daydreaming. He had only a little homework, mostly reviews of last year's material and summer reading stuff so he stopped by the library to check out a handful of mystery books. Might as well brush up on the genre if he was going to play around with it. As much as he liked the idea, he didn't actually know much of anything about mystery clubs and certainly nothing mysterious around here besides Tucker Bill's garden smell.

Kiyoto 04-21-2016 07:39 PM

[Reserving to come back to]

Kiyoto 04-21-2016 08:19 PM

The alarm went off once more, earning a groan from Noah in bed. It felt like he had just fallen asleep, now he was already being called to wake up by that annoying buzzing. He hit the snooze, before he got up from his bed. Same routine as usual, shower and dressing in black pants and a dark red t-shirt. He slipped on a pair of black and red checkered sneakers, before quickly fixing his hair. This time when he headed down, his father was at the counter drinking coffee. "Morning Noah" the man gave him a smile, "how was the first day?" Noah gave a shrug, moving to the fridge. "That good huh?" a chuckle came from his father. Pulling out orange juice, Noah turned to the counter.

"It was fine...though the staring and such, I could have done without." His father lowered his mug, "you're's to be expected in a small town like this." Noah grabbed a glass from a nearby box, rolling his eyes a bit at the words. He knew his father was going to try and make things sound better, typical behavior for grown ups. Tough it out, things will get better and all that. He took a drink of juice, his father changing the subject. "Your first meeting is today right? Good luck with that, we'll go out tonight to celebrate, just the two of us" he smiled. Noah looked at the other, they didn't spend a lot of quality time together like they used to, since his father had gotten busy.

He knew the other knew that was one way to get to him. He finally gave in, smiling, "deal." His father smiled as well, glad to see his son smiling once more. "Then you better hurry before you're late" he picks up his keys, "I'll give you a ride on my way." Noah put his glass in the sink, before grabbing his bag. The two of them headed out to the car, Noah getting in the passenger's side. They pulled out of the driveway, his father talking with him on the way. It was nice, till they reached the school. People already looking his way as he got out of the car. He knew most people walked, like he had yesterday, but it was like seeing a car was absurd. Or maybe it was still him, man it seemed he'd be the focus for a was clear as before, little came along in this place.

He headed inside, focusing on getting things for the meeting settled in his mind and notes, as well as getting through the day overall. People still watching and whispering, he watched the clock. The closer it got to the end of the day, the more his nerves bubbled up within him. He was both looking forward to, and terrified of the thought of this meeting. What if no one showed? He had managed to get some signatures, but that didn't mean they would show. What if they had just been being nice, or just wanted a look at the newest attraction in this little place. He couldn't help but tap his leg under his desk, a nervous habit of his, which earned him glances from others around him. He lowered his head onto his arms, adjusting his glasses a bit.

So much for standing out less today. When the bell finally went off, he grabbed his bag and was out of there. He headed to his locker, glad there wasn't much homework today. He'd be able to focus on the club, as well as on dinner with his father. That, he was thankful for. He headed towards the room that was designated for the use of his club. He opened the door, setting up a few chairs. He didn't want to put up to many, looking like he expected a crowd, but he didn't want to put to few, like he was hoping they didn't show. A balance in this situation was a bit hard to do. He knew this would be his first main interaction with students outside of the simple introductions of yesterday.

What if they didn't like him, what if they were here only to get information, to spread rumors or something. Once finding out about him, what if they lost interest? He shook his head, he was psyching himself out, he needed to stop. He wasn't usually this nervous, so why now? He still couldn't shake the feeling he had had since coming here...something was off. This place... He looked out the window in the room, out over the rolling hills and the farmland beyond. This little town, it was to much to hope it had a mystery to solve. He chuckled, finishing his work at setting up for the day's meeting.

Xavirne 05-02-2016 07:54 PM

"LADIES FIRST," a booming voice echoed down the hallway. Seconds later, a redhead appeared in the door. A moment later, her body was forcefully yanked from the door frame. The look on her face was one of pure terror.

"ACE YOU LITTLE FUC--," her words were muffled when a mess of black hair collided with her bright raspberry lips. She squirmed while groping at his shirt. When the man didn't budge, she wore a frown before stepping back and lunging forward to jump on the man who the entered the room. This one was taller and less flamboyant. He had a look of arrogance but the large, cheeky grin on his face undid the fierceness in his azure orbs.

"Language," he teased before stepping aside so the woman crashed through the door and nearly landed head-first into a table. Thankfully, the raven with her caught her just before the head trauma became a reality.

"Oh staaaap," she jeered while readjusting her bra with little to no concern of the eyes before her. "You're just a rude dude with a lame ass attitude."

Ace rolled his eyes before pinching the nape of the woman's neck, which caused her to screech. Hand flinging backwards, a very distinctive slapping sound followed.

"You are such a dick," she stated plainly.

The raven grew a smile before sweeping up behind her. Hands falling neatly around her lithe form, he cooed lightly in her ears. Whatever he said made the woman melt. Her face was as red as her lipstick too.

"You're a tease and I hate you."

"Uh-huh." Ace aided his friend back up before looking at the chairs set out before them. They were the first to arrive? How bizarre.

"So are we fighting ghosts?!" Hayden bounded forward so her nose was just inches from Noah's. Her breath danced across her lips and smelled a lot like raspberry-lime tea. "Because I totally want to fight ghosts."

"Hayden, you cannot just invade someone's space like that." Sliding back the chair he just sat in (there was a noteworthy screech to it too), Ace fetched the woman and pulled her into a nearby seat by her shirt collar. "Sit...stay. Good girl." He pat her head, which caused Hayden to growl.

Returning to his own seat, he flipped it around so his legs wrapped around the back of the chair. Folding his arms across the chair's back, he looked up at Noah.

This better not be stupid, he thought. He had plenty of other things he could be doing.

"I'm Hayden," the redhead at his side quipped. "And this is Ace-kun." She poked her tongue out at the raven, knowing full-well that he hated it when she called him that.

"Ace." He said rather defiantly.

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