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Kiyoto 03-28-2016 11:22 PM

✧ ✧ Mysterious Magic Accepted Profiles ✧ ✧

"Be Careful What you wish for."
"Trust in no one."

This is the Accepted thread for the roleplay Mysterious Magic. Please do NOT post here unless asked.

Kiyoto 03-28-2016 11:22 PM


Played By Xavirne, Closed
My Name is William Ace Jaeger-Gamble, and I am 17 years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Junior in high school whose a member of the Mystery Club, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, women, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of water.
There is something else you should know about me, I have icy blue orbs and midnight-black hair with shades of blue..

From what I've heard, people claim I'm a funny, stand up kind of guy. Some say I can be a bit dry whereas others say I'm too distant, too detached. Personally, I think I'm just right. I try to remain level-headed and see the story from all sides. I will admit that I do tend to give off the "cold shoulder" vibe, but it's not because I think I'm better than you. No, it's more I don't want to be bothered with you. And I'm not trying to offend. It's just, my time is precious. I would rather not waste it on someone I don't really want to concern myself with.

Although he might appear haughty and arrogant, Ace isn't really that type of man. He really is indifferent, caring little about relationships and socialization. That's not to say he doesn't hang out or have friends, he does! He just doesn't need them 24/7. Some might call him a lone wolf. Growing up in a hectic environment where he has little time to himself makes Ace crave his individuality and alone time.

A word of warning, he's quite sassy. Having grown up with a sister who was one of those "wannabe plastics," he learned how to hold is own against a horde of bitchy, whiny, needy, princesses.

I was born William Ace Jaeger by two people I've never met. Not wanting to cut ties with my past, my adoptive parents--who I call mom and dad--decided they would simply amend my last name so it matched theirs. Hence, Jaeger-Gamble.

Now you're probably expecting a sad story as I'm an orphan without a family, right? Well, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. My parents are amazing. They adopted me around the age of four. I wasn't their only adopted child either. Mom couldn't have babies of her own due to dad's sterility. Hence, adopting. They always wanted four children and so they got four children.

I grew up with Lahela (14), their second adopted child. Although he didn't live with me, for he was 22 and in college, Jiayi did visit from time to time. When I turned 16, mom and dad decided to adopt their last child, as Lahela was leaving for college. Her name is Oichi and she's turning two soon.

Growing up as I did, I learned a lot about humility and patience. I also learned charity and kindness. We were always volunteering or setting up donation drives. We really learned how to manage our homework schedules as there was no arguing when it came to helping others out. We weren't allowed to let our grades slip either. We had to maintain As if we wanted to get into college for "free." If we got Bs, they would pay for 75% of the bill. Cs, 50%. Ds... nothing. I've been maintaining a 93 to 96 average so I'm pretty safe.

Up until recently, my dad was an EMT. He spent a lot of his weekends working and saving lives. Now he works at a garden center part time. He loves it. Mom's always worked with the school as a Special Needs Teacher. Her specialty is speech development. Jiayi is a neurosurgeon in the next city over. Lahela is a photographer. Me? I still don't know what I want to do yet. Good thing I have another year to figure it out.

Speaking of school, I'm a member of the swim team; holding a lot of records and awards to my name. I'm also a part of the National Honors Society and the Quiz Bowl. Both are smart kid clubs. NHS revolves around leadership and volunteering (I'm the VP this year), Quiz Bowl is a nerd competition where we're asking trivia questions (I'm the Second Chair so when Chair One can't answer, I answer on behalf of the team). It's a 4-man team against another 4-man team. You push your buzzer if you think you know the answer. Get it right, you get a point. Get it wrong, you lose 1/2 a point. When the time runs up, the team with the most points win.

Despite being a Junior, I take a lot of Senior classes. Some are easy whereas others are hard. I didn't really get a say in my schedule as I was absolutely determined to take German. German is only offered at a certain time and, to put it in my schedule, I got shoved into a lot of Senior classes. Not that it matters. I was already on the "accelerated" path (meaning I'm a year a head of most students in my grade) but there is a bit of a learning curve for me. I rarely get any fun time, which is why I joined the Mystery Club. It was my excuse to do something other than sport-heavy or academic-heavy work.

Magic Abilities:
Water /noun/: "a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms."

The day I earned these powers is the day I lost my ability to taste and smell. Although some would argue it a hefty price, I say it's not enough. I understand the element that I command. I've become indifferent, lacking outside prejudices that could cause me to falter. Due to this, I have perfect control over water. I can pull it from the air to create whip-like arms or form a liquid barrier to absorb any damage cast my way. I can also create ice by turning down the temperature of the water I collect. This ice can become the sheet beneath your feet that makes you slip or lithe little blades that slit open your flesh. Fret not, my ice can also become a solid shield that shatters upon impact, voiding the attack of all that it was worth, so no harm will come onto me.

As you know, there is a third phase for water--gas. Yes, I can control it. I can roll in an ominous fog or turn up the heat to give you a nice day at the spa. Really, it's your choice and my pleasure. Though don't test my patience for I have a quaint little trick up my sleeve. Recall the dictionary definition of water? Namely, that part about being the basis for all living things. Yes. Oh yes, I can. Will I? No, not likely. I don't really enjoy the darker side of the force.

And although you might think I'm overpowered, let me remind you that I cannot create water for energy can neither be created nor destroyed. I can merely manipulate it and bend it to my will. If there is not enough water in the air, I can't make it expand into something I can use. Simply put, I need humidity, a pool, a lake, a river--anything water-related to shine. If it's too dry or I'm not near enough water, I'm absolutely useless.

One more thing I would like to note. The time of day heavily impacts my abilities. Like tides, I have highs and lows. During high tide or a full moon, my abilities come naturally to me. They require little to no effort. During low tide or new moon, I have to force the water to listen to me. It's hard to make something move when the earth sciences work against you.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of "Why Worry" for all eternity.


Kiyoto 03-28-2016 11:24 PM


Played by Xavirne
My Name is Hayden Blair Sincleir, and I am 18 years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a senior in High school and a member of the mystery club, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, all identities--both male and female, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of fire.
There is something else you should know about me, I am a legit redhead and my eyes are the color of the moon.

Besides hella awesome? Uh, I'm tough. Like one punch woman kind of tough. Mess with me or my friends and I'll make sure you've got a nice shiner to show off tomorrow. What else? I'm popular. Everyone loves me and if they don't love me, they fear me. I'm a social media wizard, er, witch. If you bad talk me, I will ruin you. Speaking of ruining, I'm extremely good at ruining relationships. If you're dating a hottie and I want him, I will go kiss him and steal him from you. Or if your girlfriend is smoking, I will walk up and grab some of her ass for myself. Yeah, you could say I'm a flirt and a tease, but I'll play dirty if you want.

Hayden is a stubborn, rebellious young woman. She might look like a pretty model girl but she's far from frail and weak. She's bold and outgoing, and certainly not afraid to throw her snarky remarks in on other's business. She acts fearless and talks a tough game, often landing her in trouble. But, like always, mum comes to the rescue. Just don't tell her that. It pisses her the hell off. She thinks she's invincible when in reality she just craves attention.

Growing up with working parents, they never gave her the time of day she needed to blossom into someone sweeter. Whenever her parents were around, she would throw fits and start fights. She thought that being mischievous would get their attention. Eventually, it just became a girl who cried wolf story and they left her alone, giving her full-access to their credit cards. Because of this, Hayden doesn't think about consequences. Money solves everything, or so she believes.

Despite all these negative traits, Hayden does have her redeeming qualities. She's overprotective of people she cares deeply for. Mess with them and she'll fuck you up. She's also extremely devoted to whatever she dives into, assuming it was of her own volition. Hayden's also not afraid to be completely upfront and honest with people. If she doesn't like you, you will know. Or, if she's madly in love with you, she won't hold back her sexual flirts. She also isn't one to lie, claiming she doesn't need to twist her tongue to get her way.

Let's just say I come from money. A lot of money. My mum and dad are rich. Mum's a lawyer and dad's a broker. Between the two of them, I get everything I want. They love me dearly too as I am their only child. I was supposed to have a brother but... yeah. We don't really talk about that. So instead of getting a real biological brother, I got this stick-up-his-ass hottie who keeps friendzoning me. Friendzoning me, I mean seriously? Have you seen me? I am not friendzone material. I am girlfriend material and yet he won't ask me out. Says it would be too weird since we've known each other our whole life. Uh, hello, best friends make the best romances.

Anyway, as I was saying, I get whatever I want. And I wanted to join the Mystery Club. Sure, it sounds lame but I needed something to spice up my life. Why not get myself into a little mayhem and mystery? It's about time I put years worth of self-dense training, kickboxing, and gymnastics to good use. And maybe I can finally check out my mean swing on someone's jaw. I'm not the all-star pitcher for nothing. This babe's got guns for days, ayoo!

I should probably note that if I were to get into any sort of trouble, mum would bail me out. She's the best. She hasn't lost a case yet.

Magic Abilities:
The power of fire manifests within my soul. I can not only create flames that dance between my hands and toes, but I can also thaw a frozen heart. Yes, that's right, a single touch will cause your body to warm slowly and burn out whatever ailments reside within. Got the fever? The flu? A cold? Come to me and I'll purge it from your system. Besides burning out whatever plagues you, I can also play with lightning, more so in the fact that I can ground it. Nothing burns me for I am hotter than lava. Oh, perhaps I should add that I can achieve flight by creating thruster-like flames. These thrusters aren't in my feet though. So think of Iron Man but using his palms to fly. It isn't pretty but at least I can get away if my life is ever on the line.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of "Fight Like a Girl" for all eternity.


Kiyoto 03-29-2016 05:43 AM

Played By Kiyoto
My Name is Noah Mason, and I am Seventeen years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Junior in high school, and the president of the Mystery Club, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, men and women, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of Light and dark magic
There is something else you should know about me, I am also a photographer, musician and sketch artist.

Noah is your typical all around teenager. He appears calm, cool and collected. On the surface, it looks like little gets to him. Often he comes off like a mortal superman, letting things bounce and roll off of him. He seems to have it figured out, like he is comfortable with who he is and where he's going. For the most part he is. He is comfortable with being his odd self. He knows he isn't going to make everyone happy, so he doesn't try. He knows there are those in life who are going to be worth it and deserve his friendship and loyalty, and those who are going to try and drive him into the dust. He is very down to earth, and it shows. He doesn't freak out about the little things or the details a lot. He is often the one others come to or seek out to 'reground' them to the earth. He is a rock to many people, something many people would say doesn't change, he's always going to be him. That kind of annoys him. He hates to think that a simple nobody or a simple life is all he is.

He dreams of being more, of doing more with his life. He wants to make not only his parents proud, but himself. Dreaming of becoming someone he can be proud of being. For that reason, he tries to be a good person in most situations. He is kind and good hearted, easygoing with most of the world around him and people. However, he is not bullet proof. Especially when put next to someone with an arrogant, cocky or just don't give a damn kind of personality. He clashes with them, often because he can't stand how their personalities cause them to see the world and others. He's fiercely loyal and protective. Often seen as the underdog himself, he is not afraid of standing up for the little guy if he is able to. He is also not above letting his mouth do the talking for him. He is smart, quick witted and mouthed at times. Especially against someone who irks him. This can often lead to worse kinds of confrontation depending on the person, he's not easily pushed around by those who do it simply for the power or other dark reasons.

He is a man of beliefs and ideals, he trusts in his morals, often refusing to budge from them. He is seen as a bit old fashioned when it comes with women. Meaning, he was raised to believe a man should be a gentleman, treating a woman with respect and as an equal. He prides himself on this, even if it can get him slight looks or whispers at time. Though he may come off as a bit stuffy and to himself, once he opens up, he comes out of his shell. He enjoys a good time, talking and laughing with good friends he cares about. He is passionate about mysteries, photography and his sketches. These are topics that easily get him off topic and a bit like a kid again with excitement. It is this passion that led him to create the club at his original school. He has a soft spot where his mother's concerned, which at times can be brought about by mysteries.

He feels closest to her during the words on the pages or the images. He hopes that she would approve of the man he is becoming. This often leads him to question who he is. He knows he wont be in high school forever and to be honest, he doesn't have a plan after school. He feels often like he's going nowhere in life, which causes him to be a bit afraid of the future and the unknown. While he is though, he still keeps that feeling of that there is something more to life than this. He hopes to figure it out, and is open to letting things happen. He doesn't like to force things, but he does feel the constraints of time when they arise. Noah is a good listener, tying back into his being a rock and a comfort at times for people. His calm and positive attitude make him a light for people, a source of what is good left within the world.

However, Noah is not without his darkness. He feels frustrated with his situation at times, slightly trapped and caged. At the same time, he is at times sick of being seen as the rock. As the good guy, thinking at times of just saying screw it all and flipping a table to the dark side. He gets angry with himself when he is unable to protect someone or stop the darkness that threatens others at times. This causes him to have thoughts of simply saying screw it again and just hitting something or someone to get a point across. He keeps the darker side of him in check for the most part. The part that just wants to turn away, ignore the world. Or perhaps change it? Stop sitting by and step up for once, even if it might not be seen as good. He usually keeps these thoughts to himself, never acting on them. His perfect image kept in tact.

However, they slip at times. Though it takes a bit to anger him, once done he shuts down. He turns cold and often finds it hard to get back to good terms with someone. Especially if he is betrayed, rebuilding that trust is met with walls. That is not to say he locks everyone out. He is open to letting people earn his trust and friendship normally. Once earned, his loyalty and his nature makes him bend over backwards when needed. He's a bit of a mystery himself, like he hasn't fully found out who he is. Like he is keeping himself under wraps, which seems to attract people to him. Who is Noah Mason?

Noah has had a pretty basic and mundane life growing up. His mom died when he was five, leaving it as just him and his father. Growing up, things were never perfect, but they were good enough for him. Noah became accustomed to and loved the smallness of his family. He and his father were best friends, they did a lot together. Living in the big city of New York in their small apartment, he never felt he was missing out on anything other kids were. It was safe to him, comfortable and normal. They had their routine, which worked for them. When he was young, Noah grew to love mysteries. It was one of the biggest things he shared with his father. His dad telling him stories of how his mother had loved mysteries as well, Sherlock Holmes and more. He was given her old collection of mystery books she had gathered over the years. He took to them instantly.

From there, he added to the collection as he grew. People thought he was a bit odd with that, a teen boy having a love of mystery books and more. Despite this quirk, Noah did well for himself in school. He had plenty of friends and even dated a bit, though he never felt fully close to anyone for some reason. He could never explain it, but he always felt like he was meant for something more. Like life was slow, but something laid beyond the horizon. He was used to being alone, despite his closeness with his dad and his friends. Since his dad was an only parent, he often had to work, leaving Noah to his own. He was fine with this, adapting well to taking care of himself. He had his own routine, everything was good within his life, until his father announced the move.

It was out of nowhere, and left Noah with a foul rock in his stomach. His father said it was a good business opportunity, but moving to a hick town with little out there didn't sound like it to him. His father kept telling him the country life might be nice for him, a good change in pace and a chance to find out who he was. His dad would be helping a company that was supposed to be looking to grow the town. Between that and being off in the next town over, Noah knew he'd be spending his junior and senior years mostly by himself. In order to make friends, his father told him that he needed to get involved in things. Other than having a love of photography and sketches which could be done through class, it came back to his love of mysteries. He opted to attempt bringing his Mystery club from New York to this small town, with little hope of it actually taking off anywhere. For his father though, he'd give it a try.

Magic Abilities:
Noah has a few different abilities, due to his magic over light and darkness. First off, he is able to create magical constructs that are light and dark based in nature. Limitations with this, are the constructs are only as strong and solid as his control and his will. Stretching concentration through to many constructs at once will drain him faster, as will the bigger constructs. At the same time, if he loses consciousness, the constructs around at that time will vanish. His light magic also gives him the ability to heal physical wounds. Meaning he can't heal something psychological or something like that. But if someone has a cut, bruise, or other wounds, he can help. He can also infuse light magic into things, which will make them glow or light up. Kind of like making a flashlight or glowstick out of anything.

He also has the ability of creating a light shield, which protects him in times of danger. He can "throw" this shield, making it form around another in the same area as him. He also has the ability to manipulate the shadows. He can pull them in, much like a fog rolling in, to cut out all light. A component of this, is the drop in the temperature of the area the darkness is consuming. He can also manipulate it, causing it to spring up and take the form of fluid whip like appendages, or solidify like metal. A drawback of his powers, is they are connected to his emotions and his internal compass. Meaning, in states of over emotion, his power will flare up on its own. Or, he runs the risk of being consumed by one or the other, the darkness or the light. If this happens, he will lose the ability of control over the other element, but the one consuming him will become more powerful. At times, his emotions can cause a glimmer of this to happen, darker feelings pull out the darker side of his power.

He also has a few abilities linked to others. He is constantly releasing a sort of "aura", that affects the others around him. If light, it strengthens their magic, often a comforting feeling is felt. It naturally helps to diffuse tension in the air, making them feel all around good, relaxed and happy. If it is dark however, the opposite happens. It dampens their powers, or makes them more unpredictable. It brings about darker feelings, such as anger and can instigate fights for no reason. A flip side of his light ability to heal, he has a dark ability to infect. Darkness enters the body from any wound able, or through the mouth and such. Once inside, it begins to drown the body from the inside out in the most extreme case. Other cases may end up creating cuts or cracks on the body of the person being consumes. He never uses this power, since it compromises a lot within him and could push him over the edge. Other assistance abilities, are that he is able to sense the presence of magic around him, feeling it in the air like a living energy. This makes him able to always find the others if need be, feeling their magic.

He is also connected to them in a special way. He can feel their presences in the sense that he can get vibes of their emotions and their condition. Meaning, if their healthy or in harm, or worse. He has the power of magical potential. Meaning, he is like a conductor for magic. He can absorb magic energy from the air around him or other sources, purifying it with his light and releasing it harmlessly into the surroundings. On the flip side, he can amplify it and make it more harmful, with his darkness. He has the ability to do this to the other's magic as well, which means depending on how it is used, he has the ability to evolve their magic, unlocking possible new abilities for them.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of Let Me Try and Victorious, for all eternity.

Kiyoto 03-29-2016 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu
My Name is Samir Aeolius, and I am 18 years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a senior in high school, and a member of the mystery club, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, whoever should interest me as I’ve never thought about it, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of air.
There is something else you should know about me, though my original hair color was black, I’ve bleached it grey, though it seems to have taken on a blueish-purple hue now.

I am introspective by nature and fond of knowledge. People would call me a nerd since my grades are good and my favorite place to be is in the library. I almost always seem to have a book on me. What most people don’t realize is that my books aren’t always so nerdy—adventure stories, nonfiction, young adult, and classics. I’ll read it all.

When given a puzzle, I need to follow through until I understand all sides of it. In that, I can be unrelenting. Though most of the time I am calm and gentle, I’m also a little rebellious and secretly in search of adventure. The small town bores me, though I don’t often say such a thing out loud, always being one to keep my emotions closer to my heart. That doesn’t mean I won’t speak excitedly though, or sharply if irritated. My mood swings are something sudden and fierce. You don’t want to be on the other side of one of my disapproving gazes, but if you’re lucky, it’s because I care about and want to protect you.

Normally though, I’m just a regular guy who constantly appears studious and calm. A cool natured individual.

I have led a very boring and insignificant life following the typical path of a student. My family has been in this town for generations. Probably longer than I even know. Not many of them have left either. My older sister is the most significant I can think of and I used to admire her fiercely for it even if I now can no longer speak with her. It seems the second she left, she was gone for good. My mother is a simple housewife and my father teaches history at the school. Though he’s strict and we fight, we’re still good I guess. In the end, I feel I don’t know much about my own family though.

Magic Abilities: I have control over the molecules of the air. It’s related to my breathing. Because my breath touches the air, I can manipulate it. This leads to creating the usual wind and changing in the direction of the air, but also air pressure, wind resistance, and aerodynamics. Should I manipulate the air right, I could make an object airborne, or ground it. Wish to run faster or fall slower, I can help to a degree. I can make a bubble of air underwater, but I can also remove the air from a space, creating a vacuum.

Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of Call of the Mountains for all eternity.


Kiyoto 03-31-2016 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu
Played By Kat Dakuu
My Name is “CK” Christie Kay Wilkins, and I am 16 years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a junior in high school and a member of the mystery club, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, no one, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of animal.
There is something else you should know about me, I'm short and boyish. My favorite animals are white leopards, iridescent beetles, and anything endangered.

I’m a bonafide tomboy and a rebel. I hate my real name and will hit a person who taunts me with it, boy or girl. I can be a bit of the teen stereotype, but in reality, I've been rebellious since at least age ten. Acting out because of my parents or whatever.

I have a strong pride and sense of justice. For all that I seem selfish, I hate to see someone picking on the little guy. But, I also judge and disapprove of the sheep that get bullied and can’t stand up for themselves. Lord knows I will speak my mind whether I should or not. My honesty is brutal, sometimes bordering on mean. I can’t understand someone who won’t do the same.

But inside, I’m a lot lonelier than I give on. I’m meaner the more hurt I’m feeling and as far as mothers and such conversations go, you’re stepping on a land mine. When alone, I’ll actually let that get to me. All my softer sides are for private only. The me that loves animals and feels sorry for the defenseless. The me that’s curious and cares about school and grades and family. I really just can’t be honest in the end, if only to myself.

My mom cheated on my dad. A lot. I knew about it first but never knew how to say anything since I was young. Probably why I haven’t been big on women and have shown open hostility to all of my dad’s new girlfriends. Not that they were much, mostly rebounds and awkward ones at that. Since it’s a small town, you end up dating your daughter’s ex-babysister, or her best friend’s mom. I made it clear I didn’t want a new mom.

Once upon a time, I was very close with my dad and I sorta still am, but teenage angst and all, we fight more often than not. I’ve been the talk of town on multiple occasions for refusing to wear a skirt, picking fights, and just the generals of my parents. Hell, I even shoplifted cigarettes, but I about died trying to smoke one, so I never gloated about it. The pack is still in the bottom of my sock drawer.

It’s hard to believe that a boring guy like Samir is my cousin. But don’t worry. We don’t actually get along.

Magic Abilities:
For starters, I can communicate with animals. It’s not always so simple as language since not all of them are collected enough for that. Sometimes they try to talk to me when I’m not even listening, but normally I have to go looking. I can ask them to help me out and I could even get them to lend me some of their power. Nothing like a physical characteristic, but a fierceness or a stronger sense, speed, etc. Birds know directions innately, wolves can run for days, things like that. But I can only do that with animals nearby or with friends I have a close connection with. I have to ask for this power rather than take. On the other side though, I could ‘jump’ into an animal instead of having them ‘jump’ into me and borrow their eyes or ears like a passive fly on the wall. This is easier and freer to do.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of We're not gonna Take it for all eternity.


Kiyoto 04-07-2016 06:04 PM

Played By Kiyoto
My Name is Ryu Xīn, and I am Eighteen years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Senior in high school, Member of the mystery club, president of the Business Club, head of the schools Academic Decathlon team, vice president to the student council, pianist for the orchestra and the delegate for China in the Model United Nations, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, men and women, which may come into play as things unfold.
When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of Plant magic
There is something else you should know about me, Outside of school, I still dedicate myself to learning and the teachings of Shaolin, even though I am unable to become a actual monk at this time.

Ryu prides himself on being a man of honor. He is kind and just, seeking the ideals of truth and peace within his life. He is a fiercely loyal friend, standing up for those he cares for in a heartbeat. He is smart and level headed, rarely losing his cool in any situation. However, when he is riled up, he is very passionate and outspoken. Though this is to a point, as he has an odd habit of being very polite, especially to adults. He is one to follow the rules, stepping out of line, especially for the wrong reasons, doesn't sit well with him. However, he is aware of when rules need to be bent and people need to be flexible. Ryu is kind and gentle in nature. He's not the type to pick a fight or enjoy them. He much rather deal with things through the use of communication and working it out peacefully.

However, he knows that not everyone will share this idea and that not all problems can simply be fixed with level heads. He does try to avoid confrontation, especially physical, as much as possible. If all else fails though, Ryu is cunning and calculating. He knows how to remain calm and to think things through, especially within a fight. He is able to keep his head, which allows him to get a better read on his opponents. Able to keep his adrenaline in check. He is the all around good guy type, the kind who will help a stranger or the little people. He is not arrogant or cocky though, very humble and modest in nature. He is often the one to brush off praise, while believing he can always do better or more for others. He is passionate about what he can do for the world, which leads him to push himself and take on a lot at once. Though he gains power or popularity, Ryu is not one to forget where he came from, tying back into his humble and modest nature.

He has a good sense of humor, despite his more business like demeanor. Ryu enjoys a good laugh and having fun, letting lose and relaxing. He knows the importance of allowing oneself to enjoy the pleasures of life, not forcing themselves to be all work. He can be very light hearted and fun when he wants to be, able to turn off work and school mode. On the flip side, he knows when it is time to get serious. He has a habit of getting in a zone, where he remains super focused and aimed at a target or goal. He is a hard worker, never giving up on a task till it is complete. He hates taking on things and only getting them half done or doing them half as well as he could. If he's going to do something, he's giving it his all. He is the type to believe also, if someone gives their word or makes a promise, they should honor that and see it through to the end. Thus, he tries to never go back on his word or break a promise. He's seen by most as the all around good guy. A model man many should strive to be, which puts at time a lot of pressure on him.

He is well aware of the expectations of others, carrying the weight of his family as well as more on his shoulders. While he might make it look effortless on the outside, he takes it very seriously on the inside. He is unsure of his future, as well as if he will ever be good enough and live up to the expectations of his father and family. Still, he continues to push through this fear, striving always to get better and stronger. He is a natural born leader, commanding respect and pushing others around himself to push themselves and get better as well. He's not one to abuse his power, but he is always ready to step in when needed, in order to help others or to calm a tense situation if he is able. He is very sensitive and aware of his surroundings most of the time. He feels at home most within nature, making him work well with his power. He cares a lot for every living creature, especially plant life. The natural life and beauty of the world around him is one of his favorite things.

Ryu's family moved from China when he was seven. His parents wanted a fresh start for their family in a calm place. That place, ended up being Sunnydale. Ryu at first was cut off from the rest of the community. Being raised in China, he spoke no English at all. Back in china, his mother came from a powerful business family, she was the heiress to the company as well as the business. Of course, her brother came first being a male and the elder child. One thing his mother had that her brother didn't, was a son. This made Ryu the heir to the fortune and the business should he choose to pursue it in the future. His father was a man who had spent much of his time training within the Shaolin ways. To many, they were the ideal power family, so it did not make sense why they would leave China. Ryu's father used to tell him stories of how men found true power from the humblest of beginnings.

As such, he believed this to be his humble beginning. His chance to show the world who he was, while he earned his power and his name. Ryu was named for the Dragon, though a more Japanese originated name, it was meant to invoke a sense of honor and power within him. A strong name, one he vowed to live up to. So from there, he grew, studying hard to learn English. Over time, he got good at it, able to speak it fluidly though with trips back to China on holidays and such, he always maintained an accent tied to his culture. He became quite popular as he grew, due to his looks as well as his mind. Ryu studied to keep his perfect attendance records, as well as a perfect GPA. To him, it was a matter of honor. He didn't want to let his family down, especially his father. This left little time for socializing, which made him even more of an allure at times, being off limits.

Growing up, his father taught him some of the ways of the Shaolin. When he would go to China, he would at times visit with his father and study there as well. When he was thirteen, his father fell ill. By the age of fourteen, he was left with his mother. Losing his father was the hardest thing for him. His father was the head of their family, but he was also Ryu's rock and his mentor. A lot of what he did, he did for his father. Without him, he felt an empty place. Ryu dived into his school and work, pushing the world away. By sixteen though, he knew that wasn't the way he wanted to live the rest of his life. He wanted to continue honoring his father, he wanted to get better, but also discover who he was. That was just what he did. Ryu began to branch out. While he remained devoted to school and his teachings, he began to develop a social life as well as more contact within the clubs he worked with. This caused him to become quite a stand out force within the tiny school.

Magic Abilities:
Ryu has been given magic over the domain of plants. He has the abilities of creating plants from the earth around him, regenerating or rapidly growing existing plants, as well as animating and moving them to his will. He has a mix of telepathy and psychometry through the use of plants. He is able to touch them and speak with them, or gather information through them. He uses them as an extension of his eyes and ears, letting him be in places he's not physically in. He can also gain glimpses into the past from plant life that was present at the scene. He is able to change the genetic structure of plants, which can mutate them. This could be considered a darker power of his at times, since doing so could make them more aggressive or dangerous to others.

On the flip side, he is able to use this for good as well. He can use this ability to make make new species as well as cross them. He could use it to make a new fruit or something if he wanted, but he can also use it to create natural cures for various ailments. His power makes him immune to plant based toxins, meaning he's immune to poison ivy and oak, and can't get sick from poison berries or anything. His body naturally purifies the toxins of plants within his system. He is essentially able to control plants as he pleases, using them as an extension of himself in a fight. Creating whip or rope like vines, moving the trees, etc. He is optimal in a natural fight, using his surroundings to his advantage.

His power has a natural attraction to plant life. It responds to him, his emotions and his well being. In this way, the plant life around him will respond to his changes in state. It will attack or lash out at times at perceived threats, or move naturally to surround and protect him. He has to be wary of his control, especially around others. This works well with his teachings, which allow him to remain calm and centered for the most part. He also has the ability to camouflage himself well within plant life. This does not mean he can stand in an open field of grass and not be seen. Within areas of greater plant life, such as a forest, garden, bushes, etc, the plants actually mask his magic, harmonizing with him and blending in so that unless your directly looking for him or know he is there, it will really just look like plants. An extreme extent of this, is for him to literally merge himself into plant life, becoming one with it.

However, he runs the risk of losing himself within the plants if he is not careful. If he does, he risks becoming part of the plants himself, unable to break himself out of them when he needs to. His abilities with plants and changing their structure allows him to control other aspects of their physical presence to. He is able to sharpen the edges or points of plants to that of blades, or harden the surfaces of them for use of shields and such. He also has the ability to use plants for healing himself, due to his natural attraction to plants, their prone to bend or creep towards him in response to injury. Their able to lend their life force and energy to heal him quicker. Unfortunately, this drains it from them. This means the bigger the wound, the more energy needed, risking the lives of the plants in return. Essentially, if it has to do with plants, he's your guy.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of I'll Make A Man Out Of You, for all eternity.

Kiyoto 04-12-2016 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Xavirne
Played By Xavirne, closed
My Name is Jackson "Spade" Remiel Narcissus, and I am 18 years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as senior in high school as well as a member of the Order, which is an important role within this story.
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, no one for I am asexual, which may come into play as things unfold.
Hidden magic lies beneath the surface of this life, taking the form of illusions and magic tricks
There is something else you should know about me, I am naturally a raven but I dye my hair blond. I have two-tone eyes; one is green and the other is blue. However, I tend to were lavender contacts to hide this for most people tend to be scared when they see my differing irises.

Jack or as he likes to call himself, Spade, is a snake-like man. His eyes always cast a condescending look upon those he gazes upon. He's haughty and bitter, never letting another push him around. He's known to snap and bite, much like the snake people believe he is.

Jack keeps to himself or with his pack of equally cold friends. He's not afraid to kick you when you're down, but he's also not the type to go out of his way to hunt (hurt) you. He's arrogant and likes things to come to him. He prefers not to work unless necessary.

And god forbid someone challenge him to a fight.

He hates confrontation. He hates violence. And yet, if you were to go to the school library and look up "violent" in the dictionary, you would see his name in big, bold letters beside it. Just because he hates it doesn't mean he wouldn't kick you until you're an inch of death.

It is wise to stay off his bad side. If he does tell you to stop or knock it off, it is wise to obey. Unless you've got a thing for near-death experiences.

There is really little to share about Jack. His parents are ghastly thin folks who are far too old to have such a young son. They never wanted a child and yet they got one. As such, he spends most of his time living with his uncle, the man who brought him into the Order.

Upon discovering that Jack had an uncanny connection with magic and illusions, his uncle called a meeting and demanded Jack be indoctrinated. All agreed, seeing the value in his powers. He could make the mind question the reality of things. So those shadows some claim to see? Or the ghosts they feel? Jack can go in and play with the mind. Make people question their sanity. It's all to help the Order stay hidden.

Having trained since he was five, Jack has 13 years worth of experience under his belt. It is safe to assume that he knows how to control his powers. It's also safe to assume that breaking from his mind manipulation is no easy feat.

Granted, despite all this, one must remember. Jack is lazy. He would really only use his powers to protect the Order and never for self-enjoyment.

Magic Abilities:
Jack is a master of manipulation, namely when it comes to illusions, tricks, and the mind. Ever since he was a kid, he was obsessed with magicians and magic. He was extremely good at it too. He would wow his peers and parents time and time again. Little did they know that his tricks were not tricks, but reality created through his ability to create illusions. The dove that flies from the hat? Oh does it look real! But it is merely just an illusion, a quick trick of the mind. His ability to always read or find your card? Well, it's a rigged game. To you, you see a full deck. To him, it's always a deck Jack of Spades.

To create these illusions, Jack enters the mind. Those under his illusions might feel a slight tingle or perhaps feel a headache. As they are not uncommon feelings, none question that they might be under a bit of mind control. Or rather, mind manipulation.

Now to manipulate the mind, Jack needs a few things. First, he cannot do it without his wand. As such, he always wears long sleeves and has an apparatus around his wrist that allows him to retract his wand whenever necessary. Jack also needs a clear line of sight on the one he's manipulating. If they turn around a corner, the illusion will fall. But it's not obvious! Oh no, Jack is a master of mind manipulation. When you do break his control, you'll suddenly feel dizzy. Your mind will see a haze. You'll recall little fragments of the illusion and you'll wonder if you were zoning or day dreaming.

But Jack's powers don't stop there. He is an illusionist after all! To make his victims see the unseen, he must have power over illusions. If he does lose his ability to manipulate the mind (this happens when his victim realizes that they are under his control and must force him out of their mind), he can fall back on his magic. And as such, he has a deck of cards that help him fulfill these duties. The deck is a mix of colors--red, blue, and yellow. If he truly believes in the heart of the cards, he'll draw what he needs most (though he might not always believe this).

If the card does not hit the target, the card disintegrates and nothing happens. Meaning, it is possible for nothing to happen. Because of this, he often throws 3 cards at a time over a wide range--though he does not have to. The cards are not always different. He could throw 2 blues and 1 red, 3 reds, 1 of each, etc. It varies completely.

His cards have a cooldown. He has 52 cards. For every 1 card he throws, he has a 30-second cooldown. He can throw no more than 3 cards at a time, meaning he has to wait 90 seconds before he can throw his next set of 3. As such, it is important that he draw the right combo of cards the first time. If he burns through is deck, he has to wait 52-minutes before his deck will reappear and be ready for use.

If he draws a red card, it's an offensive card. If hit with a red card, the victim takes physical damage. If hit in the arm, their arm will likely bruise or bleed. If hit in the leg, they'll probably fumble and have a hard time running. Although these might just look like magic cards, they are much more. Each red card has beveled edges, inflicting physical damage onto the victim.

If he draws a blue card, it's a defensive card. This card serves as an attack-blocker. Meaning, an enemy's powers are temporarily knocked offline. This only lasts for 5-seconds but that's just enough time to land a punch or escape.

If he draws a yellow card, it's a stun card. If hit with a yellow card, the victim is unable to move for 5-seconds. They are literally rooted where they stand. This allows Jack a chance to dish some serious damage. Or run away if things are getting a bit over his head.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of Devil in the Mirror for all eternity.


Kiyoto 04-13-2016 03:49 PM

Played By Kiyoto
My Name is Erostole "Eros, Siren" Amore, and I am Seventeen years old.
Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Junior in high school, president of the French club, lead guitarist and Singer for Vera Amoris and a member of the order
My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, men and women, which may come into play as things unfold.
Hidden magic lies beneath the surface of this life, taking the form of The Heart and Music
There is something else you should know about me, I tend to dye my hair various colors, it's naturally black but...I enjoy spicing things up. I also have a guitar collection, various colors and types. My favorite being an electric blue and black guitar used for most of my shows. Kind of my lucky guitar.

Erostole is a master of emotions, including his own. He can fake a laugh or smile to perfection, completely fooling the eye to his real thoughts and feelings. Erostole is highly composed and in control of himself. Little sets him off, he knows how to keep himself calm and focused. Not to mention he was taught growing up, that emotions were a weakness. He was taught the one's who controlled themselves had a better chance. As such, he makes sure to keep himself under control. Erostole has two main sides, mirror images of each other in many ways and opposite in others. To the public, he is charming and alluring. A smile and accent that can pull you in, eyes and a demeanor about him that can set one's heart a flutter. A light hearted side, playful to the eye, getting along with everyone around him. A good guy all around for the most part. In the face of the order or in business however, he shifts.

Erostole can become like a blank slate. Unreadable and unpredictable, which makes him unpredictable. This makes many fear him in this state, because it is unclear what he is thinking or feeling. He becomes calm to the point where he's almost icy. He becomes logical, direct and unforgiving of stupidity around him. In many ways, he becomes ruthless and can remain completely calm and composed in the face of it all. Showing little regard to other's emotion or suffering. Unknown to most however, there are other sides to him as well. Sides very few get to see. These parts reside in his deepest heart, the true essence of him that would be otherwise unacceptable to his position and family. Erostole can be genuinely kind and gentle when he wants to be. He really does show a caring side to life around him, people, plant, animal, all of it. He feels guilty and saddened by what is going on, wishing there was some way it could be different.

As he would like to put it, he is only human. He bleeds just like any other, he is capable of pain and sadness, despite what others may think about him. He sees the value in life and in emotion, while also seeing the hindrance's of it he was raised to see. This often can create conflict within him, which he fights to remain under control, to the point where he literally cuts himself off from his own emotions. Though little does seem to phase him at face value, he is also capable of a more expressive side if need be. He can get riled up, a very passionate man at heart. Losing his composure can lead to him lashing out, both physically and emotionally. He wont typically start or seek out a fight, but he will be the one to end it. Depending on how far pushed, he can simply push back till the threat stops, or he can crush it despite it stopping or not.

On stage, is the only time he truly feels free and able to be himself. It is his true passion, the time for the most part he is able to let go and forget about all the pressure and expectations for a little while. He is often seen smiling, putting his all into it. His presence heightened by the fans and the emotion from the crowd. It gives him more energy, which often boosts him more. For him, it's his drug, his high. He craves it, needs it as an outlet. This causes him to often resort to it or practicing when his own emotions bubble up to much for him to keep under control. He can play it off as doing his job or some other reason, but in the end, it is his love. The threat of losing it is one of the main things that can get to him easily. His love of it often reflected clearly in his guitar. He keeps it safe and in pristine condition.

Erostole was born within Paris, France. His family has had strong connections with the Order for years, Erostole's ancestor even part of the original group who founded it. As such, his family is known as a sort of royalty within their ranks. He's often treated like a prince with the members of the Order. Though with that comes high expectations. Erostole spent most of his younger years learning magic, the ins and outs, even before it was known or not if he could bend it to his will. He felt great pressure when younger, since it would have been a huge blemish on his family, if he turned out unable to create magic or do anything at all. Luckily, he was a quick learner and had a lot to help him. His parents often brushing it off as him being a natural, that it ran in their family, like none of it was an accomplishment of his own.

In fact, that is how much of his life went. accomplishments were chocked up to the parent's guidance, his older brother's example or some other reason the family could take credit for. Erostole was often reminded that without the family, he would be nothing and nowhere. To him, it sounded more like he owed them everything, and they were all to happy to let him think that way. His family was rigid, running more like a business than a family in any way. His father kept himself distant to the sons, seeing it as a means to make them stronger, they needed a firm and strong hand to lead them. His mother was their father's right hand woman. She was a woman of the mind, everything could be solved with logic and deduction. Matters of the heart were considered obsolete within their world.

Erostole thought it was a bit ironic, that his magic was strongest in that very area. Manipulating not the mind, but the heart, which was just as good. He could drive a person mad through their own emotions. Though his parents didn't see a use for it within their family, they saw the advantages of it within the world around them. Who wouldn't want to make people devoted to them, willing to do anything for them. He could bend people to his will without much effort of his. It didn't hurt that as he grew, he became a handsome and charming young man. His accent typical of his origin accompanied with this, made both men and women swoon for him. So just as he was a prince inside the Order, he quickly grew to be one outside of it as well. At the age thirteen, he came to live with his brother in Sunnydale. He had wondered what the hype about this place was. Why his brother, the so called family prodigy would come there for to live.

His brother told him there was more to the place than met the eye. It was a hot spot, a source of powerful magic and the birthplace of the original Order. It was his job as a member of the order to oversee dealings within the town. Some day, it would be Erostole's job to take over just the same. No pressure right? No, it made more expectations land upon his shoulders. His main escape, became his music. He formed Vera Amoris, becoming it's lead singer and guitarist. His parents only allowing it because it would make him more of an idol and his powers could flourish. He became known as both Eros and Siren within the town. His job becoming to keep the peace and oblivion. Essentially, to keep people calm and unsuspecting through his music and magic. A task he had little trouble with.

Magic Abilities:
Erostole is a master of emotion. He is an empath, allowing him to sense the emotions of others around him. This makes them like books to him, he can gauge whether their happy, sad, angry, etc. He also has an influential ability. Erostole is able to alter or 'suggest' the feelings of others. He is able to do this by giving an off a slight aura, which only really affects those in his direct vicinity. To those around him, its more like a nagging feeling to them. Like a whisper in their ear, hinting at a particular emotion or mindset. In the end, it is the person's choice whether to listen or not. It goes down to their strength of will and heart. The stronger those are, the weaker the pull is on them.

The more direct way, as well as the stronger way, is through direct contact with a target. This creating a direct link with them, a bridge for him to get in. In which case, he is able to directly flip their emotions like a light switch. This one typically does not have a dependence on will or strength of heart. Once he's in, he's in. The duration of how long his hold last varies. Once the bridge is established and the natural shift in emotion is changed, he is able to maintain it through the aura means alone. Meaning as long as he remains in the direct vicinity of them, their under his spell. If he leaves the direct vicinity, the emotions will slowly subside, leaving the person feeling more like their coming off of a high, leaving them feeling a bit emotionally drained for a bit after.

The only time his aura is more powerful, essentially the same as direct contact without the need to actually touch someone, is when he is on stage. His own emotions are heightened, and his aura becomes heightened with the music in turn. Essentially, he is able to infuse his music with his emotional magic. This means, whoever hears his music during this time, will be influenced by it. A sad song might induce tears and powerful sorrow, while a more upbeat song may induce energy and a more intense song may induce anger and violence. It depends on his message and the music. Essentially, his lyrics and the music infuse themselves in turn with those listening, influencing and filling them.

Another ability of his, is control over his own emotions. He has the ability to shut down his own emotions, just like with other's, but he needs no aura or link in order to do it. He is able to suppress them to the point where he doesn't feel at all. This works with one emotion, or them all, it is his choice which emotions to flip on or off within himself. A link of this, is to turn off his emotional sense to pain. That fear, flight or fight response. A big drawback of this is once he decides to release his emotions, if he is not careful, they can hit him pretty hard. This can leave him dazed or stunned in a sense for a period of time. Like his head and heart are spinning, causing him to be unable to focus. It can also make him lash out with a certain emotion, not meaning to or randomly.

His abilities are often confused with and considered mind control, but they are not. The heart can be just as powerful, essentially influencing the mind into doing something. This is why for the most part, people are content with just calling it as such, but he is keen on correcting them at times. As much as he gives off and influences emotions, they often influence him as well. If he is not in control, letting his guard down to much, a touch of another or something they have recently touched can hit him with residual emotion. It can be painful for him, or influence him similar to above. A plus of his powers, is Erostole absorbs the auras and essences of emotions. He will feed off of the emotional energy given off by others around him. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the energy he gets off of it. He stores this within his own body, but with the use of his suppression ability, the energy does not cause his emotions to go haywire.

That is, as long as he remains in control of his emotions. His body processes this energy into tangible magical energy. Each emotion has its own color, each color of magic and emotion has its own properties. Essentially, each emotion has its own effect. He can release this energy through his magic, in bursts or by infusing the energy into an object. If this is done, the object essentially becomes a talisman of sorts. The one who touches it, will be filled with that emotion, causing him not to even have to be around them for it to maintain hold. Depending on how much emotional energy is in the object, it will last until the energy runs out, or the person is physically separated from the object. Once done, the person will feel so emotionally drained and exhausted, that it takes a physical toll on them on top of the toll of what they did during the time of influence. This can cause them to pass out or sleep for a period of time after.

Emotion and Color/Properties:

Anger/Hatred: Comes out in the color of red, this is essentially pure and raw destructive magic. It comes out often as beams or blasts and can cause explosions, hit someone like a fist or worse is hitting them.

Envy/Jealousy: Comes out as a dark blackish green. This is pure rotten magic, it creeps along like a mist. If it touches something organic, like a plant, it will make it decay and wither. If it comes into contact with metal, it will rust and ruble, wood and other substances in a similar manner. If it comes into contact with a human, it begins to essentially decay them, having an effect more like acid to the body, eating away at it. He is able to pull it back and disperse it just as he can bring it in.

Happiness/Joy: A bright yellow magic, it's a boost to himself and others. He is not limited to a certain group, as Noah is with the others of the club. He is able to give this boost to anyone. It can boost their magic for a period of time, as well as their own physical abilities. It fills them essentially with energy itself, amplifying them.

Fear/Panic: Comes out as a dark grayish blue stormy cloud. It encircles the target, closing in around them. It can be used for stealth, but it has another goal. Shifting shadows and glimpses within the cloud itself are primarily to confuse the target, causing them to strike out at something that isn't anything at all. He is able to pull it back and disperse it just as he can bring it in.

Sadness/Depression: Comes out as a thick bluish sludge like magic. It slides over the floor, walls or any obstacle within its way. As it does, it sucks it in like quicksand, while holding onto it like a tarish glue. It immobilizes whatever gets caught in it, slowly solidifying overtime like cement. If someone becomes completely encased, it runs the risk of suffocating them. Once hardened though, he is able to turn it back to a maliable substance and pull it away from whatever it is on.

Love/Infatuation: Comes out within a rose pink color.

With all emotional magic, the strength and range of it, depends on how much energy he is putting into the magic. A drawback of his magic, is that he uses emotional energy. This in turn drains his emotions. Meaning, once he depletes his stored emotional energy, it will use his own. If he does not have much stored at the time, it is all his. It can leave him weak and emotionally drained after. This makes him want to sleep, as well as makes him more vulnerable to emotions around him. Physical contact can literally hurt, because the link and emotions felt through it, are damaging.


Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of Human, Perfect Life and Irresistable, for all eternity.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:45 AM.