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Shadami 05-16-2016 03:20 AM

Jaijin and Shadami too far apart DnD OOC

I'm starting the OOC thread so that you can drop stuff in here about this campaign in your spare time when you're not looking at houses. cause i know our schedules are far to different.

Anyways. my two characters are

an elf Diviner (wizard) Level 1
the gnome/dwarf Rogue . Level 6

I have a labyrinth/dungeon that I was working on a while back that is hunting some guy named gatsby i think. Would that work for you? I believe it was a low level dungeon if I remember correctly. I just have to find the correct box that the paperwork is in on it.

Or do you want me to come up with something even more different?

Links Out:
The dungeon thread
The Character Sheets

Jaijin 06-12-2016 08:26 PM

I think the gatsby dungeon would be great. I have a level 1 human knight I'm working on for this campaign.

Shadami 06-12-2016 08:31 PM

So pretty sure its in the closet. So i'll pull that out and set something up ^^;; and than set the linkys up so we can get between the OOC (maybe we do the rolls in here? so its not making the RP cluttered with dice rolls?) I'm not sure. its just an idea. But I'll get something set up so that we have the initial Backgrounds to to the roleplay post up so that I can link to it from the character post. its required for it in the rules.

Were you going to be running a second character. I can't remember?

Shadami 09-21-2016 01:44 PM

Well crap. i packed up the dwarf and don't know where i put it!! noooooo she was gonna be so much fun!!

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