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SpiceSoul 07-16-2016 12:15 PM

Tips on RPing? i have no clue what to do
Im 100% new to RPing..well ive done it a little in FF14 but could not help but think i was failing horrably.
so is there any tips you can give me oh great gods of Rping?

Symphony of the Night 07-16-2016 04:10 PM

Hi SpiceSoul!

The basic purpose of a roleplay is to take turns writing a story with a roleplay partner or group. You can create your own character or use a character that already exists in a movie, manga, television show, book, et cetera. Then, you control what your character does in the story.

Since you are new to roleplay, I would suggest going about it in the following order:

First, find a roleplay partner or group.
  • You can create a thread in the Roleplay Requests subforum or browse other people's threads.
  • If you have any ideas for storylines or settings (time/place) for your roleplay, see if anyone else is interested in carrying out those ideas.

Next, if you haven't done so already, create a storyline or setting for your roleplay. You can create an Out-Of-Character (OOC) thread in the OOC subforum so you and your roleplay partner(s) can bounce ideas off each other.

Then, come up with your character or characters. For each, create a character profile, which can include:
  • A picture of your character
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Physical appearance (hair, eyes, build, height, weight, outfit, et cetera)
  • Personality
  • Powers/abilities (if applicable)
  • Family/Relationships (if applicable)
  • And any other information about your character you want to include

You can also create a thread in the Character Journals subforum to keep track of your characters and their information.

I am doing a roleplay right now with sailor star rainbow if you would like to see an example of a one-on-one roleplay:

And I am also part of a roleplay started by Kat Dakuu if you want to see an example of a group roleplay:

---------- Post added 07-16-2016 at 04:11 PM ----------

Let me know of any further questions you might have or if you would like clarification on anything I wrote :D

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2016 02:15 AM

There's really no right or wrong with rping, so keep that in mind. Once you try a few times, you'll realize where your comfort zones are and be sure to make them clear. Some people are perfectly fine with writing a sentence back and forth or six paragraphs. Some people want to format pictures and colored text throughout the posts, but there's no standard to be taught. Just have fun and go with the flow. The most important thing is learning to be flexible and work with what you get and give something to work with and whenever you're unsure, just talk with your partner. It makes all the difference in the world.

Happy rping times~!

The_Crow 07-28-2016 07:00 AM

I could teach you a thing or two about RolePlaying. There are many variations, but I can teach you what goes for "common courtesy" in RP, and it can also be really fun once you get the hang of it.

My main caveat is that we need to find somewhere without really small character limits. You know by now that I tend to be a bit verbose... and when I get into it my RP posts are multi-para.

Also, though it can be done via chat or message board (or even email or such if you're really desperate), it would probably be best to "teach" you over a chat/IM system for immediate feedback and to keep progressing... on message boards people post maybe once a day or something, and it's a bit difficult to learn like that, I would think.

Peachschnebly 08-20-2016 08:01 PM

If you've done acting. just writing it.

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