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Lise 11-03-2016 11:55 PM

[Results] Fashions Fate

Greetings Menewshans,

I trust everyone enjoyed the event. Now is the time to see the results of your efforts. Join me in congratulating our winners.


Lise 11-03-2016 11:56 PM

Mischievous Shadows

Menewshans are fantastic at illustrations. The stories were compelling and well executed all around. . .

However, the thing that amuses me most about the participants in this category is that none had made mention of my original proposal ~ Are they friend or foe? Perhaps I misspoke, during my further instructions to lead you all down that path.

In reality shadows are mysterious by nature, so they require a certain touch to be read. I now believe asking you what their intentions were was folly on my part. Apologies. Whom would know such things but the shadows themselves.


In Third place: gummybearkisses, bloodstainedwings and salvete's entry.
Enjoy your winnings of 1,000 gold each.
These shadows were the industrious sort. Lending their skills in swift and secretive transport. I may consider a business deal with these honest looking shadows in the future.

In Second place: Shadami, XoGIZMOoX, Dragoness129, and Velvet's entry.
Enjoy your winnings of 3,000 gold each.
Alchemy is normally reserved for minerals and other elemental magics. Theses scientifically inept shadows are attempting to make body parts out of potatoes. They could be considered devious if they were not so endearingly hopeless.

In First Place: ~Longcat~, Elirona, Star2000Shadow, Cora
Enjoy your winnings of 5,000 gold each.
The most devious of all shadows are always the ones that put on a friendly show. They distract you from the lurking shadows in the bleachers you do not see. My spiritual advice would be to bring a talisman to this show. Hold it close lest it go missing.

Lise 11-03-2016 11:56 PM

Happy Halloween!

There were some impressive costumes this year. Three stood out in my mind that exemplified what Hallows'eve embodies.

In Third place: XoGizmooX
Enjoy your winnings of 1,000 gold.
Such a clever monster. Are you not. Odd I find the idea of grooming that much body hair far more mortifying than your apparent diet.

In second place: zeapear
Enjoy your winnings of 3,000 gold.
An excellent witch costume. Were it not for the hat you would never expect this creature to be a witch. Merely a shop keep. How dangerous for her victims.

In first Place: Suona
Enjoy your winnings of 5,000 gold.
Elegance meets the bestial undead. A perfect vampire costume. The plum plume of clouds surrounding the moon mirror your outfit rather well.

Lise 11-03-2016 11:56 PM

Spooky Kids!

From the chilling tales of Edgar Allen Poe to the ramblings of odd people on the internet. We are all obsessed with stories of the super natural. These three inspired avatars invoked the feelings of those tales the best.

In Third Place: dragoness129
Enjoy your winnings of 1,000 gold.
There is something about seeing my fellow Menewshans in the clutches of this creature that evokes emotion. Delightfully dreadful.

In second Place: Linnea
Enjoy your winnings of 3,000 gold.
A tragic short tale well illustrated and cleverly executed.

In first Place: Nephila
Enjoy your winnings of 5,000 gold.
When a character delves so deep into psyche of man that many mistake them as true events it creates legend. From shadow people, to Slenderman. . .
The Mothman is one of those hear tell tale creatures that continues to haunt us into modern days. These shadowy boogieman are the forsaken reflections of our own dark hearts and history.

Lise 11-03-2016 11:56 PM

Silver Screen Thriller

The most demanding of the challenges was this one. When dealing with balancing black and white, simple is the way to go. Bold contrast and grey-scale flow were looked at closely for this. Successful avatars not only gave the balance BUT a clear silver screen story as well. These next three avatars embodied that.

In Third place: star2000shadow
Enjoy your winnings of 1,000 gold.
Alone, she waits for him on the darkened street, little did she know someone was watching. It was me. Simple yet highly effective.

In Second place: Sadrain
Enjoy your winnings of 3,000 gold.
This is very much like an opening shot of an old movie. Dark, atmospheric . . . rather a quaint looking place to live.

In First Place: Xogizmoox
Enjoy your winnings of 5,000 gold.
The utter horror of it all! An unwanted spirit that has proven hard to be rid of. Yan has proven itself as such a specter on multiple occasions. I shall meditate on your safety Xogizmoox.

Lise 11-03-2016 11:56 PM

Winners shall all be rewarded post haste.

Thank you all for making my Hallows'eve a memorable one. Congratulations to our winners.


Shadami 11-21-2016 04:05 PM

Thank you lise, it was a lot of fun ^^

Linnea 11-21-2016 04:07 PM

Super! Thank you!

Lise 11-21-2016 04:11 PM

You are most welcome Shadami & Linnea.

All group prizes have been sent out. On to the Happy Halloween! Winners.

---------- Post added 11-21-2016 at 10:35 AM ----------

Correction. All prizes have been sent.

Suona 11-21-2016 05:16 PM

Thank you very much for the pick and the prize! I'm glad you liked her
And congratulations to all the winners

bloodstainedwings 11-21-2016 05:30 PM

thank you so much and congratulations everyone! so many wonderful avatars!

~LONGCAT~ 11-21-2016 05:43 PM

Good job team!!
And congrats to the others, looking good!

Velvet 11-21-2016 07:39 PM

Thank you!

Nephila 11-21-2016 08:34 PM

Sweet! Thanks so much. :D

Congrats everyone. :)

star2000shadow 11-21-2016 09:05 PM

oh wow thanks Lise 'blinks' id idn't expect to win anything..

Elirona 11-21-2016 10:56 PM

Congrats to everyone who entered, and all the winners! The outfits were so good this time around! :V

dragoness129 11-21-2016 10:56 PM

Thank you so much! This was a ton of fun!
All the entries were great!

salvete 11-22-2016 01:40 AM

Thank you Lise and congratulations to all of the winners <3

*Hime* 11-22-2016 09:36 AM

Congratz to all the winners!

sadrain 11-22-2016 03:27 PM

Wow! Thank you Lise! I'm really surprised and happy I won. :D Congratulations to all the other winners, too1

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