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Head Librarian 11-22-2016 07:20 PM

A Guide to 100 Theme/Drabble Threads
A Guide to 100 Theme/Drabble Threads

This is a brief guide to explain what a 100 theme or drabble thread is.

What is a 100 themes list?

A 100 themes list is basically a list of 100 items. The object is to take one item from the list and write a story about that said item.


Originally Posted by Example
#4. Apple
Write a story about an Apple.

Ita was craving an apple. The only question was where to find one. He was certain there weren’t any apples in the house.

And continue.

Some writers like to do this as character building for their own original characters. Other writers enjoy using these lists for fanfics and their favorite couples. Even artists use these lists to draw pictures.

Key Terms

Drabble – Usually a short story ranging in length from 100-200 words. However some writers call their short stories drabbles even the if story is longer than 200 words.

Items – The prompts that make up the list. [1. Star , 2. Frog, 3. Run] Star, frog and run are the "items" of the list.


Not all 100 themes lists actually contain 100 items. There are other lists that are shorter or longer and just as unique. Famous examples for and livejournal users are: 30kisses, 15hugs, etc. So don’t panic if you see a list shorter then 100 themes. One hundred is just a more common number on the lists.

Some lists require you to add something more to the story beside just the items. Lists like 30kisess state that you should have a kiss in every story.

As mentioned above, not all lists are used for writing. Some use it for drawing, icons, and more. So if you happen to be an artist who stumbled into the lit forum by accident, feel free to use these lists.

Head Librarian 11-22-2016 07:24 PM


These are just some guidelines or general "rules" that most people follow when using 100 themes lists. Some contradict themselves just to forewarn you. And NO you do not have to follow these guidelines. They're just guidelines or friendly suggestions.
  1. One item per drabble (thus for a 100 theme list, you should have 100 drabbles).
  2. Some people combine items together though (i.e. thus a 100 theme list, people may have 50 drabbles by using two items for each drabble).
  3. For Fanfics writers – usually they only choose one pairing/couple to write about. For original stories, most writers just write about all their characters.
  4. Some lists have more requirements. 30kisses for example wants a kiss in every drabble, 15hugs, wants a hug in each drabble.
  5. For those of you with livejournal accounts, some people join the communities where the list is made and post there. Certain communities have their own rules, such as no two people can use the same pairing or you're required to update at least once a month, for example. If you cannot handle that much pressure, it is suggested that you don't sign up for these types of lists. And no you do not need a livejournal account to post here on menewsha.
  6. Give credit where credit is due. If you know someone else created the list, then please state that or give a link and be sure to quote the list if you paste it into your thread. If you took the list from a livejournal community for example, please post the community link so that people can go there if they want. If you don't know, then no harm done, just don't claim the list as your own.

Head Librarian 11-22-2016 07:25 PM

A Few Lists to Get You Started

Name of List: 100 themes
Creator's Name: Seito and Psyrien
URL: Here

Name of List: 100 Thems: Racing Edition
Creator's Name: Seito and Psyrien
URL: Here

Head Librarian 11-22-2016 07:26 PM

A Brief History of Drabbles

According to two websites, the word "drabble" comes 1971 Monty Python's Big Red Book: 'Drabble. A word game for 2 to 4 players. The four players sit from left to right and the first person to write a novel wins.'
The drabble consisted of around 50 to 80 words.

The actual game was created at Birmingham University SF Society. They declared that 100 words was best suited for this, and the game spread like wildfire. The Rules are simple, gather up your friends and the first person to write a 100 word novel (not a word more or less) wins.

Many online writers have changed the rules of the game a little. The most popular being the 100 theme (or a variation of) challenge. This game provides a set list of 'items' from 1-100 and the writer has to write 100 drabbles (there is no official word limit). Each drabble has to contain one of the items from the list.

Basically the one thing that remains the same in each explanation is that a drabble is a short story. A work of fiction.


The Drabble Project
How Drabbles Began

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