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Nephila 12-01-2016 08:01 PM

[Contest] Sweet Surprise

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:10 PM

Welcome to Menewsha's Sweet Surprise Cooking Contest.

I know a lot of you enjoy baking and cooking lovely treats for your loved ones around this time. This is my second year doing the Sweet Surprise Cooking contest and I'd love to see what you're doing this year. So I'm inviting you to share what you've made with us in these three traditional categories.

Sweet, Savory and Sippable.

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:39 PM

[idea] How to Participate [idea]

To enter, simply prepare your real-life creations, add your username and snap a photo. Host the image somewhere (such as IMGUR, tinypic or photobucket), and paste or link your entries in this thread using the provided form. :3

  • No more than two entries per person, per category.
  • Don't edit your username into your image - it's got to be part of the original photo. If you mess up and forget the username, talk to me & we'll see if we can work something out.
  • No storebought goodies, please! Using recipes or box mixes is fine, as is getting as little bit of help from another person as needed (2 year old "help" decorate? That's fine. Enlisted someone to chop nuts for you? That's ok too.), as long as you've done the majority of the work yourself. [lol]
  • No last year entries! One wouldn't think this needs to be said, but apparently it does. *looks at someone in particular* [nono]


All entries must be submitted in this thread by the end of the Festival of Winter Nights event.
(Check the Event FAQ for the most current info.)

This year we're going to do something a little different when it comes to prizes. Since the competition gets more difficult as the number of people joining increases, I feel the prizes should reflect that. New Tiers of prizes will unlock for every 5 entries that join.
1st Place - [gold] T1:5K T2:10K T3:10K+1EI T4:10K+full EI set
2nd Place - [gold] T1:3K T2:6k T3:6K+1 EI T4:6K+Full EI set
3rd Place - [gold] T1:1.5K T2:3K T3:3K+1 EI T4:3k+ Full EI set
Participation - [gold] T1:250g T2:300g T3:400g T4:500g
See each category for Their current Teir info

Q & A

Q. What criteria are the entries being judged on?
A. For edible entries, I'm looking at sentimentality (is this a family recipe? Does it remind you of your nan, or a special memory? I love that stuff! [:)]), how yummy I imagine it tasting (not necessarily to me; you won't fail for accidentally using an ingredient I don't personally like), and overall presentation (both staging and the food itself). For crafts: creativity, technique, results (if you attempt something really difficult I'll take that into consideration when judging the final product).

Q. All I have is my phone camera. How important is photo quality to you?
A. While entries aren't being judged on photo quality directly, since I can't actually taste the food the visuals do matter. I'm not going to be picky about image resolution but a nicely staged photo will have an edge over a similar quality dish with a careless photo. (eg, Don't set your plate of beautiful, yummy food on a dirty floor next to a pair of sneakers to take your pic.)

Q. Does my entry need to be "Christmassy" in order to win?
A. Not at all. Whatever seasonal means to you is just fine with me. :) Feel free to add comments to your entries to explain anything you feel concerned about. [glomp]

Q. I'm not the best cook/colorist, should I enter anyway?
A. Go for it! I love to see any and all creations - it's especially neat to share holiday foods because so many of them have personal relevance to the chef. :)

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:42 PM

T2 Prizes! 9/10

For the sweetest of the sweet ~
Those festive candies, cookies, and other goodies go here!



[indent][COLOR="skyblue"][B][SIZE="5"]I brought sweets![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]


Originally Posted by Kiari (Post 1773794513)
I brought sweets!
Comments: homemade spice cake using a 3D tree mold.


Originally Posted by Kiari (Post 1773795881)
I brought sweets!
Comments: I made some tasty brown sugar shortbread cookies, and white chocolate dipped peppermint sugar cookies. They are delicious.


Originally Posted by Eastriel (Post 1773804683)
[indent]I brought sweets!
Comments: I made my dad an advent calander this year. I made the chocolates myself, as I decided to display them in a box I made sure that there was still a suprise element. So there are four different fillings in the chocolates, dried fruit, nuts, marshmallows, and on the back of some are sprinkles. Naturally however as this wa made on the 1st, I didn't take a picture with my user in as proof. So I hope you will accept this picture, taken on day 23 as proof, not only that my fair hand created it, but also that my dad enjoyed it! :P



Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1773806439)
Yassss I have some treats~
[indent]I brought sweets!
Comments: Let's just say being in the same room as these was not as easy as you would think. Recipe I used here: Peppermint Crunch Balls |
[indent]I brought sweets!
Comments: So technically I entered these in a contest before, but I decided to reprise them this year and see if I could do them better. Used the same recipe as before, but halved the cocoa powder and threw in a chopped-up dark chocolate bar, and then drizzled (liberally) with melted chocolate. Again, hard to resist eating them all, but I managed.
Recipe: Chocolate Shortbreads |

I brought sweets!
Comments: Cookies for Santa.... Sugar cookies decorated with iceing and sprinkle balls had help from little minnions

Originally Posted by Xogizmoox (Post 1773821314)
[indent]I brought sweets!
Comments: It's an edible snow dome.... The dome is made out of jello gelatin it's hollow you put it over a special molding things before you put it in the fridge so that it makes a hollow dome sorta like when your jello has a rubbery sheet but mine tastes better then it has a mini tree inside the dome candied tree sitting upon some snow made of a whipped marshmellowy goodness and sprinkled with white chocolate shavings then the brown base is a bowl shape cake chocolate of course decorated with iceing and then it's sitting upon a tablecloth that is made of fondant with little fondant hollies ^.^


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773828788)
[indent]I brought sweets!
Comments: Oh bring us some figgy pudding! Oh bring us some figgy pudding! Oh bring us some figgy pudding and Bring it right here!
Yeah, I brought it and it's delicious! Second time making figgy pudding. It's drizzled in hard sauce in the first picture. Om nom nom. For the curious, it's like eating a giant fig newton cake. Super yummy!

---------- Post added 01-03-2017 at 12:04 AM ----------

I brought sweets!
Comments: I made a Japanese pumpkin cheesecake from this Cooking with Dog video. :D It wasn't exactly like a fluffy Japanese cheesecake and it also didn't have the familiar "pumpkin spice" flavor associated with pumpkin on this side of the pond, but it was still nice. And I know, I know, t he time for pumpkin has supposedly passed, but whatever. I do what I want! Though, the cheesecake does look upset with me. [gonk]


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773830529)
[indent]I brought sweets!

Comments: Cranberry-Orange tart, with candied cranberries on top. :) I first made it a few months back because we had an excess of fresh cranberries, and my family liked it so much I made personal ramekins for New Years.


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1773830565)
I brought sweets!
Comments: Homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. Some on a plate and ready to eat, the others were setting up still. (And they are delicious. [drool])

Ingredients: Flour, baking soda, baking powder, raisins, cinnamon, butter, eggs, sugar, brown sugar, nutmeg, and probably more that I can't remember atm.

I brought sweets!
Comments: Banana Pudding Cake

Every year my grandmother would make banana pudding during the holidays before she passed. So this year I decided to keep the tradition while adding my own twist to it. And the banana pudding cake was born!

It's delicious and moist.

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:50 PM

12/10 T2

From snacks to soups & salads to hearty main dishes,
things to eat that aren't sweet belong here. [boogie]



[indent][COLOR="skyBlue"][B][SIZE="5"]I have a savory dish to share![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1773802863)
[indent]I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: lamb steaks with couscous + quinoa and sun dried tomatoes.


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1773806431)
[indent]I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: It's mashed potatoes and green bean casserole pan seared to make a leftover stirfry with a bit of a crunch to take away from it being leftovers. I almost added cheese and sour cream, but decided the onions from the casserole would add enough flavor. xD


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773812874)
Hehe,,,it twas yummy. [=3]
The cinnamon stick kept trying to sink before my picture though...

I have a savory dish to share!

Comments: My Christmas Eve Dinner, Cornish Hens, beans, and wild rice. I forgot to take a pic with my name...but it has the same tablecloth as my Butterbeer photo...I understand if you can't accept this though. Just wanted to share my pretty chicken. :P

I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: I made a grilled panani sandwich (I guess that's what to call it) It's got toasted bread with three types of cheeses grilled onto the bread itself and some seasonings then I made a spiral sliced honey glazed brown sugar ham for Christmas so it has some of it on the sandwich with cheese sliced on it as well

I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: Cheesy Hammy Taters
Potatos sliced - Potato chip style circular slices, then it has some of the spiral sliced honey glazed brown sugar ham in it and some chives


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie;1773828788
I have a savory dish to share!


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie;1773828788
Comments: What's holiday time without some comfort food? Here's some delicious chicken and dumplings. :D
I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: Ok, I know this is not photogenic at all, but it was a big bowl of deliciousness! It's a leftover bowl I made with the remains of Christmas dinner. It's got nice tender chunks of leftover roast in a meaty mushroom gravy I whipped up over rice.


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1773830565)
I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: Boneless teriyaki chicken thighs, sweet peas, mac n cheese, and sauted spinich. Yum~

I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: Homemade traditional Japanese inspired ramen. Just ignore the fact that my boiled egg didn't peel right. [sweat]
Anyway, this savory dish includes egg noodles, chicken broth, sliced tomatoes, one boiled egg, spring onions, mushrooms, and a mixture of carrots, kale, brussel sprouts, and spinach. It was yummy~


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1773832502)
I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: i made some bibimbap, it was my first time and it was delish! roasted bok choy, garlic rice, roasted sweet potatoes, pickled watermelon radishes and persimmons, with some green onions... and a fried egg! i put a picture before egg and after egg, so all the pretty christmasy colors can be seen!

I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: ground rosemary and sage pork tenderloin, some sauteed garlic kale, and roasted potatoes. i also made salsa verde for the first time! it's the green stuff on the pork; capers, parsley, with some garlic paste, white wine vinegar and olive oil. i would have been satisfied just eating the salsa verde [drool](i have two pictures because i didn't know which one i liked better!)

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:52 PM

This is the beverage category. If you're meant to drink it, it belongs here!


[indent][COLOR="Blue"][B][SIZE="5"]I made something to drink![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773812829)
[indent]I made something to drink!
Comments: Frothy, Creamy, Buttery, BUTTERBEER!! Channeling my Harry Potter vibes. :) No boring old cider for (Kidding...I love cider)


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773830529)

[/COLOR][indent]I made something to drink!

Comments: Holiday Cheers; Pomegranate Liqueur, Whipped Cream Vodka, and Fresh Apple Cider, Garnished with candied Cranberries and Pomegranate Seeds floating (sinking...)


I made something to drink!
this is a fresh cup of thai tea. nice and sweet and orange in color (although not orange in taste!) i added some cream and some dark chocolate shavings to garnish (which went everywhere, literally)

Nephila 12-01-2016 08:53 PM

Go on Make me drool! XD

Kiari 12-22-2016 09:30 PM

I almost missed this thread!! I am so ready for this!!

hummy 12-22-2016 09:58 PM

drool [drool] Nephie, drool!

TaiyoTsuki 12-22-2016 10:12 PM

Yaaaay, cooking contest~!

Shadami 12-22-2016 10:15 PM

Another cooking contest !!! woohoo :D i'm gonna try to make something this year ^^

TaiyoTsuki 12-22-2016 10:55 PM

I've got plenty of somethings ready to bake~

Shadami 12-22-2016 11:11 PM

I don't. i suppose i could make more pumpkin pie.

Velvet 12-22-2016 11:45 PM

Sooo, what are the tiers? :O

Nephila 12-23-2016 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1773793807)
Sooo, what are the tiers? :O

That's under the prize information. :)

Linnea 12-23-2016 02:10 AM

yea i'm going to try this year. i mean, i honestly try every year... usually... a little bit >.> BUT this year is the year!

Nephila 12-23-2016 02:15 AM

Hehhe It's easy to get distracted OR have people eat everything before you take the picture.

Making cookies here is like a secret affair done at night or super early morning or else they vanish. XD

Linnea 12-23-2016 02:42 AM

hahaha yea! but i don't have a flatmate for the first time in years so the only culprit is me [gonk] i can't blame anyone else this time!

Nephila 12-23-2016 02:50 AM

Fresh out of the oven is hard to resist. XD

Linnea 12-23-2016 02:54 AM

it most definitely is

Kiari 12-23-2016 03:06 AM

I brought sweets!
Comments: homemade spice cake using a 3D tree mold.

Nephila 12-23-2016 03:19 AM

Oh snap! What a start!

Kiari 12-23-2016 03:29 AM

If I have any left, I should snap a pic of the cookies I made. They were gifts for my coworkers and I don't know if my dad ate the leftovers yet or not. XD

Linnea 12-23-2016 04:04 AM

i am right this second making some bibimbap and i've never made it before but with all the colors it looks like a bowl of xmas decorations! perhaps i'll enter that!

---------- Post added 12-22-2016 at 09:05 PM ----------

and that 3d cake is awesome!

Nephila 12-23-2016 04:06 AM

Oh yum! It's been a while since I've had some of that.

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