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Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:03 AM

The Gaming Parlor - Seven Minutes in Llama's Pants & Other Naughty Party Games | Come Play!

What good is a ball without a few games?

Too bad Llama is in charge and things might get a bit... dirty!

Things are about to get weird.

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:03 AM

Blindman’s Bluff

Ah, the classic game of blindfolding someone and making them wander aimlessly. Fun times, for almost everyone, even if a few shins are bruised in the process.

This take on it is pretty simple, you simply roll a die each day, and you number is your action for that round. Will you catch someone? Fall on your face? Make out with a lamp? The possibilities are endless!

You can play this once per day!


[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Gray"]Blindfold Me! - Round 7[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

There will be chances to win gold or commons from the event store each round!


Round One
Elirona - 8 | You stumble around for a bit, then bump into a table and fall. Super uncool.
Salvete - 7 | In you hurry to catch someone you rip off their jewels. But they let you keep them. Yay! (Check your trades)
Kamikaze Kendra - 8 | You find nothing but thin air. Better luck next time.
Woodlandnymph - 8 | Stumbling around like a drunken fool has done nothing good for your reputation.
Kay - 5 | You knock over someone not playing, but they drop a few coins and don't notice. Score!
Kiari - 10 | You wander into the wrong room and walk in on a rather... busy couple. If they give you a few coins, surely you'll keep your mouth shut!
dragoness129 - 2 | You've been practicing, but turns out it was for nothing because you just fall on your face in front of everyone.
*Hime* - 7 | With you claw like hands you grab at some woman and tear her necklace free. Rude. But hey, free necklace. (Check your trades)

Round Two
Kamikaze Kendra - 6 | You manage to trip over the chase while blindfolded and fall, but under it you find a few coins someone dropped.
Kay - 10 | Someone kept spinning you until you were sick, they're jerks and now you're embarrassed.
Elirona - 9 | Your gloves got caught in a ladies earring and ripped it out. But she gave you the second one, so it all worked out. (Check your trades)
musasgal - 9 | You crash into someone, both of you lose your necklaces. She takes yours by mistake, which is okay, because you're poor and it was made from chewing gum and Popsicle sticks. Now you can keep her fancy one. (Check your trades)
Kiari - 5 | Yeah, it was pathetic. You didn't catch anyone.
StarBlazerM31 - 10 | You fall on your face in front of everyone. Welp, guess you're never coming back.
dragoness129 - 4 | You go to catch someone, but the smell you coming a mile away and throw some coins to distract you and make their escape.

Round Three
Kiari - 4 | You're so dizzy you run right out of the room and off a balcony. Ouch.
musasgal - 5 | You didn't think this would be so hard, but you'r dizzy and can't find anyone and it's pretty sad. Don't children play this game?
Kay 8 | You manage to wedge yourself between a table and a bookshelf, but you find some coins back there. Nice.
Shadami - 5 | After five minutes of catching no one they make you quit and let someone better take a go.
Kamikaze Kendra - 4 | This room is full of people, how did you manage to miss all of them?
Elirona - 8 | In their efforts to get away from you, two people crash into each other and one of them drops coins all over. It's a mad rush but you manage to get some.

Round Four
Elirona - 1 | You nearly catch someone, but you're not fast enough and instead fall on the floor and someone steps on your head.
dragoness129 - 4 | You manage to get someone! Nice, and oh, she would like to offer you some jewels for some alone time? Well who can pass that up...
Shadami - 4 | Instead of nicely tagging them you rip of their mask, revealing their face to everyone. Too bad they were in hiding and you ruined everything. But you get to keep the mask.
Kay - 8 | You trip and twist your ankle and have to sit out the rest of the round. Super lame!

Round Five
Elirona - 6 | Some presses a few coins into your hand and you're led to the closet. Looks like Seven minutes in heaven and Blindmans Bluff have joined forces. Oh boy!
dragoness129 - 8 | You stumble around for nearly fifteen minutes before they tire of you and move on to the next person.
Shadami - 5 | Falling on your face has never looked so awful. You're going to feel that in the morning.
Kay - 4 | You catch a woman by her fan, you get the win and the fan.

Round 6
Shadami - 2 | You slip on someones spilled drink and land on your bum. Everyone laughs.
Kiari - 1 | You somehow managed to pickpocket someone, despite being the one blinded. Weird, but hey, free gold.
Elirona - 2 | You almost catch a woman, but her husband doesn't appreciate it and punches you in the face. At least he didn't challenge you to a duel.
Kay - 7 | You spin in circles over and over and over and finally you puke on the host. Not good.
dragoness129 - 8 | You corner a woman and tag her so hard her mask falls off. Jeez. She leaves crying, but you get to keep the mask.

Round 7
Kay - 4
Elirona - 3

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:03 AM


Ah yes, Charades! Nothing better than people making bad guesses at terrible bits of acting. Good thing this is nothing like that! Yes, in Llama's version I will post pictures that will hint at the PHRASE I am thinking of. You must try to guess what it is. These will happen at any random time, so when you see it, be prepares. Every five minutes I will post a new clue until someone guesses it.

So I may start off with a picture of someone chopping a vegetable. But then the next is a tree. And then a lumberjack. My phrase would be "Chopping Wood".

You are only allowed one guess per post, and no double posting of guesses. Please wait for someone else to guess!

For guessing the correct phrase you will get an item from the event store or 200 gold.

Previous Rounds & WinnersX

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:04 AM

Spin the Bottle

Ah, if only we could play this properly, 'cause I know you all want a chance to lock lips with this sexy Llama, but alas... pixels and whatnots.

In this version you're going to have to spin a bottle to earn points, and you can buy yourself some naughty stuff with the points (yeah, I'm talking dirty pixel panties!)

I will post a picture of a bottle:
With the form to roll an eight-sided die. The number you roll is your spin on the wheel, and your points for the round.

This wheel will change occasionally, when I get time, probably, but this should be fun!

Spins & PointsX

Kiari - +4
Elirona - +7
Kamikaze Kendra - +4
Kay - + 4
Shadami - +1
SpicedRoses - +1

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:04 AM

Seven Minutes in Llama's Pants

Just like seven minutes in heaven, but much, much better. How long can you last?

Roll seven dice, make sure you get those low numbers, because anything over a 7 ends your time in heaven! How many minutes can you last? The first number over seven and you're out! No more lovin'.

You can play this once a day!


[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Gray"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Let me in those pants! - Day 7[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

(If you roll all seven dice, but your second one is 8+ then the rest do not count and you only get a minute added to your total time with Llama.)

Each day, the person(s) who last the longest will get... a pair of Llama's pants! The person who lasts the longest with Llama in the end gets...

Llama's Secret Panties he doesn't want anyone to know about! :o

Lovin' TimeX

Day 1
Elirona - 7 minutes
Salvete - 7 minutes
Kamikaze Kendra - 7 minutes
Kay - 0 minutes
Kiari - 4 minutes
dragoness129 - 0 minutes

Day 2
Kamikaze Kendra - 5 minutes
Kay - 2 minutes
Elirona - 1 minute
Kiari - 3 minutes
StarBlazerM31 - 0 minutes
dragoness129 - 7 minutes

Day 3
Kiari - 4 minutes
Kay - 1 minute
Shadami - 5 minutes
Kamikaze Kendra - 0 minutes
Elirona - 0 minutes

Day 4
Elirona - 7 minutes
dragoness129 - 2 minutes
Shadami - 5 minutes
Kay - 3 minutes

Day 5
Elirona - 2 minutes
dragoness129 - 0 minutes
Shadami - 2 minutes
Kay - 4 minutes

Day 6
Shadami - 2 minutes
Kiari - 2 minutes
Elirona - 3 minutes
Kay - 1 minute
dragoness129 - 6 minutes

Day 7
Kay - 5 minutes
Elirona - 6 minutes

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:05 AM

Other Whatnots

I'll finish this later~

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:05 AM


Let the fun begin.

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:07 AM

Llama! Woo! Games! [eager]

Blindfold Me! - Round 1
The 10-sided dice lands on 5

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:08 AM

Aww yisssss~

Welcome, Eli! How are yah?

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:09 AM

I'm okay! Struggling with my stupid avatar. >:I How are you, mister llama? I'm glad you decided to wear pants. :P

Let me in those pants! - Day 1
The 7-sided dice lands on 4
The 7-sided dice lands on 1
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 2
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 7
The 7-sided dice lands on 4

Prismatic Llama 02-12-2017 12:11 AM

Sorry, I'm no good at helping with avvehs. :/

Pfft, pants a no good! Except for takin' them off. ;D

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:15 AM

If you ever need help takin' your pants off, lemme know! ;P

It's completely okay, lol. I like the avis you make. <:3c

Precarious Fool 02-12-2017 12:23 AM

Hey, stop hittin' on Llama! He's mine. D:

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:27 AM

I can't help myself, Prec! I'm a nasty ho. :p

Precarious Fool 02-12-2017 12:31 AM

It's okay.

You do you!

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:31 AM

And you do you! How has your day been, prec? Anything hot and zesty happen?

Precarious Fool 02-12-2017 12:33 AM

Nah, not really, just a bit of shopping and now going to watch a movie with the SO, smoke some hookah, maybe play Mariokart.

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:38 AM

What movie are you going to watch? :O

Why did I pick lavender to work with??? there's barely any men's items in lavender!!! [illgetu]

salvete 02-12-2017 12:39 AM

Blindfold Me! - Round 1
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 07:40 PM ----------

Let me in those pants! - Day 1
The 7-sided dice lands on 6
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 1
The 7-sided dice lands on 2
The 7-sided dice lands on 6
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 5

Precarious Fool 02-12-2017 12:41 AM

The Magnificent Seven. Apparently it's a western, but I know nothing else. Pretty fucked up so far.

Change the colour then?

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:41 AM

Curse you and your amazing rolls, salv! [illgetu]

Congrats! :P

salvete 02-12-2017 12:41 AM

aw thank you elirona

Elirona 02-12-2017 12:41 AM

You know what? I'm super burned out on avatars rn. I'm just gonna make something for fun.

Kamikaze Kendra 02-12-2017 12:42 AM

Ahhh! Fun! Games! Dirty prizes!
I may have found my ideal hangout ;p

Blindfold Me! - Round 1
The 10-sided dice lands on 7

Let me in those pants! - Day 1
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 5
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 7
The 7-sided dice lands on 3
The 7-sided dice lands on 5
The 7-sided dice lands on 3

salvete 02-12-2017 12:42 AM

elirona, I thought you rolled better than I did?

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