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For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:06 AM

❀ Pre-Historic Cave Blossoms ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀

Welcome to the Wallflower, I mean, Pre-Historic Dave Blossoms! Yeah! Let's talk pre-historic blossomed beasts! Or Pokemon. know. Stuff! What's shaking my bosom blossoms?

Cookie's been doing the usual daily grind. Work. Eat. Sleep. Anime. What? There should be other activities in my life? Like Pokemon Go? Yeah, I do that too. I hatched a Milktank the other day. The sway of it's udders is hypnotic. @_@

Anyway, come on in. Grab a mossy corner and spread some roots. :)

hummy 04-29-2017 03:07 AM


Amane 04-29-2017 03:09 AM

*dons cavegirl dress and puts flowers in hair*

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:09 AM

And I love hummy! *cuddles*

---------- Post added 04-28-2017 at 11:09 PM ----------

Hey Amane. What's shakin?

hummy 04-29-2017 03:10 AM


Ignis 04-29-2017 03:12 AM

pokemon! :o aweee Grass type pokemon. Dragon type pokemon <3

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:13 AM

I just like cute pokemon, it doesn't matter what type they are. As long as they appear cuddly. Even if they don't, I still might like them.

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:17 AM

My favorite pokemon is charizard tho :p

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:18 AM

I don't really have a solid favorite. I mean, I've always been partial to pikachu, but there are so many pokemon to choose from! And they all have their own charm points.

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:20 AM

I like charizard specifically because he was one of the pokemon that ash let go [cry] it was sad.
I wouldn't give up on charizard i love that pokemon too much. lmao

Amane 04-29-2017 03:21 AM

I'm not much of a Pokemon chick. That was the sisters' thing.

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:22 AM

But what if he didn't love you back and he toasted you a lot and you ended up in a burn unit, just knowing it wasn't meant to be and if you love someone, sometimes you have to set them freeeee!


Mmmm, maybe shouldn't have drank that entire giant Dr. Pepper. o.o

@Amane - I tend to skirt around the edges of pokemon. I've played a few of the games, but never to the end. Currently, I do play Pokemon Go though. :)

Amane 04-29-2017 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773887273)
Hey Amane. What's shakin?

*gets spoopy in the corner with tarot cards*

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:24 AM

Don't summon anything creepy that you can't also banish!

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773887318)
But what if he didn't love you back and he toasted you a lot and you ended up in a burn unit, just knowing it wasn't meant to be and if you love someone, sometimes you have to set them freeeee!

i believe that charizard did that to ash because ash only cared about pikachu more than the rest of his pokemon lmao
and if i had a charizard my charizard would be my one and only lmao i would legit just have one pokemon because i don't want to have so many and then feel bad when i don't give them all the same attention.

Amane 04-29-2017 03:28 AM

I'll just put a curse on you all instead. *giggles*

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:30 AM

why would you curse us [gonk]

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:32 AM

Yeah, I don't think I could be the kind that actually had dozens and dozens of pokemon stuck in balls somewhere. And knowing me, I'd catch something and then lose the ball. My room is a freaking mess! So I'd have to have just a few fun little pokes to play with and have adventures with and they'd never go in balls....cause I'd totally lose them [gonk]

That's how Amane rolls.

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:34 AM

I would have charizard and sylveon and maybe leafeon :) and that's it.

Sporcle 04-29-2017 03:36 AM

*Pokes head in* Hi!

My favorite pokemon has always been Eevee!

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:38 AM

yeah eevee is cool

hummy 04-29-2017 03:38 AM

Highest Sporkle waves

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

Hi hi! *Waves* I have a pretty decent eevee collection in Pokemon Go. I need to try to evolve some of them soon.

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:45 AM

How many eevees do you have exactly? Are you trying to get all the evolutions?

For-Chan Cookie 04-29-2017 03:52 AM

I have 32 of them. There's only five eeveelutions out in Pokemon go. Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, I have. I just need to the the Espeon and Umbreon. I've just been a bit lazy. [sweat]

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