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LiviInLove 04-30-2017 06:22 PM

A Small Cave to Hide from Tantrums
Heya!!! I'm still alive -- kinda... I mean I am but I barely have time to get on anymore.
I need a place to hide out from tantrums... We've got our hands full with our kids, especially our almost 3 year old (who's now our middle child, in our gaggle of kids).

Come hang out with me -- on the rare times that I am able to get on!!

Disclaimer: I have 3 month old twins, an almost 3 year old and a 5 year old, who loves to remind me that she's almost 6 (in June), and two dogs -- and a hubby. So I tend to disappear without warning and sometimes take awhile to respond. But I'll do my best!

All I ask is be patient with me. Life is kind of insane over all for me lately. So I tend to be all over the place.

Be kind to one another!

salvete 04-30-2017 06:30 PM

*comes in to give hugs*

LiviInLove 04-30-2017 06:35 PM

*huggleglomps* I love hugs!

marnie 04-30-2017 06:36 PM

Livi lurves

LiviInLove 04-30-2017 06:36 PM

Hummy/Marnie loves! <3

marnie 04-30-2017 06:38 PM

muliemarnie is out in the sunshine *hugs*

Kory 04-30-2017 06:39 PM

Hi Livi :)

LiviInLove 04-30-2017 06:40 PM

It's always nice to let the mules out for a bit! My poor mule hardly ever gets out anymore. [sweat]

---------- Post added 04-30-2017 at 11:40 AM ----------

Hey there Ava!! [hug] How're you?

---------- Post added 04-30-2017 at 11:40 AM ----------

If I go poof -- I'm distracted by my hubby being an amazing daddy to our kids. [love]

marnie 04-30-2017 07:06 PM

i love that distraction for you, Livi

LiviInLove 04-30-2017 07:23 PM

I love it too. It's a good distraction.

marnie 04-30-2017 07:42 PM

you are blessed <3

LiviInLove 05-01-2017 02:13 AM

I totally am! <3

marnie 05-01-2017 06:08 AM

i hope y'all have a good night <3

hanahaki disease 05-01-2017 06:46 AM

*covers thread in bumper stickers*

marnie 05-01-2017 06:48 AM

and bubble wrap

hanahaki disease 05-01-2017 06:55 AM

*runs around popping the bubbles in the bubble wrap*

marnie 05-01-2017 07:56 AM

it's an addiction

LiviInLove 05-01-2017 03:27 PM

hanahaki disease: My 3 year old just discovered bubble wrap for the first time the other day - she started rolling all over it. [lmao]

I've actually, jokingly, told my hubby, that I wanna wrap her up in bubble wrap. She's as clumsy as I am.

marnie: We did have a reletively okay night - just up a few times, and woke to both Bec and Soph in bed with us. Thank goodness we have a big bed, although once the munchkins get old enough and decide they wanna join in too - I doubt it'll be big enough.

hummy 05-01-2017 03:39 PM

Y'all will need a bigger bed

LiviInLove 05-01-2017 03:42 PM

We can't get much larger. We have a King Sized Mattress - not a California King, because it loses width, but gives height, and we need the width. We'll make it work. :)

D.J. Dead 05-01-2017 03:48 PM

Will the cave also save us from annoying people? There has been a lot around at my house >.>

dragoness129 05-01-2017 03:51 PM

-hugs Livi- I love to give hugs myself! ^_^

LiviInLove 05-01-2017 03:55 PM

DJ: I can't guarantee that. I don't have any annoying people here. Just tantrum throwing children, and young infants with colic. You can try?

*hugs* Hugs are wonderful things!

D.J. Dead 05-01-2017 04:01 PM

[yes] I'll take it!!

LiviInLove 05-01-2017 04:03 PM

How're you doing? Other than having to deal with all the annoying people?

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