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dragoness129 04-30-2017 08:59 PM

Dr Who Group Contest Planning
Bearzy: Sporcle: GummyBearKisses:

So who wants to be the leader? Who wants to be the Time Traveler and who wants to be the Sidekicks?
I do not mind, just come throw out ideas in here! ^_^

GummyBearKisses 04-30-2017 09:12 PM

Giz is loaning me her angel costume. I will be the weeping angel, Giz said Linnea pm it was cool to do. I do not really know much about the shows either so I would not be a good human cosplay. Our background items should be something space like. The recent few CI sets and the old astronaut outfits space background set may work for our background too.

dragoness129 04-30-2017 09:15 PM

Oh, I need a Roles page. If I update the first post, it will keep Pinging.
Here it is!

Me: The Doctor
Bearzy: Bill
Sporcle: Missy
GummyBearKisses: Weeping Angel

Bearzy 05-01-2017 02:22 AM

I want to be Bill, the most recent companion!

Sporcle 05-01-2017 03:13 AM

I definitely want to do a monster/alien from the show, I'm just not sure which one! Any suggestions?

Bearzy 05-01-2017 03:14 AM

oooh a lot of them aren't so humanoid, so it could be tricky but there's the Silence, maybe the Master (or Missy if you want to do a girl version)

Sporcle 05-01-2017 03:21 AM

Oooohhh, I'd love to try for Missy or the Master! Thanks, Bear!

Bearzy 05-01-2017 03:27 AM

No worries! I'm in doctor who overload mode right now because I've missed it and the new season just started

dragoness129 05-01-2017 05:01 AM

Is Bill the doctor or a side kick?

Bearzy 05-01-2017 05:07 AM

She's a companion, so a sidekick

Sporcle 05-01-2017 05:18 AM

Any thoughts/suggestions so far on my Missy, haha?

dragoness129 05-01-2017 05:28 AM

I need some reference images of these people. I do not know who each is.
Guess that would leave me The Doctor.
Are we working with a specific season? Or is any Doctor fine?

Sporcle 05-01-2017 07:57 AM

Just pulled these from Google for reference! [yes]

Bearzy 05-01-2017 11:22 AM

I'd maybe wear a vest sporcle?

And I'll get some references up of Bill asap. Dragoness maybe do 12 as he's the current doctor and I'm doing the current companion and Missy is the current master?

dragoness129 05-01-2017 01:15 PM

Ah, an old doctor this time. Hmm. Alright.

---------- Post added 05-01-2017 at 02:00 PM ----------

How does this look?
Is the red shirt ok? I could not figure out another way to get the red lining to show.

GummyBearKisses 05-01-2017 06:53 PM

Is my character still ok to do? I do not think I am in the same season or am I? I can change if I need to but someone will need to give me major help with photos etc. because I have only seen the first seasons and random ones.

---------- Post added 05-01-2017 at 02:00 PM ----------

I'm really thinking I need to be the same season. Are we going to have matching backgrounds?

dragoness129 05-01-2017 07:02 PM

Is the weeping angel not in all seasons?

GummyBearKisses 05-01-2017 07:06 PM

I have no clue, I guess we can ask Bearzy when they get here.

Bearzy 05-01-2017 09:56 PM

The newest season hasn't had angels yet but it has only been three episodes so that's probably not a huge deal

Sporcle 05-01-2017 10:10 PM

Ahhh, there are no closer matching purple skirts [gonk]

But anyways, I think you all are looking so great so far!

Bearzy 05-01-2017 10:15 PM

You're looking great too!

dragoness129 05-02-2017 12:26 AM

Oh, nice! We are all turning out nicely! -hugs everyone-

Sporcle 05-02-2017 12:30 AM

:D What items are you guys using for your backgrounds?

dragoness129 05-02-2017 02:01 AM

Squishy Space Protector for the Tardis floor, walls, and the blue background and Time Warp for the circular and lined part of the background.

Bearzy 05-02-2017 03:19 AM

[yes] those are the ones.

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