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Kat Dakuu 12-11-2017 06:20 PM

So, I was wondering if anyone uses or has used Mene's 'cousin' roleplaying site? As I'm sure some of you know, it's devoted entirely to rping and has far looser rules. To those that have used it, what did you think? Is it easy to use, fun, relatively active? I wonder if it is also suffering from the decrease in activity that most online forums are having now or if rping communities are holding up due to having a singular focus. I've always wanted to try the site but after looking at it briefly, I've always wandered away again.

Chrysothemis 12-29-2017 08:33 PM

If you mean this site, I've never heard about it before, but I just checked it out. It certainly looks interesting, and I really like how organized the game worlds are, but I hope we can talk to someone from the community to get a feel for how the people are.

I'd definitely love to make a long-term fantasy game on a site like that, but I'm really shy by default, and I don't like joining roleplay sites all by my lonesome... ^^;

Kat Dakuu 12-30-2017 02:07 AM

I know a couple people from here have used it when they needed to move an rp to a mature forum, but I don't know that they really explored it beyond their direct needs. I'm really attached to rping in forums like this, but I've been thinking for a long time that I need to move on to rp forums. I'm shy like that too and I hate getting used to new places...

Chrysothemis 12-30-2017 04:19 PM

Oh, I know the feeling. I know of a site that works a bit similarly, and the community there is great, but I hesitate to RP there because the only people who seem interested in games are... well, children. And I prefer playing with people my own age, you know?

I've been doing Discord group RPs too, but I came into the game late, so I spend most of my time being perpetually lost while plots I wasn't there for are referenced.

Kat Dakuu 12-30-2017 04:41 PM

Discord is an option these days, it seems, though I've never used it and no next to nothing about it. What other site were you talking about. I've also looked into a site called, Visionary Tales, which is another rp only site. I think I would enjoy it, but I still hesitate to join.

Chrysothemis 12-30-2017 04:49 PM

The site I use is RP Repository, but I mostly use it to house my main OCs. I mainly like it because the groups are easy to maintain (though not as detailed as WTF) and it works really well on mobile!

Visionary Tales reminds me a lot of my Invisionfree phase, but I used CAUTION 2.0 as my hub for RP back then. I never liked it because all the games I joined there never went anywhere...

Kat Dakuu 12-31-2017 05:06 AM

I wasn't sure if that was a site to rp on since I've only seen it as a character posting place.

Yeah, I've liked my rping here the best in the past, but it's getting so dead now. I always felt like my stories went well and long compared to other places, but that just might be sheer amount done overall.

Chrysothemis 12-31-2017 03:10 PM

There's a system for group-based RP and a forum, but yeah, it's mostly for storing characters, honestly...

I'd say dip a toe in some other sites and see what you get! It's what I've been doing so far, though I worry I may lose track of my other stories, since I have a bad habit of overwhelming myself...

Kat Dakuu 12-31-2017 05:03 PM

I see.

Yeah, I might do so when things get really boring for me here. Right now I have enough rps, believe me.

Xavirne 07-12-2018 06:44 PM

Just in case anyone happens upon this in the future...

WTF is amazing. It's my go-to RP site. I love the layout of the roleplay threads. How you can separate everything and it's not just one big cluster of info. You can create locations that can be broken down by place, chapter, pairing, etc. You can also create your own "about" section where you can go into details and it'll never get lost. There's a tab for all the characters in the story too so you don't have to scroll to find people or their posts. You can even add unique journals too, be it character or informative. It also comes with a pre-made OOC spot too. Everything is linked and super organized. It's seriously the best system I've seen, and I've been on a lot of roleplay sites.

As far as the community is, it's just as dead. You can find a few lurkers here and there but for the most part it's just the same few people using it to RP with their close friend. What's nice is that you can go above the PG-13 rating so if you want to get explicit, you can. You can even lock your threads down so tight that only people with access keys can read your stuff.

Idk, I'm really happy with the layout of the site. I miss the days when it was lively and active but I think the harsh reality is that people use Discord and other social media sites for roleplay these days. Places like WTF are old school and it seems like only us traditional roleplayers use it.

Feel free to check out my profile to explore some of its features.

My characters:
My roleplays:

As you'll see, you can't get into any of the ones that say "Adult" unless you're a registered user.

And this is a pretty good roleplay to check out if you want to see the breakdown of the tabs and how they are used:

Kat Dakuu 07-12-2018 07:10 PM

Thanks for all the info Xavi. I never ended up joining WTF because even though it looked like something I would enjoy, it seemed too dead to be worth it. I may after all at some point though. I'm definitely moving on to using pure roleplay sites now, but I have interest in this trend of doing everything on Discord either. Getting into new media is just a hassle.

Lately I use RPR a lot, but there's a limit on how many character slots you can have without paying, so it would be nice to try a few other sites as well and see what other systems I like.

I wish all the old school stuff wasn't dying because I really hate adapting. [roll]

Kry 02-11-2019 08:16 PM

I used WTF when it first came out. I liked it, but mostly now I just play in discord with a group of friends that I also play DnD with in real life. Occasionally I'll be active on a site called RPNation. It's a fairly active site.

Kat Dakuu 02-19-2019 12:31 AM

I think I looked at RPnation but I can't remember off hand. Is it set up similar to RPR where you have character slots and can rp from them or are you just a user? Though really, it seems more people use discord than anything else...

Kry 02-22-2019 12:22 PM

More like you're just a user. It's similiar to menewsha in my opinion. I'm not familiar with RPR so I can't really compare it to that.

Chrysothemis 02-23-2019 07:11 PM

I'm a bit iffy on any RP site that isn't RPR personally since I do a fair bit of mature themes and RPR's the only place I've used that lets you filter out the profiles & characters of minors. (That and even when I'm doing an RP without such things, I just don't feel comfortable playing with someone younger than me, personally.)

All the other sites I go on either ban mature stuff or don't really police their mature stuff to my liking.

Kat Dakuu 02-25-2019 12:54 AM

I see, Kry. I think I might look into it then since I will probably need a backup simply because of RPRs limits. I like the set up of menewsha and regular forum roleplay since I'm used to it, though it's pretty cool that other sites let you write from your characters' profiles.

I forgot that RPR lets you filter requests like that, Chrys. I've yet to use it. I'll just look at a person's profile myself to see if I care because enough people have surprised me despite being nearly ten years younger than me. It's probably always easier to write with someone close to your own age though.

Chrysothemis 02-25-2019 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu (Post 1774115357)
I see, Kry. I think I might look into it then since I will probably need a backup simply because of RPRs limits. I like the set up of menewsha and regular forum roleplay since I'm used to it, though it's pretty cool that other sites let you write from your characters' profiles.

I forgot that RPR lets you filter requests like that, Chrys. I've yet to use it. I'll just look at a person's profile myself to see if I care because enough people have surprised me despite being nearly ten years younger than me. It's probably always easier to write with someone close to your own age though.

For what it's worth, I use Toyhouse to house my extra characters, but it's still invite-only so you can't use it unless you find someone on Deviantart or Discord that's handing out invites (which isn't hard if you look, in fact, some TH users have hundreds of extra invite codes but it's still tedious...)

And yeah, you can set your account to automatically block friendship requests and PMs from minors, even if their age isn't public. I don't doubt that there are some cool RPers that I'm missing out on but... I've had too many run-ins with ones that either wanted to cyber or ones that were just plain rude.

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