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ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:09 AM

Ghost's Memory Jar 2018 ~ feel free to chat!

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Meet the Deck: Santa Muerte Tarot - Book of the DeadX

Meet the Deck: Santa Muerte Tarot - Book of the Dead

Introduce yourself: 3 of Cups

The dynamic nature of the number three brings to this suit the feelings and emotions of a triumph, a healing, a resolution and the consequent celebration for what has occurred. If it degenerates it can bring with it ambiguity, abuses or unpredictable circumstances capable of generating confusion and displeasure.
The advice of the dead: Any difficulty whatsoever can be overcome without a problem. Therefore do not allow fear to obscure your point of view.
Notes: it seems like this deck likes to celebrate my achievements, and explore my downfalls and clear up the ambiguity that comes with them.

What card represents me? 8 of Swords

The quiet before the storm; a balance of opposites destined to be brief and to explode with violence and thunder. The eight of swords with its stability risks causing frustration by delaying a conflict which needs to be externalized. Therefore we need to find the way to rationally bring this to the surface without fearing the necessary transformations.
The advice of the dead: Do not be afraid even if it is necessary to reconsider your ideas, the commitments undertaken or the choices made, if they are causing a continual internal storm.
Notes: oh god, i got totally called out. basically, i'm a system (i have DID.) so i'm literally a balance of 19 very different people. but i've been ignoring it because it's so much easier to not think about. my therapist keeps saying we can work with my system, but i keep avoiding it because it's a lot of hard work. so the deck caught on to the fact that i'm a system and is saying it's something i need to work through or else i'm gonna explode and continue to be irritated like i have been lately.

What are your strengths? III The Empress

This card represents a first and important explosion of creativity, dynamism, and intuition; a natural pulsation, passionate and spontaneous, capable of dominating, seducing and shining with happiness. The Empress brings with her development, abundance and progress, but an action that is too impulsive and undertaken with little experience could bring quick results that do not last - like a branch that has been prematurely removed before fully developing. A further risk is that of being caught in not taking action if presumption or malice has the upper hand.
The advice of the dead: Make the most of your experiences and act quickly,
avoiding indecision or laziness. If necessary plan your actions more rationally in order to let what you desire blossom in your life.

Notes: This deck has a definite feminine energy, which makes sense, given that it's the Santa Muerte deck. It also thinks very highly of itself! When I looked through all the cards, I got the same impression. It's a very creative, dynamic, and passionate deck. It seems to be saying that it's also good at making quick decisions, but that I should take my time after a reading and think rationally before I make any actions.

What are your limitations? 3 of Wands reversed

A dynamic arcana, active and positive, that encourages improvement and virtue through an explosion of vital energy. The three of Wands guides us toward new undertakings, the beginning of new occasions and also new relationships that could lead to further business or affections. If reversed however, this push could be obscured and interrupted, bringing with it negligence and a static situation.
The advice of the dead: In this moment you do not require the help of anyone. Proceed with energy towards your new creation.
Notes: Since the card is reversed, I'm getting that the deck will not really be able to push me towards improvement, beginnings, or new relationships. However, I'm interpreting the advice of the dead reversed as well, so it's saying that I do require someone's help, but I'm stubborn and refuse to take it. So, this deck's limitation is my own stubbornness. It's best for me not to take advice from this deck, but rather to use it to reflect upon my past and present.

What is the best way to work with you? XIII Santa Muerte (Death) reversed

A profound transformation, a renewal, a true and proper revolution. If it is life that generates death then death generates life. We are connected to all that surrounds us, to the people who have come before us and to those who will come from the cradle to the tomb, from the coffin to the womb, in a continual exchange and a continual regeneration not of opposites but of complementary elements. Santa Muerte brings with it new projects, changes, cuts and the necessary abandonment of what we keep stationary and entangled, like the past or suffocating ties. These changes however are not always pain-free but can bring with them trauma, anger, violence and loss including an immobility when we refuse to take on these transmutations.
The advice of the dead: Accept the changes that are offered in front of you,
without fear of cutting ties and cutting yourself off from your old positions, old ideas or preconceptions. A mutation is imposing itself.

Notes: I think, once again, the deck is saying it won't be able to advise me in future matters or things changing in my life. It's weird, since this is the title card of the deck, but it seems that with me, this deck was meant for a different purpose. It seems to be saying that to work with the deck, I should be thinking about where I am, the ties I already have, and the things in my life that I don't expect to change. I don't think the deck is saying that I can't change, but I think it's saying that right now I need to work with what I've already got before I can progress any farther.

What can I learn from you? King of Wands reversed

Even with an authoritarian and dominating presence, the King of Wands incarnates rectitude, wisdom, ambitions but also honesty and faithfulness. This arcana pushes us to aim high towards our ambitions, diffusing complete success to our projects and desires. If reversed, the outcome could be completely inverted and the King becomes an untrustworthy figure, intolerant and without scruples.
The advice of the dead: Follow the advise of a strong person in whom you trust without fear and this will be particularly remunerative and rewarding.
Notes: The deck is saying I can learn how to avoid following untrustworthy authority figures. I'm a very passive person, and have this fear of authority-- men especially-- so I cave very easily. I think the deck is saying it can teach me to stand up for myself and learn to figure out who I can trust.

What is our potential together? 8 of Wands reversed

The eight of wands is probably the fastest and most dynamic card of this suit, its energy brings with it great transformations, hope and changes projected towards the future, but also unexpected or risky transfers. Only a change in direction could slow this down, causing some regret, uncertainty or a moderately adverse period.
The advice of the dead: This is an absolutely favorable moment for a new creation or a new project, therefore proceed quickly and make what you want to happen become real.
Notes: This deck, as I learned before, is quick and very dynamic, but cannot tell me my future or push me towards transformation. Once again, because the card is reversed, it's saying that our potential together is not to create the future or explore new possibilities, but to work through my past and present issues, of which I have plenty.

Meet the Deck: The Wild Unknown TarotX

Meet the Deck: The Wild Unknown Tarot
note: according to the author/artist, this deck does not do reversed cards in readings, so i'll be interpreting all reversed cards as upright.

Introduce yourself: XXI The World

Wholeness, Completion
The world is the final card in the journey of the Major Arcana. It signifies completion, harmony, and contentment. It's rare to experience this energy, as we are usually consumed by wanting, needing, and achieving. So when this card appears, contemplate for a moment the idea of being whole. Focus on the image on the card... close your eyes and envision this radiating energy inside you. What does it feel like? Where is it located? What blocks you from feeling a sense of wholeness each and every day of your life?
Notes: This card is the cover of the deck, and when I went to pull my deck out to shuffle it for the first time, this card stuck to the bottom of the box and was really hard to get out, so I knew that it had to be my deck's introduction. It's a nice introduction, and it tells me that one of the deck's biggest values is wholeness, completion, and happiness. I think it's also telling me to take my time to contemplate each card's meaning when I do readings from this deck.

What card represents me? Mother of Cups

Insightful, Psychic
The mother of cups rivals the High Priestess with their natural psychic abilities. They're a gentle, tranquil person whose insights bring healing to those around them. They thrive when amidst their family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. Like a true swan, when the Mother of Cups is pushed, they become aggressive and defensive. They'll commonly see themself as the victim when distressed in a situation.
Notes: It doesn't seem like this deck knows me quite as well as the last one. I'm also a bit hurt that it chose a Mother card for me rather than a Son card. :/ The description is fairly accurate though. I am gentle, and I do thrive when around the arts, music, and beauty. I do sometimes tend to see myself as the victim. But I'm not tranquil, I have a complicated relationship with my family, and I'm definitely not an aggressive person, even when pushed. Also, I feel like I fit the pentacles suit better than the cups suit, although cups is a close second. Anyway, it seems like this deck and I need to get to know each other better. (ETA 1/12: actually, i think this card was meant to interpret my alter Luna)

What are your strengths? XII The Hanged Man

Sacrifice, Letting Go
Many people talk about the art of letting go. But what does it really mean? How do you achieve it? The hanged man has all the answers; he's the master of non-attachment. This card implies there's a sacrifice or a difficult or painful situation coming up in your life. Though you naturally want to resist and struggle through it, be more like the hanged man. Find stillness, open your eyes, and use this new perspective to learn something. You're stuck here either way.
Notes: It sounds like this deck will be good at helping me to let go and take it easy when I'm facing adversity. It would be wise to consult this deck when I have an issue to see how I can not be so stressed out about it.

What are your limitations? XIV Temperance

Healing, Renewal
The great blue heron remains calm and peaceful as she blends the opposing elements of fire and water. The Temperance card asks you to be a moderator much like the heron. Focus on cooperation and compromise. If you've been excessive in one aspect of your life, practice self-restraint and moderation now. You'll find a new sense of healing and balance from bringing a little harmony back into your life.
Notes: This deck is very balanced, and is limited in that it cannot go to extremes on either side of an issue. It seems like it will suggest for me the path of least resistance, rather than pushing me to do anything difficult. It also seems like it will always err on the side of telling me to behave myself, and will not support reckless behavior.

What is the best way to work with you? VIII Justice

Decisions, Karma
With tails entwined, two cats look directly at you... waiting for you to choose between them. Which is right and which is wrong? The justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. Now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. All of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future.
Notes: This card seems in keeping with the last one. The best way for me to use this deck is to keep karma in mind when I'm making my decisions about whether or not to take the deck's advice. It's calling for me to make the just and good decision.

What can I learn from you? Five of Pentacles

Sadness, Worry, Illness
The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times. It may come in the form of an illness, job loss, financial trouble, or rejection. Above all this there will be worry, so much worry. This anxiety is counterproductive and damaging. You must find a way to quiet the mind during this difficult time. Rely on meditation or visualization to find peace.
Notes: Well, that's pretty clear. The deck is going to teach me how to keep a calm mind in the face of hard times. Which is good, because I am naturally a very anxious person. Since this deck is going to call for me to really focus my energy and contemplate each card as I draw it, I will have to work meditatively with this deck, which should start to calm my anxiety already.

What is our potential together? Father of Swords

Fair, Analytical
Like all the swords family, the Father has a gift for perception. He has a distinct ability to remove himself emotionally from a situation, so that he can truly see it from all angles. He is therefore respected by others, who usually describe him as fair or just. He's a responsible man with deep ties to his family.
Notes: Again, pretty clear. When I work with this deck, we have the potential to analyze situations objectively, from all angles, and to make a fair and just decision about what to do, which will make others respect me.

Meet the Deck: Future Vision Gem Tarot - Steven UniverseX

Meet the Deck: Future Vision Gem Tarot - Steven Universe
Introduce yourself: 7 of Cups
"Wishful Thinking, Having Many Options, Overindulgence.
Creating fantasies, dreaming, letting your imagination run wild. Lacking focus and commitment, kidding yourself about the facts, avoiding making ideas real. Being offered many alternatives, believing in limitless possibilities, getting to pick and choose. Letting everything go, becoming disorganized, neglecting your health, being lazy/procrastinating."

My interpretation: this deck is a very fanciful deck, and will give me many options in any given situation. it's best for exploring my imagination, rather than seeking practical solutions.

What card represents me? Page of Swords
"Use Your Mind, Be Truthful, Be Just, Have Fortitude.
Use logic and reason, develop an idea or plan, think everything through, learn or teach. Act honestly, speak directly, clear up any confusion. Act ethically, treat others equally, try to be fair, do what you know is right, acknowledge the other point of view, accept responsibility. Refuse to be discouraged, meet setbacks with renewed energy, move out of depression, keep your chin up and head high, keep trying."

My interpretation: i like this card for me! still feel like Pentacles would fit better, but swords has been my energy lately with school and everything.

What are your strengths? Ace of Pentacles
"Material Force, Prosperity, Practicality, Trust.
Achieving tangible results, improving the body/health, becoming involved with nature. Enjoying abundance, drawing to you what you need, flourishing, seeing efforts rewarded, experiencing growth. Using common sense, grounding yourself in the real world. Believing in the good faith of others, feeling safe and protected, having a support system, operating from a known position."

My interpretation: weird, this is almost opposite of how the deck introduced itself... maybe it's saying it's fanciful and surreal like the cartoon it's based off is, but will still be good at giving me practical solutions. and it will be good at helping me flourish and feel safe as well as to connect me to nature and improve my physical health.

What are your limitations? 5 of Cups
"Loss, Bereavement, Regret.
Letting go of a hope, giving up the win, experiencing a setback, being defeated, saying good-bye. Feeling deprived of love, longing to be reunited, grieving, feeling sorrow. Being disappointed by events, wanting to turn back the clock, believing you made the wrong choice, wishing for what might have been."

My interpretation: this makes a lot of sense, given the deck's strengths. this deck will not be good for dwelling on the past, and will encourage me to pursue my hopes and dreams rather than letting go of them. it will turn my attention towards my supports and those i trust rather than let me focus on those i've lost and no longer trust.

What is the best way to work with you? XII The Hanged Man
"Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice.
Having an emotional release, accepting what is, being vulnerable and open, giving up control, accepting the universe's will. Turning the world around, changing your mind, overturning old priorities, seeing from a new angle. Pausing to reflect, taking time to just be, giving up urgency, living in the moment. Putting others first, going one step back to go two steps forward, giving up for a higher cause."

My interpretation: this deck recommends i let go of my presupposed notions and let the deck guide the way. it recommends i use it to take time to reflect and to be in the moment when i am using the deck. it's not a good idea to just pull a card out of the deck and call it a day; it'll be best if i spend time with the deck every time i want a reading.

What can I learn from you? 2 of Wands
"Personal Power, Boldness, Originality.
Commanding attention and respect, wielding influence, having the world in your hands, being able to achieve your goals. Daring to do what you want, taking a risk, confronting the situation head-on, taking the initiative, speaking your mind. Creating your own style, taking a different approach, marching to a different drummer."

My interpretation: all things i'd very much like to learn! and it makes sense given all the other cards in this reading. this deck wants to teach me to trust and to become secure enough in myself that i can use that as a launching pad to become assertive, powerful, and as weird as i want to be.

What is our potential together? 9 of Cups
"Wish Fulfillment, Satisfaction, Sensual Pleasure.
Achieving what you desire, obtaining your goal, having your dreams come true. Enjoying the situation just as it is, feeling all's well with the world, being contented. Experiencing luxury, savoring a delicious meal, appreciating the arts, relaxing, experiencing beauty, enjoying exercise. "

My interpretation: again, makes sense given all the other cards! this deck is very much about the material world and feeling comfortable and secure. i think the first card meant that it would present all of its messages in a pretty, colorful, surreal manner, to make them easier for me to digest. but the messages themself will be about earthly matters, making sure i'm healthy, secure, satisfied, and working towards achieving all my dreams.

Meet the Deck: Twin Peaks TarotX
note: this deck does not give reversed-card readings.

Introduce yourself: I The Magician

Realizing your potential, making what's possible real, producing magical results. Understanding your intentions. Concentrating, feeling centered. Creating miracles, being creative, becoming energized.
Notes: I love that this deck identifies with The Magician! It seems that this deck is energized, focused, and magical and will help me realize my potential.

What card represents me? 3 of Wands

Exploring the unknown, expanding horizons. Planning ahead, being visionary. Demonstrating leadership.
Notes: I think this refers to me as a scholar.

What are your strengths? VII The Chariot

Being successful, reaching your goal. Being determined, concentrating your energies, rising above temptation. Asserting yourself, establishing an identity, having faith in yourself.
Notes: It seems that the deck will help me to be successful, assert myself, have faith in myself, and to avoid temptation.

What are your limitations? King of Swords

Renders honest, insightful judgments, is impartial and objective. Takes the high road in all dealings, lives by their highest principles
Notes: This deck is limited in that it can only be either impartial or encourage me to live up to my highest principles. It will not advise me to make choices that are harmful to me.

What is the best way to work with you? IV The Emperor

Protecting and defending, guiding growth. Creating order out of chaos, emphasizing structure, being organized. Establishing law and order, exerting control.
Notes: It appears this deck is the emperor, and has charged itself with protecting and guiding me. It wants to set the rules, and would like me to follow them.

What can I learn from you? XXI The World

Experiencing wholeness, achieving dynamic balance. Accomplishing your goals, prospering, seeing your dream come true. Feeling engaged, being active. Enjoying peace of mind, getting satisfaction.
Notes: Wow, here's the reason to follow the emperor's rules! Working with this deck, I can learn to feel whole, accomplished, engaged, and happy.

What is our potential together? 4 of Pentacles

Imposing structure, setting limits and rules, creating order.
Notes: This deck could help me with setting rules and creating structure for myself, which is something I certainly need.

Meet the Deck: Golden Thread TarotX

Meet the Deck: Golden Thread Tarot
Introduce yourself: XII The Hanged Man
"Sacrifice, Release, Martyrdom.
Though the hanged man is swinging upside down, the serenity of his expression seems to communicate that he is doing this of his own free will. The hanged man understands the value of self-sacrifice. One must take a step backward to move ahead."

My interpretation: this deck will not give me immediate solutions, and it will recommend sacrificing certain things in order to get the results i want.

What card represents me? 9 of Cups
"Comfort, Emotional Stability, Luxury.
An environment of luxury and emotional stability, where all available comforts await you. Indulging in all the joys that life has to offer you is signaled by this card, though at times there is a sense of smugness that comes from taking your situation for granted."

My interpretation: definitely accurate! i try not to take my situation for granted, but it happens to the best of us.

What are your strengths? XVII The Star
"Hope, Faith, Rejuvenation.
After the collapse of the tower, the star suggests the possibility for rebirth, rejuvenation, and overall - hope. It is a phase in which one has trust and faith in oneself and in the universe around them."

My interpretation: so, i think this means this deck will be good at instilling me with hope and trust, as well as providing suggestions for new directions i could go in to better myself.

What are your limitations? XIV Temperance
"The Middle Path, Patience, Finding Meaning.
Taking the middle road, finding a balance in life that allows you to attain a sense of calm. When it relates to the external world, it also means adapting, cooperation, and meditation."

My interpretation: similar to the Wild Unknown, this deck is balanced to the point where it won't suggest any extreme solutions. it will always suggest the most balanced solution and will always look at both sides of an issue and come to a middle point between them. this deck also will not support reckless behavior. it will also recommend patience and waiting for results, which is also shown in the Hanged Man it introduced itself as.

What is the best way to work with you? Page of Swords
"Curiosity, Restlessness, Mental Energy.
The page of swords represents someone embarking on a new idea and a mental adventure. Full of enthusiasm and good cheer, this person is eager to share and discuss their thoughts and plans for what can be."

My interpretation: the deck advises that i keep an open mind, and try to curb my impatience. it also tells me that it will be good for changing directions for the better in life, which is supported by the Star it gave me. i think it's also suggesting that our readings be a dialogue in which i share what i'd like my future to be like and get the deck's suggestions on how i should proceed.

What can I learn from you? III The Empress
"Motherhood, Fertility, Nature.
She is the symbol of the feminine principle - a representation of venus and mother earth. She is nurturing, fertile, and a provider. There is something to her that suggests a mother figure as well."

My interpretation: it sounds like i could use this deck to communicate with Gaia? i have a lot to learn from the earth.

What is our potential together? King of Pentacles
"Abundance, Power, Security.
The fruits of worldly ambition have brought financial success, a sense of abundance, stability and security. The King of Pentacles is a fatherly figure that provides all of those things, and is also someone that is happy to share all that he has accumulated."

My interpretation: awesome.

Meet the Deck: Homestuck TarotX

Meet the Deck: Homestuck Tarot
note: this deck does not give reversed-card readings.

Introduce yourself: Queen of Pentacles

Symbolically, this card may herald a time of personal healthy growth, whether a new business tactic or a new personal health regiment. The Queen of Pentacles may also symbolize a person in the reader's life who is down-to-earth; they may own a business or run their household with a steady hand. They may be interested in the outdoors, or cultivating a community.
Notes: This deck wants to help me with my growth and making healthy decisions. It's a practical deck and has a lot of Earth energy.

What card represents me? XVIII The Moon

Fear. Falling prey to illusions, falsehood, fantasies. Delving into the imaginary. Loss of direction.
Notes: I don't particularly love this wording, but I do feel that the Moon card in general is a good fit for me. I am a very fearful person and I do get caught up in fantasies. I just prefer the wording that interprets this card as one that is surreal and ethereal, or someone who is seeing the world through a warped lens.

What are your strengths? VI The Lovers

Forming or deepening sympathetic relationships. Sex, sexuality. Self-discovery and solidification of personal beliefs and values, facing a moral or ethical choice.
Notes: This deck will be good at helping me with my relationships with others, learning about myself and solidifying my values, and helping me to make decisions about the future.

What are your limitations? Knight of Pentacles

Symbolically, this card refers to travel by foot, or hiking; or it can indicate periods of slow change or slowed progress. As a person, the Knight of Pentacles is serious and quiet; uncomfortable standing out, they prefer to work quietly. They value beautiful things and will defend what they have decided to cultivate.
Notes: I think this means the deck is only able to enact change slowly. It won't help me make any massive, immediate, or loud transitions; it can only help me work day by day to enact long-term goals.

What is the best way to work with you? III The Empress

Maternal nature. Luxury, sensuousness. Nature and tapping into the natural order.
Notes: It seems that this deck has a feminine energy and a special focus on sex, sexuality, and sensuality (also based on The Lovers). Again, it has an Earthy energy, and is best for tapping in to my physicality and health.

What can I learn from you? Three of Pentacles

The nurturing of a new opportunity with meager initial investment. This card suggests that work may begin to pay off soon.
Notes: Seems in line with the Knight of Pentacles; this deck can teach me how to make gradual changes to my life over long periods of time. It says here that the work may begin to pay off soon, but because of the way I phrased my question, I'm seeing that payoff as being farther in the future, since I still have lots to learn from this deck.

What is our potential together? Ten of Swords

While at first a seemingly brutal card, the meaning of the Ten of Swords is rather lighthearted. The subject of the card is pinned by ten swords, beset upon all sides by trouble-- according to themselves. The Ten of Swords is the card of self-made martyrs. Instead of dwelling on every sword, every problem, this card advises putting aside your worries in favor of action.
Notes: This deck can help me see that my problems aren't as bad as I'm making them out to be. Once you learn to see your problems for what they are, they become much easier to manage, and that's what I'm hoping my potential with this deck will be.

Meet the Deck: Rider Waite TarotX

Meet the Deck: Rider Waite Tarot

Introduce yourself: 3 of Wands

Exploration, Foresight, Leadership
On the Three of Wands, we see a figure standing on a cliff looking out over the sea to distant mountains. From this height, he sees all that lies ahead. This is a card of vision and foresight. When we want to see farther, we climb higher. By going up, we increase our range and remove ourselves from the immediate situation. We detach and gain perspective.

Taking the long view is an aspect of leadership - another meaning of the Three of Wands. When we see far, we have the knowledge to guide others to their best future. Someone who knows the way can show it to those who follow. When you see the Three of Wands, know that now is the time to accept your vision and be confident that you can lead others to it.

A leader not only sees far, but he is willing to go there first, if necessary. The Three of Wands is also a card of exploration. Compare this figure to the Fool who is also on a cliff edge. The Fool steps out in innocence, not realizing he is going to fall to his fate. The adventurer on the Three of Wands is also willing to step out, but with full awareness of what he is doing. His courage is more informed, if less spontaneous. The Three of Wands encourages you to move fearlessly into new areas. Let the ships on your horizon take you far out into unknown seas.
Notes: This deck is good at being objective and seeing all sides of an issue. It wants to guide me to my best future. It wants me to be fully aware when making decisions, and to not be afraid to move outside of my comfort zone.

What card represents me? Page of Pentacles

Have an Effect, Be Practical, Be Prosperous, Be Trusting & Trustworthy
The Page of Pentacles is a messenger bringing you opportunities for prosperity. He delivers real chances to experience wealth, abundance, security and solid achievement - the wonders of the Pentacles suit. In your readings, this Page suggests that an opening may appear that promises enrichment, comfort, trust or the chance to make your dreams real. When you see such a chance, act on it!

The Page of Pentacles can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve stability, trust, commitment, safety and material needs. Sometimes the Page of Pentacles implies that your entire situation is suffused with the spirit of physical enjoyment. At such times, feel free to have fun with your body, skills and possessions in a lighthearted way. Revel in the delights of being alive on Earth at this time.
Notes: This deck uses this card to represent me a lot. :> I really like it, especially since I see myself as having young earthy energy. I'm definitely young-at-heart, and can be very optimistic. It depends on who's fronting, really. I see this card as representing Bailey more than anyone.

What are your strengths? 7 of Pentacles

Assessment, Reward, Direction Change
The Seven of Pentacles is a time-out card. It represents those moments after a rush of activity when we stop to catch our breath and look around. The man in the picture has paused to contemplate the fruits of his own labors, but he could also pick that fruit. In readings, the Seven of Pentacles can indicate a reward that will come your way, particularly as a result of your own efforts. Take it and enjoy.

This card is also a call for assessment. When we're busy, we don't always have time to reflect on what we're doing and why. Are we still on course? Are we getting the results we want? Serious problems can develop if you don't take stock at key moments. In readings, this card suggests that you take the time to be sure you're meeting your goals.

The Seven of Pentacles can also indicate a crossroads. In life, there's a tendency to continue with familiar routines. To go in a new direction isn't easy. The Seven of Pentacles may be telling you to figure out if you need a course correction, or even a complete about-face. You're not yet committed to a certain path, but you could be soon. Change is still possible.
Notes: This deck is especially good at deciding where to go next after something has been accomplished, as well as taking stock of what has been accomplished and praising me for it.

What are your limitations? XI Justice reversed

Justice, Responsibility, Decision, Cause and Effect
On Card 11 we see the familiar figure of Justice. She has the scales of equality and impartial judgment in one hand, and the sword of decision in the other. In the tarot, Justice represents the understanding that life is ultimately fair and just. Even though the vagaries of day-to-day life tend to make us doubt this fact, Justice reminds us that there is divine balance. Notice the similarity between the Emperor and Justice. Both cards stand for universal order; the Emperor in its underlying structure, Justice, in the action of karma - cause and effect.

There is a serious feel to Card 11 - the tone of the courtroom. This card refers to legal matters of all kinds, but is not restricted to them. The courts are where judgments are made and decisions rendered. Our legal system is the official arena in which we explore the principles of Justice - fairness, impartiality and the quest for truth.

In readings, Justice often appears when you are concerned with doing what is right or making sure you receive your due. This card can also appear when you are feeling the impact of a past mistake or good deed. The cause you set in motion at one time is now returning to you as an effect.

Sometimes Justice is a signal to do what needs to be done. A time comes when responsibilities must be accepted, and accounts settled. The past will continue to haunt you if you do not recognize your mistakes and make amends for them. You will need to weigh matters carefully and perhaps make important decisions about your future course.
Notes: Since this card is reversed, I'm getting that the deck is not one to decide what is fair and what isn't. It also doesn't have a very serious nature about it (I've done readings with it before, and I'd agree; it can be very snarky). I believe the deck is good at exploring possible courses of action I could take, but its limitation is that it can't tell me what exactly the outcome of my decisions will be.

What is the best way to work with you? XV The Devil

Bondage, Materialism, Ignorance, Hopelessness
Lucifer. Mephistopheles. Satan. The Prince of Darkness. No matter what we call him, the Devil is our symbol for what is bad and undesirable. From our human perspective, we see the world as a struggle between light and dark. We want to vanquish the bad so the good can prevail. In fact, good and bad cannot be separated, just as you cannot separate a shadow from its source. Darkness is simply the absence of light, and it is caused by errors that hide the truth. Card 15 shows us these errors.

First is ignorance - not knowing the truth and not realizing that we do not know. Second is materialism - the belief that there is nothing but the physical. As spiritual beings, we long for the Divine, but we lose contact with this source of truth if we trust only our senses. There is also hopelessness, which robs us of our joy and movement toward the light.

Traditionally the Devil stands for evil, but it does not have this rather frightening meaning in a reading. This card lets you know that you are caught in an unhealthy, unproductive situation. You may be in the dark about something - ignorant of the truth and its implications. You may be obsessed by a person, idea, substance or pattern that you know is bad for you (or maybe you don't!). Sometimes this card reflects back the negativity that has made you doubt yourself and your future. We are prone to many errors in life. Card 15 lets us know when they are serious enough to require attention. When you see the Devil, examine your assumptions carefully. Make sure you are not working from a false picture of yourself and the situation. Hold fast to the highest vision of who you are.
Notes: I suppose the best way to work with this deck is to acknowledge the areas in which I'm being unhealthy and getting caught up in ignorance. The deck will provide me with all my possible options. It's up to me to decide which road is best for me to take.

What can I learn from you? IV The Emperor

Fathering, Structure, Authority, Regulation
The figure of the Emperor says much about the essential qualities of this card. We see a stern, commanding figure seated on a stone-slab throne. His back is straight, and his eyes meet ours directly. He is confident of his complete authority to rule.

The Emperor represents structure, order and regulation - forces to balance the free-flowing, lavish abundance of the Empress. He advocates a four-square world where trains are on time, games are played by rules, and commanding officers are respected. In chaotic situations, the Emperor can indicate the need for organization. Loose ends should be tied up, and wayward elements, harnessed. In situations that are already over-controlled, he suggests the confining effect of those constraints.

The Emperor can represent an encounter with authority or the assumption of power and control. As the regulator, he is often associated with legal matters, disciplinary actions, and officialdom in all its forms. He can also stand for an individual father or archetypal Father in his role as guide, protector and provider.
Notes: This deck can teach me how to organize my life and stick to a structure. Again, it's about making healthy decisions. It's also about becoming an authority of my own life.

What is our potential together? 3 of Cups reversed

Exuberance, Friendship, Community
In readings, the Three of Cups can signify a friend or the feelings associated with friendship. This card can represent community - the network of support created when we interact with others. It can be any group in which the members feel a bond. When you see the Three of Cups, examine your attachments to the groups in your life from an emotional point of view. Consider reaching out to give or receive help. This card stands for all forms of support, including formal aid such as counseling and other social services.
Notes: I'm taking the fact that this card is reversed to mean that this card is still in its early stages in my life. I think the deck is either saying that the deck and I will become friends, or that the deck's potential with me is to help me find community and friendship. Although, since the deck leaves decisions up to me, it's up to me whether or not this potential comes to fruition.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:09 AM


Songs of the DayX

Jan 1: This Year - The Mountain Goats
Jan 5: Psalms 40:2 - The Mountain Goats
Jan 7: Barnacle Goose - Born Ruffians
Jan 8: The Perfect Fit - The Dresden Dolls
Jan 9: Coffee - Sylvan Esso
Jan 10: Digital Witness - St. Vincent
Jan 11: Francis Forever - Mitski
Jan 12: Deeply - Screaming Females
Jan 13: Reasons - Khalid
Jan 14: 100,000 Fireflies - The Magnetic Fields
Jan 15: Past Lives - BØRNS
Jan 16: To Be Alone With You - Sufjan Stevens
Jan 17: Marry Me Archie - Alvvays
Jan 18: Spicy Boyfriend - Shawn Wasabi
Jan 19: Todo Está (Everything Stays; Adventure Time cover) - Ilonka Obilinovic
Jan 20: Silence - Marshmello ft. Khalid
Jan 21: YOUTH - Troye Sivan
Jan 22: Green & Gold - Lianne La Havas
Jan 23: Lento - Julieta Venegas
Jan 24: Baila Mi Corazón - Belanova
Jan 25: Icarus - Bastille
Jan 26: Gold (Kiiara cover) - Pentatonix
Jan 27: You Must Be Out of Your Mind - The Magnetic Fields
Jan 28: I Wanna Boi - PWR BTTM
Jan 29: Amores Platónicos - Julieta Venegas
Jan 30: Liquid Love - Shy Child
Jan 31: Death of a Bachelor - Panic! at the Disco

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:10 AM

January 1
Prompt: 2017 in review
Memory Jar 2017

Avi of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I am going to make it through this year if it kills me.

Year Ahead Tarot Spread:
*my notes will be updated as each month happens*

Click to ExpandX

Deck: The Wild Unknown

1. January: 6 of Wands

Victory, Success, Rising Up.
From the dark and tangled branches emerges a butterfly. New life takes flight. If you're not reveling in the joy of success already, you will be soon. The Six of Wands is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds. The obstacles have been relentless, but now is not the time to look back upon them. The more pressing question is: Where will you go with your new set of wings?
Note: Wow, what a fitting card for this month. And it bodes very well for the start of the semester! I went through a LOT to get to finally go to SUNY. Not only that, but I went through a lot of shit in my life to get to where I am today.

2. February: Mother of Swords

Sharp, Perceptive
You'll often find the mother of swords putting her sharp perceptions to use as a therapist, doctor, or teacher. She's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. Some think of her as all-seeing. This card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. She may be recently widowed or divorced, and usually without children. During this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar.
Note: Perhaps a woman like this will become important in my life? I might need to look at an alternate interpretation should February come and I still can't figure out how this card fits with my life.

3. March: Father of Swords

Fair, Analytical
Like all the swords family, the Father has a gift for perception. He has a distinct ability to remove himself emotionally from a situation, so that he can truly see it from all angles. He is therefore respected by others, who usually describe him as fair or just. He’s a responsible man with deep ties to his family.
Note: Again, a man like this may become important this month? Or it may refer to me.

4. April: XII The Hanged Man

Sacrifice, Letting go.
Many people talk about the art of “letting go.” But what does it really mean? How do you achieve it? The hanged man has all the answers; he’s the master of non-attachment. This card implies there’s a sacrifice or a difficult or painful situation coming up in your life. Though you naturally want to resist and struggle through it, be more like the hanged man. Find stillness, open your eyes, and use this new perspective to learn something. You’re stuck here either way.
Note: I wonder if this refers to the apartment and moving...

5. May: Son of Cups

Artistic, Introspective.
Like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. He’s usually a musician or visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. His natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. To others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity.
Note: Either me or someone I'll meet.

6. June: 4 of Cups

Greed, Discontent
An outsider would look upon your life and see supportive relationships, pleasures, and even a bit of luxury. But you don't see it that way. Instead, there's discontentment, apathy, and even greed for more. The Four of Cups warns not to take your situation for granted, or the people who supported you along the way. Look around you. What are you truly longing for? Name it.
Note: Oh man, I hope not! [gonk] I mean, I definitely hope for the supportive relationships, pleasures, and even a bit of luxury, but I hope I don't act this way about it. I'll definitely look back here in June and try to make sure I'm not being this way.

7. July: 0 The Fool

Spontaneity, Innocence.
The Fool is ready to fly. His young wings ache for flight, and with a single step he leaves behind the comfort of his nest to begin the journey through the Major Arcana. Is he ready? Will he fall? This is a card about beginnings. It points to the side of you that is spontaneous, excited, naive, and inexperienced. Others may doubt your abilities. Be ready to be called the "fool." Be ready to fall. No matter what people say about you, this is your journey-- and it's already begun.
Note: Weird. I wonder what I'll be beginning in July...

8. August: XVII The Star

Hope, Peace of Mind.
Standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the stars and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. Even though you can't find concrete answers to life's many questions up there in the sky, you can't help but feel comforted and renewed. Such is the energy of the star card. It is not about actions or situations. It's simply about connecting to the part of you that is hopeful and serene. This force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. A lovely card.
Note: A lovely card, indeed! This is my favorite card in the whole deck, I think. It's interesting that I'll be feeling this at the beginning of a new semester. In January, I'm feeling very anxious for my new semester. It's nice to know that next time around, I'll be serene and hopeful. Probably because I'll be more comfortable with SUNY.

9. September: Daughter of Wands

Visionary, Passionate.
The Daughter of Wands is a free spirit, a truly visionary creature. She usually waits until later to settle down or start a family, as she's busy with her career. She can be stubborn and much stronger than she looks. As with all the Wands family, the Daughter makes a dangerous enemy. This card can also represent a woman going through a transformation or spiritual breakthrough.
Note: This sounds like someone I could be friends with, tbh. I wonder if I will make a friend like this.

10. October: 7 of Pentacles

Period of Contemplation
A curious card, the Seven of Pentacles shows a period of contemplation and uncertainty. You're looking back at all of your hard work and wondering if it has been a failure or a success. You can't seem to decide. Shouldn't you be reaping more rewards by now? Maybe so. But the mind has control over perception. It's possible your rewards are waiting for you to recognize them. They are not always monetary.
Note: Well, I wouldn't expect any monetary rewards this month anyway. xD I'll come back and look at this in October to remind myself to look on the bright side and keep plugging along.

11. November: 8 of Pentacles

Craftsmanship, Skill
The spider is a true master of their craft. They weave against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a project. Become good at it.
Note: This month will probably when I'll be writing my final papers. I'm hoping this card will be relevant then! That would be a really good sign.

12. December: 10 of Cups

Radiating Energy.
The Ten of Cups overflows with positivity. Your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. You may feel as though light and color radiates outward from you– almost as if you’re shining. Experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. Do not doubt this power.
Note: Awesome! Sounds like this semester went well, then!

13. The overall theme of the year: Mother of Wands

Attractive, Domestic, Vibrant
The Mother of Wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. Family comes first in her world-- she's very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. Though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you'd hardly notice her forceful nature. Oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. It's important not to get on her bad side.
Note: This card definitely represents my three goddesses, and what their presence in my life will be like this year.

My overall impression of the reading: Interesting that I got Mother and Father of Swords and 7 and 8 of Pentacles right in a row. Also interesting that I got both Mother and Daughter of Wands! Seems like it'll get a little bumpy in the summer, but get better and better as the year goes on. It seems like it will be a much better year for me than the past few have been.

Diary Entry:
Scout was sick, so we couldn't kiss at midnight but we did watch the ball drop. and right before it did, they showed this puff & paint place in Denver, CO (my hometown) and they showed this bright orange weed-infused drink that i wanted so bad. also, it was on CNN, so Anderson Cooper was hosting.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:10 AM

January 2
Prompt: Talkin' bout ma resolutions!
oh jeez, i'm not even sure! i didn't make any official resolutions, so i guess i gotta make em now. ok:
1. try to go to the gym after school at least 3 times a week once i move into my new apartment (it has a gym downstairs, so i have no excuse).
2. draw a tarot card from each of my decks every day, take pictures and post them alongside their meanings here, on wordpress, and on facebook.
3. draw my outfit every day i wear something i like.
4. draw at least one digital thing a month.
5. take at least one selfie a month.
6. don't buy sweets on campus.
7. go to a yoga class at least twice a month.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:11 AM

January 3
Prompt: Leftovers!
i've got leftover tuna salad and what Scout calls a "Mexican Stew" in the fridge! the Mexican Stew is good, but it's not very Mexican imho. it doesn't have pulled pork and it's not very spicy, which is unlike any Mexican stew i've ever had. and it tastes mostly like cumin. but it's very good! should last a couple more days.

Avi of the Day:

Drawings done today:
commission for Dystopia:

commission for Hadsvich:

Diary entry:
got my first pendulum today! it's copper, which i've always resonated with. i also found out after i got it that my little sister has one just like it, which i think is awesome! she's 11, so it's really cool that she's getting into magic at such a young age. i was 11 when i first got into witchcraft too. :')

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:11 AM

January 4
Prompt: Glacier melt
i'm not sure what this prompt means. :0 um, global warming is bad? *shrugs*

Tarot Cards of the Day:
i'm still charging my new tarot decks and getting to know them. i think i'll post my deck interviews when i do them as my tarot cards for tomorrow.

Dream Avi of the Day: (my OC, Cupcake)

Drawings done today:
commission for Ava The Vampire:

birthday art for my dad:

Diary entry:
made this thread today. when i first made the banner, i messed up and put 2017. i'm gonna be doing that for months, i swear. [headdesk]

today has been good! i slept in, then fooled around on mene and pokefarm. still haven't hatched a shiny Pidgey yet. ,:/ i've hatched 198 Pidgey eggs so far! this is the first shiny i've ever tried to hatch. i hadn't realized it would be so hard. i'm not sure i even want a shiny Pidgey that much. xD but it's too late to turn back now. at 6:30, Scout and i started watching the second Harry Potter movie (we watched the first one yesterday), but he couldn't get through all of it. i'm really happy to be re-watching the movies! it's been years. i still wanna try to reread all the books too. i read the first one, but couldn't find my copy of the second one. :<

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:11 AM

January 5

Prompt: Dream home
i think i'm moving into it! it's still being built, so we can't move in till April or maybe even later, but that means our apartment is gonna be brand new! the complex has a 4ft deep saltwater pool, outdoor barbecue, a pool table, a gym, and several little common spaces. the apartment itself has a dishwasher and a washer and dryer in-unit, 2 beds and 2 bathrooms. (my partner and i sleep separately. it's nice to have my own private space.) also, both bedrooms have walk-in closets and we have a balcony. and our apartment has the most gorgeous view of the Hudson river, and the mountains behind it. i think our apartment has the best view in the entire complex. the complex is also right next to this really pretty little park that has a lake, and it's right next to a really nice walking/biking path. it's also a 8 minute walk away from a Cumbie's, which has pretty good coffee for $1. and they allow cats! we don't have a cat yet, but we're planning on getting one. so yeah. i'm pretty lucky. [mrgreen]

Song of the Day:


Feel bad about the things we do along the way, but not really that bad.
We inhaled the frozen air; Lord, send me a mechanic if I'm not beyond repair.
He has fixed his sign in the sky. He has raised from the pit and he will set me high!

Diary entry:
FOWN ended today. i managed to reach 300 time tokens before it ended! :D i thought that was a really unrealistic goal since i only had like 260 yesterday afternoon, but i made it! i'm gonna be looking for the little chance logo for days now. xD
worked on my tarot interviews for most of the day. the Santa Muerte deck is going to be really good for questions about my past and present, and the Wild Unknown deck is going to be really good for making objective yet good decisions, so i shouldn't ask it anything where i want the answer to be something i shouldn't do. :P
pokefarm wants me to click 20,000 times so that i can win a rare red-nosed stantler... i just don't think it's worth it. x_x the most i've ever clicked in one day was 6,000 and that was a pain in the ass. i missed yesterday, when i was supposed to click 10,000 times and that was for a Mew mega stone, which i really wanted! idk. i've clicked 700 times so far and i have until 7pm tomorrow, so we'll see. but i just feel like there are better things i can be doing with my time. like finishing my event arts.
Scout and i finished the Chamber of Secrets today and watched half of the Prizoner of Askaban which is i think my favorite Harry Potter book & movie. i'm really excited that we're watching the whole series! i haven't watched or read them in years! well... i did read the first book about a year ago with the intention of re-reading the whole series, but i could never find my copy of the second book. :( maybe i'll listen to the audiobooks while i'm at the gym or something, if i can afford them...

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:11 AM

January 6

Prompt: Cozy sweaters

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 4 of Cups

The number of stability united with this suit of the emotions brings an excess of security, a monotonous rigidity and what is stagnant ends up rotting or tiring. Therefore it is good to find the right balance that transforms the stagnation, the apathy, and the boredom into harmony and a healthy restlessness.
The advice of the dead: The moment has come to make a decision before what you have obtained ends up boring you and stagnating you.

The Wild Unknown: Son of Cups

Artistic, Introspective.
Like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. He's usually a musician or visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. His natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. To others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity.

Homestuck: Page of Pentacles

Symbolically, this card may represent an imminent message of good fortune, or a short spell of growth and luck. As a person, this card may represent someone in the subject's life who is hands-on, hard-working, and youthful.

Rider Waite: 6 of Wands

Triumph, Acclaim, Pride
In readings, the Six of Wands appears when you have been working hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you have sought so long is yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor and reward that you deserve. If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen. The victory of this card does not have to involve beating someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds.

The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, check that you are not feeling superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual at all. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. How can we indulge in excess pride?

Diary entry:
i did it!! i stayed up till 3am last night clicking 20,000 times on Pokefarm and i won the red-nosed Stantler, plus a box that had four Mega stones in it!!! totally worth it. it was easy once i realized i could listen to podcasts while i was doing it. i don't listen to podcasts often because i never have anything to do while i'm listening to them that isn't too distracting, but clicking is the perfect thing because it takes no brainpower. :D so now i know.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:12 AM

January 7

Prompt: A is for...

Song of the Day:


Your analyst lied to you when she told you the truth
about boys, fear, open sores, and things that are simple like opening doors.

Drawings done today:
comission for Nephila:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents the source of emotional life, of receptiveness, of abundance, of the home as both a property and a family. This is the arcana of fertility, of metamorphosis, and of fulfilled affections. It can, however, bring with it inconsistency, coldness, a sense of dissatisfaction and a loss of faith.
Advice of the Dead: Having thought properly about your choices, you will be ready to take on a new phase of creativity and change that will bring something new to light.

The Wild Unknown: Father of Wands

Charismatic, Creative
The Father of Wands is a man of mystique and charisma. Others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. Usually, you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. He is able to hold steady and still during conflict.
Notes: I drew this card when I was thinking about my dad.

Homestuck: III The Empress

Maternal nature. Luxury, sensuousness. Nature and tapping into the natural order.

Rider Waite: 9 of Cups

Wish Fulfillment, Satisfaction, Sensual Pleasure.
At the physical level, the Nine of Cups is a sign of delight in all the senses. Sights, sounds, tastes, feelings. This card encourages you to seek out pleasure and enjoy your body in every way. You can commune with the natural world as well - the body of Mother Earth. She, too, delights in sharing her abundance.

At the personal level, the Nine of Cups indicates contentment with the way things are. Notice how the man is seated confidently with his arms folded and a smile on his face. He has everything he wants and couldn't be happier about it. "See all my cups!" he seems to say. "Aren't they great?"

Sometimes it's wonderful to sit back and revel in the knowledge that all's right with the world. But a word of caution. You may be tempted to indulge yourself at the cost of someone else. This may feel great at the time, but sooner or later the feathers around your mouth will be discovered, and regret will set in. Pursuit of pleasure without regard to consequences is never satisfying in the long run.

In many tarot traditions, the Nine of Cups is known as the Wish Card. It shows your wish will come true. A wonderful prospect, but remember your fairy tale lessons. You must be sure you know what you really want and accept the responsibilities that go with your wish. If that is the case, then enjoy your good fortune!

Diary entry:
it's my dad's birthday today! once again, spent a lot of the day working on my tarot cards. i actually made a separate blog for my readings too! i'm still gonna keep posting them here, but i wanted a place where people who aren't on mene could see them and a place where it was just my cards so it's easier to look at them. here's the link, in case anyone wants to follow via email:

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:12 AM

January 8

Prompt: Favorite CI from 2017
i gotta say Time Warp! it's so fun to work with it and i've used it in like... at least 75% of avatars i've made since i got it? it's so versatile, and so good for backgrounds. and those scary eyes are absolutely to die for.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I can't trap a mouse, but I can pet a cat. No, I'm really serious, I'm really very good at that.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is an able and influential figure, secure in herself and able to cope in the material world without problems and from which she is abundantly rewarded. She is an abitious woman who desires to always go higher but, for fear of falling and failing, risks remaining a victim to uncertainties, hesitation, or showing avid and capricious behavior.
Advice of the Dead: Do not remain too attached to what you have obtained or earned, but continue climbing without worrying about how much you are risking.

The Wild Unknown: 10 of Pentacles

Fulfillment, Abundance.
The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. The number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. So be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. Provide guidance to those who struggle. You will be rewarded tenfold.

Homestuck: VIII Justice

Fairness, ethics, impartiality. Taking responsibility, holding each person accountable. Weighing one's options or all sides of an issue. Accepting consequences, karma, understanding coincidence.

Rider Waite: Page of Wands reversed

Be Creative, Be Enthusiastic, Be Confident, Be Courageous.
The Page of Wands is a messenger bringing you opportunities for passion. He delivers real chances to experience creativity, courage, charm and inspiration - the wonders of the Wands suit. In readings, this Page suggests that an opening may appear that excites you, feeds your talents, or dares you to be great. When you see such a chance, act on it!

The Page of Wands can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve independence, high energy, risky behavior, or shared enthusiasms. Sometimes the Page of Wands implies that your entire situation is suffused with the spirit of excitement and adventure. At such times, feel free to express your individuality and power with light-hearted abandon.
Note: Since this card is reversed, I'm taking this to mean this card is in its early stages in my life. I've been feeling very creative, passionate and confident today, which is not usual for me. I think the card is saying that while I may feel that today, I have the potential to feel even more that way in the future.

Diary entry:
went to therapy today and mostly talked about cats, because i'm planning to get one eventually. i also got to hang out with my therapist's cat (Irene) a lot, which i've never done before. she was very sweet and purred a lot, but also shed a lot ahah. he also has another cat, Annie, who's much more shy, but she came out for a bit to see me too, but Irene started fighting with her and scared her away. :( my therapist says it's because she got territorial about me. xD i'm really good with cats. my partner is not very good with them because he only recently even started liking cats and he's got a very strong, fast energy and he walks really loudly and cats don't really like that. he also doesn't really know how to pet them. so, hopefully i'll be able to teach him my cat-charming ways so that he can love our new cat and our new cat can love him too.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:13 AM

January 9

Prompt: The Polar Bear Club

Avi of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I know my rose will dry upon the skin, just like a name I remember hearing.
Wild winter, warm coffee. Mind's gone, do you love me?

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 5 of Pentacles

The five of Pentacles is an active, dynamic card that announces, step by step, the positive evolution towards the future and the discovery of new interests or new solutions. An excess of dynamism and velocity in moving about could however make the situation too fluid and unstable, causing inevitable worries and disorder to appear and obliging us to go back to where we were.
Advice of the Dead: With calm and through concrete and objective evaluation, you can go ahead, overcoming any crisis that you meet along your way.
Note: SUCH a fitting card for today. The advice is really helpful.

The Wild Unknown: 9 of Swords

Dark Visions, Anguish
An extremely dark card, the Nine of Swords reveals the deepest shadows of the self. It indicates insomnia, nightmares, and worries in the midnight hour. Often these states are accompanied by guilt, despair, or even depression. You'll be battling with yourself, so turn to others for help. Find Joy. Reach out.
Note: This card doesn't fit me today, but I have been there. I actually kinda cheated and chose this card because I was curious about its meaning and the design is really striking.

Homestuck: 0 The Fool

Beginnings, infinite possibilities. Taking chances, eschewing logic, spontaneity.
Note: i am starting a new semester at a new school, so the idea of beginnings and infinite possibilities definitely fits.

Rider Waite: Queen of Wands reversed

Attractive, Wholehearted, Energetic, Cheerful, Self-assured.
The personality of the Queen of Wands combines the positive fire energy of the Wands suit with the inward focus of a Queen. She is the one voted most popular in her class. She is always attractive and often good-looking in the classical sense. Her warm smile and easygoing manner bring her lots of friends and admirers. Her energy is contagious, and her enthusiasm, total. No matter what the task, she tackles it with wholehearted dedication and commitment. Nothing gets her down. She is always upbeat and cheerful - ready to look for the positive in the situation. Her life is full and busy, and she prefers it that way. She loves to be going and doing. She keeps up this pace because she is radiantly healthy and fit. She is often a good athlete, being naturally strong and coordinated. Although she's never arrogant, the Queen of Wands has a deep faith in her own abilities. Her quiet self-assurance comes from the knowledge that she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.

In readings, the Queen of Wands asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Do you feel attractive? Do you believe in yourself? Are you full of energy? Can you shake off the blues? Are you gung ho about life?

This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of cheerful and confident enthusiasm. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.
Note: since it's reversed, i'm interpreting these aspects as being not present in my life today. i've been feeling really self-conscious and anxious all day. These are all aspects that i would like to become a larger part of my personality as a whole, though, and i think this card is calling for me to try to be this way during this semester.

Diary entry:
went to campus to meet with the disability resource center (DRC), find my classrooms, sort out my financial aid, get an ID, and add a Spanish minor. all of it went off without a hitch! the woman i met with at the DRC was really nice and had a lot of fidget toys in her office. she even let me play with one. :> these people seem a lot more organized and a lot nicer than the DRC at my old campus, so i'm really excited to work with them. i felt very productive today and i feel a lot more secure about the coming semester, although i still am nervous. i shouldn't dwell on the things i'm nervous about. i'm really excited for my Intro to Phonology class, and i'm pretty excited for my Spanish class too. i can't wait till i'm actually fluent in Spanish. i'm excited to have professors who are actually going to speak exclusively Spanish in class. immersion is by far the best way to learn.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:13 AM

January 10

Prompt: I wish ___
that I will get all A's again this semester. I also wish for us to be able to move into our new apartment in April, not later.

Avi of the Day:

Outfit of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Digital witnesses, what's the point of even sleeping?
If I can't show it, if you can't see me.
What's the point of doing anything?

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 10 of Swords

The chrysalis has closed and the moth is now complete, evolved and able to hang from a height and have a total and impartial view. The pain, the problems we have dealth with, the tears we have spilt, have reached their apex and are transformed, ready to overcome the situation by grabbing the opportunities that are presented in front of us and that we are now able to deal with.
Advice of the Dead: Sublimate all the negative events that have passed and make the most of all the possibilities that are manifesting around you as soon as possible.
Note: wow, this card is so fitting for me today.

The Wild Unknown: XI Strength

Mastery of Emotions.
It's common to think of this card as the roaring, devouring side of the lion. But look again-- the "strength" this card suggests is a much deeper force that's found within. The lion represents our most patient, composed self. He's a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. When this card comes up, you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself. All the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart.

Twin Peaks: 7 of Swords

Avoiding obligations, procrastinating. Feeling you don't need anyone else, preferring solitude. Deceiving or being deceived, lying or stealing, maneuvering behind the scenes.

Homestuck: XII The Hanged Man

Allowing what will happen to happen, accepting the future. Pausing to reflect. Sacrifice and martyrdom.

Rider Waite: 4 of Cups reversed

Self-Absorption, Apathy, Going Within.
Those who enjoy kayaking and other river sports know that there are areas of the river where the water flows in a dangerous circular motion. Instead of moving forward, it turns back on itself. In the same way, we can get stuck in emotional hydraulics. The Four of Cups represents such periods of self-absorption.

If you are self-absorbed, you tend to refer everything back to yourself - your own interests and desires. On this card, we see a man who is unaware of the cup being offered to him. He misses this gift because he's turned within. In readings, the Four of Cups can indicate that you are wrapped up for the moment in your own world.

In some situations, you must focus on yourself. When life is too stressful, you need to devote time and energy to yourself or you will feel swamped. The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse and reflect, you restore your emotional balance.

The Four of Cups is sometimes a sign of apathy. You don't really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you've lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the Four of Cups can show that you're stuck emotionally. You need something to focus on that will so engage your mind and heart that your path down river becomes clear again. Open yourself to your surroundings. Soon you will be on your way again.
Note: Since it's reversed, I'm taking this to mean that I am seeing the fourth cup I'm being offered, but the deck is reminding me to keep the three cups in front of me in mind as well. I might be too engaged in the things that are making me happy, and need to remember to slow down a bit.

Diary entry:
today has been a pretty laid-back day. i assembled a tv stand for Scout! it was pretty easy, no tools required. other than that, i really didn't do much. i managed to churn out an outfit of the day finally! not that my outfit was particularly good. xD; i've got other art i need to do, but i wanted to draw something that didn't have to be good. drawing for other people can be a lot of pressure for me. i really wanna do well if it's for someone else.

ghostPastry 01-05-2018 02:13 AM

January 11

Prompt: Snowflakes

Avis of the Day:

Self-portrait of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be,
but I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me.

Drawings done today:
freebie for Facade:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 3 of Wands

A dynamic arcana, active and positive, that encourages improvement and virtue through an explosion of vital energy. The three of Wands guides us toward new undertakings, the beginning of new occasions and also new relationships that could lead to further business or affections. If reversed however, this push could be obscured and interrupted, bringing with it negligence and a static situation.
Advice of the Dead: In this moment you do not require the help of anyone. Proceed with energy towards your new creation.

The Wild Unknown: 10 of Cups

Radiating Energy
The Ten of Cups overflows with positivity. Your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. You may feel as though light and color radiates outward from you-- almost as if you're shining. Experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. Do not doubt this power.

Twin Peaks:

Beginning an adventure, starting something new. Living in the moment, acting on impulse, feeling carefree. Having faith, trusting the flow, living in joy. Taking the "foolish" path, accepting your choices, trusting your heart's desire.

Homestuck: 6 of Swords

Overcoming obstacles of the mind, such as dealing with the effects of a past trauma or depression.

Rider Waite: 2 of Wands

Personal Power, Boldness, Originality
The Two of Wands glorifies individual courage and greatness. This card taps the same energy as the Magician, but with one important difference. The Magician represents the archetype of power - the impersonal energy of creativity and strength. The Two of Wands stands for that power brought down to Earth and made personal. Personal power is an invigorating force that fills you up and lends you the courage to be great. A powerful person is like a magnet that attracts all those within a certain area.

True power always comes from the Divine. It passes through us and then flows out into the world. When we understand this relationship, we are blessed because this flow brings with it a tremendous feeling of expansion and fulfillment. We feel as if we can accomplish anything. Problems develop when we forget that we are not the source of power, only its conduit. We must be careful not to let the intoxicating feelings that come with power overwhelm our good sense and blind us to our true desires and intentions.

In readings, the Two of Wands indicates that power is a major issue in the situation. You or someone else has it or wants it. When you see this card, look carefully at your goals and activities to make sure you are using power wisely. Don't support power for its own sake, but enjoy it when it serves your worthwhile purposes. Take this gift and use it to mold your environment in positive ways.

The Two of Wands can also stand for an extra dose of daring and inventiveness. When you see this card, trust that the time is right for the bold, creative move that will knock their socks off. Forget subtlety and old, tired approaches. Allow yourself free rein and you'll be amazed at the results.

Diary entry:
couldn't sleep till 6am, so i slept in until like 5pm today. x_x ughhhhh. i feel guilty about it, but then again it's not like i have anywhere to be... it's just that i'm wasting my break, i guess. :/ and i thought my sleep meds were really working. i haven't stayed up like that in like 2 years. i'll just have to be more strict about my bedtime routine.

ghostPastry 01-12-2018 11:28 PM

January 12

Prompt: Knitted Scarves
in middle school, my friend Tessa used to knit a lot. i remember sitting in class together while she knitted and i untangled her yarn (it was a class where the teacher had tenure and really didn't give a shit), and i had like 3 different scarves from her, and a hat. all of which i loved and have since lost. i also remember one time we went to this science convention, and my pants were too loose and kept slipping down and she was like "one second, i got this." and literally crocheted me a belt right then. xD

Avi of the Day:

Outfit of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Play for me that song that you wrote, hysterically loud.
And cry for me 'cause I figured it out, I figured you out.
I fall so deeply, and I fall so deeply, and I fall so deeply, and I fall.

Drawings done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: XI Justice

This card pushes toward balance and stability, perfection, the ability to measure things out and to evaluate, but above all to attain what we really merit. Justice, for this reason, will be clement and generous with the good and severe with the bad. The outcome therefore implies that it will be the right one for the impartial and honest consultant. The negative meaning indicates it could come to incarnate a castrating maternal figure, or bring uncertainties, excesses, and the consultant could feel the consequences of his/her own erroneous actions.
Advice of the Dead: Deal with the situation methodically, in a balanced way and with an organizational spirit, without letting yourself become disrupted by desires or passions.

The Wild Unknown: 3 of Pentacles

Teamwork, Determination, Focus.
The task ahead is a momentous one. Usually related to your job or career, the Three of Pentacles suggests you must focus all of your efforts. Discipline, strategy, and hard work are needed more than ever. If you become weary or overwhelmed, rely on those around you. This is a card of teamwork, so you may need the strength of others to conquer the mountain.
Note: Definitely a fitting card. I go back to school soon, and from what I hear, my classes are going to require a lot of groupwork, which is definitely not my favorite thing. I'm going to have to work very hard this semester, especially if I hope to continue doing daily tarot readings and at least one drawing and one selfie a month.

Twin Peaks: XX Judgement

Feeling reborn, awakening to possibilities, seeing everything in a new light. Feeling an impulse to act, knowing what you must do. Feeling cleansed and refreshed, forgiving yourself and others, atoning for past mistakes, releasing guilts and sorrows.
Note: I've been very nostalgic lately, and I've been working through a lot of my old guilts and embarrassments. I've been seeing past events through new eyes, separated from all the strong emotions I felt when everything was happening. I'm coming to really understand people I used to put on a very high pedestal, and I'm trying to forgive myself for the way I behaved. When I woke up today, I felt very inspired, and immediately sat down to draw without even having to push myself.

Homestuck: 3 of Cups

A celebration of close friends and family, this card is about being emotionally in tune with those who are important to you. This card indicates happiness and energy born from emotional closeness.
Note: My dad and I have been talking a lot about my tarot readings, and I've always been extremely close and in tune with him. I also reached out to one of my closest friends in Colorado today, and Bailey (one of my little alters) has been talking to his closest internet friend (they just recently met, but he doesn't really have any other friends besides my partner's little alters, so he gets attached to people very quickly.) And yesterday, I was talking to my best internet friend, who is extremely important to me, and things are going really well in his life which makes me so, so happy!

Rider Waite: King of Cups

Wise, Calm, Diplomatic, Caring, Tolerant.
The personality of the King of Cups is a combination of the positive water energy of the Cups suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is wise and understanding, with a deep knowledge of the world that comes from the heart. He is a teacher and way-shower who guides his students with loving attention. He cares about others sincerely and always responds to their needs with compassion. He heals with a gentle touch and a quiet word. He is calm and relaxed in all situations, seeming to know intuitively what is called for at any moment. Others turn to him for advice because they know he will listen attentively. There is always a peacefulness around him that others respond to. He is tolerant of all points of view and shows patience in the most trying circumstances. He gives others freedom to grow and develop in their own ways without asking anything in return.

In readings, the King of Cups asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: responding calmly in a crisis, using diplomacy rather than force, reaching out to help, or accepting a different point of view. This King can also represent a man or woman who acts as he does, or an atmosphere of caring, tolerance and understanding. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.
Note: I haven't been feeling very calm today, so I guess this card is telling me to calm down a little. That's hard for me to do! I also feel like this card is representing my alter, Henry, who is the King of Cups of my system. He's always the one to listen intently to what people are saying, and the one to give rational, objective advice. So, I just need to find a way to bring him out more.

Diary entry:
went to sleep at 3am and woke up at 1pm... better than yesterday! tonight i'm hoping i'll go to sleep by midnight and wake up at 11am. i've been pretty productive! i actually showered and got dressed, then i drew two things. it's nice, i haven't drawn my OC Cupcake digitally in years! i used to sketch them all the time, but i really don't have very many digital drawings of them. i think it came out really well. i'm also glad that so far i've been keeping up with my outfits of the day and selfies. i'll be happy as long as i post either an OOTD, a selfie, or some art every day. hell, as long as i have one per month of each so i can put them in my end of the year summaries i'll be happy. [lol]

ghostPastry 01-14-2018 04:34 AM

January 13
Prompt: Silk Scarves
i've never owned a silk scarf! i like the texture, but i don't know if i'd like it around my neck all day. plus, it'd be too shiny. i do have a really thin fabric (i think cotton?) scarf that is kinda like a silk scarf in that it wraps around your neck in the same way, but i hardly ever wear it because the weather is only good for it like two times a year. xD

Outfit of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Evade my intellect, feed into my introspect.
Wrap your words around my brain... driving me insane.
You found the real me, save my inner being.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: Page of Swords

With perseverance, a spirit of observation, and curiosity, the Page of Swords studies and enquires into the situation, accumulating experience in order to be prepared when the situation, which is now tranquil, could change. This arcana propels us therefore towards prudence, waiting and calculating carefully the various elements in the case of unexpected events or exams.
Advice of the Dead: Be prepared by evaluating all the possible openings or outlets through which the situation could degenerate and vent.
Note: I love how the sword here is represented by a pen. I'm totally feelin' this card today. It's the calm before the storm. Right now I've got all this time on my hands to update this memory jar, do art and tarot, keep up with all my websites and everything, but in less than 10 days I start back at school again and I'm going to lose all that time, so now is when I'm preparing myself to figure out a way to balance my studying with all the other fun stuff.

The Wild Unknown: 2 of Swords

Blocked Vision, Stalemate.
The Two of Swords depicts two opposing forces that have reached a stalemate. You cannot progress forward with either a relationship or a life decision. There's an answer that's being blocked-- maybe by choice? Many times this card will indicate you do not wish to face the truth the light will reveal.
Note: Another swords card today! Interesting. This has gotta be in regards to my career. I don't know what I want to do with my degree in Linguistics. I know what job I'm gonna get after I graduate; that's not an issue. But is there a way I could ever pursue my dream career? Will I just settle for working for the state my entire life? I'm sure I'll enjoy what I do-- I find a way to enjoy everything I put my mind to-- but will I ever be able to really pursue my passion once I'm done with school? That's the question I can't-- and don't want to-- answer.

Twin Peaks: Knight of Pentacles

Someone who is unwavering, cautious, thorough, realistic, and hardworking. But can also be stubborn, unadventurous, obsessive, pessimistic, and overwork themselves. They will not quit, and they keep true to their personal convictions, but may be obstinate and refuse to listen to reason or to compromise. They are prudent and careful, at the risk of being too conservative, waiting too long, and settling for safe, small gains. They are meticulous and never leave a job half-done, but sometimes just don't know when to quit and insist on perfection. They assess circumstances candidly, and are not lured by false hopes... but this tends to mean they lack hope at all, and see the glass as half-empty, ending up concentrating on what's going wrong rather than what's going well. They become dedicated to tasks and tackle any chore vigorously, but can forget to have fun and cut loose.
Note: Hey! This is the card I associate with myself! Awesome. :D
This works well with the Page of Swords I drew in Santa Muerte. It's a reminder not to focus so hard on my schoolwork that I forget to let myself relax and have fun that doesn't require so much brainpower. I never feel like I've studied enough or pushed myself as hard as I possibly can, but this card is a reminder to leave well enough alone! I felt like I relaxed way too much last semester, and guess what? I got all As! Proof that I really did work hard, because they were not easy classes. This also works well with The Sun I drew for Rider Waite, which says that my hopes for myself may be too lofty, and that I shouldn't push myself too hard. It's all about balance.

Homestuck: 6 of Cups

The emotional mirror to the Five of Cups. Where there was once loss and regret, there is now appreciation and joy. This card concerns the joy obtained from reflection and nostalgia. The healing power of memories, nostalgia,
and old friends.
Note: So accurate. I've been thinking a lot about past memories and old friends, especially here on Menewsha. It used to hurt too much to think about, but now I'm at a place where it's healing. I still don't think I'll ever be able to fully forgive myself for the fallings out I had with certain friends, but it feels nice to remember the good times we had.

Rider Waite: XIX The Sun reversed

Reversed: Negativity, Depression, Sadness; Upright: Joy, Success, Celebration, Positivity
The Sun reversed indicates that finding the positive aspects to a particular situation may prove to be difficult. The clouds may be blocking out the warmth, and preventing you from feeling as though everything is on track. You may have experienced setbacks that have damaged your enthusiasm and optimism and have perhaps led you to question whether you can really achieve what you have set out to achieve. You may be feeling depressed, sad or left out. You may be reluctant to proceed and you are no longer enjoying what you are doing. Your direction and path ahead may have become clouded or distorted in some way. Nonetheless, the Sun is never a negative card, so this is only temporary. The obstacles you see can be easily removed if you put your mind to it. It may just take a little more effort than usual.

On the other hand, you may be being too positive. That is, your perception of a particular situation is overly optimistic and unrealistic. You do not have a good sense of yourself and what you are and are not capable of. You may have become egotistical and out of touch with whom you really are. You may not be being truthful to yourself and to others, instead trying to talk yourself up when you know you cannot deliver. If this feels like you, then ask others for feedback and to give you a ‘reality check’. Are you being unrealistic? Is what you have set out to achieve actually achievable? Are you really as good as you think you are?
Note: I'm going to interpret this as the second option. Perhaps I'm being unrealistically optimistic, like I think everything is magically going to be so much better as soon as we move to our new apartment. I've got these goals to get all A's in my classes, go to the gym or do yoga 3 times a week, be more social and make friends here, clean the house every day, do my tarot every day, do at least 3 drawings every week... and maybe it's not all attainable, at least not all at once. Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself in being excited about it all, and I should calm down until it's closer to the move-in date. I have been having trouble sleeping and calming down lately...

Diary entry:
went to yoga at the LGBT center. it was the first class and it wasn't well-advertised, so i was the only person there besides the teacher and his husband, but they were both really nice so i didn't feel really awkward about it. and they've only been practicing yoga about a year longer than me, so it seemed like we were at the same difficulty level. and it was an hour long, but it really only felt like 30 minutes! i was surprised. the teacher gave me his number after too and said we should get coffee sometime because i had told him i'm new to the area and don't have any friends, so that was really nice!

then Scout and i went furniture shopping and it went REALLY well! we found a couch we agreed on, a bedframe for me and a matching dresser, a nightstand for me with usb ports built in, sheets for me and pillows for both of us (we both liked the same pillow! xD) a couple potential mattresses for Scout, a bedframe for scout, and a TV stand with a built-in fake fireplace. so, all in all, a very productive day! we didn't buy anything yet (obviously, because we're not moving till April at the earliest), but apparently they'll hold the items until we're ready to have them delivered. so now i've decided on basically all of my furniture. i think the only thing we have left to find is chairs for the bar that's gonna be where we eat. and then Scout's got some more stuff left to find for his room cuz he's picky.

ghostPastry 01-14-2018 10:44 PM

January 14
Prompt: B is for...

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I went out to the forest and caught 100,000 fireflies
As they ricochet round the room, they remind me of your starry eyes.
Someone else's might not have made me so sad...
But this is the worst night I ever had.
'Cause I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 7 of Wands reversed

A moment of a great rush of energy, openness and growth towards the heights. The Seven of Wands brings with it collaboration, actions, structures that are already complete and formed, but precisely for this reason, if the tendency is towards excess conservatism, it could cause discussions, indecision, and friction.
Advice of the Dead: Make a decision quickly, even consulting people around you, in order to proceed and go ahead, as this is not yet the time to put down roots.
Note: Oh wow! The first reversed card Santa Muerte has given me in a daily reading! I had a great rush of energy yesterday, but it's all gone today. None of my structures are formed yet-- I'm going to a brand new school, moving into an apartment that isn't even built yet, choosing furniture that won't be delivered for four months at the earliest, and I only have one or two friends here, and I don't see them much. I have been making decisions quickly, because I'm able to trust my gut and know what I initially think is going to be good for me, but I haven't been doing a lot of consulting others. It's true that today is not the time to put down any roots, but since the card is reversed I believe it's saying that the time to start putting down roots will be soon.

The Wild Unknown: 6 of Swords

Hope at last, Travel.
The Six of Swords is a card indicating a recovery from difficult times. Hope is on the horizon; things will get better. It's important to rest, revitalize, and surround yourself with joyful friends. Plan a trip, short or long. Even getting out of town for the weekend will further lift your spirits.
Note: Moving is kinda like taking a trip, right?? This card is definitely fitting. And I love the art of it in this deck. I knew what this card was about as soon as I looked at it.

Twin Peaks: Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords represents someone who is frank and outspoken, at the risk of being blunt and tactless. They are authoritative and have great influence, but can be domineering. They have a keen, forceful intellect, express their ideas succinctly and are good at debating, however they are prone to biting sarcasm, may lack sensitivity, and may be too critical. They are knowledgeable, but this can lead to them being opinionated and arrogant. They are logical, analyze information well, and can set aside emotional factors but can also be unfeeling and cold, almost robotic, and have trouble tapping into their emotions when they need to.
Note: This is very similar to the card I drew yesterday from this deck. I think this deck sees me as a Knight (or a Son), which I agree with. It sounds like today the deck has picked up on some of my autistic traits; namely, my intellect, my dry/weird sense of humor, how critical i can be, and how I can tend to be cut off from emotions. I have been known to be a very emotional person and very in-tune with the emotions of others, but that's only some of my alters (particularly ílios Gabe, Anna and Bailey. Henry and Luna are in tune with others' emotions, but are not emotional themselves). Many of my other alters struggle to understand emotions and prefer to keep to their intellectual pursuits for just that reason (particularly Teagan, fengári Gabe, and Xanthe).

Homestuck: V The Hierophant

Knowledge, education, seeking deeper meanings. A system of belief, following rules or identifying with a group.
Note: Definitely referring to the upcoming semester, but also referring to my recent attempts to get more into yoga, and my plans to actually attend yoga classes with other people now that I know more or less what I'm doing.

Rider Waite: 3 of Pentacles reversed

Reversed: Lack of teamwork, Disorganized, Group Conflict, Competition; Upright: Teamwork, Collaboration, Building.
When the Three of Pentacles reverses it suggests there are reasons why you are not getting things off the ground or making progress in your situation. Regardless of what you say, you are not putting any real effort into your work or the task at hand. You must ask yourself why this is. On the front, you are all talk and full of plans but nothing is getting done. This could be due to a lack of commitment or belief in what you are doing. It could simply be that you are getting no joy out of it and it all seems like too much work. It could also be as a result of fear. Do you think that you haven’t got what it takes to be a success? Do you fear losing everything if your plans fail? Could you possibly have taken on too much? Negativity may be eating away at you and preventing any positive growth.
Note: This isn't how I'm feeling today, but I can definitely see this becoming a problem during the semester. I'm really nervous about all the group work I'm going to have to be doing, and I'm extremely afraid of failure.

Diary entry:
stayed up till 4am and slept in till 2pm today. x_x so much for getting my sleep schedule back on track. i just had so much excess energy last night! and now i have none today. u_u at least i had the energy to do my tarot cards, and i'm going to try to get the energy to work on that year in review spread that i wish i had done on New Years.

ghostPastry 01-17-2018 08:00 PM

January 15
Prompt: Fur is
for animals. also, not even from a moral standpoint, i think wearing fur is super tacky. [t2h]

Outfit of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Past lives couldn't ever hold me down,
Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found.
I've got the strangest feeling this isn't our first time around.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 6 of Pentacles

We are in the present but in front of a precarious equilibrium, an alternation that swings like a pendulum between positive and negative. It could make our physical and economic situation unstable, while waiting for a solution and an ulterior evolution. It will be time, fluid and unilateral, never stopping, that will make the situation evolve and enable us to overcome eventual obstacles.
Advice of the Dead: Proceed with audacity and without haste, working hard and keeping yourself focused on the present. What you desire will arrive when the time is ripe.
Note: Another very accurate card from this deck today. I definitely feel like I'm in a place where I just need to wait and be present.

The Wild Unknown: 3 of Swords

Betrayal, Heartbreak, Turmoil
A dark and complex card, the Three of Swords is rarely a welcome sight. Its wrath may come in the form of lies, betrayal, cheating, or heartbreak. There will be emotional entanglement and confusion. Do not try to make any decisions while in this state. Wait for your heart and spirit to mend.
Note: This card represents the way Therapist Sean feels right now about moving. It's not that he doesn't like the place we're moving to, it's just the feeling of having your home ripped away from you.

Twin Peaks: 5 of Swords

Acting in your own self-interest, thinking of your own needs. Being in a hostile environment, choosing to battle, experiencing conflict. Losing your moral compass, letting ends justify means.
Note: Sometimes, one needs to act in their own self-interest. I did a lot of sticking up for myself and asserting my needs today. And there was a little hostility, mostly because I was grumpy and stressed.

Homestuck: 10 of Cups

Brimming with experiences, this is the card of emotional maturity and growth. The building of a close-knit family by overcoming trials and maturing individually. This card predicts great emotional fulfillment and contentment.
Note: Great! :D

Rider Waite: 4 of Cups

Self-Absorption, Apathy, Going Within
Those who enjoy kayaking and other river sports know that there are areas of the river where the water flows in a dangerous circular motion. Instead of moving forward, it turns back on itself. In the same way, we can get stuck in emotional hydraulics. The Four of Cups represents such periods of self-absorption.

If you are self-absorbed, you tend to refer everything back to yourself – your own interests and desires. On this card, we see a man who is unaware of the cup being offered to him. He misses this gift because he’s turned within. In readings, the Four of Cups can indicate that you are wrapped up for the moment in your own world.

In some situations, you must focus on yourself. When life is too stressful, you need to devote time and energy to yourself or you will feel swamped. The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse and reflect, you restore your emotional balance.

The Four of Cups is sometimes a sign of apathy. You don’t really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you’ve lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You’re not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the Four of Cups can show that you’re stuck emotionally. You need something to focus on that will so engage your mind and heart that your path down river becomes clear again. Open yourself to your surroundings. Soon you will be on your way again.
Note: There's that 4 of Cups again. This is similar to the 5 of Swords I got in the Twin Peaks deck; I have been focusing on myself today. I'm not feeling apathetic or emotionally stuck, though.

Diary entry:
Got a brand new winter coat for really cheap, and it fits me perfectly and I love it a lot. It's really warm, but not super bulky. Then, Scout and I went furniture shopping again and finished up deciding on all of our furniture, and ordered most of it since they'll hold it for us until the apartment is finished. We also went and measured an apartment with the same layout as ours will be so we could start figuring out where we want to put things. I'm really happy, and I know where everything is going to go, but Scout is feeling really anxious, stressed, and sad about moving. He feels this way every time he moves. And he's having trouble figuring out where he'd put things. It makes me sad that he's sad when I'm so happy. :(
At one of the furniture stores, there was this giant horse statue, and apparently two people have actually bought the thing. It cost 20 thousand dollars. WTF??
Also, we got Wendy's for lunch. We never eat out, so it was a really nice treat. I got a spicy chicken sandwich and a tiny vanilla frosty, and it was delicious.

ghostPastry 01-17-2018 08:35 PM

January 16
Prompt: Furries
you know, i really appreciate people who are kin with animals, but i just gotta be real, fursuits creep me the fuck out. even the nicely made ones. mascots scare me too. i just can't do it. i'm fine with accessories, like cat ears, a fox tail, a hoodie with dragon scales, wings, animal contacts, sharpened nails, whatever, but i draw the line at fursuits. :/ nothing against the people who wear them, i just can't be around them.

Avi of the Day:
just had to try out the Exotic Greenhouse i just won in Howdy's FOWN adventure! i love it so much ;o; i won so many good things from Howdy this event. [heart]

Outfit of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I'd swim across Lake Michigan, I'd sell my shoes.
I'd give my body to be back again in the rest of the room...
To be alone with you.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: XII The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man indicates a moment of pause, distance, meditation, and preparation in order to think deeper and more profoundly about our projects, even facing some sacrifice. This in-depth search could occur in a passive manner, by remaining receptive and willing to listen or experiment. This card can also bring about a positive change of perspective, values, or a new point of view and make us understand that perhaps this is not the right time to act or make a choice. In its degeneracy it can arrive at a situation of total block, of the inability to act in the face of negativity, doubts, and secrets.
Advice of the Dead: This is the time to slow down and to understand from a new perspective what to think more about or what to sacrifice, with the aim of attaining profound changes.
Note: Very in line with the 6 of Pentacles I drew from this deck yesterday.

The Wild Unknown: 2 of Pentacles

Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly... a world of possibility balanced upon your delicate wings.
Note: Another card for Scout from this deck today! I'm excited about this inevitable change (the move). Scout needs to know that-- because it's necessary-- it's best to face it with grace and the mindset that it can be fun.

Twin Peaks: Page of Pentacles

Make your plans real, achieve tangible results. Take a realistic approach, work with what you have, stop daydreaming. Grow and expand, enrich yourself, seek abundance, become secure. Have faith, stick by your commitments.
Note: I definitely enriched myself and stuck by my commitments today; I went to therapy and yoga and feel much better for it! I think I'm making my plans real in that I've been planning to attend more yoga classes, and I think in therapy a lot of what we talked about was taking realistic approaches and working towards results.

Homestuck: 8 of Wands

Optimization; like the Seven of Wands tells us, good things don't last forever. However, this card advises us to move on from that thought to make the best of what's in front of us. The Eight of Wands also has the tone of urgency; it is the card of swift action and results, perfect for Bro [the character on the card]. This card points toward quick movement and decision making, a flow of creative management ideas.
Note: This card must be referring to school. No time for waiting here! The semester starts next week. D: The "good thing" that doesn't last forever is my break, and all the time for my personal projects-- but school is a good thing too! And I have to keep that mindset about it.

Rider Waite: XII The Hanged Man

Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice.
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.
Note: Interesting! Twice in the same day. I like seeing the different meaning this deck has for it, although it doesn't apply as well from this deck. Maybe because I think I'll have to push myself very hard for school, the deck is saying I should let what happens, happen, and trust that I will do well.

Diary entry:
Went to therapy, talked about cats, trying to make new friends, and feelings about the new apartment. Then sat with a cat on my lap doing stuff on the computer because I couldn't bear to kick her off so I could do tarot and draw. Then I went to a yoga class at the place where Scout works. I had a minor panic attack when I first got there because the instructor wasn't there and another class was still going on so it looked like I was late even though I was early, but then I figured it out. I couldn't bring myself to talk to anyone else in the class before or after, mostly because they all already knew each other (not from the class, like they were friends outside of the class and two of them invited the other two), but maybe I'll be able to talk to them next time. They seemed really friendly. The class was really great. When it started, my breathing was very shallow and my heart was beating super fast and I couldn't concentrate at all, and by like 10 minutes in my mind was clear, my breathing was slow and deep, and I was fully in the moment. And now I feel really refreshed and relaxed. My day ended with me and Scout watching some of the new Planet Earth, which is amazing.

ghostPastry 01-17-2018 10:58 PM

January 17
Prompt: Photo shoot!
i don't feel like taking pictures today, but please accept some of my favorite pictures of my roommate's cats:

Avi of the Day:

Dream Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


We spend our days locked in a room content inside a bubble
And in the night time we go out and scour the streets for trouble

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: XIII Santa Muerte (Death) reversed

A profound transformation, a renewal, a true and proper revolution. If it is life that generates death then death generates life. We are connected to all that surrounds us, to the people who have come before us and to those who will come from the cradle to the tomb, from the coffin to the womb, in a continual exchange and a continual regeneration not of opposites but of complementary elements. Santa Muerte brings with it new projects, changes, cuts and the necessary abandonment of what we keep stationary and entangled, like the past or suffocating ties. These changes however are not always pain-free but can bring with them trauma, anger, violence and loss including an immobility when we refuse to take on these transmutations.
Advice of the Dead: Accept the changes that are offered in front of you, without fear of cutting ties and cutting yourself off from your old positions, old ideas or preconceptions. A mutation is imposing itself.
Note: part of why i think this card is reversed is that it wants me to be cautious about this change and to be aware throughout the entire process. is this going to be as good of a change as i'm hoping for? will all of the things i think are going to change actually change? perhaps i shouldn't cut myself off from all of my old ties and ideas, and accept the changes i've been offered instead of pushing for even more change.

The Wild Unknown: 2 of Cups

Connection, Love, Romance.
Say hello to the much adored Two of Cups. When this card appears, you can anticipate new love to be headed your way. And yes, this usually means romance... but sometimes it points to the birth of a dear and lasting friendship. Either way, the connection between you will be pure, honest, and solid. Open your heart and get ready.
Note: i am so ready for a friendship like that. i've got enough romantic love in my life, what i really need is a good, true friend.

Twin Peaks: 6 of Swords

Feeling listless or somewhat depressed, avoiding the lows but also the highs. Dealing with the effects of trauma, heading towards a more positive place, feeling hope again. Moving from one place to another, being uprooted, entering into a new frame of mind.
Note: this card really encapsulates my mood today. i feel hopeful, but lethargic and neither sad nor happy. overall, i'm on the path towards somewhere positive, but i'm not there today.

Homestuck: 9 of Cups

The card for those who have lived a bountiful life. The subject has put emotions into the world and is reaping the rewards manifold. This card predicts great emotional fulfillment and contentment.
Note: it's true, overall i want for nothing (well... except some more friends). i am comfortable and safe and my future is looking very hopeful. this card doesn't have anything to do with the particular mood i'm in today, but is more an objective view of where i'm at. i know this particular definition says it's referring to the emotional sphere, but for me i think it refers more to the physical and material.

Rider Waite: XIII Death

Ending, Transition, Elimination, Inexorable Forces.
Death! A powerful energy indeed. Who can look at the dark, skeletal figure on Card 13 and not feel uneasy? Here we see the face of our deepest fear - our greatest unknown. We recoil from Death because we think of it as annihilation. In the tarot (and in life I would suggest) Death is not a permanent end, but a transition into a new state. Life is eternal in its essence, if not in its form. To grow, to move, to live - we must "die" to the old to give birth to the new.

It is a truism in tarot work that Card 13 rarely has anything to do with physical death. A responsible card reader never interprets Card 13 in this way because this view is too limiting. Death is not something that happens once to our bodies. It happens continually, at many levels and not just in the physical. Each moment we die to the present so the future can unfold.

In readings, Death often represents an important ending that will initiate great change. It signals the end of an era; a moment when a door is closing. At such times, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also relief and a sense of completion. Death also suggests getting down to basics. Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what's important. This card reminds you to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes there are events that are inescapable as well. When these moments occur, the best approach is to ride your fate and see where it takes you.
Note: wow! this is the second day in a row when the Santa Muerte and Rider Waite decks have given me the same card. they're in cahoots! except today they're in opposite directions. for me, that means that the Santa Muerte deck is saying to pay extra attention to the card today, and to really think about what the Death card means in my life right now... it might not mean what i've been thinking it means.

Diary entry:
i had a meeting with the DRC (Disability Resource Center) to learn about this pen that records while you take notes, and you can like go back and click on a spot with the pen and the pen will play whatever it recorded while you were writing on that part of the page, but it was snowy AF out so i had to reschedule for Friday... hopefully the weather will be better then, but even if it is at least i won't have to take the bus because i scheduled a STAR (it's like a cab for disabled people, but you only have to pay $2.50 and since i have a student ID, i ride free. i mean, the transportation fee is included in my tuition but w/e). i ended up doing yoga instead. i just did a really light, easy morning one since i did an hour long yoga class last night. it was really good and i'm thinking about doing it as soon as i wake up every morning. then i drew the outfits of the day i was behind on and cried about how vastly different my style is every time i draw one (i just want them to look the saaaaame [cry]) and now i'm sitting with cats on my bed (Sparks is in a little blanket cave and Bigs tried to sit on my computer so i had to push him away until he reluctantly settled down in front of me instead), and i'm gonna do my tarot. for some reason i'm feeling really lazy today and don't wanna do it. but i gotta power through. when the semester starts, i might not do all five decks every day. maybe just one. we'll see. maybe i'll still draw all 5 cards and just wait to post them until i have time... the most time consuming part is putting it all up!

ghostPastry 01-19-2018 12:36 AM

January 18
Prompt: My yard

Avi of the Day:

Outfit of the Day:
witchy luna shirt, quartz necklace, jeans, imaginary fruit socks, silver star ring

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I love you so so so so much.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: XXI The World

The card of total realization, of expansion and achievement. The World brings with it a slow but constant and determined evolution towards success, fullness, towards one's real personal and professional objectives, as if towards the transformation and discovery of a new balance at the peak of a cycle. If this card presents itself at the beginning of a reading, it could bring up a problem connected to a difficult beginning of something, where a premature realization is necessary before the action, a contraction of time with the risk of not being able to conclude when necessary, or else the emergence of egocentric or dispersive characteristics.
Advice of the Dead: Do not give up and do not be afraid. The road you have taken is the right one and whatever difficulty you find will be brief and you will achieve the results you desire.
Note: i'm glad i drew this card today. it's a good sign.

The Wild Unknown: Father of Pentacles

Steady, Entrepreneurial.
The Father of Pentacles is a steady, gentle man. Upon first meeting, he can almost seem dull because of his extremely calm temperament. But underneath is an incredibly passionate man who prioritizes the stability of his job, family, and home. He is entrepreneurial and diligent at work. A true pleasure to know.
Note: this represents my alter, Henry.

Twin Peaks: Page of Cups

To be sentimental or romantic, to let your feelings show. To receive guidance from within and trust your gut reaction. To remember your dreams. To get closer to comeone, go beyond formalities, solidify a friendship. To express sympathy and understanding, to forgive yourself, to brighten someone's day.
Note: i did remember my dreams when i woke up this morning. and i am hanging out with friends tonight!

Homestuck: 7 of Pentacles

A warning against the dangers of impatience. This card acts as a reminder to the subject to bide their time.

Rider Waite: VI The Lovers

Relationship, Sexuality, Personal Beliefs, Values
The Lovers is one card that is easy to remember. Love and sex are riveting subjects, and, as you'd expect, this card represents both. The urge for union is powerful, and, in its highest form, takes us beyond ourselves. That is why an angel is blessing the bond between the man and woman on this card.

In readings, Card 6 often refers to a relationship that is based on deep love - the strongest force of all. The relationship may not be sexual, although it often is or could be. More generally, the Lovers can represent the attractive force that draws any two entities together in a relationship - whether people, ideas, events, movements or groups.

Card 6 can also stand for tough value choices and the questioning that goes with them. In some decks, the Lovers shows a man torn between two women - a virgin and a temptress. This rather old-fashioned triangle symbolizes the larger dilemmas we face when we are tempted between right and wrong.

The Lovers can indicate a moral or ethical crossroads - a decision point where you must choose between the high road or the low road. This card can also represent your personal beliefs because to make such a decision you must know where you stand. Following your own path can mean going against those who are urging you in a direction that is wrong for you.

Diary entry:
bleh. depressed. [zzz] just cuddled with cats all day and watched Looking and videos on YouTube. going to hang out with friends from 8pm-1am. i'm nervous, but i took my anxiety meds so hopefully it'll go great. i've been really antisocial, so i need this.
edit: hanging out with friends was great! i hung out with Cassia, Ava, and Devon. we had pizza and mountain dew and we played Smash Bros and watched Star Trek DS9. it was a little awkward because Ava and Devon just started dating so they were all kinds of PDA and i'm weird around couples when they're doing PDA because i don't know where to look or if i can keep talking to them?? like, i don't mind it, i'm glad they're so in love, but it's just a little gross to me. [sweat] also, i wish we had talked more... i really wanted to get to know them, and they're fun to talk to. but being busy with video games and TV made it so there wasn't any awkwardness which i guess is nice. idk, my issue is just that i never get out and hang out with people so i was craving social interaction. i play enough video games and watch enough tv when i'm alone. xD

ghostPastry 01-20-2018 12:46 AM

January 19
Prompt: To my left

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Todo está tal cual lo dejaste, todo está siempre cambiando.
Ligeramente, de día y de noche un poco más, pero todo está.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 10 of Cups

The transformation is complete, the butterfly has reached the end of its development. This card represents the coronation of an undertaking, a love, a project that we have poured all of our passion into. It is also connected to the home and the family that lives there. Only complications, divergent opinions or losses can bring about negative emotions such as anger or bullying.
Advice of the Dead: Welcome without indulgence what you have gained and realized, without fear of taking advantage of what you can gain, as this is yours and no one can take it away from you.

The Wild Unknown: XVI The Tower

Unexpected Upheaval.
When the Tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. The well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. Your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart-- and you didn't see it coming. Even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. You'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. You might even see it as a personal "breakthrough" in the end.
Note: i definitely felt this card today, even though nothing really changed yet. i visited campus and learned about the technology i'm going to be using to take notes and it really freaked me out and i felt lost and scared of this brand new (huge!) campus, and felt like i wouldn't be able to handle it all. i mostly worked my way through the emotion, but i don't think it will fully fade for at least a couple weeks. and all because of a freakin pen! i guess i felt some comfort in the way i had been taking notes, and just adding one more unfamiliar thing into the mix was enough to send my tree crashing down. xD

Twin Peaks: King of Swords

Renders honest, insightful judgments, is impartial and objective. Takes the high road in all dealings, lives by their highest principles

Homestuck: King of Wands

Great ambition, especially with regards to politics, careers, and personal travel. As a person, the King is a leader of men who fills a room with his presence.
Note: well... i'm definitely no "leader of men", but i do have a lot of ambition regarding school. i just hope i can live up to my own standards.

Rider Waite: XI Justice reversed

Dishonesty, Unaccountability, Unfairness.
Reversed, Justice can refer to dishonesty and deceitfulness or behaving in a way that is morally "wrong."

If, after a very hard look at yourself, you feel that you have done the best job possible, know that the Universe has a path laid out for you and while your situation may be frustrating right now, it is the right path for you. Over time you will begin to see that it does indeed have a reason for being this way.

Given that the Justice card can reflect a very judgmental, black-and-white view of the world, you may need to release all of your thoughts about what is right and wrong, and just accept what is. Stop judging yourself constantly about whether you are doing the right thing or whether it is working. You are where you are and you just need to accept your current situation. Just allow yourself to ‘be in the moment’ and withhold any immediate judgement. The reversed Justice card also suggests that you may be better off by bending the rules a little and being a bit more flexible with your current circumstances. Of course, you also need to act in a way that is fair and just, and not under-handed, otherwise karma will come back to you!
Note: for me, this ties in with the cards Santa Muerte and Twin Peaks gave me today. it also serves as a reminder to be honest and true, and to behave in a way that is in line with my morals.

Diary entry:
went to campus to get trained on how to use my LiveScribe pen, and had an anxiety attack afterwards, but it went away once i was home and was able to organize my things and actually figure out how to use the damn thing, which was less hard than the training made me feel like it was gonna be. xD it's like writing on magic paper! it's so cool. and i think it's gonna help me a lot.
and when i was home i went online and found the syllabus for one of my classes at least, and it looks like the semester is gonna start off super easy for me. we're just learning IPA again. i've literally learned that shit in 4 different classes already. xD and it doesn't look like there's a paper?? just a lot of homeworks and quizzes. easy peasy.
i also had a lot of time before and after my appointment on campus because of the way my STAR (transportation) works, so i got to read a bit of a book of Zuni texts. there was one that was a story about a girl who needed a husband, but whenever each guy came with gifts for her she was like "you can't sleep in my bed, you don't have what i want" and the guy was like "what?? what do you want?" and she was like "i want a man who will stay out in the field and attack the enemies and rip their scalps off." and each guy is like "oh, word. yeah, i don't got that. lates!" i didn't get to the end of the story, but isn't that great already?? my headcanon is that a fierce lesbian warrior shows up and sweeps the girl off her feet. [mrgreen]

ghostPastry 01-21-2018 01:53 AM

January 20
Prompt: Discuss a random fact
did you know that when cats blink at you, it's like they're blowing you a kiss? them closing their eyes around you means that they love and trust you. so, whenever i make eye contact with a cat i make sure to give them a long blink to show them that i love them. they don't always blink back, but when they do it's the cutest thing ever and i love it.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


I'm in need of a savior, but I'm not asking for favors.
My whole life, I've felt like a burden; I think too much, and I hate it.
I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring.
Loving never gave me a home, so I'll sit here in the silence.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: IV The Emperor reversed

We are faced here with the domain of the material, stability, of an equilibrium attained through experience and rationality. The Emperor incarnates masculine and patriarchal power, capable of attaining concrete conquests in the world, including those in the economic field, as is demonstrated by the casket on which he leans. He also represents security and irremovability as the anchor at his feet demonstrates. An excess or abuse of power can bring about degeneration, making him become a cold tyrant or an adversary instead of a paternal and comforting figure.
Advice of the Dead: Do not be afraid of aiming high with your objectives and with those you are materially constructing, even accepting the help of a person who is important and protective.
Note: i think this means the energy of the Emperor was absent in my life in a place where it is usually present. specifically referring to a relationship where i tend to see the other person as some sort of authority figure, today i was able to shed that misperception. however, i was still able to accept their help, and i do still see them as important, protective, and comforting.

The Wild Unknown: XIV Temperance

Healing, Renewal
The great blue heron remains calm and peaceful as she blends the opposing elements of fire and water. The Temperance card asks you to be a moderator much like the heron. Focus on cooperation and compromise. If you've been excessive in one aspect of your life, practice self-restraint and moderation now. You'll find a new sense of healing and balance from bringing a little harmony back into your life.

Twin Peaks: XVI The Tower

Going through sudden change, being surprised. Having an emotional outburst, releasing or letting things go, falling or experiencing a crash. Having a revelation, seeing through illusions or suddenly realizing the truth, having a burst of insight.
Note: interesting that i got this card again. i did have some unexpected change today, i got a new dresser and it fit in my room and i can actually use it, which i wasn't expecting. i was just expecting to store it until we moved and have it take up a bunch of my room, but it actually made it so i could organize my room in a way that is much more efficient for me, which is a drastic change from how my room was yesterday, which was making me feel panicked and like it would make me feel stressed all semester, and now my room feels calm and de-cluttered. Scout also had a drastic change in how he felt about our new apartment. we got to look at a finished layout that's exactly how our apartment will be, instead of one that was flipped, and then we also got to look at the actual apartment we'll be in, and it made him feel happy and excited about moving where before he was freaked out and unhappy. not a traditional "Tower" change, because nothing fell apart, but definitely drastic.

Homestuck: 7 of Cups

As the suit most closely related to emotions and dreams, this card warns against overindulgence of one's imagination. It is possible to become lost in endless possibilities, never actually arriving at a decision.
Note: hmmm... not quite sure how this applies today.

Rider Waite: XII The Hanged Man

Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.
Note: i get this card so often. it's because i'm so anxious and need to learn to just let things happen. obviously, i still need to put in effort, but i need to learn that i can't control everything and that worrying about things i can't change doesn't help anything.

Diary entry:
went to look at the new apartment again, as well as a completed apartment with the same floorplan. it was nice to get a feel for it again, and each time we go, i'm able to plan more of where i want to put stuff and envision what it will be like to live there. Scout felt much better than when we looked at the flipped floorplan, especially since he got to see the view out of what will be our windows again. i'm so excited. then we went to get my dresser (it was on clearance, so we had to pick it up right away since they won't hold it till we move), which i'm really glad we did because it's gonna help so much with keeping stuff organized in my current room. i really hurt my back moving it tho. :C but Scout gave me a lot of homeopathic stuff & vitamins that're gonna help and i'm also taking ibuprofen and gonna put a hot pad on it. and i'm tryna not do stuff that's gonna hurt it more like bending over a lot and moving stuff, but i did do a little of that getting things organized whoops. :x but with the way i organized things, it means me bending over less!! so there. then we went to Trader Joes. i love their food but goddamn i hate going there. it's tiny and always packed and the parking lot is the worst. so stressful. and then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to return some comforters we didn't like and get my sheets and a little treat for my alter, Bri (her age slides between 0-6yo. we got her one of those 90's slap bracelets that's pink with a bunch of disney characters on it. it was on sale and she doesn't have a lot of stuff.) we also saw these pillows that i love and i drew a star on one because i saw someone had drawn a heart on one:
and then i got home and organized shit and did my tarot cards and now Scout and i are gonna watch Harry Potter (we're halfway thru Goblet of Fire).

ghostPastry 01-21-2018 11:16 PM

January 21
Prompt: The Zodiac - Aquarius
i always have difficulty communicating with Aquariuses, since i'm a Taurus. i'm very earthy and grounded, and they're very airy and flighty. they're the type of person to ask you to hold something for them and then disappear for an hour. their rooms tend to be messy, but they like to keep the rest of their house clean, and especially clean up when company is coming over. they're not particularly picky and don't really have a refined palate, but they can be very classy and stylish. they're very cuddly with their friends, and fall in love quickly. their friendships can last a lifetime, but their romantic relationships tend to be short-lived. they're very creative and artistic, and are good at making money for their artistic pursuits. it's hard to get them to start talking, but once they've started talking about something they're interested in, it's hard to get them to stop!

(this is all based off of the Aquariuses i've known. if you're an Aquarius, please tell me if you think what i've said is accurate for you! i'm all about learning more about the signs. astrology is one of my special interests.)

Song of the Day:


What if, what if we run away
What if, what if we left today
What if, we say goodbye to safe and sound
What if, what if we're hard to find
What if, what if we lost our minds
What if, we looked and fall behind and then never found

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: XVIII The Moon reversed

The female and maternal archetype par excellence. The Moon brings with it receptiveness, intuition, the power of the imagination, ideals, but also mysteries and secrets. it is the card of the subconscious and of dreams, capable of revealing and overcoming the illusion of existence. The Moon's reflection is captured in water, from the tranquility of a lake to the sacred enclosure of a chalice, its essence whole and true. The reverse of this can however bring prejudices, isolation, or the keeping of secrets that are too heavy, leading to confusion and madness.
Advice of the Dead: Trust your intuition but continue to listen and to observe what surrounds you to discern its true nature.
Note: i tend to see The Moon as a card of illusions, or being in tune with the spirit world. i think, since it's reversed, it's saying that i'm tethered to the material plane, seeing the world without any lens, and lacking a female/maternal presence.

The Wild Unknown: Mother of Wands

Attractive, Domestic, Vibrant
The Mother of Wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. Family comes first in her world– she’s very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. Though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you’d hardly notice her forceful nature. Oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. It’s important not to get on her bad side.
Note: hm. not sure how this card fits for me today, especially following The Moon reversed, which indicates that a feminine presence is absent in my life today.

Twin Peaks: Ace of Swords

Being objective, applying logic and reason, using your intellect. Overcoming adversity, finding the strength to overcome, being undaunted by setbacks. Doing what is right, wanting what is fair, establishing the truth, being honest.
Note: this card is calling for me to harness this energy in my life.

Homestuck: Knight of Wands

Symbolically, this card indicates a potential long trip by land, or a period of rapid change or competitive tension. As a person, this card may represent someone in the subject's life who is somewhat of a Don Quixote. This person will go after their goals with dedication, no matter how silly or mundane. They may also be well-liked and narcissistic.
Note: i think this card represents a period of rapid change, but also me as a person, because i do go after my goals with dedication even though sometimes my goals feel silly or mundane (like doing these daily readings). i can be narcissistic for sure, or at least self-centered, and i do tend to be well-liked by people.

Rider Waite: 2 of Pentacles

Juggling, Flexibility, Fun
There is nothing quite like the feeling of being graceful and effective at the same time. On the Two of Pentacles we see a young man dancing as he juggles his worldly concerns. The infinity sign loops around the two pentacles to suggest that he can handle unlimited problems. In the background we see two ships riding the waves easily - cruising the ups and downs of life.

In readings, the Two of Pentacles lets you know that you can juggle all demands made upon you. In fact, you will relish the excitement of every hurdle. If you do not feel this level of confidence right now, this card asks you to believe in yourself. You have all you need to meet your every goal and more. Embrace the challenge.

The Two of Pentacles also reminds you to be flexible. You must be agile if you want to prevail. Don't force your way through or you will be cut down. Now is not the time to be rigid. Know that sometimes a side step, or even a back step is the surest way forward.

The Two of Pentacles is also a symbol of fun, laughter and good times. It is definitely a high-energy card. If you are feeling tired or depressed, this card may be a sign that greater vitality will be yours. If you are feeling revved already, the Two of Pentacles could be a warning against overstimulation. Be sure you get the rest you need so that you can enjoy the up energy of this card.
Note: i am feeling tired and depressed, so this card is a good sign. i'm sure the flexible, fun energy of this card will be coming for me in the near future. it shows me that i will be able to juggle everything school demands of me.

Diary entry:
last day before school starts. my back still hurts. :( it was really hard to sleep last night because i usually sleep on my side or stomach and both positions hurt. i've just been relaxing all day, don't feel up to doing much. ate some tamales and i'm watching The Outs; those are probably the high points of my day.

ghostPastry 01-23-2018 03:28 AM

January 22
Prompt: Fav EI from 2017
definitely The Grand Ballroom! i want it so bad. [cry]

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:


Found an old friend. Meeting my guitar in the city, feeling like a star in the city.
And suddenly it seems that I'm where I'm supposed to be, oh... and now I'm fully grown,
And I'm seeing everything clearer, just sweep away the dust from the mirror.
We're walking hand in hand on the warm white sands.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents a person who is very dynamic and energetic, projected towards success and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives. Only an excess of authoritarianism or obstinacy could cause instability, caprice, possessiveness, or the inability to communicate one's own ideas.
Advice of the Dead: Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
Note: you again! now i know what this card means for me today, thanks to my dad. looks like my abuelitas are looking out for me, and i need to remember to look out for myself too.

The Wild Unknown: 4 of Pentacles

Possession, Control
The Four of Pentacles first suggests material gain and stability. Only good news for your bank account and home. Yet underneath the surface this is a card of warning: do not become possessive or controlling. Holding on too tightly to the material world will leave you rigid, stagnant, and displeasing to others. Wealth is a concept.
Note: i so prefer this interpretation and artwork to the traditional representation in Rider Waite. especially the artwork. good advice, and certainly pertinent to me.

Twin Peaks: 9 of Cups

Achieving what you desire, having your dream come true. Being contented, feeling all's well with the world. Relaxing, experiencing luxury or beauty, savoring a delicious meal.
Note: this is how i feel at the end of the day! during the day, i was pretty and anxious and bored and overstimulated, but at the end of it all, i feel great! i'm really excited to start this semester and i'm really gonna try to be as involved on campus as i can. i've never attended a campus that wasn't a commuter campus before, so there's gonna be so many ways for me to be involved. i'm stoked. and i achieved a lot of things i wanted to today.

Homestuck: 9 of Pentacles

The "Windfall" card, a card of minor but fulfilling and pleasurable rewards. This card is about personal pleasures and having your own space.

Rider Waite: 7 of Swords

Running Away, Lone Wolf Style, Hidden Dishonor.
The Seven of Swords is tied to the Five of Swords because both cards involve separation from others. On the Seven we see a man tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). He's taken some swords and seems rather pleased with his successful heist. He gives the impression of having secret, solitary plans.

This card sometimes represents the "lone-wolf" style - the desire to run lone and free. In films, the lone-wolf hero always acts totally on his own. He discovers, investigates and solves every problem using only his own wits and resources. He believes he's successful because he ignores the fumbling efforts of ordinary people.

In readings, the Seven of Swords can be a sign that you or someone else wants to be a lone wolf. You feel that you will be more effective and comfortable on your own. This approach is useful when you need to bypass an ineffectual group or assert your independence, but it can also be troubling. We cannot be happy and productive for long without some commitment to others. If you feel inclined to act alone, be sure this isolation is really working for you.

Sometimes the Seven of Swords means that you are running from something - commitment, responsibility, hard work, love. You may be procrastinating, letting problems slip because you don't want to deal with them. Sometimes we just have to face what has to be faced. The Seven of Swords lets you know when you might be making things worse for yourself and others by running away.

The Seven of Swords can also indicate a hidden dishonor - a choice you or another has made that does not do justice to the highest. We all make wrong choices that we want to hide. Some of these are minor, some serious. Your inner voice will tell you when this is happening. When you see the Seven of Swords, take a good look at what you're doing because hidden dishonors will eat away at your happiness and self-respect.
Note: aaahhh, i've been called out!! i've been such a lone wolf, to the point where i think i prefer being alone. but really, i thrive when i have friends, it's just that making new friends and being around new people causes me such anxiety that being alone is the easier way. but sometimes, things that are easy are worse. i'm good at putting my all into schoolwork, now i have to put my all into social interaction and community involvement too.

Diary entry:
orientation for SUNY today! it ended up being a really good day even though i sat around doing nothing for like 2.5 hours of it because my advising session was over really quick and they gave us an absurd amount of time for lunch and none of the multicultural offices were open because school doesn't technically start till tomorrow. but i got a lot of questions answered by the head of the Linguistics department (who is also gonna be my Intro to Phonology teacher this semester), and it was good to meet him. he was very nice and excited. and then i got to meet the directors of the Multicultural Resource Center and the Genders and Sexualities Resource center and i absolutely love both of them. i also made a potential new friend! he seems really fucking cool and punk/goth, and he offered to help me practice Spanish, since that's his first language. he's also an art history major, but not an artist which is interesting. and he's gay and has a husband! so i really hope we become friends. we didn't exchange numbers or anything, but he said he'll be around the MRC and GSRC, so i should see him again.

ghostPastry 01-24-2018 03:40 AM

January 23
Prompt: C is for...

Song of the Day:


Dame tiempo para darte todo lo que tengo
Ser delicado y esperar dame tiempo para darte todo lo que tengo.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 10 of Wands

The transformation is now complete and the new being that has been created is ready to fly outside, to the world, bringing with it success and creative and professional realizations. The Ten of Wands brings with it completion, attraction, new experiences and only in the case of indecision or doubts can it be transformed into oppression, obstacles, or betrayal.
Advice of the Dead: Do not leave too many situations suspended or they will get the better of you in terms of achieving what you desire.
Note: a perfect card for the new semester. :)

The Wild Unknown: 8 of Swords

Trapped, Powerless
Surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. You see no way out, no available choices. Your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. What keeps you suspended here? Yourself or others? The Eight of Swords demands an answer. You cannot hang here much longer.
Note: hm. i guess it's telling me to shift my perspective and stop seeing my schoolwork and social opportunities as obstacles or threats and to see them as fun work to be accomplished instead? i don't really feel in danger or suspense though.

Twin Peaks: VI The Lovers

Feeling love, establishing bonds, being intimate. Feeling physical attraction, experiencing desire. Establishing personal beliefs, staying true to yourself, making up your own mind. Struggling with temptation, facing an ethical or moral choice.
Note: i love my beau. [heart]

Homestuck: King of Cups

The spark to become a family man and settle down, or simply to mature. As a person, the King of Cups is the warm, comforting father figure to everyone in his life. He considers it his business to cultivate his "kingdom" and ensure the prosperity of every person he knows; he also holds a personal standard of maturity and encourages others to act politely.
Note: this card totally represents my alter, Henry.

Rider Waite: Queen of Pentacles

Nurturing, Bighearted, Down-to-Earth, Resourceful, Trustworthy.
The personality of the Queen of Pentacles combines the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the inward focus of a Queen. If you were to visit the Queen of Pentacles, the first thing she would say is, "Come in, come in. It's great to see you. Have a bowl of soup!" No one is more welcoming and nurturing than she. Her greatest pleasure is to care for others - making sure they are happy and secure. Her home is always overflowing with children, pets, plants and footloose friends. She is warm and generous to all. In day-to-day matters, she is sensible and practical. She doesn't have a lot of time for elaborate plans and other craziness. If something needs doing, she just takes care of it without a lot of fuss and bother. If necessary, she makes do with little and always comes through in a pinch. There is a down-to-earth, matter-of-factness about her. She is always loyal and steadfast. Because she is trusting by nature, others trust her completely. When you are hurting or in need, the Queen of Pentacles will calm your fears and share your troubles.

In readings, the Queen of Pentacles asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you feeling warm and caring toward others? Are you being sensible? Have you been true to your word? Do you feel generous? Can you be counted on when times are tough?

This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of warmth, trust and security. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.
Note: for me, this card represents my experience with SUNY so far! everyone i've met has been extremely welcoming and kind, but still practical and dedicated to excellence.

Diary entry:
the semester started today! i had Elementary Statistics and Elementary Spanish 2, which both seem like they're gonna be awesome. my Stats professor is adorable and is clearly really into the subject, and i'm the only person in the class who truly appreciates him and laughs at all his dorky little jokes. in my Spanish class, like 5 other people also want to learn it because they have hispanic/latinx heritage but were never taught the language. i had a very busy day of rushing from place to place, but it was a good day overall. i also had therapy today and we talked about my issues talking to people and about reading people's energy fields and trying to decide and control what i want my energy field to feel and look like (i love my therapist). and then next week we're gonna try to start talking about working with my alters.

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