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sailor star rainbow 03-06-2018 03:14 AM

One on one rp fr Sliver Storm & sailor star rainbow
This is a rp for Sliver Storm and my self

Name:Alice Kujo

Silver Storm 03-06-2018 04:24 AM

Name: Kakoa Seastorm
Age: Appears around 19-20
Gender: Male
Race: Merman

sailor star rainbow 03-06-2018 04:44 AM

Alice was taking a walk a long the beach. it was early in the morning right before the sun would rise. she lived in a beach house a few miles away form here. at most it was four miles away so the walk. to get to the beach took ten to fifteen minutes form her home to here. so far the young woman had been walking for a good five minutes. holding on to a lantern in her right hand,it was lit with some battery's. the color of the lantern is navy blue,yet the lantern look old fashion style one.

She loved coming to this beach each day. the wind felt nice for this time of year even if some people. normally did not like to come right before the end of the winter months. it was almost spring time so it would. slowly get warm then more people would come back. the shopping strip a cross the way would get busy. mostly with locals that would go in them before the tourists will come back.

Silver Storm 03-06-2018 05:00 AM

Kakoa was swimming close to the shore. He was fascinated by humans and enjoyed watching the lights, even if, unlike his kind, he could not switch to a human form and walk among them. He arched up out of the water before splashing back in like a dolphin. He pushed his shaggy blond hair back out of his sea green eyes. He felt the sea breeze ruffle his hair and he smiled, knowing that as the seasons changed and the tourist returned he would have to stay farther out to sea, to risk not getting caught.

His eyes scanned the shore and as they did, he saw a bobbing, wavering light. And by the light, the silhouette of a girl around his age. People were never out at this hour so he go curious and slowly swam closer. He was intrigued by the girl and as he swam closer, he saw that she was rather pretty.

sailor star rainbow 03-06-2018 05:51 AM

She started to walk closer to the sandy waters. while thinking about what to do later on in the day. beside going food shopping or get some new spring time clothes. today she had on a long blue jean skirt. a light weight long sleeved shirt that had some flowers on it. they look like apple blossom's blooming form a apple tree branch. she also had a pair of sandals on that where flat,that where open toe. they where made out of old wine crocks with a touch water poor fabric. they look nice and where the slip on kind.

Silver Storm 03-06-2018 06:02 AM

Kakoa watched the girl, his blue green tail cutting through the water. His tail fins were long and flowy like that of a koi fish. In the sunlight his tale would catch the light and shine with the pearl-essence one sees on the inside of a sea shell. It was a shimmer of blues and greens and golds. Kakoa watched the girl, wanting to approach but knowing in his merman form that wasn't safe. His tail flicked in irritation at his train of thoughts, causing a soft splash that he didn't even notice.

sailor star rainbow 03-06-2018 02:37 PM

Alice had gotten wet form the sudden splash of water. not knowing where it had came form she gasp out in shock. "Oh no now I'm wet. the sun won't be strong enough yet to dry my clothes,for me." she says while moving a bit closer then sits down. on the sandy beach near by the water. the woman only sighs out at lest her clothes. was only slightly wet not drench so that was a good thing. but why would the ocean waves come up so close this early for?

It cross her mind maybe a storm was going to come. the news channel had said something about. rain before nine am today close to seven are eight thirty am. it was near 5:20 am by now. she then pull's her cell phone out to see if any emails came yet? Alice has been waiting on a email about a shipment of a item. she had bought online over the weekend on ebay. it was a new cook book she like trying new things out.

Silver Storm 03-06-2018 06:51 PM

Kakoa eyes lit up as the girl's face was bathed in the glow of the light from the screen in her hand. It gave him a better look at her beautiful face. He watched her sitting on the beach and couldn't help but swim closer. Does she have siren blood, he couldn't help wondering. Because for whatever reason he was drawn to her like baby sea turtle to the sea. He had never felt this pull from a human before, never been so drawn to one. Was it just that he was so starved for companionship? If his own kind had started to shun him after the curse. Now the sea creatures where his main form of companionship.

He shook off the thoughts and turned his attention to the raven haired girl before him. He found himself wondering what she was doing out along on the beach at this hour? What was she thinking about as she sat there on the sandy beach? His tail flicked unconsciously again, making another soft splash in the water. He felt bad for getting her wet and wondered if he should swim closer to apologize. But he feared how she would react when she saw him. Some humans feared merfolk, some tried to exploit them.

sailor star rainbow 03-06-2018 11:11 PM

"Aw it ship yesterday that is good to know. the seller said it would take a week at most for it to come in." Alice says to her self in a happy voice then puts her cell phone away. she had her lantern sitting on the sand by her side. its soft glow was not as bright as her phone light was. she then sighs out before taking her sandal's off. the girl felt like getting her feet wet for a while. her skirt stop by her knees so it would not get wet much by,stepping into the water.

She moves her shoes to a dryer part of the sand. yet picks up her lantern so she could have some light. Alice had been stung by jellyfish before at this beach. mostly at random she dislike the idea,of having to pee. on the spot that they stung you on was always unpleasant for her. since it made her really embarrass if it happen in front of others.

Silver Storm 03-06-2018 11:28 PM

Kakoa watched as the girl waded out into the water and he floated as he watched her. He looked out to the sea, gauging it to make sure that the tide wasn't going to roll in and sweep her off her feet. He knew that there were some sharks hunting nearby but they wouldn't bother her. He watched her wade, unsure a touch why he felt the need to protect and guard this random stranger, though she seemed nice so far.

Unlike some merfolk, he did not hate people. He was curious about them and observed enough to realize that there are good and bad people. Just like any other species or race. He chose to judge people individually and not as a whole. His attention snapped as he became aware of a school of jellyfish nearby. He watched, waiting to see if they were going to come in the direction of the wading girl.

sailor star rainbow 03-07-2018 12:25 AM

She wade a bit more in to the water till. it reach up almost half way up her legs but stop before the knees. Alice started to giggle the water felt good even if it was slightly cold. after a few moments she started to sing a song. the song do re mi form the sounds music movie. she had like the movie since as a child her parents. had encouraged Alice to try out for her school plays. between middle school and high school years the girl had gotten. to be in about ten school plays four of them being normal ones. while the other six had been musical ones.

Alice had forgotten it was almost time for the blasted jelly fish. to come back to check out their mating grounds. knowing each summer they come to mate. at this beach it would be closed off for a month. to make sure no one would get hurt. jelly fish could be harmful if anyone step in to the waters. around mating season so the beach officials as well the city. would announce to stay away form the water for all of June. people could still come to the beach to watch. are to hang out with friends,the beach city. had a lot of other fun things to do. such as a mall,shopping centers a movie place. other place such as a arcade with pizzeria and lastly a blowing alley.

Silver Storm 03-07-2018 12:39 AM

Kakoa's sea green eyes caught a group of jellies swimming towards the girl and he responded without out thought. His tail cut through the water, swiftly and gracefully putting him between the girl and the jellyfish school. Merfolk were known for having an affinity with the creatures of the sea and Kakoa even more as they were his main source of companionship. He was so focused on stopping and turning the jellyfish away before she got hurt, that he didn't even realize that he was definitely close enough for her to see.

He focused on the jellyfish and communicating with them, politely asking them to move along and leave his new friend alone. The jellyfish responded by moving further off down the coast and for now she was safe.

(Are you cool with him being able to communicate with sea creatures?)

sailor star rainbow 03-07-2018 02:05 AM

After about 3 minutes Alice had finish singing the song. she then notice someone in the water. "Oh my how long have you been here for?" she ask in a clam yet a bit shock tone of voice. why was a man in the water so early for? the woman did not notice his tail yet so she thought. he was a normal man one a mythical creature of a other race. that was mostly know as fairy tails to young children. ((yes I'm cool with it.))

Silver Storm 03-07-2018 02:49 AM

Kakoa smiled at her as she finished her song. "Not very long. I am sorry to disturb you but I needed to cut off the school of jellyfish before they reached you," he explained. Once the words were out of his mouth, he tensed wondering how she would respond. He had just spilled information that probably by human standards would make him sound crazy.

sailor star rainbow 03-08-2018 01:43 AM

"But you did not disturb me. I'm a little shy around stranger's is all." Alice say before realizing he was a merman. yet she did her best not to freak out. this was a rare meeting for her. as a child she was teased by her class mates, for believing in mythical races could exist. right now she was a bit shock yet happy to meet him.

Silver Storm 03-08-2018 03:10 AM

"I can understand that," Kakoa said with a nod of his sandy blond head. He couldn't help how his head cocked to the side like a curious dog. This human seemed surprised by his presence but not afraid of him. His sea green eyes lit up as an idea came to him. "If I tell you my name, then are we not no longer strangers?" Could you blame him if the words were a touch flirty, for this was the first female he had spoken to in years and a beautiful, human one at that.

sailor star rainbow 03-09-2018 12:22 AM

Alice think's for a few minutes before speaking again. "Yes that's right and I'm Alice Kujo it is nice to meet you." she says to him in a kind yet warm sounding voice. a smile on her face as she spoke with the merman. this time she was happy not to have her sun hat on. the wind was starting to blow a bit more then. when she was walking over here to the beach. yet wonder could he be lonely are did he have any other friends? if not she would try come to the beach each day.

Plus she could rent some scuba gear. when she has her days off form work her job was a normal one. working at the movie place full time. they are always busy on super hot days in the spring and summer. sure they had ice cream shops around but sitting down watching. a movie for a hour are two was a nice way to cool off. unless you where the kind of person that loves to swim. the beach is nice besides the hotel pools which can get crowed at times.

Silver Storm 03-09-2018 12:33 AM

"Alice," he said, testing out her name on his tongue. He liked the sound of it, the way it rolled off his tongue. "I am Kakoa Seastorm." He ducked his head in a sort of bow. "The pleasure is all mine." He was happy to see that she did not seem scared of him. In fact, he found himself hoping that he would see her again, get the chance to talk to her more. "Do you always walk on the beach at this hour?" He inquired curiously.

He felt the wind pick up and turned his attention to the ocean before him, reading the wind and currents. He could tell that a storm was building, nothing typhoon level. Probably about an hour before the waves would become dangerous for a human. At least he still had time with her before he should warn her away from the beach. He would easily be able to handle and swim the wave; actually he enjoyed it and might even risk being spotted to play in the waves. He would hate for something to happen to the kind and beautiful maiden before him, especially if he could prevent it.

sailor star rainbow 03-09-2018 01:24 AM

"Sometimes I do unless I've got work the next day. oh that reminds me I'll be busy for the next three days. due to some limited time only movies. people will be coming like crazy to the movie theater. its a place where you can watch moving pictures,with sound are music in them." Alice explains to Kakaoa in a soft voice. she was unsure if he ever had a chance to see a movie before? a few times in the summer they would have a floating projector screen. to show off the Jaw's movies are some beach movies.

Each year when it happens people form miles around. would come form far and wide to watch movies. on the beach most summer's it lasted for the last. couple of weeks of the summer time starting around seven are eight pm. plus her job the movie theater was in charge of it. so Alice was normally busy handing out soda,popcorn are candy to people. people that came paid for the tickets sometimes online. other times in person plus pay for anything she would sell.

Silver Storm 03-09-2018 01:42 AM

Kakoa nodded slowly, listening to and absorbing her words. "Movies sound fascinating. That must be a very entertaining job." He wished that he could switch to his human form and experience things like 'movies' and just the human world overall. He felt that mix of deep sadness, anger and frustration wash over him that always came when he thought about the curse.

The curse that had also inadvertently caused his people to turn their back on him. He slowly been shunned and alienated by his own people until he had left, choosing to live a solitary, lonely life away from Merfolk. He befriended whales and dolphins and other sea creatures. He would watch and observe humans as much as he could, but this was the first time that he had actually spoken with one and been so close to one.

sailor star rainbow 03-09-2018 02:18 AM

Alice only smiles softly glad to hear he would. like to see a movie someday yet wonder. if she should tell him about the movie night. that they have on the beach? at lest it would be fair warning to Kakoa so. he could stay away far enough so he can hear the movie maybe behind a rock? "It can be at times deepens on which job you have. I take tickets are work the concision stand. just a fair warning don't come out for the last three weeks of the summer. close to the beach a lot of humans come to watch movies. that we show here on the beach to help signal the end of summer time. but if you find a place to hide by a big rock formation. you should be able hear the movies if you like that idea." she says to him only trying to help. not sure if it was wise for a merman be so close to the beach. by late July are being of August Alice,did not want him to get caught.

Silver Storm 03-09-2018 05:27 AM

"You are not frightened of me?" Kakoa said when he realized that she knew he wasn't a human. Of course he had known that she would find out sooner or later, if one from noticing his tail. He wasn't sure what he had expected when he finally met a human but he had at least expected some surprise if not fear. He had heard stories from other merfolk about their experiences with humans, experiences that ranged from fear and horror to glee and attempts of making profit off the merfolk.

sailor star rainbow 03-09-2018 09:14 AM

"Why would I be frightened by you? to answer your question no I'm not sacred of you. I'm happy to meet someone like you. some people don't believe in merfolks at lest in my home town that is." Alice says to Kakoa yet moved one of her hands to smooth her skirt a bit. the wind mostly ruffled it a bit more by her skin. she should leave soon go to the bakery before the storm hits. not having a umbrella with her she did not went to get sick. then her work would be down a person till she would get better. the young woman did not want to let that happen. her boss is nice yet only allows so many sick days per month.

Silver Storm 03-10-2018 03:43 AM

Kakoa nodded at her words, feeling more relaxed around her and happy that she wasn't frightened by him. "Many humans do not believe in the merfolk and many will never see us." He let his attention slide to the weather and the oncoming storm. "You would probably be wise to leave the beach soon," he cautioned sadly. He didn't want to see her go, but he refused to put her in danger just for the chance to spend more time with her. "The waves are beginning to grow with the storm and soon it will no longer be safe for a human."

sailor star rainbow 03-10-2018 11:00 PM

Alice listens to what Kakoa just tolled her. "Thank you for the warning and I'll try come visit. you tomorrow night around 7:30 pm if I'm not to tried form work. see you later I better get the bakery now." she says to him then smiles softly at her new fond friend hoping. it would be dark enough tomorrow night to pay him a visit. around the she said she would knowing late winter. the nights can be finicky when it wants to get dark around this time of year.

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