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Xavirne 07-12-2018 06:01 PM

Yo, who's still here
I just wanna know. I miss you all. How's everyone doing? Whatcha doing with your lives now? Any of you still use this site?

@my friends;

Did I do that right? >.>

Euphonium Panda 07-12-2018 06:37 PM

Hi. I'm trying to get back into the site again to be honest. I keep getting distracted though. I wish there were more new role plays. I got a notification of it.

Kory 07-12-2018 07:10 PM

I'm not as active as I once was...
It's partially because I've been so busy IRL... Then when I finally get a chance to come online, most of my friends are nowhere to e found! [cry]

Inzanebraned 07-13-2018 03:34 AM

I'm on here a few times on most days but the place is usually empty...
I hope folks are just busy with summer activities and will come back to Mene soon!

Queen_Andais 07-13-2018 04:49 AM

Real life needs to slow down for me and then I can be here more.

Emma Corrin 07-14-2018 02:27 AM

I'm still around! Super crazy with life, but I'm still hanging in here. I'm 99% mobile though so it's harder to keep up and post, but I still lurk and try to catch up when I have time to sit and respond. Since I'm mobile, if I don't finish my response before I put my phone down it will usually disappear because when I unlock my phone or re-enter the browser, it'll refresh on me. :(

Amane 07-22-2018 03:35 PM

I know your name but probably didn't talk to you. Here since 2008 and still going. Slowly but definitely not stopped.

kelseydee 07-22-2018 06:31 PM

I'm still here.

hummy 07-23-2018 03:22 AM


sadrain 07-24-2018 05:38 PM

Hey Xavirne: I guess I still partially exist, wow. [heart]

hummy 07-25-2018 08:38 PM

Hello sad rain it's very nice to see you again

Zephi 07-26-2018 08:14 PM

Are we friends?
Do you want to be?

People are still around. I wish I knew how to make mene into an app. That would be amazing. I mean, neopets is finally going to be an app so anything is possible.

Lavinia 07-26-2018 10:47 PM

I miss event busyness. It was my favourite times. But that was back when I could stay up late and sleep till mid afternoon. Now I have responsibility I can't be on when most users are up. Mene is my only communication with people outside the UK I love to hear how you are all doing and growing and exploring and such!

Zephi 07-26-2018 11:46 PM

This is true. Responsibilities sure put a damper on everything. Ugh. Soon I will be starting my new job AND homeschooling my son. I'm getting stressed just thinking about it. But for now, let's drink and be merry <3

llonka 07-27-2018 12:22 AM

I'm around. Real life has gobbled me up though! I'm getting ready to start my first year of teaching; I'm an English teacher

Zephi 07-28-2018 12:00 AM

Oooh llonka that my fitness pal is so cute. I love my little pony friendship is magic. Did you see the movie? Did you know they are coming out with the next gen soon and from the leaked (maybe leaked) info it looks like a lot of the ponies are going to be different uh, types. Like earth pony, pegasus, unicorn etc.

hummy 07-30-2018 03:22 AM

@Coddet; popped on the other day too

Zephi 07-30-2018 05:37 PM

Ooooh. Maybe eastriel's outreach will help

llonka 07-30-2018 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zephi (Post 1774079169)
Oooh llonka that my fitness pal is so cute. I love my little pony friendship is magic. Did you see the movie? Did you know they are coming out with the next gen soon and from the leaked (maybe leaked) info it looks like a lot of the ponies are going to be different uh, types. Like earth pony, pegasus, unicorn etc.

Thanks! I've been slacking on the weight loss too... gained it all back. But college does that to a girl. [sweat] I have not seen the movie, but I really want to! We don't get the channel that shows MLP anymore, so I'm really behind. [cry]

Zephi 07-30-2018 07:08 PM

Oh I understand that about college. Up late doing work (snack), up early to do family stuff, no time to exercise, go to class, go home, family stuff, up late with school stuff.

The movie is kind of unrelated. As long as you have seen through season 4 I think you're good

llonka 07-30-2018 08:24 PM

I think being a first year teacher will be worse with the weight loss thing. Oy. I have to figure out something though because my heart doctor wants me to lose 25 pounds by June 2019.

Okay, cool! I might have to buy it...

Zephi 07-31-2018 12:01 PM

You could probably rent it from a redbox or find somewhere to stream it online *cough*

Oh. Hmm... well, I'd suggest doing the 1 month vegan challenge and see if that does anything for you? Usually, unless you're a junk food vegan (like myself) people end up losing weight :/ but... junkfood... I'm addicted x.x

Xavirne 08-01-2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Euphonium Panda (Post 1774078360)
Hi. I'm trying to get back into the site again to be honest. I keep getting distracted though. I wish there were more new role plays. I got a notification of it.

I feel you! I've been wicked distracted with work and cosplay. And I too wish there were more new roleplays. I thought about creating one but I'm worried it won't get much traction as there aren't many people logging in currently. It's probably because it's summer and who wants to be inside when it's nice out!

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:56 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1774078364)
I'm not as active as I once was...
It's partially because I've been so busy IRL... Then when I finally get a chance to come online, most of my friends are nowhere to e found! [cry]

Real life needs to stop making us busy! It's seriously the worst. Whoever said growing up was a good idea was clearly wrong. I have so much stuff to do now and feel like I'm constantly stressed. Roleplay was honestly one of the best things for me and I'd love to get back into it... when I find the time ;_;

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:57 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Inzanebraned (Post 1774078393)
I'm on here a few times on most days but the place is usually empty...
I hope folks are just busy with summer activities and will come back to Mene soon!

It's kinda eerie how empty it is. I too hope it's just summer and the nicer weather. Fingers crossed for the return of everyone and some new members this fall <3

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:58 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Queen_Andais (Post 1774078397)
Real life needs to slow down for me and then I can be here more.

Truer words have never been spoken. I wish I didn't have to work 40+ hours a week. Heck, I wish I didn't need to sleep 7 hours a day to feel alive. x_x

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:59 PM ----------


Originally Posted by sadrain (Post 1774078830)
Hey Xavirne: I guess I still partially exist, wow. [heart]

Lol, only partially? That's no good. We need 100% :P

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:59 PM ----------


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774078721)


Howdy do~ It's nice to see you're still lurking, hummy <3

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 03:59 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Captkayd (Post 1774078657)
I'm still here.

YAY! There's some life :D

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 04:00 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Amane (Post 1774078634)
I know your name but probably didn't talk to you. Here since 2008 and still going. Slowly but definitely not stopped.

I'm too scared to look back and see when I started here (I had a different account it's inactive now). But happy 10 years with Mene! That's pretty flipping awesome.

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 04:01 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Emma Corrin (Post 1774078443)
I'm still around! Super crazy with life, but I'm still hanging in here. I'm 99% mobile though so it's harder to keep up and post, but I still lurk and try to catch up when I have time to sit and respond. Since I'm mobile, if I don't finish my response before I put my phone down it will usually disappear because when I unlock my phone or re-enter the browser, it'll refresh on me. :(

DON'T YOU HATE THAT. Ugh, I wish websites would just remember what you were writing or doing. For being "smart," they are pretty dumb.

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 04:05 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Zephi (Post 1774079048)
Are we friends?
Do you want to be?

People are still around. I wish I knew how to make mene into an app. That would be amazing. I mean, neopets is finally going to be an app so anything is possible.

Friend request sent :D

And if Mene were an app, I feel like SO many more people would be on here. But I feel like the style of roleplaying would change a bit. Or at least I mean it would be drastically different from what I'm used to. I'm a "novel" writer and lemme tell you, on mobile, writing a 1000+ word response suckkkkkssssssss.

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 04:07 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Lavinia (Post 1774079076)
I miss event busyness. It was my favourite times. But that was back when I could stay up late and sleep till mid afternoon. Now I have responsibility I can't be on when most users are up. Mene is my only communication with people outside the UK I love to hear how you are all doing and growing and exploring and such!

Responsibilities suck! I hate knowing that I have to work to pay my bills. Why can't I just hang out with people online and play games all day. Life would be 1000x funner!

And it's so true, Mene is a great way to connect with people from all over. I love it when my overseas friends send me images of their adventures or hikes. It's so neat to see what plants you have overseas!

---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 04:07 PM ----------


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1774079092)
I'm around. Real life has gobbled me up though! I'm getting ready to start my first year of teaching; I'm an English teacher

Ooooh!!! That sounds heckin exciting! Here's to hoping your first year will be a HUGE success <3

Emma Corrin 08-01-2018 09:00 PM

Seriously though! I mean I do love that it keeps my tabs open even if my phone restarts, so that's awesome, but I hate how it doesn't save the text you're writing. Especially if your phone just auto-locks! I have to have my phone locked with a pin/password for work, so it's set to lock after 30 sec. for security - if that happens while I'm writing a post on Mene, when I unlock my phone it refreshes the page most times instead of just opening it. Drives me crazy lol I'm hoping to be set up with a desktop again soon though - my laptop no longer works well as a laptop and is better in tablet mode (it's a 2-in-1) and I haven't been able to replace it yet. Remodels are progressing on the house, though, so hopefully I can get a desktop in the meantime! Then I can be more active and start roleplaying again :D I've certainly missed the roleplaying and lengthy conversations I used to have on here. :3

Kory 08-01-2018 11:57 PM

I say a big round of applause for llonka and her new teaching job! :D

I've been so busy with auditions and acting stuff that I really haven't had much of a chance to roleplay either. :( It's something I love doing, I just don't have the time anymore!

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