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Immy 08-06-2018 05:33 AM

Work - life - Loveless
So I realized I haven't been as active as I once was. Which plays a big part in my wanting to come to the site. It just doesn't interest me anymore, probably because all my old friends no longer get on and others are like me that just don't care to reply. Maybe stalk but thats all.

Its not the events or what not, or the staff or site. I have just been on Mene since I was I think 14 or so ... a year or so after it was created, I'm 27 now and I could be wrong on my math it feels like its been forever. However, even as one of the oldest people here, the only other most active person is Hummy. Such a sweet angel.

I hope to find a reason to stick around and become active again but once Mene slowed in my interest, Crysandrea shut down and I wind up being annoyed. Sapherna was created but its down for recreation updates once more. So I'm left just here...and gaia is just no fun at all.

hummy 08-06-2018 11:38 AM

it is really sad mene has slowed so much. life does take over
but, somehow the lack of people posting *not mentions names*
is even sadder. this mini-event was so sweet to put on for us.
though people coming by to say 'hi' would have been nice.
I like that the items were adorable and so nicely priced
it let's people just play chance and not say 'hi' even,
but, I for one am happy Immy has posted here [hug]
I know you like to role-play, wanna do it sometime?

Immy 08-06-2018 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774081372)

it is really sad mene has slowed so much. life does take over
but, somehow the lack of people posting *not mentions names*
is even sadder. this mini-event was so sweet to put on for us.
though people coming by to say 'hi' would have been nice.
I like that the items were adorable and so nicely priced
it let's people just play chance and not say 'hi' even,
but, I for one am happy Immy has posted here [hug]
I know you like to role-play, wanna do it sometime?

If you ever want to roleplay just say so.

But also the reason - another one - why I don't get on alot is either. Work - ups, downs, stressful, and meaningless times. Home life - depression, tired, anxiety, wanting to do my own thing, and what not. Sleep. Art. Writing. Crafts. Hobbies. Dreaming. Wishing. Hating. Hoping. and just repeating. I come home late at night, drink a shot or two of whiskey and sleep. Then i just repeat. There are not enough hours during the days or nights to make time for myself and everything else too.

There was something else but I cannot remember it. But making time for everything is almost impossible even if I dwindle things down. I have a mother who wants to play games online on roblox with her. I want to do my stuff. Then there is the house, the yard, work, and a brother who wants me outside all the time. Friends who want to hang out but I'm usually working or they are. I haven't found a middle ground yet.

I do know once they get me back on my day shifts and not my night shifts that I will do better. But that's not for quite awhile.

hummy 08-06-2018 09:44 PM

wow that is a lot of activities
time would seem to be in short supplyy
sorry for the short replies
on my cellphone at the moment

Immy 08-07-2018 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774081998)

wow that is a lot of activities
time would seem to be in short supplyy
sorry for the short replies
on my cellphone at the moment

yes it is.
its okay my replies are slow because I'll be going into work soon :P
I'm currently trying not to fall asleep because of all this ran XS

hummy 08-08-2018 02:53 AM

I go to sleep every night with the sound of rain from a white noise machine. I could go for a rain but not a storm shower right now. I am exhausted.

Immy 08-08-2018 01:53 PM

i prefer storms but rainshower during the day is a great way to nap.

hummy 08-09-2018 11:17 AM

Thunderstorms make me anxious

hummy 08-10-2018 10:52 AM

Speaking of thunderstorms, I'm sitting on the couch watching something on TV and all the sudden I hear this thunderous boom about two streets over. It was the loudest Thunderclap I have ever heard or maybe it was a lightning strike I have no idea but it almost scared the pee out of me, literally!

The Wandering Poet 09-14-2018 02:16 PM

It does sadden me a bit that Mene is like this. I try to come by from time to time, mene is my internet home after all.

I didn't find out about the event until just now. Mene never emailed me about it.

For me though the downfall of mene was the loss of jelly. Many of the tasks she did never got taken up by other staff. The Penpal feature for one was huge for me. I loved getting to help out the site with special little tasks here and there.
And with the loss of penpal the emails seem to have ceased arriving.

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