Menewsha Avatar Community

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Car'a'Carn 09-08-2020 09:03 AM

It's been a while hasn't it?
Good September everyone!


I know... It's been a while. I just logged in for the first time in... 297 days i think it said? Or at least that's how long it's been since I changed my Password... When you are a member of staff on Mene, it makes you change your PW once every 90 days! Last I remember, I was trying to put together a valentines day event for everyone. Eeeeeeeeeee.... that didn't go so well. Things kinda hit the fan for everyone I think, certainly for me at that point this year. I was prepared to delve into "Carn's Custom Pixelwork" and all! But I couldn't manage everything. It's... probably for the best you weren't forced to wear anything I created... [stare]

On that note... You know, our pixel staff have really worked hard to organize the different sets and the different outfits everyone has enjoyed. I worked for a bit as a recolorer for Cora. DANG It's intensive work! And then uploading the items too? Zig did a lot of that after the other AAs had to be absent and wow. I am glad I never had to do any of the uploading. Difficult and time consuming to say the least! There are HUNDREDS of layers and you have to know where each item goes on that Z axis :O

I guess what I'm trying to say is just... Wow. Thank you to all the people that put their IRLs on hold while they participated in making this Avatar Site what it was! Everyone's put some amazing effort into it and have done some really amazing things. Ya'll are good peoples :)

And then there is you guys. Our flock? haha! The good people of Menewsha! Ah gosh I love you all. I have some of my best memories on this site interacting with everyone :) Just silly chatter or a cute little RP... GLITTER IN MY CASTLE!!! AHHH! [angry] You know who you are!!! Calcifer should have singed you alive!...

But I digress. As I've stated, It's been a long time since I have remembered to login here. Things have been crazy you know? Anyways... As of today, I am the only active AA in a month. Looks like Zig logged in sometime in July but Knerd and Howdy are definitely gone. I think they saw the writing on the wall a bit before we did honestly.

I wish things had gone a bit different. But we are left with what we have here. And right now that's me and anyone else that's still around to read this. It's not official but I can pretty much guarantee you that Inso is not coming back. His last login date has not changed since 11-13-18. I'll give it to you that he might have a secret account... *shrug* But if he does come back? it's probably not going to be to fix up the site (I could be proven wrong! I hope to be proven wrong!)

I'll let you in on a little secret. Mods/Admins have a whole other staff section of Menewsha to look though that basic users can't see! It's actually pretty extensive! There are even *GASP* Files on some of you! :O *Glares at Angie* ... Really though, It allows us to coordinate and look though reports, plan events, discuss and create outfit sets, discuss user issues, and also possible promotions!

Well... I just looked though all of that and... there's not been a new post since 2019 anyplace except the general report forum regarding a new event and even that was back in early Feb of 2020.

This is my way of saying the back end is dead. I haven't talked to anyone else about this announcement but I think you all deserve to know just how dead it is back there. I did my best to keep things floating while I could but really that was delaying the inevitable. And you konw, I wasn't the only one! Each and every staff member who's been around in the last year or two has tried their darndest! But now there are no discussions, there are no new garments being made, there is no event planing. Nothing.

Can I also just say, thank you to everyone who's been patient and loyal and hoped beyond hope that Mene would come back? I was one of those too. But without Inso, we are sunk. He holds the key to making the site seaworthy again and without him, it's just a slow sink to the bottom. Basically without Inso, we cannot change the core coding of the site. Worse yet, there are some permissions that as I understand it, are hard coded into the back end from yesteryear that have a hiccup makeing it so that new AAs can't do everything the old AAs could do. We have a work around It's a yucky system but it.. sort of works right now? I think? I haven't looked yet :O We'll just say things have not been going well for a while.

But Inso if you're out there, Thank you for all the wonderful golden years :) They were truly a fun and enjoyable time. Stupid cell phones and tappy games ruined the fun of avatar sites :( Kids these days just don't understand...

So... what now?

Well so what now? Well... I would suggest you share any contact information with anyone you want to. Save whatever information you still want to save, and look to the future. I believe Menewsha is ebbinging into the vale of the unknown.

I just want to say it's been a... God I think back to the time I spent here and there are just the best most warm and cuddly feelings I have for this site and all of you :) You really all are just amazing :)

I will endeavor to check on anybody that is having login issues for the rest of this year if I can still get into the admin email :O If you know anyone IRL that is trying to get back into their account, PLEASE PM ME THAT THEY ARE HAVING A PROBLEM! I will initiate a response to them though the back end to the email they signed up with :) (logins permitting) hopefully it all still works. we are cruising on AT LEAST 7 year old coding. I will do what I can but please remember I am only human.

Last I checked, the menewsha domain is registered until 2025! or was it 2024... It was for a while! So for all we know we could still have access to everything on this site until then! But that doesn't guarantee that the server space that Menewsha is stored on will persist. So be judicious with what you want to save.

Furthermore... we have in the past had hiccups with the Menewsha Server resetting on New Years... I just want to put that out there that it may happen again and it may not wake back up.

Alternative sites such as is a place I discovered this summer but have not had much time to explore. Same as I have heard other people also mention or from this post (THANKS KENT & R U B Y!) for your consideration and other options are (THANKS KADERIN TRISTE!). I DO NOT OFFICIALLY ENDORSE THESE SITES AS A MEMBER OF MENEWSHA STAFF! But I am providing you with this already accessible information as a fellow member of the site :)

Personal Contact Information:
Many of you if you are on the Mene Discord probably know me by my old discord name. If you would ever like to contact me personally, feel free to message me at my new discord, Caaaaaarn#0211 ... that's Carn with 6 "a"s ... >.>

Ok... It's 2AM and that's all I got for you right now. Be safe and be kind to one another :) Love you all!

Kaderin Triste 09-08-2020 05:06 PM

Thanks for the update and giving us all this information!
It's sad to think that Mene may one day just be gone forever, but at least there are still a few other options for us out there and we can prepare for the worst.

Also, another (forgotten) site that's still alive and kicking is:
There's some unfixable things there (mostly just minor cosmetic things, nothing super problematic that I can remember), but the forums are still open and they're still churning out new items on a regular basis.

Kory 09-09-2020 09:21 PM

I remember the great times I've had here on Mene. :) I made some great friends that I still keep in contact with to this day. I remember I got out of a 10+ year funk with roleplaying here. I remember the first event I've ever done on an avatar site was here on this one, it was the Valentine's Day 2015 event. The chocolate mafia. ;u;

I have witnessed the death of another forum that I used to peruse while I was an older teen going into adulthood.

It's really bittersweet to remember the great times I've had there...

But as they say, the only thing constant in life is change.
I am thankful that I was able to meet such fun and interesting people here! I had a great time and I'm glad I had the opportunity to get back into the things I love. It was fun while it lasted, but if Mene does die, I am ready to enter into a new chapter of my life and see where it takes me!

I love all of you here.
We had a good run.

Captain Pains 09-10-2020 04:45 AM

It's good to have an official update. I'm sad to see this site go in the future. This was definitely one of my favorite sites to visit back in it's peak. Thank you all for the hard work even through all your irl troubles. That's why I liked Mene, the staff cared about us.

I'm on Voltra under Ouja Akuma, feel free to reach out. Many of my friends on this site have moved on so I don't have any friends here but maybe we can be friends on Voltra :) I'm also on ToyHouse under OujaAkuma as well.

Good luck to everyone in their endeavors. May the rest of 2020 be easy for us all. Thanks for everything, I'll never forget this site.

musasgal 09-10-2020 11:47 AM

Don't forget about the discord server that we have. Some members are already on there and it would be cool if more can join us

Kaderin Triste 09-10-2020 03:32 PM

I don't bother with discord it takes up too much space for a chat app that I just get ignored on anyway.

monstahh` 09-10-2020 04:51 PM

If you guys have the discord server, y'all can reach me, but because of the bots that troll the forums here, I'm reluctant to directly post any contact information.
I'm on dappervolk and voltra, and of course, Gaia. Some may have my contact info there. You can probably ask Amane too if you TRULY cannot find me somehow (which is weird because I'm an admin in the menewsha discord so you can pretty much just look for the purple name that isn't dragoness).

Velvet 09-11-2020 12:38 AM

I do hate to see this site go. I know it's been barely hanging on as is, but I've hoped to see it revamped and made glorious again. But after not seeing any staff, any updates, any events, or new items made available I assumed it was dying off. It's been a good run though. And it would figure that the site would become this way after I get a good enough job to where I could contribute every month when the monthly items were being released. I would still do so if they started to be released again. I'll keep my fingers crossed until the very end though!

The Wandering Poet 09-11-2020 06:12 AM

File back there on some of us huh? If I have one in pretty sure jelly wrote it.

Certainly has been quite the ride since joining back when the site was young.

Should anyone want to contact me you can always poke me on the discord. Mon already posted about it up above but you can pm me for my discord too.

I still fully intend on buying the site after it expires. Got a few years to plan for that. All the stuff would be lost but who knows maybe it can be revived in some small way one day.

Maria-Minamino 09-12-2020 01:40 PM

Thanks for having the guts to post literally no other staff or Inso has done so. I pretty much confirmed what we already knew but thank you for confirming it :)

As a former pixelist, I know it takes a LOT of work in the back end to make this site happen and that can't happen without an entire crew to man the place. But thank you for hanging on and giving us this update <3

Pistachio_Moustache 09-12-2020 11:11 PM

I love all of you, and I was afraid this was going to happen. If/when this site dies out, I will miss all of you. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Dystopia 09-16-2020 08:05 AM

Thank you for everything.

... Also, I want to read my file.

Mageling 09-17-2020 03:04 AM

I don't suppose there's an easy way to download any threads we want to save? There are quite a few RP threads that I want to keep, and several of them are over a hundred pages long. I mean, I can go and copy each post one by one, but if there's a way to grab an entire thread that would be wonderful.

Kaderin Triste 09-17-2020 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1774126848)
... Also, I want to read my file.

Me too! file I mean...

Maha-Aamir 09-23-2020 10:28 AM

This is too intense [:(]
I have no words to express my feelings

Kent 09-27-2020 01:49 AM

This makes me so sad. I’ll always hope for a Mene revival though. I would love to help bring Mene back with money, art, etc. ; w; Definitely one of my favorite places on the internet.

People are free to friend me on voltra and dappervolk~ I want to get into Pantheom too but it’s been hard for me.. PM me if you want my discord, twitter, insta, etc~

Roachi 10-06-2020 12:27 AM

I come on every so often just in case - Wishful thinking mostly lol.
It would be nice if he put the site up for purchase. Then possibly a bunch of us can band together and buy it. And maybe find someone who can help with the coding side lol. Yes more wishful thinking haha. I think that even after all these years its just far too sad to say goodbye. I mean the countless hours we've spent here, the money, the friends... Its heartbreaking to have no explanation, no apology, nothing. :(

I would really hate to know the file you had on me hahahahaha.

anadentone 10-08-2020 10:06 PM

please don't let menew die, I miss the NPCs (valentine and Mayor ever had a baby?) afro donkey AFRO DONKEY!!! and Lance the man of my dreams ;DI'm anadentone on all other sites cept twitter (lisa1980cute)
I'm always afraid that I'll add someone on another social media site and they;'ll delete me know remember who I am.
I'm also on (club penguin) as anadentone :D

Angel Spirit Girl 10-08-2020 10:15 PM

Hello, everyone. It looks like I am late to the goodby party.

"So long and thanks for all the fish." as the saying goes. XD a little SF humor there.

I just joined Dappervolk, Solia Online is still going well, and gets updated. I am on gaia, zantarni, and trisphe, too.

Mr. Wrong 10-10-2020 07:57 AM

Files on members, that's funny. Thought I might rattle off a short list of historical figures who kept files on various people for not-so-many various reasons.

Nixon; J. Edgar Hoover and every director and deputy director of the FBI since Hoover.

Anyone at the CIA and NSA who can hold a crayon.

Going back to WW2, the list becomes quite extensive for members of both Axis and Allies. You see where this is going, don't you?

---------- Post added 10-10-2020 at 12:59 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Roachi (Post 1774126949)
I come on every so often just in case - Wishful thinking mostly lol.
It would be nice if he put the site up for purchase. Then possibly a bunch of us can band together and buy it. And maybe find someone who can help with the coding side lol. Yes more wishful thinking haha. I think that even after all these years its just far too sad to say goodbye. I mean the countless hours we've spent here, the money, the friends... Its heartbreaking to have no explanation, no apology, nothing. :(

I would really hate to know the file you had on me hahahahaha.

Nice to see you around here again, Roachi.

Pkero 10-17-2020 04:46 AM

There's a mene discord?

Star Valo 10-17-2020 07:30 PM

Ah, Mene...
You got me through most of my teenage years, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be around at all if it weren't for you.
I'm honoured to have made fabulous friends in the real world in the form of HIM_ROCK and Kat Magenta, who I honestly love to bits, and it's all because of this site <3
I kept hoping people would come back, but life happens.

Thanks Mene, for everything, for being somewhere I felt comfortable to interact. I will never forget the years I spent here, staying up until crazy o'clock in the events lol

I'll keep checking, and hoping, there will be a revival... I'm Star Valo on most platforms nowadays, so if you see me, say hi :)
I'll sign up to those other sites, but nowhere will hold a candle to Menewsha

If the site fades away, and I don't see you guys again, please know I truly do love you all <3
If you want to add me on Discord or the like, I'm Star Valo#9326

And Scene on my heartfelt outpouring <3 I love this site too much to not get all weepy over the finality of this announcement
It's too much! D:

Kultura 10-25-2020 01:16 PM

Aw this is sad :(

girlbot9 10-29-2020 12:28 PM

So sad that menewsha will slowly die away. My username is the same on almost any games i play

Eastriel 10-30-2020 03:55 PM

Pstt whats the menewsha discord?

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