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Ise 03-13-2007 06:42 PM

Nameless ~ CG auction ~ OVER

If you guys haven't figured it out by now, I am one massive workaholic, and I always have to have something hanging over my head to do.

So, as my shop has been going relatively well, thanks to the help of some lovely users (You guys know who you are xD) and I've even done a CG piece, which is generally rare for me. However, that is a fact I'm trying to kick, so I'm willing to take on another one to do during the course of the week (as weekends are devoted to real life commissions).
Auction Start: March 27
Auction End: April 3 @ 11PM EST
Starting bid: 0g
Auto: Valentines Hair Pin + Ruby or Diamond Lolita Dress + Fan of Light (crazy, but it's an auto xD)

Bidding: Here's the kicker. Once the bidding reaches 450g (or rather, if) I don't want just plain pure gold this time. You can have gold in your offer, but it cannot be more than half of the bid. I would like items this time as my inventory is still bare and I'm not sure what I really want to buy at this point.

Items I like: (450g) (450g) (400g) (5000g) (5000g) (1000g) (475g) (800g) (3.3k)

What you're getting: A single character CG headshot.
Auto: you will have a choice of a bust shot or a fullbody chibi instead like the one below, only colored (this one is a wip currently)

Will do: Anything not listed below
- Porn, Groups, Complex backgrounds, Gaian avatars, Mecha


More samples may be found at the massive art dump of Browse the schoolwork folder for the other CG work, though anything but the Yoki_pvc pieces are incomplete.

HB: Lilithia - 500g

Tirael 03-13-2007 06:52 PM

/waves at ise :D!

Sapphire Clouds 03-13-2007 06:53 PM

20g :)

Zurie 03-13-2007 06:54 PM

50g. :o[/size][/list][/color]

Azure 03-13-2007 06:55 PM

  • 100g <3

yoshimichi 03-13-2007 06:57 PM

Hey, Ise!


Ise 03-13-2007 06:59 PM

Thanks for the bids, you guys <3

:snugs Tir, Sapphire, Zurie, Azure and Yosh:

Zurie 03-13-2007 07:01 PM

  • Ummumm. 200g and one of my pixel dolls? xD <3

Yumehayla 03-13-2007 07:04 PM

xD xD...I'm already getting you lot of work, so this time I'll let somebody else win xD

Ise 03-13-2007 07:07 PM

Zurie: Hb xD Do you do OCs for those with a ref? oO :pokes in to look:

Yume: XD Like 10 pieces in this first bout, lol! I appreciate your patronage <3

And Yume can vouch for the detail insanity!

Sapphyre800 03-13-2007 07:08 PM

200 gold! :D


255 gold!

Zurie 03-13-2007 07:08 PM

  • Of course. :3 As long as there's a full body image, and a defined color scheme, I can work with it. :3
    So, since it's an OC, and I'd be willing to animate it, that makes my offer worth 500g as per my art shop. :3

Vilhelmina 03-13-2007 07:12 PM

Mene is mocking mocking mocking meee! D:

Now I want to bid and what happens? ,_, Banks undergo maintenance so I can't see how much I have in there and thus can't know if I have enough to bid or not.

Ise 03-13-2007 07:12 PM

Sapphyre: Thankies for the biddage <3

Zurie: Still commands HB then! Yoki's gonna kill me, mwuahaha >D No worries, I have PLENTY of refs on her >D

Ise 03-13-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Vilhelmina
Mene is mocking mocking mocking meee! D:

Now I want to bid and what happens? ,_, Banks undergo maintenance so I can't see how much I have in there and thus can't know if I have enough to bid or not.

:petpet: Aww, no worries. You've a few days!

Zurie 03-13-2007 07:14 PM

  • Plenty of references = amazing. <3
    And no worries, the character I've got in mind for if I win is simpletastic. >w<

Vilhelmina 03-13-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ise

Originally Posted by Vilhelmina
Mene is mocking mocking mocking meee! D:

Now I want to bid and what happens? ,_, Banks undergo maintenance so I can't see how much I have in there and thus can't know if I have enough to bid or not.

:petpet: Aww, no worries. You've a few days!

Mm, I'm going to need it, especially due to how it just climbed. ,-,

._. *watches bidding from afar*

Ise 03-13-2007 07:16 PM

I'm a bit of a commission addict xD; And generally prefer fullbody images, so it's no issue. I always tack on the descrip and refs, too.

Sapphyre800 03-13-2007 07:17 PM

*sits down next to Vilhelmina*

Vilhelmina 03-13-2007 07:20 PM

*offers Sapphyre some tea, cookies and/or fruit as a welcome gesture* ^^

Ise 03-13-2007 07:20 PM

:snugs Vil and Sapphyre: No worries, once this is over I'll return to my shop-ly duties where it's easier to get at me. I'm guessing my prices will remain in the same area.

Vilhelmina 03-13-2007 07:23 PM

>w> Maybe by then I'll be a richer little wannabe-art whore.

Ise 03-13-2007 07:24 PM

I'm waiting til I'm a little higher on the gold count (and before the bank is done with maintenance, lol) before I make an account there.

Vilhelmina 03-13-2007 07:25 PM

Account where? The bank? xD;

Ise 03-13-2007 07:30 PM

Or whatever you have to do, I didn't look into it much and obviously can't atm xD

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