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Xanadam 03-17-2007 06:23 PM

How do you get past a block?
I've only been able to spit out a few good sketches this year and I'm about to drive myself nuts. I want to start writing a story I have had in my head, but can't think of a decent start. So I ask you, the artists and writers - whatever title you wear, how do you get past your blocks?

fongmingyun 03-17-2007 06:31 PM

I give my sketch to a friend, they critique it, and I fix it. Usually, if I have a block, I work on commissions. Because.. well, you CAN'T have a block with those. There's no lack of ideas because hty give them to you.

Jade 03-17-2007 07:33 PM

If I have an artist's block, I'll just stop drawing. The more I attempt at drawing to get rid of the block, the worse it gets and I'll just produce worse and worse sketches.

What I'll do is occupy myself with something else. I'll read a magazine or a novel. Or I'll listen to some music and just think about things. Pretty soon, I'll be able to draw again.

For a writing block, if I'm stuck on one story, I'll write a different one. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head so if one is at a standstill, I'll move on till I can continue it.

Zurie 03-17-2007 10:05 PM

  • When I hit a block, I play any video game I feel like for a while to the point of frustration, then use that anger to channel calmness through drawing. >w<
    It really helped me get through my drawing class to play Puzzle Fighter when he gave us breaks. xDDD

dragonpaladin 03-18-2007 07:41 AM The Luck Of The Irish

Feedback is the key The Luck Of The Irish

Jitsumi1221 03-18-2007 07:46 AM

humm when i have an artblock i go off and do something that will really tire me out, like go running for a long time or play some kinds of sport.. or just be super active all day so i get a good nights sleep. sleep usually helps with my art blocks tons ^^;;

fongmingyun 03-18-2007 03:01 PM

Oh, yeah, if I'm blocking up and don't have commissions to do and can't go online and get more.... this is going to sound so dorky, but I usually do my homework - i.e. I code.

Harkem 03-18-2007 05:49 PM

Best is to stop just for the moment~

Im assuming its still a hobby not work so you shouldn't be stressing yourself over it ^_^ go do something else and you may just gain inspiration to solve your little problem =D

>< Usually if i have art block ill just draw what i want without caring the way it look or other ppl's comments =P

Aliena 03-18-2007 06:34 PM

Like others have said, I also just step back if I'm in a block. There's nothing worse for me than trying to force myself to do something when it's just not happening for me! Granted, if I have some art obligations and they have to get done, it doesn't matter if I'm in a block or not - I have no choice on the matter. So I just do my best to struggle through it. But if I have nothing pressing, I'll simply read my book or watch youtube or play my game or do anything that's NOT art.

Mou 03-18-2007 08:15 PM

I usually start browsing a lot of other artist's works to look for inspiration or just to learn something new. Also I do a lot of commissions, no need for much a brain for them often <<;; Then again in a serious artblock there is no choice but to just do something else for a while again, at some point the inspiration will hopefully come back, if it doesn't, then maybe you have something else that is more important... art maybe then isn't really your thing?

galy 03-18-2007 11:55 PM

keep going, keep drawing anything and don't label what you have as an "art block".
that usually gets rid of whatever it is for me.

LunaMiel 03-19-2007 07:47 PM

  • I usually get artblocks because of comissions. Gah, I serisoulsy hate being told what to draw, it makes me lock up. ;o;

    To get outta artblocks, I either take a break, or try out a different style.

GainaSpirit 03-19-2007 08:15 PM

As others said, I tend to relax and forget about it for a while. I avoid looking at others artist art as it block me even more. I tend to having an art block when I look at some artist art which are impressive. It completly block my inspiration.
Just relax and forget about it for a while ^^

stilettolover 03-19-2007 08:20 PM

Free association, usually. I start with a theme and just start writing. Eventually I'll get to something that I'll want to keep.

Or you could try starting in the middle of the story then slowly filling forward, then go to the end. Sort of like a Quentin Tarantino movie! =o

Or I'll do someone completely other than what I want to do. The first thing that pops into my head.

I think people get blocked because what they are planning on doing isn't what they really want to do or they just aren't up to doing anything creative. Sometimes we're just not meant to be creative, yeah?

A good thing to do is to keep an "idea book" so that you can write things down when you think of them, so when you're feeling blocked or uncreative you can go back through it and get ideas!

Kongouseki 03-19-2007 09:51 PM

when i have an artists block, i stop drawing. then, i see something that inspires me to draw and i draw it. like, i can see a picture on the ceiling or in marble on the wall. but when that happens, it wont leave me alone until i draw it. esp. when i try to sleep.

Enniel 03-19-2007 09:59 PM

i go and look at other peoples art. not to copy, but for inspiration! when i see some things, it gives me my own ideas!! or things i want to try.

Socks 03-20-2007 12:11 AM

  • When I have a block, I just draw my avatar on Gaia, or anywhere.
    Or someone else's character. No way to have a block with that~
    Or i just eat a lot, or get feedback.
    So those are my ways to get past a block.
    Or I just go study some anatomy. It's good to study anatomy. XD

Guivre 03-20-2007 01:13 AM

When I have a block I make a little inspiration book from pictures from magazines or whatever and make little sketches from them. Same with making little still lifes from items around the place. I'll shop in a toy store and bring a little something home to paint or draw.

I really don't have blocks per se, just moments where things are blah, and I just feel it's best to keep going. There are times I do get weary of a media or something too.

Sometimes I'll switch to monochromes or graphite from my usual watercolors.

I find it better not to draw things that I might do normally, like characters. Just a little vacation from the norm.

Shishunki 03-24-2007 02:33 AM

*thinks a second* Have I gotten block?
This past year I don't think I have.... I know if I don't feel like doing a certain one, I just did requests.... Recently I can't even stop.... And all the friends on DA, I end up being inspired more, or want to draw their characters too.... Then I have my regular friends characters, whose I love to draw. Lately I don't have time, seeing how I have work and contests I'm in. Though my mind never seems to stop, like, ever.
I dunno. I wish you luck though. I know they can be tough. So hope it goes away.

Asham 03-24-2007 03:30 AM

I watch television. XD;;;;;; I just sorta half-concentrate on the television and take some of the ideas I actually process and try to make it work with the story/art theme. And I like to make wise cracks at whatever happens. o-o;

Other times, I just sleep, or lie on my bed, close my eyes, and just let my mind wander. I love sleeping; dreams give me the best ideas ever since they're so unreal.

Hmm.. I myself don't usually go look at other art or stories, because I tend to want to do the same thing. XD;;

amalath 03-24-2007 12:16 PM

First of all I'm listening to a lot off music. It always gives me some interesting inspirations. Also I'm browsing other artists galleries or I'm watching all my old sketches - sometimes I can find there something that I would like to end or redo. If all those thing aren't working I'm playing Lineage and waiting for the end of block :twisted:

Sumashigao 03-24-2007 12:24 PM

For me, when I get an artist block, it's usually because I've sort of sucked myself dry of inspiration. That's basically what any kind of block is, to me. So, like so many people have suggested, find something else to occupy yourself, and maybe take a look at what other artists are doing. You never know when something ridiculously unexpected will inspire you. ;3 Oh, and another thing; maybe you're blocked because you're only drawing one kind of art. :T I probably shouldn't be talking, what with my drawing nothing but boys, but hey -- a one-track artist mind can easily wear out. XD

Writer's block on the other hand ... Lessee ... Normally, I feel the want to write a good story, but have absolutely NOTHING floating around in my head except bits of dust. So, why don't you take the random ideas that you like, and just write those down? Sooner or later, said ideas will string themselves together, and BAM, you'll have your story. ;D (Okay, maybe not, but it's worth a shot, right?)

Claha 03-24-2007 12:27 PM

With force. xD Haha. . . I just keep drawing until I get out of it.

ScarletStratholme 03-31-2007 12:57 AM

When I'm really stuck due to burnout, I go do something else for a while and don't even think about painting. Otherwise I'll just stay burnt out. x.x'

But if it's just a block like as in, I dunno what to put in that blank space, but it's not cause I'm tired of the painting, I usually go ask the person who commissioned, what they want there. XD Or, I sit and watch movies and just try to relax a little more. Sometimes I end up blank because the pace at which I try to get things done is a bit much when there's too many commissions on my table.

Rawrr__x 04-08-2007 03:22 AM

you will get past it or maybe drawing just isnt your talent....

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