Menewsha Avatar Community

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momo chan 03-23-2007 05:50 AM

Menewsha High School ((lots of dorms avaliable))
Welcome to Menewsha High. I am Momo Chan.

Breif history of the school:
This school has been said to be abandoned for years. But students still show up to classes and learn new things though others. You are chosen to be a student of this school. Will you accept? or decline? When you sign up for this school you will receive a dorm room. Come find me to get your key for the dorm room and sign in.

The Rules:

No Spamming, No Cybering, Please try to keep to a PG level, Have fun

The Application Form:

Roleplay name:
Grade (10-12):
Dorm desired:


1. Mrs: Dolores Alice Zuzuwill

Student teachers:

1. Jazmine/Jazz

The Dorms:

1. Kako
2. Kokoro Kikai & Jadina
3. Aubrey & Starri
4. Kaoriel
5. Arty
6. Nakamura Takumi
7. Erik
8. Alice Ichigo
9. Morganna Shadow Dancer
10. Mercadies Lockheart
11. Jessica
12. Keegan Tate
13. Yuni Zeyrr & Nicole Ethence
14. Serena
15. Sylemn
16. Toru Mayonaka
17. Skate
18. Lera "Syn" Stargazer
19. Nami Satou
20. Sparky Hunn & Kai Kurasura

My Profile:

Username: Momo Chan
Roleplay name: Kokoro Kikai
Age: 17
Grade (10-12): 11
Dorm desired: 2
Personality: Kokoro is a very shy person. She spends her time at the cafe down the road and works sometimes part time. She also loves to draw on both her laptop and in her notebook. She dreams of becoming an animator. She can be hyper and happy when she gets to know you. She can be very open and loves stories. And can also be very clumsy.

momo chan 03-23-2007 06:08 AM

Kokoro walks through the darkened hallway to the lobby of the dorm rooms.

momo chan 03-23-2007 06:31 AM

-slips headphones on and begins to draw sitting in a cozy chair in the corner-

Otohime 03-23-2007 06:38 AM

((Er... you should wait for others to post... otherwise, it's pretty much just spamming...))

momo chan 03-23-2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Otohime
((Er... you should wait for others to post... otherwise, it's pretty much just spamming...))

((not really. its role playing if your by yourself. im roleplaying not spamming.))

Lilithia 03-23-2007 06:49 AM

It is sort of spamming. You should wait for other people to join you. Also page stretching is NOT allowed. The image posted has been changed into a link. Please resize the image before displaying it again. Once again, page stretching is NOT allowed.

momo chan 03-23-2007 06:53 AM

awww... well its spamming to others if i go on another persons topic or something and try to recruit people. -_-U wow roleplaying here is weird. way different.

Lilithia 03-23-2007 06:55 AM

No, you can make a thread in the OOC section asking for people who are interested to join. Or perhaps in future before making a thread, you can first make a thread in the OOC section asking to see if people have any interest in the theme of the roleplay that you desire to create.

momo chan 03-23-2007 06:59 AM


momo chan 03-23-2007 07:37 AM

((hold on a minute, spamming is posting with no meaning like an emotion or like bump or lol or something like that. i wasnt posting without meaning. i was roleplaying. and i try to start people off by giving a post to show where i am. and to me when i wait for someone to post in a thread, and no one has posted it shows that its just another boring old thread. and i dont want people to think that about my roleplays. So im going to keep on roleplaying.))

Cheeka 03-23-2007 08:54 AM

Username: Cheeka
Roleplay name: Nakamura Takumi
Age: 17
Grade (10-12): 11
Dorm desired: 6
Personality: Quite cheerfull and emotional person after you know him well, else he will quiet to new people, not because he hates them but he is too afraid and feels awkward along people he doesn't know. He needs time to really open up to people but actually really love to have true best friends.
Appearance: He looks much younger than his age, light blue hair and azure eyes.

(I hope I did it right?)

Takumi reached the receptionist desk to handover his application form for his dorm. It's quite strange to transfered to a new school in his second year but he have no choice since he got a problem to fund his education and the school offer him ascholarship. So there he is, standing in front of the receptionist.
"Excuse me, is there anyone here?"

momo chan 03-24-2007 05:46 AM

The receptionist desk was empty but Kokoro lifted her head from her drawing book in the corner and walked over. She looked like a shadowed figure slowly walking toward Nakamura. She shows her face to him and says "Hello , Im Kokoro Kikai." She smiles a cute smile at him. "You must be Nakamura right? Follow me, your dorm room is a couple dorms down from mine. ^_^ I will help you carry your stuff." They walked down the narrow hallway and up some stairs. "This is your room. Here is your key." She bows to him "Enjoy okay. If you wanna hang out I live in dorm 2 or if you have any questions or even just wanna talk. come find me okay?"

Kaoriel 03-29-2007 07:50 PM

Edit: I know that no one's been in the thread for a while, but maybe when someone comes back..? :sweatdrops:

Username: Kaoriel
Roleplay name: Kaoriel
Age: 16
Grade (10-12): 10
Dorm desired: 4
Personality: Nice, quiet shy girl, who recently moved to the area. Likes reading, singing, and playing the violin, hates meat, mean people, and has an irrational fear of the dark (Mention dark to her and she will freeze up and go silent). She plans everything out to a T before attempting anything.

She aspires to be a doctor, or a tattoo artist, and is pressured by her mother to get straight A's in school, so she usually can be found studying, reading, drawing, or repeating some medical mumbo jumbo to whoever will listen. She will usually talk quietly when speaking to others, and will always bow and be as polite as possible to adults. She will not leave a conversation until the other person stops talking, even if she is in a rush.

Appearance: ( Sorry, no picture! >>; ) Long, wasit-length curly black hair, grey eyes. 5'10". Generally wears black dresses with black shoes and black/white striped gloves. Usually has the front part of her hair tied back in a ponytail, with some hair left down loose. Has bangs that hide her eyes.

(Is everything so far okay?)

Kaoriel took a deep breath. "Okay, it's a door.. You can open it. On the count of three, you'll push the doors open, walk in, and we'll see what goes on from there. Okay, one..... two..... t--......." She sighed, and stepped back from the door.

"It's okay, you can do it.. Just reach up.. And push.." She pushed the door open, and walked inside.

"H-hello?" she asked, looking around, her eyes landing on the reception desk, her transfer papers in her hand. She hesitantly stepped towards the desk and hovered there for a few moments, as if debating whether to wait, or to run away.

Donut 03-30-2007 04:07 AM

Username: Donut
Roleplay name: Sparky Hunn
Age: 17
Grade (10-12): 11
Dorm desired: 20
Personality: He usualy tryes to stay away from people, not that he dont like them, it just that not many people like him. He is moody, but after you know him more hes a nice guy to his friends (ones he trusts). He looks like a nerd too, but is a hardcore rocker.

Sparky slowly walked to the front counter with only one bag, and his application form. His medium sized bag was on his back. He placed the paper down on the desk and waited for someone to show up. He realy didnt say anything, just stood there.

Divine Tempest 03-30-2007 04:26 AM

Re: Menewsha High School (enter if you dare)
  • Username: Divine Tempest
    Roleplay name: Keegan Tate
    Age: 15
    Grade (10-12): 10
    Dorm desired: 12
    Personality: Keegan's always looked young, which causes many people to underestimate her ability to comprehend things. She's often found in a seemingly good mood and sometimes appears dense and/or ditsy around others. In reality she's rather depressed and dissatisfied with her current life. Tries not to take things too seriously but sometimes has trouble doing so.
    Appearance: She looks really young for her age (she's often asked if she's 12 or 13).


    Keegan made her way quickly to the office, it was a new day and she'd be behind schedule if she didn't hurry. Her parents taught her that on time is late, early is on time. Therefore, she was at the school about 20 minutes before she was asked to be there. This was her first year in an actually school, before this she was being home schooled by her family maid. She was so glad to be getting away from her house she was genuinely... happy. She skipped--yes, skipped--through the office doors suddenly and came to a halt. There were others there waiting for someone to show up. She blinked a couple times and stood off to the side hoping not to bother anyone. Being in such a strangely good mood made her rock on her heels slightly. 'I'd go anywhere to be away from home!' she thought to herself.

momo chan 03-30-2007 04:52 AM

To Nakamura
"oh so i will be around the dorm room buiding okay Nakamura?" Kokoro waves goodbye and slowly walks back down the hallway. She just remembered about the time she told the new students to arrive at. "Oh no!" she thought to herself. "I hope they arn't mad at me." she groans and jogs down the hallway and stairs to the receptionists desk.

momo chan 03-30-2007 05:04 AM

To Kaoriel
Kokoro notices 2 young cute girls an a boy waiting at the receptionist desk. one looking very nervous and the other one smiling a rainbow. She looked pretty happy. The boy looked pretty lay-back. "I'm so sorry guys -_-U" As they handed her their application forms. She looks at them, puts them down, picks up her attendance list and a pen and marks them down. "So, you guys are in dorm 20, dorm 12 and dorm 4 correct?" She pauses for a minute just to make sure. "Well you guys can ether put your stuff on the baggage trolly or carry them. we will be taking the elevator so its no biggie if you use the trolly." She turns around and walks toward the elevator and waves them to follow her. They disappear into the elevator and very slowly reach the next floor. They walk down the narrow hallway to the first dorm room. "Dorm 4. Here we are. This is your key." She hands Kaoriel her key and shows her in. "If you need me i will ether be around or in dorm 2. also if you wanna hang out or chat thats okay too. but i will mainly be around the dorm center okay? if not then i will be at the cafe just down the road."

momo chan 03-30-2007 05:07 AM

To Keegan
After they stop at dorm 4 dorm 12 was next. "Keegan, this is your dorm. Here is your key. if you need me or wanna hang out or chat i will be ether in dorm 2 or around the dorm center or at the cafe just down the street okay?" She paused for a bit "okay bye". and Sparky and her set off down the hall to the last dorm in the hall.

momo chan 03-30-2007 05:20 AM

To Sparky
After such a long walk from dorm 12 to dorm 20 they finally made it. As they were walking, Kokoro wanted to ask him a question that popped in her mind. "So why did you choose a dorm way over here? do you not like being near others? Your kinda a mysterious person arn't you?" When the got there she examined the door. "This is it Sparky. dorm 20." She put the key in the lock and turned it. The cranks and gears clicked and clacked as the tumblers and locks went through a series of complex movement before the door was unlocked. Kokoro opened the door slowly. Light shone through the tiny crack in the door from the window. When she opened the door for Sparky to see. there was 2 large windows on ether side of the wall. a small kitchen, 1 king size bed, a tv, a desk and chair, and a mini bar fridge. in a small corner lay a closet for his shoes and coat and a bathroom on the other side of the room. Kokoro got a quick flashed picture in her mind of the pool room. "Oh and feel free to use the pool room okay. its downstairs in the lobby." She bowed and thanked him. "Please enjoy your stay at The Menewsha High School Dorm Center." As she closed the door and peeked through the crack her eyes flashed red and a canine tooth peeked beneath her upper lip. "Its been a pleasure to _eet you.." Slamming the door she quickly spun around and slid down the wall and thought to herself as she gently touched her tiny fang. "What was I thinking..." She buried her face in her lap and began to cry.

Divine Tempest 03-30-2007 05:27 AM

  • "Okay! Thanks." Keegan replied just before the others walked off she entered her dorm room slowly and took a seat. Moments later her things were carried up to her room without her having to say anything. She nodded at her driver as he placed her things on the floor just inside the door then bowed slightly and turned to leave. After a moment her smile faded quite a bit as she plopped back on her uncovered mattress. A slightly demented giggle escaped her lips as she sat up and began unpacking her things.

momo chan 03-30-2007 05:45 AM

"Im going to go swimming." Kokoro got up and went back to her dorm room to get her bikini. She put it on, grabbed a towel, and headed back down to the lobby. When she got there she threw her towel on a lawn chair on the side and slowly dipping her toe in the water she soon slipped in her leg and then swiftly sunk into the neck deep water. She blew bubbles and dipped under the water.

Donut 03-30-2007 07:47 PM

Sparky, put his bag beside the bed and said to himself, "yeah, people dont like me, and I just stay away..." knoing that no-one head him. Then the door slammed shut, not knowing what just happed or who heard him..he just shrugged and unpacked. While he was unpacking all he could hear was the word pool, keep echoeing in his head. He desided to head down to the pool and check it out, and mayby swim if there was no-one there. He got on his trunks, that were white and black, and put on a black shirt and held a towl. After closing and locking up his room, he found his way down to the pool and seen Kokoro in the water. Instead of getting in, he just sat on the edge and put his feet in a little bit. still not realy talking.

Kaoriel 03-30-2007 08:58 PM

((Ack! Man, I missed a bit.))

Kaoriel sighed and shut the door behind her, looking around. "This is......... Different. I sort of like it, actually." Placing her one suitcase on the bed, she took out her clothes and hung them up slowly. "Hm.... What to do, though...?" she asked, examining a wrinkled shirt.

"Not ironing, that's for sure," she mumbled to herself. "Well, that girl said we could talk, but..." she sighed. "I don't know if it was just out of politeness, or out of genuine kindness." She shook her head, and pulled a small journal out of her bag. It had a rose on the front, and seemed relatively neat.

"I may as well enter this day into my journal, before I forget," she muttered absent-mindedly to herself as she wrote, not noticing that the door to her dorm wasn't quite shut fully. Looking up, she sighed. "Okay, it's no fun being alone." She slammed the journal shut. "I'm going to look around, and see what's here." She stood up, placing the journal on the bed with her suitcase, and walked out the door, being careful to shut it behind her. "Hm... Which way.." She looked around. "Well, I've always been fond of that direction," she said, walking down that hallway to see what was in store for her.

Eventually she noticed some faint splashing noises, and followed them, peeking in. "A.... swimming area?" she asked, stepping towards the other two.

((Whew, long! >< ))

Divine Tempest 03-31-2007 01:49 AM

  • "I wonder what will happen while I'm here. It's nice finally being away from home." Keegan giggled to herself after she had finished setting things up. She stretched slightly and walked over to the door placing an ear against it thinking she heard someone walk past. After a moment she leaned back slowly and looked around then sighed heavily, "Now what should I do?" she turned around and leaned back against the door. After a long moment of silence, she nod her head slightly and said aloud, "I guess you're right." she pushed off the door quickly and turned exiting the room. She wanted to play outside a bit... sometimes she couldn't even guarantee she was actually 15.

momo chan 03-31-2007 07:35 AM

To Sparky
Kokoro swam deep under water... still holding her breath but slowly loosing oxygen. She noticed some toes dangling in the silent water. Not realizing whos feet they were. just as a joke she pulled the feet into the water. The person landed on top of her and she ran out of air at that moment. She swam as fast as she could up to the surface. She gasped and fresh crisp chlorine scented air filled her lungs. she noticed that it was Sparky that she attacked. "Oh Sparky im so sorry, are you hurt? I.. I did.. nt.. k..know ... who ... you-u ... w-wer...e... uh.. uh... " She begins to blush in embarrassment of her action.

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