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Kooky 04-01-2007 01:28 PM

i've heard alot of people call it a "Poor mans WoW" because the game is free, and it SORTA lays like WoW. theres some aspects that are similiar, but i actually find myself enjoying Silkroad MUCH more the WoW, i actually started playing WoW and i got to level 11. and got bored so i quit and picked up Silkroad again. i highly encourage you to check it out. its a free downloadable desktop game. nothing cheap looking about it.
Its based around Mythic China, with monsters, Bandits, tigers Oh my :o
but there are over some thing like 100 enemies? and a TON of players to meet. its a very full enviroment to meet people, party up and take down big badies. if youd like i'll post some links to some pictures :3
(Korean Versian pic)

customize your character. and have fun :3 this game is never ending. i hope you can try this game and thoroughly enjoy it like i have :3

Alegretto 04-01-2007 02:45 PM

What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.

Kooky 04-01-2007 03:25 PM

I play on Troy D: but i decided to make a new character on troy so i can give myself all the lvl 22 SoS armor xD either to sell or keep for later :3 but i think i could make a character there :3

Alegretto 04-01-2007 03:59 PM

Psh. I'm level 1. It'll be easier if I change. :P

Kooky 04-01-2007 04:40 PM

oh lmao xD i thought you've BEEN playing it xD. yeah switch to troy :3 btw, i know tricks how to get on the server even when its full. so just ask me and i can help yuh out :3 cuz its usually fullest in the mornings

Alegretto 04-02-2007 03:16 AM

hee hee. Got two characters on there now. =3 If you ever want n00bish me to tag along, keep an eye open for Si_Xian or Yongjing

Riddle 04-02-2007 10:08 AM

I've played this game in bursts... but I always seem to quit when I get around lvl 18.

I also read how nowadays just about everyone follows cookiecutter builds, and those who don't are often looked down upon... and really, who wants to join a game with that kind of player-base?

Also, throughout the entire experience, the only player interaction I have is when someone sends a random party invite... how lame is that? I figure if I ever get over lvl 20, I'll become a thief so I can kill them all :lol:

Still a fun game. Would be funner if the players had a soul :?

Kooky 04-02-2007 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Alegretto
hee hee. Got two characters on there now. =3 If you ever want n00bish me to tag along, keep an eye open for Si_Xian or Yongjing

k, im on a mac laptop. so for now i cant reach Silkroad. my dad will be sending me a desktop computer soon though. i'll give yuh a pm ;) try to get to about like 10+ on your own and i can really start helping yuh. sp farm and stuff like that :3


Originally Posted by Riddle
I've played this game in bursts... but I always seem to quit when I get around lvl 18.

I also read how nowadays just about everyone follows cookiecutter builds, and those who don't are often looked down upon... and really, who wants to join a game with that kind of player-base?

Also, throughout the entire experience, the only player interaction I have is when someone sends a random party invite... how lame is that? I figure if I ever get over lvl 20, I'll become a thief so I can kill them all :lol:

Still a fun game. Would be funner if the players had a soul :?

i think i aree with you partly? there wuz a kind of "glitch" that people feel they need to exploit. wich makes your charaacter much stronger. tats basically hwo everyone play. but in the end it makes you feel better about your character xD and actually. jobs arent as galmorous as everyone makes them out to be. Traders are the only usefull ones. but its basically impossible to do a 3+ star trade run because then player thieves will attack you. and it basically impossible to beat them unless you have some strong ass hunters following you. wich is part of the reason i wanted to start over ? becuz this guy taught me about sp farming and he wuz helping me out and stuff. then he tells me to stop sp farming and get t a higher level quick so could jon his guild / and it screwed up my character and i was getting killed by everything. so thats the reason i wanted to start over. but i cant wait to start again. i love that game so much ~<3 xD

Alegretto 04-02-2007 02:26 PM

Meh, I get yelled at for not following cookie-cutter builds on Guild Wars enough, so I'll be juuuust fine at ignoring them. 8D

@Kako- heh heh. No problem. My fighter's nearly there. My planned magic user, though.... not so much.

Riddle 04-02-2007 06:08 PM

I was pullin' a pure int bow user... but I read a post on how they were the worst... and it wouldn't even tell me why, it just said "I will just assume you know why not to go pure int+bow"

...and it's crap like that which makes me not want to play. :roll:

Alegretto 04-02-2007 06:33 PM

I'd go for it anyways. Screw what other people think! I'm there to have fun, dern it. Not to appease the other players.

Kooky 04-03-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Riddle
I was pullin' a pure int bow user... but I read a post on how they were the worst... and it wouldn't even tell me why, it just said "I will just assume you know why not to go pure int+bow"

...and it's crap like that which makes me not want to play. :roll:

omfg are you serious!??! Bow+int users are the best in Silkroad =/ im not even kidding. all the best players use that =/

@Alegretto there rly isnt "magic" in the game. they count as skills. just some reasonable advice from an experienced player? i wouldnt buy too many skillz whe your firststart out. i'de buy just the element weapon attack skill, and then work with that? it'll help you out later on. not telling yuh what to do xD just a suggestion :3

Riddle 04-03-2007 01:57 AM

I started a char on Sparta today... a sword user with fire+lightning magic.
Hybrid stat build instead of a PureNub :)

It's actually fun :P

Riddle 04-03-2007 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam

Originally Posted by Riddle
I was pullin' a pure int bow user... but I read a post on how they were the worst... and it wouldn't even tell me why, it just said "I will just assume you know why not to go pure int+bow"

...and it's crap like that which makes me not want to play. :roll:

omfg are you serious!??! Bow+int users are the best in Silkroad =/ im not even kidding. all the best players use that =/

Lol, well... the bow+int users I noticed there are a ton now... and really, it's crap playing in an area with four/five different people with the same skill build xP

also, they're good in pve, but I'm not so sure about the pvp aspect of the game... I think the cookiecutter Pureint Fireglavie still 'pwns' in that aspect. I'm hoping my hybrid build will teach them all a lesson though :P

Alegretto 04-03-2007 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
@Alegretto there rly isnt "magic" in the game. they count as skills. just some reasonable advice from an experienced player? i wouldnt buy too many skillz whe your firststart out. i'de buy just the element weapon attack skill, and then work with that? it'll help you out later on. not telling yuh what to do xD just a suggestion :3[/color][/size]

Pshaw. It doesn't involve jamming a glaive into a dude's face. Therefore it's magic. 8D

But like I said, I ignore my magical skillz guy. My fighter is too fun.

Riddle 04-03-2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Alegretto

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
@Alegretto there rly isnt "magic" in the game. they count as skills. just some reasonable advice from an experienced player? i wouldnt buy too many skillz whe your firststart out. i'de buy just the element weapon attack skill, and then work with that? it'll help you out later on. not telling yuh what to do xD just a suggestion :3[/color][/size]

Pshaw. It doesn't involve jamming a glaive into a dude's face. Therefore it's magic. 8D

But like I said, I ignore my magical skillz guy. My fighter is too fun.

Haha, so does your fighter have any magic whatsoever? :)

Alegretto 04-03-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Riddle

Originally Posted by Alegretto

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
@Alegretto there rly isnt "magic" in the game. they count as skills. just some reasonable advice from an experienced player? i wouldnt buy too many skillz whe your firststart out. i'de buy just the element weapon attack skill, and then work with that? it'll help you out later on. not telling yuh what to do xD just a suggestion :3[/color][/size]

Pshaw. It doesn't involve jamming a glaive into a dude's face. Therefore it's magic. 8D

But like I said, I ignore my magical skillz guy. My fighter is too fun.

Haha, so does your fighter have any magic whatsoever? :)

None. He will stab things. In the face. AND THAT IS ALL HE WILL DO.

Riddle 04-03-2007 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Alegretto

Haha, so does your fighter have any magic whatsoever? :)

None. He will stab things. In the face. AND THAT IS ALL HE WILL DO.[/quote]

I'm serious... the amount of damage added by one of the 5sec. spells is phenomenal...

I had my hybrid take fire and lighting because they both have buffs... one gives +% to magic attack, while the other gives +% to physical attack.

Alegretto 04-03-2007 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Riddle
I'm serious... the amount of damage added by one of the 5sec. spells is phenomenal...

I had my hybrid take fire and lighting because they both have buffs... one gives +% to magic attack, while the other gives +% to physical attack.

Hrm. That may be worth looking into. Which 5 sec. spell do refer to? And for someone who wants to focus almost completely on combat skillage, which class of magic do you recommend?

Riddle 04-03-2007 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Alegretto

Originally Posted by Riddle
I'm serious... the amount of damage added by one of the 5sec. spells is phenomenal...

I had my hybrid take fire and lighting because they both have buffs... one gives +% to magic attack, while the other gives +% to physical attack.

Hrm. That may be worth looking into. Which 5 sec. spell do refer to? And for someone who wants to focus almost completely on combat skillage, which class of magic do you recommend?

The fire 5sec. does the most damage, and has a burn effect which causes even more dmg over time... however, most melees have this, and it's totally not original at all... the lightning one does a bit less, but not substantially... but instead of a DoT (dmg over time) it has an area effect... like if two enemies are in front of you, and you attack one, the other will take a small percentage of damage as well. The ice one does considerably less damage, but it can either slow or completely stop your opponent's movement... quite handy when you're lucky :wink:

Personally, I switch between the fire 5sec and the lightning 5sec just for variety, and because their damage output has such a minimal difference between them. But if you want maximum damage with the least amount of points spent on force powers, just stick five in fire, and get the first rank of the first spell. If you decide it's worth more, then you can just put more points into it at higher levels.

Alegretto 04-03-2007 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Riddle

Originally Posted by Alegretto

Originally Posted by Riddle
I'm serious... the amount of damage added by one of the 5sec. spells is phenomenal...

I had my hybrid take fire and lighting because they both have buffs... one gives +% to magic attack, while the other gives +% to physical attack.

Hrm. That may be worth looking into. Which 5 sec. spell do refer to? And for someone who wants to focus almost completely on combat skillage, which class of magic do you recommend?

The fire 5sec. does the most damage, and has a burn effect which causes even more dmg over time... however, most melees have this, and it's totally not original at all... the lightning one does a bit less, but not substantially... but instead of a DoT (dmg over time) it has an area effect... like if two enemies are in front of you, and you attack one, the other will take a small percentage of damage as well. The ice one does considerably less damage, but it can either slow or completely stop your opponent's movement... quite handy when you're lucky :wink:

Personally, I switch between the fire 5sec and the lightning 5sec just for variety, and because their damage output has such a minimal difference between them. But if you want maximum damage with the least amount of points spent on force powers, just stick five in fire, and get the first rank of the first spell. If you decide it's worth more, then you can just put more points into it at higher levels.

Schweet. Thanks for the advice. =D I'll have to try it out.

Good thing I have like... 15 spare skill points.

Riddle 04-03-2007 06:16 AM

You know how to farm SP, right? :P

Alegretto 04-03-2007 06:22 AM

By... killing things? =D;;; I'm such a n00b at this. Maybe I should read the rules and stuff before playing...

Riddle 04-03-2007 06:48 AM

it's really not in the rules...

The whole thing about SP farming is... the higher your level is in relation the the highest level skill you have, the more SP and the less EXP you get.

So, let's say... for example... your highest level skill is Fire, and it's at a skill level of 5... but your character is at level 11. The amount of SP points received per kill would be far greater than if you had a Fire skill of 11. However, this also means you gain less EXP... so it's harder to get to higher levels to gain even more SP.... so really, it's all about patience and dedication to the task.

The highest difference between level and skill level you can have is 9... or at least, that's the greatest difference you can have that is pointful... and I think that if your level is 9 above your skill level, you gain only 10% exp, but earn somewhere along the lines of 2000% of your normal SP gains :lol:

Kooky 04-03-2007 04:28 PM

I'll tell yuh what. once you both get to about level 10-15 ? just keep leveling and dont spend ANY SP, it'll help later on. all i want you to buy s the 5 second elemental damage attack bonus. Ice skill preferabley. becuz that also pwns when you get higher levels. depengin what levels you are there are different enemy's yuo should be fighting. ask people around the place and get some advice. also if you can. please switch to Tory instead of sparta. so i'll be able to help you and maybe powerlevel you later on :3 also, stay away from buying the pvp scarfs xD they'll eat you up as soon as you walk outside of the city. dont buy too much armor. just buy the armor when you hit the level you can. but dont worry about gaaping levels for armor. as long as you killing your enemy's qwuick it doesnt matter too much. keep stocked high on Magic pots and Health pots. and hotkey everything! also DONT FORGET TO TURN ON AUTO POTS it'll save you lif :3 i went through more than half the game without auto potting, and everyonewas like "How did you live?!?!?" lol xD

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