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Para 05-04-2007 06:03 PM

What is your favorite movie/tv show??
Everyone has favorite things when it comes to media. What are some of your favorites?

As an example I will go first!
I don't really have a favorite movie. I'm not really into the big screen all that much because I find it hard to sit down for two hours. Some of my favorite are Ghostbusters, Death to Smoochie, and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

TV is another monster however! I'm totally into the small screen. My favorite show right now is Heroes. I love 24, House, American Idol, LOST, CSI:Miami, CSI, Stargate Atlantis, and oh so many other things. ; 0;

On a daily basis I watch (or listen to the podcast of) Pardon the Interruption. I am a really big sports fan and I watch lots of ESPN and I love PTI quite abit. It comes on at a rather strange time for me so I listen to it online if I can't catch it.

So what are your favorites? Do you have things you can't stand too??

Toxicity 05-04-2007 06:26 PM

family guy, my name is earl & shaun of the dead

Otohime 05-04-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Toxicity
shaun of the dead

I love that movie. <3

Mike 05-04-2007 08:42 PM

  • My favorite show would be Family Guy, Law And Order: SVU, and WWE Monday night raw.

    Movie, haha I loved Shaun of the dead.
    I would say Transporter and mostly all the 'good' action flicks.

Dakota Wolf 05-04-2007 10:40 PM

My favorite shows are House, South Park, Family Guy, and M*A*S*H.

My favorite movies are South Park The Movie, Saving Private Ryan, and Ready to Rumble.

IshokuOsero 05-04-2007 11:33 PM

I'm a movie person these days, but I never watched very many before I started going out with my boyfriend.
Some of my favorite movies are Moon Child, Spiderman (first one), X-Men 2, all of the Batman movies (<3), 300 (notice how most of these were/are comic books Dx ), Mystery Men, Borat, and Kung Pow.

I don't watch television unless I'm at my boyfriend's house.
Umm.. I suppose my favorites to watch when I'm over there are Mythbusters, Smallville (ish), NCIS, and Heroes.

xX Nightmare Angel Xx 05-05-2007 01:47 AM

Hm, I'm glad someone made a thread like this :3. Anyway, I've seen way too many movies to pick a favorite D;. But out of recent movies, I really enjoyed the Freedom Writers Diaries (and also the book) as well as The Messengers. I might see Disturbia soon too <33. But I saw Epic Movie a while back too and that was really bad D<. I didn't like that one at all. For TV shows, I really liked Invader Zim (although it doesn't show on Nickelodeon anymore). I still watch it on DVDS and Youtube :]]. I like Hogan Knows Best and I like watching Comedy Central in general. I just love to laugh >>. Well, that's all I can think of for now, maybe I'll add more later ^^


EDIT: Oh sorry, I just forgot one of my favorite movies! >w< I really enjoy Blade: Trinity. Amazing movie, I'd recommend it to anyone into vampire movies. I just love those x3. Heh.

Para 05-05-2007 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Otohime

Originally Posted by Toxicity
shaun of the dead

I love that movie. <3

I forgot to say that one! I love it my favorite part is at the end with Coldplay and Zombaid I nearly killed myself laughing at that. The rest of the movie is good too.

Chibi 05-05-2007 10:47 PM

My favorite TV show is CSI. :]
Miami and Vegas~ o: <3

Rawrsaurus 05-05-2007 10:57 PM

I don't watch much tv anymore so don't really have any favorites. Eheh I kinda just watch the food channel sometimes which actually make me really hungry >_>

My favorite types of movies are comedy and horror. I like the thrill of horror especially and comedy of course to make meh happy. Action is ok but eh, just kinda gets to excited for a couple minutes for me anyways, so I don't like them too much.

The_Red_XIII 05-06-2007 03:15 AM

I don't have a favorite movie, but my favorite TV show is Fresh Prince ^-^

The Mouse 05-07-2007 04:49 AM

For TV shows, I'd have to say the top ones are Project Runway, The Daily Show/The Colbert Report (I really can't choose just one of them, because I love them both), South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, That 70s Show, Deadliest Catch, and Mythbusters.

As far as movies go, well... my favorites are entirely too numerous. X-P

The March Hare 05-07-2007 10:24 PM

Oooh, favorites. I love listing them. <3

Currently, I've just been listening to a lot of various broadway soundtracks. RENT's always been one of my favorites and I recently borrowed the soundtrack for Wicked, which is also very nice. My favorite song currently would have to be "Will I" from the Original Cast CD. Another song that I've been craving is just Boston from Augustana.

TV shows?
HEROES. (Which is on tonight, whooot.) Heroes is just plain amazing. I've followed it all season and am very sad to see that it'll be over soon. My second favorite would have to be So You Think You Can Dance. I don't dance myself, but it's just so cool to watch. They're so much more skilled that I could ever wish to be. Grey's Anatomy, LOST, and House are also quite close to my top TV show list.

Well, I just saw Spidey 3 this weekend so that's been in my mind lately. But my favorite movie of all time would be October Sky. I have no idea why but I love it~ Moulin Rouge is also very, very good.

Blaidd_Tywyll 05-08-2007 12:20 AM

Ok, my fav TV show list is pretty long, so let's see if I can shorten it: If it's CSI, I'm there. If it's Law&Order, I'm there. Smallville I liked, until it became a soap-opera(sorry to all the Smallville fans.) Heroes is good, but if you miss one episode, you're toast. I missed several. Star-Trek(ALL), StarGate SG1(finish season 10 already, PLEASE), both very good. Mutant-X and Andromeda.

YAY for Shaun of the Dead. And I'm a real trekkie, so I have every Star Trek Movie and I plan on getting the new one when they finally finish it. Need the Stargate movie. Gladiator definitely, I mean, look at my sig. LotR, and Matrix(the first.) Want to see Hot Fuzz and Delta Farce!!!!!

I know I get more gold for londer post, but posting on all of that full would end up looking ridiculous. :shock:

bslayer 05-08-2007 06:57 PM

TV Shows:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, One Tree Hill, and Dancing with the Stars (occasionally).

Garden State, Elektra, Gone with the Wind, LoTR, Casino Royale, Letters from Iwo Jima, Freedom Writers, Chronicles of Narnia, Pan's Labyrinth, Pirates, The Prestige, The Illusionist, and Scoop.

Kazzy1231 05-08-2007 09:40 PM

Can't stand the simpsons,i like a lot of things like hollyoaks,the bill,gorden ramsay.etc

ROSIE 05-08-2007 11:12 PM

My Favorite Movies Are........!! Almost all of Angelina Jolie's Movie's..!


- The Gurl Next Door
- How High
- Loving Annabelle
- Better Than Chocolate
- Bound
- Gia
- Cruel Intentions
And many more..............

T.V. Shows..........

- The L word
- The Sopranos
- Charmed
- The Gurls Next Door
- Next
- Punked
- True Life
- Family Guy
- Robot Chicken
And that's about it........

Lisana7 05-09-2007 03:25 AM

My favorite movies include The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Pink Flamingos, Hairspray, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Onmyoji, and Five Deadly Venoms.

My favorite shows are Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, and Paula's Home Cooking. XP

Deniece 05-11-2007 12:57 PM

My favorite movies are The Lake House, The Notebook, Sweet Home Alabama, The Shawshank Redemption, The Wraith, Freedom Writers, The Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, The Spiderman movies, The Hary Potter movies, LOTR, The Gift, Dazed and Confused, Chasing Amy, Legends of the Fall... lol, there's many, many more.

My favorite tv shows are Heroes, House MD, Supernatural, American Idol, The Ghost Whisperer, The Real World/Road Rules challenges, and Mad TV.
I love reality tv, although I don't watch it as much as I used to, but still try to catch Survivor when I can think of it.
My new favorites are anything on the Food Network... when my tv is on, it's almost always on that channel.

Feikku 05-11-2007 03:16 PM

oh jolly.

  • the notebook
    she's the man
    raise your voice
    what a girl wants
    bring it on

tv series
  • the oc
    one tree hill
    veronica mars
    ugly betty
    house md
    project runway
    laguna beach
    the hills

ah, and the list could go on forever..!

Tech 05-13-2007 04:16 AM

As far as TV series, I don't really stick to them too much. The Riches is the only one I currently take time out of my Monday evenings to make sure I can see it. It's isn't great, but I LOVE Eddie Izzard. He's great.

Movies. Oh man, I have a ton of movies that I love.
My current favorite is probably 3 Iron. Has anyone here seen it? If not, you should. It's not in English, but you don't have to worry about reading to many subtitles because the two main characters never speak. The ending is great.

Szinriia 05-13-2007 01:09 PM

My favourite film is Oldboy.

Favourite current TV show would be Heroes. (:

tenkabuto 05-13-2007 09:45 PM

Heros is my favorite for now.

Marguerite Blakeney 05-14-2007 04:13 PM

Currently I love watching Coach on USA in the morning before I go to school. Ever since I saw the two episodes with my faaaaaaaavorite actor in it, I just kept watching and watching because I love it! I'm not a football fan but it's just funny!

tigerangel 05-15-2007 12:12 PM

Favorite Movies:
City of Angels
Kill Bill vol 1 & 2
All the movies from the "Bourne" series. A new one is coming out this summer. I can't wait. :)

Favorite TV Shows:
House MD
Deal or No Deal
America's Next Top Model
American Idol

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