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Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:44 PM

Trinity's attempt to writing
I think this will help me sort of expressing is not like publishing but if you have any coments you can post them here and also pm me if you like it
I consider these two , good pieces of work, I have more but I will have to type them so it might take some time -_-;;

A Dark Story

In a dark hot pit of blackness, three demons bragged of their battles on earth against the church. One demon, thick skinned, wet, and low to the ground raised himself upon his clawed feet, and in a gurgling voice hurled his proclamation of greatness at the other two. "I caused the death of a Christian this week. He died slowly, in pain, and his witness is no more."
The other two jumped about and hit each other in ecstatic shrieks of delight. The death of a Christian was almost always good to them. But one demon mocked the first and said, "The death of the saved is most to be sought. But saved he be, and here he is not." The first demon glared with red eyes aflame at his mocking cohort, then he snarled a grotesque breath and stepped down.
The second demon pushed the first aside, took his turn and likewise raised himself to the place of boasting. He peered with cunning at his companions then bore his fanged smile. "A family of four believers this week did die by a dark servant, a drunkard in a car. They laid in agony upon the road. The rain did drown their tears and with great pain they passed. To our master's delight their witness is no more."
The first demon bowed his head to the greater victory wrought at the second's treacherous hand. The second stepped down and proudly moved away, dragging his tail and legs.
Finally, the third rose up and took the place of boasting in front of the other two. He did not look as hideous as they, nor did he raise himself in self-exalting pride. He smiled and said, "Death has not come to the believer I have killed. His heart is cold and has little room for the love of our Enemy. He is known for belief in the One, yet in small things of darkness he does partake. By word and deed he defames the name of our One Enemy. His poor witness, I know, will endure for many to see."
With this the third stepped down. The other two bowed to the greater victory.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:45 PM

Barney, Betty, and the Beetle

Bernard P. Rumpford was an unoffending, briefcase carrying, accountant. He worked hard at the financial firm of Brokke, Bangst, and Redline and played on the firm's soft-ball team, mostly keeping the bench warm. He was an average guy liked by average people.
The odd thing about Barney was that his love of life was the study of insects, particularly beetles. In short, he was absolutely fascinated by them. Practically all his spare time was devoted to insect research. Breakfast was usually accompanied by an examination of Insect Weekly, lunch with a perusing of Moth World, and dinner with Beetle Americana, his favorite of all magazines.
But then you might ask, "Why doesn't he become one of those people who studies bugs instead of being an accountant?" Quite simply, it wasn't until after accounting college, and an encounter with a neighbor's ant farm, that his love for insects, and ultimately for beetles, was discovered. Besides, he was secure where he was. Accounting was such a safe job and it paid the bills.
There really isn't much more to say about Barney because his existence was marked by few, if any, real events of importance. If his life had consisted of nothing more than accounting and insects then everything could be handled with practiced ease. But as is often the case when boy meets girl, love complicates life. Such was the case with Barney.
The occasion was on a train as he traveled between two cities in the State of California. He was returning from a trip to see his beloved grandmother, Eunice, who insisted on a visit once every other month. The train ride was about two hours long and he would spend the time contentedly reading Beetle Americana.
On this trip, the train car was sparsely populated which occasioned him a private sitting in a lone compartment. This pleased him immensely and allowed him to pour huge quantities of mental energy into learning the difference between a Bowler Beetle and a Bolker Beetle, the latter being able to offer a rather sharp sting. He sighed a self-contented sigh and smiled to himself. "This is the life," he said and then lazed back into his magazine. He was content.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:46 PM

So there you have it. Barney was a satisfied young man who needed only a bug magazine to occupy him. But all that was about to change forever.
About half way through the third page of a beetle dissertation, just when the article was focusing on beetle eyes and becoming exceptionally interesting, the door to the train compartment slid open and a young woman entered. Barney was so engulfed in beetle facts that he scarcely noted the feminine intruder. She was blond, about five foot six, carried a purse, and clutched a book which she immediately began to read upon sitting. With scarcely more than a driblet of attention given her, he delved further into the beetle article and simply ignored the disruptive intruder.
All went well for about fifteen minutes until the train bumped slightly. Providentially though, this was no ordinary bump, for with it, love followed. You see, as the train bumped it caused Barney to lose his concentration and look up. Apparently the same thing had happened to the young lady and their eyes met. Barney instantly felt a whizzing kind of sensation located somewhere near his heart which was followed by considerable nervousness, and, he thinks, an audible "whoosh". That was all it took. His heart was lost to this young lady. There was nothing he could do about it. He stared at her in utter amazement attempting to make sense of his emotional turmoil. He realized he was sinking fast and no longer in control of his own destiny. The room was spinning around him and his heart was bursting inside. He was in love.
She, of course, after had stopped looking at him and was reading again, oblivious to the control she had gained over his very being. In comparison to the soft blue eyes of the woman sitting only three feet away, beetles now meant nothing to Barney. His heart raced. Barney was in awe. He was paralyzed.
She had no way of knowing that he would swim the largest ocean, climb the highest hill, walk the hottest desert, and accomplish any other impressive masculine exploit for a simple kiss from her perfect lips.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:46 PM

Barney was distraught. He was down right depressed. Here he was minding his own business reading about beetles when this random girl walks in and steals his heart. It wasn't fair. What could he do? The train ride would soon be over and he would lose the love of his life without ever even knowing her name. If he were to tell her about this sudden divine revelation she would surely move to the next car in haste and his true love would be gone. But there she was, right in front of him, beautiful, and reading a book. What was he to do now?
His eyes slowly drifted back to the magazine and a fascinating picture of an enlarged hairy bony insect head with lots of bulbous eyes and angled antennae, but that didn't matter. It just couldn't compare with his new found love. He stared at the picture only because he needed something soothing to focus on while he attempted to regain his wits, which had been thoroughly scattered. He started thinking to himself.
What am I going to do? How could I love her? I don't even know her name. I've never seen her before. This is ridiculous. This is absolutely ridiculous. No one falls in love at first sight. This just isn't possible, not for me, not for Bernard P. Rumpford. I am too level-headed for this. I don't need a woman. I don't need to be involved with a whining female who is probably terrified by a simple lady bug. No. I am over-reacting. That's it. There is nothing to this love thing. I'm not in love with her. I don't even know her. She probably loves wrestlers or something. She looks the type...
Barney rambled on to himself for a few minutes attempting to coax his emotions back into their proper place. But he made one terrible mistake. Just when he was about to extricate himself from this love limbo through a quick series of mental deductions about his emotions being a reaction to the donut and cheese sandwich he had earlier, he chanced another look at her to "test" whether the same reaction would occur. To his utter dismay it did. Only this time it was worse. This time love was accompanied by a definite bout of dizziness and this time the "whoosh" was louder. He was in love. He knew beyond any doubt. An odd mixture of love and despair mingled in an emotional knot as he realized he would end up eternally devoted to a girl whom he never even knew. It would be horrible.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:47 PM

He needed a break from the intensity so, even though he didn't feel like it, he forced himself to reach into his small bag and pull out a thermos of hot coffee. He opened it and began to pour, nervously, of course.
The girl, distracted by the movements, chose this moment to glance up at him. This coincidental look resulted in a rather painful reaction, for it caused Barney no end of nerves which manifested themselves in a rather strong shaking of the hands. With that, the very hot coffee sloshed over the side of the cup and down onto his trousers.
"Aaagghahaghg!!" he shouted. The sudden surge of pain caused him to jump fiercely, which, in turn, resulted in a further spillage, and another twitch, another spill, twist, spill, jump, spill, jerk, spill, turn, spill, etc., etc.. All the while he was making a series of noises that sounded like a large flock of hawks in heat.
Needless to say, the young lady noticed.
Barney sank into his seat, after managing to elude further hot coffee sloshings, and combined a sigh of relief and dismay in one slow release.
The young lady was staring at him now with a look that was a cross between concern and laughter. "Are you alright?" she said politely.
Now Barney had been around. He knew the sound of laughter and crying, birds, frogs, and even of a few bugs. But his circles had never brought him within hearing range of an angel.
"Yes," he said in a gushy amorous timbre. Then again in a controlled monotone, "Yes, I'm fine."
He slumped down further into his seat and gathered himself together slowly, assessing his predicament. His embarrassment was matched only by his deep love for her.
There isn't much a young man can do in such a situation except to resign himself to months of emotional anguish in the broken heart department. No girl in her right mind would even dare to romantically consider a guy who couldn't pour coffee. He was thoroughly crushed by the incident. What was the use of studying beetles now? He tossed his magazine aside.
"Is that Beetle Americana you're reading?" she asked.
Barney was shocked. "Uh, yes. It is..." and then carefully, " you read it?"
"Of course I do. I read it from cover to cover every month. I am studying to be an entomologist. I think it is a great magazine."
Barney was incredulous. He absolutely was astounded. "You read Beetle Americana?" he queried disbelievingly.
He looked about the room and out the window. He was feeling somewhat like a person who has just been told a rich uncle has died and left him a large sum of money. For a moment nothing seemed real.
For want of something better, he asked, "What is your name?"
"Betty," she said with a smile as she leaned forward handing him a kleenex retrieved from her purse.
"Betty," that is a nice name," he said receiving the offering. He began dabbing his pants.
"Thank you. What is your name?"
"Barney. I mean Bernard Rumpford. But you can call me Barney. All my friends do." His heart was racing.
"Okay Barney."

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:47 PM

He stared into her eyes, falling deeper and deeper into their blue stillness, captivated, and ruled by them. He became aware of his pounding heart, his dry mouth, and the euphoria that was permeating his whole being. Love is grand, he thought. It is wonderful. It is great to be alive. His thoughts drifted to courting her and then marriage. He thought of buying her a wedding ring and...
"...and that is why I like insects." He was suddenly aware that she had been talking. "What about you?"
"Uh...I like insects," he said with the skill of picking up a fumble and making a touchdown. "I don't know why, but they fascinate me. Maybe it's because they are tiny and mysterious. They seem friendly and unafraid. I don't know. But I like them, especially beetles. They're my favorite."
Barney wasn't sure, but he suspected that he saw a glimmer in her eyes. She had been looking straight into his for the past minute and she had been smiling slightly.
"Ants are my favorite," she said. "I have an ant farm at home. There's Betty, Cindy, Mary, Agatha, Susan, Tracy, Barbara, Patty, and Sarah. I only have nine because I don't want them to get crowded." (The reader should note here that the ant names are all feminine. This is because all worker ants are females, hence, the names.)
"How do you tell them apart?" asked Barney inquisitively.
"I don't. They all look alike to me and they get all mixed up. But I like to name things. My plants are Fred and Sam. They are Spider Ferns."
Barney was a bit surprised by her openness but not intimidated. "I have a confession to make," he said. "I have a beetle-arium. I guess you could call it a beetle farm. There's Michael, Romeo, Caesar, and David. They are easy to tell apart."
Ants and beetles were the mainstay of the conversation for about a half hour. Betty would recount an interesting fact about ants, like how drones are males produced only for the purpose of reproduction. Barney would counter with an equally fascinating tidbit like the Bombadeer Beetle that can actually shoot a bit of caustic gas out of its rear quarters. They were politely balanced tidbits, of course, and delved appropriately in the esoteric idiosyncracies of ant-dom and beetle-dom. In all, the conversation was rather electrifying. And Barney, throughout the whole affair, was becoming more and more a mass of emotional mush.
The discovery that this woman was a fellow bug lover had sent him hopelessly and permanently over the edge into romantic oblivion. He was no longer his own. She was beautiful to him, everything that a bug loving accountant could want. And what's more, she read Beetle Americana; she was perfect.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:48 PM

Barney never considered himself to be particularly appealing, which had been verified on several occasions by appropriate shuns from various females. At first, such rejections had served to injure his masculine self-confidence. But later he learned to handle the standard rejection and take cover in a memory of a beetle-seeking forage through the woods or the re-savoring of a particularly interesting beetle article. This is how he handled many awkward moments; that is, by retreating to beetle-ology.
But, Barney found himself quite at ease speaking with Betty. He even took special note, and self-appreciation, of a few particularly well placed witticisms and beetle anecdotes that, he was sure, had impressed her. He was not being conceited, just observing the facts. Besides, she was still smiling and talking to him.
As mentioned earlier in this story, Barney was studying the differences between two beetles, one being noted for its ability to offer a sting, that was the Bolker Beetle. Now, one of the absolutely last things any normal human being would expect to find on a train in California in a railway car was a Bolker Beetle. They preferred the brush and rocky areas of the desert and had not been known to care for trains. They are easily spotted because they sported a green and orange shell and occupied the space of about a quarter of an inch, ending with a nicely placed pointy stinger.
As Barney was speaking to Betty, little did he realize that a dreaded Bolker Beetle was making its way up Betty's beautiful blonde hair. To be more precise, it had suddenly emerged from the back of her hair and mounted itself on top of her unsuspecting head in what appeared to be an attack position, which was important because every beetle-ologist worth his salt knows that Bolker Beetles are rather easily agitated and won't hesitate to use their stingers.
Barney is not a rash young man. He is very calm and is quite able to react with controlled ease at the presence of a suddenly unexpected bug, wherever it may be. However, the appearance of a Bolker Beetle upon the head of his beloved, and that in an attack position, elevated this love struck mush of a man to instinctively protect her. At least, that was the intent.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:48 PM

"Look out! A Bolker Beetle!" he screamed as he pointed to the top of her head and raised his hand for a quick swat.
Betty had been enjoying the conversation immensely up to that point. But now, things took an unexpected turn for the worse and she found herself being yelled at and attacked by a rabid Beetle lover. She responded appropriately,
Barney fell to the ground.
One of the unfortunate discoveries for Barney was that Betty was a sensible woman, particularly in the area of self-defense. Earlier in her life she had made herself available to the tutelage of one Hutso Matsomoto, the town's leading Karate expert and gardener. She had learned well and responded in kind.
Basically, as far as Barney can recall, as he shot toward her, he found a sudden surge of pain occurring in his solar plexus; it was extremely uncomfortable and sufficiently debilitating to render him a limp rag of a man on the floor. He groaned loudly, "Uuuaghghghahgh," and then coughed.
The Bolker Beetle, aroused by the sudden escalation in activity, decided on a rather rash instinct. The result was a very sharp pain in the top of Betty's scalp.
"Aaaahaha!" she shouted and placed her hands on the top of her head.
Bolker Beetles are not fond of being mushed on top of someone's head, so it again reacted in instinctive form.
"Aaahaahaaaaah!" she yelled again, this time clutching the wounded hand with the good one.
The beetle, at this point, had discovered that the compartment was not very safe and decided to take flight, which had the same affect as a bee in a car full of passengers.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:49 PM

Barney, setting aside his pain to respond to the shrieks of his love, managed to right himself. Betty, sporting a smarting hand, also managed to regain some of her composure. The beetle, a bit annoyed at the recent screams, flew around searching for a way out.
Barney and Betty both became rather excited at this point. Barney grabbed the magazine and began swatting the air. Betty grabbed the book and followed in suit. The beetle ducked, dodged, dove, dropped, and darted with the skill of a hummingbird and reduced the flying literature to nothing more than fans. Betty screamed a few more times and Barney, quite unexpectedly, was caught across the cheek with the side of her book. He went toppling to the floor again.
From every point of the compass a crowd had been assembling outside the door obviously concerned for the welfare of the occupants. As they gazed in, what they thought they saw were two people, donning weapons, swinging at each other furiously. This explains why a very large man threw open the door and hurried in to save, what he concluded, was a helpless female being accosted by a villain. He grabbed Barney by the shirt and jerked him off the floor, deflecting a swat.
The Bolker Beetle seized the opportunity and exited swiftly.
Betty soon stopped swinging and noticed a large man holding Barney by the scruff of the neck causing him to tip-toe to reach the ground.
"Is this guy bothering you miss?" he asked in a deep protective voice and then glared at Barney.
Betty straightened her clothes, checked her hair quickly for the beetle and responded, "No he wasn't. There was this beetle and it stung me and we were just trying to swat it when you came in." She looked around for the beetle. "I think it's gone now."
Barney, who looked like a scolded puppy, was patiently waiting to be released. He was and sat. The man apologized for jumping to conclusions and the crowd slowly dispersed, mumbling and laughing.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:49 PM

It took a minute or two for Barney and Betty to regain their composure, but only after checking cautiously about for the menacing culprit. Barney straightened himself and Betty perused her purse in search of feminine trinkets to freshen-up with. They managed, after an awkward moment, to exchange glances.
"I hope you weren't stung too badly," he said propitiatorily. "I am sorry if I frightened you. It's just that that blasted beetle shocked me so and, well, our conversation was so pleasant, and, well, I simply didn't want to see you hurt. I suppose I over reacted."
Betty checked the sore spot on her head a few times with the tips of her fingers and winced twice. "I figured that much out. I guess I owe you an apology for kicking you when you were only trying to help."
"Perhaps. But you didn't know I was trying to help. I don't blame you for defending yourself the way you did. It was the only decent thing to do."
They exchanged apologies, checking again occasionally for the beetle. After a while, they were back to their normal selves and normal conversation.
" the University has courses at night and that is why I am taking them," she said. "That way I can work and go to school at the same time."
Barney nodded approvingly.

Trinitydoll 05-05-2007 06:49 PM

"Since you like insects the same as me," she continued, "why don't you look into taking some night courses too?" Then, slowly... "maybe we could take some together."
If his heart had not been buried so deeply in his chest it would have jumped out and danced. "You know, I think I might just do that," he said with a controlled calm.
Betty looked down a bit, smiled shyly, and unconsciously primped her hair. She looked into his eyes and he into hers. It was chemistry.
They talked for the rest of the trip and became more and more interested in each other, engulfed in insects, and a laughing recount of the recent events. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Shortly thereafter, the train came to a stop. Barney and Betty gathered their belongings and headed out. I would like to add that there was a very pleasant hurdle cleared at this point. You see, as they walked out of the compartment, Betty slipped her hand into his. Barney, gently tightened his grip and the two walked out oblivious to everything except each other.
In fact, they were so oblivious that they didn't notice the man and woman in the next door compartment swatting at something in the air.

Celeris 05-06-2007 01:02 AM

Excellent! I loved it! By that I mean both but especially Barney and Betty, it made me laugh. There is absolutely nothing I can find to add to that. Barney and Betty were quite simply hilarious.
As for your first post, it is only too true. Sad but very true.

Keep writing!!!
:D :D :D :D

Trinitydoll 05-06-2007 02:22 AM

really??? awwwwww thank youuuuuuu
you know what believe it or not apart from family and friends you are the first person in readin this ^^;

Celeris 05-06-2007 09:21 PM

I sympathize. No one has looked at my stories either(besides friends). So I try to post in topics that nobody else has.

Trinitydoll 05-07-2007 03:34 AM

You are sweet thanks where are your stories ? id like to read them ^^

Trinitydoll 05-07-2007 04:43 AM

Here 's another one:
Angel of Mercy

Something's moving in the window. Chloe crouches down to have a look. There are long threads stretching from one end of the window frame to the other and in the middle is a thin grey bundle that twists and shakes. The black spider's been - it's caught a skink for lunch.

No way! Chloe tears it free, looking out for the spider. Still plenty of flies around for it to eat - she doesn't take them away. All she can see of the lizard is a foot held tightly against its body by a few fine lines - the rest is wrapped up. She tries to unravel its tail. Nothing comes off - it's trapped. She can't save it.

In the kitchen, she fills a cup with water and drops the lizard in. Drowning has to be quicker than being sucked up like a milkshake.

Where's Dane? From the back door she can see her little brother's red jacket moving through the gum trees near the sheds, Buster's white tail waving beside him. Got to watch him every minute. If anything goes wrong while they're home alone, they'll have to get up early on Saturdays again and go with Mum and Dad to every single garage sale in town. Hours in the car - cold and boring, even with a book.

Check Dane every five minutes - don't forget.

The lizard will be dead by now. Chloe scoops it out of the cup, ready to bury it in the garden. The soggy shape wriggles in her hand. Still alive. When she pulls at the threads dangling from its tail, bits of sticky web fall away. Water dissolves webs - better write that in her vet diary.

The lizard lies still - it knows she's trying to help. She sits down and tries to unravel it but, when she pulls the lines, they make marks in the lizard's skin.

Her brother bangs through the door, Buster panting behind him.

'Hey, Chlo, I've got another one!'

Trinitydoll 05-07-2007 04:43 AM

Let it go, whatever it is.' If only she didn't bite her fingernails. She carefully separates the back legs from the body. It's tricky - the more of the lizard she unwraps, the harder it is to hold.

'Keep still, you stupid thing.' She can't get a grip on the rest of the tail lines.

Dane shouts and Buster barks somewhere in the house. She finds tweezers in the bathroom drawer and goes back to her chair. On the way she calls to Dane.

'What are you doing? If that's another rabbit...'

That's what her brother does - catches things. A born hunter like her Dad. Their Mum catches fish and leaves them flapping in the bottom of the boat and Chloe's friends get scared by the deer heads in the family room. One day Chloe is going to be a vet so she can help all the animals her family hurts. If she can get the animals away from them, that is.

There's a tickle against her skin. Forget one day, do this. She uses the tweezers to pull away the web, line by line.

A chunk of sticky grey comes off the tail and takes the end with it. Damn.

The skink's back half is kicking now, happy to be warm and loose. Chloe picks at the strands around its front legs. A toe falls off and lies like the tip of a rose thorn on her palm. Maybe lizard toes grow back like lizard tails. She can look that up later, in her encyclopaedia.

Something squeals from somewhere - the laundry maybe. If Dane's got another rabbit, it'll need her help.

Most of the lizard is squirming in her hand but there's still a grey hood choking its eyes and mouth. At last Chloe is able to grip the edge with her tweezers and peel it off like a glove from a finger.

Trinitydoll 05-07-2007 04:45 AM

Holding the lizard in her closed fist, she opens the front door and kneels on the step. It sits on her palm for a second, then jumps off and scuttles into the grass.

In the laundry, Dane is crouched under the sink, his bare backside showing pink over his jeans. Buster's yipping next to him. Her fingers catch the skin on her brother's neck as she hauls him backward by the collar. She sticks her head under the musty sink. Buster has something cornered but she can't see what. She drags him out by his collar too and there are sad, furry feet hanging on either side of his nose. She grabs the dog between her knees and prises open his jaws. A rabbit falls into her hand - a grey baby one, covered in dog slobber. Dane tries to grab it but she holds the body over his head, out of his reach.

He roars for the whole rabbit funeral. 'It's mine. Give it back. Dad said I could. I'm training Buster. He's allowed to eat what he catches. Dad said.' He starts to scrabble at the dirt with his hands.

Chloe holds the shovel over his head.

'If you dig it up, I'll dong you.'

Chloe calls Buster into the house and locks Dane outside. He runs over to the window and shouts, 'Dad said Buster's a hunting dog.'

'Buster's my dog.'

'He isn't. He's both of us's. When I get my ferrets, we'll catch millions of rabbits.'

Chloe opens her book and pats her lap for Buster to jump up.

'I'm gonna tell Dad,' yells Dane.

'Go on. You love garage sales.'

'I'll tell Mum.' Dane isn't so loud, now.

'Tell 'em both why doncha?'

Dane hates sitting in the car too. He won't tell.

Big drops of rain start to fall and Dane's face gets wetter and snottier. Chloe shuts the curtains and turns on the light. In her diary she writes down what she's found out about webs and water, and adds to her list - one dead animal and one saved. Even stevens.

She'll let Dane in when she hears the car.

Celeris 05-07-2007 10:22 PM

The topic is titled Short Story. Keep working on the lizard story thingy...

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:26 AM

here's a new one for a contest I am trying

Silent Love
No matter what (im not sure about the title...suggestions? also thought of Silent love)

From the very beginning, the girl's family objected strongly to her dating her boyfriend. Saying that it has something to do with the family background and that she will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.

Due to family's pressure, the couple quarreled very often. Though the girl loved the boy deeply, but she has always asked him: "How deep is your love for me?"

The boy was not very good with his words. This often caused the girl to become very upset and with the family's pressure, the girl often vented her anger on him. As for him, he would endure it in silence.

After a couple of years the boy had finally graduated and decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving though, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you and if you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round but will you marry me?"

The girl accepted and with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. So before he left, they had gotten engaged.

While the boy was overseas the girl went to work in society. They exchanged emails and phone calls to confess their love to each other daily. Though it was hard neither of them thought of giving up.

He sent her a present for her first birthday alone, in a pink round box there was a lovely belt he had bought in one of the stores near his University. It was special, such a luxurious item and a card that read “Wear it when we meet again”, she was so happy that she treasured it for so long.

One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that she was badly injured and seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh. She had lost her voice...

The doctors say that the impact on her brain had caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.

During the stay in hospital, besides her silent cries... it was still just silence that accompanied her. Upon reaching home, everything seemed to be the same, except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart every time it rang. She did not wish to let her fiance know and didn't want to be a burden on him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer.

With the letter she returned the ring to him and in return, the guy sent millions of letters in reply, and countless numbers of phone calls.. All the girl could do was cry as she sat by the phone listening to it ring and watch the pile of unanswered letters grow.

The parents decided to move away, and hoped that she could eventually forget her sorrows and become happy once more.

With a new environment, the girl learned sign language and began to start a new life. She told herself everyday that she must forget the guy that she once loved. One day, her friend came over and told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what had happened to her. Since then, there wasn't any more news of him.

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:26 AM

A year passed and her friend returned one day with an envelope, containing an invitation card to the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered, when she open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.

When she was about to ask her friend about what wwas going on, but she saw the guy standing in front of her instead. He spoke to her using sign language and told her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You." With that, he slipped the ring back onto her finger. The girl finally smiled, that day she wore a white dress embroidered with beautiful flowers her mom had made for her, but the best thing was the belt she was wearing. The one he had given her long ago and she still secretly kept waiting for the day she would be able to wear it for him.

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:45 AM

Another entry ^^

Do you believe in love ?

"Do you believe in love?" he asked me.

I looked deep into his hazel eyes that revealed so much more than he thought. I knew the next few minutes would unravel so much mystery for him, although it may, perhaps, become our undoing.

"Well that depends," I told him in a hushed voice, "on what kind of love you are thinking of."

"Is there more than one?" he questioned me. For a man so complex, he had lived his life so simply.

"Well that depends, on whether or not you believe in one-sided love." My heart began to pound because it knew that this conversation had reached the point of no return.

"Wouldn't that be called infatuation?" His eyes searched mine for an answer. But the stormy gray eyes I possessed had too long hid my true emotions to give him a hint.

With a deep breath, I continued.

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:46 AM

"There's a huge difference between infatuation and one-sided love. Infatuation is obsession. It's completely immersing yourself in a superficial relationship that can never come true. Now one-sided love, well, it's one of the most painful experiences that a human can feel."

"What do you mean?"

"This kind of love is given wholly, without a selfish thought. It's a kind of love that radiates off a person. However, the other cannot feel the love. This love is unreturned. And trust me, you'd give anything to at least have your love acknowledged."

The storm in my eyes had finally cleared, and after years of silenced cries, he saw the truth. He saw the love.

His eyes were puzzled at first. Perhaps, wondering how I could have bared all those years. Or maybe, for the first time, he could acknowledge the emotions pouring out of my soul, begging to be let into his.

He opened his mouth to speak, but instead, his eyes watered over and a look of realization spread over his face.

Slowly, he touched my cheek with his hand. I had imagined this scene so many times. Could it possibly be coming true?

As if it were fate's intention, his face made its way towards mine. My eyes locked onto his lips as they drew nearer. For a brief second, I blinked and glanced up at the same moment he did. In that moment, an entire universe collided, and my world came to a spinning halt.
He covered my shoulders with the sash I was carrying because it was a cold night under the starry sky..

And as if it were a dream, our lips met. Words became unnecessary. He silently told me, "I love you too."

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:49 AM

And the last one :

The surprise

It was 1953 I was stationed on the Island of Midway and my wife was in Honolulu, Hawaii. I received Christmas leave to visit her for a few days but she did not know I was coming and did not have a Christmas Tree. We were poor at those times and on Christmas Eve, none were available at a price I could afford. I knew how important it was that for her because it was our first Christmas…a moment we would remember forever…

I walked to the local Sears Store and saw a small store artificial tree. I asked if I could borrow it and return if after Christmas. I had very little money, but offered to leave one of the most precious things I had from my mom, an old hair pin in shape of roses she had given to me as a souvenir and some military ID. The department manager declined, but I went to the store Manager and he allowed me to borrow it.

I walked the mile and a half, carrying this little tree out in front of me, so as not to damage it, to our little apartment.

Trinitydoll 05-12-2007 03:49 AM

She wasn’t waiting for me there, I left the tree in the hall…knocked at her door, she was wearing an apron, her hair was a mess and she started to crying in joy…

I looked at my young wife, hugged her and whispered in her ear…

"You are, have been and will always be, my one true love. We were young when we met not ready to settle down yet. We were the best of friends, did everything and went everywhere together, you and I. We are inseparable. I loved you more and more daily. I am not sure what made us realize the connection, what made us take the chance on taking the love we had to the next level. I am still not sure why but was oh so glad we did… I had never felt any love so real so whole. It is truly mind, body and soul. I would do anything to make you happy, I will do my best everyday to see a smile on your sweet face…"

I gave her a tender kiss and a loving caress…

We had a Christmas Tree for the short holiday. I returned to the store after that, gave back the small tree and returned home. I put the hair pin on her head as a symbol of my love. I know my dear mother would be happy that her hairpin made our family so happy on such a special day. I was certain she was watching us and smiling from heaven.

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