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Seito 07-16-2007 08:10 PM

Checkmate (Round Robin Thread) Character list
Yeah. This is our character design and help thread for our (me, Aliena and Kyonki) round robin thread. We didn't know where else to put this so yeah.. >> move this if this in violations of anything.

Anyways here's ]the Round Robin Thread

Okay~ >>
We'll be discussing stuff here. x3 Thank you![/url]

Seito 07-16-2007 08:10 PM

Only cause I know we're gonna have TONS of Characters. xD So yeah. Here's a little list to keep track of them. *shrugs*

Number: Name: Rank: (Tarot Card Number and Card)
1: The Master Rank: XXI. The World
2: Black Angel AKA Black Rank: XVII. The Moon
3: White Angel AKA White Rank: XIX. The Sun
8: Asho Rank:XV. The Devil
14: Tsu Rank: XIV. Temperance

Rank: Name, Title

King: Kai, The Air God
Queen: Hotaru, The Angel of Life and Death
Knight (Up to ten)
1. Seika, Snow Princess
2. Ita, Flame Prince
3. Russell - Knight - the Truthseer
4. Jonathan - Knight - Chameleon

Bishop (Up to 16)
1. Arashi, The Storm King
2. Mathis & Dunn - Bishops - the Messengers

Rook (Up to 19)
1. Riku, The God of the Cosmos
2. Chi, The Daughter of Nature
3. Vienna - Rook - Lady of Thermics

So Yeah... x3 Just to keep track of all the characters an all... hehe... *sweatdrop* I'll update it as we go along with the story okay? ^^

Seito 07-16-2007 08:39 PM

Seika -Knight - The Snow Princess - Has the ability to control, create, and shape snow/ice. Choice of weapon: Two katanas. Seika perfers not to use her magic since more of it covers a wide range (the ablity to create snowstorms for examples). She's know Queen Hotaru since they were kids. She's kinda short tempered and Ita loves to tease her.

Ita - Knight - The Flame Prince - Has the ability to control fire! Choice of weapon: unknown. Ita adores Seika. Practically everyone in the kingdom is waiting for the marriage annoucement. He's stronger then Seika (and is her teacher for that matter)

Kai - King - The Air God - Has the abilty to control air~ xD A light hearted guy who likes to have fun and sit on clouds. Loves Hotaru to death.

Hotaru - Queen - the Angel of Life and Death - the Kingdom's best healer... and killer. Hotaru has the ability to heal a person or kill them with her hands. Choice of weapon: threads and a giant scythe. Her personality is a little two sided. Her eyes get a blue hint when she heals and a red tint when she kills or is angry. ^^;;;

Arashi - Bishop - the Storm King - Kai's cousin who is like a clone copy of him in so many ways. A troublemaker, Arashi has the abilty to create storms and shoot lightning.

Seito 07-16-2007 08:45 PM

Riku - Rook - The God of Cosmos - the second youngest of the all of the Chess members. Not much is known about his magic other then it seems to be tied directly to the Cosmos (like the sun, stars, planets). No one knows exactly how powerful the two youngest Chess members are. Riku's mood then to change on a drop of a dime and he looks after his younger sister, Chi.

Chi - Rook - The Daughter of Nature - The youngets of all the Chess members. Her magic seems to be unlimited and she has the ability to control anything in nature. She lacks control though and Hotaru foresee her to becoming quite powerful. Chi speaks in third person. "Hello Chi is Chi!" and is a bouncing hyper girl who is always looking to play.

Seito 07-16-2007 09:48 PM

Black Angel - Number 2 - The Moon - The most powerful person in the entire Number aside from the Master. Her magic is the ability to control the shadows. Choice of weapon: A gun with endless combinations that could easily blow off the top of a mountain or be so soft that the person will have only thought they were pinched instead of shot. While she is quite cold hearted, she does have a certain spot for certain things and people... like Asho for example. She still won't hesitate to kill you though. ((Asho believes it was due to Master's corruption that Black is the way she is and that if The master hadn't interfered Black would be a really nice person. But that's just Asho thinking, no one knows for sure)). Black seems to have a connection with Seika, the two having met and battled far too many times.

White Angel - Number 3 - The Sun - Black's sister though she doesn't remember anything. She's a happy girl with the urge to kill. Choice of Magic: Unknown Choice of weapon: a double edge sword.

Asho - Number 8 - The Devil - The newest member and one of the purest. He prefers not to kill and is still deciding which weapon he would like to us. His magic is the ability to read people's souls. He can see into their memories and tell if they're lying or telling the truth. He seems to like Black alot.

Seito 07-16-2007 11:31 PM

Tsu - Number 14 - Rank Temperance - Tsu is one of the older members and somehow hasn't been fully corrupted yet. Tsu has silver fox ears and tail, but hasn't told anyone how she got them. Choice of Weapon: Single katana. She has a sister somewhere. Magic is unknown. Tsu is laid back. She prefers not to get involved. She much rather see the events fold out for themselves instead of getting involved with them. She's closed friends with Black. Tsu's family style is Sun and Moon.

The Master - Number 1 - The World All we're gonna say is that Choice of Weapon: Unknown Choice of Magic: Blood/Body Magic. He has the ablity to shape his blood into anything. (of course this is dangerous because he can die of blood lose) and the ability to change his apperance. His history lies with Black and White.

Seito 07-16-2007 11:59 PM

That's all my characters at the current moment. *nods*

Yeah *nods*

Hmmm I guess... is anyone planning to create a character for the numbers?

Aliena 07-17-2007 02:26 AM

Heh Russell has the same gift as your Asho!

I'm planning on creating some Numbers characters too. For now, here's who I have (and some I'm planning on introducing as well):

Vienna - Rook - Lady of Thermics - has control over thermal energy - can't create fire or ice out of nothing, but can take existing matter and affect its molecules, heating or cooling it. She's a very serious young woman who usually ends up trying to do things on her own even if she could use the help. Somewhat of a leader - she has that sort of authoritative personality that causes people to defer to her quite a bit. She's so work-minded, she has little time for affection and relational stuff.

Russell - Knight - the Truthseer - cannot read minds, but can determine if someone is lying or not. Used often in ambassador type missions A woman named West used to be in this role, but abruptly left without telling anyone why. Russell took her spot. A remarkable actor in life, his truthseeing skills have taught him the opposite - how to lie efficiently. He's got some sort of agenda he's keeping secret from everyone - even Kai and Hotaru don't know what he hides (and neither do you yet! ^_^). Hates Mathis, has a thing for Vienna.

Mathis & Dunn - Bishops - the Messengers - twin brothers with a telepathic link to each other, so they're able to keep in constant contact and are often used on missions for communication purposes. They have the same face, but the similarities end there. Mathis has short dark hair, glasses, is very conservative, and usually in a bad or sarcastic mood. Not a people person at all and he feels his position is...cheesy. Dunn, on the other hand is happy, fun-loving, usually not serious, loves the ladies, and is proud of his position of messenger. He wears his hair dyed electric blue (because he thinks it gets him noticed much more) and long (usually pulled back). He's sometimes not the most reliable since he prefers to play rather than work. Mathis is the only one who sees through Russell's act, and is convinced he's hiding something.

Jonathan - Knight - Chameleon - his ability is tied to his visual cortex in his brain. If he is able to see a person, he can shapechange into that person. If his vision is taken away, however, he's powerless. Big guy, dark skinned, golden eyes. Usually laid back - too much of a risk-taker, sometimes goes against direct orders because he thinks they're too ineffective.

Have a few more I might add, but I need to kind of see if I really want to or not.

Seito 07-17-2007 02:30 AM

Yeah. xD aint' life great.

Okay. Just making sure
cause like the Numbers are actually a real organization that I created, so I have actually the entire cast 1-21 that we can use if no one makes characters for them. ^^;;;

Aliena 07-17-2007 02:42 AM

Numbers kingdom:
(hope I do these right - I don't know tarot!)

Solarr - Justice - Solarr is an older man and is kind of a unique person. He lives opulently in a huge mansion with servants and is the person people are sent to when The Master wants them to disappear for good. Solarr is not fully good nor fully bad. He invites a person in and wines and dines them, drugging the wine. The person will then wake up later, deep in a cavernous dungeon area with his head shaved, wearing nothing but an ill-fitting pair of trousers, a key around his neck, and his "crime" tattoed on his face. The key is supposed to unlock a secret door leading to the exit, though none have found this door up til now. Should anyone find it, they will still be forever branded with their crime upon their face. Solarr believes that what he is doing is right. Is a strong believer in fate and destiny and will sometimes withhold certain knowledge in order to see how destiny plays out. His magic is the ability to see a person's past or future by looking into their eyes. His weapon of choice - dagger tinged with the same drug he puts into his guests' wineglasses. He's never had any female prisoners.

The Woman in White (name unknown) - The Empress - entire body is covered in white garments, from head to toe and she wears a mask over her face. Incredibly ruthless woman, doesn't have an ounce of niceness in her. Magic skill - can issue a kind of shockwave or pulse from her hand, usually knocking people out. Weapon of choice - pulse scepter (pure white, of course). Focuses her innate ability and makes it even stronger.

(These guys kind of fall outside the ranks anyhow, but they live in Numbers. Maybe they'll be some of the cards...I don't know yet!)

Fahd - Leader of "The Brotherhood," a group of men who believe that everyone with an innate ability has the ability to have them all. And they devote their lives to seeking out innates and recruiting them and training them to unlock their full potential. Kind of a rough group - The Master covets their training methods, but Fahd and his men aren't ready to share anything with the government or any type of organization, so they lay low. Fahd's actually very cheerful, calls people "my friend" when he speaks to them, but can turn deadly in an instant (still with a smile). Has a very unique set of morals - like Solarr, he's a good & bad person all rolled into one. Uses a rapier when needed, though he's actually more of a magic guy.

Sorry for being so longwinded on these! Just want to get them in this story since they're (the men) two of my favorite guys from my story world they're from.

Again...may add some new ones too! I need more girls!

Kyonki - feel free to make up some of your own too.

EDIT - Seito - I got my chess characters from my Polaris organization. They're the same except they are classified by the zodiac rather than chess pieces.

Seito 07-17-2007 02:45 AM

Aliena needs more girls!
and that's okay longwinded is good.
means more gold!

Aliena 07-17-2007 02:49 AM

What's the setting like, technology wise?

Seito 07-17-2007 02:52 AM

Hmm I figured they're pretty advance. No cars though.

And I figured everything is fueled by magic.

Kyonki 07-17-2007 04:56 PM

I don't have any characters yet, so I guess I'll be using the once in the RR now. xD;

Seito 07-18-2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aliena
EDIT - Seito - I got my chess characters from my Polaris organization. They're the same except they are classified by the zodiac rather than chess pieces.

Oooo awesome. x3

And you're doing the tarrot cards just fine~ x3

Seito 07-20-2007 10:31 AM

the list has been updated. x3
However we have realized that Aliena's Number characters don't have number ranks. x3 So what would you like to do, Aliena? Just randomly assign them one?

Kyonki 07-23-2007 09:08 PM

Kyo the Protector - Knight - hot-tempered, loud, not afraid of saying what she thinks, is the type that Kyo is. She'll do what she has to do, with all her might. Kyo never goes anywhere without her longsword, to be prepared for anything anywhere, anytime. It's not much, but she has some knowledge of the fire element, and can use it sometimes.

I decided to create a chara. >_<

Seito 07-23-2007 09:15 PM

*chuckles* another fire user!
Ita and Chi are gonna get along with her just fine~

Kyonki 07-24-2007 06:56 AM

ohoh I'm glad to hear that! XD sorry for taking so long, I'm writing my post right now. >_>;

Seito 07-24-2007 07:23 AM

it's okay ^^
can't wait to read it

Kyonki 07-24-2007 07:28 AM

yay managed to finally post now! XD

Seito 07-24-2007 07:55 AM

I just read it
I'm updating right now
Anyone you were hinting at who was watching seika?

Kyonki 07-24-2007 08:02 AM

weeh! XD

I was thinking of Dunn, because of Alienas post. -nodnod- xD

Seito 07-24-2007 08:03 AM

Well then I can go ahead and move to a commuciations with Black again. xD

Kyonki 07-24-2007 08:10 AM

Aha, alright. xD

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