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sweet..tooth 08-19-2007 01:23 PM

Forbidden Love [Accepting]
What hapens when a Forbidden child... Falls in love with a Forbidden angel?


Earth, mostly. But if a Person falls for an Angel, then it would go to the other world, the land of dreams. If A human falls for an angel, then it goes to The land of the dead.

Obviously, the relationship between races will be forbidde, so they must hide their love or fight for what they believe.

Like most RPs, this has rules.
.. Don't kill off another charicter, unless, you have spoken about and agreed that it's what should happen ..
.. No text speach. It may b tempting, but it is rather hart to understand and also rathr annoying ..
.. There will be relationships, but no.. well, you get the picture ..
.. No oulgar language, mild words are ok, i guess, but no sevear swearing ..
.. Have fun :) ..

Charicter profile--


Fill it in and post it in the thread please.

Name- Hope.
Age- 18.
Gender- Female.
Race- Angel.
Personality- Kind and loveable. Hates demons, but does not dislike humans. Shy and nervous.
Weapon- A single sword by her side
History- Her entire family was killed ina car accident when she was five, sicnce then, she has been positive demons did it, so she hates all of them. One day, she wishes to get revenge on their race.

` Ebil 08-21-2007 06:15 AM

Name-Bella call her
Stormy for short

Personality-Nice , kind , shy
Weapon-A long single blade sword
History-Stormy gets her name from her temper her original name was Belladona but a past event she change her name to stormy. Stormy hates the mushy stuff they so call love and does not believe in it she was a only child growing up. The night of her graduation party she was killed along with her parents in a car accident. From then on she does not remember much other than she was appointed a angel and her parents fallens and sent to hell.

SonicSweeti 08-21-2007 02:06 PM

May i join your RP ^.^?

Name- Hikari
Age- 18
Gender- Female
Race- Angel
Personality- very shy, loves to be on earth and loves to fly through clouds. never been in a relationship before, is often alone and very distant. very friendly though but extremely cautious of other people and creatures. she loves to sleep in trees and loves to swim.
Weapon- a knife on her thigh
History-family was murdered by demons and is very cautious of other demons. doesn't know of any other angels in existence other than herself.
Other- ?

Hatch 08-21-2007 02:45 PM

Yep...with all these people I got to find out what's going to happen. If you don't care that is.

Name: Syn
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Personality: Hates Humans and Angels, wants nothing more than to see them eradicated. Loves to make both's lives miserable when and where he can.
Looks: Short cropped red hair and purple eyes, his ears are long out to one side and he wears a black uniform and black knee high boots that buckle instead of lace. ((pic to come soon))
Weapon: Ebony short sword kept on his back
Other: Full name is Synful Eden, but he dispises it, so he shortened his name to Syn.

chibi_glitter 08-22-2007 12:37 AM

I'll join! (this is my first RP so i might be kind of bad at this)

Name- Aiko Tenshino (angel of love)
Age- 16
Gender- Female
Race- angel
Personality- kind, helpful, does anything for the one she loves, etc.
Looks- Long blonde hair, blue eyes, white feathery wings, and a white dress
Weapon- golden staff (shown in picture)
History- unknown for now.
Other- none.

sweet..tooth 08-26-2007 06:18 PM

((cool, you'l be fine ^.^))

SonicSweeti 08-26-2007 06:31 PM

Are we gonna start soon??? Im excited!! :lol:

Dust 08-26-2007 11:57 PM

Name- Emily
Age- 20
Gender- Female
Race- Human
Personality- Sarcastic and cynical. Introverted, but talkative. Intelligent, and she cannot stand for stupidity. Very judgmental of other people. She hates pretty much all people, and believes love is pointless.
Looks- Very pale. Hazel eyes. Short, choppy maroon hair. Extremely thin. Wears mostly dark colors and dark eye makeup.
Weapon- She has not one.
History- She lived with both parents, though they had a rocky relationship, particularly in her teen years. When she was eighteen, she moved into her own apartment. She now lives alone and goes to college, spending the majority of her time either studying or on her computer. She rarely goes out.
Other- That's it. I haven't roleplayed in a long time, so.. forgive me if I'm not all that fabulous.

Sanctuary 08-27-2007 03:38 AM

Name- Marr
Age- appears to be 19
Gender- male
Race- demon
Personality- Flirty and fun-loving. Mildly manipulative at times and slightly feminine. Rebellious towards any form of control. Highly intelligent and possibly a little insane.
Looks- Tanned with light blue yes. His pale blond hair is worn in a fo-hawk. He has black horns with lime green stripes that. His horns curl back from behind his pointed ears. He's well-built with a slender frame.
Weapon- Prefers hidden weapons such as daggers and is good with poisons.
History- Marr is fairly used to punishment, pain and imprisonment. He's caused large amounts of trouble where he has gone. He recently escaped a prison and is trying to avoid being captured again.
Other- n/a

Beast Dragoon 08-31-2007 08:23 PM

Charicter profile--

Name- Chaos Redfeild
Age- 19
Gender- male
Race- demon
Personality- jaded and funloving, the glass is half full
Weapon- a spear, the spear of langunus, and summoning powers
History- traned in the way of the spear and summoning, his demon partner Kalthulas is always with him in the form of a small orange cat, unless it is summoned
Other- he likes cats and people, not vary demon like

sweet..tooth 09-04-2007 04:22 PM

((Shall we begin soon then?))

Sanctuary 09-04-2007 10:48 PM

Yes please, I'm excited for us to start!

Yotsy 09-05-2007 04:07 AM

Charicter profile--

Name- Yotsuba

Age- Appears to be 21yrs; She's well over 400yrs old.

Gender- Female

Race- Demonic Origians/Neko

Personality- Intelligent, Morbid, Slightly Cocky, Overly Protective, Somewhat Nice once you get to know her, Her opinions often change so she's never exactly sure if she's on the side of good or the side of bad.

Looks- Long purple hair, slate blue eyes, Trim/Slender/Well Built, 5'10, approx: 168lbs

Distinguishing Marks: Black Neko Ears & Tail

Weapon- Silver Coated Claws {grow longer on demand} Katana

History- She is the youngest living descendant of the hell's throne. Her older brother Nagga doesn’t like her at all, and has made a pact with Shoujin to have her killed/murdered, so that he can take over the throne again, without any hassle from her. Shoujin is currently invested in Yotsuba and wants to know everything there is to know about her, before he has to kill her.

Yotsuba was cast out of the underworld, for being a demon princess with a heart for others who treated her right.

She is a very outgoing personality once you get to know her, though she does keep to herself when she needs time to think. She can be very aggressive and cold when pushed the wrong way and doesn’t take kindly to people treating her close friends with disrespect. Just like a lot of people she also hates to be told that she’s wrong. Though if she knows that she is/has been wrong she will try to fix things without anyone noticing.
She has the ability to transform into a small black neko ((cat)) with demonic wings and red claws. She’s not much bigger then a kitten when she’s in this form. This is a form that she tends to take very often, mostly because people don't recognize her that well. While in this form her agility is heightened and her speed is much faster. Because of that, she likes to use this form to spy, when needed.

She has the ability to create slender portal's that she uses to teleport from one place to another, she has since developed it to the best of her ability after several years of practice. This is her primary source of travel for long distances or escaping from foes.

Her favorite weapon of choice would have to be the katana that she is able to pull out of her steal plated claws. Her katana is standard size and doesn’t have any special markings on the blade, other then a rose etched on the right side closest to the hilt. The hilt is wrapped in crimson red over solid black with a small charm hanging from the top of the hilt. The charm is a small rose also, this one is special though. It was given to her by her father before her brother killed him. She has always called her sword, Crimson Rose. She uses her sword most when she is in battle, unfortunately she can't draw her sword when in her neko form.

Her blood is somewhat different from others. Being the type of demon that she is, her features caused her to have a semi acidic blood. When she is cut (or otherwise harmed) and blood comes out, it does not harm her, but others that are not demon can be harmed by it if it comes in contact with them.

She does have a problem that not many have seen, when her temper is messed with she changes, as in stage one through five, only able to inhabit one stage at a time. This is a very rare occurrence and she should be avoided when she's like this because she can't control herself.

Since she is the princess of the underworld, she was given a big black book that has a lot of ancient markings on it, and is covered in metal chains unless it's opened by someone the book likes. This book is called "The Book of Demonic & Black Magik" This is a very unique book, because it learns new things and adds them to the pages within. Any question you might ask it, if it isn’t there, it will be soon. Yotsuba uses this book a lot when she gets caught in a bind and can't do anything else.

She also has the ability to heal people. Though this isn’t the standard healing, if she likes you enough, she'll heal you, but at the cost of draining her own powers completely and she takes on your internal pain. When she's done this, in the past, she normally collapses onto the floor unconscious.

Yotsuba has developed the ability to telepathically move things or people, of small weight and talk to people, through her thoughts. She's currently working to establish a better control on her ability to move objects.

Other- Transformation {Small Black Cat ; Beast Form} Black Magik

Yotsy 09-05-2007 04:09 AM

((Goodness... that was a lot. Sorry~ I've had this character Bio forever. The character I created is nearly 5yrs old. You don't have to read everything about her ^^;; ))

Bleeding Rose 09-06-2007 12:03 AM

((okay i'd liek to join. but first, what is the difference between a person and a human?))

Mama Juru 09-06-2007 01:23 AM

((You also might want to resize the image in the first post since it stretches the page :) ))

SonicSweeti 09-09-2007 02:25 AM

Are we gonna start yet?? Theres ALOT of people already and were all excited ^-^

Sanctuary 09-09-2007 04:28 AM

Yah, I'm really hoping we start soon.

sweet..tooth 09-11-2007 04:06 PM

((Lets start then ^_^))

Hope purched on a beatuful blue cloud. Her mind was wonmdering as she thaught of all the things she gad done in her life. Every once in a while, she would have a serious think about all the things she done, and all the things she could yet do. Today was one of those days.
She slowly stood and began to drift, gently over to another cloud.

SonicSweeti 09-11-2007 10:03 PM

::Flying though a cloud I see a cat in a nearby park and go in for a closer look. I loved cats, and they seemed to like me alot. I perched myself in a tree, well hidden in the brush and watched the cat from a safe distance. My short brown hair flowed in front of my face is the fierce winds, I caught it and tucked it behind my ear and watched on in bewilderment.::

Yotsy 09-11-2007 11:15 PM

((I'm not exactly sure where we're starting, so if I need to change something later, I don't mind. ~Yotsy))

Yotsuba sat on the side of a small hill inside a park, her arms rested on top of her bent knees. The wind blew by her face, taking stray strands of her hair with it. She lifted her hand to her ear and forced the stray hair behind it. She looked out over the open park, watching everything that was going on around her. She was sitting by herself, she wasn't really into being around a lot of people. She was very distant when it came to meeting new people, she would rather sit and be quiet then rush up to someone knew and introduce herself. She let out a small sigh as her black neko ears flattened to her head. She was starting to become bored, nothing interesting was going on at the moment. It seemed like a normal day.

Her black neko tail swayed back and forth a few times from behind her before it fell onto the ground. Her tail had a mind of it's own most of the time, unless she was showing extreme emotion then it copied how she felt. She tilted her head up towards the sky and looked at the clouds pass by. Watching the clouds was somewhat relaxing, a faint smile appeared on her face as she let herself fall backwards on the hill and stare up at the sky. She'd laugh a little from time to time as she thought about what each cloud looked like. "...oh look. It's a rubber duckie!" She'd say as she pointed up at one of the clouds.

The Lost Girl 09-12-2007 01:32 AM

Name- Ester

Age- looks 16 (she's probably about 2,000 years old).

Gender- Female

Race- Demon

Personality- She is probably the nicest demon you will meet, she won't try to hurt you unless you start something, she's quite, and adventurous


Weapon-double Long swords

History- Being around for a thousand years gives you lots of time to practice with your swords, which is exactly what she did. She is the best swords fighter in the world. She has no family that she can relate to and no friends to speack of ( she has out lived all of them).

Other- She can control fire and can heal herself.

Ester walked out of the shelter that she stayed in for the night. She streched and walked to a near by pond and took a drink. She looked up to see a chipmunk, most demons would have made it their breakfast, but she just watched it, for she loved nature and it wonders.

Hatch 09-12-2007 01:45 AM

It was dark where he was. Synful sat alone, the tree's forked limbs holding his lithe body like a chair. His legs crossed and his arm resting on the limb beside him, eyes closed, and face resting against his fist. He wasn't in a particuarly good mood to say the least...he'd seen hide nor hair of any Humans or Angels for days...and he was getting restless. He cracked an amethyst eye and looked to the clouds...he hated the sun, he'd wanted to keep his eyes closed and stay in the blessed darkness...but the need for battle outshone the need for comfort..he thought once or twice he caught a glimpse of something..but readily dismissed it as a bird.

He was high enough rank for a demon...but put no stock in titles...Syn was the type of demon that had no pride in wealth, or women...but power, that was what he based his life around, Power and it's gain, to be the be the one to stand above all others..and make even the Heavens bow before him. He had yet to achieve his goal mind you, but then again, he was still enjoying the journey.

Dust 09-12-2007 05:13 AM

Emily sat alone in her little corner of the park, trademark Apple headphones blaring in her eardrums to block out any potential chatter. She had her laptop open on her lap and was typing away. She wasn't entirely sure what had possessed her to leave her dark, comfortable apartment, but she had decided to nonetheless. Occasionally a person would walk by, and she'd give them a slight glare accompanied by a half-assed smile before returning to her word document. She sat like that for quite awhile under several large trees, killing the hours of the day.

SonicSweeti 09-12-2007 10:24 AM

[ i need to get into the habit of talking in 3rd person ¬.¬']
::Hikari looked to her left, then her right. No humans were around and she flew down from the tree she perched from and laid in the grass beside the small cat that was playing with a beetle. She pet it; the poor kitten was so skinny. She knew she could do nothing for it; she didnt have the heart to kill another animal for another; she couldn't kill period. She didnt have any human currency, and she couldn't exactly stroll into a super market and buy cat food; her wings would be seen and she could be captured.
She lay on her stomach in the tall grass, he wings neatly folded on her back. The kitten mewed at her and she picked a cattail and played with her more. She seemed at ease and happy in the tall grass, just with this small creature. It was companionship.::

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