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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:14 AM

.: Changing Times :. [Vampire Lycan Demon Human][Open]
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...The times when vampire, lycan and demons only lived in nightmares and only appeared in the most dead of night are past. Vampires grow in number, demons grow in number, lycan grow in number. The human's continue to surive...

...The restrains that once held the monsters in the dark begin to break. Each beinging is alone. They band together into small groups for protection if they wish. Yet the human's continue strong and united...

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hinathyuga70 10-13-2007 11:17 AM


Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:18 AM

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-No cybering
-Swearing At Minimal
-Follow Menewsha Rules
-You can have romance, fighting, action
-Use ((Blah Blah Blah)) to talk out of character
-Use "Blah Blah Blah" for speaking
-Please don't use *Does Something* for actions
-No More Than Two Characters Per Person
-No Godmodding
-If You Want To Fight Ask The Other Persons Permission First
-Girls May Play Boys, Boys May Play Girls
-Add The Word 'Glass' In The Title Of The Message
-Both Hetrosexual And Homosexual Relationships Are Allowed
-If I Say Your Character Is Too Powerful, Tone It Down Or Stop

:!: Message Profiles To Me :!:

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:25 AM

Profile Skeleton
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Character Skeleton:


Menewsha Name:
Power (Only 1):
Weapons/Fighting style:

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:35 AM

Accepted Characters
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Menewsha Name: Windy Opal
Name: Zane Dracnos
Age: 22
Race: Lycan
Picture/Appearance: Zane
Bio: Zane grew up always knowing he was going to turn into a wolf, just like his da. When he did turn, his parents sent him to train under one of the leading lycan trainers, Mr. Marius. Here he met Ravenelle. Zane was shocked at how strong she was and soon developed a crush on her. He moved to the city a few months ago and got a job as a bartender at a club.
Power (Only 1): N/A
Weapons/Fighting style: Claws and teeth. Sometimes a knife.
Love: He loves no one, but has a crush on Ravenelle.

Menewsha Name:Windy Opal
Name:Ravenelle Marius
Picture/Appearance:Human form:Ravenelle Wolf Form: Wolf Form
Bio:Ravenelle was raised by her single mother and enjoyed her childhood. On the night of her fourteenth birthday, a strange man appeared claiming to be her father. Her mother told her the story was true and she was shocked. Not only was he her father, both he and she were werewolves. For the next few months, he stuck around waiting for her first change. When it happened, her mother sent her to live with him and learn about her new patterns. Now she's done with her training and out in the world.
Power (Only 1): N/A
Weapons/Fighting style:Claws and teeth in wolf form. She also carries a pistol and knife.
Love:None at the moment

Menewsha Name: Master Wild Mage
Name: Amaterasu Tera is just fine for those she likes.
Age: 20
Race: Werewolf/shifter (3 forms: human, wolf, and anthro-wolf)
Bio: When Tera was young there were very few pups in the pack and she managed to get close to only one. She then had to leave her best friend, Raven, when theirs fathers had fought to decide pack leader. Tera's father came out on the bottom and they left in shame to find another home. To remember her childhood friend she wears a feather that matches Raven's coat in wolf form. On their path to finding a new home her father became rather insane with the thoughts of his loss. He took out his rage on her resulting in the scar that runs from her left cheek to just above her collar bone. After the attack She knew there was no way that she could be safe where she was and then struck out on her own. After wandering alone for a while she found herself in Devil's playground. Tera is the kind of girl that would much rather live in the fantasy that she has created in her mind than the reality that seems to never want to go right around her. Bad luck seems to follow her wherever she goes and though she tries her hardest to keep a bright outlook for the horizon but she is often pessimistic. When she dislikes something/one she always tries to be nice but often every word from her mouth is dripping with sarcasm. When hurt she will always hold things in. Whether emotionally of physically she will show only what leaks through the wall she forms around herself in those situations.
Power (Only 1): Nothing other than the abilities of a werewolf. (improved strength speed and agility)
Weapons/Fighting style: Tera mostly uses her wolf and anthro forms when it somes to really getting into a fight but she isn't above hand to hand. She has been known to use knives/daggers a time or two.
Love: Tera is one that tries not to make ties to other people. It seems to happen to her anyway though.

Menewsha Name: CaRmEn.
Name: Jenn
Age: 23
Race: Skeleton
Picture/Appearance: [x]
Bio: Jenn grew up with her parents, they died in a car crash when she was 10. She lived with her foster parents, but her foster mother died. her foster father was an inventor, and he made a deadly potion. jenn drank the potion when her father wasnt looking, the potion then turned her into a skeleton.
Power (Only 1): she can freeze people.
Weapons/Fighting style: she uses a blade and a gun. her fighting style is hardcore i guess, she just keeps going until her oponit is dead.
Love: no one


Menewsha Name:Aya_san
Name:Aya Yoshida
Race:infected human (infected by vampire)
Picture/Appearance:Aya Yoshida (with red glowing eyes)
Vampire Form
Bio: She was wandering the forest on a dare, but got lost when she got bitten by a vampire and was left for dead. However, she regained consciousness and was like this ever since then.
Power (Only 1):Petal Slash
Weapons/Fighting style:Fans generate tiny petal-like pieces of particles that leaves the opponent with tiny but deep scratches that take days to heal completely.
Love: None at the moment

Menewsha Name: Sonjaluver474
Name: Crystal
Age: 17
Race: Human/elf
Picture/Appearance: Crystal
Bio: doesn't remember yet
Weapons/Fighting style: magic
Love: None yet


Menewsha Name: Gory Little Horror
Name: Amaya / Ami
Age: 17
Race: Vampire
Bio: Turned into a vampire at 13 she has few memories of her life before she was a vampire. She has mutiple personality. One will slays all that seems bad to her whether they are humans, vampires, demons or lycan the other will keep away from everyone or simple not make contact with anyone. She wonders a lot and is alone. Ami is outgoing, lustful and loves to be active and loud. Amaya is quiet, resevred and thinks before doing anything.
Power: To make people forget their memories.
Weapon(s): Sai (x3) and variouis poisons
Love: None at the moment

Name: Concinnity Blaise
Age: 47/107
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Two baby-blue eyes are set in a slightly plump ad red face - he looks like your average stereotyped geek, if a little more smartly dressed, and knowing the meaning of the word deodorant, in a business suit and tie - and emo glasses. Black hair, slightly greying, is pulled back into a little ponytail.
Bio: See, there was this vampire in need of an accountant, and, um... yeah. That's pretty much it. The portly gentleman rather enjoys his new life. Very few people bother him, for one, except when he wishes to be bothered.
Power: Telekinesis - up to about the size of a mug.
Weapons/Fighting style: A poison umbrella *and* pen. The poison incapacitates quickly, paralyzing the victim, but is not fatal. It wears off in approx. ten minutes.
Love: n/a

Menewsha Name:Edana Little Flame
Bio:She was born to two vampires and her twin brother is a vampire, but she has a dark secret...she was born with a disease that the doctors diagnosed as JUST PLAIN WEIRD...she was born a HUMAN! her brother fights this everyday, she is lonely and feels abandon. all her life her family lived a different one then her. she never got to see them because while she lived in the day they lived in the night. her brother would try to sneak into her room at night and wake her up but her parents would scold him. as they got older and her parents where killed her brother decided it was best to hide this little detail and she has been living her life as a vampire.
Power (Only 1):she has the sight of a vampire.
Weapons/Fighting style:she uses a two katana swords.
Love:none she is to scared of them finding out her secret.

Menewsha Name: Edana Little Flame
Picture/Appearance:Mateus ]Like this but with purple eyes, and hair is more white then blond.[/url]
Bio:Mateus usually trys to keep to him self and not get involved with other and there affairs. He has a twin sister whom has a dark secrete which he trys to help her hide. he believes that by keeping to himself he will be able to do this. his sister and him where born vampires so this is all he knows. secretly he longs to be human. he gets angered easily by people whom ask him to many questions or stair at him and his sister for to long, though he is an easy going guy.
Power (Only 1):he has the ability's of any vampire and he needs only to see you once and he will be able to find you any where.
Weapons/Fighting style:hand combat is his only style he believes weapons are to impersonal, he would prefer to have his oponites staring him in the eyes with there own fear stricken eyes and hear them begging for mercie.
Love: no time for that!

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:46 AM

Black, White And Warning List
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White List:

Warning List [3 Warnings Then Banned]:

Edana Little Flame [Warning One: Out Of Character Should Be In Double Brackets As Written In Rules]

Black List:

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:50 AM

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Open! [October 2007]
OCC Thread Here [October 2007]

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 11:54 AM

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Gory Little Horror 10-13-2007 07:15 PM

Amaya stood silent and still on the roof of the height building. She had wondered into a busy city, with considerablly heigh buildings. It seemed that there was life in the city 24/7. She smiled and rolled her eyes, no doubt she could lose herself here. However, being such a packed and lively city meant she couldn't simply step off the building without it causing a scene. She gazed around at the city her deep vivid purple eyes almost glowing in the darkness of the coming night.

Windy Opal 10-14-2007 07:53 PM

Ravenelle stood against the outside wall of a store and watched the people walk by. She shook her head and walked into an alley. This city was somewhere to lose yourself in. Somewhere, where the entire world didn't matter to the individual, unless it was violent. Cringing at that thought, she emerged on the other side of the buildings and made her way to her apartment building. "I hate apartments." She mumbled as she climbed the four flights of stairs to her apartment. Finally making it to her floor, she walked to her apartment, opened the door and flung herself on the couch letting the heavy door close behind her.

Aya_san 10-14-2007 09:54 PM

Aya walked through the city, face hidden in a full hood of a heavy cloak, keeping her warm in the slightly chilly wind. Keeping her eyes on the ground, she weaved expertly through the crowded street aimlessly.

Windy Opal 10-14-2007 10:43 PM

Ravenelle pushed herself off the couch and walked to the window. She watched the people below her and the person in the hood who weaved through the crowd. "Intresting skill. I should learn it." She said stretching and then went back to her silent vigil at the window.

sonjaluver474 10-16-2007 08:54 PM

Crystal got up and walked around.She took on sip of her tea and looked around."My I need something new in my life." she said as she walked over to her window and sat on the ledge.It was raining outside and she was not able to go outside and hang with her friends.She looks and adn see her mother in her room and telling her time for her magic training."I will be there in a minute mother."Crystal sighed and walked down to the ball room and sat down.

Aya_san 10-18-2007 11:35 AM

As she came to her destination, she looked around to see if anyone else followed, and closed the door silently behind her, shutting out the hustle and bustle of the city. Home sweet home... She sighed and went to her couch, her eyes glowing in the dim light. Suddenly, she was aware of the precense of another human in the house. She stiffened, and took off her cloak, hiding her fans in the folds of her volumous clothing. A crunch on paper behind her alerted her to the intruder. Turning around, she caught the intruder by the neck and walked him/her towards the wall. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

Gory Little Horror 10-19-2007 08:56 PM

Amaya had made her way down the buildings fire escape steps. She jumped the last flight, landing lighting on the ground with a light 'Umm...' She walked lightly from the back alley and out into the main street. She hurled herself into the crowd, losing herself in the people around her.

She arrived at a large bar. It had double doors and bouncers at the entrance. She looked past down the street and saw a short line of people waiting to get in. She breezed past the bouncers giving each of them a gentle tap on the arm as she past. They weren't going to remember letting her through.

She sat at the bar, with a bored expression. The music was screaming out, wanting to be danced to. She stirred her cocktail with her finger lazily.

Windy Opal 10-19-2007 11:51 PM

Ravenelle looked around her apartment and sighed. There was nothing to do there. She longed to be in wolf form. She needed to be a wolf. Leaving her apartment, she ducked into an alley and into wolf form. Running through back alleys she made it to her favorite club. Turning back into a human, she walked in. Looking around, Raven saw all the usuals and a stranger. Walking towards the bar, she sat down next to the girl and the bartender set down a glass of water in front of her. Looking over at the dance floor, she wandered how to start a conversation.

Gory Little Horror 10-20-2007 01:19 PM

Amaya closed her eyes with a small sigh, her body was begining to feel slightly heavier than before. She proped her elbow on the table and fell into what she thought was sleep...

Ami lifted her head up gracefully and opened her eyes. She looked at the woman sat beside her and smiled as she observed every feature of the woman that she could see. She turned her head to look at the spot the stranger was looking at and realised with a somewhat evil grin that she was looking at the dance floor. She turned her head back to the woman "Would you like to dance?" she asked just loud enough to be heard over the music.

Windy Opal 10-20-2007 08:26 PM

Ravenelle looked over at the woman. "Sure." She said nodding and flashing a smile. Looking over again at the dance floor, she got up and started walking towards it.

Gory Little Horror 10-20-2007 08:31 PM

Ami followed the woman just a few steps behind and slightly to her left. She giggled quietly as she walked "Why'd you come to a club if you were going to drink water?" she asked, refering to the drink the bar tender had oringally set in front of the woman.

Windy Opal 10-20-2007 08:36 PM

Raven smiled and blushed slightly. "I like to keep a clear head and I'm not quite old enough to drink anything stronger yet. By the way, I'm Ravenelle." She said with a wry smile.

Gory Little Horror 10-20-2007 08:43 PM

"Ahh I see." She smiled "I'm Ami." Ami knew how to be polite and subtle though was usually straight to the point. The fact that she was in a club was not going to calm her down anytime soon. "So Ravenelle, would you like to dance close, apart or with a man?"

Windy Opal 10-20-2007 08:47 PM

Ravenelle thought for a minute. "Don't care as long as its not with one of the guys in this place." She said smiling. Some of the guys glared at her and she glared right back. "For some reason, they don't like me much."

Gory Little Horror 10-20-2007 08:52 PM

Ami glanced at the men noting each of their looks with minor surpise. She raised an eyebrow and turned her attention back to Ravenelle, her bright smile still on her face. "Well, I guess I'm the lucky person that gets you tonight." Ami took a step closer to Ravenelle and placed her hands on her hips.

Windy Opal 10-20-2007 09:04 PM

Ravenelle smiled. "I guess so." She swayed slightly to the music and took the last step that was separating her from Ami. The animal in her was winning and she didn't care one bit and it showed in her eyes.

Aya_san 10-20-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Aya_san
As she came to her destination, she looked around to see if anyone else followed, and closed the door silently behind her, shutting out the hustle and bustle of the city. Home sweet home... She sighed and went to her couch, her eyes glowing in the dim light. Suddenly, she was aware of the precense of another human in the house. She stiffened, and took off her cloak, hiding her fans in the folds of her volumous clothing. A crunch on paper behind her alerted her to the intruder. Turning around, she caught the intruder by the neck and walked him/her towards the wall. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

"Aya.. it'" A familiar voice rasped, clawing at her hands. Registering Brendon's voice, she quickly let her friend go and stumbled to the couch.
"Dear god, Brendon... don't you EVER barge into my place like that next time..." If you do, there won't be a next time...

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