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doglover0027 10-13-2007 03:14 PM

Most saddest book you've ever read
The most sadest book i've ever read is called 'waiting for sarah' It's about a boy named Mike. He loses his mom, dad, and little sister in a car accident. He was the only one in the crash that didn't die. He got his legs amputated. He got sent to live with his aunt. About a year after the accident he goes back to school and has to do a report for the school year books 50 anniversry so he could get out of history class. One day this 8th grader sarah comes along to help him and he's really mean to everyone mostly her. One day after they had become best friends and everything, he walked into the room the works with sarah in when he sees her crying, blood all over her, her ripped clothing. She runs out of the school grounds. Mike goes looking for her but then runs to the principal. He says there was no such student enrolled there. So everyone thought he was going insane because he knew she was real but no one else ever saw her. Then on new years eve he looks at a school newspaper from 1984 and sees she got murdered on december 17th 1984. The day he last saw her was december 17th.

for the rest of the story you might just wanna read the book. so discuss what the saddest book you've ever read was. you don't have to write a super long recount like this but yeah.

Lady_Solange 10-13-2007 03:40 PM

The saddest book I've ever read would have to be the novel for the Rugrats movie. It sounds silly bt it was one of the first books that made me cry.

Melangell 10-13-2007 03:43 PM

The saddest book I can remember reading at the moment would be Were the Red Fen Grows...I sobbed thru the last couple of chapters when I read it a couple years ago.

doglover0027 10-13-2007 03:44 PM

Well i've read Were the Red Fen Grows. yes it is very sad and why would the Rugrats movie novel make you cry? is it because of the part about chuckie and him not having a mom or whatever?

fallenangel112705 10-13-2007 06:55 PM

i don't nkow if its the sadest book i've ever read but A Corrner of the Universe is prety sad and so is a Child Called It

Sparkle 10-13-2007 07:07 PM

Oh, that's a tough question. I think it would be a book called Baby. It's the story of a little baby that gets abandoned by it's mother and the family that takes care of the baby. It truly is a sad book.

doglover0027 10-13-2007 08:03 PM

It sounds really sad. I've read many sad books besides 'waiting for sarah'.

Larele 10-13-2007 08:22 PM

The one book that has brought me to tears is Black Beauty. It is depressig to know how badly people treat innocent animals. )= That horse went through a lot. Sometimes its possible to jut thnk and place yourself in their position, how would you feel? At least though he met a kind person.

Rabid Ice Weasel 10-13-2007 08:25 PM

Where the Red Fern Grows. You have NO IDEA how hard I cried. In class. <_<

doglover0027 10-13-2007 08:29 PM

Black beauty is super sad. i know Where the Red Fern Grows is sad

Larele 10-13-2007 08:39 PM

Yeah. )=
Oh, I've heard of Where The Red Fern Grows, but I've not read it..any good?

doglover0027 10-13-2007 08:41 PM

Yeah but it's also incredably sad.

xnarnian 10-13-2007 08:48 PM

Where the Red Fern Grows is a really sad book! D: Another one is Tuck Everlasting. Both the book and movie is sad. D:

Smiley160 10-13-2007 10:48 PM

i havent read any sad books latley but maybe i should they sound real interesting and i see people talking about sad books all the time and i can never say i have read a sad book

Demikkusu 10-13-2007 11:43 PM

One of the saddest books to me is New Moon. I couldn't handle it when Edward left. I think I felt almost as heart broken as Bella. But I cried during almost every sad part of the Twilight series. I get so into those books, it's like I'm there.

o O

DreamyMimi 10-14-2007 12:46 AM

Well, I haven't read any sad stories in real life I read one sad ones on the iternet I hope that counts its called What I Did For Love you should search it up on Google theres more sad stories on that web but I just read that one its long so yeah. Anyway its written by a women named Val seeking for love I cried at the very end. By the way if you do plan on reading that on the iternet click the first link you see its probably that one

Jimpi 10-14-2007 03:05 AM

I see alot of people said Where the Red Fern Grows. And I gotta agree, that IS a REALLY sad book. We read it in class and the whole class was in tears! This one guy was passing out tissues. I get sad just thinking about it... *tear tear* I had to read it twice, once in 4th and the second time in 6th. Then we watched the movie both times... Why must they torture us???

doglover0027 10-14-2007 03:59 AM

I didn't have to read it in class i chose to read it.
It was sooooooooo sad.

AznBuNNiee 10-14-2007 04:02 AM

the book the made me cry SO HARD, was All Quiet on the Western Front.
Its about world war II and its on the german soldiers
point of view. its just so sad, especially how some of
them don't even agree with hitler at all.
T_____T those poor, poor men. i really really hate war.

Solitare 10-14-2007 04:07 AM

A book titled "Jacob I have Loved" and I can't remember the author. Its about a young girl growing up on a rocky island near Maine where the fishing is dying out. She feels rejected by her grandmom who is raising her and her sister as teh sister gets all the attention. Its a twisted ending and I loved it but cried all through the book. Her feelings are so well described and I found myself relating with her angst sometimes. :)

Emrysa 10-14-2007 08:39 AM

Cut - I could identify with the girl in this book when I was younger... there's just a lot of depression in teenagers. When we grow up we either harden ourselves to it or we let it eat us alive.

Mary, Called Magdalene. Most of us know the ending.
I don't consider myself Catholic, but Margaret George is such an inspired writer. She makes it very easy to really feel for Jesus, it's such a sad and human novel.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I don't really want to spoil anything but when one of the main male characters gets raped... it just kills me. I feel so horrible for him.

Syrinx330 10-14-2007 02:26 PM

I'd have to say the most depressing book I've ever read was Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

secretdae007 10-14-2007 02:44 PM

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It was really sad and I had tears in my eyes for most of the book (because I had seen the movie before reading the book). Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still was crying...

And of course, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows but that could be because I'm a big HP fan and didn't want to see the series end ^^;

Nahalethe 10-14-2007 06:15 PM

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. God, but that book depressed me.

Aylar 10-14-2007 06:52 PM

I cried over Where the Red fern grows. I read that in 5th grade and I was so sad after finishing it. I'm a huge dog lover so it made it even worse.

The saddest book I ever read would be Nectar in the Sieve. It took place in India about a couple who worked on a farm. The book just gets more and more depressing as the book goes on like her daughter has to become a prostitute, she loses a baby since there wasn't enough food and then in the next chapter suddenly their harvest is amazing. Also they lose the house to search out their oldest son only to be robbed and not be able to find their son. I love to read, and this was one of the only few books I had trouble finishing for school, when I had to read most of the book before the last day. 9th grade had a lot of depressing books, but this had to be the worst since it never seemed to have a resolution, it just got more depressing.

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