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whitebeast 10-20-2007 03:26 PM

(Kyoki-Hinote&whitebeast's RP) Naruto: Itachi x Sasuke A
Here we go! :D

Setting: oh-so-typical high school thing (direct quote from a PM with Kyoki) ^^;

Name: Itachi Uchiha
Age: 18-19
Gender: Sexually male, genderwise a mystery...
Bio: The perfect son anyone could ever have: top of his class, polite, sophisticated and ever so the gentleman. Despite so, has a tendency toward a stoic and lonely nature.
Other: He does occasionally grant his younger brother some kindness. More so than to his parents or his current set of friends.

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 03:34 PM

xD You didn't post a bio.

Should Itachi have killed their family or not? Hmm... You decide, you're playing him. x3

whitebeast 10-20-2007 04:01 PM

Posted a bio now!

No murdering please!

It would make things difficult!


Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 04:06 PM

Okay. xD Here's my bio...

Name: Sasuke Uchiha
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Bio: He's constantly trying to live up to his older brother's legacy. He wants to make his parents proud, mainly his father, but it seems that he'll never be good enough. He doesn't blame his brother for this, but he gets extremely frustrated sometimes.
Other: He's typically a loner, like his brother, and more tempremental. He can be polite when he has to be, but only then. His friend Naruto is opening him up a bit, and the occasional kindness he gets from his brother helps a lot.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 04:27 PM

There we go!

So it's HS setting.

We'll have it that Itachi's in his final year and he's waiting for his college exam results and like?


...Ohoho. Akatsuki. >D

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 04:28 PM

Okay... xD And Sasuke's a sophmore.

Akatsuki! <33 Deidara-sama!! -fangirls all over-

whitebeast 10-20-2007 04:34 PM


This should be fun!

...Do we have to discuss about the NPC assignments and how they're to be acted? So many versions of Fugaku and all. X_x;

Though I'm really fine and dandy with this.


Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 04:40 PM

Just... whoever needs to control them can. You'll probably get most of the Akatsuki, since they mainly interact with Itachi, and I'll get most of the Konoha nin, since they interact with Sasuke. Sound good?

whitebeast 10-20-2007 04:49 PM

Yeap. Okay with me!

...Who's the principal? 8D

Ooh Admin! We should decide?

Hmm. Perhaps along the way. We'll see.

But for now that's settled. I suppose we can trade or both have the parents depending on the situation?

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 04:54 PM

Yes, the NPCs will probably get transferred a lot. xD

The principal should be... Tsunade... xD Sound good?

Oh, and you get to make the first post. We can start in the morning before school, after school, lunch... whenever you want.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 05:06 PM

Sounds good!

After having his breakfast, Itachi excused himself from the table and began to check his bag. It was a force of habit to do so as he did not like to be caught missing requirements for a given activity and miss out. His textbooks were in, test booklets and notebooks.

Save his calculator which Sasuke had borrowed the prior day for his Algebra lessons on permutations.

He checked his watch and saw that he still had time to go fetch his calculator after all. The elder Uchiha sighed softly and turned for the door, determined to retrieve the gadget.

It was impossible - even for him - to calculate force and motion with angles involved manually.

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 05:11 PM

Sasuke excused himself from the table roughly five minutes after his brother, walking upstairs to his room to pick up his backpack, which was lying by his bed. Slinging it over one shoulder, he ran a hand through his messy hair and walked down the stairs towards the front door.

He was about to reach for the doorknob when the door opened by itself, hitting him in the face and causing him to let out a string of curses. Looking up, he saw his Aniki looking down at him, and he felt his cheeks reddening slightly.

"Why'd you come back in Aniki? Do you need something? We need to get going or we'll be late." He frowned, looking up at his older brother curiously.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 05:18 PM

The said older brother's lips turned up a little at the corners, a hint of a sly smile at the soft thud and string of curses that followed after.

"I have Physics today. I need my calculator."

So straight to the point he was.

Though he never ceased to enjoy seeing his younger brother looking so flustered in his presence.
Hence he took it upon himself one day to hide the boy's calculator so they could always have these awkward situations. At least not for him.

Where was the calculator?

Hidden in his underwear drawer.

And ocassionally in other places that Itachi was sure Sasuke would never think of checking.

Teasing the child was fun to do at times.


>>;; Whoops.

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 05:24 PM

"Oh, okay..." Sasuke dropped his bag on the floor, kneeling down to pull out his brother's calculator.

He sighed, standing up to hand it to his brother.

"I still haven't been able to find my calculator... Dad'll kill me if he finds out I lost another one... You won't tell him, right?" Sasuke turned his widened eyes up to his brother, silently pleading, something he'd never do to anyone else or in front of anyone else, ever.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 05:33 PM

He nodded, complying with the boy's demands as he accepted the calculator. "Of course, I won't. Besides, when I'm done with this semester's Physics you can have my calculator. Though I'll get it back should I decide my thesis might have surveys and questionnaires."

The look on Sasuke's face was priceless. It was so real and totally apart from the image of a cold child he wore around everybody. He knew that he was the only one subject to such a vision and he intended to make it so.

Smiling finally, Itachi couldn't help himself as he ruffled the boy's already messy hair and turned to leave, "Thank you. See you at school."

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 05:36 PM

Sasuke frowned, shaking his head to make his hair fall back into place. He had hoped to get a ride from his brother, but apparently that wasn't happening today.

He couldn't drive yet, his permit only let him drive with a responsible adult, and even then his parents wouldn't buy him his own car. Sighing, he picked up his backpack again and walked outside the house, turning to walk to school. He'd have to run part of the way to make it in time.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 06:02 PM

On his way to his room to fetch his bag, Itachi contemplated about how Sasuke would get to school. Once again he consulted his wrist watch and smiled when he heard the consecutive thump thumps and rushed door slam. The boy was definitely going to be late if he didn't hurry up.
It didn't help the sophomore classes were so far from the main gate.

At least Sasuke had his dose of exercise as he had.

The elder Uchiha bade his mother good bye, they had bumped into one another on their way out of the house and started the engine. His first subject was Economics.

Wonderful. His teacher was very, very...particular about attendance.

Who shall it be? Oo;;

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 06:08 PM

Sasuke ran most of the way to school, the trip made twice as difficult with his heavy backpack. Why did his school issue so many textbooks?

Cursing, he sped up, coming to a stop in front of the school gate. He had three minutes to get to his first class, on the other side of the school.

Taking off, he ignored the cries from the stupid fangirls, racing to the sophmore building. His first class was Pre-AP English with Iruka-sensei, and he couldn't be late.

He ran until he was right outside the door, took a deep breath, forced the exertion-induced flush on his cheeks to die down, and managed to enter and sit down in his seat just as the bell rang.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 06:23 PM

Itachi arrived in time, just a five minutes before the stubborn woman made her way through the front and took our her class list. He rose his hand, calling out present when his name was said. As it was alphabetically arranged, he was at the bottom of the list.

Kisame was late. Somehow he didn't want to know why the taller senior was late. He turned to his side, hearing Deidara who had a knowing snicker when the teacher grumbled while noting their common friend wasn't around during the roll call.

After which, she demanded for the assignments she had asked of the class. They had the rudimentary checking of the assignments and with that class officially started.

We can jump off or so from here if you wish. :3

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 06:28 PM

Sasuke's morning classes went well, as usual.

Sakura and Ino wouldn't leave him alone, Naruto was being an annoying dobe, and everyone else just ticked him off in general.

Kakashi-sensei was late for his own class, P.E., and the students all yelled at him for it.

He had some homework of course, but not too much, considering there were only three periods before lunch.

Soon it was break, and Sasuke grabbed the lunch his mom had packed for him, stepping outside. He spotted his brother eating with his weird friends, and then saw Sakura and Ino waving him over and screaming. Frowning, he considered his options. Eat with his brother and freaky friends or eat with stupid fangirls and his own dumb friends?

whitebeast 10-20-2007 06:37 PM

Hidan hissed angrily at having to lose yet another bet with Deidara. The blond happily chimed in as he waggled his fingers at the rest of the gang who owed him cash.
The artistically inclined one claimed that Kisame wouldnt' show up till lunch or later.
Most of who bet their money said that Kisame wasn't that of a slacker. Then to their surprise, the fish lover did come in late...very late.
Only Itachi did not participate in the bet. He was not into such parlor games and had managed to catch sight of his brother looking like he was having a dilemma.

Without thinking, he raised his hand at him and bade him to come near their table. As if his peers didn't even exist, he beckoned his brother near.

The Uchiha knew that Sasuke wasn't in his best of moods around his mates but... Oh well. Yet another memory to jot down that should be interesting nonetheless.

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 06:43 PM

Sasuke nodded to his brother. His brother was much better than the stupid fangirls. Well... Neji, Gaara, and Shikamaru were okay and Naruto was at the very least amusing, but Lee, Sakura, and Ino were really annoying.

Walking up to the table, he sat down next to Itachi on the crowded table, looking at his brother curiously. Why had Itachi waved him over?

whitebeast 10-20-2007 06:53 PM

Upon Sasuke's arrival the table was suddenly quiet and all eyes were upon the new occupant. Kisame with his half awake state smiled toothily at the boy and greeted him, "Hello Itachi's little brother."

Once the silence was broken, the rest resumed their usual. Kakuzu didn't have his lunch right away and was grumbling about decreased allowance. Despite that common etiquette said no money on the table, the former just didn't give a damn as he counted his money as he pleased.

The blond let out a laugh as he rested his chin on the back of his hands, "Soo..."

Itachi continued eating, quietly observing how his brother would be like with the crazy bunch. They weren't even "complete" yet as Pein and Kunan were busy with a paper that had to be submitted at the end of the day. Sasori wasn't about either.

Kyoki_Hinote 10-20-2007 06:56 PM

Sasuke scowled at Kisame. The stupid man knew his name, he just called him that to tick him off... Stupid shark.

Looking away from the man, Sasuke focused his attention on his lunch, munching on his apple coolly and staring at his brother out of the corner of his eye.

A painful silence that said huge amounts stretched between the two brothers as the rest of the group continued chattering and arguing.

whitebeast 10-20-2007 07:04 PM

The shark like man grinned, this time exposing his unnaturally sharp teeth at the sophomore, in response.

"Soo... Your name's Sasuke, mmm?" Deidara began to pour attention on the boy as he smiled. "You know who I am yeah? Does your brother talk about us when you're at home?"

And soon a barrage of rather embarrassing but probing questions ensued.

Itachi actually paused from his meal to look at the scene unfolding before him. Deidara... The Uchiha knew how terribly nosy the blond could get once he was interested. Uh oh.

He quickly interrupted when the blond paused to think of a follow up to "Does Itachi sing in the shower" by asking his own question.

"So, were you late for Umino-san's class, Sasuke?"

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