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Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:38 PM

Sons of Alacia
1. Index

2. Story
3. Rules
4. Profile Skeleton
5. Supporters of the Light Prince
6. Supporters of the Dark Prince
7. Opposition of a Male Ruler

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:39 PM


The kingdom of Alacia is still in it's youth as a governed land. Two or three centuries at most. But a few years ago the matriarch of this small land fell ill, and a new dilemma was brought to light. The queen's only children were two twin brothers, and with no female heiress, the kingdom's future seemed uncertain. Already the problem of a future ruler has been pressed into question, before their father has even passed. But the kingdom is divided, nonetheless. Some wish for the kind, political son to take the throne, some wish his violent, war-savvy counterpart to do so, while still others believe no man should have their throne.

If you didn't catch it, it's a matriarchal society. Meaning their is a single, female ruler, and woman are dominant to men.
Medieval Europe Setting
Magics, and other Races are involved.

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:43 PM


1. I am the Goddess of this RP...Roar
2. No chat-speak! Do it in OoC, that's fine, but not in your main post.
3. No God-modding! It's not fun to have someone kicking everyone's collective ass with auto-hitting, or have them control your character. So don't do it!
4. On that note..No killing anyone's character without their permission.'d be nice if you'd PM me about it. That way I can make some sort of note about it.
5. Romance-Fine. Cyber-Not fine. "You should know how far is too far."
6. Use something to separate OoC from the rest of your post. ((Examples: ((..)), {..}, [[..]], ect.))
7. If you have more than one character, please try to make it easy to tell who's who.
8. Once you finish your profile, PM it to me. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post it on my thread. Also, title it 'Brothers of Alacia'
9. Fun rule..If you didn't notice, this is a Medieval Europe setting. That means no Asian stuff, people! Oh, and no modern stuff, like our clothing or guns, either. Simple? Simple.
10. Alright, I don't know if it needs to be said, but I'm sayin' it. If you've any questions, please, just ask me. I'll try to answer you as best I can, but..I must warn you all. I suck at summarizing what's happened thus far.
11. And finally...this is an RP, so..try and have some fun with it, would ya? No need to be too serious all the time.

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:46 PM

Profile Skeleton

Name: (Character's name)
Age: (...No unknowns, nor anything too outrageous. Not sure. Ask!)
Gender: (Male or Female, pretty simple, no?)
Race: (First, If you've something odd, explain how it came about in you Bio. Secondly, if you've a racial mix, keep it down to two or three Races..and I want sane mixes, please! I don't think having a half-angel vampiric thing would work very well, do you? -.-)
Position: (Prince, noble, servant, civilian, knight, traveler. Also..I wish for there to be two adviser/guardians. Both are female, and there's one for each of the Princes. I'll take this out once it is no longer necessary.)
Alignment: (For Light Prince, For Dark Prince, Against a man on the throne...No neutrals!)
Powers/Magic: (Any natural powers? If you're a Mage, just tell what kind of Magic. Black, Red, White. Just be reasonable when using it. We don't need all-powerful Magic-users)
Brief Bio: (Stop! Take a moment and look back. Ya see that? Brief Bio. I don't want a novel here, people! you'll make the rest of us look bad..A paragraph or two, please. I appreciate the attention to detail, but sometimes we haven't the patience to sit and read it all, so we miss the important stuff.)
Appearance:(Picture or description. Note-if you make a description, please include the following: Eye color, hair color, hair style, skin tone, height(Don't need numbers, kinda tall, short..that stuff), build, clothing style, and anything else you'd like to bring to our attention.)

And yes, I do realize I put lotsa notes on this, but..I felt the need.

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:49 PM

Supporters of the Light Prince

UserName: Maelthra Seriso
Name: Riana Chalkara
Age: 152
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Dragon
Position: Adviser/Guardian of the Light Prince
Alignment: For Light Prince
Weapon(s): Scythe
Powers/Magic: She is a Red Mage, and, as such, she draws from both ends of the spectrum. She also can breathe fire, but..that is generally only embarrassing.
Brief Bio: She was born to a Female Dragon, her father being the Human in the mix. As such, she was raised to live, and eat, like a Dragon for the majority of her childhood. It was only about fifty years ago that her mother was killed, and she was left alone. Eventually she was taken in by a human, and taught how to live among them, but she has never gotten past her appetite, though she is now quite able to keep herself from attacking any humans, at least. Well...usually.
~Skin: She has an extremely pale complexion, and from a distance appears to have an unnatural shine to her skin, but upon very close inspection, one could see that her skin is composed of pale green scales that grow thicker and darker around the base of her horns, tips of her ears, her hands, feet, and the majority of her torso (this makes for very good armor).
~Face: She has very sharp features, and eyes that give of an air of nobility, and at times, arrogance. Her eyes have no whites; they are a greenish gold, with flecks of red and orange spread throughout. Her pupils are thin vertical slits, spanning the height of her eyes, and vary greatly in width depending both on the level of light, her focus, and her mood. Her thin lips are a bit darker than the rest of her face, giving the impression of green lipstick.
~Hair: Emerald green hair that flows smoothly from her high hairline, down to about knee height. Near the top of her forehead, two horns come up on either side and move back her head, curling slightly near the back of her head. These are generally assumed to be a hairpiece, save for the thicker and darker state of the scales built up around the base of each. One lock of hair is pulled back from the base of each horn and tied together in back with purple cord that is then braided with the locks, ending just past the rest of her hair.
~Clothing: She wears a simple black top, that is low enough in back to allow her wings to lie over it. Over this she wears a purple bodice with trailing ribbons. Her skirt goes just past her knees, with slits that start high at her hips, for easy movement. She also wears long, finger-less gloves that hide the darker, thicker scales of her arms. Every day she carefully binds her feet so that she can wear boots. These boots are, however, quite awkward looking, since they are large and baggy, and contrast greatly with the rest of her clothes. Lastly, she bears a necklace that depicts a silver dragon flying in upon itself, belching flames of ruby, bearing amethyst eyes and talons of sapphire.
~Other Traits: The majority of her forearm is a darker green, and, in the place of nails, each finger has a curved claw, about 1 ½” long. Just about as much of her legs are a darker green, and her feet end in four wicked claws, each about 3”, save for the innermost, which is about 1” longer. In addition, on the back of each leg, about ½’ up, a longer claw curves down to her heel, where it curls in only slightly. Riana’s wings are just like a dragon’s, save for their size. She has a wingspan of about 7’, but usually has her wings folded tightly to her back, hidden usually by a pack or cloak. She also has a tail, that, if allowed, would lie on the ground a little. This tail is very comparable to a whip. She is a bit tall, compared to human women, and of medium build.

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:50 PM

Supporters of the Dark Prince

Maelthra Seriso 10-20-2007 03:54 PM

Opposers of a Male Ruler

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