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Amo_Angelus 10-28-2007 06:18 AM

Music you shouldn't like...but do...
Alright, we all have music that we know we shouldn't like for one reason or another. For some reason it's embarressing to say that you like some music, well now it's time to fess up.

No one is allowed to belittle people for liking the music or hating to like it.

Who do you hate to love?

Spill the beans, here, I'll go first.

Britany Spears
I hate to love her because her early tuff is very tweeny boppers and her new stuff is what I'd class as too slutty for my tastes, but for some reason I can't help but love her music even though I hate most music of a similar style...

zumbie 10-28-2007 06:29 AM

I like hot hot heat. But other than that I listen to metal. Its kinda weird. >.>

Facade 10-28-2007 06:30 AM

Good thread idea. n.n
I'd have to say... Cher.
Her stuff is awesome. I haven't listened to it in awhile now, but ever since I was around 9, when I got a Cher CD for Christmas, I've loved her - heck, even before then, I loved her. :3
It's most definitely my guilty pleasure. ><;

` v - c h a n n. 10-28-2007 06:48 AM

o 3 o ; ; would anyone kill me if I said I liked Spice Girls? Lawl. ^ - ^ Well, I only like one of their songs.. ehe. n.n;;

I guessed I liked it 'cause it was one of the first songs I heard ... O.o;; I think.

Facade 10-28-2007 06:59 AM

Ironically enough, this girl in my Graphic Arts class likes the Spice Girls... I myself have never listened once to their music, so I can't say. :3

galy 10-28-2007 07:08 AM

i have to go with B-DAWG too
i like her last album

Mistress Aura 10-28-2007 07:14 AM

I've discovered that I like Connie Francis (I Will Wait For You, I think that's what it's called), and some other similar oldies like Skeeter Davis (End of the World) and Portishead (they did a cover of a song called Gloomy Sunday, dunno who the original band is). I also listen to classic rock such as the Rolling Stones (Paint It Black) thanks to my mother's tastes influencing mine. I just feel weird about it considering how I hate country and usually listen to punk-rock, rock, metal, classical (as in piano music and stuff like Ave Maria). I have very strange tastes.

@` v - c h a n n.: Lol oh boy do I sympathize with you, I've been ribbed for liking them. I can only remember one or two of their songs but I liked/still like them but you'd have to pry that confession out of me with a crowbar irl. >3< I only remember the title of one of the songs, Wanna Be. I swear that even after all these years I still have a couple lines from that lodged in cement in my head. 'If you wanna be my lover ya gotta get with my friends, make it last forever 'cuz friendship never ends!' or something like that, and the first part of the song where it's going 'Yo I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want' and so on and so forth. x3 I think they're the ones who made me interested in the English accent and made me think that the British flag is pretty. I soon learned the difference between the Southern flag in the US and the English flag and would laugh whenever an idiot here would mistake one for the other. xD Ahem. *Coughs* ^.^;;;;;

Mirei 10-28-2007 07:20 AM

N Sync. o___o;;
Hm... what else? Oh! Oh! I know~! Schnappi Das kleine Crocodile. xD [If you don't know what that is, you should look it up. <3]
A few of Britney's songs and that one song... "Hot in hurr" as I call it. xD

Astromantic 10-28-2007 07:27 AM

Taylor Swift and The Jonas Brothers. :oops:
I love them and my friends hate me for it.

Mistress Aura 10-28-2007 07:36 AM

Oh yeah here's another oldie that I like, Kidneythieves did a cover of Crazy, originally done by Patsy Cline.

..Woah. I just tried to look up that Portishead song, Gloomy Sunday, so I could see who did the original and I found a couple of strange post on some sort of bulletin board about it. Apparently it's older and creepier than I though it was. According to this Apricot person on the site, it's linked to suicides and such.
Site :
Look at posts #1 and #14 if you're interested. In post #16, Apricot also said that the bands Bjork and Christian Death also covered it. Further down the page, somebody called MidKnightDarkness said that Billie Holiday and Sarah McLachlan also covered it and commented that the Bjork version sucks. velvetoneo said that Tori Amos covered it too. Fascinating! I didn't know that there were so many covers of this song!! ..I still don't know who originally did it. >.> I believed someone on that site who said that it was a popular funeral song, after all I once considered having that playing at my funeral when I die.
..Uhh.. Sorry, morbid topic.

Aiyuuji 10-28-2007 01:59 PM

Tom jones....Lol im a really big fan of his.

And i liked britneys early stuff.

Akstar 11-04-2007 04:32 PM

...erm I normally have an extreme hatred for pop music, but I find myself tap to it if it has a good beat. Also I did like some of Brittney's old things not the new slut stuff....I still get how I even liked her in the first place let alone pop.

ElendarSilvermoon 11-04-2007 04:53 PM

I don't really have any music I'm ashamed of listening to. It's my taste of music and I'm damn sure of it. No questions there.

Zizia 11-07-2007 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Aiyuuji
And i liked britneys early stuff.

Same here.... x3
But now I listen to japanese music and have no prob with it... xD

Asahi Kumoru 11-07-2007 02:40 PM

I still like to listen to "The Macarena" sometimes outside of sporting events. I also actually have the version of it in Slovak done by Senzus - definitely not as ashamed of that one since it's fun to play for other people.

And another song I'm not /quite/ ashamed of loving is Buck Cherry's "Crazy Bitch". Reeeally catchy song, but not exactly something I can walk around singing to myself when there is polite company within 30 feet or so ^^;;

promised_forever 11-07-2007 03:25 PM

I like a whole bunch of stuff that some people would consider embarassing, but I don't really care. I like that my taste in music is different from other people my age.

Mattie 11-07-2007 05:26 PM

This is really, really sad of me, but I'm going to have to say, I was a big fan of Busted and S Club 7 in their time. xDDD Shame on me. >___x And I also love a bit of Will Young. Yes...I know.
My friend used to love the Spice Girls, she's wierd. xD She was really disppointed with their new song though, she said it was a really weak attempt at a come-back. I guess a lot of 'older' acts have been trying for come-backs, huh? I don't blame them, Take That's come-back was amazingly well received. x3
Now I'm just spraffing for the Hell of it...I'll shut up now. >__x

DreamEmpress 11-07-2007 07:51 PM

I listen to a lot of Black Metal and even though I hate screaming vocals like that, for some reason I enjoy the music. Also a lot of the bands tend to be very anti christ and some are even racist. So it is kind of hard for me to really listen to them and say I like a few bands (even though they may have hate lyrics). That is probably the worst I listen too.

Well as for genres or artist that seem out of toon to what I tend to like, it seems I enjoy artist like Pink and Common. Sometimes I even get into a lot of Pop music or the music that was on the Spongebob soundtrack. I am a little crazy when it comes to music.

lilaithia 11-17-2007 11:33 PM

I like most pop bands in various languages... but I would never admit it in person...

Lost Prophet 11-17-2007 11:57 PM

I love system of a downs music, although i hate all other music in a similar category, and i usually listen to trance, techno, rave, rap or RnB....

i dunno, just SOAD have some catchy lyrics i guess, and talk about things that are current in the world

Caroline 11-18-2007 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by promised_forever
I like a whole bunch of stuff that some people would consider embarassing, but I don't really care. I like that my taste in music is different from other people my age.

  • Yup. :3
    I think it's funny that most of the music I listen to is either obscure indie bands or mainstream stuff that everyone hates, haha.
    I LOVE Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. It drives some of my friends crazy, haha. I still listen to Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and M2M.
    Panic! At the Disco is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I really don't like the majority of Panic fans. >.>

delial 11-20-2007 02:30 AM

Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy

Yes. I LOVE THIS SONG!! Haha, and everyone makes fun of it, but ok, IT RULES! *dances to it*


NoteBook 11-21-2007 10:54 PM

beach boy :oops:

i listen to metal and screamo so really dont match o3o

Karine 11-22-2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwizzle
Taylor Swift and The Jonas Brothers. :oops:
I love them and my friends hate me for it.

i like Taylor Swift. x3
i like the sellout songs of Gwen Stefani, Nelly Furtado, and Avril Lavigne. >_O;;;; i wish i didn't though. They're just so catchy! *__*

[L]ove[H]ate 11-25-2007 04:54 PM

Britney spears...ya same reason as you.

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