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Chroma 11-09-2007 03:01 AM

Trials and Tribulations ♥ - AB BY LINAFACEEE YOO *__*;
Trials and Tribulations

Tea's first solo art-auction 8D <3

Yes, the title is named after a game I'm obsessed with >D

OHOHOHO, With much encouragement from JAAAAI to get this auction started..
and lovely support from Chipppuuu, I bring you this mediocre art auction >w<

With many exams and h.w. assignments...
I'll probably end the auction before a looong weekend so there's time for delivery! 8D
I hope this thread serves as a good way for me to chat and hangout with many! *___* <3

You will be bidding on a Waist-up with simple background~
or alternatives if you prefer otherwise 8D

Starting date: 11/9/07
Ending: 12/21/07 <--YES. Right before Winter break~
SB: 0g
HB: Queen crown + cloak set + 1k - By SangALee (WTF?! ILUUU <3 D8 )
AB: Gold clover hairpin + July + November set
September set + October set + July set + 1.5k :,D
-=SHOT=- It's supposed to be impossible 8D I don't want it to end yet :3;


= Bust-up coloured sketch
150g + = Waist-up Full CG with simple background
AB =
Knee up with simple background + bust up sketch? *__* <3

You can change around the offer(style, size, etc) into something equivalent, Just talk to me beforehand 8D

Thank you allll *^* <3

Chroma 11-09-2007 03:07 AM

Samples/Info 8D

Just to let you guys know before hand >w<

Will draw:
Ocs (<3)
Menewsha Avis
Humans please~
Males > females but both are welcome!

Won't draw:

Gaia avis - Unless it's EXTREMELY fashionable and simple >w<
Nudity, Anthro ( I wish I could), and such xD;

Sketch Samples~


Full CGs

LAWL, I hardly draw so there's not many samples~
But visit here [deviantart] If you really want to see moar :,DD;;

Thanks for seeing past this far! 8D

Chroma 11-09-2007 03:10 AM

Freebies section? 8D

Haha, Whenever I have time, I'll draw freebies for the following~

They will be sketches w/ some colour only, unless I find MAJOR free time :,D

♥ Frequent chatters - (Sylar Neenjar, Ari)
♥ First bidder or Anytime someone bids 500 above the previous bidder - Chippuuu (2), Anu, and Linaberruuu
♥People I loveee *__* <3 - You guys should know who you are

Haha, I'll get as many done as possible during weekends~!
Otherwise, They will all be finished the week after the auction ends :3


Sylira 11-09-2007 03:30 AM

Hihihi~ You should've told meee~

Chroma 11-09-2007 03:35 AM

Haha, I was hiding xDD
You're mighty sharp >3>;

Can't play Trauma Center for now since I can't find my DS pen ;__;'
Will prob. have time to start PW tomorrow so..updates/non-spoilers pl0x *___* <333

chipyun 11-09-2007 03:45 AM


Chroma 11-09-2007 03:49 AM

NOOOO. You're imagining things 8DD
I might even back out in the middle of setting up. ;_;'

PAIOHLSIDGHL More like I'm imagining Chipppuuu's existence ;___;
-=chews on=- NUU, I won't let go ;^;!

AAAAH, And your siggy is so cute * ^*!!! <3

chipyun 11-09-2007 03:54 AM

Chip will cheer for you intensely so no giving up please? ;_; <3

T_T Teateaboobooooo, I've missed you too~
How have things been going for you?
/handcuffs tea to self ; ^; <3

Thank youuuu > o< Lina drew it~
Isn't it awesome~? * A* <3333333 /spazzdies

Chroma 11-09-2007 04:02 AM

H-haha, I don't feel ready for my first solo auction *__*;;
But with Chipppuu cheering, everything feels alright 8DDD <333 -=cuddles=-

FOMGIt'sreallyyouuuu ;____; <3
I've been really good >w<
I'm getting the hang of AP h.w. so it doesn't take as long as usual~
Still loaded, but not in a stressful way : D

How about youu? @w@!!
OHOH, You're the one person I'd actually feel happy being in prison with *^* <3

WHAA, It's supa-awesomeeee, just like your avatar~ >w< Liek..I can't stop staring at it! Linaaaberruu is so skeeled. :,D
Srsly..Look at how spiffy the fan is drawn 8DD <3

Sylira 11-09-2007 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Chroma
Haha, I was hiding xDD
You're mighty sharp >3>;

Can't play Trauma Center for now since I can't find my DS pen ;__;'
Will prob. have time to start PW tomorrow so..updates/non-spoilers pl0x *___* <333

Has~ Of course~

Heeeheess like I though I lost mine, xPP
Ohohoho~ I'm lazy I have to do my health project this weekend so I can't play at all~

Chroma 11-09-2007 04:09 AM

Known fact already :,DD! <3

So you thought, but didn't? xD
I have no idea, mine vanished mysteriously yesterday ;__;;;
Ahh, good luck with health project xP What's it on? :3

But doooo fill me in! Whenever you tell me exciting stuff, I feel more motivated to see it happen in the game LAWL. Like..BL and hilarious moments rofl

chipyun 11-09-2007 04:11 AM

Awww. /pets teatea ; o; You can do eeet!
Hurryupandsetupsochipcanbid /cough ... <_< >_> I mean, GO TEA GO~ <3333333
Ahah, I've missed your art so much ; 3;

I see I see~ * A* Glad to hear it's all better~
Is it semesters or quarters for you? o 3o

Mmfine. I finished most of the important exams for this quarter.
And they took out my braces~ c: <33
But going to pull out a couple of teeth and put new ones back on the 29th. x_x
Ahah, I wouldn't mind being in prison with you too.
You'd make a cool in-mate and I can see us gush about stuff all day long~ 8D

Tsumabooboo is awesome yooo. Words just can't describe her. * A* <3

Sylira 11-09-2007 04:16 AM


Hahas~ You'll find it~
Uhh teen suicide. Find 3 articles on it - 8 bullet point and essay. Not hard but just too lazy.
It's the ss one that I'm worried about~

Uhh butterflies!! -cough-
Umm Phoenix makes an ass out of himself the entire time in the 1st trial. But it's funny when Mia keeps hitting Grossberg when Phoenix keeps on saying those words to a certain someone. Pretty important throughout the entire game~ And umm Phoenix looks lame when he has a cold and a pink sweater on~ I want to hurt him so badly when he did something to the evidence~ ^-^ No actual spoilers, not really~

Chroma 11-09-2007 04:30 AM

Thank youuu! * w*!!
Oh noees, I should start drawing moar~
Especially for Chipppuuuu 8DD <3

LAWL, I don't know how to make pretty auction layouts like you awesome people : D;

Yey, that's good to hear! >3<
WHOOOO. Ya'know, braces off is one of the happiest moments of life! 8D
Ouch, hope that process goes smoothly *__*
I think our next door cell members would tell us to shut up xD Goodness, it'd be so much fun to chat with you! @w@!
STOPPIT. Now I actually WANT to be in prison with youuu~ <33
Which is not a normal thing to think about LAWL.

I AGREEE. Srsly, I'm surprised she's not more famous than the president IRL :,> <3


Hey, actually not too bad of a topic to write about! XDD
S.S..Is a nightmare. Really, good luck!
Discuss it with me anytime you want >w< Byz, right? 8D
I was about to name this auction "World Civilization" But decided against it..>3>;

WHOAH, Phoenix seems so lame from what you're saying..But ROFL PINK SWEATER I WANT TO SEEE.
And yeey, Mia in action, I always liked her >w<

Poor Grossberg. :,D He didn't play much of a role in the first game, it seems he's more of an important past character? xD;

IS THERE EDGEY? D8; I heard there's young Edgey later on 8D I want moar Phoenix, Larry, and Edgey childhood stories >w<

Sylira 11-09-2007 04:45 AM

xPP But lazy~
I know especially for you!
Uhuh~ Something like that~
Uhh you should!

Uhhmm....just he ruins my image of him. Lying in the courtroom!! God how did he become a lawyer?! ; w; Poor Mia~
Pink sweater made by his pretty girlfriend~
Yep! She's cool~

Yeah and he's Mia's punching bag~

Really? Ohh wait yeah waaaaay later in like the 3rd or 4th trial. Don't remember. Larry never fails to appear~

chipyun 11-09-2007 04:52 AM

No probleeem~ *O*
As long as it doesn't interfere with teatea's studies? ; 3; <3
I can't wait to see tea art again~ *^* /has been deprived for too long x_x

Ahah, it looks great so far~ * A*

Did teatea ever have braces? XD
It feels weird right after though~ And then I have plastic retainers @__@;;
Thank youuu~ XD <3
Erm, we'll be talking too much so we wouldn't hear them?
XD Ahaha crazy teatea~ We could chat if only we meet IRL too? 8'D No need to fantasize about some prison?
/shotshot <_< >_>

She could be president IRL. 8D

Chroma 11-09-2007 05:17 AM

Pretty much done setting up, I'll open up bidding like..tomorrow afternoon >w< <3


You still up this late?
Maybe not, but I'm still going to reply 8D
Hey, what's that supposed to mean?! XDD

What has happened to my idol? ;___;
It'll be too painful for me to watch him in court D8
Who was his girlfriend? xD I heard he had a crush on Mia or something like that :,D

Srsly, poor guy D;

Edgey always appears so late >3>
How many trials are there anyways? XD


Haha, I'll eventually find time!
Nuu, you haven't missed out on anything, I've CGed one piece since summer vacation *__*;
Ohohoho -=lives of being inspired by Chippu-arts=-

Thank youu! 8DD <3 I'm trying my best haha~

Yup, from 5th-8th grade xD
My teeth went back to no-straight after neglecting retainers afterwards X,P
Yeah, your teethes feel abit too 'free' after and the retainers hurt even moar than the braces themselves :,3;
I will convince myself that WE WILL MEET SOMEDAY.
Maybe at an Anime convention or something 8D; <3

Better than president >8DDD <3

Sylira 11-09-2007 05:25 AM

Uhh yeah?

Mhmm still have hw.
Yourr ss teacher???

Uhhh just lame.
Uhh yeah. You'll be so ashamed of him, I swear.
Dahlia Hawkthorne~ Or is it? ^-^ Butterflies~

Yeah but still~

Yeah well....
4? Like normal?
Uhh yeah... Pearly~<3

chipyun 11-09-2007 05:29 AM

Whoaa, you're so busy~ x_x; /saves tea from homework
;_; Haha, nowaiiiman.

* 3* Setup is awesooome~
I wanna bid nooww /shotshot XD

Ooh I see~ D: Lucky~~
I've had mine for about three years now. And it's going to take another two years to finish. x_x
Mm yes. D:

WE WILL MEET SOMEDAY! /pinky promise D8
The anime con near where I live is during the end of the year exams though. x_x; *emo*
Have you been to a con before? o:

Fo sho.

Niiight sy and teatea > 3< <333

linapoo 11-09-2007 08:26 PM

IT'S AFTERNOON RIGHT? *_______________*~ Can Lina bid?

Ascended Anubis 11-09-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by SangALee
IT'S AFTERNOON RIGHT? *_______________*~ Can Lina bid?

*I tried to take a slot in chroma's shop once like that when she said it would open in the morning.
I think we have to wait until she says specifically that it is open. xD*

chipyun 11-09-2007 09:23 PM

I want to bid. ;_; 1k plsplspls?

Ascended Anubis 11-09-2007 09:25 PM


srsly though ILU chipu, I'm just trying to help out chroma-wich

Chroma 11-09-2007 09:26 PM

This long post of NEVER ENDING DHOOOM 8D

Extra day of weekend, are we meeting for your b-day? xDD' Or do you want it another day? >3<;

I don't..w-want to be ashamed of him ;___;
-=pretends he's still cool=-
Whoah, he had a Dahlia as a gf? Is she pretty/cool? 8D

4 is too little maaan D8;
We need at least 5 to be happy. Or like..100. 8D
PEARLY. She's too cute >w<!!

Yeey, happy to hear that xD
Noo fooo, just tell me your request 8DD <3

Whoah, so 5 years to fix teethes?
Well, at least Chippuu will have a nice smile after >w< -=excited=-

We would probably stare at each other for 1 hour straight thinking that a miracle happened >w<;
Where is that con near your place? xD
Never :,D But planning meybbe to go to AnimeFest in a month :,P;; Did you ever? 8D


Came back home a bit late :,D
PFFFT. Here I am scrounging up funds for your auction and you think about bidding here? LAWLwtf *^* <33333

ROFL. I think I remember that 8,D -=kickself=-
Yeah, you're right >w< I'm so slow in this proccesss :,D;

Chroma 11-09-2007 09:28 PM

UWAH, You guys are faaast! >w<
(While I was typing long post of massive dhoomage)
Thank youuu Chippuu and Anuuu! * A*!!! <3
-=overwhelmed with happiness=-

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