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Amo_Angelus 11-29-2007 02:16 AM

What do you LIKE to draw
There seems to be so many threads about what's hard, what we don't like, I want to know what you DO like to draw!

I personally love to draw cartoon animals. The simplicity just makes these so much fun to do!
I like drawing realistic aniimals too, they're second on my list.

I don't really have a favourite animal to draw though. And I dont really get much opportunity to draw them as I fail at being motivated to draw for myself and no one seems to want animals.

WishingMoon 11-29-2007 02:22 AM

I'll draw anything I want. I like to do avis most. On gaia and zantarni. I don't have much on here so I will save it for later. I like animals too but I have a hard time with it at times. I have OCs that I do too. I like backgrounds of not so real things. Wisps of clouds and things that really don't have anyway of telling. I'll use anything to color and shade with.

suppi 11-29-2007 02:45 AM

I like drawing people.. anime, to be specific... but I also like drawing realism, though I'm not that good at it. xD;

Colours 11-29-2007 03:11 AM

I love to draw manga style and doodling flowers. =)

zipperglow 11-29-2007 03:14 AM

I am not good at drawing people, but I'm okay at drawing cats, dogs, horses, and insects in realism. My friend (who is the best anime drawer I know) is showing me how to draw animals in an anime style, but so far I only can do dogs. . .
I can sort of draw people if I need to?

Oh yeah, and I can draw flowers and roses etc. pretty well too XD

Penny 11-29-2007 03:55 AM

I love drawing Paul McCartney, Tom Smith, and my friend Conor. Because they awr so pwetty!
I also like patchwork dolls, batman, any one in a cape, swirly bobs, curly hair, shoulders and hands. And ninjas. I love drawing ninjas. Especially in leiderhosen.

fuyumi_saito 11-29-2007 06:43 AM

I like drawing flowers and anime. Realistic flowers-yes. I draw roses, lilies, and lotuses.

I just really love flowers. They have certain meanings, and they're fun to draw. I mean some people might not appreciate the because they think that flower drawing is simple and easy, but can they drw pretty flowers? Who knows.

Amo_Angelus 11-29-2007 07:42 AM

Flowers are mega hard! If ever you want to make a tutorial I would love you ^_^

Faunia 11-29-2007 02:01 PM

For the longest time I loved drawing anthro, but I haven't drawn anthro in a while so I don't know about that any more. Umm...I like drawing people from Organization XIII. Their cloaks are mucho fun. But in general, I love drawing people!

Kyoko Otonashi 11-29-2007 03:38 PM

Mostly, i enjoy drawing western comic book art and manga art (in my own style with my original characters). I've also been on somewhat of a trend of creating political paintings too. I LOVE painting.

I just got a tablet, though, and am learning how to use it effectively and how to shade ^^

However, i really want to learn how to do pixel art well ^^

GainaSpirit 11-29-2007 09:22 PM

I suck at drawing animals >.< I'm training but I'm not good enough.

I mostly love drawing females with impossible curves and strange position. Adding lot of different gold accessories and clothes ^^ My gallery is mostly composed of women anyway.

Raining Skittles 12-23-2007 05:51 AM

I really like to draw girls in short skirts xD;; Especially frilly skirts. I also like drawing wings on girls, and sometimes large round glasses, they make the girl look cuter.
I also like drawing faces. I can't really draw bodies that well, and I seem to be obsessed with drawing faces. Eyes are one of my favorite things to draw, because they can say so much about the drawing. I usually never draw a mouth, so that the eyes can tell you everything ^.^

Glammy 12-23-2007 06:48 AM

  • Uuuh. Well.
    I really like drawing things that are easy for me to draw. 'cause I'm terribly lazy and don't like a challenge.

    I've recently taken to drawing a lot of darker/ horror-like art. With deformed/dismembered bodies and all that jazz.
    Mostly because it means I don't have to draw all the limbs if I don't want to, and I can completely discard anatomy rules if I so choose to.
    In other words. I'm lazy.

    I'm also a fan of drawing corsets and Victorian style clothing.

Javert 12-23-2007 12:18 PM

I enjoy drawing my versions of novel characters, and characters from my own webcomic. They're so fun to draw. :). I love going off of descriptions versus a character who already has an image. :). I also do enjoy drawing my other RP characters on occasion, but unfortunately, I can't find the inspiration to draw them that often. :(.

Amiiu 12-24-2007 11:31 PM

I love drawing long hair on girls so I can play with the hair and do whatever I want with it ;D
Also, lately I've been drawing a lot of hands that are bending the fingers in funky ways .___.

Krieger_Alice 12-25-2007 12:32 AM

i like to draw a lot of stuff. but i cant realy draw cartoon things. lol. i love to draw nature.

i also draw abstract

A i 12-25-2007 06:37 PM

i love to draw female ^^ most of my drawings, out of ten, id say nine of them are females XD those manga version ;P

i tend to have a hard time to figure the shape of male's body..i cant get it right, it always ends up to be female..

Professor Lily 12-25-2007 08:22 PM

I like to draw scenery and cutesy type animals. The animals do not look life-life, but they do not look like cartoon animals either, it is kind of in-between. I like drawing real life animals, but have not drawn any in years. I also like to draw flowers a lot.

dragoness129 12-25-2007 09:47 PM

I like to draw my avatars and anime people because I love to draw and design the clothing for them. I also like drawing unique hair styles.

girl_4327 12-27-2007 08:21 AM

I'm not really good at drawing, but whenever I do, I draw nature - flowers, landscapes, etc..
I think I could draw better if I have a model for what I'm drawing..

Ryouku-chan 12-27-2007 07:45 PM

Well, I dream that one day I'll be able to draw stuuf surrealistically based on emotion, but right now I'm content with anything at all. o3o As long as it give me practice on a whole lot of different things.

The Librarian 12-28-2007 02:45 AM

  • Little simple things.
    Mushrooms, flowers, bunnies, fetuses (fetii? fetuseses? what's the plural? D:) etc.

SyntheticVermin 12-28-2007 10:54 PM

I love to do realism pieces of singers, actors, that sort of thing, as well as animals. In a somewhat less realistic style, more akin to comic art, I draw my characters, various monsters, and perhaps quick sketches of my classmates when I'm supposed to be taking notes. >.>
In my class notes, I'll draw silly simple things, like mushrooms and hearts, or maybe elaborate logos and such. I'll take a word I like (such as 'synthetic' or 'necrophilia') and add various ornate details.
I also like to do anatomy sketches. Sort of da Vinci-esque, I suppose. I'll draw muscles, bones, disembodied limbs and torsos... It's rather amusing when someone asks me what I'm drawing and I say "Oh, it's a disembodied torso!"

Celeone 12-29-2007 06:54 PM

Eyes are fun to draw and color for me xD I always doodle them on my paper at school.
And I also enjoy clothing. It's fun coming up with new outfits and such ^^

dichromaticbeagle 01-05-2008 05:48 PM

Life drawing, Realism, especially concerning human figures are my favorite subjects.

I also enjoy drawing middle-earth based drawings, specifically elves and half-elves. XD That, and bisshies . :)

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