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Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 10:58 AM

Lock Please!

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 10:59 AM

Welcome everyone to The Clow Card Shop presents the Winter Lights Festival. I am your host, Sakura_Madison. I am the proud owner of The Clow Card Shop, located in the fine area of the Exchange thread. Met alot of great friends on there.

Here is a hang out for everyone, friend or not. These holidays bring joy to everyone and I wanted to share that moment here in the first Winter Lights Festival.

There will be art given away here. It is not the best art in the world, but its better something then nothing at all.

Hope you guys enjoy being here with me and the others. Now, lets grab some snowballs and have some fun!

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 10:59 AM

Contests For Free Art

This contest is for winning some free art. I know everyone likes free art. I will be doing this every 5 pages. I will then use a randomizer from 1 to 15. If you land on that page, you have a chance of winning some art.




Good luck to everyone!

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:00 AM

Avi Art Received

I love avi art, just like everyone else does. I would be gladly to receive some wonder art from the artist out there, even stick figures. XD

Art Gallery
Created by Seito
Created by Ende

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:04 AM

Winter Lights Festival Guest book

Please sign my guest book in this thread. I will add your name here.

Guest Book signatures:

Anoni - First poster!
CrepsleyKabob - 10k post here!

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:05 AM

Anoni 12-24-2007 11:22 AM

  • Sakura <3

    Can I post? :o XDD *signs guestbook* 8D

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:24 AM

*huggles Anoni* Yaya! You are first again in here, just like my shop! How ya been? Yes you can post!

CrepsleyKabob 12-24-2007 11:25 AM

Heyy sakura!! <33

*signs guestbook* Cx

guess what? this is my 10kth post!!! XDD<33

`Riku 12-24-2007 11:26 AM

omg. 10...k. =OO

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:28 AM

0_0 NO WAY?!?! I am glad that you posted 10k here in my thread!!! *huggles CrepsleyKabob*

CrepsleyKabob 12-24-2007 11:29 AM

riku - I knoww, I was looking at my profile [post count], just staring at it because I couldn't believe it o.o;;

Sakura - Yes wayy!! XD<33
My quest is completed o3o;;

`Riku 12-24-2007 11:30 AM

im 20th member on this site, been here since jan.21st, and i am no where close to that. xD

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:30 AM

Congrats CrepsleyKabob!! Another celebration for all friends here! I was having a bad day, until I came online. Now I am filled with happiness!

CrepsleyKabob 12-24-2007 11:33 AM

riku - awww =[ well I'm a chatterbox, haha xD;;
wow, that's early though @___@
were you on for the vday event then? =0

sakura - Thank you!! ^.^<33
Aww, sorry to hear you were having a bad day though =[ at least you're feeling better <3

`Riku 12-24-2007 11:36 AM

yes i was. i even created a fanclub for NPC Vicktoria Valentine.


I also gad multiple sets of the v-day items, but sold them all way before they inflated. (each for a couple of hundred...)) which sucks because i have none now and cant ever afford to get them back, lol. never sell event items unless you keep a set to yourself.


off to bed, baii

CrepsleyKabob 12-24-2007 11:39 AM

riku - ohh wow, that's so cool!! xDD
Vicky seems to have a lot of fans haha, and a lot of enemies too @__@

ohh wow, that sucks so bad D; just think if you kept them how rich you would be!!

see you later!! ^^

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:40 AM

Bye 'Riku!

@ CrepsleyKabob: Yes I feel better now, the tears stopped coming down now. I am glad that I was out to take it all out and got some gifts from my friends.

CrepsleyKabob 12-24-2007 11:43 AM

Aww, well if you wanna talk about it I'm here =[<3

that's cool! ^^
I'm starting to wish I didn't make my list of gifts to get so big... I still have like 6 people to shop for @____@

tigerangel 12-24-2007 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by `Riku

I also gad multiple sets of the v-day items, but sold them all way before they inflated. (each for a couple of hundred...)) which sucks because i have none now and cant ever afford to get them back, lol. never sell event items unless you keep a set to yourself.


off to bed, baii

How ironic.
Last night I gave up my only two St. Pat's items, plus a lot more, to get this hairpin.

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 11:54 AM

@ CrepsleyKabob: Basically I miss my mother. She was the only person that really cared for me. She wants me to return home. Right now, I am staying at my friend's place, for the time being. I been on my own since August and I wanted to see if I can make it out there. At first, I moved in with my sister, brother-in-law, and my baby niece. Then last month, she had to move in with the father-in-law because his cancer returned. Decided to move in with my friend's family. Now to the point, her cousin is really getting on my nerves and he is really not there in his mind. The parents though they take his side, natural reason. My friend is saying to go to my mother's place. She said that because she does not want me to deal with this frustration from him either. That is why she wants to move out too. This a long story but you get the idea.

wish 12-24-2007 12:43 PM

  • n__n Hai Sakura. <3 Don't worry this will pass and you'll be happy again! Just give it a little time and try your best to come up with alternatives that you could do if you don't want to move back in with your mother like moving out with your friends!

tigerangel 12-24-2007 12:48 PM

>pads into your thread<

Sakura_Madison 12-24-2007 12:50 PM

Thanks wish! Somehow I do want to move back and then there is another reason not to move back. Reason: A little sister from hell, I think.

@ tigerangel: Hehe!

tigerangel 12-24-2007 12:54 PM

Hi. =)
It's great having many nice threads here to chat on.

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