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Clair Voyant 12-29-2007 02:40 PM

The Four Elements (Not Open to The Public)
Long ago, in a time when the world was ruled over by the four great elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air, there lived a group of good friends. All of who held different elements. They were all happy to live in peace, but then a terrible war broke out between the four great element nations. The Element nations could not decide which of the four elements was stronger than the rest. The friends were forced to fight for their nation's elements but the friends made a plan.

These friends decied to abandon their armies and make it to The Spirit Land, a hidden nation where no wars ever occured. But this would not be easy.

The rp, you and a partner (if you choose to have one) must make it to spirit alive so that you can be returned to your happy peacefull life with your friends again.

The Memebers of this roleplay
-Blacksheep poet
-Slade White
-Clair Voyant

(At the moment we need no others, if later we find that we need others this post will open up to the public, but for now we are full)

Okay, use this format and post your profiles below.

Character name-
Character age-
Character's gender-
Character's appearence-
Character's Partner- (If you choose to have a partner list their username and charcter name.
exp. Username; Charcter Name)
Charcter's Element-
Inportanat thisngs to know- (things about your charcter that might not have been listed in one othe above catagories. exp. they could be part vampire (bad example, bu the only thing I could think of))

Californiaswimmergirl 12-29-2007 04:14 PM

Username- Californiaswimmergirl

Character name- Amber (depends on if her elemene is fire or water though....)

Character age- 14

Character's gender- Female

Character's appearence- Pale white skin and shoulder length red hair. Fierce green eyes.

Character's Partner- (If you choose to have a partner list their username and charcter name.
exp. Username; Charcter Name) None. (Maybe Clair if you want to do water with me or I'll do fire and you do water...)

Charcter's Element- Depends. i'll probabaly do fire if you want to do water Clair or we could both do water. also, can we have double elements? Two elements only one is weaker than the other???

Inportanat thisngs to know- (things about your charcter that might not have been listed in one othe above catagories. exp. they could be part vampire (bad example, bu the only thing I could think of)) She is part fairy and has small, soft, silky, gold wings (or light blue wings once a gain depending on her element.). Her mother is a fairy her father is an elemental.

Clair Voyant 12-29-2007 06:21 PM

Username- Clair Voyant
Character name- Heather
Character age- 17
Character's gender- female
Character's appearence- Long, mouse brown hair that is always pulled back into a long braid. She is very thin and though she is not the stroungest person around, she can fight when she has to. (picture will be posted later)
Character's Partner- Slade White; Daniel
Charcter's Element- fire
Inportanat thisngs to know- She is quiet and usually calm. She is very clever and has a fasicnation with history.

Slade White 12-29-2007 07:55 PM

Username- Slade White
Character name- Daniel
Character age- 19
Character's gender- Male
Character's appearance- Daniel is tall and slender; he doesn't have visible, bulging muscles, but he has a "strong appearance". His hair is down past his waist, and is a rich, crimson red color. He hates the length of his hair, but refuses to cut it. Oftentimes, Daniel pushes his hair behind his ear or he wears it up. Eyes of gold are located right beneath his bangs, surrounded by tanned skin. Daniel tends to wear red, gold, and black, but is rather fond of silvers and blues, as well. Daniel picture reference.
Character's Partner- Clair Voyant; Heather.
Character's Element- Fire.
Important things to know- His parents were killed in an accidental fire that he set when he was about eight years old; he's been a loner ever since. He's never told anyone that, but he is pretty social and fun to be around.

Rion Nagase 12-29-2007 10:30 PM

Username-Rion Nagase
Character name-Rion Nagase
Character age-17
Character's gender-Male
Character's appearence-Long light blue hair that changes to black when he's fighting or angry, light blue eyes that changes to red in battle or when he's angry, he has a black armor chestplate that has an eye and two faces for the shoulder plates, Rion has a left armed claw gauntlet which has an eye on it as well, he has a dragon shaped necklace, a bracelet, a glove on his right arm, and his two most important features are the mark on his left cheek and the ponytail on the left side of his face. ((I'll make a pic later on so I can get rid of this description.))
Character's Partner-none at the moment
Charcter's Element-Darkness
Inportanat things to know-He has black wings, he's like an angel of death, don't be a hindrance or in his way in battle or you'll die.

Blacksheep poet 12-29-2007 11:11 PM

Username: Blacksheep poet
Character name: Renu Crow
Character age: 17
Character's gender: Female
Character's appearence: I know it's different from what I origionaly chose but I came across this one and liked it so much better!
Character's Partner: Rion
Charcter's Element: Darkness
Inportanat things to know: Cold yet kind. Delicate yet Ferocious!
She has one special ability which is that she can control darkness with her voice. Basically... when she sings she commands dark minions.
Also, the rain makes her incredibly down because her whole family died on a rainy day when she found out about her strange musical gift. She basically killed her little brother and her mother, who was an emotional wreck, committed suicide all on a rainy day. And her father died in battle a long time ago on a rainy day.

Rion Nagase 12-29-2007 11:15 PM

((Sure...but you'd have to meet me first, by the way, your character looks cute.))

Blacksheep poet 12-29-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rion Nagase
((Sure...but you'd have to meet me first, by the way, your character looks cute.))

Thank you, Rion!

Also, here's the picture for Clair Voyants person:

Californiaswimmergirl 12-31-2007 02:47 AM

I have decided that my element will be fire.

I'm going to add on to my character's appearance.

Character's appearence- Pale white skin and shoulder length red hair. Fierce green eyes.

When she gets mad her eyes turn red, her hair goes on fire, and her arms/hands light up/catch fire. She is very thin and looks weak (that is... until she gets into "fight mode"). She has a very well shaped/muscular body and looks fit. She excercises daily by walking her red fox (yes a fox NOT a dog. A housetrained fox though... She saved her (the fox) from hunters a year ago...) and dances. She's a very good dancer and enjoys hip-hop and rap music. She is very much of a rebel/punk (to her parents) but deep down she is a very sweet kind girl (DEEP down)...

I have also decided to change her age to 17.

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 04:16 AM

Character name-ANGENI
Character age-17
Character's gender-female
Character's appearence-
Character's Partner- no partner yet
Character's Element-water
Important things to know- She can't talk,things in her past lead her to not being able to'll learn more later on,She can turn into certain animals mostly dealing with water.

Clair Voyant 12-31-2007 07:11 PM

I believe it's safe to start now. Miss Krymsin will be off for a while again, but when she can get on again, she can post her profile then.

I don't know how to start so someone else my start and we'll follow behind.

Rion Nagase 12-31-2007 08:36 PM

There's a lot of chaos brewing around the nations. Rion watched as people slaughtered each other, "...pathetic..." Rion jumped off a church building as an earth elemental knight tried to strike him. Rion raised his left arm and blasted the knight into a wall. Rion took out his sword and stabbed the knight in his head, then Rion sliced the man's head off. Rion flew far away from this area.

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 08:45 PM

A young girl flew across the road as she was slammed against the side of a building, A young man walked slowly out starring at his victim. She slowly rose to her feet griping her sword tightly. Why must we fight she thought.

Clair Voyant 12-31-2007 08:48 PM

Heather looked around horrified. What did it matter which element was stronger than the rest!? For so long it ahdn't so why now?

She sighed. "I hate this!" she said sadly. Suddenly a water knight struck her from behind. She flew out of the tree where she had been spying from and landed with a loud thump thrity feet below, at the base of the tree. She had been caught off guard and now was weakened by her msitake.
She swore under her breath. This wasn't good, she was a sitting duck now. She'd have to find somewhere to wait so she could dry off. When she was wet her element didn't work.

Rion Nagase 12-31-2007 08:59 PM

Rion flew til he found a good resting spot. Rion was in a lake surrounded by greenry. "..." Rion took an ocarina from his pouch and started to play wonderful music. Playing on his ocarina, gave him peace.

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 09:13 PM

Angeni started to run out of the town she felt it was best no to hurt anyone ells. She wished they didn't have to fight but she must fight to survive. She turned around to see the man standing ready to fight. She charged at him runing with a great force of speed once she was near him both started fight. Soon she used her power to send him flying back into a near by lake. She walked slowly up to the lake she could here some music playing but she did not have time to see ware it was coming from.

Clair Voyant 12-31-2007 09:16 PM

Heather found a small hole in a tree that she could squeeze her small self into. She layed her head back and closed her eyes. She couldn't help herself from remembering the times when there wasn't a war, when she had been free to have friends from other Element nations. She wondered if any of her friends were even still alive or if they had been killed. Though she hated herself for even thinking it, she hoped they were dead, so they didn't have to live in this hell any longer.

Rion Nagase 12-31-2007 09:19 PM

Rion got angry, when he was interupted. Rion took his sword out and unleashed a giant shockwave at the knight in the water, when the shockwave reached the man, the shockwave created a big explosion.

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 09:27 PM

Angeni saw the wave raised up over her, landing down on her washing her down the hill some. She groaned as she moved some, she stood up and looked to see ware that attack came from.

Rion Nagase 12-31-2007 09:29 PM

Rion left the lake and went to a new place to be at peace.

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 09:34 PM

Angeni looked around but couldn't see anyone she was pleased and amazed at such power. She didn't mind getting wet water gave her more strength. Why can't they just leave me alone I just want to be at peace she thought as she picked up her sword and continue

Clair Voyant 12-31-2007 09:58 PM

Tucked inside the tree, Heather rested and thouhgt of her freinds. She sighed. There was no purpose to this war. There was only one logical explanation to the question. Each element had a weakness and each had a strength. Sure, there might be a water knight stronger than another element knight, but they were equal!

Luna_Lust_Goddess 12-31-2007 10:01 PM

Angeni made her way into the forest hopping to find some peace and quite..the thought of that attach raised in her mind. Who could that have bee. She thought as she continued to walk. I wonder if it's anyone I know.

Californiaswimmergirl 12-31-2007 10:02 PM

Amber heard fighting and anguishd cries of hurt people. She couldn't stand it. All teh fighting angered her so much. She felt herself heat up and next thing she knew she had burned teh tree she was hiding behind to a crisp. Now she was unhidden and unarmed. Suddenly she heard a rustle in the bushes behind her. She gasped and tried to hide in the smoke that came from her fire. Then a earth night jumped from the bushes and began to charge her. She quickly sent a fire ball his way before she flew off using her new fairy wings.

Rion Nagase 12-31-2007 10:07 PM

Rion wandered far til he needed to rest again.

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