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Klaw 01-04-2008 12:49 AM

Kyoki and Klaw's Private thread!
Not much to say, other than this is Kyoki_Hinote and I's private threadsies.:3

here are my bios for my characters!

Username: Klaw
Character Name: November Daray Von Darkheart
Appearance: mid back length, straight cherry red hair, ruby red eyes with no pupils, very pale skin,
Usually wears a red button-up long sleeved shirt that goes past his hips, 3 white leather belts(1 on his neck, 2 on his upper arms), white silk pants, and red and white striped socks(at home) or knee-height red leather boots(when outside)
Age: 19 at death, died of sickness
Gender: male
Race: Vampire
Extras: has long, elf-like ears, pierced 2 tiems in each ear, usually wears a pair of ruby red studs and a pair of large, silver quite lightweight, alergic to peanuts, shellfish, and very tall(6'6''). has a stereotypical vamp accent where he can't say "w".He cries when people laugh about his accent or anything about him, and is generally very sensitive about things. do not scare, or he WILL cry. loudly.And scream girlishly.
Bio: November was born very weak, and gets sick very easily, so he lives with a butler, 4 nurses, and 5 maids now that he has grown old enough to live alone.He died of sickness a year after his mother and brothers moved away from the mansion he lives in, and mysteriously came back to life as a vampire without them knowing.He is almost always sick in some way due to his very weak immune system, so you always see him coughing or sneezing.

Username: Klaw
Character Name: Makoto
Appearance: short, grey hair with black tips, completely white, shineless, sort of cloudy white eyes, greyish green skin with blackened tips to his fingers and toes. is sewn together at his mid-arm, neck, forehead, knees, wrists and ankles.Has a tendency of losing a part of himself(usually a hand or a foot) when surprised, for some odd reason.
Wears a faded green t-shirt with gray jeans, bleached out at the knees and slightly ripped, showing off his ankles. Only is seen wearing bright orange flip-flops, deep green platform sandals or soft, fuzzy mint green slippers.If you try to make him wear any other shoes, he'll just go barefoot.
Age: 15 at death(hit by drunk driver)
Gender: male
Race: Undead(Zombie!)
Extras: was born completely blind. has a pierced belly button(a small, cute emerald green stud), and 2 piercings in his left ears, and usually wears small silver or black hoops or black, gray or green studs, or a mix of both.Is very afraid of cars due to how he died.
Bio: Makoto was a normal high school student, walking home one night with his friends when a drunk driver hit him and two of his 5 friends, killing him and one of his friends instantly and ripping him into pieces.He was sewn together and brought back somehow, and remembers nothing about his past, except for how he died and his first name.

EDIT: here are Kyoki's Bios~

Character Name: Reikishi (no last name)
Appearance: <-- My senpai drew it for me. ^^
Age: His body is about 23, but he's only been "alive"... I don't know, three years?
Gender: Male
Race: Zombie
Extras: Reikishi has absolutely no confidence in himself. He views himself as someone who shouldn't even exist, living on burrowed time in a body that doesn't belong to him. He tries to hide that part of himself, though it shows itself secretly in the way that he speaks in the third person, always calling himself "Reikishi-kun" and calling everyone else by an honorable title, usually with a prefix "-san" after their name. He will only call someone "-kun" or"-chan" if specifically asked by that person. He's very motherly and tends to want to take care of any living thing that comes his way.
Bio: Reikishi was created in a lab... A bit like Frankenstein's monster, only much more bishie and cute. His body is a corpse that has been completely preserved by magical means, his soul a random lost spirit. A crazed scientist pretty much grabbed his soul and forced it into the body... but he wouldn't wake up. The scientist was caught by authorities and taken away... and then Reikishi woke up. Any memories of his old life were completely erased.
He's just been wandering ever since.

Character Name: Alphonse Kreon
Age: Was turned at age 17
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Extras: He's 5'11"... Nothing else I can think of. xD He's spazzy and likes sweet things a lot.
Bio: Many years ago, Alphonse was turned by his lover, then abandoned by the cruel man. Before, he had been naive, unprepared for the world, and quite popular. For many years, he withdrew himself, but eventually he began to open up again, his true personality shining through. He began to get out more at night, and do more than grab a bite to eat. (Haha, bad pun!)

Kyoki_Hinote 01-05-2008 12:06 AM

November Daray Von Darkheart's mansion happens to lie in a crossroads.

Three travelers, all from different walks of life, are forced to take refuge in his home, trapped inside by a blizzard. Snowed in with their host for an indeterminable amount of time, it eventually becomes apparent that none of them are human.

Klaw 01-05-2008 03:38 AM

(I shall start~)

A young, cherry-red haired teenager layed in his bed and sneezed loudly, sighing as one of his nurses put a cold, wet washcloth against his forehead.

He hated being sick, but it happened so often that he was used to it.

He had always wanted to be independent, even though it's near impossible for him to be alone because he always hass some kind of illness, usually a horrible version of a common cold or a light flu.
Unluckily, being in bed for half of his life has made his legs weak, so he couldn't be a normal boy even if he wanted to..Escpecially since the recent strange event in his life..or shall I say afterlife.

A room or two over, in a bedroom that once belonged to one of November's 2 brothers, a young, very strange looking boy sat on the bed, cringing everytime he heard November sneeze or cough.

He wished he could do something for the older boy, but he couldn't..
Since he barely made it to 'his' bedroom on his own, because of his eye condition.
2 flights of stairs are hard to walk up when you're completely blind.

Kyoki_Hinote 01-08-2008 11:38 PM

((Sorry it took so long, I've been really busy. @.@ ))

Reikishi hummed softly to himself, buzzing around the kitchen to make something for his host. He felt so bad, imposing on a man as kind as November-san...

The blue-eyed undead felt his cheeks heat slightly at the mere thought of November-san. He worked at a faster pace, wanting to get the food done quickly.

Alphonse sat on the bed in the room next to the little zombie boy's, and his sensitive hearing easily picked up the coughs from their host.

He sighed, staring around the room in boredom. Slowly, he stood up, plastering a stupid smile on his face and going out the room, knocking on the zombie boy's door. "Um... Excuse me? Can I come in?"

Klaw 01-09-2008 12:28 AM

(it's alright.n-n)

Makoto blushed deep blue(hey, he has no blood.XD so he blushes blue, I guess.) and smiled sweetly " can." he said sweetly, a bit of his Japanese accent showing in his voice.

November sighed and brushed his long cherry red hair, humming softly and coughing lightly at times.He was dressed in his pajamas, a deep crimson red shirt and a pair of silken black pants.He was very comfortable and actually was sort of happy, now that he had company in his lonely mansion.

Even with his maids, nurses and butler, he had always wanted friends that weren't just there because they were there because they were employed by his mother to do so.

Kyoki_Hinote 01-09-2008 12:49 AM

Alphonse entered the room, still smiling. "Hey... Um, my name is Alphonse. I figured, you know... since we could be stuck here for a while, we should get to know each other..." He giggled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Er... right?"

Reikishi finished making the sandwiches he'd been preparing, arranging them on a plate and placing it on a tray next to three glasses filled with milk. Halfway through, he decided to make food for everyone and walked up the stairs carefully balancing the tray.

He stopped at November's door, somehow managing to softly knock without dropping the tray.

"Um... November-san? Reikishi-kun has brought November-san food!"

Klaw 01-09-2008 03:03 AM

Makoto nodded "We should." He smiled cutely "I'm Makoto."

November smiled "Why thank you!Elizabeth, would you mind getting the door for him?"

One of the nurses nodded and stood up from the chair she sat at and opened the door for Reikishi.

(Reikishi has a hard to remember name..XD)

Kyoki_Hinote 01-10-2008 12:32 AM

(Oh don't worry, you'll read it a lot. xD He talks in the third person constantly.)

"Nice to meet you, Makoto!" Alphonse chirped happily, smiling back.

"I... you're not human, are you?" He blurted out, blushing a bit at his outburst. "I mean... well, I'm not a human either..."

Reikishi smiled, thanking the maid with the best bow he could manage at that moment. Placing the tray on a bedside table, he bowed to November.

"Reikishi-kun wants to thank November-san again for letting Reikishi-kun stay in November-san's house." He quipped, a pink blush highlighting his cheeks.

Klaw 01-10-2008 01:05 AM

Makoto smiled "No, I'm not..I'm a zombie." he said, giggling "I'm curious, Alphonse..What do I look like?I've never known.."

November smiled "It's nothing..I do get rather lonely here.It's nice having people staying with me other than my maids, nurses and butler..Since my family doesn't even know I'm alive.

Kyoki_Hinote 01-11-2008 11:30 PM

"Hmm... Well... You look... uh, you look all sewed-up. And... your hair is... dark..." He giggled nervously, unsure of how to describe the teen. He looked beautiful, in a very morbid sort of way.

"Reikishi-kun can stay for as long as November-san wants!" Reikishi blurted out, blushing even more at his outburst. "R-Really! Re-Reikishi-kun does not mind staying!"

Klaw 01-12-2008 12:42 AM

Makoto scooted closer to Alphonse, his cloudy eyes 'staring' into Alphonse's eyes " see what you look like.." he said, gently feeling Alphonse's face with his blackened fingertips, trying to imagine what he looked like by feeling the shaped of his face

"I vould like zhat very much, Reikishi.." November blushed, coughed lightly and smiled "I'm..Sorry if I mispronounce your name. I'm not used to saying japanese names.."

Kyoki_Hinote 01-13-2008 07:58 PM

Alphonse closed his eyes and allowed the boy to do as he wished, a small smile growing on his lips.

"Have you always been blind, Makoto?" He questioned, honestly curious.

"Reikishi-kun doesn't mind, November-san!" Reikishi flushed a little more, smiling.

Klaw 01-13-2008 09:50 PM

Makoto nodded "Yes.." he smiled "But I've learned how to imagine what things look like by touch.."

November smiled and pulled the covers over himself a bit more "Brr..I can tell how cold it is even in here..Problem about having a big vindov in my room.."

Kyoki_Hinote 01-14-2008 04:00 PM

"Well... I can send you mental images. All vampires have some telepathy... Do you want me to do that?" Alphonse questioned, still smiling.

"Reikishi-kun can close it for November-san!" Reikishi rushed over to the window, shutting it with a small shiver as the cold air rushed onto his skin. "There!"

Klaw 01-14-2008 10:12 PM

(Sorry if I took a while, had to go to the doctor.D: I have an ear infection in both ears, it's annoying..)

Makoto smiled "If you want to.."

November smiled "Thank you, Reikishi.."

Kyoki_Hinote 01-14-2008 11:48 PM

(That's okay. I hope you get better soon! ^^ )

Alphonse nodded and sent the other a mental image of himself and Makoto, standing side by side. This required him putting his hands on the teen's shoulders. "There... On the right is me... no, I mean the left! On the right is you!" He laughed nervously. He always got those directions mixed up...

"Reikishi-kun is happy to help, November-san! Is there anything November-san needs?" Reikishi asked eagerly, smiling cutely.

Klaw 01-15-2008 01:45 PM

Makoto sort of purred in happiness of finally being able to see. "Thank you..Even though I don't have much to compare it with..You look..Beautiful." his cheeks blushed light blue and he giggled

November shook his head "Not right now..Just go give my other two guests their food and come back and keep my company, okay?" he smiled sweetly

(good news: the doctor said I should feel much better tommorow.hopefully I'll be better soon so i can listen to music and watch funny youtube videos again.X3

Kyoki_Hinote 01-16-2008 12:00 AM

Alphonse blushed a little as well, laughing nervously. "Um... Thank you? If... that's what you want to think..." He murmured, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yes, November-san!" Reikishi bowed deeply before grabbing the tray and trotting out of the room.

He heard two voices coming from the room across the hall and managed to knock on the door.

"Um... Hello? Are November-san's guests in here?"

Alphonse backed away from Makoto to open the door. "Yes... Um... I'm Alphonse, and he's Makoto."

"Reikishi-kun's name is Reikishi-kun! Reikishi-kun brought Alphonse-san and Makoto-san food!" Reikishi giggled cheerfully, bringing the tray into the room and placing it on a small table nearby.

"Oh... Thank you, Reikishikun!" Alphonse smiled widely. "You have a really long name... Can I just call you Rei?"

Reikishi blushed at the nickname. "If Alphonse-san wants to..."

Klaw 01-16-2008 03:40 PM

Makoto smiled sweetly and bowed to Reikishi "Thank you very much." He said, giggling.

November curled up in his room happily, reading a book he had by his bed, relaxing against his pillows, but still coughing quite a bit

Kyoki_Hinote 01-17-2008 12:43 AM

Reikishi bowed back, giggling as well. "Reikishi-kun likes helping! If there is anything Reikishi-kun can do for Makoto-san or Alphonse-san, please let Reikishi-kun know!"

With that, Reikishi scurried out of the room and back into November's, rushing over to the vampire's bedside.

Alphonse stared after the eccentric green-haired man, blinking a few times before turning to Makoto. "Why does he add san after our names? I don't get it..."

((Alphonse doesn't know about Japanese honorifics... >.>;; ))

Klaw 01-17-2008 02:15 AM

"It's a japanese thing, Alphonse..-chan is an affectionate nickname, -kun is a affectionate nickname for boys, you put -san after someone's name if you respect them, and -sama if you greatly respect them." Makoto smiled cutely

November's eyes lit up with happiness as he drank a sip of his milk as Reikishi came in "Thank you for staying with me, Reikishi..I have a question for you.." he said, sweetly smiling

Kyoki_Hinote 01-17-2008 10:51 AM

"Ooooh! So his name's not Reikishikun, it's just Reikishi. Okay, I get it." Alphonse smiled, happy to understand.

Reikishi blinked softly, smiling at November. "Yes, November-san?"

Klaw 01-17-2008 02:38 PM

Makoto giggled adorably "Glad I could help you understand." he said, sort of clinging to Alphonse.

November blushed "You see..I was wondering if you..Wanted to sleep in here, with me, since my sicknesses usually aren't contagious..Or if you wanted your own room." He said, his cheeks turning deep red rapidly.

Kyoki_Hinote 01-18-2008 12:52 AM

"Are you Japanese, Makoto? Your name seems like it." Alphonse questioned the blind boy, seemingly not noticing his clinging.

Reikishi blushed as well, fidgeting. "D-Does November-sama want Reikishi-kun to stay in November-sama's room?" He asked quietly, feeling that his host deserved a special title.

Klaw 01-18-2008 02:04 AM

Makoto nodded "I moved to America with my mother when I was 7, to be with her old friend who needed help..I slowly learned english, but I still have a bit of an accent.." he said, giggling.

November blushed "I'd like it alot..And I mean alot." The vampire said, smirking a bit. "But if you aren't comfortable sleeping in the same bed as me, you can have the room beside mine.."

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