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Stormy1 01-13-2008 04:44 AM

Unnie's and Stormy1's RP. ^_^
User: Stormy1
Name: Storm Orin
Age: 16
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Bio: Storm is pureblood but doesn't treat others below her like others in her house. She grew up in a loving family of all wizards. She's know for being odd and random, but has a temper if you push her buttons the wrong way. She also has the tendency to sing.
Looks Like:

User: Stormy1
Name: Zane Collins
Age: 17
Year: 7th
House: Gryffindor
Bio: Zane grew up in a loving family, him being the youngest and last to graduate from Hogwarts. Tends to grab random people at random times and dance with them.
Looks Like:


Originally Posted by Unnie
User: Unnie
Name: Cecile Le'Fay (Prefers being called Fay)
Age: 16
Year: 6th
House: Gryffindor
Bio: Fay is book smart and clever with a large dash of the bold and brave Gryffindor touch. She is a kind person, never afraid to stand up for her friends, and a quick thinker. With high grades and a love of books she seems on the outside to be Ravenclaw material, but is as laid back and enjoys a good prank as much as the next guy.
Looks Like:

belleia 01-13-2008 04:47 AM

can i join?

Stormy1 01-13-2008 04:54 AM

sorry its a RP between me and my friend.

Stormy1 01-17-2008 07:23 PM


Zane sighed as he stared up at the great hall's ceiling. It was early morning and he had awoken up at a insane hour and hadnt been able to go back to sleep. So instead he got changed and went to the Great Hall where he resigned now, laying on the Gryffindore table, hands under his head.

Storm sighed as she walked down the many stairs, staring up at ,what seemed, like a never ending ceiling. She was surprised that she had yet to miss a step and go tumbling down and hurting her self profoundly.

Unnie 01-28-2008 06:11 AM

Fay let out a quiet yawn as she rolled over onto her side in bed. It was too early and she wasn't exactly sure why she was awake. The sun was barely peeking in through the window and then through the shades pulled up around her four poster bed. "Aah...Morning," She mumbled to the cat curled up beside her on the bed as she too started to stretch out and let out a large kitty yawn.

Stormy1 01-28-2008 08:26 PM

"Mr. Collins what are you doing laying on the table?" Professor McGonagal asked staring at him. Zane looked back at her with a smile. "No reason really, I have nothing to do really." She rolled her eyes and walked away."

"Excuse me Miss?" The voice surprised Storm. She missed the next step and fell on her bum. "Ow son of a.."
"Language." She glared up at the Bloody Baron. "Now, why are you up at this godforsaken hour?"
"Because I'm cool like that." She stuck her tongue out at him and ran.

Unnie 02-15-2008 02:05 AM

Fay sat up in bed and stretched, moving at a very slow pace since it was still so damn early in the morning. "This is ridiculous..." She mumbled as she pushed the covers back and swung her feet around to get out of bed. Rolls of parchment and books fell off the book, and as she picked them up and dropped them back on the bed she discovered an ink stain from a quill she had left on the blankets. "I guess I fell asleep on my books," She yawned, "That'll teach me not to study in bed."

Stormy1 02-15-2008 02:43 AM

Storm ran into the Great Hall and spotted a familiar figure laying on the Gryffindore table. She ran over to him, jumped on his stomach and went into a awkward fetal position. "Hide meeee."

"OUFF!" Zane breathed out, the air leaving his lungs. He looked down to see Storm digging her head into his stomach. "Why should I? You just almost killed me." He said grumpy.

"Because I think the Bloody Baron is going to try to kill me." She said lifting her head up to look at him. He just gave her a look and laughed at her. "Oh shut up you."

Unnie 02-16-2008 08:48 AM

Fay kicked off her maroon colored pajamas quickly and pulled on the basic school outfit with a little addition. She wasn't sure if the ties were really supposed to be a part of a girls uniform but she really didn't care. Fay looped the blue and silver striped tie around her neck and tied it up quickly, adjusting it a bit before slipping into her shoes and pulling back the bed curtains. The rest of the students she shared the room with were still fast asleep so she slipped out of the room quietly and down the stairs. (YAY)

Stormy1 02-28-2008 02:08 AM

Zane shook his head. "Make me you slyther-whore!" He said teasingly, giving her a wink.

"Ick, no you Gryffindork!" Storm said getting off him and sticking her tongue out at him."Argh! Why do people sleep so late?" she asked plopping down in a chair.

"'Cause their normal, we're weird for waking up early." he said sitting up and swinging his legs over the side so that he was sitting on the table itself now. "I'm sure others will be down soon...hopefully."

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