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Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 08:39 PM

Scribble's Birthday Giveaway!
That's right! I decided, since it -is- Mene's birthday, that I should make a giveaway to celebrate! I've set aside a couple of items to give away especially for Mene's birthday! Now if you stick around and chat, you'll likely get a donation of at least 20g, FOR SURE. If you post like once every day, then no, you won't get a donation. :P


Mama Juru (jurupamae) - 800g + Frost Crown. She deserves it after the dirty bastards that took advantage of her. D8<


Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 08:53 PM

TAKINEKO IS THE WINNER OF THE 'FART' CONTEST! with the guess of 'free art'. It's the closest guess yet!

Congratulations TakiNeko! You've won: A Frosty Crown!

This post was reserved for; Free Practice Art! =D

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:11 PM

*peeks in*

May I post yet? o.o;;

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:12 PM

Ofcourse! =D Is that why people aren't posting? ;o I just reserved that extra post for something I've cooked up that I'll set up a leeetle later. : D

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:15 PM

I think that might be part of the reason. That and, I don't think that many people know of this event yet. :3

Ooo, secret secret things for later. I'm excited to see what it is! xD

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:19 PM

BWAAHAHHA! Think of the word 'fart'. Play with the word a bit and you'll understand part of what that post is reserved for. : D

Lemme change the title. xD

Livia 01-18-2008 09:21 PM

heyo : D

how is the ladies feeling today? =D

Peppermint 01-18-2008 09:21 PM

  • adorable idea.
    Goodluck on it. n.n

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:23 PM

Hey Peppermint! Wanna stay and chat? xD <3

Livia: Oh I is goooood. School and stuff has been great lately! ;o =D

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:25 PM

rofl! xD

Never have I been invited to play with a fart before. ;D

Oh, just thought of a few things that it might be in regards to, but I'll just have to wait and see if I"m correct. >w<

@Livia - I'm feeling okay. I'm at work atm though, and then I'll have to head to class right after. >.>

Livia 01-18-2008 09:25 PM

I'm just waiting for my clothes t be done on washing for me to get ready for my out and go party :'D

For too long that I haven't been out at night ;o;

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by TakiNeko
rofl! xD

Never have I been invited to play with a fart before. ;D

Oh, just thought of a few things that it might be in regards to, but I'll just have to wait and see if I"m correct. >w<

Oh you can guess now. ;D I'll edit that post and see if anyone can guess it right, even then I won't say exactly what it is. ;D <333

Livia: PARTAAAH. D; My friend may be having a party for her birthday and if she invites me I'll probably go. <3 she's cool.

Bhsgirl 01-18-2008 09:27 PM

more people to chat with!
I'll stick around!

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:30 PM

What's up, bhsgirl?

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:32 PM

@scribble - Methinks it involves being an old fart. >w< Okay, so maybe I only have one guess, hehe.

@bhsgirl - Hello! :3

Livia 01-18-2008 09:33 PM

Birthday party... For too long that I don't go to one Dx

I didn't made one last year for me.. and I dunno will make this year again D':

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:35 PM


Iheart801 01-18-2008 09:37 PM

Hi. Interesting word to choose to play with. I think I'll give it a try. Raft.

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:37 PM

@scribble - Darn it! Now I am at a loss. I'll have to think about it more. If I mix up the words... it doesn't have to do with a raft does it? xD

Livia 01-18-2008 09:39 PM

WAIT! There is a game?! o.o

Do we have to find the right word from FART to anything else? :'D

TakiNeko 01-18-2008 09:43 PM

@Livia - lol, I think this is just for fun. :3 The actual whatever it is won't be announced til later.

Now come and help think of something related to fart. xD

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:46 PM

It has nothing to do with rearranging the letters or anything. xD Just. Think of Fart. What could you get if you just take those letters and make another word with other letters. Example; fart can equal fancy arts! (it is NOT fancy arts though. xD Just. Yeah.)

Livia 01-18-2008 09:46 PM

Well is the word disgusting smell related to fart? <.<;

Stinky! Invisible Fart! xD

The super invisible fart is coming to the town. The only problem is that you can only know that he is around when you smell his.. stinky fart.. ._.;

Scribble Me Orange 01-18-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Livia
Well is the word disgusting smell related to fart? <.<;

Stinky! Invisible Fart! xD

The super invisible fart is coming to the town. The only problem is that you can only know that he is around when you smell his.. stinky fart.. ._.;

LOL! xD could be related to the disgusting smell. : D I don't wanna give anything away. xD

Iheart801 01-18-2008 09:49 PM

Hmmm..... what else can you make with that. Friends of Antsy Rioting Turtles?

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