Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Valentine's Event 2008 ~ Spread the Love! (
-   -   Show The Love, An Avatar Contest! Winners Posted! (Page 11) (

Zweres 02-03-2008 10:46 PM

Show The Love, An Avatar Contest! Winners Posted! (Page 11)

Zweres 02-04-2008 03:56 AM

Show The Love ♥ Avatar Contest!

Is there that special someone who you have always felt connected to? Want to try to see if you can make a bond seen by others by creating bonded avatars? Or are you just one of those people who just want a chance at some prizes, and to see how your avatar is really perceived? If so, then dive into our contests and see how well you fare against the other avatars. Before we continue, lets home in and see who will be judging the avatars for the contests.

Show The Love ♥ Judging Panel and About the Judges!


Zweres is going to be the contest's main host, and also one of the judges. I always lurk, and feel free to give me a wave at any time! I don't bite, and would love to answer any questions you have about this specific thread. If you have any other questions in general, just feel free to ask me.


Jellysundae I'm one of your friendly Assistant Admin. I lurk ever more than Zweres does, but I'm only ever a PM away. I've emerged from my corner to cast my critical eye over your love-struck avatars. :wink: Good luck!

Zweres 02-05-2008 12:26 AM

Show The Love ♥ Rules!

Rules are here for a reason, so that everything here runs smoothly and everybody can remember an enjoyable event. Rules are put here to be followed, and please refrain from breaking them. If by chance, you do break these rules, disciplinary action will be taken. ^^ Thank you! The rules are listed below for your reference.
  • Please follow all of Menewsha's Rules and the Terms of Service. Please remember that following the Rules and Terms of Service is required in every thread, not only in this thread. If you have not read them yet, please do read them so you will know what is and is not violating anything.
  • Remain respectful to everybody in this thread, including everybody's avatar entries. Constructive criticism is nice, but making a comment like "this sucks!" is very rude, and comments like those won't be needed in this friendly contest. Remember - this is for fun and to see some great Valentine's Day themed avatars!
  • Please do not try to cheat this contest by entering with a mule account. This is considered cheating, and if you are caught, you will be automatically be disqualified. Please do not do this, as actions will be taken if you are caught.
  • Please follow the guidelines that we have set up to make this a easier way to keep track of entries. Failure to do so will result in asking you to resubmit your avatar entry, and it would be much easier on us if everybody used the appropriate forms when submitting an entry.
  • Please refrain from being upset that your entry doesn't win. This avatar contest is for fun, and we are hoping it stays that way. Each one of us has their own opinions, and we may not necessarily agree with you in avatar tastes, we don't play favorites of course. We judge it by our personal thoughts, and how well the avatar was created. We do look for every aspect of what makes a good avatar, so please do not think that we don't.
  • Entries for the contests in this thread must be submitted by February 15th, so we can have a decent amount of time for the judging to commence. Any avatar posted after this deadline will not be accepted into the contest.
  • Have a lovely Valentine's Day! :) See you around the forums, and on behalf of the staff, we hope you enjoy the event in general. If you have any questions about the Event, you can ask in the Event FAQ, as most questions you may have had will have already been answered there.

Zweres 02-07-2008 04:17 AM

Show The Love ♥ Categories!

Here will be 4 categories for you to enter in. The categories are listed below.
  • Bleeding Hearts Avatar Conest
  • Pure Love Avatar Contest
  • Sweet Love Avatar Contest
  • Valentine's Themed MAC Avatar Contest

The themes above is what you can work with when creating your avatar for this contest. Each theme (except for the last theme, Valentine's Themed MAC Avatar Contest) will be focusing mainly on a specific color scheme. For the Bleeding Hearts Avatar Contest, you will be using a Black and Red Color Scheme. People entering the Pure Love Avatar Contest, you will be using a White and Red Color Scheme. If those categories aren't right for you, the Sweet Love Avatar Contest uses Pink and Red as a color. And finally, the Valentine's Day Themed MAC Avatar Contest uses what is available to them on the Menewsha Avatar Creator (MAC). If you plan on entering the MAC Avatar Contest, we would like to see how well you can make an avatar without using this event's Valentine's Day items.

In all of these contests, red is a mandatory color to use. In the Bleeding Hearts, Pure Love, and Sweet Love contests, you will be asked to use a different color that has been mentioned above. You may also add other colors, but as long as it isn't too overwhelming to the main colors. In MAC Avatar Contest, the only color you need to use is red. Every other color is available to you, as long as red still mains the main accent of the avatar.

Show The Love ♥ Form!

The form below will be used when you submit your avatar into the contest. Please make sure to fill out all of the guidelines the form has, and make sure to post it in the thread. We will be updating the entries periodically, and we will be checking for entries. Thank you!

Entry form

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username :
Category or Categories entering :
Images of Contest entry or entries :

Show The Love ♥ Prizes!

Prizes in this contest will be awarded to the avatars that attract both judges' eye. There will be a first, second, and third prize, and there will be those prizes available for each category. Prizes that are available will be listed below.
  • Bleeding Hearts Avatar Contest Prizes

  • First Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 500 gold.
  • Second Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 300 gold.
  • Third Prize : Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 250 gold.

  • Pure Love Avatar Contest Prizes

  • First Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 500 gold.
  • Second Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 300 gold.
  • Third Prize : Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 250 gold.

  • Sweet Love Avatar Contest Prizes
  • First Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 500 gold.
  • Second Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 300 gold.
  • Third Prize : Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 250 gold.

  • Valentine's Event MAC Contest Prizes
  • First Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 500 gold.
  • Second Prize : 200 gold and Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 300 gold.
  • Third Prize : Special Event Store Valentine's Day Commons worth up to 250 gold.

Zweres 02-09-2008 06:22 AM

Show The Love ♥ Entries!!

Entries for the avatar contest categories will be posted here, make sure to post your entries before the deadline. Thanks!
  • Bleeding Hearts Avatar Contest Entries

Name - Shrimp_man ♥
Name - Temarigirl ♥
Name - Winterwolfgoddess ♥
Name - Buffy606 ♥
Name - Blueblackrose ♥
Name - Sakura_Madison ♥
Name - Pickles ♥
Name - Temmon ♥
Name - Majinkoz ♥
Name - Guitar Hero ♥
Name - Sevi ♥
Name - Rawrsaurus ♥
Name - A i ♥
Name - Purple Puma ♥
Name - Siaasgn ♥
Name - Panic Panda ♥
Name - AvengedxxAngel ♥
Name - jessiekins ♥
Name - Sirocco ♥
Name - Fuyumi_saito ♥
Name - Vadeil ♥
Name - Candiie ♥
Name - Anoni ♥
Name - Wynna ♥
Name - Emoticon ♥
Name - Jon ♥
Name - Rivayne ♥
Name - Aura ♥
Name - Nariko ♥
Name - Wordstreamer ♥
Name - Bunnyy ♥

  • Pure Love Avatar Contest Entries

Name - ~Fox.of.Fire~ ♥
Name - Padfootsy ♥
Name - Blueblackrose ♥
Name - Foggyday ♥
Name - Rawrsaurus ♥
Name - Kiami ♥
Name - Anoni ♥
Name - Melody Xyelle ♥
Name - Jayms_fallen_angel ♥
Name - Muggles Running Amok ♥
Name - Wordstreamer ♥

  • Sweet Love Contest Entries

Name - Cherry Flavored Antacid ♥
Name - Jon ♥
Name - Trinitydoll ♥
Name - Winterwolfgoddess ♥
Name - Peanut ♥
Name - Chexala ♥
Name - Sade le Aviva ♥
Name - Lizzle ♥
Name - Icicles ♥
Name - Captain Aamelia ♥
Name - Rawrsaurus ♥
Name - Melody Xyelle ♥
Name - SweetFauxPas ♥
Name - Caroline ♥
Name - Linkfreak131 ♥
Name - Wish ♥
Name - Bunnyy ♥

  • Valentine's Day MAC Contest Entries

Name - Moofin ♥
Name - Vadeil ♥
Name - Blueblackrose ♥
Name - Dearest ♥
Name - Temmon ♥
Name - Sade le Aviva ♥
Name - Uzura ♥
Name - Popcorn Gun ♥
Name - A i ♥
Name - Lizzle ♥
Name - Fuyumi_saito ♥
Name - Ferra ♥
Name - Lilium` ♥
Name - Caroline ♥
Name - Aura ♥
Name - Snowflower ♥
Name - Wordstreamer ♥
Name - woohoohelloppl ♥
Name - Amurita ♥
Name - Bunnyy ♥
Name - PK ♥

Moofin 02-10-2008 07:00 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!
Username : Moofin
Category or Categories entering : MAC Avatar
Images of Contest entry or entries :

I hope I didnt miss anything.

raszala 02-10-2008 08:00 PM

YAY!! for Avatar Contests <33
best of luck to all participating ^^
maybe i'll do too ^^

it's allowed to use other colors if the said colors are the main colors, isn't it?
Edit: oh, and is it allowed to enter in more then one category?

Cherry Who? 02-10-2008 08:03 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username : Cherry Flavored Antacid
Category or Categories entering : Sweet Love
Images of Contest entry or entries :

I hope my avatar's okay. ^^; Probably has too much black, though.

St Branny 02-10-2008 08:26 PM

Oh!! I wanna enter!!

I'll wait for the red and white theme though. xD <3

Jon 02-10-2008 08:35 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username : Jon
Category or Categories entering : Sweet Love
Images of Contest entry or entries :

I even turned female to make this avatar :P

Zweres 02-10-2008 09:03 PM

Hooray, everything is updated!

Shrimp_Man 02-10-2008 09:22 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username : Shrimp_Man
Category or Categories entering : Bleeding Hearts
Images of Contest entry or entries :

vadeil 02-10-2008 09:36 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username : Vadeil
Category or Categories entering : MAC Avatar
Images of Contest entry or entries :

aww no prize for the MAC avis.. well i guess its understandable you didnt have to pay a dime on the avi.

padfootsy 02-10-2008 09:57 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username : Padfootsy
Category or Categories entering :I'm not sure if I should be entering Bleeding Hearts, or Pure you have a preference, or should I pick?
Images of Contest entry or entries :

Trinitydoll 02-10-2008 09:58 PM

Show the Love! Avatar Entry!

Username :Trinitydoll
Category or Categories entering :sweet love
Images of Contest entry or entries :

nescia 02-10-2008 10:48 PM

I'm definitely going to try and enter.
I'll post something later in the week.

blueblackrose 02-10-2008 10:57 PM

I'm going to have to enter this.

raszala 02-10-2008 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Zweres
Hooray, everything is updated!

you forgot answering my questions.. o.o'

Zweres 02-10-2008 11:25 PM

Sorry Raszala!

Yes, that was answered in one of the posts somewhere.

To your second part - No, it can't.

Foxxi 02-10-2008 11:26 PM

>___< Ooooh I wanna enter,but I dunno what category my avi would be.xDD

Zweres 02-10-2008 11:31 PM

Fox of Fire - I believe your avatar would go in the category of Pure Love.

Edit - Padfootsy, you can pick what category you would like to enter.

Foxxi 02-10-2008 11:35 PM


Username :~Fox.of.Fire~
Category or Categories entering :Pure Love
Images of Contest entry or entries :

Zweres 02-10-2008 11:42 PM

Alright, updated everything, and added in a prize for the MAC Category (same as others to be fair). Thanks everybody!

wish 02-10-2008 11:55 PM

I wanna enter but uhh.. I don't know which catagory I fall under. ;__;

vadeil 02-10-2008 11:58 PM

ok would what i have on now fit in any category?

also was there something wrong with my MAC entry? because if there was i will fix it right away ^.^

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