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Tsubasa Rose 02-13-2008 09:11 PM

Tsubasa Rose's Writings ( Update Info pg 1! 4/12/13)
Well i have quite a few stories: so each one that's different color i guess so that they can all be on this one thread. First a little about where i'm coming from: I'm in college and an English major, i basically want feedback and help with having consistency with my stories. Oh and i have several stories but just to say now- none of them are of the same universe, unless mentioned of course.

UPDATE: 04/12/13- I CAN'T BE TRUSTED. That is the take away for my flakiness :/ If anybody actually cares- I am super sorry. Started a new job that is a total soul suck and I basically sleep and work. Got an email today which kinda reminded me to log in. No promises when the next update will be- but since I am already here...

UPDATE: 12/07/12- Long time no see! I am working on a lot of stuff but sometimes I need a distraction so I decided to dust off this account and see if I can hold to any sort of commitment. So brand new story b/c anything previously posted here I have already revised a ton and I wouldn't know where to pick up with what I have. As always any one is welcome to post their question, comments and concerns. I'm going to work to post once maybe twice a week.

Disclaimer: All this booty/content be mine. Get yur own treasure! If ye be wantin' a loan speak me and I be real open to possibilities. This all be a great big masterpiece from my own thoughts and if anything be remindin' ya of the real worlds or peoples in it- ye be crazy! Tis naught but a strange trick o' your lost marbles. --- Except that my newest story is in fact greatly inspired by The Phantom of the Opera, both the book (by Gaston Leroux) and the musical (Andrew Lloyd Webber). This is merely for free entertainment purposes. I don't actually intend it to be a fan fiction, should anything resemble too closely I don't actually intend it to.

New Work, Phantom, starts on page 5

Retired/OLD work:

1. Character history of ______ (pg 1)
2. Kingdom in Peril (pages 1-5)
3. Somewhere in the Middle (last update: pg 2)
4. Late Night Convenience (last update: pg 2)
5. Perpetual Snow (pg 3)
6. The Fifth Step (pg 4-5)
7. OS: Wings (pg 6)
{last half on FictionPress}
9. The Other (pg 5)
10. Locket (pg 5)

Tsubasa Rose 02-13-2008 09:17 PM

Story 1: (Mostly just a development of a character):
Nervously I counted my breaths. I couldn’t show how scared I was, as daughter of Ashta I couldn’t disappoint. My yili brother tottered over to me, smiling and drooling I patted his fat head. My yili brother was lucky, not the eldest boy nor the eldest child he will not be held to our standards. My first yili brother Zonen cam to stand by me also, as a boy he was allowed to join the hunt before me, even I though I had more years. Mil Ashata said that I was to learn other trades, as eldest child as well as eldest woman child I had many responsibilities. Learning women’s trades meant nothing Mil mother taught me as best she could, but I knew that I was a hunter. Never would I need to know such worthless tasks as washing garments and needling thread.

Yili brother Simonea, gurgled happily at my leg trying to tug reach upward for blades in my robes. Troublesome child was always trying to find my blades, being a women I wore an upper robe along with my hunting sashes. The men of the hunting party need not wear such a useless thing, the chests were all slick with the oils taken by old lady Mera, “taken from the gods kingdom where we hunt,” she told us, “will grant us luck to live for the god’s spirit.” As my first hunt, I was not permitted to wear the oil, not having had slain a god’s servant myself. The other women of the hunt wore breast bands tightened with animal skin, but Mil mother had yet to make me one, she said I don’t have anything to fill it out, therefore as a girl-child hunter I was left to wearing my robes. First yili brother Zonen placed his hand in mine, although of less years he was gifted with a good height for a young male child, certainly better than my short for older girl child stance.

blazedice 02-13-2008 09:20 PM

i really dont like reading -_-'

shinigami2 02-13-2008 09:23 PM

I like it so far I hope to see updates :)

Tsubasa Rose 02-13-2008 09:42 PM

A year hunting he was already a man, I studied is strong face in the sun, unlike I he took after our mother with fair eyes and dark hair. My few girl friends said that he was going to have strong offspring, and be able to protect his family well with his body, as his kili sister I could agree with them just not in the same revolting doe-eyed fashioned. Father was already talking of marriages, I believe he wanted my brother to be married before my friend’s fathers could be convinced to offer to the Ashta’s son. I too, had been talked of about marriage, but I have no interest in those kind of things. A hunter is more important than a pregnant fool.

The Mera began her chants to bless our party from both saving us from the vengeance of the gods and the grace for them to let us hunt with them.

“Kili sister, I am glad to hunt beside you. Father talked at length last night of how proud he is of such a strong eldest daughter. And I too am proud…” I brought my slanted dark eyes to his square light ones. “I will marry soon, being second child I will be sent to live in her village to help her brothers. But I am glad to fight by you before I go.”

“Yili brother, when do you leave?” I knew he was leaving but he talk made me, if possible, more nervous than I was before.

“In a moons wane time.”

Alarmed I squeezed his hand. “But…!” I lowered my voice as my loud exclamation had brought me looks from surrounding party members. “But Zonen, the moon wanes in naught but a few days! Surely, father would have told me such news!”

“Mil Ashta was busy sister. Your wedded one is almost decided, father is happy with you. I’m sure he just didn’t want to distract you before the hunt is all.” I looked down at my dark sandals covered in the dry sand. This would be the only hunt I would get with my first Yili brother, and by the the time second and littlest yili were ready to hunt, father will have insisted in my having a fat child of my own. I looked first from Zonen to the other men, my eyes rested finally on Nazumbi. She was only allowed to hunt at her age because of the circumstances that she came to us. I never learned the full stroy but i do know tha ti will not be allowed to follow her steps.

Tsubasa Rose 02-13-2008 09:56 PM

oh look! story number 2!


Once upon a time, in a far off land of wizards and dragons, a particularly small girl child was staring into a pond. Unawares, was she, of the coming changes that an evil king on the other side the mountain, was planning.

“Well don’t I look like something shiny.” The small girl said.

“Like a pebble in Gold River.” The pond said back.

“Shhh.” The small girl pushed her little jeweled finger to her lips.

“Fraaaan!” The small girl’s mother’s voice rang clear through the wood.

“Any mud on me?” The small girl inquired.

“No more than the usual.” The pond said in return.

“Fran! What are you doing here? Your papa will be home soon. Come home now,” Taking the small girl’s hand, her mother led her away from the edge of the pond. “Fran…”

“Yes mama?” She chirped.

“Don’t talk to yourself in front of your papa. It’s been naught ten years since he last saw you and tis would be a shame such that he thought you of another mind.”

“But I don’t talk to myself mama!” The small girl pulled her hand away, planting her feet firmly as she stopped walking.

“Now young girl!” Her mother’s floured hands clapped down on her shoulders amidst a cloud of white. “Now no more of that! Your papa is home. There shall be now more talk of voices, or magic or any such nonsense. He is finally home and he has come back to the perfect family. Hear me small child! Perfect!” Twirling the small girl bout, they marched out of the trees. The path changed from dirt to stones, the led through grass up to the door of the bakery and upstairs to the sitting room.

“Now go to your room and put your shoes in your closet, wash your face and come back here. He should be here any moment.” Her bustling form scurried from the mirror to the window and back. She fervently patted her hair and her skirts down. She unfastened the top two buttons, blushing. Catching the small child’s gaze she feverishly glared. “Stop standing about with your mouth open like that. No more daydreaming! Your Papa is home and I’ll have none of it!” The small child fled into her own room, closing the door and fastening the lock she stood in the middle of the room.

Tsubasa Rose 02-13-2008 09:58 PM

“I don’t talk to myself.” She whispered.

“Of course not dearie.” Her mirror said.

“Well I should hope not.” Said her bookshelf.

“Well wouldn’t that be the cat’s pajamas!” Her lamp exclaimed laughingly.

The girl giggled tumbling on her bed as the mirror and bookshelf sighed tiredly. “Mama says that I can’t talk to you anymore. She says that papa will be home today, and that he’ll think I’m crazy for talking to you. And that we are to be a perfect family for him.”

“I don’t understand.” Her lamp’s light faltered. “Your not crazy. Are you? You would told us. Wouldn’t you’ve? Besides perfect is boring”

“Nonsense. The point is they can’t see us, or hear us, so they don’t understand. Well don’t mind them at all dearie. Your pure hearted spirit is nothing to be ashamed of. ” The mirror rattled slightly with indignation. If your father truly loves you then he’ll truly love you.

“Now don’t push her into doing something stupid, Clarry. If she calls too much attention to herself, or us, it’ll be trouble. Fran don’t listen to that old fuddy duddy, you listen to your ma for now. Later, she’ll let her guard down and then everything will be the same. Just keep your chin up.”

The light beamed brightly in the room. “Now who’s being bossy Att?! Leave Clarry, alone! She’s right. Fran, ma is just being unreasonable. And besides Att, how long do you think it’ll take before that big hen lets Fran be normal again! You know if Fran isn’t talking to us, then we shouldn’t talk to each other and well…that’s just not fun. I won’t be quiet!”

“What was that noise?!” Everybody and thing jumped when Mama’s voice rang out. Shushes from all around, the lamp flickered out. “You’d best not be talking to yourself. I told you to stop- OH! Your father’s horse is here! He’s here!” The banging of cupboards and the clinking of cups, Mama was setting up for a drink.

“Don’t worry.” Fran sat up in bed. “Mama still works early morning so we can talk then. It just means I can’t read you bedtime stories for awhile.” The light flickered in protest. “Aww Pree, don’t you worry bout nuthin.” The lamp giggled and then popped into light.

“Dearie,” piped up the mirror. “Don’t forget to add a bit more face paint to your eye. It’s not quite healed from the other day.”

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 11:25 AM

story 2
“Dearie,” piped up the mirror. “Don’t forget to add a bit more face paint to your eye. It’s not quite healed from the other day.” Fran leaned into the mirror, a small bottle of face paint that she’d taken from her mom’s room clutched in her hand. Two dabs under her right eye, softly though, it still stung even if it had been over a week since she was punched. “Bravo dearie, that looks great. You just seem a little tired.” The mirror gleamed in the light of the room.

“FRAN!” A hysterical unearthly highed-pitched voice reverberated through the wall.

“Uh Oh”

“Oh Dear”


“Yes mom?” Fran hid the small pot of face paint back between her mattress and her bed frame.

“He’s here! He’s here! He’s here…” The last breathless utterance seemed to come as she was running down the stairs.

“Well….” Fran attempted to flatten her unruly mousey hair, but even licking her palms several times didn’t help. “guess I should go.”

“Good luck”

“Mind your manners”

“Don’t speak without thinking first.”

Closing the door behind her, Fran headed across the living room down the stairs. Six steps and a flight, six steps and she was in the back storeroom. In the middle of the piles of flour, sugar, and yeast she watched as her mother was in the arms of a tall gentlemen. His clothes were ragged; his smell lingered in her nostrils from across the room, the stench or body order, sweat and the tang of metal. His face was either very tanned or very dirty, his clothes were stained and filthy and…rotted. All the hair that should’ve been on his head was stuck to his face, unruly, dread locked and what she suspected was old food was also there. When she took a timid step closer, the floorboard creaked alerting them of her presence.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 11:27 AM

story 2
“Well, who’s this wee lass?” His voice was wheezy and creaky, like from an old house’s staircase, but it was also deep. If anything it sounded most like he was warming up, not used to speech after an extended time of no use, his vocal cords were rusted.

“Fran,” Her mother beckoned her foreword with the hand not entwined with the man’s. “Fran properly introduce yourself to your father.” Her fingers flexed impatiently motioning to move towards them. Fran took three steps so that she was within arm’s length of her father, and looked him up and down. He was bigger up close. “Fran!” her mother barked. “Stop gawking and give him a hug.” Her command was gentle but a command was nonetheless there.

“Fran…well that’s a lovely name,” he creaked. “What’s that short for? Francis? Francesca?” Her half lidded eyes briefly opened, revealing her vivid expression of dislike for this man. She realized then that he was not her father, her mother had lied. Disgusted with herself for having any flicker of hope she stuck her hand out.

It’s short for Frank. After my real father.” She grasped his hand fleetingly before turning on her heal and marching back up the stairs to her room.
She didn’t turn around to see that the new man in her life was livid, and that her mother was humiliated. She wasn’t there when out of furry the man took the only chair in that room and shattered it against the wall. She didn’t know that her mother wept in the corner, bitter tears against what she called her “wicked thieving child.” A thief for the life she could have had, had not she been born. For indeed, the man who was moving in was not her blood father, he was instead the only person to whom would take on a bastard child and unclean wife. Not even the women knew why, but living the past ten years with no one else to turn too, she clung to a fantasy that was born the day the man performed one small act of kindness to her, lasting longer and deeper than any bruise and scrape he made later.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:00 PM

Story 3!: Somewhere in the Middle
A chill ran down my spine. As far as dreams go, I’d have to give this one a ten out of ten for realness. I knew I was dreaming, because I wasn’t in my room. It was too dark for that, a darkness deeper than just no-lights. I’ve heard of this, it must be cave darkness. I tried walking foreword but I couldn’t tell if I was moving because nothing changed. Just darkness everywhere. The darkness had swallowed me, I don’t know if I couldn’t feel my body because I’m not aware of myself. Darkness to the left, darkness up, darkness right, darkness down, darkness in front, darkness …not behind! I gaped. There were lights coming at me. I could only assume this because they didn’t illuminate any closing in scenery but because they were getting bigger. I watched in horror as the two circular lights got bigger then saucers, then tires, then cars themselves. I wanted to run but I couldn’t move. Who knew how big those lights would get before what ever they were part of caught up with me and crushed me. Panic aroused my heart, thundering in my chest I found the lights getting ever closer. This has to be a dream right? Or more like a nightmare. Every siren in my bran was wailing, is it true if you die in a dream then you die in real life? A rush of coldness swept over me as the light seemed to grab me, a shattering noise rang through the black.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Lurching upward I clutched at my pounding heart. But it wasn’t just my heart, my whole body was throbbing. I gulped cold air like a fish out of water. Head spinning I rose up from my bed, I felt disgusting. Once again I’d fallen asleep in my clothes and now thanks to the nightmare I was covered in a sticky cold sweat. Lovely, just lovely. My trembling fingers undid my shirts top buttons before slowly pulling my shirt over my head. Ignore the slapping sounds of wet cloth against your skin, flapping like the rags the janitors fan out after using them to spin up unmentionable spills in the bathrooms-gag …don’t think about it…don’t think about the fact that my body feels warm and the cold sticky sweat is slowly trailing down my back and behind my legs-gag I said stop it! I covered my mouth with a hand I dried upon a t-shirt on my floor, Note to self: burn it. in case I felt like I wanted to gag, again. The sickening way my shirt was wet enough to have come right out of the wash was too much I dropped on the floor. Where the hell was I storing all this water? OH! Maybe that diet I’m on is working it mentioned losing my water weight quickly, after all, I only drinking like three sodas yesterday not a swimming pool. I checked all my normal places of worrying fat, but disappointingly I was still pudgy as ever. Ok exnay on the ietday, man this is definitely unhealthy then, maybe I should go to the doctor’s office. internally shudder Why? So they can stick me with needles and inject god knows what. I think not! I’m not dead or dying then I’m good, no need for a doctor!

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:02 PM

story 3
I was still shivering but more from the cold of our house than anything else. My step father kept our house just a smidge above sub-zero, all year around.

The clock said it was ten. Well, too late to go to school. I should text Candy to tell her I’m not gonna be able to drive at lunch. I started to pat my pant’s pockets but when I felt dampness instead of my cell phone I decided that first a shower was in order. I yanked my jeans off and sent them flying across the room, taking out my bedside lamp and alarm clock. I hope I didn’t break my lamp. But that stupid alarm clock can rot in hell though! I can’t believe it didn’t go off! Fuming I discarded my undergarments in the dirty hamper and glided to my door.

I pressed my ear against the cool painted wood. It’s ten o’clock in the morning so I should be alone. Perfect! Last thing I need is to be caught ditching, even it was on accident. I cautiously turned the door knob and slowly guided my door open. Whoever invented WD40 was a saint, I can’t count how many times I would’ve been busted from staying out late, or sneaking in early rather, if my door made noise. My mother had the uncanny resemblance to a rabbit, ready to twitch with the drop of a pin. And if it wasn’t for Dr. Blows she’d still have her big ears and whiskers.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:04 PM

story 3
I flicked the bathroom light on. I studied my complexion in the mirror. Geez, six hours in the sun and I’m still paler than white-out. Maybe I am albino. I winced at my old nickname. Before blond was in and before I had “tits and ass” , Spike Metters, resident bully, loved to tease me. My unfortunate inability to soak up any sunlight, gave my skin a sickly pale color. Thank god for my mothers fourth husband. He was the one who was finally rich enough for her to hire Dr. Blows and blow away all her unfortunate “blemishes”. Any normal teenager would probably be humiliated that they’re mom’s face looked like it got taped back taught, but if that’s what it finally took for me to be allowed make-up. Pull away Dr. Blows. My fingers prodded my softness, ten years of mall walking as exercise, I actually did find it kind of sad that I had absolutely no muscle. I let my hair out of its ponytail, letting it fall down my back.

I set the towel on rack and kneeled to turn the water spout on. I shifted to reach underneath the sink, I riffled through a couple bottles until I found the lavender bubble bath. Not like I have anywhere to be. Smiling wryly I dipped my toes in the bath water. I jolted back, the water was like ice! I checked the setting. That’s weird I have it on hot. Maybe its so hot its cold? I sat on the edge of the bathtub, I leaned over slightly above the water. My fingers gently glided along the surface as I pondered my broken bath. Absentmindedly I let my hand be immersed in the warm water. Wait! What? Just a minute ago I would’ve sworn the water was ice. I pulled my hand up to examine the water droplets scattered on my palm. I should go lie down if I’m hallucinating. I lowered my hand slowly back into the water. Still warm…well it’d be wasteful to just empty the tub… I just need to relax… which is the whole point to a bath. After reassuring myself I pulled my legs over one at a time into the (still) warm bath water, then I pulled myself over and gently laid down.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:05 PM

story 3
The wafting scent of lavender hung delicately just below my nose. My head tilted back until I was resting it on the wall. Everything was so nice here. Man, I should miss school every yawn day…

“Oh dear god! Wake up!!!” Steady hands yanked me up and awake from my nap. I blearily tried to focus on his face.

“Riley?’ I groggily questioned. “No…” I trailed off. Riley wouldn’t be here, he dumped me last week. Who is this? My new boyfriend? No….I didn’t go to school today…last thing I remember is…!!!! My eyes snapped open. I furiously looked from his blushing guilty (very guilty) face to my uncovered body. I reached for the nearest weapon I could find to take this pervert down. Unfortunately for both of us I grabbed the bar of soap. I’d only gotten one hit in before it slipped from my fingers, ricocheted off the wall and splashed back into the tub. Soapy water splashed into both our eyes. Cursing he let go of me to wipe the soapy water from his eyes.

As I slid back into the cover of my soap bubbles, he stumbled backwards out of the bathroom. Ahhh! I can’t believe this! A stalker pervert has broken in to take me for himself! I told my mom we should’ve gotten attack dogs for the yard! I needed another, better, weapon. Nothing was in reach but I’d left the cabinet under the sink open. I saw my salvation.

Walking confidently from my bathroom plunger held forward I eyed down the creep. It’s so unfortunate he’s so disturbed, otherwise he’d be so hot. Man I can practically see the rippling muscles under his sweater, and his hair! It’s even lighter than mine! It looks so soft-FOCUS! Focus Ann! Focus!

“What the hell do you think your doing here?” I kept my voice low, hoping it sounded more dangerous. After all plunger only takes the “doom” aura so far.

“Is that really what you should be asking me?” God, even his voice is hot!-

“You broke into my house and tried to assault me in the bath tub! I think it is the right question to ask?” I tried my best to stare him down. Maybe I should ask his number? Focus! Oh, you think you’re soo hot! Getting a free peep show while I’m asleep in the tub. Well guess again bastard, I never give anything for free. “What the hell are you doing here?” I lowered the plunger slightly. What was once a fiery lion was now a squirming child, embarrassed at being caught. My question did seem to alight a level of defiance.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:07 PM

story 3
“You’re giving a free show now.” His low mumbling caught me off guard. Did I actually say that out loud? Crap! I thought I’d finally outgrown thinking out loud. I did follow his gaze however down my front. No time for a mental scream, I rushed back into the bathroom. The place where I’d left my towel.

I’d locked the door when I rushed back in. It’d been ten minutes since I fled and I still didn’t hear anything from the other side. No sound saying that he was still there, or that he’s gone. I bit my lip in contemplation. He didn’t seem so tough, I bet I could push my way past. Then I just gotta make it down stairs to the kitchen for the wireless phone! I’ll call the police and have this loony locked up faster than you can say “hot perverted stalker”. I shook my head, my wet hair slapping against my face. Yeah, right! He may be my size but there’s no way I could miss his muscles. He’d held me a foot out of the bathtub with no effort at all. My hand gripped my faithful plungers handle. Well he did seem grossed out by this, I could whack him with it, or even throw it at him! I spent another minute talking myself back up. My renewed self confidence eventually got me of the floor. My left arm checked for my towel hugging me close, before turning the handle. ever. so . slowly.

The door open just an inch I looked out into the hall. Nothing unusual could be seen. Opening the door, I tentatively took a step forward. With a plunger as my mighty weapon I proceeded to ninja run my way down the hall to my bedroom. With a sigh of relief I closed my door.

“That only took forever”

“Aaaahhhh!” I turned around and swung the plunger wildly until it flew from my hands and crashed into my closet across the room. Breathing heavily I glared at him. Him and his smugness was really starting to piss me off. Standing across the room, arms folded it looked like he dare have the audacity to be upset with Me!

“Geez. Girls take such a long time in the bathroom. Get dressed already so we can get out of here.” His foot tapped impatiently on my carpet.

“Excuse me?” My shrill voice even hurt my ears. I can’t believe this jerk!

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:09 PM

story 3
“What are you gawking at? We have a lot to go over.”

“What the hell? I don’t know why you’re here! I don’t even know who you are! Get out! Get out! Get out!!!” I felt livid with anger. This freak just shows up, with all his hot sweater muscle goodness -Focus! I wanted to grab a pillow from my bed and beat him over his smug head. Even now that smile was mocking me.

“Aren’t you curious?”


“Are-n’t you cur-i-ous ?” With each enunciation I dug my nails more into fist. What does he think! I’m an idiot? He’s just trying to distract me into letting my guard down before he takes me to is lair! Despicable Villain!

My heaving chest was starting to burn with each breath. I stumbled to my bed to gain balance, keeping my eyes as level with his as I could.

And then I was down.

Disgruntled I tried to flip my self back onto my back. Mouth full of carpet couldn’t stop me from mouthing off. “Just cause my ears are full of carpet doesn’t mean I can’t hear your laughing! Friggin moron! Don’t just stand there, help me! I can’t move!” I heard him choke back down more laughter as he leaned over me. “And keep you hands to yourself”

“Well if I’m keeping my hands to myself, I can’t exactly flip you over. Now can I?”

“You know what I mean!”

“No I don’t think I do…” his voice trailed off to more choked laughter.

“FLIP ME OVER NOW!!!!” I felt his hands come under me to flip my limp body. “And make sure I stay covered…please.” I threw the last word as casually as I could, but I knew my face was hot with shame. Oh get over it Ann! You can’t bad mouth him when you can’t even move! Who knows what’s going on in the gorgeous-FOCUS! head. He might be crazier than he lets on and next thing know i throws me in the trunk with One-Eyed-Larry and Five-Nippled-Bob and we all take a field trip to the desert where they’re gonna braid my hair and tell me I’m pretty before they kill from sun exposure and I get burned from not enough sun screen for my delicate complexion! I’m doomed! Against my will, I assure you, my fear pushed some tears past my defenses. He’d turned me over by now, and his snicker had been replaced with a look of concern.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:11 PM

story 3
“Does it hurt?” He spoke softly as if to a sick child. I felt the breath of the question graze my cheek, tingles went from my nose to my toes. This is like every romance movie I’ve ever seen come to life! Gorgeous girl, me (of course), and a gorgeous guy, him (not too shabby), meet because of fate and are destined to have the love affair that lasts beyond the grave! And it’ll all start with a hot and heavy kiss! I raised my right and tenderly went to brush his long bangs from his eyes. But he dropped me.

“I’m taking it your lecherous thoughts mean you’re better.” I lay splayed on the floor (thankfully still covered), torn between anger and lust. Is that wrong that that kind of turned me on?


Ah! Did I say that outloud?!


“Ahhhhhh-” Oh My God! He can read minds! He’ll find out all my dirty secrets and spread them all over school so I’ll be a laughingstock! …or rather more sluttish than I already am… damn that’s not acceptable either! Wait! I know he can read minds so I’ll just tell someone and this freak will get shipped to Timbuktu for the loony bin! He’s so toasted! I fixed an evil glare to my face. Oh that S.O.B. thinks he can manipulate me I’ll take him out at the knees! He’ll be begging for mercy when I-”

“Ok as interesting as this is, we really need to get down to business. First your dead. Well partially, yesterday-” He pulled a clipboard, chart, pencil and glasses from a messenger bag (how long has that been there?). After putting the glasses on he continued. “Yesterday at approximately 1547 hours on the 17th second, 17 year old, Annabella Lynn Scott, number 233, fell into a stage two spirit sustillment. Which changed to a level three at approx. 0100 hour the following day. Is that you?” I just gaped at this incredibly queer person spouting non-sequential nonsense. “Are you Annabella?” I nodded slightly at those inclined eyes. “That’s what I thought. Now-” he handed me the clipboard. “-sign here.” Pencil between my fingers I looked at the chart.

Code Number: Case 233

Name: Annabella Lynn Scott

DOB: June 30- neo-calender year 9847

Death code: File H Section 3890 category 4 T

Interception: TBA


My eyes frantically ran down the page in horror. Someone had written down everything about me. Even my thoughts were recorded in this detailed biography. My first words, my parents tenth anniversary, my first boyfriend…everything. I stopped reading, for fear of vomiting. But at the very end I saw a small dotted line with a X. “Here?” I heard myself say meekly. He nodded and handed me the pencil. I signed and handed the clipboard back to him. Checking over everything, he clucked his tongue in thought and deposited it back into his bag.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:30 PM

story 3
I tried talking but all that came out was a soft exhaling. Barely audible I whispered. “You’re ….you’re an actual crazy stalker and I’m gonna die…” he words echoed between my ears. “Wait…I‘m already dead?” IT’S ALL LIES HE’S TRYING TO TRICK ME SO HE CAN LURE ME SOMEWHERE TO ACTUALLY KILL ME! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! DANNY AND MY TEDDY AND MY FATHER- EVERYTHING!! This is too much… My whole body shook with fear. My breaths ripped so violently in and out of my chest I thought that I would just split open. I didn’t want to look at him. I hadn’t been this afraid since my father had gotten in the car crash and I’d been by him and the hospital. I wasn’t crying though, I was in shock at what was going on. Don’t cry! Don’t cry!…Am I on fire? DON’T hallucinate! DON’T HALLUCINATE!! Every muscle in me spasm and twitched, my eyes played tricks on me as I watched my skin flicker as if from a flame.

But then I felt his arms go around me. He sat down beside me and pulled me onto his lap. I know my mind continued to scream at me but I was deaf. I lost my self in the noise. I was only aware that I felt so cold and he felt so warm, the closer I held him the more I could pretend the warmth was mine. I was tired but I knew my hallucinations were gone and I swore I heard him say ever so softly “I’m so sorry.” I don’t know how but I know it……I am dead. I finally broke down and hot tears poured down my cheeks, a pitiful cry escaped my lips, he just held me, rocking back and forth. He cradled me in his arms for awhile, I don’t know how much time passed but soon my eyes wouldn’t cry anymore and I was too exhausted to move. I’d even realized how hard I was holding but I was cramped in a certain position and to exhausted to push away. Slowly my hands inched up to is chest, but that took too much energy. I leaned my head down on his chest, and was still.

A soft sound seemed to come from him. It wasn’t a heartbeat, I didn’t hear a lub-dub, instead it was almost like a song. Different notes where playing gently in his heart. It was relaxing to just rest and listen to him.

“Annabella?” He spoke quietly but I still winced.

“Call me Bella.”

“I will call you Ann instead.” I tingled under the intimacy. The only one to call me that was my family all those years ago, before my mom’s serial marriages. His arms moved under and round me, he shifted and I knew he had stood up. He turned and lay me gently on the bed. “Ann, listen to me. You can’t sleep, stay awake for a few more minutes. You’re not dead yet, but if you fall asleep without the proper knowledge you may die.”

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:32 PM

story 3
My eyelids felt weighted, but I wanted to listen, so I fought them. It was too much, my eyes ached form crying I let myself slip to darkness.

“Ann?!” I heard his frantic call and smiled slightly.

“Relax, I’m just finding wholes in my eyelids. Keep talking, I’m awake.” For his sake I stifled a yawn. “But I am dead?” I searched for confirmation of something I felt was true.

“Listen I know it’s a shock. You’re not quiet dead. And I’m sorry I said it so un tactfully, you just made me…mad. I needed to be the professional, but I failed. It shouldn’t be this hard.”

“What dieing? Or hearing I‘m dead?” I tried to laugh to it off but it turned into a choking noise.

“Your not dead.”

“But I’m not alive.”

He was quiet for a moment before muttering “It’s complicated.” in a slightly frustrated undertone.

“You sound like you’re breaking up with me.” I didn’t try to laugh this time, but I did manage to smile. I heard a soft chuckle from him.

“I can explain later, the important thing is for you to repeat what I say and believe it.” His voice was stern, I opened my eyes just a crack to look at him. Even with his brow furrowed in thought he was comforting to look at. He’s way to nice on the eyes. I saw is eyes flicker to me and I blushed. I forgot he could read my thoughts.

Tsubasa Rose 02-15-2008 08:33 PM

story 3
“Why is it so important?”

“You are only a spirit right now. Not alive because you have no body right now, but not dead because your spirit is awake.”


“If you can’t accept that, then if you fall asleep you have a high chance of dieing. You may unintentionally…stop.”

“Like bumping into a light switch?”

“More like unknowingly drinking poison. There isn’t a way to come back after that... no way to “turn back on”. ”


“Your spirit has a form taken from your inner mind.”


“Ok that’s the complicated part which I can explain later. But for now I just need you to repeat after me, and believe it? You only get one chance.”

I lay still for a moment. I still had so many questions as to what was going to happen next. I didn’t know if I should listen, but thinking back over the last few hours since we met. He had only shown me kindness, even when waking me in the tub, I realized now, it was only to save me. “Ok”

“I live, I die, I breath, I’m more, I am.” He took my hand.

“I live I die……” I closed my eyes again. “I breath, I’m more, I am.” I don’t know if it worked because all I knew was darkness.

Tsubasa Rose 02-16-2008 08:22 PM

Story 4
With a loud crash I tripped over the display of cans in the front of the store. I looked at the cleric apologetically. I imagine it was bad enough that I made a mess but since the store closed in five minutes, and judging from the death glare she was giving me, she was not happy.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I pulled my baseball cap further down in front of my eyes. I bent down and re-tied my shoelaces, then tucked my fists into my jacket. A soft winter air blew towards as the doors closed, shivering I hurried down the aisles.

I glanced at the signs as I walked. Aisles one through four beauty. I laughed bitterly which quickly turned into a cough and a sneeze.

“Bless you,” I looked up to see a guy looking at me. When he treated me with a crooked smile I felt all the heat rush to my face while I rushed to the past the rest of the aisle. I fought down the smile that wanted to touch my lips. Then I felt the rush of pain that welled up in my throat, the incredible desire to throw up consumed me I ducked into an aisle and crouched behind a display of chips. I swallowed down the nausea and tears threatening to overwhelm me. I hated that I was weak, I hated that even now as much as I didn’t want to, the tears were sliding down my face. I furiously tired to ripe the tears from my face, from my eyes, from my heart.

When I heard steps approaching I made a dash for the far opening, my sneakers squeaked loudly on the linoleum. I ran down the side aisle, I sweated under my jacket even if it was just a wind breaker.

Tsubasa Rose 02-16-2008 08:23 PM

Finally I reached aisle ten: food stuff. As much as I’m miserable I love late night stores, its so convenient that you can get flour at midnight. Maybe I was crazy, I pondered this thought as I browsed the brands. Did brand really matter, or is it flour in general that completes the cake? I mean does it make the enjoyment of the cake better to have the name brand flour or is store brand ok? Is one brand really better or can you just lump all brands together. Or maybe you choose that kind of brand not because it’s the best but because its what you know. You know that brand will come out decently, the cake will not blow up in the oven. It wont mysteriously burn or have a nasty after taste. Maybe you go with that brand because that was your first brand of flour you used to make the perfect cake. That brand was your comfortable brand. You or I, yes I was afraid to to try other brands because what if it, they, what if they messed up the cake. What if I did just let him go, would other men mess up my life. Or was he worth fighting for.

What if he was my perfect cake and we were just taken out of the oven too soon?

“Um, excuse me,” oh no, it was the guy from before, “I believe you dropped this.” I glanced at what he was holding. Once again I felt blood rush to my cheeks. At some point while I was day dreaming I had actually dropped my bag of flour I had been holding.

“That’s it.” I held drew a breath in.

“Huh? Hey, um, are you ok?” I turned sharply, finally seeing him.

Tsubasa Rose 02-16-2008 08:25 PM

“What brand of flour do you like?” I asked. I drew another breath in, his look was slightly puzzled.

He chuckled lightly. “You’re weird,” his eyes went to the floor. When he raised his head he met my eyes again, I held his gaze. “Well to be honest, I don’t bake. But uh,” he reached over and grabbed a bag. “Try this one, its got a smiling lady on the front. She’s happy so you know I suspect the flour won’t disappoint. Or at least it shouldn’t. That’d be like false advertising.” He chuckled again. I tried to laugh but a squeezing in my chest made it hard.

“If you don’t bake why are you down this aisle?”

“Well, I figured I’d give it a shot. My girlfriend has been upset with me lately so I thought I’d try to make something to cheer her up and win her back.” I watched his eyes fill with embarrassment. Apparently he’d told me something he didn’t normally divulge to strangers.

I turned back to the flour, the squeezing gripped harder. “ My boyfriend, well my ex- I guess. (He leaves tomorrow, so it probably won’t work and all...) Anyway, he loves cupcakes with chocolate kisses in the middle coated in gummi’s. I know it sounds weird but they are just the thing to win her back.” I looked down onto the floor where I had gathered the ingredient I’d meant to use. “You can just use these. The recipe is on the internet.”

“Hey, thanks” he flashed me another crooked smile. His eyes were dancing, the squeezing in my chest relaxed into a dull ache. As he bent down I turned quickly and left. Walking back by the entrance I helped pick up the last few cans to hand to the cleric. She scowled at me, “What not gonna buy anything?”

As I left through the door I turned back to her still scowling face with a sad smile. “Nah, I didn’t want that brand of flour.”

Tsubasa Rose 02-20-2008 05:58 AM

story 2
“So Dearie…How did it go?” The mirror tilted foreword concerned. Fran seemed deaf to the question as she walked across the room and lay down upon her bed. Clutching the pillow to her face she screamed and rolled around in an explosion of energy. What they could only assume were muffled coming from the flopping form. A quick jerk and Fran rolled off the bed, smacking her head against the hard wooded floor. The mirror actually rolled a few inches closer to the now still lump. The bookshelf rattled, but was unable to move under the weight of the passengers to her shelves. The lamp, being the most agile, easily jumped from the bedside table to the bed and then using Fran as a cushion jumped from the bed to the floor, settling next to Fran’s hidden face emitting a warm glow.
“Fran?” The lamp nudged the girl’s arm gently, but there was no response. “Fran,” Pree tried again, “what happened? You can tell us….maybe if we knew what was wrong we could help you.”
“Francine James Baker get up this instant.” Pree leaned foreward so much that the lampshade fell from her wired frame, smacking Fran on the cheek. Creaking of the door was subtle but it had the effect of a gun shot blast. The room became frozen, Pree mid spin stiffened back up, clattering to the floor beside a stiff Fran.

Tsubasa Rose 02-20-2008 06:00 AM

story 2
“What in God’s name was that?!” The burly man took up the entire doorframe. Fran’s eyes were rolling in their sockets, fear keeping her beyond the edge. This was exactly the situation her mother had warned her against naught but four hours ago. The thundering footsteps came up beside her, sound of rubbing leather and then Fran felt the grip on the back of her shirt. Theodore Thane lifted her small form a foot from the floor, shaking her he demanded, “What was that?” Another shake and another question. “What are you some kinda freak? The lamp thing was shaking and talking all on its own, you were talking to it. What were you sayin’? Some kinda spell? What kinda freak are you?”

“Honey? Ted?” The girl’s mom was the one to appear this time in the doorway. Taking in the scene with folded arms, the women’s eyes glazed over. “I’ll go make pork for dinner, your favorite.” As she disappeared from the doorway her voice drifted in. “So great that you two are already like a father, daughter. I knew he would be a good father.” Both sets of eyes had avoided the watchful gaze of the new set, but when they had gone, the eyes left met each others’ gazes. The man’s in cold anger and fear, the girl’s was filled with hurt and confusion. Theodore swung the girl’s small frame back and forth until he had enough momentum to toss her onto the bed.

His creaky voice was low and threatening. “Don’t.” And that was it, a last threatening glare and he left. Slamming the door on the way out.

Tsubasa Rose 02-22-2008 04:37 AM

story 2
Pree hadn’t moved from the floor, Fran made no move from the bed to get her. Instead she crawled under the sheets and hugged her pillow close to her chest. Outside the window the sky darkened over and the cold air wafted in, a crisp scent set against the stale, dustiness perfume of the room. Outside her room she heard the mumblings of her parents. The lights shown under the doorway, but Fran’s room remained dark.
Her thoughts were foggy with the confusion. Her mother had already relinquished control to him, ignored her daughter before an ugly site. The truth was bitter in her mouth, but Fran choked it down, she knew from now one she’d have to face this reality alone. Her mother would refuse to see the perfect world she’d always envisioned.
Lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice how unusually quiet her room was. Not once had the lamp tried to hop back on to the table of whence it came, let alone put her shade back on. The bookshelf was still, the books upon it closed, and the mirror didn’t even stretch to the moonlight like it always did on cloudless nights. Fran’s eyes eventually closed, her thoughts slowed and she fell into a deep sleep.

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