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Naku 02-19-2008 03:39 AM

Trigun the gun-ho truth
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but the story idea.

I hear them coming for me. I can hear there feet hitting the steps one buy one as they walked down the hall towards me office. They couldn't have found me. I made sure I wasn't that easy to track. Did they figure out who I really am? Did he figure out who I really am? Oh this will not be good if my friend and the man I fallen in love with have figured out who I am.

The steps have gotten closer as I sit here still freatting away. I pull out one of my guns from there hiding spot under the bed and sit there on the bed waiting holding my breath. Hopeing they walk pass my room and on down the hall towards one of the other rooms. Oh crap there foot steps have stopped just outside my door. This isn't going to be good if he's found me. More so if he's found me and not my old friend. But how can I tell them who I really am.

Poor Milly must be so worried about me. But I can't tell Vash who I really am. He knows me only as Meryl. But I am really that women he met when he was nothing more then a child or a young planet if thats what you want to call him that. I am really Rem or well a clone of Rem. When she locked both Vash and Knives into there pods they had a choice to throw one other person on the ship. Me I mean Rem put her self into the cloner. And every time since we landed on Gun Smoke. Rem I mean me would walk around looking for Vash or Knives.

It was my job to keep the peace between the two brothers. But before I ended up in this hotel room. Vash and found the machine. How do you ask did he find it. I should get back to the start of my story as I sigh softly as the man or person outside my door goes on his way down the hall. He hasn't found me just yet. Please just a little longer and he will not be able to find me ever again. On with the start of my story.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:40 AM

Meryl sighed softly as she walked long with Milly and Vash towards there truck. She sighed softly as she noticed Milly's two year old trying to climb up Vash. The little two year old girl already had a thing for Vash. But the girl looked more like her father Wolfwood. God rest that man's soul.

Though she told Milly that she was sure Wolf Wood was looking after his little girl Nicole. Meryl smiled at the little girl who was named after Nicholas D. Wolfwood Though the little girl's name is Nicole Wolfwood Thompson. Though Nicole giggled when ever anyone called her little Miss Wolf. Though Nicole looked like a little female version of her father.

The four of them were heading towards Vash's ship to go as well as Vash said on vacation. Though he really just wanted to bring his best three girls along to show them around. Milly, Nicole, and yes Meryl were the three girls he wanted to bring along with him. Knowing it would be hard on the little two year old. But they had thought it was wiser to take a truck then Vash's first thought. And that was to walk towards the ship.

And if they walked towards the ship. It would take them a very long time to get to it and the three humans would be dead before Vash got there. Though Vash was taking Knives with him. So it wasn't just three females and Vash. No it was three human females Vash and Knives as well the human hater. Oh joy what a trip this was going to turn out for everyone.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:41 AM

Meryl sighed softly as she listened to Knives argue with Milly how he really didn't want to hold Nicole. Who thought it was funny to grab a hold of Knives nose and yank on it really hard. And I mean really hard that kid has got some grib on her. She doesn't do that to Vash though.

It seems Nicole can't tell that Knives and Vash are twin brothers. Though for everyone else Nicole leaves there noses alone. One day on the trip Nicole pulled so hard on Knives nose it started to bleed. Nicole started to cry and Knifes started to curse very loudly. Though lucky for everyone Meryl took Nicole while Vash played nurse to his brothers nose. After be beat him up for cursing in front of the baby.

Milly gave her daughter a cookie as she looked at Knifes. "Really she didn't mean it Knifes. And besides everyone has to watch Nicole. Vash did say so." Though Knifes glared at Milly then at Nicole. "That little monster has it out for my nose." He said looking at the mother of said monster. Meryl smacked him upside his head before taking Nicole from Milly.

Vash watched Meryl play with the baby with a heavy heart. He wanted to tell the women how he felt about her. While Meryl was trying how to figure out how to get to the clone station and finish her work she had been holding off for the past twenty five years. She looked up at Vash and smiled softly. She would do it while everyone slept. It was the best way to do it.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:42 AM

It seemed to everyone that the trip was taking forever to get to the ship. But in reality it only took them a week and a day. It wouldn't taken them so long if one they didn't bring the baby and two if they left the women behind as well. Or thats what Knifes kept saying to Vash.

When Vash got out of the truck it seemed that everyone that lived with in the ship came out to hug and greet the man. Some even desided to talk to the women and play with Nicole. While the women mostly went and um tried to flirt with Knifes.

One women with short blond hair that had some red in it. Looked a Knifes with mild anger. She didn't say anything to him. And when she looked at him all she did was glare at him. It was as if that women could see everything he ever did in his eyes. And it was rather scary for Knifes to feel that with out a word being spoken towards her.

The women walked up to Vash and smiled softly. "Rooms have been fixed for those you brought Vash. And your room was cleaned up a bit since your last visit here." Vash smiled softly and nodded his head. "Well we better get the women inside were its cooler before the little one decides to take her nap outside in the heat." He said with a smile looking at the sleepier Nicole.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:42 AM

Meryl looked towards the women who had shown everyone towards there room. "Why do you seem to hate Knifes Miss." The women stopped and looked at Meryl. "Because he killed my family and has done other things that is pointless to talk about now. And my name is Kerry Anna Thompson or Kat as everyone around here calls me."

Meryl nodded her head slightly. "My name is Meryl." Kerry smiled at her "Nice to meet you Meryl. Is it just me or do you like Vash?" Meryl blushed softly as she looked at Kerry. "That plain to see isn't it?" Kerry nodded her head slightly. "Yeah. And I think Vash likes you as well." Meryl blushed softly. "Maybe I don't really know."

Kerry smiled at her. "Well dinner is in a couple hours. So you can enjoy a cold bath to wash away the travel dust." And with that Kerry walked away down the hall. Meryl sighed softly as she walked into her room and sat down on the bed. It was going to be hard for her to tell Vash her feelings. Plus telling him she's a clone of Rem. She headed off to the bathroom for her cold bath.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:43 AM

Dinner was on time. But was a rather quiet affair. When ever Kerry was forced to look at Knifes she would glare at him. When Knifes looked back at her he just looked at her in impassive. Meryl sat there quietly eating. While Milly was trying to get Nicole to eat plus eat her self. Vash took over the entertainment of Nicole so Milly could feed her.

Though seeing the grown men making all those funny faces. At everyone giggling. Though Knives just glared at his brother. When Knives started to make Nicole cry with his glaring at his brother. Vash smacked Knives upside his head. "Cut that out your scaring the baby. Really Knives human lives are worth saving." When Vash got Nicole to stop crying. He took her from Milly so Milly could eat.

Nicole looked up at Knives. "Meanie." She said rather cutely for a two year old. Everyone stopped and looked at Nicole. The only words she could say before then was mommy. And Auntie Meryl and Uncle Vash. Though when she was first learning how to talk she called Vash Auntie Vash. It was rather funny. Though Vash wasn't to thrilled about it then.

They stopped to see what Knives would do or say to the little two year old that called him a meanie. Knives bent down close to the little two year olds face and went. "You have no idea kid." Nicole gave Knives a look that totally read like her fathers. "You get a girl." She looked at him still yawning softly. "If you were nice like Uncle Vash. He has Auntie Meryl."

They looked at the child and blinked slightly as Meryl and Vash blushed. "That is the most I heard her say at one time." Said Milly with a smile on her face. Vash handed the child back over as everyone seem to file out of there then. He sat there looking at Meryl who hadn't even moved yet. "Meryl...I..." Meryl looked up then. "Cute kid." She said before getting up and leaving the room. Vash sat there staring at the door looking like a sad little puppy.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:48 AM

Oc: If you haven't noticed yet. I do add drama to my story's. :)

Meryl walked back to her room. She knew what she had to do tonight. But it wasn't going to be easy. To quietly sneak out of her room then quietly walk down towards the secret cloning room. That no one on this ship has seem to find yet. And that was rather odd if they found it already. Then they would know Meryl's secret.

"So you turned down my brother did you." Knives said as he leaned against his door as Meryl walked past. "Why was that hmm? Your hiding something from him aren't you. Got some guy back home. Your married to someone back home." He said as he glared at Meryl who didn't answer him but just kept on walking buy him. "I'm talking to you human."

"Leave her alone Knives." Came Milly's voice as Meryl kept on walking towards her room. "Maybe Mr. Vash and her had a fight." Though the only answer was Knives snort and Meryl's soft sniffle. "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight." Though it was rather early for people to go to sleep. But still as everyone walked into there room's or went someone else on the ship. Meryl had her reason's for not dating Vash.

Meryl walked into her room and closed and locked the door behind her. She sat down on her bed and grabbed a pillow from were it lay. She then as the tears fell from her face. She started to cry into her pillow. Even the blood tears that appeared was there as well.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:50 AM

Vash walked pass Meryl's room. He could hear her sobbing in her room. "Meryl?" He called out softly. He heard a sniffle. "Go away Vash." Vash's hand touched the door lightly. "Meryl tell me whats wrong. I love you." He said softly. No answer came from the women who was now sobbing harder. He slammed his fist into the wall and walked away towards his room.

Three hours later and a knock on the door from Kerry, Milly, Milly with Nicole, and yes even Knives to. They all just gave up for the night. When it was quiet on the ship Meryl looked up from her pillow and saw the blood tears. "This isn't good." She whispered softly. She stood up and quietly opened the door as she wiped the tears away. She peeked her head out and saw no one.

She noticed the blood on her coat she still wore and removed it and threw it behind her. "I will deal with that later then." She quietly creped out of her room. Pass Milly and Nicole's room. Pass Kerry's room. Pass Knives room and pass Vash's room towards a panel. She looked behind her and noticed no one was out. She removed the panel quickly and quietly to reveal a hand scanner. She placed her hand on it and a drop of blood as well. And it quietly opened. One more quick glance behind her and she walked in side.

What Meryl didn't know was that Vash and Knifes both were awake. Vash had kept Knives awake. When they heard someone walk pass. Knifes looked out the peep hole "Its your little human. Were is she going?" He blinked slightly as he noticed what she did. "I didn't know that was there?" When Meryl vanished inside Knifes had dragged his brother out and over towards the door. "How did she know that was there Vash." Vash had no answers for him. "We got to get inside and see. Knifes go wake Kerry. And tell her to bring a tool belt. Were going to find out one way or another."

Naku 02-19-2008 03:51 AM

Knifes walked quietly up to Kerry's room and knocked. When the door opened he took a step back when Kerry swung at him. "Stop that you silly human. Vash needs your help. Grab a tool belt and follow me." Kerry glared at him as she grabbed her tool belt and left the room.

Knifes pointed towards the end of the hall that Vash was glaring at. "Is he glaring at the wall. Just great my brother has lost his mind." He shook his head slightly as he followed behind Kerry. 'She looks good in that night shirt of hers. Wait what am I saying she's human.' He shook his head slightly. Kerry looked at Vash "Were did this come from. No one has been able to find anything like this before."

Vash looked at Kerry. "Meryl did. She even went inside of it as well." Kerry took some tools out and started to get to work on opening up the door. "Got to give me some time here Vash. I never have seen something like this before." Vash looked at his brother who was checking out the view of Kerry's night shirt riding up when she bent down to work. He shook his head at his brother. Knives noticed his brother looking at him as he flushed softly as he looked some were else then that sight. "Shut it Vash."

Inside were Meryl was she walked pass a broken tank and then towards one that was still glowing. It held the real Rem's body inside of it. "You said the clone's job was to find Vash and Knives. Get them to make up. And get them back at this ship to stay put. But how can I do that with the short about of time. And the fact that I am madly in love with Vash." She slammed her fist against the glass. Not even making a crack in it. Just hurting her hand some. "HOW!" She yelled at the tank. A beeping from behind her was her only answer.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:54 AM

But no answer came to Meryl as she stood there dieing in front of Rem. "Its time we stop all of this Rem. You shouldn't have left the no how on how to save a clone's life. If you didn't think a clone would fall in love." She walked over to were the other clones were before her. "All gone and I am the last. I must life for you Vash. If I die here and now. Know that I have always loved you."

She walked up to a screen and started to type really fast. She heard noises coming from up the steps. "Stay back please who ever you are. Please let me finish this." She finished what she was doing as she heard the door break free and she heard her name being called. "Meryl!" Came Vash's voice down the steps. "Please stay back." She called out as she ran to the machine as blood came pouring out of her.

She was dieing and she knew it from day one. She got into the machine and slammed the door close. Vash was getting closer as he kept on running. "MERYL!" He called again but louder. As with that the machine started up with Vash's startled gasp at the site of Rem there. Vash ran over to were Meryl was and saw the old machine that was use to make him and Knifes. "Its still here."

Knifes saw all of this and shuttered. "Its a cloning machine." Kerry walked over to the computer to try and open the thing Meryl was in. "Its not going to open until it's done Vash." She kept on typing to find out why Meryl would do this to her self. "Why Meryl?" But Meryl refused to look at him as she laid there as the machine worked. She looked up then blood tears still falling. "Clones aren't spossed to fall in love Vash." And with that being said there was a great flash of light from were she was at. And the ship its self started to rock as did the planet start to shake.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:56 AM

Vash held on to the thing that Meryl was in. "Meryl." He cried out. Kerry and Knifes clinged to each other as well as other odd couples did as well. When the shaking stopped. And everyone made sure they were alive. Kerry forcefully removed Knife from her and away from her. "Cut that out." She growled. As they both looked at Vash.

Vash took a step back when the machine started to open. "Meryl." He said softly. Meryl took a hold of the door and stepped out. Her hair was down to her waist now as she still looked the same but the hair was longer. And seemed to be more of a shiny black. She stepped fully out of the machine and the men all blushed brightly.

Kerry stood up then and placed a hand over Knifes eyes rather quickly that he didn't seem to notice until the lights went out. Meryl looked at everyone then towards Vash. She looked sad that Vash now knew the truth. Well most of it. "I'm sorry." She said softly before she ran pass Vash, Knifes, and Kerry. She ran up the steps pass those that stuck there heads out the door and into her room.

Vash stood there stunned as Meryl ran from him yet again. He looked up sadly at his brother who was fighting with Kerry about covering his eyes. He had the saddest puppy dog eyes anyone had ever seen. "Why does she keep running from me." Knives couldn't answer him. He smacked his brother on the back for comfort though.

Kerry looked at Vash. "Maybe these old records can tell us what we need to know." She said with a soft smile. Vash nodded his head slightly as he stood there looking at the screen as Kerry put one in.

Naku 02-19-2008 03:58 AM

Video: 1 of 6

Rem looked at the screen and sighed. "When Knifes attacked the ship. And I got Vash and Knifes safely on there shuttle. I jumped into what I thought was a shuttle craft. It happen to be a cloner. I have made four clones of my self. And so I am leaving behind a message for each clone and for them to leave behind a message for those clones after words. Find Vash and Knives. And bring them back to the safety of this ship. There only safe here though. This planet is dieing I can tell. If I could I would turn one of my clones into this planets plant.

Vash and Knifes are the sun's or well son's of this planet. My clone would be the daughter. Hopefully a perfect match for Vash or Knifes. Who ever she would fall for really. She would be perfect. But it wouldn't work." She looks away from the screen towards the upper area for a minute before looking back at the screen again. "Vash or Knifes if either one of you finds my clone or this video. Were looking for you to bring you home. I love you always. End Video."

Vash looked back at the floating dead body of Rem. "You tried to find us didn't you Rem." Knifes looked at the dead body in wonder. Before looking back at the screen for the next video.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:01 AM

Video: 2 of 6

Rem appears on the screen again. "I have found out I am dieing. My husband Jack has agreed to place my body in the tank behind me. For my clones to know of me. Should my last clone not survive she is to make more clones of me. To find Vash and to find Knifes." She smiles softly at the screen. "I wish my daughter could meet you Vash and you as well Knifes. I'm sure she would have a thing for you Vash. If not you then Knifes. Her name is Tabitha. And she has bewitched the whole crew."

Rem looks behind her then towards the screen again. "On my death my first clone will be awaken. Its almost to the right age to come forth and find you as well. Every new clone that will come forth will look less like me and more like well I really don't know. I just know they will be less like me. Hopefully at least one will be some way like me. And to my clones that have followed after me. You only have thirty years to find Vash and to find Knives. And to bring them back here. Please do so quickly and possible. Should they leave this ship after there back. Nothing good will come of it."

She once again looks away from the screen and towards it again. "Good luck my children. Good luck my clones. Good luck Vash and Knifes. I hope you both find love once in your life time." She placed her hand on the screen. "Knifes even your evil still made you my son. In some way you were. Even though you weren't from my blood. Yes my lovable little puppy Vash your my son as well and I love you to. Good bye."

Knifes blinked slightly as he looked at the screen. "Weird human." He muttered softly as he tried not to sniffle to loudly. Vash saw the look on his brothers face and smiled. Before looking back at the screen.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:03 AM

Video: 3 of 6

A woman that was covered in dark purple sat there in front of the screen. "Greetings to the other clones and to Vash and or Knives who ever finds this. My name is Rama I am Rem's clone." She smiled softly. "Rem shouldn't have left the information of what we need to know on how Vash and Knives came to be on this computer. I am working on a way to save this planet. And to save the last clone at the very least."

She looked towards the clones before looking back at the screen. "Rem has named us all. There is me Rama, Becka, Maria, and Meryl. Funny when I look at the tiny little embryo named Meryl. I feel like she is meant for greatness. Is as if she is the one that is meant to save the planet and to find Vash and Knifes. Though when I die she will be growing older then as time and the century's pass on in the outside world. While she slowly grows older. When the clone before her Maria is about to die. Or getting up there in age as a human term. I am close to finding the way to making Rem's wish come true. I hope one clone can use it to save the plant at least. If she can't find Vash and Knifes before the world blows up. End Video."

Vash blinked slightly. "She was that small back then." He blinked slightly. Knifes looked at his brother. "Her clones were trying to make Rem's wish come true. Save the planet and keep looking for us." He said shaking his head slightly before looking back at the screen again.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:05 AM

Video: 4 out of 6

Another women that looked like the last one but with spiked black hair. "My name is Becka. And I happen to be the second clone. More work has been done on the first clones work. But were light years away from getting to the point of getting it right. We may run out of clones before we can find a way. Maybe were not meant to be the cure for this plant. Maybe Vash and Knives weren't meant to be here on this ship. But I am trying to work on this. But I just don't under stand Rama's works. They make no since to me. I don't have much else to say. But if Vash and Knives is watching this. Don't trust us clones. End Video."

The brothers looked at each other. "She seems cold and bitter if you ask me. Like she's holding back what she knew. Or has learned." Kerry nodded her head slightly. "Well Meryl was the one to turn. So she must have put in a huge effort to get everyone that far."

Vash heard something up stairs and sighed. It sounded like Milly asking Meryl were she was going. And why her hair was so long. But he had to stay. He had to find out what the other two video's said before he go check up on Meryl. And then on Milly and her daughter Nicole. He sighed sadly as he turned to watch the fifth video.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:08 AM

Video: 5 of 6

Another Rem's clones appeared on screen. "My name is Maria. I am so close to getting this done that I can almost taste it." Spits off screen. "Wait its just blood but still I can. I will not be able to save this planet. But Meryl can when she finishes up my work. All the clones have been working up to this. And so she knows we all wish her our best."

Looks back at the now baby size Meryl. Maria looks back at the screen and smiled. "We make cute baby's so you got to love us for it. Or well Rem really. Life will be different for her. I have heard that Vash blew up a town. And Knives is killing people. I hope for Meryl's sake that they do not try and kill her until her job is finished. Rem wouldn't like this but I saw a picture of Vash. I think it was Vash. She never said what Knifes looks like. Or has a picture around here. But he's hot. Really I mean it. That man looks hot. Any girl that ends up with him will be lucky."

The women laughed and coughed up some blood as well. "I should go. I should at least look like a dead body up stairs. Look like to Meryl in finishing up Rem's dream. And good luck to her as well as she fights to bring Knifes and Vash back to this ship. Better luck if you can get the two to stop fighting as well." She laughs again. "End Video."

Vash looked at his brother. "I think Meryl is leaving." He said sadly. Kerry looked up at him but Knifes spoke first. "You should at least hear what she had to say." Kerry nodded her head slightly. "Yeah Vash. Then go after your lady love." She smiled softly.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:09 AM

Video: 6 of 6

Meryl appeared on screen then. "I have finished the other clone's work. This message will be short. For I hope this will work. For I did a terrible thing. Something that Rem left behind and told us not to do. I got them here but that wasn't the thing I did." Looks behind her before looking back at the screen. "I fell in love with Vash. I couldn't help but fall for his goofy fun loving self. I love him really I do. But I must try this."

She looked sadly up at the camera. "For you see I'm dieing. My body is breaking down now. So its either this or death. If I die then the cloning machine will make more clones of Rem. But if this work. The cloning machine will not be needed unless something happens to me. If this planet still dies then all will be lost."

She looks away from the screen to hear metal being cut. She sighed softly. "Vash I want you to know something. Just in case this doesn't work. I want you to know that I love you. Milly was right I couldn't help but fall for you. And she noticed before I did." She sighed softly. "Meryl?" She looked up at the screen then. "I love you. End Video."

Vash felt tears fall down his face as he stood there hearing Meryl's word's. "She loves me." He said softly. Knives looked at his brother and shook his head. "Yeah she loves you dope." Vash turned and ran up stairs to see were Meryl went to. Knifes looked down to see a crying Kerry. "What!" Kerry wiped her tears away. "She really does love him." She said softly as she hugged Knifes. Knifes just sighed.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:12 AM

Vash ran up the stairs threw open the door and ran down the hall way. "What is it Milly?" Milly held up Meryl's blood covered coat. "Meryl is gone and she left this behind. She grabbed her things tied back her hair and left. I tried to stop her but she got pass me. She was crying saying he doesn't love me anymore. What did you do to her Mr. Vash?"

Vash stood there stunned looking at the tall women before him. "Nothing. Totally nothing at all. Not what I want to do anyway." He ran towards the elevator find out that there down. Someone had unplugged them. So he went to take the endless steps. Buy the time he made it down those endless steps and outside. The truck they had come in. Was so far out there. Nothing Vash could do could catch it. Ok besides blowing up the truck and that was totally not an option.

Knifes came out beside him and looked at Vash. "When another truck comes back this way Vash. I will go with you to find her." That was then that they noticed the grass and the water that was appearing on the land around them. "WOW!" Someone called as Vash sadly went to help them.

Meryl kept on driving as the tears kept falling down. She knew when another truck went there way. Most likely Vash would be coming on that truck for her. "I never wanted to tell you Vash. I never did." She muttered softly as she kept on driving.

Naku 02-19-2008 04:13 AM

Three years Later.

Vash had been looking for Meryl for three long years. It seemed he would never find her. He went to her job and found out he just missed her. She came in her cleaned out her office. Told her boss she quit and left. Saying Milly was staying behind on her vacation unless she said other wise.

Vash went then to her apartment. Turned out she sold everything there. Took a bag of cloths with her and lit out. Paid the land lady with the items remained buy selling them. Knifes came and went with Vash's travels for finding Meryl. It seemed on one time back at the ship. He had been seen eating dinner alone with Kerry. Though that was only hear say.

It took Vash three lone years to find Meryl. And as the years had went buy. His heart had broke more. He found a letter from her once. Said you must hate me Vash for not telling you the truth sooner. But I still love you. That was the only message he had ever gotten from her. Him and Knifes now stood outside of Meryl's door.

Vash knocked once then twice but still Meryl never answered the door. "Meryl I know your in there. Open up we need to talk." But only a sniffle and a shuffle of bed sheets was his only answer. "Meryl open this door up now or were breaking in." All three of them knew that Meryl had no place to go from here on out. "1." He yelled threw the door. Knifes floated threw the door. "Meryl open up this door or he will knock it open."

Naku 02-19-2008 04:15 AM

But still Meryl didn't move from the bed as she stared at the door. "2." Came Vash's voice as Meryl sat there afraid of why Vash had tracked her down to this place. What did he want from her. "This is your last chance Meryl. Open up this door or I will." But still nothing was heard.

Vash slammed open the door and looked at Meryl who was refusing to look at him. "Three." He said as he looked at the women who was huddled up on the middle of the bed not looking at him. He sighed softly as he walked over to the bed and ripped the pillow from Meryl's arms. He then forced her to look at him. Her tear stained face hurt him deep with in. "Meryl." He said softly looking into her eyes.

Meryl blinked as she looked at the man she called broom stick head. His hair was down around his face. And he looked happy and sad at the same time. She was even more stunned when he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tight. "Vash." She said softly. Vash whispered softly into her ear. "I have always loved you Meryl. Nothing has changed about that." Then he kissed her deeply on the lips. 'My past, my life, and my future. Even my happily ever after to. Even my Gun-Ho Truth.'

Two weeks Later

Meryl and Vash said there vows with a smile on there face. When they got back to the ship they asked to be married that very day. Even to Vash's surprise Knifes got married as well that day. He married Kerry a human. But still he loved her just the same. Of course the couples had children latter down the line. But that is another story of what Vash's children did in that cloning room.


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