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Yotsy 02-22-2008 02:45 AM

Warring Clans; Vahagn's Revenge [[Private//Cyndel//Yotsy]]
Arienh, a plane in a different dimension then the planet Earth. It is home to seven different Dragon Clans, each warring for control over each other's territory. Arienh is governed by a single God named Vahagn, who for many a year kept a wide eye opened to each of the Clans. Vahagn stayed out of the Clan's business until he decided they were misusing their powers in the struggle to be the ultimate clan. From that point Vahagn stepped into the forefront and began his attempt to destroy all of the Dragon Clans and take over control of Arienh for himself. Power hungry and not quite sane, Vahagn managed to decrease the numbers with ease; Pitting Clan against Clan against Clan. Months went by before any of the Clans grew the wiser of his venomous deeds; The Clans made an agreement to work together long enough to do away with their overseer, God Vahagn. The seven clans; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Light and Dark sent one worthy member from each clan to appose Vahagn. Eventually managing to seal the God inside the tallest mountain peak in all of Arienh. The peak was at the strongest point in all the plane, where each clans terrain met as one. This was all ancient history, passed down from generation to generation. Little did they all know that Vahagn would one day break free and get his revenge on the land of Arienh and the Dragon clans that inhabited it.

Terrain Info:

Fire Clan:
Territory: Cináed
Terrain: Vast sandy deserts cover a large portion of the territory. The outskirts are made up of hard, rocky mountains and live volcanoes. The ground is generally inhospitable and infertile. Only a small number of oasis can be found throughout the entire territory.

Culture:This clan is governed by their Shaman, a spiritual leader who also serves as their elder. No one is held in higher regard than the Shaman and the priests/priestess who serve him/her. At a young age, the shaman is put through a torturous purification ritual, which blinds all but their third eye. After the purification, the shaman is granted time to heal before being placed in the temple, which he/she is not permitted to leave. Shamans serve until a new shaman, someone with the third eye, is born and prepared through the ritual, or until death. In the event that the Shaman should pass away before a replacement is born, the head priest/priestess will take over in his/her stead until the new Shaman is born. The temple priests/priestesses are chosen and appointed by the Shaman, usually from his. her own family, and only the most trusted and reliable are chosen. The priests/priestesses are considered to be the eyes and ears of the shaman outside of the temple, and their word is considered to be the voice of the Shaman.

Clan Allies: Dark, Thunder, Light
Clan Enemies: Water, Earth

Water Clan:
Territory: Kairava
Terrain: Located in the largest ocean in all of Arienh, the Water territory begins at the sandy coast. The territory itself is made up of several islands scattered throughout the water, both large and small in size. The cities are protected by a thick fog which surrounds the innermost part of the territory.


Clan Allies: Light, Earth, Wind
Clan Enemies: Fire, Thunder

Earth Clan:
Territory: Medini
Terrain: Located in the thickest forests in all of Arienh. The cities are well hidden from the naked eye. While the upper crust consists primarily of lush, fertile soil, a series of limestone caves run below the surface of the ground.


Clan Allies: Water
Clan Enemies: Wind, Fire

Wind Clan:
Territory: Caledonia
Terrain: Located in a mountainous region, the Wind territory consists mostly of mountains and cliffs. The valleys consist of lush forests while the mountaintops are covered in hard, rocky soil. Cliff caves can be found sporadically throughout the mountainsides, and landslides are common during the rainy season.


Clan Allies: Thunder, Light, Water
Clan Enemies: Earth, Fire

Thunder Clan:
Territory: Radha
Terrain: Located in the open plains, the Thunder territory consists mostly of barren soil. Though there are few wooded areas scattered throughout, most of the soil is covered by rock. Grass fires are common due to the increased number of electrical storms.


Clan Allies: Neutral
Clan Enemies: Neutral

Light Clan:
Territory: Glenys
Terrain: Located off of the gulf of the sea, the Light territory is home to some of the most mystical elements found in Arienh. Many mineral crystals can be found throughout the land, each of which forms a valuable resource. A special type of tree grows in this land, with silvery white bark and large wine red leaves. Flowers grow practically year round and some of the most sought after healing herbs can be found in these lands.


Clan Allies: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Thunder
Clan Enemies: Dark

Dark Clan:
Territory: Shyama
Terrain: Located in the marshlands, the Dark territory is one of the darkest, most dreary places in Arienh. The territory can be dangerous to navigate if one does not know it well. Quicksand is common in the black, murky waters. Land paths are difficult to find, and need to be closely followed.


Clan Allies: Neutral
Clan Enemies: Light

Yotsy's Characters//Colors: { [D] mean's they're deceased.}

LaRae -- Color peru
Natsumi -- Color darkkhaki
Rokuro -- Color sienna
Yuriko -- Color gold
Masae -- Color lightsalmon
Hayate -- Color brown
Renzo -- Color saddlebrown
Gesa [Carme & Pere] -- Color goldenrod

Kyran -- Color indigo
Minako -- Color Mediumpurple
Uncle Taro -- Color Purple
Nobu [Ajara & Mati]-- Color darkorchid

Aamori [Nen] -- Color steelblue
Emiko -- Color lightblue
Satoshi -- Color slateblue
Yoichi -- Color dodgerblue
Hisako -- Color turquoise
Levana [Ama] -- Color powderblue
Zale [Ezri & Misu] -- Color teal

Nero -- Color dimgray
Shouhei -- Color gray
Noir -- Color lightslategray
Seina -- Color silver
Kana -- Color darkslateblue
Ryoji -- Color darkslategray
Seito -- Color slategray
Urara -- Color midnightblue
Reyes -- Color #888888
Shen [Nige & Remo] -- Color darkgray

NPC's & Notable Characters:
Nerian -- Thunder -- Relic Guardian
Varun -- Water -- Relic Guardian
Isis & Amunet -- Earth -- Relic Guardian(s)
Ianira -- Dark -- Relic Guardian
Seiichi -- Thunder -- Kyran's & Minako's Father [D]
Kyoko -- Thunder -- Kyran & Minako's Mother [D]
Vara -- Water -- Nurse
Annan -- Water -- Cook
Kanu -- Water-- Cook
Anka -- Water-- Aamori's friend
Sanura -- Water -- Seamstress
Azami -- Earth -- Seiichi's lover [D]
Azahar -- Earth -- Main Elder
Meena -- Earth -- Elder
Sorrel -- Earth -- Elder
Zinnia -- Dark -- Reyes' Mother
Valdus -- Dark -- Reyes' Father

Cyndel 02-22-2008 06:47 AM

Cyndel's Characters//Colors: ([D] = Deceased)

Nanashi — Color firebrick
Niamh — Color red
Eirian — Color crimson
Akane — Color indianred
Flann — Color palevioletred
Edana — Color tomato
Azar [Shula & Aohd] — Color orangered

Hikari/Selenity — Color deepskyblue
Sri — Color lightskyblue
Akito — Color cornflowerblue
Ishta — Color mediumslateblue
Kyros — Color royalblue
Jett — Color cadetblue
Fionn — Color lightsteelblue
Eos — Color plum
Ellior — Color mediumorchid
Keren — Color orchid
Firra — Color blueviolet
Lesedi — Color #A4ABE4
Luna [Aki & Ziya] — Color skyblue

Fleta — Color darkviolet

Celestine — Color #92C7C7
Kanone — Color forestgreen
Marius — Color darkgreen
Sonia — Color limegreen [D]
Mariah — Color mediumseagreen
Yu — Color lightseagreen
Esen [Era & Amon] — Color palegreen

Sheena — Color violet
Kyiri — Color paleturquoise
Iskra — Color darkred

NPC's & Notable characters:
Lani — Celestine's eagle
Celeste — Wind — Celestine's mother [D]
Corentin — Wind — Celestine's father [D]
Helios — Wind — Kanone's younger brother [D]
Alya — Wind — Marius' wife [D]
Sorcha — Fire — Nanashi's mother [D]
Roshanara — Light — Selenity and Sri's mother [D]
Gwyn — Light — Guard/Archer
Kamaria — Light — Hikari's friend "Granny"
Lettie — Light — Cute, clumsy maid
Kouki — Light — Ellior's good friend

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~First Post~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was late in the summer when it all started...

The sky was clear and breezy that day, the winds adding a much needed chill to the hot, sunny day. The tall grasses swayed gently back and forth and the leaves in the scattered trees swayed with them, sending odd shadowy patterns over the occupants of their shade.

Beneath one particularly large tree sat a solitary figure with fiery red hair and skin the color of copper. Long pointed ears poked through the mess of red hair, though they were perked and alert even though re rest of the figure seemed relaxed. Across his forehead was a black bandanna that pinned a few strands of hair to his forehead, making them fall between his eyes, though the rest of his hair hung over the black cloth in the front at least. He was dressed in black pants that looked as if they could use a thorough washing considering the amount of dust that was on the legs. His shirt fit skin tight, showing his thin, almost gaunt frame, and was covered by a white overcoat that hung nearly to his feet, or at least what was left of it did. The ends were tattered and torn to shreds as well as stained with dirt. The right sleeve was missing from the coat as well as if it had been ripped off and on that arm he wore a glove that came to his elbow. His boots were worn to the point of nearly falling apart. Just by looking at him it was clear to see that he traveled a lot on foot. Folded tightly behind him was a set of large red wings with black scales over the bones and ivory claws at the top. Curled around the to the side of one of his legs was a long slender tail covered in deep crimson scales with a black furry tip.

He leaned back against the tree, his arms crossed behind his head as he rested for a bit. His eyes were closed against the light that filtered through the trees, but his ears were wide open, listening for every sound. He was not fond of this flat, near woodless terrain, there were too few places to get out of sight, so he had to stay constantly alert. His chest rose and fell evenly, though he was not sleeping. Around his neck was a fairly large fang turned into a necklace by wrapping a leather cord around the wide base several times and secured with a tight knot. The fang would be fairly unmistakable as a dragon tooth, or at least if the dragon was in full form.

This young man was not a dragon, though many a human had mistaken him for one over the years, his blood was only half that of the fire dragon clan, and over the years he had received plenty of scars and fractured bones as punishment for that, though he kept them well hidden under his clothes. That was particularly why he preferred places with plenty of room to hide whenever he thought he could. Slowly he opened his deep crimson eyes and turned his head toward the interior of the territory. He knew where he was, he had wandered into the outskirts of the Thunder clan's territory not long ago. He was well aware of the festival that was held there every year, but he did not exactly plan to attend, for obvious reason. Dragons in general hated half breeds, it would not be worth the aggravation for him to go there. For once, he did wish that he could enjoy the festivities, but he knew better than to even try anymore; he'd learned against that a long time ago.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 08:03 AM

Dark brown strands of hair blew past a creamy colored face; The breeze tugging at every strand of the girls hair as it blew past. She was of average height for a girl with decent muscle tone and a curvaceous figure. She would never be mistaken for the opposite sex. The girl wore dark stone washed denim pants and black combat style lace-up boots. Her top was nothing special, merely a black ribbed tank top that fit snug around her chest. She didn't wear much of anything else; Other then a black choker around her neck with an amber colored stone in the center. In the center of her forehead she had two small very small horns that were barely noticeable underneath her long brown hair. Sprouted from her back she also had a set of golden brown wings with small hooks at the tips of them. Matching her wings was a long, slender tail of the same colors, pleated with scales; It fell behind her and just barely dragged on the ground as she walked. It was clear by her appearance she was from the Earth Dragon Clan.

Golden eyes with a brown hue opened slowly as she set her gaze on the near empty Thunder territory. Her hand rose to the side of her face then brushed her stray hair behind her pointy ear. She had recently made her way onto the Thunder Clan's land on her way to the Festival; It was mandatory for her to attend this one in particular. She couldn't help wishing that someone else had been appointed to go, but she would follow orders regardless of how she felt about them. The Festival had been talked about a lot amongst her clan and this year as well as most it was to be held in the mostly Neutral land of the Thunder Dragon Clan. You wouldn't be able to tell it by her demeanor but she was worried about all the clans coming together like this; She was sure a fight could easily be started by mere words.

The girl had stood wasting enough time just staring at the barren land; The sooner she made it to the festival the sooner she would be able to return home to her Clan. She gave a heavy sigh and began to walk again; headed for the festival grounds.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 08:42 AM

The young man seemed to be lost in thought as he sat there, staring off in the general direction of the festival longingly. Suddenly his ears twitched and pinned back slightly at the sound of something rustling through the grass. He turned his head quickly to see a young woman walking in his general direction. Quickly he scrambled to his feet and looked around, but he didn't have anywhere to hide or enough time to do it before he would have been spotted, especially after moving. He mentally cursed himself for getting up; she may have passed him and not even noticed.

He simply backed up against the wide trunk of the tree and slowly edged around until he could no longer see the girl, though she would be passing him soon. He knew he couldn't hide so he just closed his eyes and lowered his head a little, hoping that she would just go on by and not stop to bother him. Maybe he would get lucky and this would just be one of the ones that completely ignores him and acts as if he is not even there. He preferred that much better than the other kind.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 09:01 AM

Ordinarily she probably would have continued to walk past, ignoring the man who she'd seen under the tree. She had previously seen him out of the corner of her eye and thought nothing of him, that was until he scrambled to his feet and tried to sneak around to the other side of the tree. Her curiosity was peeked now and she wouldn't mind getting out of the sun for a few minutes; After all she was used to she heavy shade of the forests.

She had slowly made her way over to the shade of the large tree the young man was trying to hide behind. She didn't speak, nor try to see him. In fact she tried to stand at such an angle that he would have to lean around the tree to see her. She looked up through the branches with a faint smile, the sun creeping through the trees greenery splashed onto her face in spots. It was definitely a lot more comfortable protected by the trees branches then it was to trek through the wide open land with sun pounding down on you. She lowered her gaze and looked back towards her destination and gave a small sigh. It was a shame that she wasn't pre-exposed to this temperature; It was making her rather uncomfortable.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 09:23 AM

He tensed as she he heard her footsteps drawing closer and he tried to press himself closer to the tree. He kept his eyes closed, hoping that she planned to just go away. However when she never approached him and her footsteps stopped he opened his eyes just a crack and looked onward at the path that she should have been on. She wasn't there. He swallowed hard and turned his head to the right, half expecting to see her standing there, but again he saw nothing. After a couple of minutes he relaxed a little and started to slowly step away from the tree. After getting a couple of steps he glanced to the side again and froze in mid step when he saw her leaned against the tree. He quickly back stepped and shimmied around to the complete opposite side of the tree, all but holding his breath in an attempt to keep quiet.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 09:41 AM

Her ears stood on end when she heard him start to move away from the tree; Again she kept herself quiet and didn't speak. She wanted to laugh when she heard him scurry back to the safety of the tree but didn't. She only smiled softly thinking how much fun she could have by screwing with this man. She was going to mask her true intention easily, she extended her golden brown wings; flicking them a few times before lifting herself up off the ground. She made it seem like she had flown up through the tree's branches and went on with her business. When in fact she had only taken herself up into the tree itself and landed extra quietly on one of the branches. She knelt down, perching herself on one of the medium sized branches. Her tail had slid up and rested in her lap and her wings very slowly fluttered shut and returned to their resting place, tight against her back. Considering she was an Earth Dragon, it was pretty easy to maneuver in a tree quietly. The man would've needed extra good hearing to know she was still there; Above him.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 09:53 AM

He stood there stone still until he heard the woman flying away and then he relaxed after he heard nothing more. He groaned quietly and leaned back against the tree trunk, keeping his eyes on the ground for a moment before slowly sinking back down to a sitting positions. He glanced nervously back the way that she'd come from as if looking for anyone else to come, and then looked the way that she had been going.

After a moment he just closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree again. Had his eyes been open he would have been looking right at her, but he was completely unaware of her presence. His hair blew into his face as the wind swept in from the side and he sighed, drawing his legs up to his chest and slowly lowering is head to rest on his knees as he wrapped his arms around his lower leg and clasped his fingers together.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 10:06 AM

She stared down at him with a nearly blank look on her face. She wanted to be surprised that he had yet to notice her but she was well aware of her own capabilities. Her hair had fallen forward while she continued to look down at him, quietly she brushed her hair behind her ear with a grin on her face. It was clear that this man preferred to avoid others and the fact he had not noticed her yet, tickled her inside. Her tail slowly moved from her lap and slinked down; It's length would make it nearly impossible to miss. Not to mention she had begun to sway her tail back and forth, so had he not seen it he should hear it moving.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 10:16 AM

He sat there silently for a moment until he heard a quiet 'whoosh' go by his ear. He slowly raised his head and looked over just in time to see the tail go by his nose. He looked up quickly, his ruby eyes wide with surprise as he stared up at the girl that he thought had left. He let out an audible gasp as he quickly tried to get to his feet. It was hard to tell if he tripped over his coat, tail, or own two feet as he scrambled up, but he never quite made it to the upright and standing position before he was flattened out on the ground. Well at least it was very grassy here...

He didn't even try getting up again for a moment, he just scurried on his hands and knees until he was out from under the young woman and then he tried to get up again. At least this time he made it, but then he just stood there looking as if he couldn't decide whether to stand there, apologize, or bolt and run like crazy. The last option sounded the best to him, but he simply stood there, his eyes locked on the ground and his copper cheeks gathering a bit of a red tint.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 10:33 AM

She had tilted her head to the side and watched in awe at his terrible coordination, or was he just really nervous; Or both? This man certainly wasn't like any of the other dragon's she'd met. He was so easy to startle and he had yet to whip back at her with words or his fists. He was definitely a strange one. Her tail slid back up to the branch just before she stood up. She stared down at him for a moment before stepping off the branch and quietly hitting the grass below the tree. Since he had not looked at her yet, other then to spot her in the tree she stepped closer to him. She smiled slightly, leaned forward and looked up at his face. "Are you alright?" She asked; Her voice was soft and pleasant. She was curious to see how he would react to how close she had been, not to mention she'd spoken to him too.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 10:43 AM

He cringed when she touched down on the ground, his entire body tensing as if preparing for something unpleasant. As she got closer to his, his poster only seemed to get worse as he slouched, making himself seem almost two inches shorter than he was. His eyes remained anywhere but on her face, even when she leaned in to look at his, which he only now realized was probably fairly dirty.

When she asked him if he was alright, he blinked once in surprise. That...was definitely not what he was expecting to hear from her. He opened his mouth slightly to respond only to realize that his jaw was quivering. After a moment he simply gave her one short nod and closed his mouth.

He was a bit annoyed at himself for acting to nervous, but it was a force of habit with him anymore, he always grew nervous around strangers, especially dragons. They tended to be the worst and were where he had gotten most of his scars. He told himself over and over that she wasn't doing anything to him, but then again... that hadn't stopped some people from trying later. He finally pulled his arms up and crossed them over his chest. At least then it was hard to tell that his hands were shaking.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 10:58 AM

She stood up straight again and even backed up a foot or two for good measure; He still appeared to be uncomfortable, she couldn't quite tell why. Then she noticed something about him, since she had been able to see his face a bit more clearly. He had no horns, at least from what she could see; Unless they were quite small like hers and easily hidden. Though, if he was a half breed then that would explain his behavior. She would have liked to have an accurate answer as to his breed but it was more then a little rude to come right out and ask someone that. She was the perfect example, many a dragon would come up to her and start on her about being a half breed. That is, until she lifted up her bangs and showed her tiny horns. The look on their faces was priceless; They always looked so defeated. The last thing she wanted was to make the same mistake as so many had with her.

She mimicked the young man and crossed one arm over the other in front of her chest, staring at him with a blank expression. Then she opened her mouth again "So... Did someone cut out your tongue? Or can you not speak?" She was of course joking around, she was unable to be as mean as other dragons could be when meeting someone new; She also felt sorry for him, just a little bit.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 11:09 AM

He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again, staring at her feet as he opened his mouth again to answer her. "...I..I well as y-you can." he stammered quietly. His soft voice was barely above a whisper, and sounded near hoarse. He had not been near anyone that would talk to him, so he had not used his voice much at all in the last weak. He cleared his throat quietly, obviously aware of the scratchy sound in his voice. Slowly, he raised his eyes to her, though they never met hers, and merely stopped at her lips. He didn't seem to know why she was still there, but he was afraid to ask her anything. He rarely ever spoke to anyone unless they spoke to him first, and usually he didn't even see fit to grace what people had to say to or about him with comment.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 11:32 AM

Her ears twitched several times barely picking up what he was saying. She sighed softly "You don't talk very much do you?" Her tail had begun to sway from side to side behind her. An impatient habit of hers. She was starting to grow tired of pulling stuff out of him, not to mention the fun had gone away. She glanced back towards the Festival, realizing that she was wasting time just standing here talking with him. She needed to get to the Festival, she was pretty sure the elders would have other Clan members looking for her to be there and yet she still had yet to arrive. She looked back at the man in front of her. "It may not be my business to ask, but were you on your way to the Festival?"

Cyndel 02-22-2008 11:40 AM

He blinked once, his eyes going up to hers only for a split second as if asking if she was crazy, though he didn't say anything out loud. He shook his head quickly and then as if as an after thought added in a slightly stronger voice, "No...I was not." He swallowed hard and dropped his eyes again when he realized that he was giving her eye contact as if he didn't seem to think that he was allowed to do that. "I...I'm sorry." He said in a very fast whisper as he uncrossed his arms and gave her a deep bow. Well, he was respectful to say the least. He wasn't even entirely sure what he was apologizing for, but he tended to try that very quickly whenever he thought that he'd done something wrong, and from the way her tail was moving, he was pretty sure that she was getting irritated with him.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 12:10 PM

Her tail stopped almost immediately as he said he wasn't going. She was almost sure that was a cop-out. He clearly wasn't from the Thunder Dragon Clan, so he had no other excuse for being on their territory. She tilted her head to the side hearing him apologise, her ears perked up. What in the world was he saying sorry for? She shook her head holding back a laugh. "You've nothing to apologise for..." She stated moving closer to him once again this time with a smile on her face. She reached down and grabbed hold of his hand then started to pull him away from the protection of the tree. "C'mon I know you want to go to the Festival" She'd pull him all the way there if she had to.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 12:17 PM

He remained n that bowing position until the grabbed his hand. At that point he gasped again and tried to jerk is hand back, but she was just a little stronger than he was, apparently. He followed her for a few steps and thens tarted to struggle, trying his best to dig his heels into the ground or anything else to stop himself from being dragged. He looked at her with those wide ruby eyes, looking somewhere along the lines of frightened. "No! Please, I--Please!" he said, still trying to get free from her, "I...I can't go there!" She was right, he did want to go to the festival, but at the same time, he wanted nothing to do with it. It may be fun if there weren't any, or at least so many people going to be there. He was starting to wonder if this girl even realized what he was. Surely she didn't because if she did she wouldn't even want to be seen with him...or at least that was how he thought.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 12:39 PM

She felt the resistance every time he tried to pull the opposite direction. She finally stopped tugging him along and let go of his hand "What do you mean you can't?" She asked turning to face him; Brushing her hair out of her face. She looked up at him seeing that he was frightened of something but she couldn't begin to believe that it was because of the Festival. It was becoming all the more clear that he was a half breed because no full breed in their right mind would be afraid of going to the Festival. She quirked a brow "Now... do you mean you can't go, or won't go?"

Cyndel 02-22-2008 12:49 PM

He stared at her for a moment, opening is mouth as if to answer, but her last question seemed to confuse him. "I... I have no business being there." he said quietly, closing his eyes again. "If...if I go it will only...cause trouble." Mostly for him. He looked back to her with those large ruby eyes and shook his head slightly. "...I would just...rather not get hurt. I always do at places like that... I don't belong there." he tried to tell her. He didn't know if she would understand that at all or not, but he was at least trying to explain his reasoning behind not wanting to go. He was extremely gentle natured, one could easily see it in his eyes, whenever something started, he almost never fought back and usually just tried to run away or avoid the situation all together. He could stand to go into a human town, though they did not like him either generally, but dragons were a lot stronger and a lot more fierce than humans were.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 01:00 PM

She sighed heavily, she was trying to avoid this topic just because she knew how touchy it could be. "So you won't go because you're only a half breed, that's it isn't it?" She crossed one arm over the other and held them at her chest shaking her head softly. "Ya' know... Not all of us are as bad as you think we are" She paused staring at him with her golden eyes. "If I wanted to hurt you, I would've by now..." She sighed again. "...Fine..." She dropped her hands back down to her sides. "I was going to take you with me, but you just stay here and hide" She stated, turning away from him. She then started to walk towards the Festival. Though, if he wanted she could easily be stopped.

Cyndel 02-22-2008 01:18 PM

He stood there for a moment staring after her as she walked away from him. He let her words sink in for a moment. True, she hadn't hurt him, and it didn't really seem that she wanted to. After a few moments of deliberating, he slowly took a timid step forward, and then another. Soon he was scurrying to catch up with the young woman, who had gotten a bit of distance on him. He reached out toward her hand and then pulled back for a second before gathering the courage to reach out an d grab her hand, pulling her to a stop. He was extremely fidgety, his eyes were darting from one spot to the next, but never connecting with her face, and the tip of his tail flicked back and forth behind him. "I...I w-want to come..." He said in that hastened whispery voice. He squinted his eyes closed for a moment and continued in a voice so rushed that it was hard to understand exactly what he was saying. "Please promise that you wont let anything happen." He nearly pleaded. He had never, ever, asked a dragon for a favor like that before... but he really would like to see what the festival was like... and to be perfectly honest, she was the first dragon that he had ever met that could speak a kind word to him. Well...the first since his mother.

Yotsy 02-22-2008 01:31 PM

She was more then a little shocked when she felt him grab her hand; She was brought to a stop and she turned around slowly to face him when he spoke. She of course noticed how nervous he was, yet again. It was to be expected though, she knew what it was like to be called names and picked on; Though she was able to shut everyone else up as soon as she showed off her horns, the pathetic little stubble's. She was rather happy to hear him admit that he wanted to go to the Festival. She was pretty sure he had wanted to, but clearly he was afraid of everyone else who would be there. Her ears twitched half a dozen times as she tried to pick up everything else that he was saying. She stood quietly for a moment slowing down what he had said, in her head and nodded. "Don't worry, no one should pick on you too much if you're with me" She sounded so sure of herself; So confidant. But she knew better, she knew that showing up with him would also make her a target for their bad behavior. Though she was more then willing to set a few dragons in their places, whereas it appeared this young man would rather not take up arms against someone trying to hurt him.

She smiled softly "You'll enjoy the Festival I'm sure, I've been told their something everyone should get a chance to par take in" She paused "This will be my first one too" She turned and started to walk again; Sure that he would catch up. She stopped again and turned around "I nearly forgot, My names LaRae of the Earth Dragon Clan"

Cyndel 02-23-2008 01:38 AM

He slowly opened his eyes again and looked back to her again, nodding slightly. He would take her word for it, or try to at least. He still wasn't sure he should believe that she could keep people from bothering him, but he wanted to so he would try to convince himself. He tilted his head when she smiled at him and his ruby eyes slowly rose to connect with hers for just a moment before returning to their downcast position. He tried to return the smile though his lips barely turned up at the corners at all. Smiling seemed a bit foreign to him. "...Thank you. I...hope I can." he said quietly. He also hoped that being with him wouldn't take away from her experience.

When she started to walk away he quickly followed her, taking his place a step or so behind her while remaining nearly an arm length away from her. He was trying to trust her, but he still liked to be safe. If she did decide to turn on him he wanted a little room to gt a hear start on getting out of there. His ears twitched slightly when she gave him her name. "LaRae..." he repeated softly, as if trying to memorize it and make sure that he was pronouncing it correctly. "...I am....Nanashi." he said softly. Nanashi was not the name that his mother had given him, it was simply what he had ended up being called when he couldn't bring himself to say his name and it kind of stuck. The very name itself mean 'one without a name' or 'nameless.' He knew what it meant, and he supposed it fit well enough. People had called him that for so many years that he could barely remember his real name anymore.

Yotsy 02-23-2008 01:58 AM

"Nanashi huh?" She turned back towards the Festival and continued walking "That's a strange name" Their destination was getting closer and closer and she couldn't help wondering just how many dragons were going to be there. Since she had never been to one before this, she was unsure of the sheer number of them. She wouldn't let it show but she was actually a bit worried about what could happen; She was pretty good at running off the the dragons who accused her of being a half breed, but this time she was going to be with an actual half breed. She could only imagine the trouble this could cause; Though at the same time she didn't really care because every should be allowed to experience the festival. She finally came to a stop just before the entrance and looked back at Nanashi "Ready?"

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