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Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 03:51 AM

Saving Me from Me (SonicSweeti and Nano)
Name: Elizabeth Hawethorne
Age: 17
Race: Human
Personality: A punk. She does what she wants, when she wants. She has a habit of constantly being in trouble. Underneath it all, though, she is always lonely.

Bio: Elizabeth used to have a loving home. But then her mom died, leaving her in the care of her step dad. He's a drunk and so she more or less has to fend for herself. School isn't much better. When she does decide to go, she is the target of hateful words and actions from teachers and students alike. So where does a teenager turn to when the world seems to treat her like scum? Music. She plays her mother's old guitar and sings when she's alone.

Quote: "Whoever said time heals all wounds is a moron. Some wounds never heal."

LARGE wings, about 10 feet in full length.
Name: Jin
Age- Looks about 19
Race- Angel
Personality- defiant.. hates being an angel but reluctantly does his duty anyway. More will be made aware of in the RP.
Powers- Healing

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 03:52 AM

Elizabeth wandered aimlessly through the town. "Drunk bastard..." She muttered. A normal teen would have been in school, but not Liz. It was pouring rain out but she had no umbrella. besides. The falling rain proved to wash away the blood from the glass cut on her hand. It still bled alot. Her step father had thrown a lliquor bottle at her. She had dodged it but a shard had ricochetted off the wall and sliced her hand good.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 03:54 AM

Following close by, fluttering rooftop to rooftop, I watched her closely.
"Feh..why did I have to get assigned to a punk freak like her.." I muttered under his breath and flew on.
I usually couldnt be seen; only by the one he was guarding and fellow believers of Christianity. I appeared once in a church to stir up trouble... i thought it was hilarious, but Lord Michale sure scolded me for that one... I grinned to myself thinking back to it.
Using the small wings that were my ears, I covered my head from the rain, but it did no good as I sprinted forward, in bare feet.. I was cold and tired.. this damn girl never stayed in one spot, and was usually always getting into trouble.
I was glad to had helped move the bottle that flew towards her away, but cursed to himself as she bled... I wanted to heal her wound, but couldn't find a good way to reveal myself as she walked on though the pouring rain. All I could do was follow, and make sure she didnt get hurt, more than she already was.
"Damn you lord Michael, why couldn't you have assigned me to some normal girl, or a child? Why her?" I muttered to myself as I flew on.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 03:57 AM

Elizabeth felt his presence, but kept walking until she was in an ally. "Who ever you are, show yourself..." She said, loud and clear. She wasn't one to be trifled with.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:02 AM

I flinched and hid on the roof, and only peeked over into the alleyway.
"Damn...did she spot me?" I decided not to answer and only watched. It began to rain harder, one of my feathers floated down to her feet.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:05 AM

She looked at the feather. "Come out! I don't need a stalker!" She called. The newly increased rain was drenching her, but she could have cared less.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:06 AM

With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly few down from the rooftop and landed in front of her on my knees. In heavens rules, the one you guard is your master... but I didn't like that idea. I stood up and looked down at her.
"Pathetic human.."

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:08 AM

My mouth dropped. "Wh... What the hell?" I said, then realized I had just been called pathetic for no apparent reason. That pissed me off and hence I swung a fist at him.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:11 AM

I caught her fist in mid air before it hit my face and I glared down at her through the wet strands of my soaked hair.
"I wouldn't make me more angry than I already am, wench."

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:22 AM

"Bite me ***hole!" She snapped, glaring right back. She would have swung with her other fist but it was still messed up from the bottle. "Who the hell are you anyway?"

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:25 AM

[yah might wanna ***that word yah used, unsure if u can get in trouble on here for that one]

"I would, if I was allowed, you stuck up brat!" I threw her fist back at her and lowered my left wing; I reached my right over her to umbrella her from the rain.
"C'mon...lets get out of the rain and we can talk..." I pushed my pink hair from my violet eyes and blinked softly, looking down at her sad, yet soft face.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:36 AM

"Yeah... Whatever." She said looking dow at the ground. She was past the point of freaking out. Long past.


SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:42 AM

[ didnt edit it... I dont want u to get in trouble x.x']

Peeking from the alley, i looked left, then right and walked.
"Can we go back to your place? Its not like I have a home here on this damn surface.." I groaned, keeping my wing over her to block the rain.
"Something tells me your father went back to the bar... that moron."

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:45 AM

"Hey! Don't call him my father! I don't have one!" She snapped at him. They headed back to her place.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 04:50 AM

I was kind of brought back when she snapped, then said not to call him her father... I thought she was snapping over the fact I called him a moron.
I walked along side her- I was bout a good 7-8 inches taller than her, good for watching over the ones I was assigned to. I kept my wing over her head, my other relaxed against my back; I was soaked and the rain didn't look like it was going to let up any time soon. I kept a keen eye on the street, just in case a Christan walked by, or someone who noticed my existence. I kept silent, crossing my arms over my chest.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 04:55 AM

Upon arriving at the apartment she lived in, she unlocked the door and let herself and him in. It was a mess. Surprise. Liquor bottles and food wrappers littered the whole living room, some of the bottles broken. "Home sweet home or something like it..."

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 05:06 AM

I rested my wings against my back and grimaced at the scene.
"What a dump.. jeeze..." I dripped on the floor and looked to her.
"You want me to walk in here soaking wet??"

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 05:32 AM

"Like it matters. You said it yourself. It's a dump." She said flatly.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 05:35 AM

[this is it for me tonight, nighty!]
I grinned and came in, shutting the door silently behind me. The scent of Whiskey ion the air was almost overwhelming as I stepped inside and over cans, clothes, trash... anything on the floor.
"Lead the way to your personal living quarters, Liz." I said through my teeth, still pissed about the fact of having to guard over her... and being wet and cold wasnt helping either.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 05:40 AM

"Do not call me Liz..." She said as she started to walk up the steps to her room.

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 12:30 PM

I tch'd and crossed my arms over my chest again.
"Whatever... I'll call you wench then.. it suits you better than a pretty name like Liz, or Elizabeth..." I followed behind her, watching my every step, careful not to make a sound, or step on something.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 01:28 PM

Once again she whipped around and flung her good hand at him, curled in a fist. "Who asked you? Huh?"

SonicSweeti 02-29-2008 08:40 PM

I merely dodged her fist and sent her a glare.
"No one had to ask me, wench... jeeze youre stubborn..." I rolled my eyes and walked on.

Nanoke Kazekuro 02-29-2008 11:24 PM

"Asshole..." She muttered as she made her way up the rest of the steps. Upon opening the door, you'd have been surprised, because the room was actually very clean.

SonicSweeti 03-03-2008 04:52 PM

He rolled his eyes... he was just about sick of her cocky attitude and trailed behind her. Entering her room, he looked around... seeing a teddy bear on her desk, he picked it up and smiled at it.
"So you do have a heart..." He ran his fingers over the fur and placed it back on the desk.
"Yo, ya mind If I take off my shirt? I'm freezin'..."

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