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Sinspiration 03-16-2008 06:46 PM

Into Hell [SinxGlitter]
[Everything above the Dash-line can be skimmed really because its just a repeat of info you know already]

It had been many decades now, since the opening of the Diabolus Legemeton, that cursed book that came from space. But the curiosity of those whom found it cost the future dearly indeed, for the dark hand of the devils had spread across the planet as a disease, gateways, rifts in the time/space continuum opening all over the world, opening up the way into the chaotic realm of hell.

For twenty years humans were slowly exterminated, slaughtered, raped and converted into the walking dead for use against the remaining humans. And valiantly did the remaining fight against even what was once their own flesh and blood, praying with faith to the gods above for the strength and a way to cast down this greatest of terrors. There was a turning point, one soldier found a way to close the gates and began to spread the techniques among the remaining people who had taken to living underground in well protected facilities and bunkers. Demons were not invincible, but they were powerful and these bunkers were the last line of defense.

With the rise of the unnamed hero's discovery, however, came the return of the human race, the truest comeback of the century, for they had gained something else under the influence of the demons in their realm. Magic being gifted upon those who came to be known as evokers, others learning to summon and control demonic companions, summoners. And, with the natural gift of human ingenuity along with the blessings of priests, technology became the final tool to aid in the slow but sure combat of demons.
The closing of the gates on the continent of the hero meant that the demons grip on their land of Geltania had weakened. Opening the way for the humans to make the final push back onto the surface and mop up the demons while bit by bit setting up a perimeter in which they would begin the return of the human civilisation.

The city that was established was named Geltacore. The new heart of Geltania. Extraction teams being sent out from the city to fight into enemy territory and draw out what survivors they could, taking them to the great sanctuary that was Geltacore. And so time went on, the perimeter of Geltacore grew for the passing two decades, the new generation raising to the occasion of fighting to protect the city and venturing out to close yet more rifts and gates.

It was when they had regained the entire continent that they could advance no further. No gates returned but they could not cross the sea to the remaining continents of Alestros and Kaleann for those lands had become so deeply infested that the possibility of humans out there being alive were believed to be unlikely. The closest continent Kaleann was the greatest threat for it was a mere two hundred miles of sea between them.

So Geltacore's Holy council came to the decision of strengthening the continents defenses first, spending time to develop more methods to battle their dangerous foes and train more recruits to combat the threat.
Various academies were started by the Holy Paladins of the council's most trusted soldiers, each geared toward training future generations of warriors and so they did.

More time passed, but some were growing impatient, and in light of this a man of high power with access to geneticists and technological experts came up with plan to create more soldiers, anti-demon weapons in the form of artificially grown children being fused with the genes of various demons and altered with specially developed chemicals.

Many failures were produced, the human body conflicted with the demon composition in so many ways that it took another ten years to come up with their first success, a child with the perfect appearance of a human. Their DNA, however, read a totally different story. But it had become successful, humans with the madness and power of demons to combat them on equal terms were being produced but there was still much work to be done. The children were developing violently in isolation, going insane and running into their containment units in an attempt to break them. Again more failures as some had to be destroyed before they caused damage to the facility, leaving the select few that had not yet succumbed to insanity. Various tests were ran, certain sound frequencies seeming to soothe the beast yet going unnoticed by the subjects, transmitters that would continuously emit this frequency were installed within their body as a form of control.

The pleas of one of the scientists were heard as he suggested that the children be raised away from the labs in the more normal environment of the Geltacore city, so they recognized what they were being created to protect. And so it was agreed upon that they would be allowed to grow outside the lab, the children being implanted with additional transmitters that would send readings of their performance back tot he labs and surveillance systems being tapped into for them to keep an eye on the children as much as possible.
These children were entered into an academy once they reached the right age and from then on trained for the coming battles.


Medaline Lectix, otherwise known as Meddy, stood amongst the graduates that had finished the academy, but she stood unique in that she had been the first to ever graduate the academy at the first final graduation exam she took, along with a few other children. No-one else had never managed it so those on their second year were somewhat astonished at this small group managing such an astounding feat.
As for Meddy, her ridiculously laid back attitude and lack of attention in class were matched by her extraordinary talent in battle. She hated the details, the didn't care what they sent her way she would get into a brawl and come out on top, her weapon of choice was a long rifle that she handled with such ease as if it were just a small pistol and the blade sitting under the barrel of the gun ran all the way to the tip and was used quite effectively to tear through the training summons she was often pitted against.
But being able to also finish the written exam with enough of a pass so she would not be sent back was something of an irritation to the more 'hard-earned' students, for even though the others were all grade A students, the laid back, hyperactive attitude problem that was Meddy managed to pass just barely with an average grade of C int he written test. Turns out she did pay 'some' attention to her classes. She and the others were leaving their entire year behind as they had all failed to meet the expectations of the High Paladin Anderson that ran the school.
Overall, thanks to Meddy's Grade S combat skills she had a final grade of B. The regular human children of the small groups year were still ranked at D. Others at C. But the expectations of a Holy Warrior were anything of B or higher.

Meddy scratched at her uniform irritably, the full uniform bugged her, it was restricting, she was a wild and unpredictable fighter and she couldn't move perfectly in it. And the long skirt at the back was so much easier for her enemies to grab and pull, it was why she had shortened her hair mostly.
The only reasons he put up with it was because it was for a formal situation, something she hated as much as the official uniform, which meant in spite of being a graduate one year before expected, she looked beyond uncomfortable. She fidgeted as Master Chief Alraune stood up to the podium from which she would congratulate graduates upon passing and yadda yadda yadda. Meddy sighed, finally sitting still and looking up at the podium, she supposed just this once she could stand to listen, even if she'd forget most of it at the end of it all. She just wanted to get out of the damn uniform.

Glittershock! 03-16-2008 07:53 PM

Jakarta drummed her fingers idly in her lap as she watched the proceedings up on the podium. It was all thoroughly mundane and the young woman would much rather have been entertaining herself in some other fashion. Her chartreuse eyes were lidded and her russet lashes across them in such a way that she could watch the light dance in bronze rainbows across them whenever she blinked.

However, she was more intent on watching the other students around her. The envy was coming off them in waves that made her feel a little giddy, although she was unsure whether it was with wariness or just with the delight of knowing that she was better than almost everyone here. Whatever the case, it meant that she was finding it awfully hard to sit entirely still. While her upper half remained immobile, her legs were twitching and moving like she was suffering from heroin withdrawal.

Lifting a hand, she ran it through her hair absently. It was cut short, as was somewhere between the fashion and the necessity, but she had tried to keep the style feminine. It was essentially a short bob that came a few centimetres past the line of her jaw, with a neat fringe just above her arched eyebrows. The colour was an unquestionable jet black, the kind that never occurred naturally and had the chemical sheen of peroxide in the halo where it caught the light.

She slumped in her seat and rolled her head against the back of the chair. This was going to be a thoroughly boring affair.

Sinspiration 03-16-2008 08:01 PM

"Graduation. Students, is the most important factor of all." Alraune began, she did so love to talk, but had proven she wasn't all babble for she had a respected record of demons wasted under her own belt too,
"It shows we are ready to face the darkness, we are ready to fight the evil shadow of hell itself. It is for our faith in the future of human beings, our hope for survival and our very servitude to God that we fight. You are all qualified warriors, capable of placing demons where they belong, in hell or under the earth, preferably the latter." That last part rose a few chuckles, "But do not take this lightly. Every day in enemy territory you will be risking it all, every waking moment must be spent watching your back or eliminating the unearthly scum that tore our civilization apart." Her eyes then looked at the only seventeen year olds in the crowd, "And I see that we have eager and brilliant students among us, with this kind of rising ability among the human race we will certainly close the gates of hell in every sense of the term. I wish you all good luck, good health, long lives and a very long record of vanquished demons."

Now thats more like it! Meddy sat forward slightly, an eager look on her face, oh everyone who knew her well enough knew full well just speaking of killing demons excited her. Her family consisted of a psychologist father, a medical mother and an annoying younger sibling who, in fact, was now soon to attend his first year in the academy.
They were a pretty average family and practically the most normal that one could imagine but her father was always over-worrying about her. She found it annoying but at the same time thinking about it reminded her that he cared, her mother had always been a little distant to her, she obviously favored her little brother more once he came into the picture.

She didn't hate her little brother though, in fact she loved the snot-nosed little brat, and though he could be annoying certainly would stick up for him whenever anyone picked on him.
"Dismissed!" Alraune called, having finished talking, she must have drifted off, but it made her jump from her seat just hearing it and salute straight away, she practically beat everyone tot he punch as everyone else got up and followed suit,
"Good going, Meddy," One of her fellow year students chortled, "You didn't pay attention to anything she said huh?" He sneered before dispersing with the rest, not even giving her time to answer. So instead she just stuck her tongue out in his direction.

Glittershock! 03-16-2008 08:11 PM

Jakarta half-listened to Alraune and her tirade on the podium, but she had long ago lost interest in all this. She was by no means stupid, and it rather went without saying that you had to watch your back in demon territory. That was all this talk would amount to, with a few unnecessary embellishments from motor-mouth up there. The young woman only started to pay attention when she caught wind of the praise being sent in the younger students’ collective direction.

Ah, how wonderful that her genius had made her all but famous.

She smirked a little to herself and shook her head at her own inflated ego. For all her instance that she was better than this rabble, she was by no means at all above the general clamour for the exit when the students were dismissed. In fact, she got quite involved and seemed hell bent on turning it into a riot. Jakarta was all elbows when it came to crowds of any size.

Meddy caught her attention when she was clear of the majority of people. The other girl was sticking her tongue out at the back of some guy who was walking away ignorant.

“That’ll show him, Meddy,” she teased with a grin.

Sinspiration 03-16-2008 08:20 PM

"Are we totally sure he's a human?" She replied to Jakarta, folding her arms in irritation, even though she was the 'least talented' of the anti-demons, she had proven again and again that in close combat she was nothing to be messed with, an academy instructor even got sent to hospital when underestimating her.

But honestly she did let it get to her that she didn't find all the technical stuff interesting or useful. She felt so inferior in spite of being one damn good fighter, she wouldn't let anyone take that title. Meddy looked at Jakarta then, here was a kid that could look down her nose freely at her lazy fellow student. Meddy had a measure of jealousy for smarter kids, they all seemed so much more capable with how intelligent they were, especially Jakarta.

"Hey, Jakarta..?" Meddy placed her hands behind her head, head turning aside but she would once again look at the other female, it was safe to talk with the other students now all practically gone, "Do you wanna come celebrate with me? I mean, we did graduate together and stuff."

Glittershock! 03-16-2008 08:28 PM

“Mm, point taken,” Jakarta conceded with a breath of laughter through her nose. She glanced after the student in question as he left the hall and rolled her eyes with ever such a slight shake of her head. “Whatever. He’ll probably be dead by the end of the month anyway.” It was by no means her nature to actively wish death on someone; what she had said was a simple observation.

“Celebrate?” she repeated with an eager smile. “I’d love to.”

Her intention had been to just wander around until she found a student party somewhere that she could latch herself on to. No one really seemed to mind her presence at such gatherings and it broadened her social circle… but she was just as partial to having plans set in stone.

“What did you have in mind?”

Sinspiration 03-16-2008 08:48 PM

"Well my pops would kill me if I drank alcohol, dunno what you get up to but we could go to Micah's." Of course Micah's was fairly well known, some students did go there, but Meddy's role there was considerably vital as she'd pushed her way into a job as a bouncer, there were no regrets bringing her on because she sure didn't play gentle with any rowdy fools.
Micah's Bar was named after the owner, Micah, who himself was named after one of the 99 names of the angel Metatron. Odd mixture but nonetheless his bar was successful, even with a couple of private suites overlooking the bar.

"I'm off tonight, but I can pull a few strings and get us a private box. We got a month till the real action begins so we should rest up and stuff." Meddy let her arms drop, placing her knuckles on her hips as she leaned forward a little to look at Jakarta,
"Hey maybe if we're lucky we'll be fighting together on the front! Waddya think? It'd be a total breeze with some-one of your skill around! We'll crush all those Hell Gates!" Meddy rasied her arm, the other hand gripping the muscle as she grinned. Yeah fighting was pretty much the one main thing on her mind. Some of the others even thought she was obsessed with the idea. But at least she was more comfortable in it, friends weren't exactly something she had a lot of because of her hopeless one track mind.

Glittershock! 03-16-2008 09:15 PM

“Sounds like a plan,” Jakarta replied with a grin and a nod of her head. She had heard of the place before and been in it occasionally, although she was generally of the opinion that house parties worked better because there was no chance of getting some sort of police warning. Of course, this was different, because there was really only so much mischief that two people could get up to. Her concern when there were lots of people was that all hell might break lose and people might get trampled.

She grinned to herself at the tangent her mind had gone off on.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, with another nod as if to clear her head. “It’d be great if we were.” Jakarta laughed, then added with a playful nudge, “such flattery, Miss Lectix!”

Sinspiration 03-16-2008 09:37 PM

Medaline grinned, doubling over slightly at the nudge, it wasn't that it hurt, but she was a little tickling, a weakness her father had often played upon when they got into play fights. Meddy then looked at her attire again, frowning a bit,
"I totally need to get outta this thing. I'll head on home and get changed." She grinned, adjusting the outfit again, it never suited her taste. Her adjusted fighting uniform was more comfortable, sure the Paladins weren't entirely approving of her modifying the sacred robes of a Holy Warrior to be more 'stylish' but she proved more effective without some of the restrictions their typical uniform provided.

The only reasons he kept a full, unadjusted uniform was for formal occasions, she didn't like it but she knew she had to show that much respect to them at least. She looked over to the parking area where the students were being taken home, her own family waiting, or part of it. Her father and mother standing there waiting,
"I better get going then." She looked at Jakarta, "See you there in about an hour or so?"

Glittershock! 03-16-2008 09:42 PM

“Mm,” Jakarta agreed with a little twist of her own uniform. As much as she liked the fit of the robes, they were certainly not the most comfortable of things. She would vastly prefer to be wearing her own clothing instead of all this formal uniform, and now that she had graduated there was really nothing anyone could do to keep her wearing it.


“Yeah, I’ll see you there,” she smiled. Her own parents were loitering nearby, looking a little impatient but knowing better than to hurry her along. It would only make her angry, and turn her surly and unresponsive for the rest of the week.

Sinspiration 03-16-2008 10:29 PM

Meddy waved to Jakarta before beelining it for her own parents. Once she got close she stopped running and slowed down, standing straight before them. Her father, doctor Lectix, was mostly renowned for being a Psychologist, but with his good eyes he also observed Demons for along time and managed to spy patterns, ways of acting that the different species of creatures seemed to display. It was thanks to his learnings that more ways to defeat demons had been learned. And her mother... Not particularly famous in any way, she was a medical specialist.

That woman had always been cautious or ignorant of the girl, being in contact with her as little as possible. She had come to marry Meddy's father one year after his adoption of her, but he claimed her to be his own. There were no medical records of Meddy's birth, nor of a mother or previous wife to birth the child. Not only that, but the blood results came up different, they didn't have anything in common in their dna, furthermore she wasn't sure if Meddy's DNA was completely human at all.

Yet here she was now, as human as anyone else around. The woman stared at the girl and though she was about to approach her father, the mother reached her arms out, motioning for Meddy to come to her. Were those tears in her eyes?

Meddy looked at her mom. This lady had always ignored her, she attained most of her love from her father and the rest form her brother. But this sudden motion somehow drew her in and before it she was stuck in a tight embrace. She was crying?
"I'm sorry Meddy, I never meant to make you feel unwanted, I was just unsure. But your father and me... He's proud of you... And I am too. I just wanted you to know that..."

A moment later they broke away, Meddy quickly drying her eyes,
"It's okay mom. I'm just glad I didn't disappoint you!" Back to the grinning idiot she usually was, she then launched herself at her dad, "You guys went to Kline's first right? Is he home now?"
"Yes." The professor chuckled, placing a hand upon his adoptive daughters head. Thought he had adopted her, the man had grown enough fondness to completely look upon her as his daughter,
"Awright! Well, time to go home!" Meddy grinned, letting go of her father as they made their way home.

Less than an hour later Meddy was on her way to Micah's Bar, decked out in her casual fighting gear, getting in wasn't a problem, the doorman recognized her right away, but she would wait outside for Jakarta to show.

Glittershock! 03-17-2008 07:45 PM

Jakarta waved after Meddy and then turned to her own parents, who had come up behind her while she had been saying goodbye. She beamed at them, first up and her father and then down at her mother—who had been bound to a wheelchair since before Jakarta could remember. They returned the delighted smile, both clamouring for an embrace that turned into a group hug when Jakarta couldn’t make up her mind who to hug first.

She loved her parents a great deal, and was infinitely grateful that she got on so well for them. The young woman had absolutely no envy for people who had strained relationships with their immediate family.

“Well done, Jay,” her father said with a winning smile and a wink.

“We’re so proud,” her mother agreed.

“Thanks, guys,” Jakarta replied with an affectedly bashful grin. They lingered for a moment longer before heading home, talking animatedly all the way.


Jakarta left home an hour later, arriving at Michah’s a couple of minutes late.

“Hey, Meddy,” she greeted with a grin and a laugh. “Sorry I’m late, my parents wouldn’t stop talking to me.”

Sinspiration 03-18-2008 01:23 PM

Medaline had been waiting for a good twenty minutes at least, in that time some-one had already had too much too soon in the afternoon. Just as Jakarta showed up Meddy was dragging him out by the scruff, both hands also caught in a vice-like grip before being thrown like a ragdoll across the street onto the grass of a nearby park.

Medaline placed a hand on her hip while the other finger waved,
"No-no-no. We'll not have any more doom saying here. This is a place to relax and get away from our troubles, not cause more you stupid idiot." The people nearby that had been queing up were stunned at the brute strength of the now graduate holy warrior, the burlier bouncer behind her patting her on the shoulder and chuckling before pointing at some-one trying to get her attention.

"Huh?" Medaline looked to Jakarta, "Oh hey! Come on in! Ah don't worry about it," She waved it off, giggling, "I kept busy anyway. Come on come on!" She would then go to Jakarta, grab her wrist and drag her toward the VIP door,
"Micah freed up a private box for us!"

The private boxes in Micah's were rare to get, but this was probably reward for her good service to them and as a gift in celebration of her graduation as a holy warrior of Geltacore. The hallway leading up to the private box was a slight spiral that ended up branching off in two direction, in this case though they went left, the door being opened to them by a bouncer in a bowler hat that tipped it to Meddy and Jakarta,

Medaline went right away to the glass that separated them from the rest of the noisy crowd below, looking down on them and chuckling a little,
"Well the view ain't all that, but at least we don't get those annoying stalker guys who act like they've been waiting for you their whole life, I mean what is with that?" She moved back and settled down on one of the leather couches on either side of a table, her arm's stretched across the back.

Glittershock! 03-18-2008 08:07 PM

Jakarta watched with a subtle smile as Meddy threw the man out into the grass, shaking her head a little as she picked up on the smell of alcohol coming off him. How could anyone stand to be so completely off their face before the sun had even gone down? She would never understand some people.

"Nicely done," she commented, glancing back at the drunkard as Meddy ushered her inside.

She followed up to the private box, winking and clicking her tongue at the bouncer as he tipped his hat at them.

Looking down on the crowd and laughing, she rolled her eyes a little at them and sat herself down on the couch opposite Meddy.

"This is cool, we can see what people get up to when they thing no one's watching them."

Sinspiration 03-18-2008 11:24 PM

"Yeah it can be pretty sweet like that." Medaline sighed, seeming to relax back into the chair, honestly she had not made any major plans for entertainment but she figured she'd have a drink on the sly, her father always thought the smell of alcohol on her came from her working as a bouncer among the small crowds of drinkers.

She didn't go too far though, she never had more than the that give her that buzz, anymore and she'd go off her head, the other bouncers were very adamant about her not drinking too much either because they were afraid of trying to deal with some-one who's very nature appeared to be fighting. In a drunken status she could be a devastating force to contend with.

Luckily there was nothing up here to get her rowdy and just on time a side door opened. A bar slid out into view, neon blue lights glowing behind it as the half-dressed muscular barman looked over at the two girls, smiling in that suave well-practiced way.
"Looks like Micah wanted to entertain us with a bit of eyecandy." Meddy chuckled, raising her legs and planting on on top of the other upon the table between them.

"What will it be, ladies? First round is on the house, courtesy of Micah." The man stated in a sooth, well-spoken accent, adjusting the odd little bow-tie he wore around his neck. Heck, Medaline half expected the man to strip his pants too, but looked away shaking her head. That didn't interest her in the least, she had always found herself to lack taste for guys, but knew to appreciate a well toned body atleast,
"Eh, just start me on a Devil's brew, Kelvin. How bout you, Jakarta?"

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