Menewsha Avatar Community

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DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 09:39 PM

The Sparkling Giveaway <3
Due to me having given out all my buds, the giveaway is on hiatus and i don't know if i can give out prizes again (due to RL etc). I hope you all had fun and of course you may still stay to chat^^ Congrats to all winners.

:heart:Hello everyone,:heart:

after seeing you all being so desperate for event items and buds, i thought it couldn't hurt to share my luck and open a little giveaway^^

The Rules
*Follow Mene's rules and human commonsense
*no double posting
*chat&have fun <3

How this works
All you do is post. if you are lucky enough to be the first poster on a certain page, you will receive and item from this event <3 Please note that the list will constantly be updated as i gain more buds ;)

*If you want to win a prize you must have made a post at least 2 pages before the winning page. Example: prize is on page 100, you must have made at least one post on page 98 or earlier
*If you are the lucky winner, please PM me specifying which item you'd like (if you egt to choose a prize)^^
*People violating the rules will be disqualified and DO NOT get a prize!
*If the first poster on a winning page gets disqualified, the 2nd poster gets the prize instead

Prizes and pages
*Page 10 - Festive Wreath Satchel of your choice - Won by Witch
*Page 15 - Get a butterfly pin of your choice! - Won by Youn
*Page 20 - Get an item from the event store worth 3 buds - Won by nescia
Page 25 - Get a Saprkler of you choice! - Won by Cherry Flavored Antacid
*Page 30 - Orchid Petals Fish of your choice! - Won by Cherry Flavored Antacid
*Page 35 - Store items worth 5 buds or less
*Page 40 - Orchid Paper Fan + Store item worth 7 buds or less - Won by kieraXD
*Page 45 - Pink Orchid skirt + store item worth 5 buds or less - Won by Sadistix_Love
*Page 50 - Get an item from the event store worth 15 buds or less - Won by Cleocatra
*Page 55 - Store Item worth 10 buds
*Page 60 - Store Item worth 10 buds + Staff of the Orchids
*page 65 - Store item worth 12 buds
*page 70 - Get all 3 event rares + store item worth 6 buds
*Page 75 - Get a Kimono of your choice!
*Page 100 - Get WINGS OF YOUR CHOICE (or an item of lesser worth...)

Everything had been won!

Blacklist :stare:
no one :3 i like it that way

Whitelist :heart:
to come ~


MacSen191 05-17-2008 09:57 PM

Oh this is so cool! Thanks for doing this...

Aoi 05-17-2008 09:59 PM

  • @o@ hihihi o:

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by MacSen191 (Post 3155169)
Oh this is so cool! Thanks for doing this...

yeah... i see many people who cannot get enough buds and i do not need my spare ones^^

so... how are you^^

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:02 PM

How nice of you! :D
I don't need a wreath -I'm getting plenty of orchids- But I'll stick around. :D

Ooh. I notice that you have the pink wings. Would you happen to have any of the pink event commons from valentines day (like the leggings, gloves, bustier, etc)? If you do, could you screenshot them with the wings? I want the wings, but I need to make sure the shades will match what I already have. ^^

Elphey 05-17-2008 10:03 PM


Jamie loves color! 05-17-2008 10:03 PM

Yeah! Awesome!

Intoxicate 05-17-2008 10:07 PM

Hey there. :]
Giveaways are super-nice.
Only question... how can someone cheat at being a first post? xD

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid (Post 3155290)
How nice of you! :D
I don't need a wreath -I'm getting plenty of orchids- But I'll stick around. :D

Ooh. I notice that you have the pink wings. Would you happen to have any of the pink event commons from valentines day (like the leggings, gloves, bustier, etc)? If you do, could you screenshot them with the wings? I want the wings, but I need to make sure the shades will match what I already have. ^^

unfortunately i don't have any of the v-day items.... i didn't like them too much .___. i just re-discovered my love for pink... and i'm waiting depserately for a preview option at the stores :/

hello @everyone else, hope you're doing well^^ just don't let this thread die... i want to help some people and i need your help for it :3

edit: @intoxicate: if someone posts stuff that violates mene's rules, he will be disqulified... maybe i should change the expression XD thanks

Intoxicate 05-17-2008 10:11 PM

Ah, I see. xD
Having fun with this event? :3

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by DieTotgeburtDesZeus (Post 3155374)
unfortunately i don't have any of the v-day items.... i didn't like them too much .___. i just re-discovered my love for pink... and i'm waiting depserately for a preview option at the stores :/

Ohhh. I understand.

Hey, why don't I just use MSpaint to put them together and see if they match? o_o
*runs off to do that*

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Intoxicate (Post 3155449)
Ah, I see. xD
Having fun with this event? :3

hehe, i do... even though the hardcore search i'm undergoing kinda makes me dizzy and tired @.@

how about yourself?

@cherry: i used to do that as well in photoshop, but i lost interest because it is such a sucky method XD

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:19 PM

Well, what about the MAC?
It doesn't have brand new items, but it's got a lot of items.

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:21 PM

yeah... but the version i downloaded doesn't even have the v-day items .___. and i do not really bother deleting it and downloading a new version >.> i dunno... just too lazy XD i just try stuff out and see if it matches XD and if not... well, bad luck^^

Elphey 05-17-2008 10:25 PM

I love food.

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:27 PM

we all do XD (i hope...) how are you :3 ?

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by DieTotgeburtDesZeus (Post 3155627)
yeah... but the version i downloaded doesn't even have the v-day items .___. and i do not really bother deleting it and downloading a new version >.> i dunno... just too lazy XD i just try stuff out and see if it matches XD and if not... well, bad luck^^

Yeah, I checked, and the pink is the wrong shade to match most of what I have.
But I saw someone matching it to the pink cutie set. So SOMEthing matches it.
And the wings are just so pretty. @_@ I'm going to get them anyway.

Elphey 05-17-2008 10:30 PM

Good, how are you?
I'm just really tierd, and the teriyaki tofu I made tasted amazing!

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:32 PM

@cherry: i totally the peach coloured items of this event, but finally i surrender and recognized how they do not match anything else TT3TT

@elphey: teriyaki tofu TT3TT *steals* i'm hungry >.> but i'll go to bed soon, so i don't want to eat anything now ;_;

ljosberinn 05-17-2008 10:34 PM


Totgeburt, your nickname always intrigues me. Can I ask where the idea comes from?

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:35 PM

Yeah. Plus, if you have a pale-skinned avi, they'd sort of disappear on it. You'd need to change your avi's skin tone.
By the way, I've always wondered... what does your name mean? It's German, right?

EDIT: Holy fuck. XD Asked the same question at the same time as ljos. Weird! XD

Elphey 05-17-2008 10:35 PM

I know, it's so good.
I love having frying pans, now.
I'm still hungry.
-runs off for chips-

nescia 05-17-2008 10:36 PM

Hello, everyone.

The wings are all very lovely.
I wouldn't know which color to choose.

Cleocatra 05-17-2008 10:38 PM

Everything is shiny!

You leave a site alone for a month or so, come back when your e-mails invite you to... and it's all glowy!

DieTotgeburtDesZeus 05-17-2008 10:38 PM

yeah, my name is german (because i live in germany, ha! XD)... it means "the stillbirth of zeus" and i was a rather random idea XD it kinda fits me, so i decided to keep it^^

i know, it's a pity with the peach stuff... soooo pretty colours TT3TT but they do not even match any other of the event item colours... and i really couldn't find a pic of the orchid wings when worn... i'm sure they are the prettiest *__*

edit: cleo, i luff your dream avi XD

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